#thank you for tagging me even though I literally haven't been active in ages
antitheticaally · 1 month
Answer the questions and tag five fanfiction authors you know!
tagged by the wonderful wonderful @asteria-argo
Wow hi everybody I know I vanished off the face of tumblr for a good 6 months, and I'm hesitant to say I'm "back" but... hi!
1. How many fandoms have you written in?
Well, I've written in a lot of fandoms over the years (almost everything I've ever hyperfixated on I've written fic for), but I've only ever published in one. As you all know, it is my one and only Ted Lasso fic. I've written a lot for Buffy the Vampire Slayer - that's probably the other big one, and then I definitely wrote some Percy Jackson fics in my youth, as well as *sigh* so much Harry Potter at the age of like, 10. But those are all (thankfully) buried in the recesses of my google drive and will never see the light of day.
2. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I think I probably wrote my first "fic" around the age of 6 or 7, and I'm 21 now, so... 15-16 years? Wow.
3. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I definitely read wayyyy more than I write. When I'm really into something I can go through like, 3 fics a day, but it's a lot harder for me to write consistently.
4. What is one way you've improved as a writer?
My grammar and just like, use of language and developing my own style has improved immensely just from writing for soooo long. I think I've definitely found my own voice whereas, when I was younger, I used to kind of take on the tones of other writers I liked. I've also gotten a lot more confident in sharing my writing, especially since I joined tumblr and published something in the last year. That doesn't exactly have to do with the quality of the writing itself, but like, the relationship I have with what I write.
5. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Oh boy, well, I did a lot of football research when I was writing for Ted Lasso, because I am not a sports girly. But back in middle/high school when I was super into Buffy I ended up doing a weird amount of research on 17th century England for some AU thingy I was working on. I think I still have the notes on that haha
6. What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I love all comments, because I crave validation way too much. But long ones especially. Like, when people go through and pick out all their favorite bits and lines and take the time to tell me how much they like them... it's very Special To Me. <3
7. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Hmm.... I feel like I'm lowkey kind of basic in terms of what tropes I write... But I guess I write a lot of stuff that focuses mainly on like, friendship and platonic love and intimacy and usually not a lot of romance, which, like, I've found a niche of people who love that shit for sure, but I guess maybe it's not asssss common? Idk
8. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Oh god I can't write happy. I literally have never successfully written a story where nothing goes wrong. How?
9. What is the easiest type?
Angst. But like, angst with with comfort. Is it projection? Is it being a psychology student? We'll never know.
10. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I'm a google docs girly through and through. I do have a notebook that I jot down drafts in a lot of the time, but if I'm typing its on google docs. As for where and when... basically anywhere private. So, anywhere within my room. I can't write if there's even a smidgen of a chance that someone could walk by and peek at my computer screen. If I'm super into writing something I'll work on it all day, but unfortunately for my sleep schedule, most of my ideas come to me at 12 am when I'm trying to go to sleep.
11. What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Honestly, at this point, I'll write almost anything as long as I think I can do it in a tasteful and respectful way. But there was a while where I was terrified of writing anything sexual or "smutty", I've kind of gotten past that as I've embraced my sexuality a lot more, and I have written sexual content. None of it is published, because a lot of it is from original short stories or older fics, and because I usually write platonic relationships, but I've done it!
12. What made you choose your username?
Aahaha... this is actually the second iteration of my tumblr username. A lot of you previously knew me as @antitheticallyargumentative, which came from a Taylor Swift song. I am a huge Swiftie, which I haven't realllly talked about on here, but I love her music and lyricism a lot. So the username came from a line in a song that was "argumentative, antithetical dream girl", and I just thought it was kind of fun so I messed around with it a bit and eventually came up with "antitheticallyargumentative." Then I revamped my account and shortened it a bit. So yeah.
I do not know whose already been tagged or whose already done it so.... whoever sees this... go ham.
Love ya!
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pseudonymphomania · 2 months
If you haven't already answered it (I can't find your FAQ >A< My tumblr literacy is GONE!) it's been on my mind since I first saw your username. Is it Pseudo or Pseudonym? What is the story behind it too?
Thank you for asking! ISTG my tumblr has been under construction for so long that I keep forgetting I actually have to construct it. Let this be the first thing I link to for my FAQs because it comes up often.
I went through many name changes over the years as a fan of things, but the time came when I could no longer be contained by the label Enjoyer and finally evolved into my ultimate form; Creator.
I started playing god back in the grand old times of February 2023 (this blog was created around March 2023 in the midst of me writing my first story so I could make press-releases about it because having-fun-is-an-all-ages-activity). This was before I thought I could even make art; I was purely a writer and not a very good one at th I was pretty decent at it.
There are a few things going on with my username. Pseudonym (fictitious name), and Nymphomania (excessive sexual desire), and together Pseudonymphomania is fictitious excessive sexual desire (because I write smut haha). I'm on the asexual spectrum and the process of writing enables me and others to experience it theoretically (you can even say Fictitiously).
In terms of what kind of fan I am, I veer on the silly side of things. I am a purveyor of comedy and I often make literary or meme references or a mashup of the two. On the flip-side, I'm also an essayist and fan-academic. A Pseudonym is something that is used in the writerly world and especially in the fan space, so why shouldn't I be a little silly and call-back to it?
The real question is, what the fuck I decided to use as my icons back then:
Since I wasn't a digital artist until after I finished my first story, I used Canva and free assets to create my first one. I had a kind of bland beige background with four different coloured hands reaching toward a strawberry ice cream cone. The ice cream is phallic imagery, especially with the pink head making it look like a peen. I used a serif font (evokes an image of classic literature) for the username. And it was a visual travesty.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I soon refined my taste and I made a second pfp with an all-white background to imitate the pages of a book. For clarity, I used a sans-serif font for the username this time and curved it into a circle, added two hands grasping it like looking into a crystal ball (the process of writing). The ice cream is dripping/melting [.............] and there's a little heart (universal visual for love) at the tip of it, acting as a sprinkle (representing "Prn with Feelings", an AO3 tag)
The thought process behind this kind of nonsense is what you can expect from me for literally everything. I've since stopped using cryptic symbolism and just use my own art, but that doesn't mean I stopped being ridiculous.
If you've seen me in the other places I hang around and wonder why it's not Pseudonymphomania everywhere even though I sign all my works as that...
PseudonymFanfic (Reddit): Created April 2023. Character Limits for username. At the time, I was only a writer. I couldn't change it after.
PseudonymDicks (Twitter): Created March 2023. Character Limits for username. Used to be called PseudonymFanfic like my Reddit and hosted all my works, including SFW and NSFW) until I was shadowbanned for containing too much flavor and never taken off it. This became NSFW only and my name changed to Dicks to reflect that. PseudonymDicks is also what I'll be using for my NSFW patreon when I get that set up, unless there's a restriction on that kind of naming that will force me to be PseudonymDix or something, oh my lords. Please no.
PseudonymWorks (Twitter): Created January 2024. SFW and Suggestive works only. The second twitter exists because a tree falling in a forest should be heard by someone who wants to harvest the firewood. PseudonymWorks is also what I'll be using for Etsy, Kofi, Patreon, etc. when I get those set up.
I continue to be Pseudonymphomania on here, AO3 and Bluesky and wherever else I am not limited by how long my name is that everyone knows who I am but nobody knows how to spell my name. (The mirth this gives me feels delightful)
"How are you so prolific?" Obsession. Some things become a catalyst for improvement that you will never see coming. How could I predict liking DiaLuci so much that it would spawn a million works from my abused hands when I originally started playing Obey Me for a whim and a lark?
Fandom is an island in Hell and I am determined to enjoy it.
I hope you enjoyed reading my personal lore. Thank you for being here. :)
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