#thank u again for the asks u don't gotta apologize for sending me a lot i rly appreciate it ❤️🙏
gooberjam · 2 years
also fav art medium(s) to work in??
atm i'm really enjoying using pencil and trying to get better at being conscious of how i'm holding and moving it, plus paying attention to hard and soft lighting bc i really like how uncanny it can make things look
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heartsoji · 1 year
Hello. If Requests Are Open I Have One. Tsukishima, Suna And Kenma With A Reader Who Is Kinda On The Thicker Side (Thick, Not Chubby) So She Gets Sexualized And Catcalled A Lot
a/n: yes! thank u sm for submitting a request ☺︎
warnings: swearing, guys (not the hq guys) way overstepping and making reader feel uncomfortable, fem reader
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tsukishima, suna, and kenma x reader
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when something happens to you, he shows his protection subtly, but he really really cares about you
would attack the weirdos and people jealous of your body
he wouldn't be the "don't worry babe, i can fight" kind of attacking guy, but the "beat them up mentally until their spirit is broken" kind of attacking guy
you were doing your work diligently at your desk when suddenly, one of your male classmates stopped at your desk.
"goddamn, girl. being serious is great and all, but would it kill you to show a pained expression every now and then?" he rested his hand on your desk, covering part of your paper.
"pardon?" you asked, not quite comprehending.
"i mean," he smirked, "can't imagine what you'd be like under me if you're so serious all the time. have you ever even felt pain?" he paused. "i can show you great pain and pleasure, babe. just gotta say the word."
you froze, speechless. how were you supposed to respond to that? whilst you were trying to come up with a response, you saw kei getting up out of the corner of your eye.
"well, cutie?" your classmate grinned widely before sliding a finger down your back, making you cringe in disgust silently. "how about it?"
"don't you have anything better to do?"
"huh?" the guy turned around to see kei towering over him, a nasty glare in his eyes.
"i said, 'don't you have anything better to do?' are you deaf, or just stupid?" kei asked, an annoyed expression present on his features.
"what the hell are you talking about? you're just a cocky brat, aren't ya?" the guy snarled. "man, i hate people like you. so much confidence with nothing to show for it."
kei paused. "i apologize. i was unaware that you hated yourself that much. things will get better, i promise." he mocked, patting the guys back, causing an angry vein to bulge out of the guy's forehead.
"haha, very funny." the guy muttered. "bitchy beanpole brat."
"alliteration! very good!" kei applauded with a smile before sending him a death glare that could freeze lava. "but seriously, are you such a loser that your ego won't allow a hit?" he then leaned into his ear. "she. isn't. interested. scram. you're just making a fool of yourself at this point."
the guy looked around and noticed everyone staring and whispering, clearly judging him for his creepy ways. he angrily stormed out of the classroom, with kei calling out a, "nice talk! let's do it again sometime," on his way out.
once the guy was fully out of the classroom, kei grabbed a chair and put it next to yours at your desk, plopping down his work as well.
"thanks, kei." you whispered a bit shakily.
he simply gave your hand a reassuring squeeze in response. "let me know if that loser gives you anymore trouble, ok?" he whispered back. "i'll beat him to a pulp." he followed up, a terrifyingly murderous intent in his eyes.
he then gave a smile, though it was still terrifyingly murderous-looking. "verbally, i mean."
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another guy with a tongue that could slice boulders
hes not quite as mean tho, instead choosing to go with the more "protect my girl" stance rather than tsukkis "belittle them and make them feel like tiny little idiots who have no worth" stance
he'd try to embarrass the hell out of them
he's good at manipulating people, after all. he finds their weaknesses in an instant and uses it to his ultimate advantage
and also
he loves your curves
he'd definitely come over and like place his hand on your hip or ass or smth to mark his territory
bro hes the only one who gets to say how much he likes your ass?? um who tf is this other dude
he'd probs also try and cause a scene or incorporate humor to make you feel better
you were scared
a guy from the inarizaki cheering section had been staring at you ever since you entered
though you weren't absolutely positive, you felt like you could feel his eyes scanning your curves, and it made you feel like curling away in disgust
you'd lessened your cheering ever since you realized that the screaming made your tits bounce, and his eyes were practically burning a hole through them
once the game was over, you quickly dashed off from the stands to meet rin at the bottom, but the same guy met you down there
"so, hey, i was just thinking that you're like, really hot and have a great body, you know? and not to brag but i kinda have girls drooling on my abs left and right. if we got together, we'd be the ultimate power couple! whaddaya say, doll, hm?"
you scanned the room, looking for rin, but unfortunately, the coach was giving a talk, so rin wouldn't be able to come right away
"um, thank you for your offer, but i have a boyfriend." you politely declined.
he put his hand on your shoulder, and you could feel his thumb searching for your bra strap. you leaned away uncomfortably, but he gripped your shoulder and pulled you back.
"hey, now, its ok. don't think that i didn't see the way you were showing off these pretty assets of yours to me on the stands. you were practically shaking the things in my face! i can take a hint, you know. don't worry. i understand women. you were hinting at wanting to get with me, right? i get it! promise i won't be mad if we start dating the minute you break up with whatever loser you're with right now, doll. i don't need to wait."
"hey, bun."
you whipped around to see suna rintaro not-so-gently shoving the guy off your shoulder and wrapping his arm around you, placing his hand right at the curve of your hip, giving you butterflies.
he directed his attention to the guy hitting on you. "'sup."
the guy stuttered for a few moments before regaining his cockiness. "this your girl? sorry, man, but she was actually just hitting on me. she aint loyal enough, i guess."
"the hell?! no i wasn-"
"she definitely wasn't." rin interrupted. "she'd never be into a piece of garbage like you."
a vein popped out of the guy's forehead. he grabbed the collar of rin's shirt.
"say that again."
rin opened his mouth, and for a moment, you thought that rin was going to retaliate, but instead, a piercing shriek ran through the air.
a baby's wail? a crying girl? a dropped mic? no, it was 6"1 inarizaki high middle blocker suna rintaro.
every head in the area turned, and suddenly, at the negative attention, the guy ran off in humiliation, calling out some insult towards you like "you weren't even that hot, by the way" on his way out.
once he was gone, suna picked you up and ran to somewhere with a bit more privacy
once he had found a spot he had deemed private enough, he engulfed you in the biggest, tightest hug, burying his head in your neck
"'m sorry that happened, bun." he murmured into your neck. "and 'm sorry that i interrupted you earlier, and i'm sorry that i wasn't there sooner, and im sorry that i didn't punch that guy in his pathetic, ugly-ass face."
you hugged him back. "it's ok, rin." you squeezed tighter. "i'm just glad you came."
"anyways, at any rate, he had no right to look in your direction, nonetheless insult you!" you felt his fists tighten. "pisses me off."
"and also," he added before moving his hand downwards to squeeze your ass, "i'm the only one allowed to call your body hot. everyone else can just fuck off"
you giggled and sighed into his locks. "ok, rin."
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he wouldn't be one for words
he'd just glare daggers into the other guys body and then drag you away
he liked to call it a tactical retreat
"hey, what grade are you in?"
you looked up from your phone to see a group of what seemed to be some middle school boys circling around you, with what seemed to be their leader approaching you.
"pardon?" you were a bit taken aback. what was even going on?
"shy. cute, i'm into that." the boy smirked. "class 3-2, izumitate junior high soccer team captain, sato emiko."
you froze. junior high? you were being hit on by junior high boys?
you really tried not to, but suddenly, you burst out laughing. "sorry, sorry, but, well, junior high? i'm a 2nd year in highschool!"
you expected him to back down after that, but to your surprise, he kept going. "an older girl, huh.. well, it doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you. and if im being honest, i don't see why it would." he grinned cockily. "i am a catch, after all."
"sorry, i'm not interested." you declined, trying not to break his junior high heart.
to your surprise, he smirked and started approaching you. how cocky was this kid, anyways?
suddenly, he grabbed a handful of your thigh, though he was quickly met with a slap from you.
"come on," he said, walking towards you. "i know you want me."
but before he could reach for a handful of tit, he was interrupted by kenma shoving his way through the crowd.
he gently took your hand and smiled softly at you before glaring daggers at the boy and walking away.
"h-hey!" the boy stuttered, clearly a bit flustered. "you can't just walk away! who do you think you are?"
kenma turned his head to give another death glare that definitely sent chills down that kid's spine. yeah, the boy would definitely see that in his next nightmare.
once you two were out of earshot, kenma turned to you. "hey, you ok?"
you smiled warmly. "yeah. thanks for getting me, ken."
he turned away. "they were just a bunch of cocky middle schoolers. honestly, where do they get the nerve?"
the rest of the way home, kenma added in abrupt complaints about what had happened throughout the conversation. though he didn't say it, you knew that he was actually kind of scared to grab you out of there, despite the fact that the boys were "puny" and "weak," as kenma had described. you knew that though he wouldn't say, he was worried about you and was caring for you, in his own, unique, kenma way.
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7wanderingpaws · 3 years
I'll get something off my chest too lol but the reality really hit me when I saw the pictures he looked so cute and seeing sehun with him just melted my heart and I started bawling like two years is a long time. But like him taking this two years can help him alot to just like wind down and focus on him and take care of himself and using this time to improve on anything he wants,🥺
I agree also that baekhyun relationship with exols is so special and it's something that exols will always treasure he literally looks after us and gives us advice and even the little things like his late night drive ig or twitter spree or vlive he was always there u never felt not his presence it's always there and I can't thank him more for that I'm getting teary lol 🥺cause it's amazing to have that relationship with someone who genuinely wants the best for u and cheers u on he's like the bestest friend u can ask for and sending him off is like saying see you later rather than bye I personally don't like saying bye cause it feels like I'm never gonna see u again,rather I say see you later cause we will meet again soon we just gotta wait which we will to see our funny cute loving friend again ❤️
Sorry for the long text lol I had get it off my chest too I feel better now🥺
Aww yes, yes, come and talk and don’t apologize please I’m happy to talk! ^^ ❤️ exactly! This will also help him to put the last 9 years and everything that he went through into a perspective. I’m sure he’ll come back clear-headed and well-rested. ☺️
Honestly, I love all of Exos, genuinely but I have to agree. Baek was always my ult so I shamefully have to admit that sometimes I didn’t even realize others weren’t as active as he was and now it is an eye-opening reality. I love Chanyeol’s YT channel and I wish there would be a Sim4u soon too. But Baekhyun really was pushing it the most and trying his hardest, yet he got most lashed out at, sadly. He really has great advice for everyone! Though I wish I was as carefree as he is 😆
Yup, it’s definitely a see you later, not saying bye for a long time at allll 🥺😭 also we should hype the content he prepared for us so that we wouldn’t feel the absence too much 😊❤️ can’t wait! ^^ thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts dear! ☺️
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bilbao-song · 6 years
I just saw your 10 facts about Jeff ❤️. Please can you maybe do more sometime? (No pressure of course)... I loved it. You mentioned that you kept coming up with anecdotes and observations and I think those would be a great addition too for those who don't know a lot about him yet but want to (like me)💞 thank you in advance ☮️
awwww thank you, i’m glad you liked it!! 😭💖 it takes me sooo long to think of things that are like??? worthy of including??? like idk what would be entertaining enough to everybody lmao but!!!! after much consideration here are some more assorted Jeffrey Things (public apology if read mores aren’t working on mobile atm bc this is sooooooooo long rip):
just so u know this is probably not going to be as organized as the last one and more like me just listing random things lmao but nevertheless here we go
according to some person who knew him for awhile Back In The Day he once tried to play one of his gold records on a turntable and iirc the end result was that it was just some random album coated in whatever they use to make them gold lmao
this is 100% not even a fact necessarily (i mean. it kind of is but it’s also an opinion whatever) but i would just like to call attention to the fact that he has rlly pretty handwriting????? (here is like...the most obvious example i can think of [also just!!! i adore that whole entire thing and one time i showed it to my mom and she was like ‘omg...a novel...’ rip]) also he’s exceptionally cute and sometimes he dots i’s and exclamation points with little circles......
i haven’t been able to find the thing where i read this in like 96 years despite the fact that i’ve been actively looking for it ever since so don’t quote me on it but unless i’m just totally misremembering it he got??? thrown off a horse once or something???
also i recently read this lil newspaper snippet thing from 1976 that somebody posted in a facebook group in which he broke the neon elo sign by running into it while receiving an award lmao so can we please like...wrap him in bubblewrap or something
a few years ago when he was on the sirius xm town hall thing (which was in general just really wonderful so i hope it’s still on the internet somewhere although i haven’t heard it since i listened to the original airing) he told this really adorable story in which roy orbison (who apparently called him jeffy 😭 same) would bring cakes to the traveling wilburys sessions and let him be the first to pick which one he wanted 💖💖💖💖💖💖
apparently!!! he recorded a lil christmas album with his dad lmao so i’m definitely really jealous of the people who experienced That
again i feel like this barely even qualifies as a Fun Fact lmao but on the subject of christmas i always look forward to hearing this song on the radio every year at christmastime not only because it’s just an excellent song but also because at the veryyyyy end...There He Is
and again. not a fact??? i guess??? but since i feel like not enough people know about this i would just like to remind the world that this happened bc i love them both so much (see also: x 💖💖💖)
oh? and can i talk about how they gave him pumpkin bread at his lil hollywood walk of fame ceremony in 2015? like i genuinely don’t even know what that was about and i don’t think anybody else does either bc it was the most random thing in the world but i was really entertained by it?? like i honestly don’t know if that’s just a Thing that they do or if somebody just felt inclined to give him some pumpkin bread (if so...same) but it was an experience
anyway!!! that’s basically everything i can think of atm so thanks for coming to my ted talk and pls feel free to keep sending me asks like this lmao because even though it takes me forever to come up with an adequate response i just!!!!!!! gotta emphasize the fact that i could talk about jeffrey every single day of my life
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calumsash · 2 years
hellohello im here to update you on my story because i saw your reply to my last ask way too late but in my defense, i spent 6 hours doing homework. anyway! how does calum come into play, you ask. & i answer: by being the stupid main character in horror movies :)
despite knowing about the horrible creature that rules over the forest, he goes into the forest anway. why? we don't know. maybe he thinks that the monster has to be dead already bc the legends are very very old. maya, u wanna know a secret?
a lot of the years where there were no sightings of ashton, it was because he was simply asleep. that's where some other legends come in! there's the Peikko, who is a creature similar to a giant. this dude can sleep in the form of a rock for hundreds of years! how fucking cool is that. anyway the peikko also kidnaps wayward children so maybe i'll add that in too.
back to ashton/the Leshy! (sorry, this is so long again sigh). when a human is in the forest uninvited, the Leshy warns them by shrieking laughter, clapping or howling (which is why some people spread rumors that ashton is actually a werewolf!). when humans keep going, the Leshy lures them from the path & changes their surroundings & the person is never seen again..
calum doesn't though. & he goes into the forest many times. that guy has issues. ilness befalls those who cross a leshy but survived for whatever reason. calum doesn't!! gotta dive more into cal's character bc i've been so focused on ashton & the other creatures who live in the forest.
my sanity is... not sane. yeah that's all on the top of my head rn (i'm on the bus omw home lol and there's a dude who is very very cute)
hope u have a lovely day and thanks for putting up with this mess ly<33
please never apologize!!!!! im more than happy to get updates on this feel free to send as many as you want <3
"by being the stupid main character in horror movies" PLEASE I LOVE THAT AKSHSHSM 💀💀 cause yeah i love my dudes just a little dumb yk? boy got no fear he's going into that forest and no one's going with him cause they got common sense :( it's like he's getting the warnings but he's saying "fuck it" and going on his adventure <3 hey maybe he'll get a cute boyfriend out of it so i think his plan is smart <3
the fact that ashton just been. asleep. for the longest time is hilarious i love it. he wasn't dead he was just resting!!!! (wish that was me bro).
i love the involvement of several creatures in this and not just one, it's very interesting to develop into that!!!!
thank you for sharing your thoughts and i hope you have a wonderful day as well!!!!! (and that you see cute buss dude again maybe <3)
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sturlsons · 7 years
do you have any content that you regularly keep up with? like fics/comics/shows/blogs? i want to start consuming more content and be more knowledgeable/wellread in general but i don't really know where to start :(
i saw this ask like an hour ago and promptly got distracted catching up on my youtube subscriptions so thank u for the reminder but apologies for the delay,,
LONG reply coming up, discussions of depression.
(if u’d rather skip my sob story just scroll down to the picture of the upset dude with the cigarette)
before i get to your specific question, just a little something, because you’ve unknowingly shed light on one of my B I G G E S T struggles: i’m actually real shit at consuming content myself. i have a horrible concentration span and focus issues in general, and i tend to have tunnel vision for academia and hence spend nine months of the year memorising vocab blindly and watching like three episodes of anime. i regularly try to get myself out of this habit but It’s Hard™, so instead i try to make academic choices which will automatically bring new content to the table. choosing essay topics that i’m not familiar with, using the mandatory individual reading requirements to check out books i’ve been meaning to read, trying to do more than the required reading while i’m at it, etc etc. i also try to make lists of things to watch/read every summer, but usually end up being distracted with my writing projects. 
however, kinda good AND bad news. i only started getting stuck re: content consumption after moving to france and starting uni. in india my consumption was OFF THE CHARTS. eating through books and shows, doing research about all sorts of things, you name it. the good aspect of this is that as a child/teenager i already took in a way-above-average amount of information that still keeps me Smart and Cool™ in conversations to this day, but the bad aspect is that most of this was a form of escapism, a way to feed my insomnia back in the day, and then a horrible tangle with my depression which all ended in a huge mess. result: i was a pretentious fuckwit with an enormous amount of trivia in my head, but i was a manically depressed pretentious fuckwit with an enormous amount of trivia in my head, and what’s more-- the most hilarious-- i was actually terrified of moving out of my comfort zone in certain aspects. i used to read new things all the time, sure, watch new shows. but i’d also watch the same shows over and over until i memorised them, read the same books and poems out loud to myself, write the same kinds of fics, listen to the same artists. yeah, that one was weird as shit-- i couldn’t listen to new music, i just didn’t have the courage. the FIRST ever thing my therapist told me to do was check out a new artist by the time we had our second session. that’s when i discovered the national, one of the two most important bands of my life, and since that day i’ve made it a point to listen to at least one new artist a month.
so then i moved to france, which was the best thing that could happen to me ever. however, as i quickly discovered (and sometimes still reel from), whether i like perpetuating this mindset or not (i don’t) the truth is at least for me, it seemed for a while that it was my very depression that kept me so Creative and Hungry For Knowledge and Pretentious Fuckwit. the happier i got, the “lazier” i got. i stopped writing for a year straight because i didn’t feel the urge to create anymore, i stopped consuming content because Who Cares I’m Living In The Moment I’m Finally Happy I Don’t Need To Hide Behind A Book. etcetera. most importantly: i was INSANELY focused on learning french and getting into the university of my choice, and since i kept seeing results in that department, i was happy with what my brain was doing.
then this dude broke my heart. if you’re from the jaywalkers readership, that’s when i started writing jaywalkers. you see how that doesn’t help the whole “no no, i’m only intelligent when i’m SAAAD” thing. i wrote jaywalkers, i wrote other fics, i wrote poetry, i sang songs and watched anime and read books and i used my brain more than i’d used it in the entirety of the year before this happened, and i was like, this is it. if i want to be great, i’ve got to be miserable. 
two years later, i’m here to tell you that it’s bullshit. bullshit, you’ve gotta be sad to learn things. it’s the best thing for being sad is to learn something, NOT the best thing for learning something is to be sad. i let my habit of seeking comfort by reading/writing make me believe that i could only do that when i was heartbroken. it took me two years to understand that i was wrong. i could’ve been doing all sorts of bullshit in those two years. i could’ve watched all the james bond films! i haven’t watched all the james bond films!
does that mean i’m magically feeding myself knowledge again? nope. because it’s not all about feelings. it’s also about how much time i have, how much energy (physical and mental) i have. i still have a shitty concentration span and can barely make it through a movie without getting the creepy-crawlies over my skin. i still have to do three different things simultaneously or i’ll never get any of them done. i gotta skype someone while doing the dishes. i gotta skype someone while eating. i can’t just eat. i can’t JUST read. i SURE as hell can’t just watch something. but you know what? the only reason i figured (am still figuring) all of this out is because i got rid of the initial block that said i don’t want to. i had to realise that it was up to me whether i consumed content or not, and once i did, THEN i could get to solving the practical problems that came with it.
it’s still a work in progress. a very, VERY fresh work in progress, because i’ve only started implementing big changes this spring/summer. it’s a lot of trial and error, but there’s a lot of solutions. turns out i’m better at keeping up with shows if i make it a regular date night thing with my boyfriend. i’m better at reading things on my kindle since it throws me back to my bookworm days when i had physical books. i’m actually better at listening to content sometimes, which was a huge surprise since i’ve always staunchly believed that my auditory comprehension is utter shit. but i’m still working it out u know? i’ll make it. i don’t want to stagnate anymore.
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here’s the thing, i’m REALLY shitty at keeping up with ongoing content. my preferred m.o. is waiting for whatever ongoing thing interested me to not be ongoing anymore, and then i binge. it’s a concentration/stamina/fucks thing. hence what i do is subscribe to anything i like and save it for later.
like i like knowing what my favourite authors are up to, so i subscribe to them. if an ongoing fic’s summary seems interesting i subscribe to the writer, that way if they write something shorter/complete i can check out their writing style, and i’ll still get updates if the main fic is completed. then i save those update notifs until a time that i can get to them, so that they’re little reminders in my inbox:
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i also keep lists of everything that i want to check out at some point. i try not to give myself deadlines (anymore) because i literally never stick to them when it comes to consuming content and i end up feeling like shit. i used to have like, “SUMMER 2016″ lists and shit with like seven movies and three shows and i’d never do any of it completely and that sad little list would just lie there. so instead now i try to just make lists, period. it’s like a humongous queue of things that i want to check out, and whenever i have the time/willingness for it, i refer to it. 
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 and then i keep a list where i keep track of what i checked out.
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i find that it’s less pressurising to make a separate list of what i accomplished as opposed to having a to-do list where you check things off. because like, get this. so you have a to-do that isn’t urgent, right? not like, groceries, dinner, dishes. for those it’s totally important to have a reminder right in front of you, like do your dishes brah. but for things like this, especially for someone like me who’s a flake and will say “i’m gonna watch this movie tonight” and then will literally stare in your face without a word the entire evening and not watch the movie, it’s really shit to have a “TO DO: THINGS TO READ” which just lies untouched for a month straight.
instead, i keep a reference list. and then, when i do something, i note it down. that way i satisfy my inner list monster like “i did a thing today!” and at the same time avoid the disappointment of staring at a pileup of titles that don’t have a strikethrough. this helps with everything that isn’t urgent tbh. if you can afford it practically, don’t make a “what i have to do” list. make a “what i did today” list. it actually helps you to stay positive.
NEXT. i also always, always, always invite recs from my friends. this part involves having exceptionally patient friends, because i always ask for recs. and then i never check them out. literally me checking out a rec is a once in a blue moon thing, so my friends ( @fyolette in particular, may the lord bless her) really have a calm mind because they still always send me things they think i’ll like. i’m eternally grateful for this, ETERNALLY. 
so then i make a list of those. recs most commonly involve fics and music. i try to check out music recs within the day/week, and fic recs get tabbed on my favourite chrome extension ever: onetab.
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boom. beautiful.
NEXT. how to retain all that Good Content™ that you binge? there’s no easy way, you have to figure it out on your own. before my depression hit i had an incredible memory and grasping power, basically reading through something once was enough to memorise it. this ability took a major hit in high school (which i nearly failed by the way, despite being one of the TOP students of my school), and i’ve never really come back to my full form. most days i fear that i never will, but i still have faith. it’s a long life. and hey, even if i don’t, i don’t shy from hard work. i’m willing to replace what was once natural intelligence with hours of manual labour if i have to. that’s a choice i’ll make. 
personally, saying things out loud helps me lots. making flashcards for everything too. i like anki, it’s pretty clean and friendly, but i also struggle with screens when it comes to learning. for me the best way to learn something is to write it out by hand. there’s something about the motion of writing that permanently inks things in my head, so i try to do it whenever i can. i’m trying to shift to digital methods more, though, to save time/money/resources. i like having a split-view. i’ll open whatever i’m reading on one half of the screen, and a notepad on the other, and constantly paraphrase. paraphrasing really helps me. another fantastic thing is to highlight anything unfamiliar (technical jargon, unfamiliar names, cited works, even pop culture references that you don’t get) and make it a rule to google all of it at the end of your reading session. not immediately-- you’ll get sucked into the black hole that is wikipedia and leave your novel aside. do the reading first unless your highlighted term is essential to understanding, and then check out whatever you set aside. that way you understand your current content better, and also branch out into related topics. 
i can go on about these tips for ages so if you have any specific questions/would like me to elaborate, hmu.
NEXT. your...actual...question...what content i keep up with...
so firstly, fic, because fic is life. i’m subscribed to: gentlestars, mindheist, porridgemilk, potter, retox, and rix. i’m also subscribed to a bunch of fics/series but would prefer to keep them private, so hmu off-anon if u’d like to know which ones!
i also kept up with OMGCP for an astonishingly long amount of time (for me) and then dropped off, but i do hope to catch up this summer. i adore OMGCP. i also started on WTNV the moment i realised that i’m good with audio stuff now, but i deliberately don’t binge it because its episodic narrative allows me to be sporadic, and WTNV is not something u binge. it’s something u feel in ur heart.
for music, i’m a mainstream hoe so spotify’s global top 50 is always great, i also love their daily mixes. spotify in general is fantastic, sometimes i like setting up a song radio and listening to similar music, it’s great. my cousin/best friend abhi always hits me up with fantastic music recs, he really knows my taste and knows when to insist that i listen to something. always ends up in my library.
the only thing i do on youtube is watch cooking videos and vine compilations honestly (btw nathan/ayitspnayo is the prince of my heart so i’m very much subscribed to him on snapchat, along with vice magazine and lemonde) but my favourites are sortedfood and peaceful cuisine. apart from those two the only channel i really keep up with on youtube is med school insiders. i love this dude. this dude is like my clip art older brother. 
for shows i’m currently crawling through weightlifting fairy kim bokjoo, and waiting for narcos S3 and GOT S7. i want to binge either brooklyn 99 or it’s always sunny in philadelphia, or parks and recreation. i don’t know, something funny, u know. we’ll see. 
of course it’s incomplete without a tumblr shoutout. i love lolmythesis, wizzard890,  pyrrhiccomedy, fyolette, saintjoan and some others that i don’t follow but keep bookmarked to check regularly. also, pretty random, but reddit is fantastic for trivia and more-than-trivia. the todayilearned sub is gold.
so there u go! i’m sure i’ve missed out on some stuff (it’s 4 AM how did this happen i started answering this at 2) and maybe none of this is useful as opposed to half of it being useful, but i sincerely hope that there’s a miracle and ALL of it is useful to u. it’s never too late to start learning things, and i know that it’s overwhelming when u feel like u don’t have any kind of base so u don’t know where to start. like where does one start learning the history of everything. what does one do to get to the point where u know some obscure detail about nikola tesla’s life? i feel u! i feel u! but u gotta start somewhere. pick something that interests u and branch out from it. u can’t know Everything about Everything Ever anyway, so why not accept that from the get-go and spend ur time wisely learning about what u really want to learn about! 
and it’s such a big world. i’m sure there’s so much you want to learn about. 
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