#thanks for asking me for relationship advice i'm honoured that you think i'm so knowledgeable /hj
spoopdeedoop · 2 years
Time sensitive quensrion how to flirt non-binary at pansexual girl
pretend to flirt as a joke and then if she's okay with it maybe ask her out for real idk. bonus points if she joke-flirts back
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dandthegods · 7 years
I'm new to Hellenic polytheism, and I was wondering if you had any references or helpful tidbits of info that'd be good for someone just beginning to delve into it? I've always felt drawn towards Aphrodite, and I have always been inclined to believe in polytheistic religions... I'm just not sure where to start. >
When it comes to Hellenism, there is no “proper way” or “correct” way to do it. At least in my view with religion. Religion is supposed to better you as a person, and it is not the same for anyone.
I’ll stay with praying: just do it. There aren’t any specific prayers you need to do, there aren’t any formats you need to pray in. None of that. There’s not even an official equivalent to “Amen.” It is all based on what feels right and how your relationship with the Gods is. Some people may be very loose and pray like they are chatting with friends over drinks, others like myself may be a little more formal and (I guess) reverent with their prayers. This is all based on how the relationship with the Theoi is. The gods may present to you in one way and to someone else in a different way. When starting off, and throughout I just have one guideline I would suggest: be respectful and patient. Understand that these are GODS, they are beings of immense power and influence and knowledge. You can pray for things, ask for things and hope for things in prayer, but don’t expect the Gods to immediately follow your request or to fill it at all. They have their plans and know what is best for us and that may not be revealed to you until later in life. So be patient waiting for your answers and understand it takes time. When I pray I talk like I’m talking to my grandparents, or to a supervisor. Just how I do it. Eventually, and when you can, give offerings to give thanks and honour them.
Now, being devoted and being a devotee, and being a worshipper are completely different. Been a worshipper is simply that, you worship the gods you believe in, give offerings to any you can and treat all equally in your worship as you can. Being a DEVOTEE means you are devoted to a certain deity/deities and so you make a bond with them to honour them in your worship more than any others (but still giving other deities your worship). This concept, even by people who are devotees, is stressed not to be taken lightly and not to do it on a whim or too soon. It is a lot of work and can be a DISASTER if it falls through. You’re dealing with gods and a bond with them and deal with them to be devoted is powerful. Build your relationships with the Theoi before you think about devoting to anyone. And it may never be right to be a devotee and that’s okay.
Theoi.com is a great resource for historical information and just general resource of information about the gods and religion. My blog and numerous others are other ways to get in touch with the religion on a personal level. But don’t rely on the internet for your religious beliefs. Develop your own and make it special and true to YOU. You can pick from others’ philosophies to develop your own, but take what you read from others with mountains of salt. The best way to know what the gods are saying or anything to do with them is to pray and ask them yourself. We don’t have oracles anymore and we are only human so we don’t know exactly what the gods intend. It is best to ask them and be patient for their response.
Something else i would suggest is taking the Delphic Maxims a look through. They aren’t exactly “Commandments” like in Christianity, but more suggestions and advice from the gods (mainly Apollo through oracles) on how to live a good life. I have gone through each one on my blog and explaining how I interpret the Maxims and everything. You can look at those and then figure out what they mean to you.
Sorry for the long post, I hope that helped and feel free always to message me with any other questions or asking for clarification.
Cheers! And good luck!-D
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