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jackalspine · 9 months ago
@schnuffel-danny hehehe
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regarding this post: from schnuffle
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angel-fruitcake · 16 days ago
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yeah there is no peace and we are not done as long as the official supernatural youtube admin has anything to say about it
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sailorsally · 1 month ago
literally why are you as an actor even talking about your character's sexuality?? unless you are Misha Collins.
That man worked for it! He sat down on that bed so gaily that they had to call the execs about it and he still didn't budge! He decided to make Cas' voice extra low so he wouldn't hurt Dean's ears. He acted like a jilted lover when Cas became human. And when everyone was calling the fans delusional, he came thru with "you are not crazy" tweet because he knew, he'd been doing it on purpose.
My man laid the groundwork! He deserves to say Cas is gay & be annoying about it! Get on his level or keep your mouth shut.
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spnstillstudies · 2 months ago
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| DEC ‘23 - JAN ‘24
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icaruspendragon · 6 months ago
make sure to leave suppressed bisexuality and self-worth issues out for castiel tonight
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steveyockey · 23 days ago
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ivytwines · 9 months ago
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bedlund achieves supernatural metaposting greatness with his “chuck is not god” theory
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wildwestdean · 3 months ago
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based on both this request by @nochedie, and this request by @somethingsomethingcranberries! thank you so much for sending these in! 🤍🤍
summary: this wasn't the first time a hunt had gone wrong. sure, the injuries dean patched up for you were a little worse than usual, but it was nothing new - so, why was he so pissed off about it?
pairing: dean winchester x female reader
word count: 7.1k+
warnings: working a case/hunting, mentions of missing kids, gore, blood, reader gets injured, stitches + motel room first aid, descriptions of wounds, swearing, angst, hurt/comfort, nicknames, yelling, fighting, mature themes, kinda slow burn but not really, minor self-doubt (reader), dean acts like a dick, name calling (stupid, idiot), best!friend sam, mentions of pain killers, alcohol consumption, confessions, idiots in love, fluff, brief mention of age gap
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You sat in your motel room with books and papers scattered across the bed, and a plethora of tabs open on your laptop.
“Anything?” you asked with a sigh, looking up at Sam who was across the room - the table he sat at practically mirroring your bedspread.
He huffed and set his book down, leaning back in his chair while running a hand through his hair. 
Your shoulders slumped at his reaction, a frustrated chuckle escaping your lips. “I’ll take that as a ‘no’, then.”
He shook his head, glaring at the pages in front him before meeting your gaze. “I don’t get it. At all.” 
You tilted your head, eyes narrowing in confusion. “Get what?”
Sam’s eyes widened, and he waved his hands over the littered table. “This! This whole case. I mean, there’s zero background for this- this- whatever it is!” he exclaimed. 
“Okay, maybe we should just take a break? Dean should be back with the food soon...” you trailed off as a passage suddenly caught your attention, fingers tapping atop your knee as you scanned the page.
He noticed the shift in your demeanour and sat up straight, looking at you intently. “Did you find something?” he asked hopefully. 
You shook your head as you glanced at him. “No, I don’t think so, but-” you cut yourself off, feeling unsure, but you could practically feel him watching you, his eyebrows raised as he waited for you to continue. “What if we’re looking in the wrong place?” 
“How so?” he questioned. 
“Okay, well,” you started. “Right now we’re looking for things that are common around here and travel in groups. Like werewolves, demons, or vampires, right?”
Sam nodded his head, looking at you as if you were losing your mind. “Yeah…” he said slowly. 
Huffing at the fact he wasn’t following, you carried on. “So, right now we’re looking for groups of monsters. Monsters that are likely native to this area. Maybe that’s why we can’t find anything,” you tried to explain. 
Sam nodded, eyes lighting up in realization. “So… you’re not only thinking this is something mainly solitary, but also not typically known to show face around here? Like Lamia?”
“Yes, exactly! Technically there’s multiple, but-” 
“There were only two found around here,” Sam finished for you, clearly deep in thought. 
Folding your arms over your chest, you leaned back against the headboard. “What do you think?” you asked softly. 
He grabbed his laptop and placed it in front of him. “I don’t know,” he sighed. “Seems like it could be a good shot, though.”
You smiled once more, gathering up the abandoned books and loose papers just as the motel door creaked open. 
“So, what did you nerds find out while I was gone?” Dean asked, clicking the door shut behind him.
You opened your mouth to answer, but Sam beat you to it. “Girl wonder over there may have just found us a good lead,” he said, eyes still locked on his computer as his head jerked in your direction. 
Dean beamed at you as he set the bags down, settling for the empty chair across from Sam when he couldn’t find any free space on the table. “That’s my girl!” he cheered. “What did you find?”
Trying to prevent a blush from blooming across your face because of his comment, you focused on organizing the piles of research in front of you. “Sam’s giving me too much credit, I didn’t even find anything concrete.” 
Dean walked over and sat down on the other bed, a look of interest on his face. You shifted nervously as he accidentally brushed your knee along the way, feeling your heart rate quicken like a smitten teenager. You glanced up and caught Sam’s eye, and his gaze darted between you and Dean before resting on his laptop screen, a tiny smirk playing at his lips. 
“Tell me what ya got,” Dean said, popping open a bottle of beer that seemed to appear out of nowhere. 
You shrugged dismissively. “Like I said, nothing concrete. I just suggested to Sam that we were looking in the wrong place.” 
Dean shook his head, taking a sip of his beer. “You already lost me.” 
“I mean, most things we’ve hunted have come in swarms, and were typically common to the area. I suggested that perhaps we were hunting a singular thing, something foreign, like when you guys took down that Lamia,” you supplied, standing up with a stack of books to move out of the way. 
You could practically feel Sam’s smirk behind your back as you set things on the dresser. Ever since you realized that, when it came to Dean, you felt something stronger than your adopted kinship, you confided in Sam. He’s been one of your best friends and confidants for as long as you’ve known him, yet a small part of you regrets telling him; he still refuses to let you live it down, and is smug as shit about it at every possible moment. Between him, and the fact that your behaviour is growing increasingly uncharacteristic around Dean due to the fear of your own feelings, it won’t be long until Dean realizes that something is going on.
Dean laughed softly behind you, and you were thankful he couldn't see the smile that grew on your face because of the sound. “Assuming I even remember what the hell this Lima-”
“Lamia,” you and Sam both pitched in to correct him. 
“Whatever,” Dean huffed. “What makes you think this thing is some lonely foreigner?” 
Shrugging your shoulders as you set the last book down on the stack, you thought about it. “I don’t really know,” you said, spinning around and walking back to your bed. “Just a hunch, I guess? I mean, I could be really off base here.”
“Nah, your hunches are never wrong, sweetheart,” Dean told you, bringing his bottle to his smirking lips. 
You heard Sam snicker, and you sent him a death glare before declaring that you were starving. 
Setting the bottle on the nightstand, Dean eagerly stood up and grabbed the bags. “I got your favourite,” he declared, sporting a proud grin as he brought it to you. 
“Thanks, De,” you said earnestly, matching his grin as you took it from him.
One quick glance confirmed that he didn’t forget a single detail of your order, and you felt your heart swell about three sizes. 
“Sammy?” Dean asked tentatively, looking over to his brother now; the remnants of his smile still lingering.
Sam shook his head, keeping his eyes locked on his screen. “You can go ahead, I’m not all that hungry right now.”
Rather than argue, you and Dean simply shared a look and shrugged before digging in. The three of you brainstormed some more while you ate, resulting in Sam sending you and Dean an occasional look of ‘stop talking with your mouths full, it's disgusting’ - which only encouraged you both to do it more.
Eventually, Sam had all he could take and shut his laptop with a groan. “I’ll be in my room,” he muttered, all but storming away to the room next door. 
He always got his own room whenever he could, given that not only was he often up late with a lamp burning to carry on with research, but he was also always up before the sun to go for a run if the case allowed for it. It was now more than ever, though, that you assumed he got his own room to also just escape the pestering from you and Dean. 
You both watched him march out of sight for a moment before Dean turned to you, the corners of his mouth twitching. 
“It’s just too easy sometimes,” you giggled. 
He couldn’t help but snort a laugh, a grin taking over both your faces as you high-fived. 
The two of you carried on together for the rest of the night; working on the case a little more, coming up with new ways to mess with Sam, settling onto your bed to watch a few episodes of your favourite show - one that he always complains about, yet refuses to miss a single episode of.
It was the same as every night. 
Only this time, you could’ve sworn that he sat a little closer to you. That he laughed a little harder at your jokes. You even thought that you saw more fondness than usual reflected in his gaze whenever he turned to smile at you.
Yet, you didn’t dwell on it. You couldn’t dwell on it. 
It was a dangerous game to think that he saw you the way that you saw him, and it was a game you refused to play. 
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A few days later, you were all seated around the room again, growing increasingly frustrated over the lack of answers. Children kept disappearing, no one knew why, and panic was rising. 
You scrolled through the page, sitting up straight as something caught your eye; and you noticed Sam do the same a few moments later. 
“Gurumāpā!” you both yelled, looking at each other. 
Dean looked up from the book he was searching through to stare at the two of you. “Uhh... gesundheit?"
“The Nepalese bogeyman,” you confirmed, ignoring Dean’s confusion. 
“You really think?” Sam asked. 
You spoke quickly, excited yet unsure “I mean, I don't know. It could be. It’s our best shot. Stories vary here and there but the moral is the same.”
“He takes disobedient kids,” Sam agreed with a nod. 
Dean shut his book with a snap. “Great! So, where do we find it, and how do we kill it?” 
You opened your mouth, but had nothing. You looked at Sam, but he only shrugged. 
“Awesome,” Dean sighed, resting his cheek on his palm as he dramatically threw the book back open to flick through the pages. 
“Are we sure about this?” you asked suddenly, having two heads snap to attention. 
Dean spoke first. “Are we ever?”
“Dean’s right, most of the time we barely have a leg to stand on,” Sam added. 
“I know, but,” you started to say. “Why’s he here? He’s supposed to be secluded on a field in Nepal. It doesn’t make sense he’s here.”
“Nothing ever makes sense,” Dean said, rubbing his eyes. “This is the best lead we’ve had so far, we can’t turn back now. For all we know, someone could’ve found a way to summon him- hell, or smuggle him here.” 
Sam nodded. “It has happened before,” he reminded, and you all took a silent moment to remember that case before shuddering. 
“We’ve done a lot more with a lot less - so come on,” Dean said, tapping a finger on your laptop to get you to keep reading. 
You obliged with a heavy sigh, and silence stretched on for a few more hours; all of you painstakingly searching through any book or entry you could get your hands on. You, working on finding a possible location this thing could be camping out in, while they tried to find a way to kill it. 
You considered it a lucky break when Dean announced he may have found something, thus allowing him to help you when Sam took it upon himself to dive deeper on what was discovered. 
After a few more hours, you all found yourselves outside of town and surrounded by nothing but abandoned farmland and its ramshackled buildings.
“Great, so… now what?” Dean asked, surveying the expanse of seemingly endless land. 
“I guess we split up? Try and find any kids first?” Sam suggested with a shrug. 
Opening your mouth to respond, you were quickly cut off by Dean. 
“No,” he said firmly, taking a subconscious step closer to you. “We don’t even know if what we’re after is what we think we’re after.”
“So?” you asked, glancing up at him. “It wouldn’t be the first time.” 
“No,” he repeated, shaking his head. “I don’t like it. We stay together until we get a better feel for what’s going on.” 
“Well, let’s go then,” you declared, slinging your duffel over your shoulder and strolling down the path. 
The brothers were hot on your heels, the only sounds to be heard being the gravel under your shoes and the birds up above as you explored the property.
“This isn’t gonna work, Dean,” Sam huffed after a while. “This place is massive and we’re wasting time. It’s gonna be dark soon.” 
“He’s right, De,” you agreed softly. “We need to split up.” 
“Fine, okay,” Dean sighed, running a hand over his face. “Do not do anything stupid. Call the second you find anything, got it?” he added with a pointed look; seemingly only directed at you.
“Yeah, I got it,” you said in annoyance. “I’m not an idiot.” 
“I never said-” Dean started to argue before Sam interrupted with a loud groan. 
“Guys? Can we, like, not do that now? Kinda life or death here.” 
“Right, yeah,” Dean grumbled with a curt nod. “No one get dead,” he muttered, choosing a direction and walking off.
You and Sam exchanged a quick glance before following suit, heading off in your own directions. 
The sun was getting lower and lower on the horizon, and you grew increasingly frustrated as every single place you checked came up empty. 
You were just about ready to start landing punches on some unsuspecting barnwood when you heard it. It was quiet, distant, but unmistakable. 
Someone - or something, you guessed - was in the next building.
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It was dark. 
Dark and quiet. 
Why was it so dark? 
The sun still wasn’t set as you stepped into the barn, and that was only moments ago; wasn’t it? 
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath as you tried to recall what happened: the noise that caught your attention, the apparent nesting ground you came upon, the footsteps behind you, the struggle, the fight, the searing pain as you were sent flying.
A small whimper escaped you as it all came back, breathing rapidly as you realized you were alone with no idea what was happening outside these creaking walls. You tried to move, but searing pain shot through you, a hand instinctively going to your side to instantly become warm and slick. 
“Dean?” you tried to call out, but his name only came as a broken sob. 
Choking back tears, you forced yourself to calm down so you could listen to your surroundings; yet all you could hear was your own heart pounding in your ears. 
“Dean?” you tried again, but it was like all the air was being stolen from your lungs. 
Taking a big breath, you forced yourself to your feet with a yell, bracing yourself on the closest beam you could find as you fumbled for your phone. Panic continued to rise within you when you realized it wouldn’t turn on, and fear for the boys’ whereabouts turned your blood to ice. 
Moonlight was filtering into the barn through the slats, piercing the darkness around you just enough to help you see the way out. You didn’t know where you’d go once getting outside, but you knew you just had to get outside. Forcing yourself to move once more, you pushed off the beam and trudged through the rubble and debris, heading towards the opening you had squished yourself through to get in here. Shoving your way back out, however, was not as easy, and you couldn’t help but let out a scream as the wood pressed into your wound on the way through. 
Suddenly, you heard your name being called. It was soft, like an echo in the distance, but you recognized the voice - you would know it anywhere. 
“Dean-” you attempted to call in return, but you still couldn’t find your voice. 
Once you were completely outside, you made your way in the direction you thought he was in, trying to keep pressure on the wound as best you could; thankfully, it didn’t seem to be bleeding too badly. Your head was absolutely pounding, and you weren’t sure if your vision was blurry, or if it was just too dark to clearly make anything out. Nevertheless, you carried on, using Dean as a beacon to guide your way. 
The second you saw his familiar silhouette appear up ahead, you knew you were safe. You knew you could finally let yourself give in to the pain and exhaustion, collapsing to your knees with a heavy sigh. 
You faintly registered him yelling out your name before sprinting towards you, his voice growing louder as he got closer.
“Hey,” he cried out, skidding to his knees in front of you. “Hey, look at me. Look at me,” he pleaded, cupping your face in his hands in a desperate attempt to try and meet your gaze.
“The barn,” you said urgently. “I tried to-”
“It’s okay,” Dean hushed you, shaking his head. “It’s okay, you’re okay, we got it.” 
“You got it?” you asked hazily.
“We got it, sweetheart,” he assured, his fingers brushing away your hair to try and examine you better. “It’s over, you’re okay.”
“I don’t feel okay,” you admitted quietly. 
Your vision grew even cloudier, and you didn’t know if it was your consciousness slipping away, or more tears starting to flow. 
“No, you’re okay,” he said shakily, wiping away what must have been tears. 
You nodded in response, but the movement caused your breath to hitch as the pain grew worse, and your hands shakily reached up to grab his wrists in a feeble attempt to stop everything from spinning. 
It was at this exact moment he noticed your hands were painted with your own blood, and the fear that surged through him as he glanced down made him want to throw up. Quickly slipping his flannel off, he wrapped it around you with unsteady hands, tying it tightly after warning you it might hurt.
“See?” he asked nervously, swallowing thickly. “It’s not even that bad, alright? It’s not that bad.”
The fact that it was too dark to properly assess the damage was setting his nerves on fire, and at this point he didn’t know whether he was trying to convince you or himself that everything was fine. 
He doesn’t even remember calling out for Sam, yet he must have, because his brother was suddenly skidding to a stop beside him after finally finding you.
Sam took a moment to assess you himself, though once realizing there was nothing that could be done right here and now, he decided it was time to move. 
“Can you walk?” Sam asked you, trying to keep his voice steady. 
“Not as quickly as you two gigantor’s can,” you admitted, huffing a bitter laugh. 
Neither of them laughed with you, and they shared a pointed look that you couldn’t see. 
Dean dug in his pocket, pulling out his keys before tossing them to Sam. “Get the car and start heading our way. We’ll meet you.” 
“Got it,” Sam nodded, sprinting away. 
“Alright, let’s get you up, sweetheart,” Dean announced softly, grabbing you as firmly as he dared. “Ready?” 
With a tiny nod of your head, you let out a groan as he helped guide you to your feet, letting you lean heavily on him for support. 
“Good,” Dean encouraged. “Good. How’re you feeling?” 
“Tired,” you breathed out, resting your heavy head on his shoulder. 
“Okay, hey,” he called, gently lifting your head back up. “I’m gonna carry you, alright? But I need you to stay awake. Can you do that for me?” 
You really, really wanted to say no. It seemed like he had three heads, all dancing around in front of you, and all you wanted was to close your eyes. You didn’t understand why you couldn’t. 
“Why?” you asked, clearly confused.  
“Can’t let you sleep until I check out that head,” he told you, getting ready to scoop you up into his arms as gently as he could. 
You were somehow even more confused. “My head?” you asked, before letting out a strangled gasp as he picked you up.
“It’s bleeding,” he pointed out, swallowing down the lump that formed in his throat.
As if in a way of question, you gingerly brought your fingers up to the side of your head - only to flinch in response as you came in contact with what must’ve been another wound. “Oh.”
It wasn’t long before the world around you became aglow with headlights, and Sam pulled to a screeching stop before rushing to help Dean get you in the back seat.
“Are we close to a hospital?” Dean asked, placing your head on his lap as Sam spun the car around. 
“Not at all. The motel’s our closest option right now,” answered Sam. 
“Fine, then drive faster,” Dean ordered, running a hand through your hair. 
“I’m going as fast as I can, Dean,” Sam grumbled. 
“Well, I said go faster,” Dean replied curtly, before fully turning his attention back to you.
He focused on keeping you talking as Sam sped towards the motel - discussing the latest episodes of your show the two of you had watched, how there was a new movie playing that he wanted to take you to see once back at home, that during the drive back home he’d stop at that cute cafe you spotted on the outskirts of town earlier this week; anything that came to mind, he said it.
There were multiple motives behind him doing so: to keep you distracted from the pain, to keep you awake, to keep him distracted from your pain, and to try and gauge how bad that head injury was - so far, it didn’t seem to be so much damaging as just a nasty blow. It wasn’t bleeding anymore, and the wound by your hip wasn’t bleeding as much, so he was hoping all it would need was a few good stitches once he could look at it. 
The panic he had felt since first finding you was finally starting to subside, yet he had still never been so thankful to pull into a dingy motel parking lot before. After carefully leading you to your room, he and Sam both took turns to evaluate your wounds and current condition. 
“Looks worse than it is,” Sam told you, letting out a breath of relief. “Definitely gonna be sporting a nice goose egg for a while, maybe a stitch or two, but your head seems fine.”
“Oh, yeah. Totally fine,” Dean pitched in, sarcasm dripping from the words. “What about that nice gash on her side - what would you say that is, Sammy? Four, maybe five inches?”
“Dean,” Sam chastised, shooting him a warning look. 
“Oh, here we go. Sammy the protector,” Dean muttered, heading to gather the first aid kit. “Well where the hell were you when she got turned into Raggedy Ann, huh?”
“Where was I? Where the hell were you?” Sam spat back with a scoff. 
“I was the one who didn’t want to split up in the first place!” yelled Dean, snatching a bottle of liquor off the counter to use as a disinfectant.  
“Guys?” you cut in, hoping to stop them before it escalated. 
“What?” they both shouted, turning their attention to you 
“Oh,” Sam said, realizing he was now yelling at you. “Sorry,” he added awkwardly, clearing his throat. 
Dean, on the other hand, remained quiet as he approached you. His face was as dark as an impending storm, yet his hands remained as gentle as the touch of a summer breeze while he tended to you.
Time stretched on, and the silence that now filled the room was almost harder to bear than the needle Dean was currently threading through your skin. You cast a glance over at Sam, hoping for some reprieve, but he looked just as helpless as you were. 
“Did you end up finding anyone?” you asked tentatively, addressing the room instead of either Sam or Dean.
“Sam brought a couple kids over to the station while I looked for you,” Dean informed, voice as taught as the suture he pulled through for one final knot. 
“That’s good,” you replied, wringing your fingers together. “What about-” 
“Everything got dealt with, alright?” Dean interrupted, cutting the excess material off with a harsh snip as he finished his stitching. 
“Okay,” you said, feeling like a scolded child. “Look, I-” 
Your words got stuck in your throat as Dean stood abruptly, tossing everything aside before storming over to the sink. You watched as he stiffly scrubbed your blood from his hands, the silence becoming as overbearing as before until Sam broke it. 
“Look, you just…” he trailed off, as if he were testing the water before continuing. “You really scared the hell out of us.” 
“I’m sorry,” you said, mainly because you didn’t know what to say. It’s not like you meant to get attacked, for crying out loud. 
“Sorry?” Dean barked, whipping around to face you. “You’re sorry?” 
You stared at him, watching as the fury swirled in his eyes while you thought of what you were supposed to say. 
“Okay- maybe we should all take a breather here,” Sam quickly jumped in, trying to diffuse his brother’s anger. 
“No, I don’t think so,” Dean said, dismissing the idea as he stared daggers at you. “I think we should go ahead and talk about what a goddamn idiot you were back there!” 
The words felt like a slap in the face, and they hurt more than anything else you endured tonight. “I was not an idiot.” 
“No?” he asked, stepping towards you. “Because last I checked, you were supposed to call us if you found something! Not go blindly running in to meet who knows what without any fucking backup!” 
“Oh, please!” you groaned, already fed up. “Just how was that gonna work, Dean? I just stand there and wait for you guys to show up while potentially letting some innocent kid bite it? I had to check it out!” 
“It was stupid!” he shouted back. “You wanna check it out solo, fine, but you still drop a dime! We had no idea where the hell you even were!” 
“Guys, c’mon,” Sam pleaded, desperately wanting to put an end to this. 
“Shut up, Sam,” Dean spat. “She needs to own up to her mistake.” 
“It wasn’t a mistake!” you yelled. “I’m not in this gig to play it safe, I’m in it to save lives.” 
“Yeah, and then I’m the one who ends up with your blood on my hands!” he cried out. 
“Oh, do you always have to be so goddamn dramatic?!” you asked. “Don’t act like getting hurt isn’t part of the job. You’ve got over a decade on me, Dean, you should know that better than I do!”
He laughed sardonically, shaking his head as he backed up to lean against the counter, hands rubbing at his face. “I just don’t understand how you can’t see how fucking stupid you were.” 
“Ah, yes,” you replied saccharinely. “Stupid little me. Just a naive girl who can’t do the job, huh?” 
“That’s not what I’m saying!” he barked, rubbing his face in exasperation. 
“No?” you asked incredulously. “Then tell me, Dean! What the hell are you saying, huh?” 
“God, just- you know what?” he asked, shoving himself off the counter. “Screw this. I’m done here. I’m getting my own fucking room for the night,” he muttered, storming away. 
Before you could even blink, he was slamming the door behind him. You must’ve made a move to follow him, because you suddenly felt a hand lightly grip your wrist as Sam kept you in place. 
“Just leave him to cool off for a bit,” Sam told you quietly. 
You wanted to argue, to rip yourself from Sam’s grasp and go find Dean, who was likely pacing around outside in an attempt to blow off some steam. Yet you knew it was best to do as Sam said; Dean didn’t want to listen right now, and following after him to try and talk would only make things worse. 
“Yeah,” you said belatedly, slipping from his hold. “Okay.” 
“Do you need any help?” Sam asked, watching as you gathered your things for bed. 
“I’ll be fine,” you told him, shaking your head. 
“Alright,” he sighed, not fully believing you but knowing better than to call you on it. “I’ll go next door and grab my stuff. I’ll stay with you tonight.” 
“Sounds great,” you said, despite not fully listening to him. You were too focused on trying to hold yourself together until you made it to the bathroom, letting the emotions run through you as soon as you were locked inside. 
Time seemed to slip away from you while you were in there, lost in thought while the water melded with your tears as you cleansed yourself both physically and emotionally. It was only when Sam knocked on the door with a call of your name that you finally came to your senses. Once you assured him you were fine, you quickly finished up. 
Doing your best to avoid eye contact with Sam, you made for your bed as quickly as you could move. Hiding yourself away in the safety of the blankets, you hoped to avoid any further discussions of this entire event. 
You should’ve known better. 
“You do know we need to talk about this, right?” Sam asked softly. 
“Do we?” you asked in return, staring up at the ceiling. 
He sighed, and soon after you felt the end of your bed dip under his weight. “I meant what I said. You scared the hell out of us.” 
“I didn’t mean to,” you said meekly, keeping your eyes trained on the stain above your head. 
“I know that,” he said calmly. “I’m sure Dean does, too, but-” 
“Does he?” you cut in incredulously. 
Sam sighed again, falling silent as he weighed his response in his head. “Yes. C’mon, you know Dean - hell, probably even better than I do. He was more scared than he was angry, and I think you know that.” 
“Well you were scared, too, weren’t you?” you asked, finally turning your gaze to his. “You didn’t try ripping my head off.” 
“That’s because my biggest fear didn’t almost become reality tonight,” he said simply, giving you a look as though you should understand; which, you didn’t. 
“Look,” Sam started, carding his fingers through his hair. “Death is part of the job, right? We all know it’s the risk we take with this life. But you… if I’m being honest, I don’t even know what the hell I’d do if I ever lost you; you’re my best friend, the annoying little sister I never had, and I love you. But Dean… him losing you… I don’t know if he could ever come back from that.”
You stared at him carefully, his words echoing in your head as you searched his face for any insincerity - you didn’t really know what to say once you found no trace. 
“I’d like to get some rest, if that’s okay,” you finally settled on. 
Sam smiled sadly, knowing you didn’t believe him. “Sure,” he agreed, squeezing your calf affectionately before standing up. “I’ll check on you in a few hours, okay?” 
“Okay,” you nodded, tucking the sheets up under your chin. “Night, Sammy.” 
“G’night,” he responded gently, quietly getting himself ready for bed as well.
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It was torture. Pure, never ending torture. 
You had been laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, for hours, unable to sleep a wink. 
Not only was your mind still reeling from your fight with Dean, but you weren’t able to get comfortable; the stitches in your side pulled every time you shifted positions, sending a new wave of pain through you that even the painkillers you swallowed down earlier did little to conceal. 
Letting out an irritated huff, you tossed the covers off and slid from the bed to search the dark for your shoes, doing your best to not wake Sam - all you wanted was some fresh air, and you didn’t want to deal with his questions or insistence he go with you. 
After shrugging on a flannel that Dean had left in his haste to get away from you, you carefully slipped from the room and did your best to make sure the door shut silently in your wake. 
“Running away?” came a voice from behind you, making you jump out of your skin as you whirled around. 
You came face to face with Dean, who was leaning against the trunk of his beloved car, one hand shoved deep in his jacket pocket and the other holding a can of beer. The moonlight cut through the darkness, mingling with the fluorescent and neon lights to cast an otherworldly glow upon his face. 
“Why?” you asked tightly, folding your arms over yourself. “Hoping you won’t have to deal with my stupidity anymore?” 
You may as well have slapped him for the way your words made him flinch, and he fixed his gaze on the can in his hand. “You know that’s not how I meant any of it,” he muttered guiltily. 
All you could do was scoff, biting back your snippy response in the hopes of trying to avoid another blow out. 
“Why are you out here?” you asked after a few moments of silence. “Thought you got your own room.” 
Dean shrugged, chugging down some beer before jerking a thumb in the direction of the upper level. “I asked for one, but all they had was one up in the corner.” 
“What, too many stairs?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him. 
He shook his head, falling silent as he stared at the puddle by his feet. “Just… too far away.” 
“From?” you asked, taking a few steps to lean against the closest pillar. 
By the sigh he let out, you could tell he didn’t want to answer, yet after a small stretch of silence he finally looked up to meet your gaze. “You.” 
“What, not mad at me anymore, then?” you questioned, hoping to mend this bridge. 
“Oh, no. I’m still fucking pissed,” he instantly admitted. 
“Right, well, spare the lecture this time,” you replied with a scoff. 
“You just don’t get it, do you?” he snapped, setting his can down on the trunk. 
“You wanna know what I don’t get, Dean?” you quipped, glaring at him. “Have you always thought I was such an incompetent hunter, or did your opinion of me just suddenly change?” 
“That is not-” he started to argue, before taking a calming breath. “That is not what I think,” he finished, more quiet this time. 
“Could’ve fooled me,” you muttered with a roll of your eyes. 
“Okay, you wanna know how I see it?” he asked, shifting his stance a little straighter. 
When all you did was meet his gaze with your own look of determination, he carried on. 
“You almost died!” he said adamantly. 
“No, I didn’t!” you denied, throwing up your hands in exasperation. 
“Well you may as well have!” he yelled, palm slamming down on Baby’s exterior in an outburst of rage. “You disappeared! You disappeared, and I couldn’t find you, and when I did-... I mean what else was I supposed to think, huh? I find you on your damn knees, covered in your own blood, and I can’t even see how bad it is because we’re literally out there in the fucking dark. So you know what? As far as I’m concerned, in that moment, you did almost die.” 
Stunned into silence by the intensity of his words, all you could do was watch the storm of fear and fury dance behind his eyes before he turned away. 
“I thought I was gonna have to watch you die,” he muttered, choking on his words as he braced his hands on the car to steady himself. 
“I-” you tried to speak, but all words failed you at that moment. 
“And I know, okay?” he carried on desperately. “I know that this job, this life… that’s the risk. And me? Hell, if I go, I go, I can make peace with that. But I’ll be damned if I get to keep on living and you don’t. I’ll be damned, if I have to sit there and watch you die.” 
“Dean-” you tried again, feeling like an idiot for not being able to form a proper response. 
“Look, I- I overreacted okay? It’s what I do, I know that, but-” Dean cut himself off with a sigh, quickly wiping at his eyes before the tears had a chance to appear. “I can’t- I can’t handle the idea of facing a world without you in it.” 
“You’ve… I mean, I don’t understand,” you admitted with a chuckle of disbelief. “I’ve been hurt before.” 
“Trust me, I know,” he sighed, finally returning to sit against the rear end as he fixated on the ground before him. 
“So… what made it so different this time?” you hesitantly asked. 
Dean’s gaze slowly lifted from his boots to your face, and the look he gave you was one you’ve never seen before. He held your gaze as he stood tall, easily closing the space between you two with just a few steps. He reached out to carefully brush your hair away from the gash on your head, tucking the strands behind your ear. Your breath hitched as his fingers gently traced your skin, his touch lingering as he examined your wound. 
“Guess I just reached my breaking point,” he whispered, letting his palm rest against your cheek. 
“What does that mean?” you found the courage to ask. 
“You know what it means,” he replied, reluctantly pulling his hand away. 
“Say it anyway,” you pleaded, heart hammering in your chest as you fought to steady your breathing. 
He shook his head, averting his gaze as he cleared his throat uncomfortably. “I don’t think I can.” 
“I know you can,” you encouraged, trying your best to catch his gaze. 
He closed his eyes as if to brace himself for what he was about to say, yet he only stayed silent. When the silence began to stretch on into minutes, you knew it was time to give up. 
“Okay,” you concluded, trying to ignore the stabbing pain in your chest from the jagged edges of your now broken heart. “Have a good night, De.” 
He let you turn away from him. He let you walk the few feet to your motel room door, but he couldn’t let you go back inside. Despite being an irreligious man, your name fell from his lips like a prayer, stopping you as you grasped the door handle
“I’ve been in love with you for longer than I even care to admit,” he confessed. “Yeah, maybe I went a little crazy earlier, but you know what? You make me crazy. The idea of losing you makes me crazy. The fact that you’re selfless enough to risk your life so easily makes me crazy. I can apologize for the way I handled it, for the things I said, but I will not apologize for being scared about losing you, okay? I just won’t.” 
“Dean,” you found yourself saying once more, feeling like you were moving in slow motion as you returned to stand before him. 
“Never thought I’d actually tell you that,” he announced, letting out a nervous chuckle as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “I get it if you don’t-” 
“I love you, too,” you admitted quietly, cutting him off. 
“What?” he asked, blinking in shock. 
“You aren’t the only one who’s been harbouring that secret,” you told him, laughing softly. 
Dean opened his mouth to respond, but it was Sam’s voice that called out first. 
“Hey, I’m really happy for you guys and all… but could you just, like, shut up and kiss already or something? I’m actually trying to sleep in here.” 
It took you a few seconds to realize he was calling out from inside your room, and the realization that he likely heard the entire conversation caused laughter to bubble up from your chest and burst from your mouth. The sound was only short- lived as Dean captured your lips with his, rendering you quiet with a searing kiss that made you so weak in the knees you would’ve crumpled had he not been holding you.
You wanted to kiss him forever. You wanted to stay here with his lips on yours, his large hands framing your face as your small ones rested on his chest, for the rest of your life; and you would have, had the burning in your lungs not forced you to pull away for a proper breath.
He refused to let you go, pulling you in close as he rested his forehead against yours. You wished time and space would cease to exist as you stood in his embrace, slowly catching your breath; though as far as you were concerned, the two of you were the only ones to exist in this moment.
“Wait, hold on,” he said, pulling back to look at you, dancing his gaze between you and the door to your room. “Has he been in there this entire time?”
“Ever since you left, yeah,” you told him, a little confused by his sudden question.
“So his room’s been empty?” he asked, a little annoyed.
“Uh- yes?”
“So you’re telling me I’ve been standing out for hours, looking like a creep and getting drizzled on, when I could’ve been using his room?” he questioned.
A laugh escaped your lips without you meaning it to, but the longer you took in his annoyed expression the more giggles you let out.
“Well, it’s your own fault for storming out,” you told him with a laugh.
He rolled his eyes as you carried on laughing, shaking his head as he let you go. “The things I do for you,” he muttered under his breath as he checked the door next to yours.
“Aw c’mon, you’ve had to do worse while on stakeouts,” you pointed out, watching as he swung the door open to Sam’s former room. “Although, I’m not usually the one you’re watching - wait, or am I?” you added playfully, grinning mischievously.
“Just shut up and get in here,” he sighed, holding his hand out to you as he fought off a smile; though the twitch in the corners of his mouth gave him away.
You made your way over to him, ready to take his hand in yours as you continued to tease him. “Can’t help but notice you didn’t say no.”
He rolled his eyes once more, clasping your hand and pulling you into the room so swiftly you let out a squeak of surprise. “You,” he said, kicking the door shut as he took your face between his palms. “Are a pain in my ass.”
You grinned, placing your hands on his wrists. “Yeah, but you love me anyway.”
“Yeah,” he said softly, running his thumbs across your cheeks. “I really do.”
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taglist: @roseblue373, @snowayumi, @iluvdeanwinchester, @winharry, @star-yawnznn, @jc-winchester, @chevroletdean, @angelblqde
if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist, please let me know!
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gracelesstars · 2 years ago
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(news source for those who don’t understand this)
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seasononesam · 4 months ago
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You, I can't hit. But your brother? Him I can't miss.
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drulalovescas · 1 year ago
THE VERY TOUCH OF YOU CORRUPTS WHEN CASTIEL FIRST LAID A HAND ON YOU IN HELL HE WAS LOST!!!!!!!!!!! is an actual line spoken to Dean Winchester about gay angel Castiel in the CW show Supernatural. How insane is that??????
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via-l0ve · 1 year ago
Hey pookie, how are you! I was wondering if you could do a romantic spn pref for sam, dean, castiel, crowley, and gabe? The plot would be that they're on a hunt with the reader and they have to infiltrait a strip club. The reader is female so she poses as a striper (she wears a white angle outfit). At one she pulls she pulls one of the guys into a private room to talk about the plan, but they see a camera in the room so the reader gives the guy a lap dance while explaining the plan as to not get caught. There is alot of sexual tension, and the guys have a crush on the reader. At this point they're only friends though. Thanks girl!
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Private. (SPN Pref!) ❤️
a/n: i devoured this prompt. i am in heat. i hope you like this pookie!!!
warnings: SUGGESTIVE!!! read at your own risk, strip club, stripper!reader, lap dances, grinding, no actual smut but nsfw xx
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dean didn’t imagine this being his wednesday night.
his eyes watched you on the stage, walking around and pretending to be busy. the dainty Angel costume you were wearing hugged you in all the right places - just enough for him to imagine more.
in his distraction, he dosent realize you’re trying to get his attention.
he was suddenly pulled into one of the back, private rooms. he looked over and met your pretty eyes. he smiled.
“dean, i got info.” you smiled, closing and locking the door behind you both.
he was going to respond but his eyes caught something else. a camera. it seemed like you noticed too because you sighed.
dena watched you pull the chair to where the camera faced.
“sit.” you said in a seductive voice.
it’s just for the bit.’ dean reminded himself. he shakily sat down.
you walked toward him, back facing the camera. his eyes widened and face blushed as you started to give him a lap dance.
he was stiff as a board, too nervous to move.
“at least pretend you like it. we have to sell it so we don’t get caught.” you whisper in his ear, pressing kisses to his jawline.
shivers went down his spine and he nodded, grabbing onto your hips.
he stared into your eyes as you spoke, only being able to focus on the feeling of your hips on his, moving and grinding against him. his jaw clenched and he bit his lip, rubbing your hips with his thumbs.
you spoke about the case but he could barley hear you.
eventually you stopped, smiling at him.
“pay up, lover.” you grinned playfully.
he tried to hide his boner, giving you a forced smile as you walked away. his breath heavy and cheeks beet red.
sam was nose deep in one of his papers of his research he scraped together. his cheeks were red, trying not to look up at you.
not because he didn’t want to - no. he wanted to. more than anything. but if he did, he knew he wouldn’t be able to look away.
despite his efforts, when he felt a hand on his shoulder he had to look up. it was you.
the white angel outfit you were wearing caught his attention. it was tight and revealing, something he wasn’t used to seeing you in.
“come with me.” you lean down and whisper to him. he just nodded, following you.
he then found himself sitting on a chair in one of the back rooms.
“there’s cameras. i have to play my part sammy.” you said to him, and he nodded
“anything you want.”
he blushed again as you started to give him a lap dance. his eyes widened.
you spoke softly about the case, but he could only focus on your body and how it moved atop of his own.
he pretended he was listening, but he was struggling. only feeling the fogginess of his mind and the weight of your body on his lap.
it was over much too soon for his liking
you got off of him and smiled.
“maybe we do this more often.” you said with a smirk.
poor boy
remember when he first went to the strip club
that’s him but x10 when he sees you
he’d never seen you in such clothing. not that he was complaining at all. if anything, he was ecstatic about it.
when you met his eyes from across the room, he got up and walked toward you immediately. you didn’t even have to ask (😍)
he followed you into the back rooms.
“cas. i gotta give you a lap dance.”
“i’ve gotta play my part. is this okay?”
castiel didn’t know what a lap dance was.
so when you started to actually do it
he was gobsmacked.
his hands rested on your waist and he let you do whatever you had to do.
he bit back moans as he was so sensitive
but he listened intently to what you had to say about the case. his hips moved slightly with your body and his face was bright red.
he focused on your words but his eyes drank in how you moved against him and how his hands squeezed your hips
he could feel his dick throbbing against his jeans but he knew he couldn’t do anything about it
you got off of him eventually and he stayed sitting.
“c’mon. we gotta go.” you grinned and walked out before him. he was left with shaking hands and a red face.
he watched all of the people at the club with wandering eyes, stopping when he saw you
your outfit fit you perfectly and hugged you in all the right places
crowleys eyes wandered down your body as you came closer to him.
“come.” you said softly, leading him to the private rooms. he smirked.
“now, i didn’t know you wanted this, y/n.”
you just smirk and sit him down in the chair.
you start the lap dance, bringing your mouth close to his ear and whispering the plan to him, grinding your hips against his.
his hands ran over your body and hips, feeling the curves of your body and the softness of your skin
he was grinning, listening to the plan while also enjoying the thrusts and movements of your body
he wanted you to continue for hours. days. forever
but when you got off of him, he had to refrain from pulling you back onto his lap.
his eyes were on you from the start
he watched you with a passion, drinking in your appearance and how your white costume looked on your body.
the body he’d dreamed about seeing for months
that’s why he follows you into the back room without question
that’s also why he has to bite back moans when you start grinding against his lap, dancing
he watches with wide eyes, trying to listen to your words but drowning them out as he squirmed against your body weight
he gripped your hips and waist just a little bit too hard
he nodded along to the plan he wasn’t following, just watching your hips and body against his own
he let a groan slip from his lips at one point
his hips moving in rut him with your own
literally driving him insane.
but he’s not complaining
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spnstillstudies · 2 months ago
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| MARCH ‘24
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teebeeache1234 · 5 days ago
and hereby marks the day that the DCU (destiel cinematic universe) was born
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whyissupernaturaltrending · 2 months ago
1518 days since Nov 5
oh. well, that would do it
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buckyscap · 7 months ago
so basically it's a story about how gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day? alrightt
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