#technically speaking they're all dead when they are used against our Askran heroes
mecharlie-fox · 3 years
Feh Book V Ch 6
Spoilers my dudes
Holy fcking shit - okay so if I got the whole story straight, that witch summons OTHER SUMMONERS and since the summons are incomplete - they’re technically not whole, like she was only able to summon the body but not the soul. And even with the greatest of Summoners - they’re still considered nothing more like shells, empty beings without souls, basically puppets. And these Summoners are categorized as Heroes! Their souls were destroyed in the summoning process therefore classified as failures!
Did I get it right????
Fafnir is going on about something - probably the person we saw in the first part of the story was also a Summoner who binded Fafnir into something - the close he gets to Askr, the worst the pain gets for him. In original Norse myth - Fafnir is indeed the brother of Regin and Otr - but had two more siblings. He was cursed by something and became a dragon, and was eventually slain by Sigurd who was a hero who slain the dragon.
We find out in the game that Fafnir just woke up in the battlefield one day with no memory or whatsoever. There’s the possibility that he came from Askr. This is just me but ya know - haha fanfic writers unite!
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