#thank you!!! ❤💜🧡💚🤍💛🖤💚🤎🤎❤🧡💛🧡🤎❤🤍🖤🖤🖤💛💙💚
heatobrienswife · 4 months
psst rattie i finished ur gift!! >:3c
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i hope you like it!! qwq thank you for being my friend <3333
Iufkhciyfiydjhcugcjgcu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They look so cute!!!! ;w; I love how you've coloured their hair it's so shiny! Thank you so much! I absolutely adore them!! ;w; ❤❤
Thank you for being my friend too! Honestly tumblr wouldn't be the same without you!
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woozi · 2 years
thank u for all the warm wishes, caratblr. 🥰 my year would literally not be the same without every single one of u!!
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sluttybeanbabe · 4 months
Okay, so I was in the mood to make a lil ask game based on tags I've left on people's posts/compliments I've given/just weird things in my head.
❤ - Ough!! 🧡- Eating your content with a spoon 💛- You are an actual ray of sunshine 💚- Thanks, I hate it (Horny) 💙- Thanks, I hate it (Lovingly) 💜- Absolutely obsessed with you 🤎- I'm 100% normal about you (lying) 🖤- Actually drooling as we speak 🤍- BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK 💖- Biting and chewing and gnawing at you 💕- YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO BEING CHOMPED NERD 💞- Mommy? Sorry, Mommy? Sorry, Mommy? 💝-I'm looking respectfully 👀- I'm looking respectfully (lying) 😵- No thoughts, head empty 🥴- (Dis)respectfully let me mount you already 😘- Get tummy kissed nerd 😳- hehe now put it in my mouth, I mean put it in my mouth, I mean put it in m 😶- Real quick let me just throat your entire [police sirens] I mean absolutely choke on your [lound sounds of metal ralling] I mean just go absolutely sloppy on your [gun shots] ✋- Do you have a licence for being this hot? 🐾- Pawing at u!! 👏- Spanking you as we speak
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finnslay · 7 months
5 week post break-up: I'm doing okay. Gonna try to come back to Tumblr. You're all so sweet. Thank you all sosososo much. I love you all. I'm starting to move on. Yeah, it hurt. But she's happy. It's not her fault. It's not my fault. It's nobody's fault. And that's just fine, not all relationships work out. I'll be okay. I'll be okay, I'll finish recovering, and I'll move on and maybe find someone new. Again, thanks so much to all of you. You mean the world to me. Stay safe, all of you. ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
I'm shy asking about this because I love the scene were the love one tries to revive their other half like with cpr
Wolfwood doing cpr ...on y/n who saved them under water by giving their air to wolfwood but drowning in the process? And wolfwood takes them out of the water and tells Vash,meryl and Roberto to give him space to proceed with the cpr?
Since y/n are wolfwood lover can u do it like ..wolfwood saying,while he's doing it,to wake up and breathe and all, meanwhile the others are watching with a sore expression like pain or something? And Vash tells them to stop because y/n is..gone and wolfwood just cries holding their body....
But y/n suddenly gasp,hitting their head on wolfwood's nose, and cough up all the water(this will be fun:)
U can decline this if it's not your comfort
Thanks in advance stay hydrated and relaxed buddy! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
Wolfwood simp forever!! I will always live and support for the deranged priest!✝️✝️✝️
I'm not super familiar with Triguns planet and if there are even bodies of water, but we're just going to stretch the imagination here! But thank you for the request, and I hope you enjoy it! I doubt this is realistic lol
‘Last breath, first kiss’ 
Nicholas D. Wolfwood x Reader
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Wolfwood was right, instinct was going to get you killed. You never thought before jumping into action, it's why you and Vash got along like a house on fire and it's why you were making Wolfwood turn gray early. You don't even know how you all ended up here, the gunfight led into the building where they kept the plants. Vash insisted he had to protect them, running head first into the gunfight, which meant you followed in without thought and that caused a reluctant Wolfwood to follow after the two of you. 
You lost sight of Vash; you were sure he was fine while Wolfwood stuck to you like glue. You rushed up a catwalk, Wolfwood right behind you. The catwalk shook for a moment, but it would hold. Looking over the railing you spotted the pool of water below, the blue so bright. You were mesmerized, by the sight. 
You were startled as Wolfwood dragged you behind some containers, you gave him an easygoing grin. You turned aiming and shooting your own gun when needed, Wolfwood settling at your side holding his giant machine gun to him. “We should have ditched you on the side of the road. We didn't need two suicidal idiots” He grumbled out, you rolled your eyes playfully, blowing the man a kiss. “You’d be bored without me lover boy.” 
Wolfwood let out a scoff aiming his weapon and firing, the catwalk shook again. You ducked behind the container when something landed on the ground between the two of you. You looked at the object and then at Wolfwood in horror, his expression mirrored yours. You moved diving out of the way, praying that Wolfwood did the same as the grenade exploded. 
The catwalk dropped, and you hit the water hard. It made you gasp, water rushing into your lungs forcing your way to the surface you gasped coughing and looking around frantically. Had Wolfwood gone in the water as well? You looked up the whole catwalk was gone. “Wolfwood!” you called frantically, someone called your name, and you turned wading in the water. It was Vash standing on the edge of the container of water, no Wolfwood beside him. 
You ignored Vash, “Nicholas!” you tired out again, panic filling your voice. Without thinking you dove down, forcing your eyes open and frantically looking around. By luck you spotted him, trapped under the debris of the catwalk. You swam to the surface quickly, taking in as much air as you could before diving down again. 
You managed to reach Wolfwood, he was pinned. You tried not to think how long he was down here, adrenaline raced through your veins as you grabbed Wolfwood trying to pull him out. You were running out of air, you stopped thinking while you moved toward him. Pressing your lips to Wolfwoods, you breathed into the rest of the air you had. You watched as Wolfwood opened his eyes startled.
As quickly as you could you yanked him free, you had no air your mouth opened involuntarily and water rushed into your lungs. Panic set in, you could feel Wolfwoods arms around you, but you were blacking out. Your gaze closed in on Nichola’s frantic eyes, before nothing. 
Wolfwood had dragged you to the surface, holding you close to him. He dragged you to the edge of the container, shoving you up toward Vash’s waiting hands. Wolfwood grabbed the edge pulling himself up, as Vash laid you down gently on your back. Wolfwood shoved Vash out of the way, placing his hands together to start chest compressions.
“Come on you idiot!” His tone was aggressive, but Wolfwood was panicking tipping your head back to begin CPR as well. Still nothing, you weren't breathing. He didn't even know what he was saying, just begging at this point for you to just breathe. 
Too much time was passing, Vash carefully placed his metal on Wolfwoods shoulder. The undertaker brushed him off ignoring him, and Vash’s grip tightened. “Enough Wolfwood.” his tone was quiet and sad, it just pissed Wolfwood off even more. Wolfwood stopped, he barely heard Meryl’s soft voice tell Vash to back off, he didn't even know when the two reporters had gotten here. 
Gathering you into his arms, he holds you close forcing the tears back. This is why he didn't get attached, but you had wormed your way into his heart so deep it had scared him. But this is what he feared more; losing you, he couldn't hold back the tears anymore as he cried. 
You gasped rearing forward and fully knocking your head right into Wolfwoods nose, hard enough for him to see stars. He dropped you, but it didn't matter when you leaned over and threw up some water. Gasping for air, you spotted Wolfwood holding his nose and looking at you in shock. “Hey if something happened it's a good thing, we got an undertaker right.” 
He didn't laugh lunging forward to grab you and shake you by the shoulders, “You fucking idiot, always jumping in with no thought.” He kept yelling at you, but you only smiled at him letting him get it all out. You didn't point out how red his eyes were, or that his hands were shaking. Instead throwing your arms around his neck to hug him. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around you, “I need a smoke.” he said tone defeated.  
You pulled back, moving your hands to cup his face. “So do I.” with a soft smile, you leaned him giving him a kiss. You may joke in the face of death, but you were scared and Wolfwood had saved you. The two of you would be just fine.
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treasure-goblin · 6 months
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am smol halp-
Awwww, hello smol Ran! *picks you up gently* Thank you for the flower, it's lovely! *smol forehead kiss*
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chrysanthemumgames · 7 months
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH THE ENDING I LOVE IT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love found family so much everything is soft and happy and amazing and the end hand kiss with Hades, so cute ❤❤ you are amazing the story is amazing ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
Thank you; I'm delighted to have inspired this reaction. :)
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tothemoonandbacklove · 3 months
Hiee jii!! Ek pyaare se phool ke liye kuch phool jii!! Ik yeh tumhare jitne pretty nahi but kyaa kar he sakti hu tumhare jitna khubsurat phool kaha milee?!?
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Ik u deserve the best of best but pretty please inse adjust kar lenaa !!! Meraa bus chalta toh puraa garden tumhare naam karwa deti
💕💕💕 sending bohot saraaa pyaar for myyy pyaara cutu gulab jamun :)))
HAYEEEE DIDI THIS MADE MY DAY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
ap itne pyaare kyu ho didi main mar jaungi 😭😭😭😭😭
thank you thank you thank you didi🫂💗😭
ye lo didi apke liye dher saara pyaar
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September 18th...Dean Winchester was saved!!!
And Castiel came to Dean's life to save him, his love for this man is so wonderful and unique
(September 18, the beginning of the incredible journey of friendship and love story between angel and man)💙💚♥💚💙
Thank you so much Eric Kripke that you created this storyline and these characters.
Thank you guys Jensen&Misha so much for your hard work and your awesome acting.
I love your chemistry ON and OUT of the screen.
Thank you so much Misha for being our angel. And Thank you so much for incredible awesome acting of Cas and every version of him and Lucifer and others.
You are unique and phenomenal men and actors.
Thank you so much for every little thing which you do for this world, for your fans, for your family and friends.
I love you guys so much
Their Friendship and their Love for each other is so lovely and cute...❤🧡💛💚💙💜❤
I'm so proud to be Destiel and Cockles fan .
Thank you Misha and Jensen for every little thing you do for us&to each other! I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH❤💕
Destiel & Cockles are my loves, Then&Now;Always&Forever
Always Keep Fighting & Love Yourself First because You Are Not Alone; I Wish For This ❤
Cockles/JenMish are real.
Destiel/DeanCas/CasDean are real.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
Oh my gosh, after your answer I read through some things in the 🖤dark au Tag and I love it!!! Add that to my fav list definitely.
To the question of my fav characters (I’m just going x-men):
I love gruff Logan (best mixed with a cuty-pie sweet reader)
The same goes for sabretooth (specifically the way you write him)
I have a soft spot for dad!magneto and older siblings Wanda and Pietro (I especially keep thinking about the angst potential if the kid is for some reason not a mutant - or at least doesn’t seem to be one)
I also really like Rouge, Kurt and kitty. They’re just all so neat and have their own sort of charm, especially Kurt since as a fellow German I always find it funny when I see/read his accent
Also even though I haven’t gotten a lot of info about him I like Gambit. I just think he’s neat.
One more thing though…reading your Dark Au I really got inspired and I kind of want to try writing a Drabble/short about the four (Kurt, Kitty, Pietro and Reader) on the run once they realize something’s wrong but I wanted to ask for your permission first… I would send it to you once/if I finish I’d sent it to you (I won’t post it on my own blog or something don’t worry)
- ❤️ Anon (with lots of love)
I agree! Gruff Logan, especially as a dad, is best. Then gruff Sabretooth (you like how I write him?! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I tried my best!) Dad Magneto is fun, especially when Pietro and Wanda are involved, and they all make for one weird, over-protective family. Rogue, Kitty, and Kurt are awesome, i love the idea of them having a small trio when no one else is around or when they're out and about. They seem to go well together. And Gambit is fun, too. Suave Southern guy, who uses playing cards to blow stuff up, is Cajun, and is interested in the only other Southern X-Men. (It's cool, that you're from Germany!) (I myself am a Southerner of the United States) (so I'm in the south-eastern area).
You have my permission to write for the 🖤Dark AU, ❤ Anon. I am excited to see what you make!😊 And hey, if anyone else wants to write for this au, or another au of mine, all you have to do is ask permission. I'll likely say yes. It's not a guarantee, but I'll at least take a look, okay? All I ask, is that you keep it platonic. I am a platonic yandere writer, so the aus aren't romantic. Other than that, I'm fine with most things. I keep Reader gender-neutral, but that is so everyone can read my works and be Reader. Any gender or sexuality can read them, enjoy them, and emerge themselves in the platonic yandere love.
For you (thank you😊):❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍💖
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heatobrienswife · 5 months
Randomly crashing here to say with that heart lollipop post I can imagine you going up to Heat with a mischievous smirk on your face and he looks at you like ????? "What?" and you grin handing him one of those lollipops like "I give you my heart!" To which Heat rolls his eyes but smirks back, biting into the lollipop like "Thanks for your heart It was delicious~"
idk its just really cute because in his head he's like "Of course I have her heart I've had it for the past 13 some odd years" but instead of saying that he decides to play along with you dlkjflksdfj SORRY IF THIS IS WEIRD LOL
I7fjhcjydjgch omg no this isn't weird at all!!! It's adorable!! 😭 thank you fren!! This really did make me smile! \;w;/ ❤
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sweet-marigold · 3 months
Your recent post said you were being sad. Well to that I say, NO! 💘💛💙💖❤💜💗💚♥💕💞💝💟💌💌❣🤎🧡🖤🤍💓💘💙❤💗💚💕❣🧡❣❣💗💝🤎♥💜💞💙💕🤍♥💟💙💙🧡💙💙❣💕❤🖤♥🎀💛💖♥♥💖💛🖤💚❤💘💘💛💙💖❤💜💗💚♥💕💞💝💟💌💌❣🤎🧡🖤🤍💓💘💙❤💗💚💕❣🧡❣❣💗💝🤎♥💜💞💙💕🤍♥💟💙💙🧡💙💙❣💕❤🖤♥🎀💛💖♥♥💖💛🖤💚❤💘
- Anesthesia <3
Aww thank you!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🥺
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womanexile · 9 months
Hey do you think 'Larry' is real? I'm new to the Larry theology. Idk Larries make it so convincing that they were/are 'real'. What do you think about their 'tattoo theories'?
My only question to the Larries are - If they were/are madly in love with each other, why aren't they together now? I mean nothing is stoping them from being together.
By the way... 🎼
I looooove your blog❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤍🤎🖤 I've read everything posted in your blog. I agree with you. I do believe Haylor is REAL. I don't think it's a PR. I mean Taylor isn't that stupid to not even know it's a PR relationship and write an album after album about how it was/is real. Do you think H & T know they're each other's TF? I do think Taylor manifested TF/Soulmate relationship. If you listen to ATW 10 and State of Grace, she thought J was her actual TF but turns out he's her false TF and H showed up in her life at the right time.
I love your blog. Your doing an amazing job. Keep doing what your doing YOU 🎉🎊 So.......These are my questions about 'Larry Theories' and T & H.
What do you think?
Thank you so much for loving my blog. It brings me so much joy connecting with other haylors.
L*rry is not real & was never real. Lots of their so called proof has been disproven. LT used to fight with them online all the time. He’s always been very outspoken about it not being real. Even Gemma has fought with them online.
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So please just ignore everything they say. I know they can be convincing but a lot of the time they don’t give the whole truth & spin stuff to make it look l*rry.
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lillith-diablo · 6 months
Hi! Anything you want to know about me can be found here.
You can call me Lillith or Penguin, I go by either.
Everyone is welcome on this page! I love and support all religions, sexualities, genders, races, ethnicities, cultures, and just people in general!
I, myself, am a pansexual and aromantic. I'm pretty much gender fluid, so however you see me, whether you think I'm a boy, girl, nonbinary, any of that, doesn't matter.
My interests tend to change, but currently I am focusing mostly on the Underverse fandom. However, I do love Anime, Helluva Boss, animals, fun facts, and memes. Oh, and I REALLY love music, especially alt-rock, hard rock, or alt-pop.
Hate comments will be deleted. Everyone should feel welcome to share their artform on platforms such as these. However, constructive criticism is always welcome!
I mostly write, but you might get a few drawings every now and then! (I suck at drawing skeletons, so probably not a bunch of Underverse fanart, sorry!) I like to write fluff mostly, but I will do angst. Have a request or prompt? Feel free to share it with me!
I am multishipper, though here is a list of my favorite underverse ships:
Horror x Dust💜❤
Dream x Cross💛🤍
Killer x Nightmare🖤❤
Error x Ink💙🤎
No ship shaming, thank you!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
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treasure-goblin · 5 months
Here, have a
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
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Hehe, squimch
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intersexfairy · 1 year
Trans men and transmascs are literally braver than any US marine and I want to thank you all, deeply, for changing my life. I'm genderfluid (within the butch/femme identities, which I know is super controversial but I'm learning to just be myself even if others are committed to misunderstanding me) and for a loooooong time I really struggled with bringing my butch side front and center. I also have PCOS and all the fun stuff that comes with, and was constantly told that the things about my body perceived as more masculine needed to be changed or hidden. It wasn't until I started following and interacting with more trans men and transmasc folks, intersex folks, etc. that I felt so much more comfortable openly being myself. Yall taught me that there is comfort and joy in masculinity and manhood. You taught me that it could be warm and wholesome and worth fighting for. You taught me that the world that terfs/radfems/separatists see is not how the world actually is, and you helped me be a better person, better ally, better friend, and much kinder and true to myself. I can't thank y'all enough ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
🥺 youre so very welcome... im genderfluid and relate to being fluid between femme and butch... and i didnt realize how much i felt like i have to be one or the other until i read this ask. thank you so much for sharing your experience with me <3
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