#thank you again elk you're amazing
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figured i'd share a commission that i requested from the incredibly talented @elkleggs ♥️ thank you again!
the prompt -> bucky is caught trying on the stealth suit & is wearing something a little unexpected underneath
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WIP Wednesday Thursday
Hi, it's me again, doing this late. Thanks to @schnarfer, @thundermartini, @the-mandawhor1an, @secretelephanttattoo, @sawymredfox for the tags. I love being tagged because it means Tumblr shows me what you're all working on. SHOW MEEEE.
Anyways, I have two fics this week. I'm in the middle of retooling Elks but I just couldn't say no to a couple of amazing challenges.
First for @quinnnfabrgay-writes and @proxima-writes's Monster Smash Challenge I have incubus (NOT the band) Maxwell Lord. Folks *clap* (did that for my other Kurtis Town residents), I dooo noooot liiiike that movie iiiiiiit suuuUUUUUuuuucccks BUT isn't that the fun of writing? So even if I do not LIKE the movie he's from, I do LIKE the character because it's still Pedro and I'm still gonna get this dude written and *do* him justice. I really love the challenge. I've never written dark themes before but it's spooky season and I'm taking full advantage of it. Here's are a couple lines:
Under a cover of delicate flowers, you lay. You pretty thing you, slumbering away in your idyllic iron bed. So peaceful, so relaxed. He has access to everything he’d ever want, power beyond belief, richer than Mammon. He can have it all, and he wants it, so he takes you. Lucifer, save you. 
Then for @justagalwhowrites Joel Birthday Celebration and with @ohheypedrito selecting fake dating when I asked her for her choice... I have a very fun romcom type set up of reader going to her ex boyfriend's wedding with her best friend's brother in law. Hell yeah folks, we're doing a no outbreak AU where Tommy and Maria are married, Sarah is a senior in high school, and Joel Miller is a damn good fake boyfriend, because in this house NOTHING BAD HAPPENS TO THE MILLER FAMILY. Anyways, it's healthy, this is all soooo healthy. We just ignore the sad things. Here's a snippet:
RING… RING… RING…  Your fingers nervously tap against the countertop. “Come on, pick uuup, pick uuuup, pick uuu–” “Miller,” a deep voice answers. “H-Hi, uh, Joel?” You feel a third of your age, like you’re right back in middle school calling the cute boy in your science class because your friend dared you.  “Speaking.” “Hey, uh, you’re my wedding date? Maria… she gave me your number so we can plan?” “Oh, yes,” his voice softens. “Saturday, right?” “Yeah, uh… I think it might be good to go over a story for us before the big day.” “Right,” he chuckles, “I’m all ears.”
Tagging @burntheedges, @yopossum, @mothandpidgeon, @jolapeno, @maggiemayhemnj
And if you've already posted, pretend this tag is an ILY.
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antiv3nom · 1 year
hello there, lovely sin main. i have read the patch notes, but dont understand just what the sin patch means. would you be so kind as to explain it? how are you going to make this everyone else's problem? thank you so much 💙 🍖🦞🐟🍦🦎
HELLO my dear friend grin it APPEARS it is TIME FOR THE SIN CHANGES EXPLANATION!!!! i am going to go In Order from the patch notes and explain what's changing and what it does for me, a sin main!!!
first of all, his backdash. sin's backdash is NOTORIOUSLY terrible compared to the rest of the cast. a good backdash has a low crush hurtbox (meaning that there is a gap between the ground and where you can hit the character during the backdash), long invincibility (occasionally where you can't get hit but more importantly where you can't be thrown), and low recovery (you can act quicker after the backdash). sin had approximately NONE of these, having one of if not the longest-lasting backdashes in the entire game, meaning by the time your opponent has recovered from whatever you're backdashing away from, they can still punish YOU for making the right choice. the patch changes all of that, improving his hurtboxes, invincibility, and recovery!!!! so that's going to be amazing
next are his normals. most important of these (i think) is far slash, which is getting a reduced startup!!! currently, sin's far slash has a 13 frame startup which is frankly a bit insane considering it looks like this:
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while THIS is an 11 frame startup far slash:
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but the patch has changed his to 11, which is a much more standard number for a far slash, so that gives sin a faster tool for mid range where he likes to hang out in neutral. the rest are smaller changes, with his 5h and 6h receiving relatively minor changes that might change combo routes a bit, and the changes to his 2h likely allowing for more freedom and consistency within combos, which is something he really needs
with beak driver i was honestly really hoping that he would get less recovery or a better hurtbox, considering how easily he can be punished for it on block even at max range, but that didn't happen :( it did get increased damage scaling for the main special and the follow up, but whatever, it's chill
HAWK BAKER my BEST FRIEND my FAVORITE DP! due to the nature of the move, hawk baker is already one of the best dps in the game, because of how far forward it reaches, the fact that it does 2 hits in the main move, and the fact that you can enforce a mix after it if the opponent doesn't respond to it quick enough. they made that shit have a BIGGER HITBOX. THIS is his hitbox now:
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it REACHES EVEN FURTHER DOWN. FUCK YES. the follow up attack for it also now launches higher and has less horizontal blowback on hit, which makes it easier to include in combos!!!
hoof stomp has been changed minimally, which unfortunately means it's still very easy to punish, but i think that's ok. i do wish they'd change the recovery so it isn't minus ON HIT, but again, we survive.
now ELK HUNT. love this move so much. it takes you like halfscreen and low profiles SO many things (aka goes under things with hitboxes that don't reach the ground, like that sin far slash you saw earlier), and now it has a lower startup, so it comes out FASTER, which will be absolutely amazing!!!! it's a really key part of sin's kit, and now it'll be even better and easier to use!!!
so the supers! first of all, tyrant barrel is now a lot easier to get the clean hit on. in this case, clean hit means that, on the second hit of tyrant barrel (which you can get by holding down the button and releasing it after the first hit, meaning you have to time it manually), if you hit within a certain frame, you get improved damage on said hit. it can also lead to a wallbreak from further away. now, that clean hit will be more lenient, so you don't have to aim for One Specific Frame, and you can hit within a small group of frames, which will make that a lot easier to pull off.
for both supers (R.T.L and tyrant barrel), there's a concept within sin's kit called a kara cancel. at the end of every special (minus eat), sin can perform a dash cancel, which is technically a special of its own called gazelle step. a kara cancel is the ability to cancel the startup of a move into something else, but typically carrying over aspects of the move you're cancelling. for sin's karas, they take him a bit further forward to perform the super, and more importantly, allow him to perform supers at the end of specials and combos strings. typically, this requires him to spend the stamina that he usually has to spend to do the dash cancel, but i BELIEVE after this patch, karas from gazelle step will no longer take stamina to perform!!! which is big, because kara cancels are really important, especially for sin to perform wallbreaks and get him more meter, which he loves to work with!!!
anyways, that's the gist of his changes, i know this was a lot, so if there was anything you need me to elaborate on, whether that's a specific term or concept or the changes for a specific move, just let me know and i'd be happy to :]
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cosmousee · 5 months
Hello, saw that your free readings are open. I would like to ask one question
How will people see me and my future spouse as a couple?
Thank you so much
- 💛
Hello love!
I loved the question, it was very new for me and very refreshing. Thank you for asking🥰
So onto your reading~
I asked my Woodland Wardens deck first and this is what they gave!
The Ram and Dahlia: Determination
The Elk and Ash: Strength
The Coyote and Datura: Deceit
People perceive you two as somebody who are extremely determined towards each other. My heart has perfectly grasped the feeling, but my brain is having a hard time trying to get it out. You know, its like you guys are intentional about each other, determined towards each other, how perfectly committed. People see you and they see your love but more than that they can really see and feel how conciously you love each other. I feel like, you know how your body and spirit loves the significant other, but you two MINDFULLY and CONSCIOUSLY give that love and adoration. From an outsider perspective you two stand firmly on the ground but it's also clear how you've put in conscious effort to be with each other, in addition to the souls loving each other. It is such a fierce energy and I am honestly loving it. Another weird metaphor, its like, you know you breathe right, its pretty much involuntary, except when you realise that you're breathing and then your mind tells your lungs to breathe more, to get more oxygen, to get more life into your lungs. Thats how people see you towards each other.
And strength in light of this makes so much sense! People look at you and they see two people who are amazing pillars to each other, they look at you and they see how innately you become pillars for each other, its like a reflex on how you guys immediately support the other one. You don't even think, or blink. When one of you needs the other, you're just THERE!
However, and since this is a "People's view on the relationship", it is sort of human nature to project your unresolved issues onto other people as pointed out by The Coyote and Datura card which says deceit. I believe some people may project their own insecurities and feel that the above mentioned qualities are just a facade you have on for the public and in reality you are completely different. Which may lead to them completely ignoring the qualities altogether! I do hope that they just do this mental gymnastics in their own mind and do not come and bother you about this, if they do, please know that its their own head, okay? People are weird and they do weird things. You can put them in their place if you feel like, otherwise let them do what they're doing and just focus on yourselves🥰(psych major things coming up sorry!)
Okay onto tarot cards, I got:
Page of Wands, 6 of Wands and 4 of Cups
People adore you and your relationship! I think singles around you or you know, new couples in their honeymoon phases look at you both and they go "THIS is exactly how I want my relationship to be!" Looking at you might also might help the people in realizing that they also need somebody who's determined to love them, who's determined to stand by them. Again, human tendency to compare ourselves to other people, but its more of like you'll be providing hope to them that good and healthy relationships are out there! You'll also be celebrated by the people! This mostly gave me the vibe of a wedding (on this note, is anyone of you blonde, let me know if Im off the course here). But yeah, I saw a beautiful wedding celebration picture in my head, both of you were smiling so wide and literally it felt like everyone had put their all into celebrating you both!!
Thats all that I have for you! Let me know your thoughts!
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endlich-allein · 4 years
Once again, @iinchicore was very kindly to translate an article for me. This is the interview with Till and Joey in MetalHammer (January 2021). The boys tell about their journey in the Amazon and their future projects together.
A big thank you, lots of kisses and a big hug to @iinchicore ♡
Till Lindemann & Joey Kelly : Friendship Without Limits
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MetalHammer: How did the preparations for this journey differ in comparison to your Yukon trip?
Joey Kelly: We took along different equipment. While riding on the Yukon we used sturdy Canadian kayaks, which we couldn't find in Colombia. So we took along our own foldable 15 kilogramme kayak. Due to the climate, our choice of clothing was also different. Besides, the Amazon is much more dangerous than Alaska. There are many dangerous animals, small and big ones. You can find snakes, crocodiles and piranhas, which is why you shouldn't bathe in the river. You have to move differently on the Amazon than on the Yukon, where you only have to keep your distance to bears and elks. Amazonia is a jungle, where only those animals survive who eat the others.
Your first river journey led you to the Yukon, now you travelled on the Amazon. Was there a reason for why you picked that river exactly?
Till Lindemann: We were considering to travel along the Chinese Yangtze or the Lena in Russia, Siberia. Siberia was my favourite, but Joey convinced me to go to the Amazon. We have both been there before and knew a little about how to prepare and what to expect. One thing we knew right away was that, in regard to the nature and people, South America was much more exciting – Siberia looks similar to Alaska. That wouldn't have been all that interesting for our second book. Now the contrast is much greater: Alaska is austere and glum, the Amazon is the exact opposite with an entirely different wildlife and vegetation. Don't forget the wonderful colours of South America!
Any fascinating experiences of nature?
TL: It is really rare to spot an animal in the jungle. You can hear them everywhere, but they hide or are disguised very well. With the help of the local guides we observed snakes, birds, monkeys and a tapir. We saw pink dolphins and watched them do their jumps on the river. Because of their skin-like colour the locals believe they're incarnations of their dead loved ones and worship them.
How did the locals at the river react towards you?
TL: Reluctant, at first. You go to them and, for example, ask whether you can stay the night. They don't really talk much in the beginning, but after a night with a lot of Cachaca they warm up to you. Usually they were interested in our fishing gear. Most of them had never seen something like it, as they were used to fishing with rolled up strings and nets. I was amazed that every village we visited, no matter how remote the location, owned fridges with cold beer, they even had solar energy. Huge satellite dishes to watch football. For three days we visited one particular village. There was a storm, so they allowed us to stay. There was an older guy who had fallen off his stilt house, drunk, and broke his foot. Two young men went to the neighbouring village, a day's journey away, to get the shaman. The man should have belonged to a hospital, but that was entirely out of the question for him. It either heals on its own or it doesn't. We bandaged his foot and supplied him with pain meds. Then we continued drinking.
Did you plan beforehand what you wanted to see during your journey?
TL: Yes, a coca plantation. We knew that they existed there everywhere. At first, it was a lot of back and forth. They were staving us off, but after a lot of endless waiting and our patient agreeing to it, they allowed us to go. Along with two attendants from the village, we paddled down a branch of the Amazon that became narrower over time. A labyrinth of branches we would have never found our way out of. Eventually, we ended up at one of the countless plantations. It wasn't harvest time, however, so the leaves weren't ripe yet. But you could see all the tools for it: mashers, bags, and hundreds of bowls. And a little storage.
Did you try the coca leaves?
TL: Yes. We were on the plantation. They hid the plants below banana trees, so you couldn't see the plantation from the air. I did try a few coca leaves, but there is no sorcery about it. You just stay awake and feel energized. Everybody is chewing on them there, it's like coffee, just ten times stronger.
Did you reach your physical limits during this journey?
TL: The body adjusts to the climate pretty quickly. After three weeks you don't sweat all that much anymore. Even the sun doesn't bother you as much anymore, because you're thoroughly cooked anyway. But the humidity requires getting used to. The people there are handling it very differently. They own to pairs of shorts, two t-shirts and beach slippers, and they walk around like that all day.
JK: The climate there is exhausting, you're sweat-soaked after only three minutes. Personally, I don't mind it, but to people who aren't used to it it's a pain. The route we went on was quite difficult in parts, it was very serpentine. You had to paddle the whole time, you had to steer, then there were shoals or the water became too flat, so we had to relocate the boat.
You didn't capsize though, like it happened to you on the Yukon?
JK: No, the water level during that season was way too low. Later on, when the water comes in from the Andes during the monsoon season, the level rises by 15 metres. It drowns out entire forests.
TL: I was there once during the monsoon season. Back then only the tree tops were peeking out of the water. That's why they build their houses on stilts, so the water doesn't reach them. Many villages are located on mountain tops, as the water level won't rise that high.
Considering the many preparations and daily challenges, did you ever find time to relax during such an extensive journey?
TL: Travelling on the Yukon wasn't stressful, because we were sleeping on the sandbanks. Those experiences made travelling the Amazon even easier. As the sun goes down very early there, our only concern was to make camp before 6PM. Whenever we found a good location we sometimes made camp even earlier than that, instead of travelling on and risking not finding a good spot. That only happened to us once, so we had to sleep in the jungle, which wasn't all that bad either.
With a camp fire and night watch?
TL: A camp fire, yes, but we didn't need a night watch. You have to trust your guide, those guys know what they're doing. Our guide went ahead a couple of metres with a bit of string and, within a few minutes, came back with six piranhas. Then we turned on the grill and ate. Piranhas are really tasty, like giltheads.
Did you gain more respect for nature due to this journey?
TL: I had a great respect for nature before that already. Still, I couldn't hold myself back from taking pictures with snakes. I love snakes, Joey thinks they're scary. (laughs)
What did you learn along the way?
JK: I asked the Indians to teach me how to fish with a cast-net and pulled animals out of the water, which an aquarist would usually pay thousands of euros for. Scalars, discus fish, loricariids, sisorid catfish, catfish in all shapes and sizes.
Here in Europe we read a lot about the fact that these romantic times might be of the past soon, due to the systematic ecocide. Is that what you saw over there?
TL: When you approach Leticia you can make out the slash-and-burn methods used below. We assume that every minute jungle area the size of 1.5 football fields gets cleared, for soy plantations or pasture areas. The search for gold is also devastating for the nature. They use mercury to wash the gold out of rocks and clay. The mercury ends up in the rivers, in the fish, and then inside the people.
JK: The Amazon traverses through the entire continent. It is so broad and deep, there are even bigger ships cruising the river than on our rivers here in Europe. They carry natural resources, mainly wood. You can find a sawmill every couple of kilometres. They carry the tree trunks there and cut them along the length (4m by 1,20m or even 4m). Those planks then get transported either by ship or overland, a systematic deforestation of the Amazon area.
TL: You find a lot of filth in the main stream: huge tree trunks, garbage, bags full of plastic, and a lot of wood waste. It's illegal, but everybody does it. Very obviously, even during the day, nobody cares.
Are the locals not aware of the drastic situation?
JK: The sawmills pay the farmers 250 to 300 euros for one tree trunk. The sawmills sell it for 2.500 euros, and then here in Europe it costs up to 30.000 euros.
TL: As soon as they saw us, the lumbermen turned off their chainsaws and fled into the forest, yelling: “Piss off!” They were afraid that those pictures would be seen by the world. Same thing for the fisheries. Usually, the fish leave the lagoons during the dry season and swim back into the main stream, because the lakes dry out. The law allows it that they cast a net over half of the lake, so that a part of the fish can swim past. Now, the fishermen close off the entire lake, with up to ten nets. No fish can get past that anymore, only the very small ones. They're overexploiting the area high and low. They even steal all the turtle eggs from the clutches. It didn't used to be that way, back then they would leave half of it where it was.
Do you think that could change, if other types of income would replace the exploitation, like tourism?
JK: I don't think that the parts Till and I went to would be suitable for commercial tourism. Let's be honest, the biggest income is ensured by the coca production. You would travel right into a drug area. We could only move around freely there, because the government was taking care of the cartel conflicts at the time. Apparently, the military is now in charge of the coca trade.
TL: Corruption is the order of business. A policeman is earning less than a coca farmer. Thus, bribery and blackmail are commonplace. Almost all of it is illegal: fishing with the many nets, the gold-seeking, the wood clearing and the coca plantation. The areas are huge and hardly controllable. Since president Bolsonaro is in power in Brazil, the clearing business went up by 30 percent. Bolsonaro announced officially that the Amazon is a product, and that's how the people treat it. They expel the indigenous people and allocate them to surrogate areas, their land goes to the gold-seekers and their prospecting rights. The surrogate areas aren't of any use, however, so they don't live in villages anymore, but in small cities. That'll turn out to be very problematic in the future.
Was it a bizarre experience to you to live with indigenous people, even though it is said that there is no room for the white man?
JK: I've seen tourism in parts of the world where I'd have never expected it. An example would be the South Pole. Once I reached by goal there a plane landed, six tourists came out and paid several thousand dollars for a four to six hour long stay. I thought there was a lot less tourism at the Amazon than anywhere else. The only tourists who travel there are either extremely rich Americans or Russians who come in by helicopter, no matter how expensive the journey. As long as they were there once in their life, took a picture with an Indian and a monkey, then they fly back to Bogotá. All in all, you only meet natives here.
TL: You have to differentiate. There are also motor boats and Americans with sun hats on, sleeping in their loggias. But not in the area we were in. There were children there, who pulled at our pants and ran to our kayaks, because they had never seen anything like it. A canoe made of plastic! They only know boats made out of wood. The kids played with our fishing poles, the angling reels, and were amazed by our lures and wobblers. They had never seen something like that before. They only knew of the hooks, where you put a little meat on. There was a lot of curiosity.
Did the journey affect your friendship at all?
TL: Our friendship didn't get any better or worse, it's been a good friendship before. We want our travels to be periodic. Joey and I want to grant us this sort of time off every two, three years. We realized we're getting better at it. We drove down rapids. While travelling on the Yukon we would have peed our pants, but now we're capable of really daring manoeuvres among waves that are 1.5 metres high. You get well attuned over time, become more experienced with the daily routine, the luggage, moving around.
JK: That was one of the reasons why we planned out the next trip right after our Amazon journey. We paddled down the Rhine in August 2020. We decided to do this during the Corona pandemic, because like that we didn't have to travel through so many countries and still got to tell the entire river's history, which led us through Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria, France and the Netherlands.
Do these travels to the Yukon and Amazon satisfy your wish for solitude?
TL: Like we said, we already travelled along the Rhine. The Nile will be next. The Mekong river is also on our list, but with the goal to start at its origin. These journeys are really important to us. We might have published up to six books some time. We still have a couple of goals ahead of us: The Nile, maybe the Mississippi, one Russian river and the Mekong. Like that we would have visited a river in almost each part of the world.
Which seems to be a difficult goal to achieve, considering the current Corona pandemic...
JK: Sadly so. Because even if Germany will be cleared of the virus, that might not be the case for Tanzania, where the Nile originates, or in Egypt, where it ends. There are five countries in between, after all.
Symbolically, what did you take home from this journey?
TL: Humbleness! And gratefulness for what we have. At the same time, however, a sort of incomprehension for how we live here in Europe. With so much waste, lunacy and luxury. The people we met didn't really have anything. Property and wealth don't mean anything. The huts, the boats, tools, even the TV, it all belongs to everyone. You eat and drink together, and most of the work is done as a community. They say people are happier there. I won't be the judge as to whether that's true, but life there is simpler, more manageable, and thus people there live more modestly. In Germany people get up in the morning, rush to the office, are stuck in traffic, sit at the computer all day or manage machines, rush back home in the evening. In comparison, it's very relaxed at the Amazon. The people go to bed early, when they wake up they go fishing, hunt or raise manioc and corn. Life there is structured in a very simple way, it's been reduced to only the bare necessities.
What is the first image you see when you think of Amazonia?
JK: Looking back, I'm always thinking of this one boat ride very early in the morning. It was still foggy when we started paddling. To the left of us I can still barely see riverside, apart from that only fog, I can only see for two, three metres. We are on the Amazon without knowing what's ahead of us. It's quiet, there is no wind, the water is calm... That was a great experience.
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xlucian-hell-cat90x · 3 years
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Kisara gasps as Ren and Lucien lead her through the gates into the bustling city of Whiterun. She stops at the little bridge and pulls the hood closer to her face, watching all the people go about their day in the walls of the city. The guards patrol the city as the children run past them playing and laughing.
She smiles softly at the sight before her. "Never been in a city before?" Ren asks softly, breaking her trance. "No. I live in the woods." She sighs, feeling a little overwhelmed and homesick. "Come on let's head toward Jorvaskr. I'm sure we can get some answers from my friends there." Ren says, walking ahead of her and Lucien.
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Kisara stops at the giant tree in the middle of the Wind Distract. She stares at the tree. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Lucien asks, quietly, standing beside her. "Yes. She is." Kisara says, walking over to the tree. She lays a gentle hand on the tree.
She feels a rush of wind around her as she hears the whispering of the wind through the branches of the trees. She smiles softly as she hears Kyne's peaceful song. Ren turns around at the bottom of the stairs at Jorvaskr when he realizes there is no one behind him.
He stares in amazement as the wind picks up around Kisara. He hears footsteps and looks at the top of the stairs to see a familiar small female much like Kisara appear from Jorvaskr. "Ah, Ren. Good to see you again." She smiles. "You as well, Luna." He smiles, then frowns when he sees Bear behind her. "See you still got that big ogre following you." He teases.
She joins him at the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah. He's the best companion a woman like me could ask for. When he's not being over protective." Luna smiles. Bear just growls in response. Lucien and Kisara make their to Ren's side.
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"I see you still got Lucien with you. Who's this?" Luna asks, intrigued. Kisara hides behind Ren. Lucien places a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay. They are friends of ours." He assures her. "This is Kisara. We are on our way to see Euroland about getting her some armor. Then later placing an order with Ysolda to get her some clothes that better fit her." Ren explains rather emotionless.
Luna looks him over. "You look exhausted, Ren. When's the last time you've rested?" She asks, worried. "A couple of days ago. Joys of being a hero. You never get to rest." He smiles. "Well, I have some armor and clothes she can have. So if you wanna go put her an order for weapons, I can take care of the rest. Bear, go get my satchel from my horse and meet me at The Bannered Mare." Luna demands in an authoritative tone. He nods and walks off toward the gate.
She walks around Ren and takes a closer look at the woman. Removing the hood, she gasps. "Your eyes looks like Ren's but your hair is beautiful. I love the fiery red." She gushes. She grabs Kisara's hand pulls her away from Ren and smiles happily. She moves her hair.
"You're a halfling too." She says. Kisara just nods, unsure what to think of the woman in front of her. "Are you two brother and sister?" She spews out. "I don't think so?" Kisara says, sounding confused. "That's part of the reason why I'm back in Whiterun. I need to speak Rayne." Ren explains.
"She's not here. She left earlier to investigate the an abandon prison. Something about a man being held captive by the Thalmor." Luna explains. Ren groans and rubs his face under the hood. "Great. We'll are going to need a place to stay." He grumbles. Luna smiles. "Come on. I have a place outside the city, near Loreius farm. You can rest there." Luna smiles, pulling Kisara down the stairs. "I'll meet you at the stables." Ren says. Luna just waves.
He walks up the stairs. He sees Farkas and Vilkas training outside. "Vilkas, can you give Rayne a message for me?" Ren asks, looking at the twins. "I suppose." He says. Lucien pulls a quill and parchment from his bag, handing it to Ren. Ren writes a quick letter briefly explaining the last two days.
He hands it to Vilkas. "Tell her to meet us at the manor near Loreius farm." He says, handing Vilkas the letter. "I will. Anything else?" He asks, in his usual hateful tone. Ren pulls a sack of gold and hands it to him. "Have someone deliver the some weapons there too." He says, walking toward the stairs leading to Euroland's forge.
After placing an order for a bow, two daggers and three big orders of arrows. He paid Euroland well for all of it. Meeting Luna and Kisara at the stables, he got on his horse as Lucien summoned Clive. Luna gets on a solid white horse as Bear gets on a dark brown on. Kisara smiles softly.
Kisara whistles loudly and a black deer runs through the grass and stops her side. She smiles softly as the deer lays his head on her shoulder. "Oh, Auri. I've missed you too." She smiles as she pets him. He licks the side of her face. "We've got to go." She whispers. Auri kneels down and Kisara gets on his back.
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"A fucking deer?" Bear says for the first time. "Ren, what is she? The only people that ride deer and elk are Forsworn. Please tell me she's not a a Forsworn." Luna says, worried. "Can we talk about this when we get to the manor?" Ren asks. "I suppose. Let's go." Luna says, taking off. Everyone follows her.
Arriving at the manor, everyone dismounted their steeds and Luna led them around the side of the home to an area where they could sit and talk. Luna leads Kisara in the house as everyone else takes seats around a fire pit.
Luna returns moments later. She sits down on the cushions below Bear. "So explain, Ren." She demands in a serious tone. He sighs as he removes the hood and lets his hair fall loosely around his shoulders. He begins explaining the last two days, leaving out the part where Kisara might be a Dragonborn too.
Luna just nods taking everything in. She remains silent for a moment, processing every little detail. She knew that Ren was Dragonborn. She knew the moment she helped with the Nordic ruin outside Morthal. "So she is Forsworn? Why isn't she wearing the armor?" Bear asks, curiously.
Ren goes to open his mouth to respond but falls silent when she steps out of the house. "Because I was forced to leave my tribe." Kisara says sadly, looking at the ground as she plays with the fabric of the dress.
Lucien blushes taking in her beauty, as she takes a seat between him and Ren. He places a gentle hand on hers. "Why were you kicked from the tribe?" Luna asks. "Because a dragon attacked. When we killed it, I absorbed its power." She explained. Luna's eyes widened. "Wait. What? I thought there was only one Dragonborn. How can she absorb it's power too?" Bear asked confused.
"What's a Dragonborn?" Kisara asked, confused as Bear. She looks between Lucien and Ren for answers. "I am a Dragonborn. By slaying dragons. I can absorb their soul and use it to learn shouts or words of power." Ren explains. "So that means I'm a Dragonborn too? So I'm not cursed." Kisara sighs.
"No. Just means that you will fight dragons and protect people. Also means that we will have to visit the Greybeards too." Lucien says, thoughtfully. Ren nods in agreement. "But that will have to wait a few days." A familiar voice says from the side of the house. Everyone looks that way as a tall, curvy woman appears.
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The silver haired woman stood before them with a man with a tattoo over his right eye. "Good to see you, Ren, Luna and Lucien." She smiles. "You as well, Rayne." Ren stands and goes and hugs the woman. She was a couple inches shorter than him.
The man behind her growled. "Easy there, big guy. This is my nephew. Ren, this is Kaidan. Kaidan, this is Ren, Lucien, Luna, and Bear. I don't know the small elven woman. But she looks like Zevran and Kira, so I'm assuming that's their daughter." She smile, as she walks over and looks closely at the woman.
"What?" Ren says, shocked. "So my mother actually was Kira?" Kisara asked confused. "Yes, your father was the famous thief/assassin, Zevran. Ren, your parents were never killed by the Thalmor. Your father and your mother separated after you were born. Realizing that their children were twin halflings meant for something great. They decided to keep you two apart so the Thalmor wouldn't try to kill you. Zevran meet another woman in the Imperial City, who was related to your best friend there. They fell in love.
"Kisara, your mother returned to her tribe where she raised you. They did this to you all safe. Ren, does she know your real name?" Rayne asks. He shakes his head no. "Well, you should tell her. Also, your father is alive. He is currently in Riften. Kisara, dear, I'm gonna call you Kia for short. Your mother is safe. She left the tribe and joined Cael's tribe. I know you remember him." Rayne explains.
"How do you know all this?" Lucien asks. "As the head of my family and being the Harbinger. I have to know this stuff." She says, in confident tone. "What happened to Kodlak?" Luna asks. That was her uncle after all. "He was killed by the Silverhand." Rayne admits sadly. She hugs Luna. "I'm sorry, dear." She says. "It's alright. I'll have to write mother and inform her." Luna says, softly. "I already wrote her and told her everything." Rayne states.
Luna just looks at the older Nord woman. "Thank you." She smiles weakly. "You are welcome. Kodlak would not want you to be bad. He would want you to celebrate." Rayne smiles softly at the small Imperial woman. "Kaidan, how would you like to celebrate a death and the reunion of lost siblings?" She asks the man, that stood at her side in silence.
"I could go for a drink or two." He says. The group traveled back to Whiterun in the company of Rayne and her new companion, Kaidan, who didn't really talk much. Upon returning to Whiterun that night, Rayne informed the Companions that would have the next couple of days off in celebration of a reunion siblings.
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lornashores · 4 years
💜💜 This is the Love SLAP Raid Chain, send this to all of your favorite blogs that you think deserve to hear these encouraging words. In return we ask that those blogs send it to their favorite blogs as well. It's December, everybody deserves to hear a few words of encouragement no matter if you're a small or big account. So let's all fill your dash with positivity these last few weeks of 2020. You are amazing. You matter. You are loved. You deserve to have an amazing month ❤️❤️
awh thank you so much elke ♡ this is so sweet and once again thank you for sending this to me ♡
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brn1029 · 2 years
Welcome once again, to another fantastic Morning here at the BRN! Back into a week and thanks for being here to help get us started again…
We got the Rock Report for you this morning with Dio, Kiss, and there is some new Def Leppard out
This day in music we talk about Led Zeppelin, The Rollins stones, and Ella Fitzgerealed…
The Good News break, we talk about the newest designer for Monster Trucks and a party hardy grad from the University of Maryland..
And on our 5 Random Facts? Almost everyone has their version of"The Office’…or we also talk about elk antlers and some Oscar nominations…
We would like to say a big Thanks to the very nice people at Canna 4 Life for being our sponsor here at the Bone Radio Network! Looking for the best in the Valley? Canna4Life carries the widest selection of products and always has amazing deals! Come in and see for yourself!! The budtenders at Canna4Life love to help you save money so you're sure to get the most bang for your hard earned buck. Open 7 days a week!! Canna4Life. 721 6th Street in Clarkston.
Let’s rock! It’s the best way to get ready for the upcoming week
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mama-ghostie-61542 · 3 years
A Thousand Lifetimes
Rated M++ for themes and language
If you recognize it--IT AIN'T MINE
Sorry for any OOC-ness.
Chapter 9
After the stunning revelations of the night before, I was having a slow day at work. It wasn't that I was off by much, but that I was exhausted, so I was a little slow on the uptake.
It was nearing three when we wrapped up recording for the day. Generally, we have more stuff to do, but today was an easy day. We were released to the dorm, and I went to go grab a nap. Sadly, though, all I could do was twist and turn. I decided to get up and read the next chapter.
Bryn PoV
It had been a few weeks since I talked to anyone. I had sent Kihyun's money back the very next day, slightly afraid it wouldn't make it. But seeing his face on my phone three hours later had me smiling.
"Hey! What's up," I asked.
He sighed. "Did you seriously send it back already?"
"Why," He asked. "Anyone else would have kept it."
"But I'm not anyone else. I hate asking for help. If I ask for anything, I never ask for money."
"Why," he asked.
"I make enough to be comfortable."
"Comfortable, huh? What's comfortable?"
"Pay the bills and have a little left over. Out of curiosity, why do you ask?"
"Just wondered. There is so much more I want to ask, but I-I'm not quite sure how to ask."
I laughed. "It's always been my experience, that it's better to just get it out there."
He swallowed, thickly, "Umm. Ok. Uh. What do you do?"
After taking a deep breath, I answered, "I own a yarn shop and I am a Natural Health Consultant."
"Wow," He whispered. "What does a Natural Health Consultant do?"
I chuckled. Most people wanted to know about the shop, not my degree. "I-um-I work with peoples primary care physician to get folks the best healing possible. It's generally in the cases of heart disease, diabetes, and stubborn skin rashes," I laughed.
"Now, that is cool," he smiled. "So, is it just a side hustle?"
"No," I laughed, "But most people don't see a Traditional Naturopath, they see an N.M.D. However, most integrated medicine places here have at least one natural health professional they work with, depending on the clients needs."
"Wow. You really are more than just a pretty face."
"Who told you I have a pretty face?"
"Joey let me see pics. You're beautiful, by the way."
I could not help the blush that slowly spread across my face. "Thank you. I think you are pretty handsome, yourself."
"Aww," he gushed, "No, I'm not."
"Agree to disagree, there, Sweet Pea."
"Joey," he asked.
"Joey," I agreed.
He chuckled, "Do you get the feeling he's trying to set us up?"
Laughing, I answered, "I do. But I think he may be right. You know he sees stuff, right?"
"Yeah, I know. I was the first person in our group he told. Oh God. Umm. I need to be honest. I'm not sure how to say it, so I will just lay my hand down here. I-uh-I-um-I have dreamed about you since I was a kid."
I could tell he was biting his lip.
"Tell me something no one else would know.
"Ok," he started. "Um-You have nightmares where you are lost in the woods and screaming for someone."
"How did you," I started.
"I have them, too; but from the other side. I can hear you screaming but I can't seem to find you."
"Haka," I asked, softly, tentatively.
"Hey," He answered.
If I hadn't been sitting at my desk, I would have been on the floor. "Oh, God," I whispered. After a pause, I said, "I don't know whether to scream, cry, or throw up."
He laughed. "Well, hopefully none of those things. Please don't scream, hearing it in dreams is bad enough. Please, don't cry, because I'm not there to fix it. And Please, God, Please, don't throw up."
"Sympathetic puker?"
"Yes," He answered. "I want to see you."
"Not a good idea. Not with what is going on in the world, right now."
"True. A year from now? I hate to try to plan that far ahead, but maybe, just maybe, things will work out."
"Well, there is normally a convention in Hawaii in early summer."
"I will try to save as much PTO time as I can between now and then. Cross your fingers and hope."
"Fingers crossed," I said.
"I've got stuff to do, so I will talk more later, Ok?"
"Sure, I answered.
"I'm gonna say this, and please don't freak out, but I have felt it for a long time and," He rambled.
"Haka," I yelled, cutting him off. "I know. I already know," I said before I bit my lip. "I know how you feel, trust me, I do. I feel it, too. You aren't crazy, nor are you alone." I swear I could feel his smile and his relief. "But, my dear, I am nothing to write home about."
"Are you kidding me," He started, "I have been in love with you since I was 15. Woman, I could write volumes about you, and still have several lifetimes worth to say. You, Woman, You are amazing."
Blushing, I replied, "I don't see how."
Kihyun PoV
I could feel her blushing. "Then I will keep telling you until you have no doubts. You are amazing, you are awesome, and I," I stopped.
"I know," she whispered.
"Good," I replied.
I started to nod off so I set the story off to the side for the night, and got ready for bed. She curled up behind me and snuggled into the back of my neck.
'Night, Haka. Rest well, my King.'
'Night, Mami.'
I was so focused on sleep, I did not notice the slight tickle in my chest that happens with her sometimes. If I had, I would have felt the slight sorrow and could have held off the nightmare that night.
As it sat, she came and tucked me in as usual, but a few hours after I had fallen asleep in her arms, I had the worst nightmare.
I was, again, in those woods, and this time I was the Elk. She was there and that band around her ankle had her trapped. She was screaming as the band and rope that had her hobbled became razor wire cutting into her skin. I could not do a thing to help her.
But, my blind panic and pain must have ruffled the thread between us because in that moment, as I made my decision to lay down with her for support and comfort, I felt her spirit beside me, soothing me and telling me, 'It's just a dream, Love. I am here. Wake up, Haka, it's just a dream.'
In my state of half asleep and still with the residual images in my head, I rolled to where I felt her, and curled around her.
Her touch was both soothing and calming. 'Tell me what you saw?'
I shook my head as echo's of the images assaulted me again. I could still smell her blood in the air. I could still feel her fingers scramble for purchase on my pelt as she struggled to stand, could still hear the echo of her screams as the razors went deeper into her skin.
'I'm going after Joey. I'll be right back, my love. Hold on,' I heard her whisper in my hair.
In less that 20 seconds, a firm hand was on my arm. I had no more than sat up.
Honey POV
I was sound asleep when I felt a small but strong hand on my arm. 'Joey, Wake Up,' was all but shouted in my ear. I knew that voice. My sister. The fog stubbornly refused to lift.
'C'mon. Get up, Lu-Lu! Kik needs you,' was shouted as an outer presence shook my arm.
I was up and off like a rocket at that. She is the only person I will EVER allow to call me that version of 'Red'. And I know that her calling me that in the middle of the night means right now. I took off down the hall, following the sobs.
There was Kihyun, sitting on his bed, tears pouring down his face. I recognized the panicky look on his face as one I had seen on my own several times. I felt the presence of my soul sister, her spirit sweeping past me to settle next to him. He seemed to sag against her spirit, drawing strength and serenity from her. I couldn't hear the conversation, but I knew, somehow, she was soothing him.
It hit me then, just how perfect they are together. I could almost see his head resting against her shoulder as her arm was around him, petting him, in a fashion.
He suddenly shook his head and said, "No. I don't even want to think about it or what it means. Cause if it means that they are gonna hurt you before you get away..." he trailed off, as he shook his head. Then he near shouted, "No. It's a chance I won't take. I won't allow you to sacrifice yourself like that. Not for me, not again."
Then, I heard her again, 'Then tell him or I will.'
He sighed and whispered, "Alright, my love. I'll tell him." Looking at me, he said, "Best get everyone up, I only want to tell this story once. Seeing it once was enough."
Everyone got woken up and gathered in the living room as Kihyun settled into an easy chair with a pillow and a blanket.
From the far end of the couch, Min growled, "What happened, and why are we all awake?"
From his chair, Kihyun answered, "Another nightmare. She thinks I should share this one with you."
As they all sat back, Kik seemed to turn his head slightly and nod then whisper, "Love you, Ghost."
The unseen presence in the room swept off and left us.
I looked at him curiously.
"She went back to her place to handle some things there with the kids," he sighed and started, "Tonight, as I laid down to sleep, I cuddled with my Queen like I normally do. There is a thin silver thread that connects our souls, much like the red thread, but far older. I didn't notice the small flutter of her sorrow, and somehow, unconsciously, it became a nightmare.
"I have had nightmares before of her being trapped in the woods. This time, I was an elk. And while the normal vines were gone this time, there was this black band around her right ankle that attached to a rope and had her more or less hobbled to that bit of earth.
"As I came up on her, she was fighting to get it off. I leaned forwards to help her but the second I got within, I'd say a foot or so, it turned into razor wire and was cutting her foot off.
"I couldn't do anything to help her, and she could not get loose. The more she fought to loosen it, the tighter it got. Then, as she scrambled to hold on to me, I could smell her blood. She wrapped her hands in my pelt and was trying to stand, but the razors cut her deep. I could hear and feel her screaming. As I settled in next to her to offer what comfort I could, Her spirit woke me up. When it became obvious, I needed a bit more help, she woke up Honey. I have never been so afraid for her."
Min stood up and directed him back to bed, saying, "Go get a bit more sleep," as he left the room. When Min returned, he asked me, "What did you see about her?"
"Other than the way she sat? Not much. She is damned good at cloaking. So good she is damned near a chameleon."
"Do you think she would come back and let us see," asked HyunWoo, his brow knotted with worry.
I nodded, "She might."
Min sat down on the rug, between the coffee table and the entertainment center. "If we are going to help our soul sister, we had best get comfy, it may be harder than we think to fix it."
About that time, a presence entered the room.
'He's back to sleep. I figured you would want to talk to me.'
I nodded. 'Let Min see your ankle.'
I have never seen Min turn that exact shade of green before turning that shade of red. When he does, it generally means it is BAD.
'What the hell, Sis! Are you actively trying to make yourself lame,' Min shouted. 'There is a curse here. This is beyond my help. Stay here, I need to go get Ate,' Min said as he stood up.
Ten seconds later, He and HyungWon were walking into the room.
A second after that, Kihyun was scrambling back down the hall.
HyungWon was looking at Sis's ankle when Kiki opened his eyes enough to see what was going on.
'Baby, what's wrong?'
'Joey wanted Min to check out my ankle. Min went after Ate,' she said.
'This curse is very powerful. It will take all of us, together, to break it. Boys, get ahold of it. Kihyun, hang on to her,' he said before yelling for Changkyun.
When he rounded the corner at a run, HyungWon said, 'Mahipiya. Washte. IkiyA nitha Ate kichi Ina.'
Changkyun gathered the woman in his arms and nodded at her whisper, before growling at Kihyun.
"What?" asked HyunWoo.
"That is your nephew."
"Of course he is," HyunWoo grumbled as he sat up, only to be cuffed in the back of the head by HyungWon.
"We have bigger things than your sister's descendants to handle. Unfortunately, I fear this will be too much for us to handle,' He said as he sat back and grabbed his phone, sending out a quick text.
In less than 15 minutes, Hoseok was knocking on the door.
'Ahh. Glad you could make it on such short notice," HyungWon said as he opened the door.
Once again....I tried with the Lakota.
Mahipiya. Washte. IkiyA nitha Ate kichi Ina.--Cloud. Good. Help your father with your mother.
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