#thanks 4 tagging meee
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eightmakesonebraincell · 2 months ago
texting bf!ateez you have a crush on him
genre: ot8 x gn!reader, crack, questionable fluff, fake texts
c/w: swearing, one (1) nsfw meme - mdni, one (1) suggestive meme, aggressive banter but it's actually flirting, implied violence, pet names
a/n: last release for the year while i buckle down and get the next oneshot finished 🤓☝️ thanks for validating (and invalidating) my humour @sorryimananti-romantic LMAO
taglist: at the end
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apply for taglist | unable to be tagged
@thecarnivaloflies @ilovekimhongjoong @ppprimary @itza-meee @lavishloving
@okshu @mizumigi @everythingboutkpop @ayytease @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad
@hongjoongsprincess @booyoungie @green-agent @darkmentalitystarfish-blog @taytayy178
@babymbbatinygirl @oddracha @sourkimchi @kiki277 @kibs-and-bits
@mlysalt @jjoongstar @aaa-sia @nollamuumialaaksossa @skz1-4-3
@minkilicious @joongscheese @delulu18 @teenyfinds @shakalakaboomboo
@fureastel @seomisaho @levishun @readerofallthingss @potatos-on-clouds
@apriecotte @smally97 @savluvsmingi @kyeos4ng @yunhowooyo
@yeehawnana @telail @drinkingrumandcocacola @myblovedjyh @satsuri3su
@jinternational-playboy @seonghwasslytherin @rosescarlettx @awkward-fucking-thing @bee-the-loser
@hyxciinth1206 @daceydeath @misskarynie @daniela-f-uwu @aurorajoye
@leebangoth @ayoo-bangtan @princelingperfect @marsofeight @hyukssunflower
@kyeomooniee @sunnysidesins @furfoxsake22 @hotteokisms @apriecotte
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froggayzfartz · 5 months ago
10 characters, 10 fandoms
Rules: list your ten favorite characters from ten different fandoms and tag ten people :D
Thank you sm @moonstruckenby for tagging meee🫶 this is so fun
1. Rigby- regular show
2. Ryuk- death note
3. Princess Peach- mario
4. Huggy Wuggy- poppy playtime
5. Todd- scott pilgrim
6. Marceline- adventure time
7. Mulder- the x files
8. Papyrus- undertale
9. Greg- over the garden wall
10. Sonic- sonic
If you guys feel like it ill tag.. @ratzinmybasement @mothmanhowell @emobandyaoi @girl-is-a-gunn @polarizebelow @puke-ur-gutz @dogaws @awstens-vagina @freaky-a-deux @dipandpipadventures ♡
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 3 months ago
Do you ship it?
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reason under the cut!
okay i have to get this out of the way first: - a common headcanon is that they are siblings. which. no, dont ship this if you think they are siblings, thats weird and gross. blegh. - i (submitter) do not believe this! they have a rivalry, yes, but they aren't siblings! made by the same creator, sure, but that's a constant theme throughout the game. made by god, and made by humanity. they have a more interesting dynamic as strangers! - below is a copy and pasted (and slightly edited for the sake of clarity) rant from a discord server !! when i posted about some of my art about them, a pal of mine asked what the source material was! so that is that rant.
OKAY ULTRAKILL !!!! blue guy (V1) was a machine built for A Big War before humanity fails!!! its the character you play as in the gayass bloodplay shooter game <33 hes made to destroy. the first think you know about her is her name, her objective (FIND A WEAPON) and where she is (APPROCHING HELL) and three things: - mankind is dead - blood is fuel - hell is full WHICH MEANS THAT THE ROBOT USES BLOOD AS FUEL!!!! she needs blood to live and she will use the souls of the damned to do that. anyways so she was an actual war robot in the Real Life!! V2 (red) on the otherhand was a robot made after the New Peace that humanity made before their final death. they were meant to promote peace and are awesome!!! i also love their battle mechanics... silly :) in 1-4, V1 fights V2!!! its very interesting because v2 bows before the battle, showing it is but a curtesy, or a show of power, but it;s not personal. it was never personal, before. after the battle, v1 takes v2's arm, knuckleblaster. LATER ON. 4-4. they fight again. v2 has a new arm, whiplash, and sits upon a throne, awaiting v1's arrival for once they get to their area of Greed. it's so personal now. they fight, and they kill. v2 dies fully, and v1 takes the arm again. parts of v2, engraved into their arms and beating into their code. its very interesting to meee!!! taking a part of your dont even get me STARTED on the contrast between the soundtrack and how the visuals of each level are so vastly different!!!!! dont even get me STARTEDDDD because clair de lune and claire de soleil comparisons. hakita you are a genius!!!!
plus, all the fan interpretations are also fun!! comics based around the gore of the thing. art made for the sake of understanding these two. thank you for your time. if you headcanon these two as siblings, good! vote for i dont ship it and leave me alone please! thank you :)
tag: @bright-honey
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gallapiech · 6 months ago
wewekyl tksag wenddnsdy
thank you @heymacy for creating this week's tag game & tagging meee
name: finger
age: 36
location: jabberwock island
top sheet, yes or no? im good. thanks.
how many stuffed animals do you own? around 10?
the names of your pets (and the explanations behind them): i did not name them so i dont have the explanations, but Sasha, Brendy & Bella :)
favorite color: pink 🩷
any tattoos? zwei
how you transport your belongings (purse, tote, hands, pockets, etc.): my trusty backpack all day every day
the last movie you watched: pitch perfect 3 with some crazy people.
how long does it take you to get ready in the morning? bout 30 minutes?
favorite weather: early summer vibes, not too hot, but nice enough where people go outside and leave me alone LOL
relationship status: hmu
ice cream flavor of choice: mango
first fandom: danganronpa.................
how many books have you read this year? next question.
first 4 words of your last notes app entry: Word wakker Douchen Drink
and finally, if you had to change your URL tomorrow, what would you change it to? I'd probably also change it to celestialmickey so we can match, macy.
@roryonic @spookygingerr @jrooc @transmurderbug @transmickey
@spacerockwriting @creepkinginc @deathclassic @sleepyheadgallavich @doshiart
@lingy910y @burninface @matt404b @mybrainismelted @ian-galagher
@lee-ow @michellemisfit @blue-disco-lights @thepupperino @deedala
@heymrspatel @mickittotheman @vintagelacerosette & everypony else that i am forgetting right now!
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honeyedlashton · 7 months ago
rules: choose 4 of your favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as options and let your tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibe
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These are all super movie and scene specific, please know.
I’m tagging: @sofsversion @caramelcalum @ademigodgirl @oceanofmydoubt @vasattope @yellowjellobean please do this its sooo fun but no pressure 🩷🖤🩷🖤
Thank you sweet and lovely Li (@bloodonthedrums) for tagging meee 🩷🩷🩷
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yenqa · 6 months ago
10 QUESTIONS FOR U - enhablrinas edition get it bc tumblrina + enhablr
favorite color of themes?
moot with best theme?
you can send a love letter to anyone. fictional/idols/celebs. who?
which moot is most active? which moot do you barely ever run into but LOVE?
most rizzful mutual? do you flirt with ur moots?
favorite petnames/nicknames? giving or recieving?
have you ever had an online crush? (or on a moot GASP)
ever been involved in drama?
do u keep up with tumblr drama?
be honest. how many times have u swapped biases? no judgement here :D
were u here for the insaneness that was lockdown enhablr?
MIA moot u want to comeback?
ur fave fic or smau that gagged u when u read it? seungstarss BET was the end of the fucking world for me I WAS DISTRAUGHT oddeonu too grrrr the ptsd fuckkkk too there was someone m1ngh8o or smtg idk w this jungwon smau and it KILLLED MEEE he was yns roommate and always so fucking rude and his gf was legit cheating on him but he didn't leave her. gf made moves on his bff jake too who liked reader. slowburns where the main lead is an ass rlly annoy me but i also will them the shit up bc i luv angst and toxicity :DDD
are you close w ur moots? do u have any on socials?
what is ur biggest ick to see on tumblr?
words u find urself repeating too much? words u love using?
any enhablr inside jokes ur part of?
ever been featured in a moots fic?
have u ever dreamt of enhypen?
ur favorite enha pc u want rlly badly?
thank you so much for sending an ask!! i love these weirdly specific questions! moots so sorry if youre tagged multiple times
1. i lovee pink or like neutral colored themes because i love when themes are super minimalistic !!
2. i love @okwonyo @byhees and @soov ‘s themes!! they always eat down and i use them for inspo sometimes ^_^
3. obviously, would send a love letter to my beautiful boyfriend park jongseong
4. okay idrk most active but i see @flwrstqr on my feed a bunch!! and i lovee talking to @boyfhee on the rare occasion we do talk T^T
5. guys this is all about mutuals but i literally have like two i talk to 😭 but most rizzful is @voikiraz my queen mari <3
6. my name “yen” is a nickname that just stuck with me for tumblr so probably that! but i love saying babe but i can only say that online
7. no 😭 i honestly dont think i could ever have an online crush
8. in real life no! on tumblr…
9. i want to but im so out of the loop 😭😭 @yeokii keeps me up to date though!
10. for enhypen,,, like three times… at first it was heeseung, then sunghoon, then jay!!
11. sadly no!! i joined in like summer of 2022 (happy two year anniversary!)
12. i actually am so bad at remembering my moots. like i have to interact with them to remember them so no so sorry 😭
13. OH MY GOD ODDEONUS SMAUS. but theres this one heeseung smau called “reality check!” i forgot the author, ALSO @amakumos go figure! OH MY GODD STUCK WITH ME FOREVER I DONT CARE ITS DISCONTINUED. also one more. “the language of flowers” by @soobnny GOD KILL ME NOW I LOVE THAT SMAU.
14. i am close with a couple of them!! i have @yeokii @wvnkoi and @jennaissantes on insta and a bunch of moots on discord!
15. people who dont reblog about gaza.. no matter the account size..
16. i use “LMFAO” a lot because its the only way i laugh ERMM and recently ive been calling people just “boy” or “girl” LMFAO
17. uh none! its okay though i am #antisocial girl
18. i have!! check out @yeokii ‘s upcoming smau “love glitch” guys (and upcoming maybe @soov smau *cough* tdwp *cough*🤫)
19. thank GOD i havent 🙏
20. JAY PEACH PC ONE DAY I WILL GET MY HANDS ON U. also sunghoon glasses pc in romance untold 😵‍💫😵‍💫
anyways… thank u so much for sending me these questions!!
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addictt-with-a-pen · 3 months ago
tagged by @endureandsurvives
Top 5 Current Songs
1. Awaken - Breaking Benjamin
2. Navigating - twenty one pilots
3. Take Me In - Blink-182
4. Stick Season - Noah Kahan
5. Hollywood Forever - Hollywood Undead
thank you SO much for tagging me my friend!! I tried to pick recent songs that I don’t always talk about lol. and you’re absolutely right, I am a huge music fan! 🥹
Tagging @let-the-sun-rain-down-on-meee @wild-penguin and @afeastofstarlights
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singeart · 9 months ago
20 Writer Questions
Thank you @mytardisisparked for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
An astounding 20! I never thought I'd write this many haha
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Star Trek Voyager and The X Files! I always thought about writing for Once Upon A Time but never felt a strong enough calling- I'm pretty happy with how Captain Swan played out ;)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
+ A Flower for Everytime I Think of You (chlonath from Miraculous Ladybug, I miss how popular this ship was ;-; I feel like I can't find anything new for it on here)
(the rest are from Voyager~)
+ Two Shorten the Road
+ Suspension
+ Compote
+ Gold Rush
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yeah for the most part! Especially if people point out a certain part they liked I live for that!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I am a happy ending girlie, all the angst happens in the middle of my fics lol. That being said, I think For That Which Ails You could be considered a little angsty at the end because Scully is still terminally ill, nothing has actually changed, and Mulder wasn't there when she woke up. There's a bit of melancholy to it!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Compote! Fluffy throughout and then they share a laugh and a Moment tm at the end of it
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully no!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Writing kisses is hard enough lmao. I also just don't want to
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No I've never even thought about doing that! Voyager x X Files would be so fun though
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, though yeah AI has probably scanned some of my works
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not, technically, but brainstorming with the bestie and mutuals is always great for inspiration!!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I can't choose, Janeway x Chakotay and Mulder x Scully are both profound to meee
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well...I had this idea for a Admiral Janeway centered fic but I don't think it's going to happen. Also a couple of AU ideas for J/C but eh they don't feel original enough u_u
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue babey, I think!! And the little meaningful exchanges that come with? I also think I can write subtle funny stuff pretty well though maybe it's only noticeable to me haha
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Describing a scene, I never do I am relying on the reader's imagination LOL
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Never had a reason to, not that I'm fluent in anything else :/
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Miraculous Ladybug ^_^
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I think it's still Kathryn Janeway, PI because I loove the idea of her playing detective and writing from Chakotay's pov was a nice challenge for me, but Hastilude is coming in at a close second... I really enjoyed coming up with a case that Mulder and Scully had to solve and figuring out how all the pieces fit together, plus I got to put them in silly little outfits, what's not to like?
Tagging: the user reading this!! seriously I want to know :3c
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ms-oswald · 1 year ago
thank you for tagging meee @arcielee 💕 not sure if i can ramble on about my choices.... i'll try 👀
9. JASKIER - what a delight
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6. BROOKE DAVIS - she's had my heart since the first time i watched oth. did a re-watch this year and i'm... amfdlksfnlkngiornfoj
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5. ERIC EFFIONG - i just love him.
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4. TOM BENNETT - he swooped in out of nowhere the little fcker.
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3. AEMOND TARGARYEN - him too. u stupid pretty face. wth is wrong with me? *locks that door*
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2. COCCHAM SQUAD - i mean.... they are the whole reason i've gone insane this year. forever grateful for them
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1. FINAN.... duh - i mean, just look at him. it took me a minute, but i tumbled and rolled down the hill and just crashed. have not been able to get up since nor do i want to.
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tagging: @gemini-mama @emilyhufflepufftlk @persephones-journey @captainkilly and whoever else who wants to do itt 💕
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starscelly · 6 months ago
hi cel!! was just going through ur 42455 tag and wondering if you’ve been having any Thoughts about them recently .. also. miro in that pic on roope’s ig story- he looked so so good!!
miro my beautiful wife. he did look so good if im remembering the correct photo!!!!!!!! apolocheese as this has been in my ask for Weeks now and i’m finally ready to approach it whole heartedly with my arms wide open …. i am always having thoughts abt Them unfortunately.... cracking my knuckles….. thank u for asking abt my Guys <3 please take a little essay
THE THING IS…. and i’ve touched on this previously…… everything abt 42455 begs you to be like. roope jealousy. easy. him and miro have history and then harls comes in drooling after his boyfriend. of course he’d be rude. but i literally JUUUUST discussed that i don’t actually find roope bitchy. necessarily. like i think he would do so in a chirpy manner (see: him always being like ughh i hate esa esa is a big freak weirdo. and then he sees esa and is like ^-^) that would actually bounce off of harls chirping really well! like theyre actually Pretty similar in the regard imo
and then we also consider THIS second quote here abt the bubble ….. and this opens new doors 4 meee. like what do you mean actually that he got close to miro and roope in the bubble? why did he specifically name miro and roope??????? but anyways . harls even says himself that he normally wouldn’t get to get close to the europeans but that closed in environment Let him do so . and it lets me live in a world of pre established friendship and crushes. and isn’t that stunning. i also think it’s fun that like. harls was a black ace. from my understanding they didn’t really overlap with the team for practices? like they were separate (correct me if i’m wrong) so that can affect the dynamic a lot imo! like we All remember this saad tweet (i am the only person that thinks of this regularly) and how it - along with those harls interviews gushing abt miro - set up a kinda. hero worship to friendship to lovers. but if we consider harls was a black ace during the covid bubble and didn’t have the same access to follow miro on the ice all day. that means they got to know each other like. casually. obviously not Outside the context of hockey because of the environment but closer to that than not. i think u can still get hero worshippy abt it bc harls would’ve been FRESHLY 19. actually turning 19 IN the bubble iirc so literally probably 18 when they met? miro would’ve been freshly 21 and roope 23. which in pro hockey world is Old Enough to be considered Older and Wiser and Cooler. BUT ANYWAYS. yeah enough outside of the context for it to be a Relatively Normal Friendship Plus Some Admiration. like there’s an article where they talk abt how the black aces would hang out with the main rosters guys at dinners and other Activities and pick their brain abt stuff and i can def see harls doing that with miro - and by default roope - but obviously that could and likely would devolve into Normal Conversation as well.
u can also maybe get into some fun stuff that, if u struggle with repositioning roope as not a jealous hater, could help. like we Saw bubble miro (so insane so good). maybe harls was a good luck charm. something like that. etc etc. 
i also want to just. placing roope aside maybe for a second. not something i like to do frequently but humor me. if we could take a moment for the dress and such. re:
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idk if i have much more profound to say about that but. 3 boygirlfriends who can skate soooo pretty and play such similar games..... idk im into it!!!! conceptually!!!!!!!!!!!
also idr how much i discussed this last time but. as someone insane + always miro centric. it is very quite important to me that miro has two men just aaaabsolutely obsessed with him. and i think the difference in the way theyre obsessed with him is really silly and fun as well!!!! harls is . seemingly. relatively sane abt him off the ice (well. insane abt him but in the way he is insane abt everybody) but is SOOO obsessed with him as a player. insert every time he talks abt miro playing hockey. and roope is relatively sane abt him as a player - so much so that they played together for a full ! year!!!!! without the having their names linked forever and the being attached at the hip - but absolutely insane abt him off the ice. like will not leave him alone. like half of his insta posts include miro atp (not fact checking so just trust me). like it's truly sickening.
ANYWAYS..... sorry this was especially all over the place... i have a lot of big feelings and thoughts! i hope this was appreciated regardless of the Mess of it lolll
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killuaisaprincess · 1 year ago
THREE YEARS OF WRITING 🧁 (or close enough!)
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Lemme start by saying I am tired. One hater takes enough out of me, I have ADD hypersensitivity, so yeah, still kinda recovering!
I wanted to make this something super happy! And actually on time, but literally, one day later, today some asshole wants to show up in my tumblr inbox and complain? And it was about the old me! So I'm doing it early! I’m here to celebrate my growth! Fuck them! Lol 🖕🎉
They were basically, oh, you’re not Q! You’ve fallen off! No, I’m not! Q is dead! And Q was never truly entirely me! I will always be grateful if she hadn’t taken the first step, I wouldn’t be here, but Q got scared even writing the simple niche of Gon carrying Ki more than once! I still remember that authors note Q wrote apologizing! I wanna laugh at her! Like she owed anyone anything! It was like her fourth fic, I think.
I get her, part of her still lies in me! Like I’m sorry to that person you’re so insecure and pathetic that someone changing and growing into a confident person who writes what she totally likes full on indulgence! Bothers you! She was always in there okie! She was just scared! 
Creating Qutie was the first step. And I’m proud of her and how far she’s come! I don’t care anymore if everyone hates me! I know most probs do! I am confident and happy about my presence here! And love that I can speak up without fearing anymore! Realizing I don’t fit! Or belong with the fandom was the best thing that ever happened to me! I don’t forgive the og hater/stalker and made me poof Q, but I am actually thankful to them. 
My third year anniversary of writing is coming up on Sept, 4! 
And I probs would’ve made a speech about how happy I am and how far I’ve come then too! So consider this that! Except it probs would’ve been 50 tags cuz that’s my style lol 😚
No matter what anyone says I am proud of me!
I love my writing, and I love my fics! It really just is the simple concept of imagining finding an author you like! And then there are tons of works ready for you to read! Even if they're small thingies like mine! I was into GK back in 2012, but I was young and there wasn't any GK really, and plus after CAA I was just depressed there was nothing there for me. So I left! And then 2020 of June I fell back into Gonki!
I watched tons of reactors and got back in, but I couldn't find anything that was my taste fic wise, so I just took a leap of fate, I found maybe one fic of Gon carrying Ki maybe one and billions that I did not like! So I decided to do it for me!
I wanna be with Gonkillu forever! I don't wanna imagine a world where I leave again! But on the chance it ever does happen? Look what I've done for me! I've become that author I would like with tons of fics all ready to read! For me! 90+ will be there if it does happen.
And nothing pleases me more! I do reread my fics as is! But the idea of knowing me of the future should something ever happen has that... it's the best feeling!
And no one will take that from me! When I couldn't find anything I wanted in 2020 I didn't go to writers and go WAHHH WAHH WAHHH DO WHAT I WANT I took action. So no loser anon is gonna stop me. If you liked the old me become her, but I like the new current me more! Who goes full in no fear!
I do wish there was a GK world and I will say stuff like that! Cuz I do wish there was! But I've never gone to a writer and been like dooo this for meee, like!
I put my money where my mouth is and am creating the GK world I want for myself!
Thank you, me! For the three years of writing! Here's to many more!
I’m on a little teeny tiny island by myself! I need a cute flag 🥺 IT HAS TO BE PINK OMG WITH GON CARRYING KI AND KI WEARING A CUTE PINK DRESS AND LITTLE BUNNY EARS 🥺 he’s a little bunny 🐰 
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simon-says-nothing · 11 months ago
writing patterns tag game!
tagged by my beloved @dwarfsized who is extremely talented and you all should go read her fics. Now. ty!
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
i too, do not have 10 fics posted, and i am omitting a few of my hs horrors for my sanity!
reflection (bg3 wyll/astarion)
When he was young, he loved parties.
2. this is (probably) how i get myself killed (bg3 astarion/m!tav)
Nevaeh is not an idiot, despite what his companions may say.
3. fire on fire (the untamed, wwx/lwj)
For the longest time, his only comfort was in a pen.
4. don't make purple (....voltron...keith/lance....sighs)
Keith hated change.
5. cocaine jesus (......voltron........keith/lance.........)
The Blade’s base was so cold during nighttime. It wasn’t the soft hum of the castle at night, the content quiet of knowing you were close to people you cared about.
aaand i wont be posting the others due to my own sanity needing to be intact!
my love affair with simple sentences needs to come to an end. unforchies it never will. i love abusing commas and, i've noticed my first sentences are confusing without the rest of my beginning paragraphs haha! i also almost Always have the POV characters name there, oops!
this is very interesting!!! thank you leetle for tagging meee i love you! tagging @sweetsuke muahahaha
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king-for-a-weekend · 9 months ago
Tag Game
I got tagged by @let-the-sun-rain-down-on-meee to shuffle my 'on repeat' playlist and list the first ten songs. thank you cutie ❤️
1. Hold On by Secrets
2. Cold Room by Fit For a King
3. Disguise by Motionless In White
4. The Crossfire by Polaris
5. Landmine by Polaris
6. Labyrinth by Crown The Empire
7. Good Stories by Annisokay
8. Shattered Glass by Fit For a King
9. Zombified by Falling In Reverse
10. Slow Motion by Silverstein
I tag: @thats-the-teen-spirit @heartofannie @wakeup-wakeup-mitchlucker @silent-cha0s @quietandfalling
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moodykylo · 9 months ago
Thank you for the tag @saplesss-tree you are nice to meee
Answers under the cut
1 . How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The ones that I’ve published on ao3, the umbrella academy, The Penumbra Podcast, The Magnus Archives, Miraculous Ladybug, Tangled the Series, FNAF (specifically the movie), and Future Man (I write for others though)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fever muddled, Unlucky, Of Experiments and Exhaustion, Sleep Deprived, and I Will Love You Without Any Strings Attached
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to! It doesn’t always happen though, I never know what to say besides thank you
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t think I’ve published anything with an angsty ending but I have plenty of wips
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They all have happy endings tbh
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven’t yet but it wouldn’t suprise me
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Haven’t published any but I’ve written little snippets for friends, I’m not a fan of writing it
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don’t but I’ve considered some kind of tma crossover
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have a google doc with someone where we started writing something, does that count?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Uhhh probably Jonmartin (tma) or Jupeter (TPP) I’m also a Chapgone (Wooden Overcoats) shipper
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Probably the tpp fic I kinda abandoned in my docs where Juno’s sick while undercover at this fancy ball
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m bad at writing as a whole
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I personally don’t do it because I really only speak English, I think other people doing it is really cool though! I’ve seen some TMA fics where people do it and I love it!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
God idk probably warrior cats or like Dear Evan Hansen 💀
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
None of them
Uhhh I’m gonna tag @dotts-stuff and anyone else who wants to participate! (I am too scared to tag people oops)
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bizarreshiz · 10 months ago
Thank you @sunlightfeeling for tagging meee☆!
Name: Vincent (or Vin as everyone calls me)
Pronouns: He/they
Star sign: Pisces 😈🐟
# of siblings/Fun facts about them: I have one older sister, and we have a 10 year age gap
# of pets & their names: I have one cat and she is called Sapphire >:3
I used to have another cat before my present one that was there before I was even born
Fandoms: God, this could be a longgggg list but I will only do MAIN main ones!
I'm mainly into Yakuza/Judgement right now as I'm replaying the judgement games, and my friend is currently playing through the yakuza series
I'm also heavily into One piece (fave character is Crocodile 🥰), but at the moment I have to wait to continue watching as I have no money for crunchyroll 😔 (just had Franky join the crew)
The Persona series has also been a fandom I've been in since about 12 years old (yes, all the games including 1 and 2), but Persona 4 is my favourite of all time
Ig you count Vocaloid as a fandom. I first listening to Rolling girl, by Wowaka when I was 10, due to all the animations people did on youtube with it, and then I kinda left after a bit because I was too young and didn't know anything about Miku or Vocaloid in general, but then (happily) found it again around 13/14, and have been in love ever since! I have m a n y Miku merch (and some Luka merch)
Fave colour: Red :3
Fave song: I've never been able to choose one song specifically, so when I say my fave song, it's usually what I'm listening to the most recently-
So mainly I'm listening to "Gommene, Gommene" (Im sorry, Im sorry) by Kikuo at the moment!
Kikuo is one of my fave artists/producers and a lot of his songs are ones I'm able to relate to which makes the listening experience greater soooo-
(Not a fave song, but goddamn this has been in my head ever since it came out 😭😭😭)
Fave author (including books, fanfics, webtoons etc.): I don't have a fave author TwT"
But I've always had a massive fixation on Russian history (specifically USSR Russia) since I was very young, and I've finally been able to buy a crap ton of books on people like Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky 🙏
Fave fic type: Who doesn't love enemies to lovers? I do, but it c a n get annoying in some, and I l o v e hurt with comfort. If a fic has no comfort with its angst, I'm crying rivers
Fave holiday: Halloween 😈
Do you have a partner: Yes! I have a gf of 3 years♡
Hobbies: Drawing and videogames ig 😭
Tagging (you don't have to, I just pick my mutuals) : @c-cw-f-saeko @theycouldbehere @sunlightfeeling (ik you tagged me, but u a r e a mutual) @spicyliumang
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justsomeoneunordinary · 2 years ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Tagged by @togaki-kun, thank you! 💕
I always feel a bit silly recommending my own work because I’m “just” a short one-shots writer and don’t do anything huge such as worldbuilding, but hey, any fic is creative work, no matter the length, so…
1. Simulacrum (Madara/Tobirama, 4.2k, NR)
Tobirama has memory issues.
I can’t really say much about this fic because no matter what I say, it would be a spoiler. All I can say is that I stepped out of my usual comfort zone and challenged myself with this—and that I pretty much nailed it. I am extremely proud of all the reactions I received :)
2. In Another Time (Bucky/Tony, 1k, T)
It’s the jokes and the smiles and the intelligence behind those bright blue eyes. It’s the way Bucky drawls when he talks. It’s their night walks in the dark under the stars and how the air between them seems to spark. And before Tony knows it, he catches himself staring at those cherry red lips, imagining pulling Bucky behind the trees to steal a kiss. Though as lovely the thought is, as heavy crushes reality upon him and reminds him where and who they are. This is neither place nor time Tony belongs to—he belongs to Rhodey and Pepper and Happy. To F.R.I.D.A.Y. and his bots. To the future. Or, How a chain of certain accidental events lead to certain unexpected feelings with an uncertain future ahead of them.
I just really like the style I wrote this in. The rhymes, the back-and-forth play with the past, present and future to the point that I had readers tell me they had to re-read it to fully grasp everything (positively), the flow of the fic and the way I put so much story into so little words. This one will forever be one of my favorite fics because of its uniqueness.
3. A Sensei’s Job (Does Not Entail This) (Koharu & Tobirama, 1.9k, G)
When Tobirama decided to set a good example by taking on the role of a Jounin-sensei to prepare young Genin fresh out of the ninja academy for the life of a shiobi, he had been a bit nervous, but on the whole, he had been excited and looked forward to the experience and sharing his knowledge with Konoha’s future shinobi. Nothing could’ve prepared him for this, however. “My body is betraying meee!” Or, Koharu struggles with puberty, and Tobirama struggles with a teenager going through puberty.
Honestly, I’m just proud of the pacing and the dialogue of this wee friend here. Those are the two things I struggle the most; my pacing is always off, sometimes more, sometimes less, but it’s just never truly right (except for short ficlets), and dialogue is something I fail so much at that I have multiple fics with no dialogue at all because it’s just so much easier for me to write that way. Here, though? Here both are just right. This fic is nothing special, it’s really just a silly little thing to make you laugh, but I love coming back to it because it just reads so smoothly like no other of my fics. And also, because re-reading it never fails to brighten my day.
4. Sternhagelvoll (Madara/Tobirama, 2.2k, T)
Senju Tobirama stands in front of his house in the middle of the night with a goat on a leash. Senju. Fucking. Tobirama. Stands in front of his house. In the middle of the night. With a goat on a leash. “Are you drunk?” “Like a skunk,” Tobirama confirms, promptly collapsing at his feet. The goat bleats.
Look, humor and crack are my thing. It’s what I write the most and it’s what I’m best at. This one is special tho because it’s hands down the funniest I’ve written so far. I cracked up so hard while writing that I had to take several breaks, and I crack up at the same lines when I re-read it again. I’m just really proud of how fucking funny this one is, and that’s it.
5. Captivated Hearts (Hashirama/Mito, 3.1k, M)
Tobirama repeatedly enters the Land of the Dead to steal Mito’s souls and reanimate them, confident that she won’t catch him, when in reality, it would be so easy for her to pull him in by the foot he so carelessly sets into her realm. But Tobirama has a brother. Senju Hashirama, also known as Inari, is the kami of agriculture, rice, sake and various other things—and he has the kindest eyes Mito has ever seen in a man. With his sun-kissed skin and blinding smile, the warmth he radiates from within, and the joy he brings wherever he goes, he shines brighter than Amaterasu could ever dream of. Mito wants him.
I just love how I wrote Mito and HashiMito here. This fic is really not one of my best written ones—I definitely have better fics—but I still count it to my favorites because as much as I love wholesome HashiMito, I really wanted something in a slightly more grey-ish, dubious area for these two, and I wanted to explore Mito differently than she usually is portrayed in fics. It’s nothing special per se, but it’s special to me, so I consider it one of my proudest fics.
Funny enough, my most popular story that makes me practically a one-hit-wonder didn’t make it on the list but to be honest, I don’t even know why that time travel TobiIzu fic is so popular. It’s one of my better ones, but personally, I don’t count it as one of my proudest xD
Tagging: @iam93percentstardust @pleasetakethis @madbuns and you if you would like to share your proudest fics as well! Please feel yourself tagged from me ♥️
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