#teammates did you know the raft moves. did you know the up button says ''help'' when you press it
nzaploveblog · 23 days
had an amazing big run, got to 999 and finally cleared an HLM triumvirate. like 10 times KJFHG. high score was 211 which is a bit small compared to scores i've seen floating around but WAY above gold. highest wave was 92 :]
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The Bronx: Part 7
Pairing: Reader x Peter Parker Word Count: 2.9K Warnings: Angst?, fluff, swearing
A/N: The finale! A huge thank you to everyone that showed this series love, through likes/reblogs/comments/feedback!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
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~~Peter’s POV~~
“You alright, kid?” Tony’s voice sounds in Peter’s ear. Peter finally succeeds in taking out his share of the guards, knocking the final one out with a hard punch,
“Yes,” Peter replies through gritted teeth. He didn’t mean to be mean to Tony, but he was too on edge right now to worry about being polite.
The moment Peter and Tony had returned to the compound, after seeing you dragged into the quinjet and out of reach, they started planning this mission. Peter’s first real mission; one that he wouldn’t have had to fight if it weren’t for his stupidity months ago. Getting you back safely was the only way he could fix his mistake, and he was determined to do it first try.
“Through here,” Tony informs Peter when they meet up, passed out agents littering the ground. Tony leads Peter down multiple hallways and staircases, it seemed they were going deep underground. ‘How big is this facility?’ Peter wonders to himself.
Suddenly, Tony stops dead in his tracks, causing Peter to bump into him. Peter was about to apologise, but his attention is caught by Tony’s Iron-Man helmet sliding up. Tony is staring into a room, a frown between his eyes.
“What is it?” Peter queries, not able to wait for Tony to tell him,
“I thought this was Y/N’s room,” Tony mumbles, confusion thick in his tone, “I could’ve sworn-”
“Hello?” a female voice calls out from the door behind them, making Peter jump, “What’s going on?”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.,” Tony calls out, “Open all the doors in this corridor,”
In the next moment, 5 doors buzz and swing open. Peter’s muscles tense as he prepares for the worst - a fight against 5 enhanced kids. But no one attacks.
“What’s going on?” the same female voice from earlier says, and Peter spins around to see a petite, blonde girl in front of him and Tony. She looked to be around Peter’s age, maybe a year or two older, and she looked frightened.
Peter suddenly recognises her from the news; she fought along side you yesterday afternoon.
“I know you,” she breathes out, staring at Tony. Her eyes dart to Peter and a smile forms on her lips, “And you... Hello, Peter,”
“How do you know my name?” Peter asks, a little taken aback and scared, he was wearing his suit - how did she knew who he was?
“Y/N thought about you almost constantly,” her eyes crinkle with her smile, “It’s hard to keep secret identities a secret when I could read her thoughts. She-” footsteps from further along the hall stops the girl from continuing to speak.
Tony appears cautious as teens around Peter’s age start emerging from the other 4 doors. Peter recognised all of them, they were all enhanced. Where were you if your teammates were here?
“Hello,” Tony calls to the kids, “I’m Tony Stark, and Spider-Man here is Peter Parker,” Peter shoots Tony a ‘what-the-fuck-dude’ look for revealing his secret identity to teens that could kill him in his sleep, “We’re here for Y/N, do you know where she is?”
The larger of the two male boys steps forward - he looked almost 18 - and squares his broad shoulders, “The last thing White Queen... Um, I mean, Emma could read from Secretary Ross’ mind was that they were going to take her to some kind of raft?”
“Fuck,” Tony mumbles, “Alright, thank you,” Peter watches as the teens glance between themselves and Tony and Peter, almost like they were willing another to speak.
Peter nudges Tony’s arm, silently reminding him of the rest of the plan, “Oh,” Tony says, “If any of you wish to leave and go home to your families, follow me,”
All 5 teens grin at one another and hurriedly follow Tony as he leads the way to the exit. Peter follows last, his mind working a little slow as he tried to think of what the hell the tallest boy meant. Were they going to strand you at sea on an inflatable raft?
Emma, Laura, Scott, James, and Claire all introduced themselves to Tony and Peter once Tony’s quinjet was on its way to returning them home. Peter tried to stay interested in their conversations, but he was too sick with worry to really listen.
After Tony dropped all the teens off to their respective homes, and gave them each an Avengers business card - telling them that any time they needed help, or if Ross tried to come after them again, to give him a call - he and Peter returned to the compound. The moment Tony’s feet touched the ground, he started pacing; and 45 minutes later, he hadn’t stopped.
“Tony!” Peter finally snaps, his racing brain getting the better of him, “Can you please tell me what our next move is?”
“I will, when I figure it out,” Tony dismisses him with a frown,
“Then can you tell me what the hell kind of raft they’re putting my girlfriend on?” Peter says with exasperation,
“It’s not a raft,” Tony informs him, “It’s The Raft,” Peter looks at Tony, an irritated expression plastered on his face, “Oh, right. It’s the most secure prison on Earth. Ross took Team Cap there after Germany,”
“How’d they get out?��� Peter asks,
“Cap,” Tony simply states, “That man is better than me at breaking into places,”
Peter just stares at Tony, the answer so obvious to him. Silence falls over the two of them until Tony finally glances at Peter.
“Oh, of course!” Tony grunts, clearly feeling like an idiot that he hadn’t thought of it earlier. Tony finally stops pacing and marches off to delve deeper into the compound, with Peter hot on his heels. Tony mumbles to himself as he rounds a doorway and makes a beeline to his office desk, “I know it’s here somewhere,” Peter hears Tony mumble before he snatches something out of his desk drawer with an ‘a-ha!’
“Think he’ll help us?” Peter questions, watching Tony click buttons on the ancient mobile phone,
“No doubt,” Tony says before bringing the phone to his ear.
~~Reader’s POV~~
You’ve only been locked in your cell for a day - you think - but you’d already learnt not to yell or fight. Any time you did anything that seemed threatening, you would be electrocuted. The metal collar was supposed to be removed after the mission, but Ross had changed his mind. You didn’t do what you were supposed to - capture Steve, Sam and Bucky - so Ross had you imprisoned.
You had no idea where you were, having been blindfolded once Ross decided that you weren’t returning to the facility with your friends, but your cell was cold and you couldn’t hear anything.
Suddenly, the lights around you go out, plunging you, and the circular area outside the cells, into darkness. Your heart rate picks up and you jump off of the ground. If you’re arms hadn’t been tightly wrapped around your torso, in a straight jacket, you’d have balled your hands into fists; readying yourself for anything.
Squinting out of your cell, you see figures flying across the room. You can’t hear anything, so your best guess is that someone is fighting the guards that watched over you. When you notice a figure approaching your cell, you instinctively take a few steps back, desperately writhing in the straight jacket, trying to get free just in case you had to fight.
The lights flicker on and your cell door swings open. You breathe a sigh of relief when you see Steve standing in the cell doorway.
“What’re you doing here?” you ask, worrying that he’d be caught and thrown in here with you,
“Stark called me,” Steve says as he walks around you and breaks the straight jacket with one powerful yank, “He and the kid tried to find you at Ross’ facility,”
You shake your arms out as blood starts flowing properly through them; although you don’t feel better yet, your powers are still withheld, like in Ross’ facility.
You follow Steve out of your cell, but stop dead in your tracks when Bucky and Sam walk into view. Your heart drops as Bucky stares at you.
“Bucky, I’m sorr-” Bucky stops you but holding his metal hand up,
“No need to apologise,” he smiles at you, “I clocked that collar the second I saw you in New York,”
Your hand flashes to the collar you’d completely forgotten about. You pull at it, desperate to get it off. But without your powers, there was no way you were able to break it.
“May I?” Bucky asks, his eyes flash with amusement. You nod and spin around, holding the hair off of your neck. Bucky’s metal arm whirs, and the next second, the metal collar falls from around your neck. You give Bucky a thankful nod.
“Cap, we’re gonna have company, soon,” Sam interrupts.
Steve nods, “Time to go,”
You jog along behind the three men as they make their way out of the prison. The 4 of you break out of the building and cold wind hits you in the face. The prison was in the middle of the ocean - no wonder it was so cold in your cell. The moment you step out of the floating prison, you feel your powers flow through you again, causing relief to wash over you.
You, Steve, Sam and Bucky hurry into the quinjet and take off just as helicopters come into view, fighting against the high winds. You can’t keep the relieved smile off of your face, watching the prison, and the authority that had used you, fade away.
~~Peter’s POV~~
Peter tried his best to stay focused, but he couldn’t care less about Maths right now. He was too on edge about your rescue. Thankfully, Steve, Sam and Bucky had agreed to help, and Peter knew that Cap was the best person to do the job, but that didn’t stop him worrying. There was so much that could go wrong.
Peter’s phone vibrates in his pocket, bringing him back to reality. His hand flies up in the air, “Sir, I’m not feeling well,” he hurriedly says, not waiting for the teacher to look at him. The teacher looks as though he’s going to roll his eyes, but gives Peter a stiff nod. Peter is up and out of his chair within seconds, bolting for the exit.
Peter pulls out his still ringing phone and answers it as he walks, fast paced, down the halls and out of the school, “Happy?”
“Hey kid,” Happy’s voice sounds through the phone, “A car is waiting for you,”
Peter spots the black Audi at the same time Happy had mentioned it, “Is she-” the line goes dead, making Peter groan in annoyance.
The whole drive to the compound, Peter couldn’t sit still. He’d been so worried about your safety, that he hadn’t even thought about what he was going to say when he finally got to see you. Would you be mad, or hate him? Probably. You had every right to be. It’s his fault that Ross got his hands on you, and used you for his own good. The knot in Peter’s stomach tightened as he thought about how much you’d hate him.
The car rolls up to the Avenger’s compound, and Happy is waiting for Peter’s arrival. He walks Peter through the compound, continuously complaining about this being below his pay grade. No matter how many times Peter asked about you, Happy just kept telling him to wait.
“Through there,” Happy mumbles, peeling off and leaving Peter.
Peter walks through the double doors, and he immediately spots Steve, Sam and Bucky standing together. Bucky is looking around, clearly out of place and alert, while Sam and Steve are chatting. Peter’s muscle tense as their eyes land on him. He thought he was here to see you, but if part of Team Cap were here, it could mean anything was about to happen.
“What’re you doing here?” Peter says, he tried to sound threatening, but the three men just looked at him with confusion.
Sam’s eyebrows raise, “Wait... You’re the Spider-kid,”
“It’s Spider-Man,” Peter mumbles, “Does Tony know you’re here?”
“I do,” Tony’s voice sounds from the floor above them. Peter peers up as Tony descends the stairs, looking pleased with himself, “Peter, meet Rogers, Wilson and Barnes,”
“This is the kid that kicked your asses?” Steve asks Sam and Bucky, causing Tony to laugh, and his friends to scowl,
“Tony,” Peter interrupts, “Where’s Y/N?”
“Getting dressed,” Tony says, looking proud. Before Peter can ask, Tony answers his question, “She’s fine... Thanks to Cap and his boys,”
~~Reader’s POV / Meanwhile~~
Staring into the mirror, you can’t believe that you’re seeing yourself. You looked like a totally different person, powerful and awesome, in your own superhero outfit. Tony hardly had to ask, you already knew you wanted to join the Avengers, especially now that Tony was going to get Team Cap back. It was all you wanted after Germany.
Tony had filled you in on your other enhanced friends, telling you that the moment each of them finished high school he’d be offering them positions on the Avengers and a room in the compound. You’d already rung your dad, and reassured him that you were fine. He still thought you’d been completing an internship in Washington. You didn’t want to worry him, so you kept up the lie; telling him how great it was and how much you’d learnt.
To be honest, your hero outfit was a little revealing - but still in good taste. Tony theorised that the more skin you had exposed, the easier you could use and control your powers; not to mention that the material was tedious to make, it had to be able to withstand the intensity of your powers, your fire could potentially reach the temperature of the sun.
Taking one last breath, you spin on your heel and exit the room. You can hear Tony talking, probably to Steve, Sam and Bucky. Wandering up to the upper level railing, your breath hitches in your throat when your eyes land on Peter.
He’s staring at you, his eyes wide, and fiddling his fingers. He looks nervous, but you can’t keep the smile off of your face. It was the first time you’d laid eyes on him since being taken from that alleyway, and you couldn’t be more relieved. When he sees that you’re smiling at him, a little smile dances on his lips.
You want to run to him, telling him how much you’ve missed him and love him, but you had to navigate the stairs first. Coming down them as fast as you safely can, you ignore Tony, Steve, Sam and Bucky’s looks and go straight to your boyfriend.
You throw yourself on him, your arms wrapping around his neck, and plant a kiss on him. He’s frozen for a moment, probably taken by surprised, but he soon relaxes into your frame. His arms wrap around your waist and he even lifts you off of your feet. The two of you smile in the kiss, and break apart.
“We’ll... Um, leave you two to talk,” Steve mumbles before shuffling Sam, Bucky and Tony out the door.
Your eyes drift back to Peter, and he’s chewing on his bottom lip, “You don’t need to apologise,” you say before he can voice his thoughts,
“Yes, I do,” he tells you, “I wasn’t thinking. I thought that I was doing the right thing... If I knew what Ross would do to you...” Peter trails off, looking guilty and upset,
“Babe,” you coo, placing your hands on either side of his face, “You couldn’t have known,”
“I still feel responsible,” he whispers,
“Don’t,” you tell him, “The whole thing wasn’t a terrible experience. I can control my powers better than ever... And I made new friends,”
“I’ve missed you,” he says, letting himself smile a little,
“I love you,” you blurt out, unable to stop yourself. Peter’s small smile breaks into a wide grin,
“You’re too good to me,” he shakes his head with a smile,
“I know,” you playfully tease. Peter kisses you again. You’d forgotten how crazy you were about him, just a kiss made you weak at the knees, “So,” you drawl out once the kiss ends, “What do you think of my superhero outfit?”
Peter takes a step back, and pretends to think over his answer as he looks you up and down, “Gorgeous,” he finally says, “...And the outfit is nice,”
You let out a giggle, “You going to let me fight criminals now without worrying about my safety?”
“I’m always going to worry about your safety, Y/N, I love you,” Peter tells you, making your heart skip, “But you can definitely handle yourself... Just don’t get mad if I try to protect you from time to time,”
You nod, “I think that’s reasonable... As long as you do the same,” you cock an eyebrow at your boyfriend.
He nods, “Have you seen the whole compound?” you shake your head, “Come on, I’ll show you around,” Peter slides his hand into yours, interlacing your fingers with his and leading you away.
Tags: @addictwithafandomblog, @klutzly, @hantu369mc, @leahhavoc, @meep-meep22, @redstarstan, @heismyhunter, @coffeeismylife28, @goldenlifevsgutter1996, @rosyfluffyprincess, @invisible2niall, @woww-za, @impala-moose, @stratmoxphere, @bearded-bucky, @caitsymichelle13, @pleasefixthepain, @spn-worm, @buckyobsessed, @specs15, @sebstanwassup, @wunnywho, @thedarknesswarrior, @girlwith100names, @addictionmarvel, @melconnor2007, @ipaintmelodies, @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked, @spookydoritos, @fanboyswhereare-you, @theclonewarss, @psychicwitchphilosopher, @tcmhollnd, @all-that-glitters-is-cold, @earthtomarvel​, @multifandom-slytherin​, @princeofsassgard​, @dxnaii-rxse​, @thiscuriouslymiss​, @girlygirlbishop​, @flammy-whater​, @ichbinannaaa​, @meka-meow​, @metal-armed-dino​, @youarejustmymission​, @nathalieruaudel​, @peter-spider-parker-man​, @potterjamesharry
Tags that didn’t work: @mo320, @mrs-stan-barnes
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marvelous-imagining · 8 years
Divided We Fall
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
A/N: I feel like doing a third part for this imagine. You know, about the part in the movie where Tony gets that letter from Steve and all that. That's actually why I left the ending a bit unfinished, at least that's what it seems like to me. But, this could easily be the end, why not? Also, the actual ending to this imagine series will not be happy, maybe not super sad but definitely not happy. Man, this imagine contains a lot of angst...
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Words: 5,447
Warning(s): angst, fighting, mentions of blood, some cursing
Walking along the long halls of the Raft, you crossed your arms and stayed behind Tony. He looked behind him and saw the frown that was etched on your face. He slowed his pace and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
"I don't like this." You said as you looked at the security guards few feet behind you. "I don't want too see my friends in jail." You admitted and looked at your father. "Especially in a raft that's underwater."
"I know, Y/N." Tony said and pulled you closer to him. "Just try to stay calm. I've got this." He assured you.
You took a deep breath and nodded, looking straight ahead, seeing the doors leading to the cells that your former teammates were in. The guards left you and Tony alone and you waited for the doors to open before Tony stepped inside, you following right behind him.
The doors closed behind you as the two of you looked around. Your eyes went to Wanda first, seeing her sitting on the floor, looking tired as ever.
You started to hear clapping and you turned around, seeing Clint. "The Futurist, gentlemen!"
You turned to your father who was looking down at the ground and you reached out to place your hand on his shoulder, squeezing it slightly.
"The Futurist is here!" You heard Clint continue. "He sees all! He knows what's best for you, whether you like it or not."
Tony started walking up to him and you followed behind, sending the archer a warning look.
"Give me a break, Barton." Tony began. "I had no idea they'd put you here. Come on."
"Yeah, well, you knew they'd put us somewhere, Tony." Clint said quietly, looking down at the ground before sending a glare in Tony's way.
"Yeah, but not some super max floating ocean pokey."
You looked around, finding your gaze go back to Wanda sitting on the floor with a straitjacket, looking tired as ever. "I'm gonna..." You said to your father and nodded your head towards Wanda.
You left Clint and Tony alone and walked over to Wanda, sitting down on the floor and looked her in the eye. "How are you doing?"
Wanda just adverted her gaze from you and looked up at the ceiling instead. You sighed, standing up and placing a hand on a bar in front of the cell. "Look, I'm sorry for all this." You said and looked up at the security camera that was pointed at her. "If I could, I'd get you out of here right now." You said and saw her looking at you briefly. "Unfortunately I can't do that."
"Because we're criminals." She muttered.
You shook your head, looking down at the ground. "You did break the law." You said and heard her scoff, looking away. You waited for her to look at you again or speak up but she didn't. Finally giving up, you pushed yourself off of the cell and turned to look at Tony who was making his way to Sam. You decided to join him.
"How's Rhodes?" Sam asked.
"They're flying him to Columbia Medical tomorrow, so..." Tony started and looked at you. "Fingers crossed."
You nodded along and turned to Sam, seeing him turn around to face you.
"What do you need?" Tony asked. "They feed you yet?"
You looked at Tony again, seeing him actually worried about the people inside the cells even though the tone in his voice made it seem like he couldn't care less. His voice was always strong and concealed his true emotions but his face didn't cooperate. If something was wrong, his face would give it away.
"You're the good cop, now?" Sam asked with a small scoff that was almost undetectable along with a small smile.
"I'm just a guy who needs to know where Steve went." Tony said, looking Sam straight in the eye. The man behind the bars turned to look at you and his face fell, seeing your sad eyes.
"Well you better go get a bad cop because you're gonna have to go Mark Fuhrman on my ass to get information out of me."
"Sam, please." You begged, looking at him with pleading eyes. "Just tell us where they are."
"Well, I just knocked the A out of their AV." Tony said and you shot him a surprised look. "We got about 30 seconds before they realize it's not their equipment." He continued, making Sam look up at the camera.
You shot Sam a look, urging him to go on and tell where Steve and Bucky were.
"Just look," said Tony who showed Sam a picture of the doctor who was supposed to interrogate Bucky instead of the man who made him turn into the Winter Soldier and complicate the situation. "Clearly, I made a mistake. Sam, I was wrong." Tony admitted.
"That's a first." Sam made a sarcastic remark, making you send him a warning glare.
"Cap is definitely off the reservation but he's about to need all the help he can get."
"Sam, please." You said quietly. "We need to go find them."
Sam sighed, "Look, I'll tell you..." He started, making you let out a sigh in relief. "But you have to go alone and as a friend." He said while looking straight into Tony's eyes, trying to make sure Tony got that he was being absolutely serious.
Tony shrugged, "Easy."
"What about me?" You asked. "Can... Can I go?"
Sam turned to you giving you a small nod.
"Stark?" You heard Secretary Ross call out from behind you and you rolled your eyes as you turned around. "Did he give you anything on Rogers?"
"Nope, told me to go to hell..." Tony was quick to lie as he continued making his way to the helicopter that was waiting for him. "I'm going back to the compound instead, but you can call me anytime." He said and waited for you to get in the helicopter before getting inside himself. "I'll put you on hold. I like to watch the line blink." He said, making you let out a small laugh.
"What about you?" Ross asked and turned to you. "Anything on Barnes?"
You just looked him straight in the eye and shook your head. "Nothing." You said and sat down, facing away from him while crossing your arms.
"Are you sure?"
Your jaw clenched as you looked at him. "Yes." You hissed.
The helicopter doors started to close and you whispered, "Can I flip him off? I really wanna flip him off."
The helicopter took off and you turned to Tony, seeing him pressing a button on the armrest that made the Iron Man suit attach to his body. "Press on that other button." He told you and you did which gave you an Iron Man armor of your own. You leaned back on the seat before the two of you were shot out of the helicopter.
Tony grabbed your hand and told you to stay close to him at all times, knowing you hadn't had much practice at controlling the suit. He held your hand as the two of you began flying towards your destination.
"I can't believe you." Tony sighed in annoyance as the two of you landed on the snowy ground. "I told you to stay next to me at all times and be careful." He said and helped you get out of the wrecked suit. "And what do you do?" He asked, making you roll your eyes. "You try to do flips and hit a couple of birds and an electric pole." He said while shaking his head.
"Hey, you understand that this was my first time using one of these dumb suits properly?"
"Do not use that kind of language when talking about my suits." Tony warned you. "I'll ground you if I have to."
"Yeah, you're my dad but I'm an adult. You can't ground me!"
"As long as you're living under my roof, I can."
You rolled your eyes and the two of you headed inside the base. "I'm going to be hearing all these paternal cliches, aren't I?"
Tony nodded, "Yes, you are."
The two of you stepped inside the base and you took out your gun, loading it and being ready to fire it if needed.
The two of you walked along the halls before Tony told you to stay put as he began opening a steel door. "I think they're on the other side." He told you. "Just... stay here for a while, okay?"
"Why?" You asked with furrowed brows.
"Just do it, please?" He said while looking at you.
You nodded and let him continue trying to open the doors with the help of his suit. It caused a loud thud to run through the halls, echoing and the doors started creaking. As he got the doors open, it became absolutely silent.
Tony started walking out of the door and you leaned your back against the wall, making sure nobody would see you. You listened closely as Steve and Tony began talking.
"You seem a little defensive." Tony pointed out.
"It's  been a long day." Steve said.
"At ease, Soldier." You heard Tony call out, talking to Bucky. "I'm not currently after you."
"Then why are you here?" Steve was quick to ask.
"Could be your story's not so crazy." Tony said nonchalantly, making you roll your eyes wondering how he could admit he was wrong to Sam but not Steve. "Maybe." He added.
"Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way." He said and you moved just a bit closer to the door, listening to their conversation more carefully. "Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself." Tony said with a hint of humor behind his voice.
"Well that sounds like a lot of paperwork." Steve said, making you roll your eyes once again.
"It's good to see you, Tony." Steve said genuinely.
"You too, Cap."
You found yourself smiling. You still sensed that there was a tension between the two but the fact that they were genuinely glad to see each other even after all they've been through really warmed your heart.
"Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me." Tony complained. "There's a truce here. You can drop..." He fell silent again. "I actually..." He started, making it sound like what he was about to say next pained him. "I brought someone for you." Tony said quietly and you took that as your cue to step out of the door.
Your eyes immediately fell on Bucky who was standing at the stairs. He looked at you with pure shock on his face and you kept your eyes on his as you made your way to Tony. You found yourself aching to go to Bucky and hug him until you'd squeeze him to death.
You saw the sad look on his face and felt your eyes starting to water as you made your way to Tony. You swallowed the lump in your throat. "Dad... Can I—"
"Go ahead." Tony said gently.
You took off running and leaped over the stairs, wrapping your arms around Bucky as the both of you dropped your guns on the ground. You clawed at his back as you sobbed into his shoulder. His arms circled around your shoulders and he pulled you even closer to him, enjoying the familiar feeling of having you in his arms.
"I missed you so much." You whispered while sniffling, still keeping your arms tightly around him, grabbing onto the back of his jacket, holding it as tightly in your hands as you could.
Bucky gulped as he laid his head on yours. You felt his breath hit the top of your hair and nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent you had grown to miss so incredibly much.
"I missed you too." He said and pulled away slightly, wiping away the tears that had fallen from your eyes. He ran the pads of his thumbs along the dark circles under your eyes and frowned slightly. "You should sleep more."
You couldn't help but laugh, making his frown deepen. "You've always worried about me." You whispered and moved your hands to the back of his neck. "More than you probably should."
"I can't help but." He said with a small smile. He glanced at Steve and Tony who were looking at the two of you. He saw a small smile playing on Steve's lips and saw the slightly annoyed look on Tony's face. Bucky was about to pull away from you but you pulled him in for another hug.
"Don't you dare." You muttered out. Bucky gave in right away and wrapped his arms back around you, kissing the side of your head.
After a while the four of you started to walk along the halls, searching for Zemo. Tony had his gauntlet ready and you and Bucky had your guns ready as you looked around, keeping an eye on everything around you, ready to react to any sudden movements.
You walked into a room that looked like a lab. In the middle of the large space, you saw a machine that looked awfully like the machine Bucky had told you about whenever he talked about his time with HYDRA. That was the machine they used to wipe him with.
You walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder and he turned his gaze to you. "You gonna be okay?" You asked.
He nodded. "Kinda have to." He said with a shrug.
The four of you walked further into the room and looked around, seeing the cryo freezers and the drops of blood covering the glasses. You looked at the monitors in front of the freezers, seeing no heartbeats.
"<If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep.>" You heard a voice on the speakers, making you look around for Zemo.
You followed Bucky who was walking around the room. He looked around, frown etched on his face.
"<Did you really think I wanted more of you?>"
Bucky took a closer look at one of the people inside the freezers and he gripped on his gun harder, whispering, "What the hell?" He pursed his lips and looked around anxiously. You placed your hand on his arm and looked at him with empathy.
"<I'm grateful to them, though>" Zemo continued as the four of you walked around thee room. "<They brought you here.>"
"You bastard." You muttered to yourself.
Suddenly a sound of a light being turned on was heard from behind you and your father was readying his gauntlet, Steve threw his shield in Zemo's direction only to have it fly back to him.
"<Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets.>"
"I bet my dad could beat that." You yelled out.
"<Oh, I'm sure he could. Given time. But then you'd never know why you came.>"
"You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?" Steve asked as he made his way towards Zemo.
"I thought about nothing else for over a year." Zemo said lowly without having to use the speaker again. "I studied you. I followed you. But now that you're standing here, I just realized... There's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes." He chuckled. "How nice to find a flaw."
"You sick freak." You muttered out and took a step closer but both Tony and Bucky held you back.
"You're Sokovian. Is that what this is about?"
"Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No." Zemo shook his head. "I'm here because I made a promise."
"You lost someone?" Steve asked.
"I lost everyone. And so will you." Zemo said before he put on a video tape for all of you to see. "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead. Forever."
"What's this?" You asked as you neared the monitor showing the video. You looked at Bucky who is still pointing the gun at Zemo. You then turned to your father who had tears in his eyes as he turned to look at the monitor as well.
He looked confused and he briefly glanced at Steve before looking back at the monitor. "I know that road." He said and you shot him a worried look. "What is this?" He asked Zemo, getting no reply. His mouth was slightly open from the shock he was feeling and he looked at the monitor, breathing heavily.
You looked at the monitor just in time for a car to crash in to a tree, a motorcycle driving past the damaged vehicle. The motorcycle then came back and parked next to the car before a man stepped off of it. A man with a metal arm.
You looked at Bucky to see his gaze on the ground, jaw clenched.  You then looked back at your father to see his brows knit together.
"<Help my wife.>" A small beg was heard from a white-haired man who crawled out of the vehicle. "<Please. Help.>"
You fought off the urge to look away from the screen as you saw the Winter Soldier lifting the man's head, making him kneel on the ground. You took a closer look of the man's face and the familiarity made you take a step back. "Is that—" You asked as you brought one of your hands in front of your mouth.
The man in the accident was your grandfather, Howard Stark.
You looked to Tony to see him still looking intently at the screen. His gaze didn't waver for a second.
You turned back to the monitor and blinked, trying to get rid of the tears. You saw the Winter Soldier's face fall as he looked down at Howard.
"<Sergeant Barnes?>" You heard him ask.
That's when Tony finally lifted his gaze from the monitor and turned to look at Bucky who lowered his gun, clearly feeling ashamed. Bucky glanced at Tony who then turned back to the tape with fear and a hint of anger behind his eyes.
You gasped as the Winter Soldier's metal fist made contact with Howard's face and you jumped back slightly, the action shocking you badly.
"<Howard!>" You heard Maria, your grandmother call out for her husband and you felt another set of tears forming in your eyes as you glanced up at your father again, seeing the anger and sadness appear much stronger in his features. His chest was heaving drastically and you looked at Bucky who was looking at you with an apologetic gaze.
The Winter Soldier lifted Howard back in the car, making his head rest against the wheel and he made his way around the car to the passenger's side and he wrapped his hand around Maria's throat, suffocating her.
Seeing that was enough for you and you turned away from the monitor, holding a hand over your mouth as you let out quiet sobs. You walked away from the monitor towards Bucky and looked him in the eye, seeing them filled with tears as well. "You killed my grandparents?" You asked, not able to believe those words actually came out of your mouth.
"Y/N, I'm sorry, I—"
"You killed my grandmother," you began, trying to blink away the frustrated and sad tears threatening to escape your eyes. "My grandmother who was so good to my dad," you continued, taking a break to calm yourself. "Even when his dad treated him like shit." The last word came out through gritted teeth.
Bucky looked down at the ground, "Y/N—"
"And don't you dare tell me that you didn't know who you were killing." You interrupted him. "I saw your face fall when you saw who it was. Even with that six pixel bullshit." You said, referring to the poor quality of the video. "It was that noticeable."
"Y/N, you have to realize I didn't know any better I had no control over my mind!" Bucky said lowly. His gaze flickered between your both eyes, wondering how he got into this situation. He had never had to justify his actions to you before. He never even tried to do that with anyone else but now he did. He so badly wanted you to know he wasn't the bad guy, HYDRA was.
You had always been so understanding but now you were angry at him. Angry for the fact that the man you loved had killed people who were important to your father. Your father who had gone through so much. You knew after this revaluation he was bound to snap.
Tears escaped your eyes as you took in what Bucky just said. You knew he didn't have a choice. Even if he had recognized Howard Stark, he was still brainwashed during that time. Recognizing Howard's face just confused and angered him too much but not enough to get in total control of himself.
You placed your hands over your face and leaned against Bucky's chest, sobbing. He didn't make a move to touch you and you didn't expect him to. "I can't believe this." You said as you pushed yourself off of him. "You killed my grandparents?" No matter how many times you said it, it felt surreal. "My grandparents who I never got to meet? My grandmother who—"
You quickly turned around when you heard Tony taking a rushed step towards Bucky. You held your arm in front of Bucky to protect him from your angered father and saw Steve taking a hold of Tony, stopping the man from attacking. You saw Bucky lifting his gun to defend himself only to lower it back again.
You turned around and placed your hand on Bucky's arm, looking into his teary eyes. Your bottom lip trembled as you watched him looking at your dad with shame and guilt.
"Did you know?" You heard your father's pained voice and you looked behind, seeing him looking at Steve.
"I didn't know it was him." Steve said quietly, looking sad as well.
"Don't bullshit me, Rogers." Your father said while gritting his teeth and harshly taking a hold of Steve's arm. "Did you know?"
Steve's lips pursed and he admitted defeat. "Yes."
Tony pushed Steve away the second he heard that word coming from his friend's mouth. Tony looked at him, feeling betrayed, hurt. Tony was trying hard to control himself but he had finally had enough and he took a shot at Steve with the gauntlet, sending the Captain flying backwards.
Bucky was quick to cock his gun at Tony with wide eyes and you stepped away slightly.
"Step away from my daughter you murderer." He said and shot at Bucky as well, making the gun fly off his hand and knocking off yours too. Bucky took a step forward and grabbed Tony's hand right before the armored man was about to throw a punch him.
You ran toward them, trying to pull them away from each other but Tony caught Bucky's throat in his grip and took off flying, accidentally kicking you, making you fall on the ground as he made his way to the other end of the room, throwing Bucky on the ground before stepping on his arms.
You stood up as you saw Tony raising his gauntlet at Bucky's face and saw Steve's shield hitting the back of Tony's helmet. Bucky took his chance to dodge and avoided the ray just in time.
You saw Steve running towards the two and decided to join in as well, not wanting your father to get double teamed by two super soldiers. Tony launched at Steve who held up his shield. Tony hit the shield hard enough to send Steve back, hitting you in the process. You groaned as your body made contact with the ground. You looked up to see Tony holding his gauntlet towards Bucky.
You stood up and started nearing them again. You picked up your pace when you realized the gauntlet was right in front of Bucky's face but he was quick to grab Tony's glove and smash it enough to break the gauntlet. Tony then pointed some rockets at Bucky but you rushed to the two and turned his arm away, sending the rockets towards a big, wide stack of wires reaching the ceiling in the far back. Tony then flew off again, up high so you couldn't reach.
You were feeling exhausted already. You knew you were no match for any of the three men. You didn't want to fight them but you felt like you had to because if you didn't, they'd hurt each other very badly.
The tall stack of wires that got hit by the rockets started falling down, causing a domino effect, making the other ones surrounding the area fall on top of Tony and Bucky. "Look out!" You yelled as you ran away, avoiding being left under the falling wires.
You coughed as dust filled the air. You saw Bucky standing up and Steve telling him to get out of there. You quickly took of running but Steve stopped you. "This is not your fight, Y/N." He said and you shot him a surprised look.
"What do you mean this isn't my fight?" You asked, pushing his hand away that was gripping your arm. "My father and my...My father and Bucky are fighting!"
"Y/N, you need to let us handle this."
"No! I am not going to let you double team my father!"
"He's going to kill Bucky!" Steve was full on yelling at you but you didn't waver.
"If you let me go, I might be able to stop him from doing so!"
Steve shook his head and took a step back before muttering to himself. "They're both going to kill me for this."
Just as you were about to ask what he meant by that, you felt his shield colliding with your stomach before Steve punched you straight in the face. You fell back and hit your head on the ground. Groaning, you sat up, holding your bleeding nose as you looked at him, feeling shocked of his actions. Never in a million years would you have thought Steve would be so brutal with you, even if you were on opposite sides of the fight.
"I hate to do this, Y/N." He said with clear pain in his voice. "I don't want to fight you but if you continue this, I'll have to."
You stood up, wiping the blood off your upper lip and looked at Steve with narrowed eyes. You launched at him, hitting him where you could reach, blocking his punches, at least some of them. You were getting more and more tired by every second and Steve noticed it, taking advantage of the situation although he hated to do it. He took his shield and launched at you, hitting you with the hard item, making you fall back on the ground.
You coughed and gasped for air as you tried to stand up from the ground but before you could, Steve came over to you and hit your face with his elbow, making you fall limp on the floor.
Steve looked down at you groaning on the ground and looked down in guilt. "I'm so sorry Y/N." He said once more before running off to find Tony and Bucky.
It took you a few minutes to finally gain enough strength to get off the ground even with the concussion you were sure you had and the possible broken bones on your sides. Steve really had got you good.
You heard groans and the sound Tony's gauntlet made when he shot his rays along with the sound of Steve's shield hitting the Iron Man armor and followed the sounds, resting your hand on the wall for support.
You leaned on the wall as you finally got to the place Tony, Bucky and Steve were fighting in. You saw Bucky and Steve both using the shield against Tony. When the other held the shield, the other still hit and kicked Tony. They were showing no mercy and especially Bucky seemed to be giving his everything while fighting. He wasn't holding back at all and seeing him like that scared you.
You jumped down, falling on the ground from the pure exhaustion you were feeling and kneeled on the ground, looking up to see Tony shooting his rays at Steve. As Steve was knocked down by the ray, Bucky attacked Tony, using all his strength as he swung his fists at your father, yelling and grunting while doing so. Bucky also took some hits from Tony but didn't seem all that fazed.
Bucky pushed Tony right against the concrete wall, bringing his metal arm right in the arc reactor of Tony's suit, gripping on it as if he was ripping it off.
You stood up and rushed over to him, grabbing his arm and trying to pull him back. "Bucky, stop." You begged, afraid of what might happen if he didn't stop soon. "Bucky, please."
You felt his elbow making contact with your stomach and you fell on the ground again, not having enough energy to keep yourself up and stand the punches anymore. You grabbed his leg and pulled on it, trying to gain his attention but he only kicked you back.
You sobbed from the pain you were feeling all over your body and just looked up at Bucky who was brutally beating your father. You crawled over to him and stood up between the two, looking at Bucky with tears falling down your face. You placed your hands on his shoulders to keep yourself up and looked him straight in the eye. "Please don't do this." You pleaded, placing one of your hands on the side of his face. "Please, make this stop."
Bucky had his fist in the air but it didnt come in contact with anyone or anything. He just looked at you with wide eyes.
"I can't look at you fighting just please make this—" You were interrupted by Tony shooting out one of his rays, making Bucky fall on the ground, gladly he was quick to hold out his hand so he only fell to his knees. You looked at Tony, not believing what just happened. You saw your father shoot at Bucky again and you turned to him, seeing him fall to the ground. "Bucky!" You screamed and rushed over to him.
He was lying on the ground motionless and if it wasn't for the pulse that you felt on his neck, you would have thought he was dead. You placed your hands on his cheeks and looked down at him as he gazed up at you. You shook your head, brushing his hair away from his face.
Looking at his face as he looked down at his missing left arm, you bit your bottom lip, shaking your head. "I can't believe this is happening." You muttered to yourself.
Bucky turned over to his side but you pushed his back against the ground again. "Stay down." You commanded. "Don't make this worse than it already is."
Bucky still turned on his side and grabbed Tony's leg as he was fighting Steve. Tony turned around and kicked Bucky in the face. "Dad! Stop!" You yelled out and checked to see if Bucky was okay. He seemed to be fine for what he had gone through.
"Why won't you listen to me?" You yelled out as you shook Bucky's shoulders. "Just stop fighting." You begged. "All of you!"
You looked to see Steve beating the crap out of Tony and you made a move to go over but Bucky held you back, shaking his head the best he could. You pulled your arm back but he still didn't let go of you. You looked back to Steve and Tony and saw Steve hitting Tony's helmet with the shield multiple times. Steve took off the helmet and held the shield up again, seeming like he was going to hit Tony in the face with it. You screamed, telling Steve not to do it and you were about to stand up and knock the shield out of his hand only to sigh in relief as the shield made contact with the chest part of Tony's suit.
You fell back, realizing the fight as over. Now you could just relax and not worry about the men killing each other. You looked over at Bucky who was looking right back at you too. He reached out to you, grazing your arm with his fingers. Tears were falling from his eyes as he looked at you, beaten and hurt. He used to always be the one protecting you but now he was one of the people who hurt you, physically and mentally.
But you weren’t the only one hurting.
"I'm sorry." He whispered and you let out a shaky breath.
"Me too."
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