#technically happened a couple days ago but I didn't feel like changing the draft
dootznbootz · 10 months
So I was with a friend today and was rambling about the Odyssey (as one does) and when I was talking about the suitors and how he killed them all, she said "Huh, that's interesting. You were never the type to get invested in the yandere characters." and I felt like I got shot. I- uygiuhgyctudg
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We're both anime fans but I just??? THis is so funny and so weird to me. Technically "not wrong" but it also feels EXTREMELY wrong. As there's a HUGE difference, (also with the Odyssey being from a completely different culture and period)
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theemperorsfeather · 2 months
A few weeks ago, working out a plan for the 3 weeks when we would be understaffed (and doubly understaffed for one of those weeks), I told me coworker/manager that I would feel ok taking on one particular project IF a solid first draft or two had been done by the time I had to take it over. What I meant was "I need the fucking team to fucking review and mark it up because I know these people and I do Not want to deal with Yet Another emergency rush during the last 2 days before the deadline" but I didn't put it like that.
Anyway, due to other work and technical problems that didn't happen. She did get a good first draft put together but it didn't get out for review until she'd been gone a couple days. Which in a sane workplace wouldn't matter. But the team didn't look at it for a couple days and then we got ANOTHER short-deadline project that they had to focus on and when I asked the project principal when I could expect markup he was like "we are super swamped I am sorry but I'll get you something by Monday morning." Spoiler alert: he didn't. No one is shocked at this turn of events.
Anyway! It is due on Tuesday! It's been 3 weeks since the initial kickoff meeting and while I did get a big chunk of missing text a week ago, there has still been no full review/markup! There are other decisions they need to make!
In a sane world, the project principal would review it and provide feedback on only the truly most vital elements, and just not bother adding extra pictures and fine-tuning things that are actually just fine, but history tells me that if I expect that my expectations will most like be crushed. So I expect a boatload of edits knowing there's a small chance I'll be pleasantly surprised.
We went over some of the status in the morning staff meeting and the other proposal person said we should set up a check-in meeting with the principal, "looks like you can do that Monday at 4." "I'm sorry, did you say 4 o'clock on Monday is his first free time?!" " . . . Yeah." Like we can really wait until then to get work done when it's due mid-afternoon on Tuesday.
So it looks like we're heading to the situation I feared, because asking for work to be done on a reasonable timeline is just fucking unreasonable. They won't touch the damn thing early in the process and then when new shit comes up out of nowhere well now there's really no time.
The good news is that on Monday we will again be fully staffed and I 100% hope to hand this fucking thing back to the person who started it. She'll probably be unhappy about some of the changes I made, but you know I was pretty unhappy with some of the ways she set it up (a manually typed table of contents??? In MY InDesign file??????? I think fucking not (I know why it was set up like that. I disagree that it is necessary) ) so I adjusted things to minimize the work I needed to do.
If for some reason I get stuck with this shit I may have to have a very blunt conversation about how very little physical tolerance I have for this kind of thing, and would they prefer me to call out sick pre-emptively for day so someone else -has to- do it, or risk having me run into the ground and then calling out sick for 1 to 3 days. Or would they rather have someone else do it?
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