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erzelmeknelkulivilag · 6 months ago
Ti már elgondolkodtatok azon hogy mikor kezdődött a lejtmenet?
Nekem kb. 8-9 éve nyáron amikor az éjszaka kellős közepén lekocogtam 30+ km-t majd át utaztam bp-n 0ft bol egy lemerült teloval a zsebembe hogy szerelmet valljak az első(remélem nem utolso) szerelmemnek akivel előtte 1-fél éven keresztül szinte mindennap beszéltünk órákon keresztül még Skype on és mindezt azért mert nagyjából este 10-11 korul tudtam meg a többiektől beszélgetés közben hogy összejött az akkori egyik legjobb barátommal akit én mutattam be mindenkinek….
(Legalább van egy beteg sztori az életemből 🥲)
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katalogos · 7 months ago
Ultimate OC List
From A-Z, in each group
The Old Gods
Astonio (he/him)
Avarice (he/they/it)
Bane (he/it)
Desperare (he/they/she/it)
Ennarie (she/they)
Gosodovn (he/it)
Hadeon (he/they)
Rosure (she/her)
Shalldor (he/it)
Viathan (it/he/they)
Volyk (they/it)
Wicek (he/him)
The New Order
Cameron (he/him)
Cassius (he/him)
Edwin (he/they)
Shawn (he/it)
Spiros (he/him)
Zadkiel (he/him)
Ghastly Legends
Delgare Dux (he/him)
Desidero (he/him)
Dominari (he/him)
Slight of Hand
Augustus (he/him)
Aurum (he/it)
Barron (he/him)
Bruno (he/they)
Charlie (he/him)
Felix (he/him)
Iridia (she/her)
Platino (he/him)
Vince (he/they)
Azriel (they/them)
Castiel (he/him)
Ferro (he/they)
Maia (she/her)
Mercy (they/he)
Sio (he/him)
Scrolls of Change
Meleph (he/they/it)
Tàiyáng (Tai) (he/him)
Secunda (he/they)
Walk in the Park
Bordeaux (he/him)
Maurizio (he/they)
Naomi (she/her)
Santiago (he/him)
Sheilynn (she/her)
Tavi (he/him)
Call of War
Aurai (she/her)
Hakon (he/him)
Karanos (he/him)
Cardinal Gods
Allezia (he/she)
Arceno (he/him)
Desaise (they/he/she/it)
Descorde (he/it)
Destruire (he/it)
Despicere (he/she)
Eloncia (she/her)
Gravitaz (they/he)
Halcine (it/they/he)
Mariza (she/her)
Nazca (he/him)
Oneras (they/them)
Patahas (he/him)
Shozen (he/they)
Telove (she/her)
Viceza (she/her)
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augustodacaixa · 1 year ago
Agradeço a Deus pela proteção no dia de hoje e por estar ao meu lado em todos os momentos da minha vida #EstrelaDeFamília #Ultra10kvis #sejacriador #telove #souseudeushttps://k.kwai.com/p/zfCsptfe
Achei um vídeo bem legal no Kwai . Venha conferir! https://k.kwai.com/p/zfCsptfe
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444names · 2 years ago
quenya names BUT excluding "n"
Abeges Adfar Afairde Aideed Ailmë Airow Aittarta Alacalaht Alador Alalata Alaquár Alassë Alasty Alaurmë Alcomer Aldamo Aldarmë Aligh Alightë Alimírë Almillë Almostar Alofts Aloster Alyal Alórë Amartaht Amarths Amaster Ambour Amerossë Amiry Amíri Aptar Arastar Araulmë Arereldo Aressa Ariell Arimast Arium Artar Artheassa Arthop Arátorris Asteatar Atalë Atarrele Atessar Attalcar Attelday Attle Attyelfhe Aurauruca Avalcarve Avars Averi Awavyhar Axarofts Balmë Barus Bears Beasar Beatië Begeme Beger Beigilt Belwë Belómë Belótil Bitar Bitheak Blearch Blemosta Blose Blowler Boolo Booma Bormajor Borría Brefiry Breft Brelloss Brosight Calamermë Calië Caliër Callë Calwa Camal Carisir Carsumbar Casto Celmë Celpë Childa Chilew Cildal Cilúmet Cittar Coakemma Collë Commer Compir Culië Dackles Deepvast Deref Desta Dorth Dowest Dowvar Dwards Dwaverulë Eadmight Eafalm Ealië Eastir Easto Eaval Edeler Elcomel Eldace Eldaita Eldald Elders Eldil Eldor Eldëa Eleyma Eligh Elmairya Elperië Elpought Elómë Emousse Eriellë Erussë Essëa Estril Estumo Eveasar Evermë Everucto Eämba Eämbare Eärairess Faitë Falaule Fallord Fallómë Fastalmë Fastar Fatar Feasto Feavesta Femerup Femore Feright Firrámar Flataraxë Folace Foldë Forda Fordis Forgol Formers Foryalqua Frussë Fíright Garders Gemar Gessë Giviefix Glook Golityell Golka Golótië Grasse Graxal Grelows Guage Gualië Halmilië Halmous Hamar Harroyamo Hastair Hastale Hasterel Haulë Hayels Hearmo Hearë Hease Hecele Hiefty Hilda Hilwë Hilótë Hipbur Hirech Homba Hostul Hrostarë Hyarmo Hyatch Hyaver Icemarix Ieless Ilmar Ilqua Ilver Ilwemme Ircalë Ishity Isirë Istilda Istlacalë Istomer Jesub Jewelpë Khale Kulielk Lairrorom Laitya Laiwë Lalcop Lasars Lastar Laucar Laurace Laure Leasto Lepvata Lestur Limír Lofted Lorome Lossoussë Loverea Loveri Lovestley Lublumba Luvali Luvalm Lámairels Lámairya Lólaulië Lómace Macaldë Maicto Mairyar Mariath Marights Maril Marima Marma Marmer Maroyalmo Marsivil Masse Massë Masto Mastrusem Melmo Merdi Merflas Merusive Mirds Miriër Mirster Missahtë Mitil Musil Ocavers Oirol Olady Oldur Orottar Orows Orrímaker Ortard Ortop Osilith Outher Oxfol Oxfor Parer Pariars Parmë Peavalamo Pedge Peepvarta Pelday Perumak Perussë Petta Phalt Phays Pider Pitheldo Pittelë Plamel Posta Prass Priset Questiry Quety Ragema Rastarda Realmaitë Recormer Relet Relómë Ressë Riker Rikor Rissë Rombar Rosts Rufirië Rukorelwë Rólast Rómer Rómits Rúatáril Sarátorto Secomp Semer Shaly Shelet Sherdar Shitë Sicklere Siders Sight Sightar Silmight Silmë Simer Stairds Stairief Stele Strested Stril Suble Subled Sumbë Sumárië Suphalli Sussar Sussë Sustlamir Swommírë Súlië Súrië Talar Talma Taloweava Talótë Tarmar Tarthful Tarucal Tassë Tateldë Teldook Teled Telem Tellë Telos Telove Terfla Terist Terme Teroma Thalië Tirmëa Tivil Towitar Tualf Turows Tyartalls Tyarómë Tyeas Tyelf Tyerumë Tyestelur Uldoro Umbeass Umostar Urohtarë Vagol Valace Valdë Valighta Valië Valmircar Valock Varacirë Varbody Vardil Vassë Veacom Vereastál Viévalië Vortopped Wardaths Wariagle Waráto Wavald Waveless Wearaft Weldë Westar Whabitive Whigill Whipear Whordi Wiftelf Wiliër Wiough Wombipell Womwers Woros Yards Yarldë Yarmë Yarría Yataur Yeldaurë Yeldósar Yesildo Yulka Yáriefta Árity Írimmaher Ñgoller Ñolwë Ólastya Úroted Úvalmo Ṃbarafic Ṃbarmel
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willcodehtmlforfood · 5 months ago
A g wallet probléma 1x jött fel, de semmi nem használt akkor (feloldás, külön wallet app megnézése,2x is tiltott)
Szóval ma a Monzo faszakodasa után simán a teloval fizettem, semmit nem kért (mondjuk abba a boltba 2 naponta járok humuszt venni....)
Én: £1.40 -et fizetnék contactless a bótba
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Wtf is the contactless limit bitch?!
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breitzbachbea · 8 years ago
Drabble #22
I love my russian lesbians for a lot of things - including Irina’s fashion sense. No matter how horrible. Drabble Collection on Ao3 Drabble Collection on Fictionpress Ship: Telov Buy Me a Coffee "Honey, the 90ies called, they want their shoes back" Vicki said and Irina's former smile turned into a frustrated frown. "I like them" she pouted and her girlfriend sighed: "Irinushka, even if you like Plateau shoes, we're not going to some big city but to a small hut somewhere on the countryside." "You don't like them."
"I wouldn't be caught dead in them, but you look cute in everything you wear. Frozen feet, however, do not look so cute." Irina apparently desperately tried to think of a comeback, head already red, but then let herself fall down next to Vicki on their couch, the blonde hugging her. "Well, I like them" she mumbled and rested her head against the one of her girlfriend. "Irinushka, I know you do, but you can't wear them. Where are your boots?" Irina just closed her eyes and Viktoriya frowned before pulling away from the hug: "Your boots, Irinushka." "I lost them." "You lost them?" "I threw them out." "What- Why?" "Because they were pretty damn worn out." "And you didn't get new ones since then?" "Nope." "Lapotschka, why didn't you? Actually, you should have more than one appropriate pair, now I think of it?" "Because they're ugly, ugh! And because it didn't matter at that time! I mean ... I have tons of boots, I just didn't realise I threw away the special ones! You know, the work ones!" "O-Okay ... but then why the Plateau shoes?" Irina looked her dead in the eye: "Because I like plateau shoes." "Irinushka...!" She got up and strutted to the door: "And I am gonna show them off!" "Irina! Get back here! I won't take you out in those!”
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tosteron · 4 years ago
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Les mega recomiendo el té de taro de Anura Té, acargo de mi estimado carnal @elhuracangonzalo sabroso y rico en propiedades saludables (en la foto se ve cafecito porque le pongo leche de nuez y lo endulzo con piloncillo) 😋🍵 . #anurate #taro #te #té #tea #amantesdelte #tealover #telovers (en Puebla City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJWmDQCsR-Q/?igshid=1a43fqjtspf9v
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morillakarolina · 3 years ago
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#ThugLife #magirl #party #Gritemos #telove y.... Así empezó todo... 😎🍹 #WidliMaGirl #YeahNigga $$$$$$$$$ 💝 (en Feria De Osuna) https://www.instagram.com/p/BFTxonczBHHZG0CO60Kzr2UTC5Om9agFuEbWDs0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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colandote · 3 years ago
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¿Ya tienen sus Tés y Tisanas para esta temporada? 🍵🫖🍃 Imagen compartida por @eduardoadamsr #tea #colandote #tenegro #teblanco #té #telover #teacommunity #teverde #greentea #teacup #teazul #tenegro #blacktea https://www.instagram.com/p/CYFCEWKujK8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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caroltsales · 6 years ago
🕺 Ele e Ela... nós!💃Meu Começo e FimAutora: Jo MagriniLink: http://amzn.to/2C8ql7U "Respiro o seu cheiro e gemidos saem pelos meus lábios. — Eu tenho uma surpresa... — digo rindo, quando ele chuta a porta do quarto e me derruba sobre a cama.— Não consigo imaginar qual seja a surpresa que tem para mim, mas no caminho até chegarmos em casa, eu conjecturei algumas em minha mente.— É mesmo? — Sim..."
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davidperfectfriend · 6 years ago
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No #verdadeiro #amor não há anulações, o #casal permanece #unido e, ao mesmo tempo, mantém a sua #personalidade e #particularidades. Uma das coisas mais #incríveis no amor é a capacidade de #somar e de ser #somado. #TeLove! #fitness #instamood #party #style #photo #life #nofilter #sun #gay #music #follow4follow #boys #beach #instalive #instagay #pretty #tdb #bestoftheday #swag #sky #vsco #followforfollow #f4f #l4l #cool #amazing #TFLers #beauty #sunset #lol (em Lagoa da Pampulha) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmONR10lF4_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fpf24ydzla7k
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wallissonwally · 7 years ago
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Minha companhia perfeita. #loveislove #WallyERoni #4Anos #Namoridos #DivosTop #FelizDiaDosNamorados #MinhaMelhorCompanhia #TeLove 😍😘👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👬
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evanthenerd83 · 7 years ago
Court of Telov: Qasn’ur (Flash Fiction #723)
Qasn’ur is the owner. Qasn’ur is the puppeteer. The unborn, the young, the old, all shall fall into His toy chest. He plays with all and breaks all. He has played countless games over dying eons and the playing field screams. Telov cannot breach His room nor can Selene call Him forth. Time nor death can touch His great hands. Death is just another one of His games. And those who play with Qasn’ur shall play with Him until Coronation.
Want More: https://evanthenerd83.tumblr.com/post/168110604161/december-2017-story-index-individual-fiction
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marta-gonzalez · 5 years ago
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Happy Birthday to you, gran noche y muchas risas como siempre #telove 😍❤️ eres única nunca cambies 😘 (en Shutton Ginger Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7w3WsvC9X78tONeCBnMbg6biGg9NyTlipwE7s0/?igshid=1y10fwhzkquig
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miltaum · 3 years ago
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Sabe aquele porto seguro que te sustenta, te leva pra cima, te da direção, te traz para direção, te coloca onde vc deveria estar, essa é minha princesa! Te amo amor da minha vida! #beijus #eueela #telove (em Parque da Cidade Roberto Burle Marx) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfuXnI0vQ9lln9s5EBpLrD3sAgw31vnyleNRYc0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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444names · 2 years ago
quenya names BUT short and including "o"
Abhomen Abhor Accon Alandor Alcolle Almo Amarbo Ambo Amoss Ando Angamo Angollë Angumno Arandor Aranory Archos Ardacot Argor Artamo Arto Asto Atanon Atto Attodō Auldo Avarto Axarmo Bico Blandon Blondë Blounto Blow Blows Bolda Boots Brindo Brion Bron Brontë Brostla Brow Caramo Chor Chron Cirion Cleposs Coamor Coasa Coldar Cole Colos Coma Combace Comp Comúrin Conding Condë Cong Cord Core Coreo Cori Corla Coros Corow Corta Cory Coted Coutya Crom Cronnar Devot Dontul Doomë Dorion Dousk Dowbo Dowen Durona Eafino Earon Ekkasto Eldor Eldoren Eldorin Elflon Elon Elro Elronel Elrot Elvano Elveno Elvindo Endorn Eord Eornë Eorwë Ercon Erflo Erulion Eruondë Eruone Eruonta Exanong Findo Flordi Foamírë Foldil Folms Ford Fords Foria Foril Formaró Forme Former Fornel Forno Fornë Foron Forting Forto Forë Forëa Fricton Frion Fírion Gaor Girdo Gloryar Gloster Gnoll Gode Gody Goll Gollië Gollon Gonder Greldo Greo Hado Hadold Hadont Hano Hasto Heco Hecola Hecom Helmero Helmon Herion Holendë Holin Holië Holle Hollië Hollë Homë Hormë Hoss Host Hosta Houle Houron Hraurto Hros Hrámor Hröano Hyamo Hánow Ilmo Inasto Ingol Irod Isildoc Isimo Jorinwë Kingold Knot Laldo Laldold Lanto Laukots Lemo Limo Lion Liondil Listo Llëon Loccur Lontar Look Loomëa Loon Lorme Lornitë Loros Loss Losts Louna Love Lovenwë Lowbo Lumasto Lámo Lómirmo Lórion Maingo Mandor Mano Manon Marado Marmo Marmor Mendo Menoli Micano Mico Mienho Mindo Mindohe Mino Mionna Miramo Miron Mison Moren Mori Morind Morinwë Morion Mormë Morya Mose Mosilpë Moublem Moundon Moundë Moungo Mour Mourwan Mámo Mámoros Márieno Mírindo Mírion Naldo Nando Nandon Nannor Nanto Naukong Nelon Newor Nohie Nold Noldar Noldë Noll Nollimo Nollinë Nollows Nolody Nomba Nomenda Normeht Norong Norons Nort Norwë Norya Noted Nísion Occil Occo Ohelmë Ohider Oiendo Oineldo Oion Oiona Oionda Olle Ollë Ondil Ondo Ondoro Onnon Onso Onórack Orda Orna Ornaxë Orody Orolows Oron Orond Orondil Orons Oros Orresto Orráto Orröar Orta Ostaitë Oste Ostned Ostuler Oxfoll Oxfolli Oärron Oärwhor Peoples Peopper Polasto Poldórë Poss Possa Possi Poun Prion Proser Rado Rimo Rinstro Rion Roam Roccil Rohís Rombar Rona Rondil Rong Roody Roon Ross Rowerië Royan Rusto Rómiroc Seattor Seco Serno Shanto Shirion Sicoree Sildor Sillo Sirro Sonal Sondo Sore Sorembe Sori Soright Sorring Sort Soublië Sounsus Sour Sourë Sousse Spiondo Stalmo Stanto Storth Swomen Swomend Swomëa Swor Sworge Sworn Sworto Swough Talon Tatto Tellon Telmo Telon Telover Tento Thado Thordar Tioll Tion Tollë Tollótë Tomer Topee Touble Touna Tous Towva Treo Trions Undo Undor Undowle Urukon Usecold Valasto Valikor Valimo Varráto Veron Vores Vorwë Vottel Wando Waronen Wavesto Westimo Wetion Whorn Whost Wion Wombark Wombarë Womp Wood Wordi Worme Worni Woronel Woruon Wost Wosto Yavelon Yeldo Yestron Yonitë Youble Your Áron Írion Ñgoldo Ñgor Ñoldo Ñolmo Ñornë Ósarion Úmantor
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