#terrorfied hat
echantedtoon · 10 months
Allison Chapter Sixteen
(Disclaimer: The song Chesire sings is Wonderland by Sounds Like Harmony and in no way mine.)
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The whole audience of the arena and the three standing there stared at the entrance to this place where foul smelling smoke poked out from the entrance and .....Music played? SERIOUSLY!! WHAT WAS WITH THESE PEOPLE AND SINGING?! Right now it reminded her of her cousin Robert's video games when a new boss appeared. But before now it just seemed like a giant musical like on Broadway, but it just seemed so menacing now as music magically came from no where. Allison shakingly stood up to her feet and just now realized she had no umbrella. It wasn't much but she'd rather have SOMETHING to defend her with, she felt vulnerable without it as they all watched the very tiny shadow approaching from the smoke and music. Allison blinked and shook her head before looking again. Marching towards them, out of the smoke, was Chesire. But this cat wasn't like the regular smiling cat she was used to seeing. As soon as the crowd could make out who it was, there was screams of fright and hundreds of people scrambling from their seats and heading for what she guessed what was the exit to the stands. Their footsteps sounded like thunder and their screams like a millions horror movies were playing at once but for some reason Allison could hear the mysterious boss music clearly. Was she going crazy or was this more of Chesire's magic? The queen immediately pressed back against the Fortune Teller and the moth wrapped his free arms around her bringing up one of his giant wings. He too seemed slightly worried despite his much calmer face. Velveteen looked down right terrorfied of this Chesire. This Chesire's smile wasn't that happy go lucky kind of smile, this one had sinister intentions behind it and that tail.....It was unlike anything Allison had seen before. Separated into floating parts with blue rings, a thread of beads keeping it all attached to his body, his head off his shoulder floating- Well he could always do that, but watching his head just bobbing along permanently above his shoulders as his body bounced along was a little unnerving. And that's another weird thing. He was walking instead of floating, his body bouncing to the beat of the mysterious music and his hand twirling his staff, those slanted eyes lazer focused right onto Velveteen like some owl to a mouse. He didn't even acknowledge the hundreds of people running from him or the Fortune Teller staring at him with narrowed eye calmly as the cat approached.
"I've met this cat and he said, 'Son. I've got nine lives and you've got one.~ So make the best of this you can.~ Cause nothing goes according to plan.~'", Chesire sang, never mind how someone could sing while there head was floating from their neck but the song had a calm, happy tone but there was clearly a menacing undertone to it. "This cat was wise so I took it's advice.~ And waited for a little sunlight.~ I got this feeling that it might work out alriiiiight.~"
In a moment of panic the Queen pulled her staff out and pointed it at Chesire. A familiar rumbling appeared as those eight dirt pillars appeared and went straight towards the small blue cat. Chesire didn't even flinch, stop moving, or blinked as they rumbled towards him.
"Cause life is a trip and it's full of misadventure!~ The cat in the hat has a panic attack.~ But it's laced with good intentions.~" He finally darted his eyes up to the pillars rumbling towards him and without even stopping he raised his staff and the first ring around his tail disappeared. A giant burst of wind tore through the arena destroying the pillars instantly and crumbling them into dust. Fortune brought his wing up more and made Velveteen duck under it to protect her from the dust cloud but Allison was again knock to her bottom and she cough and waved the dust away. "I guess you could say WE'RE ALL MAD HERE!!~ Life is a trip and it's been a bad year.~"
The dust began to slowly settle and when the three looked back up all the pillars were gone and turned into piles of harmless dirt. Allison's jaw dropped. It took her hard work and thinking just to get rid of ONE and Chesire blew then down like paper. He still calmly walked towards them as he kept singing.
"I met this dog and he said, 'Child.~ You'll outlive me seven times.~ So make the best of this you can cause nothing goes according to plan.~' This dog was wise so I took it's advice.~ And waited for a little sunlight.~ I got this feeling that it might turn out alriiiiight.~"
By now most of the arena had been cleared out and again in a moment of panick the Queen stomped down her foot and another familiar rumble was made. The stone walls from the close combat trial appeared and went towards him as he still smiled and calmly sang towards them.
"Cause life is a trip and it's full of misadventure.~ The cat in the hat has a panic attack.~ But it's laced with good intentions.~," he sang just as the walls completely surrounded him and made him disappear from view. They didn't see it, but a second blue ring disappeared from his tail as he again pointed his staff at the stone wall. There was an explosion from the other side and one of the walls immediately cracked and fell to a pile of small rocks on the ground. He didn't care he just started walking over then as he continued singing. "I guess you could say that WE'RE ALL MAD HERE!!~ Life is a trip and it's been a bad year.~" He suddenly stopped ontop of the small pile of ruble and stared intensly at the queen, "Nothing is real and that's a fact!~ When you make believe in Wonderland.~ Nothing is real and that's a fact!!~ When you make believe in Wonderland!~" Velveteen shrieked when some invisible force grabbed her leg and made her trip sending her to the ground and the Fortune Teller promptly threw his beloved pipe to the side and quickly grabbed her with all four has as she was dragged a few feet away from him. "I'M JUST A MAD MAN!!~"
Chesire continued watching her hang onto Fortune Teller for dear life as the usual calm moth scowled at Chesire and pulled her away from his invisible magical hold as Allison watched wide eyes with mixed emotions.
"Love is a locket I keep in my pocket.~....Cause life is a trip and full of misadventure!~" He continued his decent down the small pile of rocks and headed right for them. Eye narrowing at the Queen. "The cat in the hat has a panic attack!!~ But it's laced with good intentions!!~ I guess you can say that WE'RE ALL MAD HERE!! Life is a trip and it's BEEEEEEENN!!~ Life is a trip and it's full of misadventure!!~ The cat in the hat has a panic attack!!~ But it's laced with good intentions!!~ I GUESS YOU COULD SAY THAT WE'RE ALL MAD HERE!!!~ Life is a trip and it's bee-..." He stopped.....he absolutely stopped when red and whites stripes stood in front of him....He slowly blinked and slowly looked up, up, up and into the angry red face of Allison scowling down at him. "...a bad year....ALLISON!! OH THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE STANDING!!" He jumped up and floated in the air still smiling at her. "Are you alright?! You're not hurt are you?!" His eyes looked over her dirtied body and then to her scraped cheek and his eyes narrowed more, and ears pinned to the back of his head. "It seems to me I came a little LATE!!....Which I do apologize. I got here as fast as I could!"
Allison still scowled at him, the rest of the people in the arena piling out in a panic as she spoke. "Let her go, Chesire."
The cat blinked. "....Beg pardon?"
"I said let her go, Chesire. She's not a bad person, not really." Chesire looked as if she had just changed into a dog and threatened to chase him. Smile froze on his face as she stood there, scowl never leaving as the moth continued to play tug of war with the invisible force. "She told me everything and was honest. Which is more I can say for you." Her eyes narrowed more. "Why didn't you tell me you turned people into dust?"
That seemed to make him flinch, his smile disappeared until it turned into a frown and his eye became hurt. Behind them Velveteen was dropped to the ground finally and Fortune pulled her to her feet immediately. Holding her to him as they stared at the cat and Allison. A popping crackling sound was heard and Allison blinked as Cheshire's tail was forced back together like a regular cat tail and it sealed inself back to his body as he deflated in front of her.....His paws shakingly came up to grab his head, and pull it back down onto his small neck as he stared at her.
"I-....was hoping you'd never find out. I-...'' He tried smiling again. "I was only trying to protect you. I never even expected for you to come here. W-Why would it be important?"
"It's important because well, I DID fall down here. On accident but here none the less! And it would've been nice to have a heads up. But Im more hurt because my own best friend says he wants to protect me, but didn't trust me enough to tell me that." Her scowl melted into a hurtful frown as she stared at him. "We have a lot to talk about Chesh. But you need to tell me everything from now on." She smiled and held out her hands, promise?"
Chesire still floated there for a moment staring at her....before smiling again and throwing himself at her in a hug. "I promise! Im so sorry, Allison."
She hugged him tightly. "It's ok. I forgive you....But there's two other people you should also apologize too." She turned around and made him face the two still watching them in fright and scowls alike. Chesire paused looking at the Fortune Teller...then the queen...then at Allison who nodded towards them. "It would mean a lot to me."
Chesire still stared at her for a bit, before looking over to the strange couple and smiled nervously. "So sorry about the inpolite drop in. I was worried about Allison after she was so rudely called away.~"
"And you'll help fix everything, right?"
He looked behind him at the destroyed stone wall and the doors that was tossed off their hendges. "....Oh. OH, OF COURSE!!"
"And you won't do this ever again right?"
"Right, right! I promise." He looked back to the Queen, "Uh....How about it? Truce?"
Velveteen still looked at the small cat Allison held in her arms and jumped when Fortune put a hand on her shoulder. " It would be wise to take this opportunity, my love. Let a long hatred come to rest and make peace. After all, you're more than capable of letting forgiveness into your heart, aren't you?"
The queen didn't answer for a moment, but looked over to this human who beat her and this Cat who had butted heads with her for years. "......" She sighed and nodded. "Truce."
Allison ended up smiling and hugged Chesire more who giggled those funny giggles of his. And Fortune smiled that calm smile of his. "I'm glad everything has turned out for the better. But I think before we forget, we should fix the things that are broken." He lifted a hand and pointed to the path of Chesire's destruction and the cat again chuckled nervously.
"oh...Yes, let's do that."
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doublerumnukacola · 6 years
If I had a bullet for every mistake, the whole Commonwealth would be dead.
Sole’s head was pounding uncontrollably. She groaned, holding it as she drifted out of sleep. Her mouth was uncomfortably dry, her tongue feeling leathery and sticky against her cracked lips. Was this how Hancock felt all the time?
She kept her eyes closed against the invading sunlight, trying to cover them and massage her skull at the same time. She vaguely recalled a nuka-cola bottle on her bedside, maybe there were some stale dregs left inside… She reached over to it, patting blindly as she went… Hold on…
Sole opened her eyes, adjusting to the light. There was a figure beside her, laying against the headboard, fully clothed with their hat pulled over their face. Both were unmistakable.
“Fuck…” She muttered. The figure stirred.
“Language...” Macready murmured, pulling the hat up. His blue eyes were so striking against the dreary beige of the room. She smiled, despite the headache.
“So it's one of these dreams…” She sighed, nestling back into the pillow. “I must be pretty hungover if I’m feeling it in my sleep.” Macready gave a hesitant smile, wondering if she really thought she was dreaming. Sole looked over tiredly, brow furrowing. “... And you usually have less clothes on…” Mac coughed, cheeks flushing. It took a moment for it dawn on her that she was awake. She sat up slowly, smile falling. Macready tried to slowly slide off the bed, but she put a gentle, but firm hand on his coat.
“You’re… Here…” She started simply, dumbstruck. “You came back…” Macready was a bit choked up. He looked away from her.
“Of course I came back, I just…” He tried, but his words trailed off. This wasn't how he really wanted the conversation to go. He didn't really want the conversation at all, he just wanted things to go back to the way they were. The two of them against the Commonwealth… But he sort of blew that. She rubbed her head, closing her eyes.
“I understand why you left.” She said quietly.
“Uh, you do?” Mac asked nervously. She took a breath, trying to keep her stomach down.  
“Yeah, I do.” She reaffirmed, annoyance creeping into her voice. “You left to see Duncan.” Her chest tightened as she continued, heart starting to ache. “I knew that. But what I had to think about all that time you were gone was why you left without me…” Mac bit his lip, he wanted to answer, but words failed him. “At first I thought it was because it would only be a quick visit. Then I thought it was because you were just tired of me…”
“Sole, no…” He tried, but she continued.
“In the end, I put myself in your shoes. Really thought about what could drive someone to do something so thoughtless…” Sole’s voice grew stronger now as she pushed through the hangover. “It was because you were afraid.” His face paled, she’d hit the nail on the head with that one. “Afraid of what Duncan would think of you moving on, what he would think of me, what I would think of him. Maybe it was something else, I could think of a thousand things to be afraid of. What gets me, is you… Never said goodbye… A letter… Anything.” She clutched the material of his coat tightly, balling it in her fist… Before taking a breath and letting go.
“You always knew me better than I ever could.” Macready admitted quietly. “I was terrorfied. Not just of those things but… Losing you. Taking you somewhere that could get you killed…” He gave a soft laugh, barely above a sharp breath. “Sounds a lot stupider out loud than in my head.”
“That should be your slogan, Mac.” Sole joked, but she didn't smile. The world was starting to come into focus again, but the banging in her head was growing more distracting. There was usually some water in her gear, so she started to make her way off the bed. The pain intensified, she managed her breathing to keep her going.
“Hey take it easy!” He snapped, moving to help her up, but she waved away his hands.
“I can… Make it across the room. Thank you… Very much.” She mumbled, pausing to swallow down bile that kept trying to crawl up her throat. She tottered to her gear, rifling through for her can of purified water. Her fingers found it and she cracked it open, drinking it down greedily. She finished, took a gasp of breath, and tossed the empty can on the floor.
“Guess it's the maids problem now.” Macready joked nervously.
“Shut up, R.J.” Sole muttered, loud enough for him to hear. His jaw set into a firm frown, the nickname always struck a nerve with him. She stood at the dresser for a moment, collecting herself.
She looked down at herself, she was still wearing the rose dress. She needed her armor to deal with this. Her Vault suit was still at Irma’s, but she had some road leathers she’d been keeping just in case.
She slipped the dress off over her head, setting it on the dresser to keep it neat.
“Should I uh… Go?” Macready asked. Sole refused to turn around, but she smirked. His face was undoubtedly flushed red as a tato.
“Why? Not like you haven't seen it all before.” Sole noted casually, bending down to get the road leathers and Combat armor. There was a heavy silence, Macready stayed on the bed, frozen to the spot. She started sliding on the jeans, the denim hugging close to the skin.
“So, uh…” He swallowed, but tried to keep the conversation going. “Are you… Still mad at me?” She sighed, pulling the jeans over her hips, more snug than last she tried them on.
“Mad? Who’s mad?” She asked, grabbing a ratty tshirt two sizes too big. “I told you I understand why you left.” She took her time slipping the shirt on, she heard another audible swallow. “You alright, R.J.? Need a can of water? You sound a little thirsty.” She tugged the shirt over her head and pulled it down. He coughed, trying to clear his throat.
“Does that mean… You forgive me?” He asked hesitantly. She froze, hands wrapped in her leather jacket.
“No.” She answered coldly. That was all she had to say on it, and he was smart enough not to press. She resumed putting on the leather jacket.
“Figured as much.” He sighed, finally moving off the bed, now that his blood flow was moving north. “Any chance that…” He said before he could stop himself.
“Chance that I’ll change my mind?” She asked sharply. He flinched back. “Forgive you for leaving without notice? Not long after I told you I loved you?” Oh he’d screwed up. He cringed into his hat, pulling it over his face. “I couldn't have been that bad in bed. I certainly didn't hear any complaints when I put that mutfruit-”
“Jeez ok I’m sorry!” He cut in. “I messed up!” She chuckled softly. She’d missed getting under his skin like this. She turned to him, smiling gently.
“Mac…” She started, starting to grow more sentimental now that her headache was fading. “Not two days ago I was drowning at the bottom of a bottle, trying to get over you.” She looked away, moving towards the door. “And at the end of it I did.” She opened her hotel door and looked back at him. “I'm going to start packing now, you can come back when I’m done and do what you want with the room.”
“You don't have to leave because of me-” Macready started but she shook her head.
“No, I decided this before…” She explained.
“What would you have done with my stuff?” Macready asked jokingly. “I hope you wouldn’t have burnt it, those comics are pretty rare.”
“Probably would have given it to Daisy.” She guessed. He nodded, glad it wasn't malicious. He headed out the door, pausing in the hall.
“For what it's worth,” He said, voice hitching. “Duncan would have loved you.” She swung the door shut, locking it quickly. He stayed there a moment from shock, the suddenness catching him off guard. He put a hand on the door silently, as if trying to feel her through the plywood. He rested his forehead against the door, closing his eyes. Then, in the stillness of the hotel, he heard quiet, broken sobs. The kind when you cover your mouth, choking on the words you want to scream out, and tears bleed down soaking your shirt. The sobs you make when you are desperate that nobody hear you.
They were the same ones he’d done after Lucy was killed, and Duncan was fast asleep.
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hazbinextgeneration · 3 years
Down The Rabbithole Ch16
(Disclaimer: The song Chesire sings is Wonderland by Sounds Like Harmony and in no way mine.)
The whole audience of the arena and the three standing there stared at the entrance to this place where foul smelling smoke poked out from the entrance and .....Music played? SERIOUSLY!! WHAT WAS WITH THESE PEOPLE AND SINGING?! Right now it reminded her of her cousin Robert's video games when a new boss appeared. But before now it just seemed like a giant musical like on Broadway, but it just seemed so menacing now as music magically came from no where. Allison shakingly stood up to her feet and just now realized she had no umbrella. It wasn't much but she'd rather have SOMETHING to defend her with, she felt vulnerable without it as they all watched the very tiny shadow approaching from the smoke and music. Allison blinked and shook her head before looking again. Marching towards them, out of the smoke, was Chesire. But this cat wasn't like the regular smiling cat she was used to seeing. As soon as the crowd could make out who it was, there was screams of fright and hundreds of people scrambling from their seats and heading for what she guessed what was the exit to the stands. Their footsteps sounded like thunder and their screams like a millions horror movies were playing at once but for some reason Allison could hear the mysterious boss music clearly. Was she going crazy or was this more of Chesire's magic? The queen immediately pressed back against the Fortune Teller and the moth wrapped his free arms around her bringing up one of his giant wings. He too seemed slightly worried despite his much calmer face. Velveteen looked down right terrorfied of this Chesire. This Chesire's smile wasn't that happy go lucky kind of smile, this one had sinister intentions behind it and that tail.....It was unlike anything Allison had seen before. Separated into floating parts with blue rings, a thread of beads keeping it all attached to his body, his head off his shoulder floating- Well he could always do that, but watching his head just bobbing along permanently above his shoulders as his body bounced along was a little unnerving. And that's another weird thing. He was walking instead of floating, his body bouncing to the beat of the mysterious music and his hand twirling his staff, those slanted eyes lazer focused right onto Velveteen like some owl to a mouse. He didn't even acknowledge the hundreds of people running from him or the Fortune Teller staring at him with narrowed eye calmly as the cat approached.
"I've met this cat and he said, 'Son. I've got nine lives and you've got one.~ So make the best of this you can.~ Cause nothing goes according to plan.~'", Chesire sang, never mind how someone could sing while there head was floating from their neck but the song had a calm, happy tone but there was clearly a menacing undertone to it. "This cat was wise so I took it's advice.~ And waited for a little sunlight.~ I got this feeling that it might work out alriiiiight.~"
In a moment of panic the Queen pulled her staff out and pointed it at Chesire. A familiar rumbling appeared as those eight dirt pillars appeared and went straight towards the small blue cat. Chesire didn't even flinch, stop moving, or blinked as they rumbled towards him.
"Cause life is a trip and it's full of misadventure!~ The cat in the hat has a panic attack.~ But it's laced with good intentions.~" He finally darted his eyes up to the pillars rumbling towards him and without even stopping he raised his staff and the first ring around his tail disappeared. A giant burst of wind tore through the arena destroying the pillars instantly and crumbling them into dust. Fortune brought his wing up more and made Velveteen duck under it to protect her from the dust cloud but Allison was again knock to her bottom and she cough and waved the dust away. "I guess you could say WE'RE ALL MAD HERE!!~ Life is a trip and it's been a bad year.~"
The dust began to slowly settle and when the three looked back up all the pillars were gone and turned into piles of harmless dirt. Allison's jaw dropped. It took her hard work and thinking just to get rid of ONE and Chesire blew then down like paper. He still calmly walked towards them as he kept singing.
"I met this dog and he said, 'Child.~ You'll outlive me seven times.~ So make the best of this you can cause nothing goes according to plan.~' This dog was wise so I took it's advice.~ And waited for a little sunlight.~ I got this feeling that it might turn out alriiiiight.~"
By now most of the arena had been cleared out and again in a moment of panick the Queen stomped down her foot and another familiar rumble was made. The stone walls from the close combat trial appeared and went towards him as he still smiled and calmly sang towards them.
"Cause life is a trip and it's full of misadventure.~ The cat in the hat has a panic attack.~ But it's laced with good intentions.~," he sang just as the walls completely surrounded him and made him disappear from view. They didn't see it, but a second blue ring disappeared from his tail as he again pointed his staff at the stone wall. There was an explosion from the other side and one of the walls immediately cracked and fell to a pile of small rocks on the ground. He didn't care he just started walking over then as he continued singing. "I guess you could say that WE'RE ALL MAD HERE!!~ Life is a trip and it's been a bad year.~" He suddenly stopped ontop of the small pile of ruble and stared intensly at the queen, "Nothing is real and that's a fact!~ When you make believe in Wonderland.~ Nothing is real and that's a fact!!~ When you make believe in Wonderland!~" Velveteen shrieked when some invisible force grabbed her leg and made her trip sending her to the ground and the Fortune Teller promptly threw his beloved pipe to the side and quickly grabbed her with all four has as she was dragged a few feet away from him. "I'M JUST A MAD MAN!!~"
Chesire continued watching her hang onto Fortune Teller for dear life as the usual calm moth scowled at Chesire and pulled her away from his invisible magical hold as Allison watched wide eyes with mixed emotions.
"Love is a locket I keep in my pocket.~....Cause life is a trip and full of misadventure!~" He continued his decent down the small pile of rocks and headed right for them. Eye narrowing at the Queen. "The cat in the hat has a panic attack!!~ But it's laced with good intentions!!~ I guess you can say that WE'RE ALL MAD HERE!! Life is a trip and it's BEEEEEEENN!!~ Life is a trip and it's full of misadventure!!~ The cat in the hat has a panic attack!!~ But it's laced with good intentions!!~ I GUESS YOU COULD SAY THAT WE'RE ALL MAD HERE!!!~ Life is a trip and it's bee-..." He stopped.....he absolutely stopped when red and whites stripes stood in front of him....He slowly blinked and slowly looked up, up, up and into the angry red face of Allison scowling down at him. "...a bad year....ALLISON!! OH THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE STANDING!!" He jumped up and floated in the air still smiling at her. "Are you alright?! You're not hurt are you?!" His eyes looked over her dirtied body and then to her scraped cheek and his eyes narrowed more, and ears pinned to the back of his head. "It seems to me I came a little LATE!!....Which I do apologize. I got here as fast as I could!"
Allison still scowled at him, the rest of the people in the arena piling out in a panic as she spoke. "Let her go, Chesire."
The cat blinked. "....Beg pardon?"
"I said let her go, Chesire. She's not a bad person, not really." Chesire looked as if she had just changed into a dog and threatened to chase him. Smile froze on his face as she stood there, scowl never leaving as the moth continued to play tug of war with the invisible force. "She told me everything and was honest. Which is more I can say for you." Her eyes narrowed more. "Why didn't you tell me you turned people into dust?"
That seemed to make him flinch, his smile disappeared until it turned into a frown and his eye became hurt. Behind them Velveteen was dropped to the ground finally and Fortune pulled her to her feet immediately. Holding her to him as they stared at the cat and Allison. A popping crackling sound was heard and Allison blinked as Cheshire's tail was forced back together like a regular cat tail and it sealed inself back to his body as he deflated in front of her.....His paws shakingly came up to grab his head, and pull it back down onto his small neck as he stared at her.
"I-....was hoping you'd never find out. I-...'' He tried smiling again. "I was only trying to protect you. I never even expected for you to come here. W-Why would it be important?"
"It's important because well, I DID fall down here. On accident but here none the less! And it would've been nice to have a heads up. But Im more hurt because my own best friend says he wants to protect me, but didn't trust me enough to tell me that." Her scowl melted into a hurtful frown as she stared at him. "We have a lot to talk about Chesh. But you need to tell me everything from now on." She smiled and held out her hands, promise?"
Chesire still floated there for a moment staring at her....before smiling again and throwing himself at her in a hug. "I promise! Im so sorry, Allison."
She hugged him tightly. "It's ok. I forgive you....But there's two other people you should also apologize too." She turned around and made him face the two still watching them in fright and scowls alike. Chesire paused looking at the Fortune Teller...then the queen...then at Allison who nodded towards them. "It would mean a lot to me."
Chesire still stared at her for a bit, before looking over to the strange couple and smiled nervously. "So sorry about the inpolite drop in. I was worried about Allison after she was so rudely called away.~"
"And you'll help fix everything, right?"
He looked behind him at the destroyed stone wall and the doors that was tossed off their hendges. "....Oh. OH, OF COURSE!!"
"And you won't do this ever again right?"
"Right, right! I promise." He looked back to the Queen, "Uh....How about it? Truce?"
Velveteen still looked at the small cat Allison held in her arms and jumped when Fortune put a hand on her shoulder. " It would be wise to take this opportunity, my love. Let a long hatred come to rest and make peace. After all, you're more than capable of letting forgiveness into your heart, aren't you?"
The queen didn't answer for a moment, but looked over to this human who beat her and this Cat who had butted heads with her for years. "......" She sighed and nodded. "Truce."
Allison ended up smiling and hugged Chesire more who giggled those funny giggles of his. And Fortune smiled that calm smile of his. "I'm glad everything has turned out for the better. But I think before we forget, we should fix the things that are broken." He lifted a hand and pointed to the path of Chesire's destruction and the cat again chuckled nervously.
"oh...Yes, let's do that."
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dragon-seahorse · 7 years
I told ya’ll i was gonna write it and here it is! fair warning there is a tiny bit of injury description(but I PROMISE you all i will not go in to much detail)/personal head cannon about Black Hat in here anyway here you go
  It had all happened so fast, a small portal that Black Hat had opened to retreive something to scare Dr.Flug, 5.0.5 and Demetcia away from him for a while ripped open wider and a hidious black creature had crawled through. The creature only had to glance at the trio before two of them ran but Flug was just standing there frozen in fear, in that moment the otherworldly creature had Lunged at him Flug braced himself but suddenly felt himself being shoved to the ground and could hear the sound of razor sharp Teeth biting through flesh before the fear and chaos of it all made him pass out. 
The Doctor woke up a few minutes later to see that the Creature was gone and the portal it came through was gone as well, he sat up and before he could rub his head and asked what had happened he saw his boss standing aways away with his back to him. He was holding his right arm as a bright green substance ran down and was splashing on the ground which made steam come up from it with every drop. Flug gasped and quickly ran over to him to see if he could help. “M-Mr. Black Hat sir are..are you alright is...is there anything i can do to help?” Flug asked trying to get a good look at the wound before Black Hat turned away. “STAY BACK YOU FOOL!! DO YOU WANT TO GET BURNED?!” Black Hat snapped at him before letting out an pained grunt then heading over to his desk. “Where is that damnned thing?... I knew I left it in here somewhere.” He mumbled to himself as he looked through the Drawers with his good arm. After a few moments he pulled out a first aid kit and motioned to Flug who quickly came over to his side. “There’s an extra pair of gloves in there put them on and then you can go ahead and see what the damage is.” he instructed before snapping his fingers and had his coat remove itself from him,self repair then hang itself up on the coat hanger. Dr. Flug could finally see the wounds clearly now on both his upper and lower arm were huge almost shark like bites on them. He quickly opened the box put on the spare gloves and went to work almost immedently.
“U-uhhhmmm S-Sir? if...if you don’t mind me asking what..what exactly was that thing? it was absolutely terrorfying.” Flug asked as he tended to his boss’ arm. Black Hat let out a sigh and rested his chin in the palm of his good arm “To be honest....it’s a creature I haven’t seen in a long time....it’s an accumilation of nightmares specfically children’s nightmares...from what I’ve learned from you humans children can see the world as much more scary place than how it truly is...they tend to fear the unknown much more than their adult counterparts...Gahh!! hey easy on that damn disinfectant!!” he exclaimed wincing a bit in pain as Flug finished up getting the wounds clean. “H-Heh heh sorry about that Sir...but wow that’s actually really intresting...but i’m curious as to why it came here?” he asked starting to put the bandages on his boss.  “probably because it sensed someone with powerful nightmares....those things feed on fear...and they’ll do almost anything to get it..Heh it must’ve come sensing the fear on you three...it probably would’ve eaten you all had the other two stayed with you...” Black Hat responded.
That answer made Flug almost drop the bandages “I-It w-would’ve eaten us!?!...y-you could’ve...you could’ve gotten rid of us if you let it do that...so why didn’t you?”.  Black Hat sighed again and looked away “Look i may not really care for you all...but you, you’re a bit different you may screw up a lot and you may get on my nerves but you’re still a good scientist...a great one even and I don’t want to loose that, because you have always found a way to make things work... and besides you’re MY scientist and I would rather die then let some two bit creature or hero or what ever it may be take you from me understand?!”. Flug was dumbfounded but he quickly shook it off and smiled. He knew his boss cared about him in his own weird way and he was glad about that “Yes sir...i-if you’d like I’m all finished now i could go make you so tea?” he said getting up and putting everything away back in the box.  Black Hat gave him a curious look but smiled a bit and nodded “you know how i like it right?” he asked he smile turning to an evil smirk. Flug chuckled and nodded “Yep four sugars and some milk i’ll be right back!” He said and ran off. Black Hat couldn’t help but chuckle as he watch his scientist go, he looked at his bandaged arm and looked impressed “not bad my little Doctor...not bad at all~...”
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I feel like Sprinkle would be going threw his old notebooks and find this song from when he was sixteen or so and make/publish it. It just fits his sixteen year old self, I mean, "I've lost who I am. And I can't understand why my Heart is so broken rejecting your love." "Wasted years, wasted gain. All is lost, hope remains. And my wars not over." "Yesterday I died, tomorrows bleeding. I fall into your sun light." The love he's rejecting would be Dance's cause he was terrorfied of a fathers love at this time. The sunlight he finds would be Blue's or Circe:s who showed him true love. And "There's a light, there's a sun, taking all the shattered ones." The light there is Blue and the sun is Dance. All their friends and family are 'shattered' but they love them anyway and excepted Sprinkle and his shattered self. And then, "With love gone for so long." Thats Blue leaving him and him forgetting what 'love' even is. "And this days ending is he proof of time killing all the faith I know. Knowing that faith is all I hold." His 'faith' is the faith he'll escape, time killing his faith that he'llvget out of his abusive home and- I gotta stop before I list the Sprinkles Life meaning of every line in this song. Okay one more "And without love gone wrong lifeless words carry on. But I know, all I know with hat the ends beginning." Love gone wrong, ahem DUST. Lifeless words, would be "a fathers love" to Sprinkle cause at this point in time he thought it didnt exist "all I know is that he ends beginning." Him going to LA to follow his talents and passions, aka HIS MUSIC "Who I am from my start, take me home to my heart. Let me go and I will run I will not be silenced." Who he was from his start was that,sweet innocent child who was happy and loved and never frowned, he wants to be that again "Take me home to my heart" his heart had left him because he went emotionless (other then depression) at thirteen, he wants to find his happiness and hsi love and what makes him HIM again, "Let me go. I will run." He'll run back to who he used to be, who he's SUPPOSED to be. "I will no the silenced." He's done being a shy kid who doesn't speak his mind, he'll do what he wants. And he won't let critism put him down or send him spiraling back into darkness. Thats all XD
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