#thank you for letting me ramble about university!aus on main you KNOW they're my bread and butter and i have so many ideas for wonwoo's fic
mixtapedoh · 19 days
wonwoo + uni concept cause you know i’m a slut for what we’ve created
⋰˚☆ jeon wonwoo x university! au . . .
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he feels overwhelmingly shy when you're close to him like this — bodies nearly touching as you lean closer to him on the campus shuttle. the football game being held that evening accounted for all of the people on the bus and the unusual proximity you were faced with now, as there were more people than accommodations the shuttle could account for. you murmured an apology as your shoulder knocked into him, and your hand brushed against his, electrifying warmth in contrast to the heatless railing. "we should have left earlier to beat the crowd," you suggested, but as wonwoo watches the softness of your lips shaping the almost conspiratorial commiseration and feels heat creep up the back of his neck, he can't help but think he'd like to be in a thousand cramped busses on a thousand crowded campuses just to be this close to you again, near enough to see the blemishes on your cheeks and the myriad emotions swirling in your eyes.
he cleared his throat, but his voice was still deep in his chest when he spoke. "i don't mind."
the comment was enough to pass his shyness to you, a triumph wonwoo would quietly revel in for the rest of the evening, as the both of you made it to your building, and at the hallway where you would part ways to make it to your respective dorm rooms, said a lingering farewell.
"we're still on for a study date on wednesday, right?"
a date. wonwoo still gets a particular kind of rush from you calling the mutual study sessions the two of you had a date, juvenile as that might sound. the ambiguity of it let him read into it what he would, and he rather liked to think that you enjoyed the vagueness of it, too, and that's why you insisted on calling them such.
"yes, of course. and, umm..." wonwoo wasn't sure what confidence spurned him on, but you took a step closer at his words — reaching back into his personal space just like you had on that campus shuttle, though there was no need for your proximity, now, other than that which you made for yourself. "coffee? after? only if you still want to, then, and it's not too late".
which it would be, of course. the both of your course and work schedules meant you only ever got to study together late in the evening, finishing only when the night came in close to blanket you both in sometime quiet and still. coffee at that hour would be laughable. the only thing more ridiculous than coffee after studying all night would be the impulse to consider asking if he could kiss you, or hold your hand, or listen to you ramble about your course load, or the professor you were warring with, or the every minutia of your life that wouldn't amount to much of anything, in the end, but the feeling that he was collecting little pieces of you that he could hold dear for as long as you'd allow.
but you were smiling something beautiful, the corners of your perfectly transfixing mouth stretching upward, cradling all the joy you were capable of holding as you agreed, "yeah... let's do it. coffee. i'd really like that."
send me an idol + a concept & i’ll give you a little moodboard & blurb
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