#tell me yan wars WOULDN'T suggest it to rile legend up
wayfayrr · 4 months
The Menace Anon understands so you chose "Guard" and I open the curtains to our star.
Here we got the Courage!Reader and I don't know shit about the series, except for the "Excuuusee me, princess" meme. So I apologize for that. I hope you have as much fun as I have writing this.
Courage!Reader isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but they are strong.
Their Sword the Crissword, I had to look for it, I never saw the cartoon.
Other Nickname than Courage, Guard.
Reader will definitely get asked to have an arm wrestling match against Twilight. It ended with a tie as the table split into two.
Courage!Reader is annoying the shit out of Legend.
„Excuuusee me, Veteran!“
It's just a theory about the series as they only have the Triforce of Wisdom and Power. Reader has Courage since birth.
Stamina Monster, fought a Lynel and tackled the second one immediately.
Can fight with a sword, but used their fists more.
They pick up Time like it's not a big deal.
Please never let them in a group with Legend
Courage and Warriors scheme to give Legend blood pressure problems, not intentionally, maybe.
Wind loves how far they can throw him into the air, he feels like a little child like that.
Has definitely thrown Wind and Four into the water like they do stone skipping. Wind had 3 skips, Four even 5 skips.
Gets every information they want with flirting to boys and girls.
Their Song is "I've gotta Feeling" from Black Eyed Peas.
Now how they met.
Warriors' PoV:
We landed into a Hyrule nobody of us recognise again. We were near a village, we could see smoke rising in the distance. So we walked to the smoke to gather some information about the shadow, but we stopped as we heard a fight. The old man ordered us to the spot and as we arrived we found a hylian fighting with nothing but their fists against a monster army. They won. We looked at them astounded as they rolled their shoulders before getting a fairy out of a cage.
„Sprite, are you okay?“
The fairy named "Sprite" tackled her saviour with a bright smile.
„Of course! If my hero's saves me how can I be not okay?!“
The hylian laughed awkwardly and nodded.
„That's good, now come on! We have to go back!“
The fairy give the person a kiss on their cheeks, before sitting down on their shoulder. They started to run to the direction, where the smoke was. We stood there letting it all sink in.
„What the fuck!? Were they even hylian?! Look at this massacre!?“ Legend pointed at the dead monsters laying on the floor and bleeding profusely.
„That even were blackblooded monsters... If a civilian is that strong in this Hyrule, then how strong is the hero?“ Time talked to himself thinkingly.
We all stood there for good three minutes, before walking to the village, where the hylian ran to. On our way there we saw so many dead monsters. In one of them was a broken sword, well one part of it the other stucked inside another monster. It was obvious, that they were longer dead than the one before, so this person killed them on their way to the camp and they were all blackblooded.
As we arrived the village, well actually it was Hyrule Castle Town, and walked in. The guards greeted us politely. We walked further into the buzzing town and saw a crowd around a single person, the villagers were obviously flirting with the one in the middle, who seemed to like the attention until.
„READER!! WHERE WERE YOU!?“ a blonde girl screamed out and the hylian in the middle of the crowd.
„Well, excuuusee me, princess. But someone has to save Sprite from the monsters around Hyrule. I can't be at your every beck and call. I'm the hero after all, I'm always busy. Especially with all of Ganon's minions running around like crazy.“ they shrugged their shoulders and looked very carefree in my opinion.
„They have to be great confidence in themself or are a complete idiot.“ I muttered under my breath but the Vet heard me and answered.
„Or both“
Wind snorted at that and Time spoke up.
„Be quiet boys.“
Our leader walked towards the bickering couple and began to speak again.
„Excuse me, but did we hear correctly that you are the hero of Hyrule?“
The two stopped immediately and before the hylian could answer their fairy spoke up.
„Of course they are! They beaten Ganon multiple times and defended Hyrule like it's not a problem! So who are you?!“ The so-called hero gently grabbed the fairy and sat her forcefully on their shoulder.
„That's right! I'm the hero, Reader. Nice to meet'cha!“ they winked and gave a salut with two fingers grinning widely.
Legend behind me sighed and mumbled.
„Great another Warriors, exactly what Hyrule needed.“
I wanted to say something but the new hero was one step ahead of me.
„Well, excuuusee me! But I can't be another "Warriors" as I'm Reader the Hero of Courage! So please be so kind and shut up.“
I could see a beautiful friendship between me and them. So I swopped in and started to talk to the Hero of Courage.
„Well, Reader. I'm Warriors and our leader, the one wo asked you is Time, we'd like to talk to you.“ I grinned and he grinned back.
„Well... well... well... Why would you want to talk to little ol' me? I normally get asked 100 times the minute to do something, so what do you want, pretty boy?“ They flirted which caused me to laugh at their honeyed words.
„Well, let's start about that we call each other by nicknames as we all have the name "Link" like mine is Warriors and grumpy behind me is Legend...“
„Grumpy would be understatement, he looked like he hate everything that lives and breathes and probably some issues too. He kinda reminds me of a pissed rabbit“ I tried not to laugh as Twilight held Legend back.
„Well yeah, something like that. We would ask you to join us.“
„Can I ask why you need my help?“ they didn't lose this smirk, which made Legend even madder.
„We're chasing something and something that Wars didn't mentioned is, that we all are heros. Legend is the Hero of Legends, Wars the Hero of Warriors and I'm the Hero of Time.“ Time intervened and the hero before us began to think.
„What!?“ Said Zelda beside them. „Why would you say no!! They need you!! Come on, Reader!!“
„Because I wouldn't be able to see you pretty face anymore, princess! I thought, that was obvious.“ They said that in a matter-of-fact tone, before laughing wholeheartedly.
Sky looked at them with fondness or at their interactions and the princess turned around and walked away with a beetred face.
„You Go With Them! This is an order, Reader.“
„Okay okay, I will go with them... But can you take care of Sprite? I don't want her to come with me.“
„Good!“ with that the princess grabbed the fairy and ran away, meanwhile the knight laughed.
„I would've go with them even without the order.“
„Then why did you did you declined?“ asked Hyrule and Courage just turned to us with a sad smile.
„Because this would be the last time I would tease her for a long time...“ and with that they came with us. They lighten up the mood, nevermind the circumstances and got more information out of the villagers inside a tavern in two hours then we ever could in one day. Legend and Reader warmed up a little bit. Courage still annoyes the Vet to hell and back, but it's now more like a friendly, flirty for Courage's case, bickering.
This is how they met and how Courage!Reader joined the group. Warriors are probably their partner in crime until the Chain turned Yandere. Than they try to give Reader the easy life they deserve, after all they are the only "Link" who fought Ganon more then one time. Four is gonna steal their sword to study it and maintain it, even after he became Yandere as Four wanted to fight with them in battle. Courage proves their salt continuously with every battle to come, they don't care if they steal their sword, again they have their fists. Twilight definitely tries to beat them at arm wrestling to show Reader that they need him and his protection. Legend and them are bickering all the time, especially if Reader flirted with someone other than him... again. Wild cooks with them, they only can make simple dishes so Wild is happy to teach them more recipes. Time is also protective and always puts Courage behind him, even if they just lift him out of their way, he will do it again. Sky is going to smother them. They fight Ganon multiple times, after my research. So that means that Reader should know everything about him, if they weren't so stupid! Sky always blames everyone else but Reader like a Karen Mom. Wind is all over them as Courage is strong and their power of endurance is no joke either. He wants to be carried by them or thrown in the Skies or in lakes. Here are your new words.
So the Menace will return! And now give the god damn sword back, Wind!!
I don't blame you for not watching the show - it's pretty bad - a fun watch if you're just looking for something that doesn't take itself seriously though.
this reader sounds a lot better than courage himself is though!! and AUGH reader punching monsters to death has me blushing !! wars has taste getting close to them first before the rest of the chain do, I wonder if he uses that to his advantage when the rest all start falling harder because I could completely see him pulling cards like "oh I trusted you from the start and supported you don't you prefer me" or even just rubbing how he's closer to them into their faces
four just nabbing their sword between battles makes me chuckle too, like SURE he's kinda messing them up if not for them also being a brawler but he just wants to see how he could make them a better sword! can you really blame them?
also I don't make the rules but wind is their little brother now. he feels like he can be a kid around them and not keep up his hero face, he's safe around them - he just wishes he could get granny and aryll to meet them (how many skips could aryll get I wonder?)
sky being like an overbearing mum is also great, he's a gremlin at heart but it takes a step back around the worse gremlins <3
as for the next word? hmmmmm how about trauma for this one?
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