#teacher finn o'hara
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iluvchick3nz · 29 days ago
i needdddd more teacher finn!!!! like him talking to his students about his hockey husbands 🫠🫠
Happy V-Day to all who celebrate! Have some Fish-reflections on young love while he falls in love more and more each day. :)
Love your prompts, keep them coming! I've got almost all of them written. :)
All credits to @lumosinlove <3
“Okay,” Finn said with a sigh. He fell back into his chair and looked at his students. “Time's up. Pencils down.”
There was a light clatter as they all dropped their writing implements, a few rubbing their foreheads against the inevitable headache. Finn smiled at them and clapped his hands once.
“Well done. I'll give you an MCQ packet for the break, and don't forget your Pride and Prejudice essays that are due the week we get back, on the Friday. I want your drafts by the Monday, please, for feedback.” He stood. “This AP test doesn't know what's coming.”
There was a light chatter as they all stood up to hand in their practice FRQ exams and took the packet Finn handed them. They looked tired and worn out, but they were ready. They always were- Finn made sure of it. 
“What did you think?” one of his students, Robbie, asked his classmate, Marianne.
She looked at him over her round glasses. They suited her. “We can't talk about it, you know that, Robert.”
Finn hid his smile behind a packet. She never called him by his nickname. He heard Robbie sigh and looked up to find him watching her longingly as she and her bouncy curls left the room with her friend, Claire, throwing a thank you! over their shoulders. Robbie sighed again and turned towards his backpack, catching Finn’s eye. He blushed. Finn raised his eyebrows at him.
“You okay there, Robbie?”
He nodded, but his smile was forced. “Yeah. Got a basketball tournament over break down in South Carolina. Pretty excited.”
“Well,” Finn said, standing to approach him at his desk. “You’re doing really well. You're still on track to be top of your class.”
Robbie shook his head. “I don't think so. Marianne has a higher GPA. Her entire life is academics, and the school newspaper, and the cello.” He counted each one off on his fingers. “I might get salutatorian, though.”
Finn bit the inside of his cheek in amusement. “Well, she's an honorable competitor to lose to.”
Robbie let out a wistful, airy chuckle. “Yeah. She is.” He paused and looked at Finn quizzically. “Mr. O’Hara, I have a question.”
Finn tried to hide his surprise. “Shoot.”
Robbie was chewing his lip nervously. “Did people ever,” he started. “I don't know, not take your academic achievements seriously, just because you were good at sports?”
Finn tilted his head. “What do you mean?”
Robbie huffed. “It's just- sometimes people ask me why I even bother with school, you know? When I've got a scholarship to play basketball in college and everything. Especially stuff like English. They don't understand.”
“Well,” Finn said, resting his hands on the desk. “You can always just enjoy school. That's not their business. My teammates teased me all the time, but I found a purpose in retirement outside of hockey, you know?” He glanced at the shelf of books he kept at the back of the room. He let students check them out, and they were filled with his own annotations. Some of them even had Leo’s, from all the times he'd read and reread Finn’s books from college. Finn smiled. “And even if I hadn't made it to the NHL, academics gave me something else that I would've been happy doing.”
Robbie’s eyebrows shot up. “You would've still been an English teacher?”
Finn nodded, smiling widely. “Oh, I absolutely would've. But I'm grateful I played hockey. Met my husbands.”
Robbie considered this for a moment. “And do you think that you and your husbands would've still gotten together, even if you hadn't played hockey?” At Finn’s silence, Robbie’s eyes widened. He spoke nervously. “I'm really sorry, you're not supposed to ask a teacher that.”
Finn laughed. “No, it's okay.” He thought for a moment. In his head he could imagine him and Leo running into one another in a bookstore, both reaching for the same trashy romance novels they read when they were really tired. “They definitely would have. Leo loves to read as much as I do, we would've gotten along really well. And Logan…” He paused again. He could picture Logan’s green eyes and smile so vividly. “Well, he'd be hard to get rid of in any lifetime. He's pretty stubborn. And he likes to be read to.” 
Robbie chuckled, shouldering his backpack. “Well, he fights on the ice like he's stubborn, so I'm not surprised.”
Finn grinned, then blinked hard, eyes going to his watch. “Speaking off, I've got to get going soon. Gotta catch my husbands before warm-ups tonight.” He clapped Robbie on the shoulder. “Have a good break, bud.”
Robbie smiled. “You, too, Mr. O'Hara.”
Finn watched him walk out of the room. Just as he stepped through the doorway, Marianne approached him. She was rubbing her arm nervously and talking a mile a minute. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes wide, but Robbie’s smile was so big that it seemed to relax her shoulders slightly. She swung her backpack around onto one arm, reaching inside to pull out Pride and Prejudice, sticky notes sticking out of the top. Marianne pointed to something on the page and continued talking. It was obvious that she wanted Robbie to follow along, but all he could do was stare at her, a small smile on his face. When she realized this, she paused, blushing, and fidgeted with the corners of the pages nervously. Robbie said something gently and gestured towards the library, which was at the end of the hall and open until late in the afternoon. Marianne nodded and they walked off together. Finn smiled at their retreating forms.
“Mr. O'Hara?”
Finn jumped slightly. He turned to find another student, Daniel, standing by Finn’s desk nervously. Finn eased his shoulders and smiled. “Hey, man. What's up?”
Daniel blushed. “I was wondering if I could get an extension on the essay,” he said, his Austrian accent thick with nerves.
Finn tilted his head. “Daniel, I can only do that so much for you. You're taking an AP class.”
His face flushed even more. “I know, it's just- the English is harder than what I was expecting. I'm struggling to analyze it.”
Finn sighed. He crossed his arms and leaned his hip against his desk. “Tell you what. I have an idea, okay? And if it doesn't work, I'll give you an extension, but I want you to try. The exam is in three weeks.”
Daniel nodded eagerly. “Okay.”
Finn reached for a photo frame on his desk. It was of him and Logan and Leo on the Harvard campus at sunset. They'd gone for a visit to see a football game and to go to the library, where Finn had led them both to a dark corner and kissed them breathless. Finn smiled at the memory. He turned the frame for Daniel to see. 
“My husband, Logan. The shorter one,” he said. “He's from Quebec, so English is his second language.” He looked up to find Daniel staring hard at the photo. “I used to read to him in college to help him understand the hard texts. He found it easier, sometimes, to hear the words and talk about them with someone.”
Daniel nodded. “That's nice.” He looked at Finn. “But what do I do?”
Finn smiled at him. “What if you got Jesse to read to you? He's doing great in AP Lang, and he's an incredible writer. He took my class last year when he was a junior.”
Daniel blushed even harder, stark against his golden hair. Finn had suspected for a long time that he and Jesse liked each other, even if they didn't know it. When Daniel had moved their sophomore year from Austria, Jesse had taken right to him, inviting him to join the tennis team and always being an ear to listen, even when Daniel struggled to find the words. Finn felt his heart ache a little for them. He wanted to give them a push in the right direction, but he more than anyone knew that these things took time. So he settled for looking at Daniel's unsure face over his glasses. 
“I think you should try it, Daniel. He's a good friend, he'd be happy to help. He can read you passages, talk them out with you, read your essay back to you.”
Daniel nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, he's a good friend.” He adjusted his bag on his shoulder, taking one last look at the photo in Finn's hands. “Thank you, Mr. O'Hara. I will try it, and let you know if I still need an extension.”
Finn grinned widely. “Sounds good.” He jerked his head towards the door. “Now get outta here. I gotta go watch my husbands play some stick and puck.”
Daniel nodded with a shy smile, saying a quiet goodbye before walking out of the room in that slightly nervous way he always did. Finn laughed softly. It seemed like years ago he watched Logan carry himself the same way, guarded against a language he wasn't totally confident in. Not anymore, though. Now he could take Finn and Leo apart in two languages, whispered in their ear in the early morning or gasped in their bedroom late at night. Or both. Even watching him yell on the ice got Finn all toasty. 
Finn sighed wistfully, taking another look at the picture in his hands. He turned, placing it in its rightful place on his desk alongside all the others. There were loads of pictures spread all around his desk area, even hung up on the wall behind him. Some were of him and his Lions or Harvard teammates, some with his family. Most, however, were of him and Finn and Leo, or some combination thereof, all wrapped up in one another and smiling in every frame. Finn hadn't known that delirious happiness could be so long lasting, but he was now falling more in love each and every day and living a more blissful life than he could have imagined. True happiness, he supposed, was one of those feelings that was almost unshakeable. 
Finn checked his watch one more time and hissed through his teeth. He grabbed the grading he'd need to do over the weekend and his bag, rushing to lock his classroom door and jog down the stairs. He waved to the secretary, Mx. Tulane, on the way out and searched frantically for his keys. Logan would've laughed at him, and Leo would've gently scolded him for never putting them in the same place, and all Finn could think about was blue eyes and dark brown hair and the greatest love he'd ever known. He was desperate for some good luck kisses.
An hour later saw him slightly out of breath and flashing his pass to the stadium security guards, jogging to where he knew his husbands would both be. He was correct, and found them on their pre-game loop around the back halls of the stadium. Logan had used to warm up on the bikes, but ever since returning to Gryffindor he joined Leo in his and Finn's old warm-up.
I don't want soleil to be warming up alone anymore, he'd said. And I've spent too much time away from you both to do it anymore than I have to now. Plus, then you always know where to find us to kiss us before the game.
Indeed, Finn had known where to find them. They were running ahead of him, both in their spandex and some shorts. They were talking happily, and Leo said something that made Logan shove him playfully. Leo just laughed. It sounded like sunshine.
Finn couldn't contain his excitement anymore and ran forward. At the last second, Logan heard his footsteps and turned, eyes widening in delight. He slowed down, expecting Finn to stop, but Finn just kept running. He bent down and wrapped his arms securely around Logan's waist, picking him up and jogging a few steps before halting and squeezing him tightly. Logan was laughing freely, more freely than he did with anyone else, as Leo slowed down, too, with a smile on his face.
“Hey, teach,” Leo said. He looked Finn up and down. “You look hot.”
“Hi, butter baby,” Finn said. “And my Lolo.”
Logan wriggled around in protest, but Finn just held him tighter and kissed his cheek a few times. Logan was still laughing and turned his head to cup Finn's jaw, bringing him into a proper kiss. Finn sighed against his mouth contentedly, setting him down on the ground so he could hold Logan's face firmly with both hands. Logan's fingers were all in his hair and tugging at the strands. Finn felt a bit dizzy.
A warm presence made its way to their sides. “Do I not get a treat, too?”
“Mm,” Finn hummed against Logan’s mouth. “One sec.” He pressed a last firm kiss to Logan's mouth before pulling back with a smile. “Hi, Lo, baby.”
Logan's mouth was red. “Salut.”
Finn kissed his cheek before turning to Leo, grabbing his hips and pulling him flush. “And how's my sunshine?”
“Good,” Leo said. He smiled into Finn's first kiss. “Better, now that I'm with both of you.”
Finn just kissed him deeper. He clutched one arm around Leo's waist and one at the back of his neck, using this leverage to dip him suddenly. Leo gasped against his mouth, grabbing at Finn's shoulders. Finn loved to do this to the both of them, to take them by surprise and romance them, no matter how cheesy they thought him to be. He loved the feeling of their bodies and skin beneath his hands. He didn't think he'd ever tire of it.
After a long moment, Finn broke their kiss, staring down at Leo's flushed face and hair that seemed like it was floating towards the floor. Leo was smiling exasperatedly and lovingly at him. “You sure know how to sweep boys off their feet, huh, O'Hara?”
Finn kissed his forehead. “I've had lots of practice.” He helped Leo stand and opened his arm for Logan to join them. “How are we feeling, lovers?”
Logan kissed his jaw. “Ready. Right, Le?”
Leo traced a finger down Logan’s jaw and leaned down to kiss him lightly. “So ready. Colorado doesn't know what's coming for them.”
Logan leaned into the touch. Finn watched them love each other and smiled. He drew them closer to his body. “I missed you today.” He rested his head on top of Logan's. “I thought of you.”
Leo kissed his forehead. “Oh yeah?”
Finn nodded. “Robbie was nervous about being an academic and an athlete. I think he has a crush on Marianne, who's the smartest girl in school. She's not an athlete.”
“What'd you tell him?” Logan asked. 
Finn closed his eyes and swayed into the warmth of their bodies. “That I have husbands who like to read or be read to, and even if I hadn't played hockey and had chosen to just go into teaching, they would've loved me regardless.” He paused, then snorted lightly. “Oh, and Jesse and Daniel are totally crushing on each other. Jesse is going to help him with the hard English.” Finn could feel Logan’s smile against his shoulder.
“Mm,” Leo said into Finn's hair. “You mean we could've had a sexy English teacher from the beginning?”
Finn squeezed his hip. “Hey, you loved when I played hockey. I was a very sexy seventeen.”
“Ouais, you were,” Logan laughed. “The sexiest seventeen.” He kissed Finn's shoulder and Leo's chest. “Allez, we need to finish our warm-up.”
“Go on,” Finn said. He kissed them both hard once more each and patted their butts firmly. “I love you, good luck, I love you, you'll be amazing, I love you. Have I mentioned that I love you?”
Leo kissed his forehead and ran away. When he was far enough down the hallway, he turned to jog backwards. “I love you!” he shouted, eyes twinkling. “C'mon, Lo, I'll race you back!”
Logan pressed a fleeting kiss to Finn's cheek. “Je t'aime,” he said, then he was off and chasing after Leo. Leo's smile was bright and toothy, Logan yelling at him in French and him responding in kind, both of them laughing hard. 
Finn couldn't help the fond feeling that arose in his chest as he watched them run away. He missed them with every step they took, but no matter- they'd be back in his arms in a couple of hours, ready to go home and read a book before bed. Finn bit his lip around a grin and turned to go to the family box.
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aghostband · 4 years ago
More Moodboards, O’knutzy
We are back on that unnamed fic. This time with O’Knutzy in real life and not in Logan’s mind.
The other Mood boards: Through Logan’s Eyes & Wolfstar/Jily
Characters By @lumosinlove
Logan Tremblay
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Finishing School to become a teacher.
Currently student teacher after his last semester -which will begin the fic- he becomes a full time teacher.
Also has tattoos. And a mythology and kinda space obsession
Reads PJO to his kids when he starts teaching.
Goes to Columbia
Finn O’Hara
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The Florist and A Poet
Is a common subject for Leo’s paintings
The only decorations he knows are Plants and books.
Graduated from Columbia
Leo Knut
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The Artist.
He’s both a painter and a tattoo artist.
Doesn’t have many tattoos
Is always ink or paint stained and so are a lot of his clothes.
I’m thinking NYU
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awanderingdeal · 3 years ago
omg HI so since your requests are still open and I have an adoration of SOs teaching each other things as well as an aggressive HC that Leo does ballet or gymnastics for flexibility practice, PLEASE him just bringing his boyfriends along for a class. Because Leo has grace but Finn O'Hara definitely does not but man is he enthusiastic and I'm just picturing big tough broad scary man Tremblay walking in and totally intimidating everyone but then so sweet trying SO HARD to perfect his form -aj
Hi aj! Long time no see! I'm sorry it took so long to fulfil this (and I know that @livingforcoopsandoknutzy did a little something for this already, but I'd already started writing this so I hope you don't mind!) Anyway, enjoyyyyy, please.
O'Knutzy Week - Day 7
It is here. A little (a lot) late, but better than never.
Prompt: Free day
Rating: G
CW: Exercise.
Credits: O'Knutzy belong to @lumosinlove and thank you to @oknutzyweek for organising all this.
A deeply hidden memory clawed its way to the front of Logan's mind as they got closer to the studio. The distinct smell of wood, sweat and leather was prominent, as if he was actually there again, newly five years old and stuffed into a white t-shirt and black short., Even now his nose wrinkled with how much he'd hated it - for the mere six months he'd lasted before being asked to leave. 
"You made me rock climb," Leo laughed. He slipped his hand into Logan's, tugging him across the threshold. 
"You're a giraffe, you were made to rock climb." 
“Allez,” Leo teased. “You’ll be fine.”
Logan muttered rapid French under his breath and Leo didn’t even bother asking him to repeat it. " 
"Go on, Go. I want to go." Finn said, practically climbing over Logan to get through the door. 
"Come on now boys, we're waiting for you," their teacher, who Leo had said was named Serena, beckoned them over. "To the barre, please. Next time, please try to arrive fifteen minutes prior to the start." 
Logan blushed under the inquisitive stares of the five students seemingly ready to begin. 
"Sorry Serena, we had a little...resistance," Leo said. He pointedly did not look at Logan, but Finn had already bounded across the floor to the barre, so it was rather obvious who the guilty party was.   
Serena hummed, a small smile curving her lips. "Well, hopefully by the end of the class those who may be hesitant will be somewhat less resistant, as you put it." 
Serena was a petite woman, her hair white with age and a map of wrinkles on her pale skin. Despite the authoritative air, her hazel eyes held kindness. Nothing like the harsh glare of the lady who had taught his pre-ballet class way back then. 
Leo took his place at the end of the barre. He'd already explained Serena preferred those with more experience at the end, so when they turned around a beginner wouldn't be left with no one in front of them to follow. Finn slipped in quickly next to him, and as much as Logan loved his boyfriend, he wasn't sure he'd be the best example to follow. 
Logan gave his most charming smile as he moved further along, slotting himself in the gap between a wiry middle aged man who looked like he belonged in a suit, and a broad shouldered woman with red hair. They both took a hesitant step to the side. Did I forget deodorant this morning? Maybe that title of ‘smelliest feet’ was well earned in last year's locker room awards.
"First, we will go through some basics, after which we will start with some combinations. We will keep them simple, which means I want to see excellent form from those of you who have been here longer okay?" Serena introduced. 
It seemed simple enough. 30 minutes later Logan was sweating and muscles he didn't even know he possessed hurt. There was so much to know. First position. Third position. Plie.Port de bras. Tendu. 
“Why is there so much French?” Finn groaned, even as he flung his leg back out in a poor imitation of what Serena had shown them. 
Trust me love, knowing what the words mean doesn’t help much.
"Eyes up," Serena called. "Yes, I'm talking you, Mr. O'Hara. It is generally considered impolite to stare at the behind of those in front of us. “Don't make me send you to the other end." 
“It’s such a good behind though,” Finn chuckled. 
They moved on to what Serena called ‘centre work', next. Logan was glad to get away from the barre, but as Phillipa demonstrated the series of movements Serena dictated, any relief ebbed away. The only thing getting him through was the stupid goofy grin on Finn’s face. 
“Plie. Jump,” Serena showed, lifting a good few inches off the floor despite her age. “Make sure to really push off the floor, so you're engaging your glutes and hamstrings.”
Finally, Logan thought, something he could do.
“Very good, Logan. Just try to land with a little more grace.” 
Logan felt the small proud smile that had crept onto his face slip away. More grace. He wasn’t exactly known for being graceful. Fast and powerful, he could do. Grace was not really his department. 
“Hey, don’t worry. I used to get the same critique. Just pretend there's a tiny puppy underfoot and you don’t want to squash it.” 
“Quoi?” Logan frowned.
The same broad shouldered woman he’d been stood by earlier (he thought her name was Jenny, or maybe it was Agatha) made a jump, exaggerating the soft movement. “Don’t kill the puppy.”
“Right, don’t kill the puppy.”
And like every stubborn decision Logan ever made, he tried again.
"Better," Serena praised.
Logan caught Leo looking a him with a muted smile - the same kind he made when Harry did anything vaguely new - and hoped the tan of his skin hid the blush he could feel warming his cheeks.
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pretendicanwrite · 3 years ago
O'knutzy week day 5
Character credit to @lumosinlove and prompt credit to @oknutzyweek !
CW: Verbal fights, insecurity, minor cursing
The boys were going through Logan's stuff in Dumo's basement when Leo happened upon a cardboard box labeled 'Harvard'. Thinking nothing of it, he moved it to the bed and sat next to it.
"Lo, I found a packed box in your closet. It's labeled Harvard, keep or throw?"
After hearing the word Harvard, Logan came rushing across the room toward Leo. "I didn't even know I still had that box."
Finn came over then, all three of them sitting on the bed. Leo sat behind the box crisscross, while Logan sat on the left, and Finn on the right.
The room was silent while Leo waited for either of his boys to do something. Knowing that their time in college was hard on both of them, he moved to get up before Logan reached out to stop him by grabbing his hand.
"I want you here Peanut. You're one of the biggest parts of my life, and that makes you a part of this even if you weren't there."
Nodding, Leo moved back to his original position, this time holding both his boyfriend's hands.
Logan took his keys to the tape on the top of the box, and cut it open. He took a deep breath before he unfolded the flaps, freezing when he saw the familiar essay on top.
"Is that my Iliad analysis essay?" Finn asked, reaching to re-open the box.
Logan stopped him, gently laying his hand over Finn's. "I never expected to see you again when I took it. I always thought that we were just done. Then I got drafted to the lions a year after you, and with everything that went down, I never got around to dealing with this box."
Leo sat between his boys, mentally trying to keep up with the conversation. "What's so important about this specific essay?"
"It's the first and only essay that Fishy ever got a one hundred on. He had a really hard teacher his final year. We went out the night that he found out to celebrate. We got dinner, and I took him to his favorite bookstore at the time. That was the first night we ever slept in the same bed."
Finn and Logan smiled at each other, both reliving that night in their heads.
Leo again felt like he was intruding. Logically, he knew that his boys loved him and that they were just caught up in memories from the past eight years, but it still hurt to know that he didn't get to be a part of their lives when they were twenty and twenty-one.
Eventually, Logan reached into the box, pulling out a picture frame of the two boys on the steps to a nice house. "My mom took this when we moved out my sophomore year. I think she knew that I liked you, but she never said anything."
The next thing pulled out of the box was a Harvard hockey sweatshirt with O'Hara printed on the back.
"I knew you took that! I searched for it for days and never found it," Finn said, taking it from Logan's hands. "Honestly, I took yours. I knew they would give you another when they placed the orders for new team members so I took it the day I left."
"So you two have always been sweatshirt thieves. Good to know I'm not missing out on anything now." Leo knew it sounded meaner than he intended it to, but he felt like he was being forgotten about.
Finn and Logan dropped the sweatshirt and turned toward Leo.
"Leo, I love you Peanut, but I think you should go upstairs and help Celeste with the food for tonight. I know you love to cook. I really appreciate you trying to be here for me, and I know that this must be hard for you, but it's hard for us too," Logan paused, thinking about what to say next.
"We spent eight years together before we even knew you, and most of the memories weren't that happy for us. I think we just need a little bit of time to reflect on them and need the closure we'll get from talking about them," Finn picked up, grabbing Leo's hands. "We love you Nutter Butter, and going through these silly little things isn't going to change that. You are a part of us, and we love you."
Leo nodded, giving each of his boyfriends a kiss on the cheek, then walked up the steps to join Celeste in the kitchen. There were small pools of tears prickling in his eyes that were quickly falling when he finally made it to where Celeste was.
She didn't say anything, she just opened up her arms and Leo fell into them. They wrapped each other up, Celeste looking comically small next to the giant rookie.
"I promise you, mon bébé, they love you, but they need some time to sort through their unresolved issues. Just give them a little bit of time to get their shit together," Celeste said, slowly unwrapping her arms. "It took one of those two eight years to even get to the point that he could talk about his feelings, and the only reason he could is that he fell in love with you."
"Thank you, Celeste. You sound just like my mom."
"Having four kids will do that to you. Alright, no more sadness. We are going to bake some really delicious cupcakes, and you get to hold the fact that I like you more than everyone else, besides my husband, over the team's heads."
They spent the rest of the afternoon baking and cooking, getting ready for Logan's moving out/moving in party. After the team arrived, Logan and Finn were finally climbing the stairs with red faces and red-rimmed eyes.
They immediately walked over to their boyfriend, and Logan tackled him with a hug. "I'm sorry Lover Nut. I love you."
Leo didn't return the hug, he only loosely put one arm on Logan's hip. "It's fine Logan, but I'm a part of this now. I get that you two had or have unresolved issues, but you guys can't just kick me out when there's an issue between you. It's not just you two and sometimes me. I'm your boyfriend, not a casual hookup." Leo didn't stay to watch his boyfriend's reactions, just grabbed a tray of food to carry over the food table they had set up in the living room.
Of course, the team noticed his face. Ever the goalie, Leo rarely let anything show. He's one of those people who takes everything to heart but never lets people know, so to see him so visibly upset, the team knew something was wrong. However, they all knew better than to say anything.
They knew Leo would come to them if he needed to, but right now he just needs time to process.
Leo spent the rest of the night actively avoiding his boys. When it was finally time for everyone to head home, Leo pulled Remus aside. "Hey Loops, do you want to go out, or maybe grab a drink at your place or something?"
"What's going on Leo? You're always the first one to leave with your boys."
Leo paused, pulling Remus into the empty kitchen. "I may or may not have accused my boyfriends of treating me like a casual hookup. And by may, I mean did."
"Are they? Anyone who looks at you guys can see that you all love each other. Do you want to come over? Cap and I will drive you."
Leo just nodded, grabbed his things, and followed Remus out to Caps Range Rover, making sure neither Finn nor Logan saw him.
"Thanks guys."
"No problem Leo. You know you can always talk to us. Anyone on the team really."
"I'm ok, but thanks, Cap."
They drove to Sirius' house, only ten minutes away and before they even got out of the car, Remus was already questioning him. "Why are your boyfriends asking the group chat if anyone's seen you?"
"I didn't tell them I was coming here."
Cap sighed, walking towards the door of his house. "I'm not harboring you like some fugitive. Tell them that you're okay, and if you want, that you're here, but I'm not letting you let them think you're missing."
It only took about twenty minutes for the boys to show up at the captain's house after Leo texted them. They knocked un-relentlessly on the door while they waited for someone to answer it.
Cap barely even had the door open before they were rushing into the living room. Leo saw Cap retreat into the kitchen, trying to give the three boys some space. "What the hell Leo? I get that you're mad at me, but you can't just disappear like that," Logan said, moving to pull Leo into a hug, but stopped when he was pushed off.
"No. You don't get to push me away, then get upset when I don't immediately come running back to you. I'm hurt and I'm not just going to just get over it to make you feel better about yourself."
Logan glared at him, and Finn just stood off to the side not willing to get in between his boyfriends.
"God! Can you just stop acting like a child? Finn and I were dealing with something, and I'm sorry we didn't make it all about you."
"That's not the freaking problem Logan! I get that it was something that you two had to deal with, but you kicked me out. I wasn't even able to be there to support you both. I was cast out and not allowed to be a part of the relationship you guys had and still have. I felt like you guys thought it was just you two in a relationship. It felt like you forgot I even existed."
"That's just stupid Leo, and you know it. We love you, and I'm sorry you don't get to have the history we have with each other, but not everything's about you. Get that through your thick skull! We both have lives that don't revolve around you." Logan was visibly angry. His eyes had changed from the glowing green they usually are to a dull dark color that reflected his mood.
"You're right, they just revolve around each other. It's always going to be you two together with me as an afterthought. I think I'm going to stay here tonight if it's okay with Cap and Loops. Please just go home. And for the record, my feelings aren't stupid."
Finn finally stepped in, moving closer to his younger boyfriend. "Okay Peanut, just know that we love you and we're sorry. Let me know if you need anything."
Leo nodded, pulling Finn into a loose hug. He looked at Logan over Finn's shoulder, glaring back at his shorter boyfriend.
"I don't think we're done here, Finn. I'm not just going to leave while Leo and I are fighting. If he has something he wants to say then he can just say it and get it over with. He's obviously upset over something."
"I just told you what I'm upset about, and you called it stupid, so I'd really appreciate it if you just left me alone to give me time to calm down. I really don't want to say something stupid."
"It's a little late for that don't you think? You've already opened your mouth, so there's no going back now."
Both Leo and Finn stayed quiet just staring at Logan. By the look on his face, he knew that what he said was messed up, and had really caused some hurt, but he couldn't take it back.
Finally, Leo opened his mouth, but it took a little bit of time before he could form any words. "I was already insecure about being with you two, but I thought if you even loved me a fraction as much as you loved each other that I could be happy, but it doesn't work like that. I'm so in love with you that sometimes it hurts to breathe when I know I've upset you guys. I can't look at a book without thinking about whether or not Finn would love this, or see a dog and think about how it would feel to have one of our own. I promised myself that I would be happy with the love I got from both of you, but I don't know how to do that when I always come in third. This fight wasn't about the memory you guys share, it's about the memories you're choosing to make without me. I know that I can't be there for everything, but you kicked me out. You purposefully discluded me for a reason I can't understand, and that's what hurts. So again, I'd really appreciate it if you would give me some time to process everything that was said this evening without any yelling. I love you two, and I'll come home when we can have an adult conversation without accusations flying around."
Finn just nodded, whispering an 'I love you' to his boyfriend before pulling Logan out of the Black house.
As soon as he heard the door close, Leo broke down. He dropped to his butt in the middle of the living room, quickly being pulled into a hug by Remus.
He whispered reassuring things into the blond's head as he cradled him on the floor. Cap soon joined them, carrying a mug of hot chocolate.
"He didn't say I love you back. He's never left without saying it back before."
All three men spent the night on the couch with Leo in the middle. It was comfortable, but it was no match to cuddling with his boys.
They all awoke around eleven a.m. to a few quick knocks on the door. Leo got up to open it, expecting to see a delivery, or a mailman or something, but was greeted by the sight of Logan who had clearly not slept, and had been crying.
"I'm sorry about everything I said last night. It wasn't fair to say any of that, and I'm sorry I didn't try to understand where you were coming from. I know that it's going to take you a while to forgive me, and I completely understand, but I love you and I am way more than willing to try to earn it. You are one of the loves of my life, and I don't know how I ever thought that you were anything less."
Leo went home that night after a little bit more time in the Black house. It wasn't easy when he got home. There was still a lot to talk about, and he was still feeling insecure, but they talked about it and tried to get a deeper understanding of everyone's emotions. There was more yelling, a lot of tears, and a whole carton of Ben and Jerry's discarded on the coffee table, but things were better for the three boys.
Is there a rushed ending because I was already a day and 30 minutes late?
Nooooo..... (Said sarcastically)
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moonofthenight · 4 years ago
Skip a Beat
It’s here! I decided to give this to you a little earlier since I just reached 100 followers this morning, thank you! I’m grateful for every single one of you!
Anyways, I really hope you guys will like this.
Characters belong to the amazing @lumosinlove
A big big thank you to @spookypotato for coming up with the amazing name <3
CW asking about pronouns
Chapter One
"Oh, come on Le, this will be fun!"
"I have two left feet Logan, you know that. This is going to be nothing but a disaster."
Logan turned his head a bit, giving his boyfriend a don't-make-such-a-fuss look in form of his famous side eye.
"Heads up baby, we are doing this for Cap and Loops."
Leo playfully rolled his eyes as Logan stopped in front of the door.
All Stars - Gryffindor Dance School
With an exited smile, Logan pushed the door open, causing the tiny bell to ring before the door shut behind them with a loud thud. And if Logan only chose the school because of the name, no one needed to know.
The entrance area looked very welcoming. The soft beige tones on the walls, combined with the light blue sofas to their right, made the room seem filled with light.
Logan grabbed Leo's hand, pulling him towards the reception, the smile never leaving his face. And god, Leo would do anything to see that smile forever.
"One moment boys”, the young woman behind the desk said kindly.
Leo squinted a bit, adjusting his eyes to the small handwriting on the nametag.
'June', it said.
June put a folder away, before giving them her full attention.
"Hey, we booked four lessons in standard? Tremblay and Knut."
She nodded a little, focusing on the PC. She clicked a few times before letting out a triumphant noise.
"Yes, you will be in studio 7, it's the third door down the hall. Your teacher will be Mister O'Hara. Have fun boys."
She gave them a friendly smile, immediatly getting back to work.
Logan grabbed Leo’s hand, pulling him again, but this time down the hall, a song growing louder and louder.
And if honesty means telling you the truth, I am still in love with you
Logan raised his hand to knock but no one answered. After a few seconds and another knock, Leo decided to just open the door. They were greeted with a beautiful sight.
The studio was huge.
The two looked directly at a big mirror front, opposite from the door, the other walls covered with beige curtains, a ballet bar peeking out from behind the curtain next to the door.
A big window was at the top of the left wall, allowing the light to flood the studio.
The most beautiful sight however, sat in the middle of the room, leaning over his right leg, doing the splits.
Logan’s breath hitched.
The boy on the floor looked so graceful, he was unable to tore his eyes away.
He was pulled back into reality by Leo’s slight cough. All thoughts on Finn vanished as he moved his head to look at Leo, his Leo. They haven’t been together that long but he sometimes couldn’t believe how he got so lucky. Leo's small, purposeful cough also seemed to pull the redhead out of his world.
Finn's head snapped up and his eyes grew wide. Piercing blue eyes were looking right at him. He slowly straightened his back, moving out of his split, standing up and shaking his head a bit to clear his mind.
He put on his professional smile and walked towards them, extracting a hand.
"Hi! I'm Finn, welcome to my studio."      
The blond one shot him a bright smile and Finn thought he looked like the sun itself.
“Hey there, I’m Leo Knut, nice to meet you.”
Leo shook his hand but Finn’s mind went elsewhere.
“Southern accent.”
Leo laughed out loud.
“Yes, New Orleans but I live here, in Gryffindor.”
Finn gave him a smile, his eyes wandering to the person next to Leo.
“And you are…?”
“Oh! Yeah sorry, I’m Logan, Logan Tremblay. I hope you have band-aids and nerves.”
Finn barked out a laugh as Logan shook his hand too.
“It can’t be that bad”, he looked at Leo again, “Is he.. wait I don’t want to misgender anyone. Your pronouns?”
Leo’s smile widened, if that was even possible.
“We both go by he/him, what about you?”
“Same. Okay, you are here to learn some standard dances, right?”
Both boys nodded, their happy smiles turning into more worried ones.
“Don’t be scared. I won’t judge you, at all. How about I show you some basic steps and you just copy my movements? Does this sound good?”
“I think we can do that, yeah but don’t say we didn’t warn you.”, Logan said with a grin.
Laughing, Finn grabbed them at their shoulders, guiding them to the middle, so a minute later, they found themselves in front of the mirror, starring at their own reflections.
“This is so weird.”, Logan whispered, making Leo laugh under his breath.
“No talking in my class.”
Finn turned his upper body towards them, trying to look harsh but his smile gave him away. Logan and Leo saluted, causing Finn to chuckle a bit as he turned his back to them again.
“Let’s start with a discofox. Look at my feet first and then you can start copying. Alright, you need to learn two different sides and we can add a turn but I feel like we should start off easy.”
“You want to take two steps forward, starting with the right leg, so it’s step-step.”
Logan and Leo watched Finns feet intensely, really trying to understand the movements.
“When you are standing on your left leg, you tap the right foot next to your left foot. And now backwards, step-step-tap, forward, step-step-tap.”
Finn basically moved in slomotion but he was a dance teacher, he had patience. Leo started to tap the rhythm on his leg, both boys following the movements, copying Finn.
Step-step-tap step-step-tab step-step-tab step-tab- what?
Logan stumbled over his own feet at the same time Leo lost the rhythm completely.
Finn slowly turned to look at them, his face carrying a look of horror, wiping his left hand over his face.
Leo and Logan stood still, hands clasped before them, looking like two kicked puppies.
“This is going to be so much more work than I thought.”
“Told you so.”
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iluvchick3nz · 2 months ago
I have LOVED creating these fics for you, and I am so happy you have enjoyed them! Please find the master list below to go back and reread if you so choose. Please also keep sending in prompts- I LOVE receiving your ideas. <3
Character credits go to @lumosinlove !
Posting Schedule EXPLAINED (as of 28 Feb, 2025)
Cubs Engagement: This is my first one ever written, and sets the timeline for the rest of my fics (LOOSELY). This is NOT the canon timeline set by @lumosinlove in SW, C2C, or Vaincre, as the Cubs have obviously NOT reached that point in their lives. It's just how I imagine it!
Teacher Finn Pt. I
Teacher Finn Pt. II: Finn and His Fountain Pen
Man Bun Leo Knut TM
Leo's 2-4-1 Weighted Blanket Deal
Leo's Long Distance Surprise
Respecting Ratatouille (with DISCUSSIONS of the FUTURE)
Gender-Bent PWHL Cubs (P.S. please let me know if you'd be interested in more gender-bent/PWHL AUs! It didn't do as well as my other posts (sad face), but as a WLW I LOVE the PWHL fics that @fruitcoops did a while back. And I love the PWHL! So PLEASE let me know!!)
Logan's Favorite Combo: Boyfriends, Hot Chocolate, and CUDDLES
Ballet Butter Baby (i.e., Eloise Knut bring out baby photos!!)
BECs for Dinner Courtesy of FinnLo
FinnLo Finding Out About Jack >:|
Leo's Morning Accent
Concussion Angst + Fluff
Sunshine Being Carried Around
Finn and Healthy Discussion About Nefarious Activities
Icicle Leo Braving the Canadian Winter
Two Times Leo was Flustered, and One Time He Was the Flusterer
Black Brothers and Their Mom, Hope Lupin
Finn's Love Language
Leo's Blast from the Past, feat. Competitive BFs
O'Hara Home Videos in the Hamptons
FinnLo at a Harvard Reunion
LT10 is Back On Gryff Ice
Hurt/Comfort: A Commentary on US Marriage Laws and Visas
Leo Learning to Accept Affection
Finn Being the Best HAB
Future Family Skate
Cubs Lazy Morning In
Where Leo Got His Gray
Finn Being a Personal Jungle Gym
Leo Being a Heat-Resistant Master Chef
Wisdom Teeth Removal
Leo's Personal Lolo Guard Dog
Cubs Visit CANADIA
Married Cubs Fluff in Nice
Leo and His Tiger Stripes
Date Night!
Leo's Gaydar
Hogwarts AU
Seeing One Another Cry
Muscle Man Logan Tremblay
PWHL AU PT. II: Super Model Leo Knut and Her Protective GFs
Discussions of Age Differences
Insomniac Sunshine
Teacher Finn in Love with His Hubbies
Home Videos Pt. II: Baby of the Family Lolo and the Sunshine Show
Leo's All Star Panic Attack
Reaction to Injuries
Engagement Announcement!!!!
Soulmate AU (Pt I ;))
Cubs Being Obsessed with Legs, Arms, and Freckles!!!!
Logan Being Jealous of Pets feat. Pet Names
Hogwarts AU Pt. II
Seeing Each Other's Rooms for the First Time (Ever, or In a While)
Leo and His Homies in the Hamptons
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iluvchick3nz · 1 month ago
this is a big ask but i’ve been thinking about it all week! onutzy hogwarts au??
imo, logan: hufflepuff, finn: gryffindor, leo: ravenclaw
This was one of my FAVORITE things I have written! I'd be so happy to take more asks for this AU!
All credits to @lumosinlove <3
O'Knutzy Household, May 2024
Finn knelt on the floor of their walk-in closet, peering around underneath the bottom shelf. He'd known he could've summoned his wand with an accio, but his brain was so fried after marking exams all day that he could barely do magic with his wand, nevermind without it. He squinted, peering through the darkness to where he'd estimated it had fallen out of his robes as he'd shrugged them off.
“Ah,” he said, spotting the thin piece of wood. It was all the way at the back. He stretched his long arm, grasping for it, when his fingers brushed something else.
Finn furrowed his brow and wrapped his fingers around his wand, murmuring a soft lumos. The light shined brightly in the small, dark space, illuminating a cardboard box. Written on the side were the years 2014-2016. He smiled, reaching his other hand to grab the box, and stood to go into their dining room.
Soon, he was sat with a cup of tea, rifling through the photos he hadn't seen in a while. He guessed that they hadn't bothered to unpack this box when they moved into their house a year ago, after their wedding, which he thought was a shame really.
Some of the photos were unremarkable, some a little goofy. There was one of Logan and Sirius with severely overgrown eyebrows, both glaring off camera where Finn assumed Remus and James were stood laughing. It was a moving photo, but Logan and Sirius had been so still with annoyance that it looked like a Muggle one. Another was of Leo and Regulus brewing a potion together, anxious and stressed expressions on their faces. Regulus was flipping off the camera. Finn hadn't been there for this photo (it was during Leo's last year, the year after Finn and Logan had graduated), but he did remember having a two-way mirror call with an anxious Leo the night before his final potions exam (which he got a perfect score on in the end).
Finn flipped through a few more, smiling at the wave of memories that came back to him. Even though both he and Leo now worked in the same walls they'd gone to school within, being a student at Hogwarts was nothing like being a teacher. It did have some perks (like being able to share a room with Logan and Leo instead of having to sneak into one another's beds), but Finn did miss that youthful, jubilant feeling of being in school with his favorite people around all day, every day.
One photo in particular made him stop and laugh softly. It was of the three of them the day Logan had been signed to the Chudley Cannons. Leo had his arm wrapped tenderly around Logan's waist, smiling sweetly as he always did. Logan looked a little sheepish, but proud, holding his new jersey. Finn, on the other hand, was jostling Logan with an arm around his shoulder, the other holding a sign that said Let's Go Lolo! with a poor drawing of the Hufflepuff badger. In the moving photo he and Leo both leaned in to press a kiss to each of Logan's cheeks at the same time, and Logan's eyes crinkled with his laughter. Finn had been so proud that day he could've bursted.
Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch, April 2015
Finn sat anxiously in the stands, his leg bouncing as he scanned the field for Logan. The prospective players were warming up on the field below, both Logan and James among them, stretching and flying laps around the perimeter. Finn eyed the professional scouts as well, high up in the stands where the teachers normally sat. They were peering down critically, talking amongst one another with notebooks in their hands. Finn sucked in a breath and played with the thick paper in his hand.
“I hope that isn't what I think it is, O'Hara.”
Finn's eyes lit up as Leo climbed the last few stairs to where Finn was, shuffling over to sit next to him. Leo’s eyes were playful, his grin happy and sunshiny and all things good. Finn nudged him with his shoulder. “What can I say? Your dad’s Muggle football obsession has rubbed off on me. Gotta show the world I'm Lo's number one fan.”
Leo quirked an eyebrow and reached out to play with Finn's Gryffindor tie, loose around his neck. “Who says you're his number one fan?”
Finn smiled, leaning in. “We can share that coveted position.” He kissed Leo briefly. “Hi.”
Leo smiled against his mouth. “Hi, cariad. How are you?”
“Good,” Finn said. His leg was still bouncing. “Nervous.”
Leo placed a hand on his thigh. “Did you go for a run this morning? You know how your pent-up energy gets.”
Finn knocked his head against Leo's shoulder. “Yes, I did, nutter butter. It's just a big day.” He rested his chin on Leo's shoulder. “How was the library?”
Leo kissed his forehead. “Good. Finished my Arithmancy assignment. Reg and I are gonna meet with Lily tomorrow to do some Advanced Potions stuff.”
Finn lifted his head and raised his eyebrows. “I thought you were taking that class next year?”
Leo blushed. “Lily offered to teach us some stuff early.”
“Love,” Finn said soothingly, scratching a hand through Leo’s scalp. “You're going to be fine next year, both you and Regulus are. You're so good at Potions, I don't want you to stress yourself if you don't have to.”
Leo considered this for a moment. “But I like to be ahead. The stuff we do now is too easy.” His ears turned a bit red. “Plus, the three of us experiment.”
Finn snorted. “I don't even want to know. Just be careful, please. We don't need the future of the Potions field blowing up in a disaster of their own making.”
Leo rolled his eyes playfully. “I'll be careful, promise.” He sighed, resting his forehead on Finn's shoulder. “I just… I don't know, I want to be good, you know? I want to prove that a Muggle-born can do all the things. Lily, too. And Reg- well.”
Finn laughed. “Wants to prove that he's more than just a disgraced run-away heir and that he actually has a brain behind all that rich boy nonsense?”
Leo smiled into Finn's shoulder. “Yeah.”
Finn wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “Le, you're going to be fantastic. You're the smartest person I know.”
“Says you.”
“Yes, says me, so then you know it's on good authority.” He kissed Leo's curls. “Besides, if Potions doesn't work out, you could always play Quidditch.”
Leo snorted. “You know, most people don't have professional Quidditch as their backup plan.”
“You could. You're good enough. Best damn Keeper Ravenclaw's ever seen, with those long limbs of yours.”
Leo lifted his head to look him in the eye. “You're biased.”
“Absolutely.” Finn kissed him soundly. “I love you.”
Leo bit his lip around his smile. “Love you.” He nodded his head. “Look, here they are.”
Finn turned to find their friends walking towards them, the most nervous among them being Sirius, who was wringing his hands and biting his nails.
“Stop that,” Remus scolded. “You're going to make yourself bleed.”
“But Moony, this is the biggest day of my life!”
Remus raised his eyebrows. “Is it really, now?”
Sirius didn't even seem phased by his boyfriend's expression. “Yes.” He turned to Lily. “What if he doesn't make it?”
Lily shook her head nervously. “Don't even talk about that.”
Natalie laughed. “He'll probably never recover.”
“Noelle thinks they've both got a good chance,” Thomas piped in with a dreamy look on his face. Noelle, Logan's older sister, was the new captain of the Harpies, and Thomas’ girlfriend. “If it helps.”
Sirius and Lily's expressions indicated that it didn't.  
“Hello, party people!” Finn called with a wave. “How we feeling today?” He took one look at Lily’s face and winced. “Yeah, sorry I asked.”
Regulus and Cole, a friend of theirs in their year in Gryffindor, went to sit by Leo, who had laced the fingers of his opposite hand with Finn's. Lily and Sirius sat together, chattering nervously while Remus and Thomas looked on in amusement. Natalie plopped herself by Finn's side. “Hello, Freckle.”
“Hi, Nat,” he said, giving her a sideways hug. “How are things? How's my older brother?”
Natalie looked amused. “I thought you talked all the time.”
Finn rolled his eyes. “No. He spends way more time talking to you.”
“I should hope so.” She sighed, settling onto the bleachers. “He's good, both he and Kase. Been working on rehab with the Common Welsh Green they found injured a couple weeks back, and Kasey's got lots of shifts at Mungo's so they've been busy.” She shrugged with a smile. “But other than that, they've been good.”
“Good,” Finn said. “You know, my parents are still expecting you to come to County Kerry at some point after we graduate in May. They're so excited that my brother found two Scots instead of two English people.”
Natalie laughed. “Shitting on the English sounds like a great bonding experience.”
Finn raised his eyebrows. “Lo's from England.”
Natalie rolled her eyes. “He moved to Sheffield from Nice when he was eleven. He still sounds French when he speaks English. That boy doesn't count.” She narrowed her eyes. “If anything, a Frenchman is better because the English hate them.”
Finn laughed. “That's my Lolo.”
“Speaking of,” Natalie said. She plucked at his sign. “Really?”
Finn shrugged. “Leo's parents are Muggles and introduced Lo and I to football when we went to visit in Beddgelert over Easter. The fans carry signs in the crowd.” He waggled his eyebrows. “His mom also taught me Welsh swear words that people yell during the match.”
“You're a weird one, O'Hara.”
Finn felt a tug on his hand and immediately turned. Both Leo and Logan were shiny topics for Finn, instantly diverting his attention from any other happenings around him. He put on his most dazzling smile. “Yes, pretty sunshine baby?”
Leo rolled his eyes at Regulus’ gagging noises and jerked his head to the pitch. “They're starting.”
Finn sat up straighter, sucking in a breath. Sure enough, the players were all lined up, listening to instructions from a coach. Finn's leg started bouncing again and he squeezed Leo's hand tighter.
“Cariad,” Leo whispered. “It's going to be fine. He was asked to try out, they already think he's good.”
“I know,” Finn whispered, tapping his foot. “I’m still really nervous.”
Leo sighed, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Rwy'n dy garu di. And we love him, too. It's going to be fine, Fish.”
Finn turned to look at him. “Diolch.”
It was worth it to see Leo's smile. “Look at you, catching on.”
“Wait until you hear the stuff your mom taught me.”
Leo snorted. “I don't want to know.”
They both turned back to the pitch to watch as the tryouts began.
O'Knutzy Household, May 2024
“Rouge?” Logan’s voice called out. “I'm home, mon coeur.”
“In the dining room!” Finn replied.
There were footsteps and then two arms came to wrap around his shoulders from behind, a chin resting on his head. “Salut.”
“Hi, baby,” Finn tilted his head and brought a hand up to cup Logan's jaw and give him a kiss. “Good practice?”
“Ouais, it was fine. Le still not home?”
Finn shook his head. “No, he's still proctoring the Advanced Potions exam until six. I just got home from my office, I was grading all day.”
Logan hummed. “Your head okay?”
“My brain feels like it's going to melt, but not too bad.”
Logan made a noise of dissent and scratched a hand through Finn's scalp. “C'est bien?”
Finn nodded, leaning into the touch. “Thanks, love.” He shook the photo. “Hey, look what I found.”
Logan peered down over his shoulder, one arm bracketing Finn's upper body as his hand came to rest on the dining room table. “Is that-?”
Finn kissed his cheek. “Your try-outs and signing day. I found this box in the closet.” He rubbed his thumb over their faces. “Look how young we were.”
Logan smiled into Finn's hair. “That sign was so stupid.”
“Nuh uh,” Finn protested. “You loved it.”
“Ouais, I did.” Logan sat down beside him, taking Finn's face in his hands. Finn leaned forward almost unintentionally, hooked on the way Logan held him. “You're still so beautiful. More than you were then.”
“Hey, I thought you loved eighteen year-old me.”
“Oui.” Logan swiped his thumb under Finn’s eye. “But now you're not so- scranny?”
“Scrawny, love.”
“Ouais, that's the one,” Logan said. He kissed Finn's temple softly. “You're not so scrawny anymore. And you get more beautiful every day.”
“Says the muscle man,” Finn said. He leaned forward and bit Logan’s shoulder. “What are Leo and I supposed to do, huh, with you walking around looking like you do?” He shucked up Logan’s shirt to get a hand on his abs. “This is for our eyes only.”
Logan smiled. “Ouais, all yours.” He looked back down at the photo. “Soleil was so tall, even then.”
“He's taller now, I swear. Sexy, tall sunshine baby.”
Logan laughed. “You're so weird.”
“You married this weirdness, love,” Finn said, waggling his ring finger. “No take backs.”
“Non, no take-backs.” He got a closer look at the photo. “How long ago was this? Almost ten years, non?”
“Nine. Year we graduated, baby, 2015.”
“Wow,” Logan said. “It does not feel that long ago.”
Finn grinned. “You know, that means we've been together almost ten years. This October.”
Logan's eyes crinkled around his smile. “You're right.” He sighed, resting his head against Finn's. “I remember that day.”
“Don't think any of us could forget it.”
Hogwarts Potions Classroom, 2014
Logan was just slightly embarrassed that he needed tutoring in Potions from someone the year below him. He just couldn't seem to make it click, and if he wanted to have any sort of backup plan to professional Quidditch he really needed to do well on his N.E.W.T.S. Potions, it seemed, was the one thing his brain just couldn't quite comprehend, not even some of the more basic brews, and he found himself grasping at straws every class. 
Sirius wasn't much better, really, but he at least had his boyfriend, Remus, to help him through the hard ones (although Remus refused to partner with him in class, citing him as a ‘danger prone to explosives’ and only brewed with Lily). And James and Luke had both really helped him last year, but James had dropped Potions (“like bloody fuck am I following in my dad's footsteps now that he's got Regulus as his apprentice, thank Merlin”), and Luke had graduated. Finn was good at Potions, but not good enough to tutor, and was already busy tutoring kids in Transfiguration. Besides, Logan could barely handle seeing Finn every other free hour of the day without kissing him; extra tutoring might just push him over the edge. Thus, Logan had been left floundering and barely passing. 
When Professor Dumais had suggested that Leo tutor him, Logan had been slightly embarrassed about the whole ordeal. Leo was nice, he liked Leo; he was friends with Sirius’ brother, Regulus, and had always been gentle and sweet and patient. He got along with Finn really well, too, and the three of them would study together, or he and Leo would talk about Quidditch plays while Finn pretended to know what was going on. Normally, Logan could handle that sort of friendly conversation, even if he tended to be shy. But he still spent his Potion sessions with Leo fumbling, red-faced, and a bit nervous.
Although, he guessed that only partially had to to with the embarrassment at having to be tutored. 
“Logan,” Leo sighed exasperatedly. “Counterclockwise, mate.”
“Oh,” Logan said, looking at where his hand was definitely stirring clockwise. “Merde.”
Leo sighed again. “Iawn, let's go over that again. We'll have to dump this out.”
Logan huffed, frustrated. “Désolé, Leo.”
“It's okay. Let's just try it again.”
They remixed the Felix Felices, Logan adding the ingredients under Leo's watchful eye. When it came time to stir again, Logan did stir counter clockwise, but it still wasn't quite right.
“Slower,” Leo said. He watched Logan for a couple more seconds. “Slower. And don't flick your wrist so much, that'll disrupt it.”
“Quoi? I don't understand.”
“Here,” Leo said. He came up beside Logan and took his hand to guide him. “See? Now the ingredients can mix slowly and evenly, like with Muggle baking, yeah?” 
Logan nodded, but he didn't understand. He couldn't even if he tried- he was too distracted. Leo's skin was warm against his own, his shoulder solid through his robes. His voice was so soothing in Logan's ear, chattering and intelligent and so patient, always so patient with him. Logan turned just barely and caught a glimpse of Leo's crystal blue eyes. The metal stirring stick in his hands suddenly felt too hot.
He jerked back, letting go and watching as the stick clattered against the side of the cauldron. A bit of potion spilled out and onto the floor, both of them jumping out of the way just in time.
Leo whirled on him, a slightly frustrated look on his face. “Logan- what? What is going on with you today?”
“I-I’m sorry.”
Leo shook his head. “I don't have to do this you know? Professor Dumais asked Regulus first, but he couldn't, so I offered, because I care about you and I want you to do well!”
“I know,” Logan said timidly. His chest was heaving.
“Then what is going on?” Leo was almost shouting now, and he took a step forward to look at Logan more squarely. “You spend every time, like- like, jumpy and nervous and I don't get it! Is it because…” His voice turned soft, his face suddenly pale. “Is it because I'm…?”
Logan's lips parted, a light breath escaping him. Leo didn't hide the fact he was gay. He'd dated a boy a little while back, Jack, a Slytherin. They'd broken up before the summer. Logan didn't know anything other than what Sirius knew through Regulus. I don't know, mate, Regulus just said he'd been ‘dealt with’. Not too sure I want to know what my little brother did, if I'm honest. But he wasn't too nice to Leo I'm assuming.
“No, Le,” Logan whispered. He had to look up to look Leo in the eye. “It's not cause you're gay.”
“Then what?”
Logan took a shaky breath. “It's because you're- it's because I'm-” Leo's eyebrows raised expectantly. Logan's heart was racing. “It's because you make me feel…”
“I make you feel what, Lo?”
Logan closed his eyes briefly at the way Leo's soft voice said his name. He leaned closer, taking in Leo’s eyes and full, wet lips. “It's because you make me feel-”
The door banged open. “Knock knock!” Finn strode through with his usual lively gate. “How is the potion- oh.” 
Logan and Leo had jerked apart, Leo backing into the table behind him with a white-knuckle grip on the edge. His face was bright red and he was staring hard at the floor, biting his lip. Logan was stood stock-still, eyes flitting nervously between the other two boys. He knew what they had just done- or, almost had just done- was written all over their faces.
“Oh,” Finn said again. He looked shocked and a bit dejected. “I'm so sorry, I'll-” He turned towards the door. “I'll just be going-”
“No!” Leo outbursted. He looked surprised by his own words. “I mean, no, don't go. It- it's okay.”
Finn looked skeptically between them. “But you- you two were…”
“No,” Leo said, then shook his head quickly. “I mean, we didn't- we hadn't-” He let out a frustrated noise, grasping at his own hair. He looked to Logan. “Ffyc,” he said. He looked back to Finn, eyes pleading. “Oh, fucking hell.”
Then he strode across the room, took Finn's surprised face in his hands, and kissed him right on the mouth.
Logan watched as Finn stumbled back a moment, eyes wide. But Leo kept kissing him, a little desperately, and Finn made a soft noise and relaxed into it. One arm wrapped tightly around Leo's waist, the other reached up to grasp at Leo's hair with his fingers. Finn met Leo's urgency for a moment before they both gentled, kissing one another in long draws. Logan could barely breathe.
Eventually, they pulled away. Finn looked a bit shell-shocked, wide brown eyes staring at Leo for a moment before turning to Logan. He swallowed. “I…”
Leo smiled softly and leaned into to give him a barely-there kiss, Finn chasing his mouth for one more. Then, Leo released him and walked over to Logan, back to his shyer self. “Can I kiss you too?”
Logan nodded, not really trusting his words. Leo cupped his jaw in his large hands, leaning down. Logan gripped one of his wrists softly and stood on his tiptoes to meet him.
Their mouths met gently, so gently that Logan almost couldn't feel it. Leo's lips were soft and warm, and Logan heard himself make a noise before kissing Leo a bit harder. Leo kissed him back so purposefully that Logan had to reach out a hand to steady himself on Leo's body. He fell forward into Leo's chest as Leo traced his mouth with his tongue, Logan letting him in eagerly. Leo smiled into their kiss, working Logan's mouth gently with his own, and Logan felt like he was about to buzz out of his skin. He kissed Leo with a bit more pressure, eager to feel every part of him, when Leo abruptly broke away. Logan let out an involuntary whine as Leo kissed down his neck a few times. He gripped Leo's curls. 
“I think someone else wants your attention,” Leo whispered hotly into Logan's ear.
Logan panted, barely having the strength to hold himself up as Leo pulled away. Leo winked at him- which should have been illegal, merde- before jerking his head to gesture beside him.
Logan turned to find Finn had crossed over to stand next to them, hip resting against one of the work benches. His arms were crossed, one of his hands reaching up to touch his thumb to his lip. He looked them both up and down once before making eye contact with Logan. He smiled, then walked over to press his hands to Logan's hips. Logan felt his breath catch. “Finn…”
Finn took that as his cue and bent his head to kiss Logan hard. Logan threaded a hand through those soft red waves and leant back onto the work bench behind him, whimpering when Finn scraped his teeth over Logan's bottom lip. God, both of them kissed so well it made Logan dizzy.
After a few moments, Logan felt a hot mouth on his neck and Leo's breath in his ear. He let out another sound and grasped for something with his free hand, Leo lacing their fingers together. His other hand covered Finn's on Logan's waist, providing leverage to suck on the skin just below Logan's jaw.
Finn smiled into a last kiss, then he, too, began to press his lips to Logan's jaw and neck. Logan lolled his head back, leaning into both of them. 
Suddenly, he felt Leo giggle against his skin and pull away. He opened his eyes to find Leo looking at the two of them, hand pressed to his flushed cheek and smiling widely. Finn pulled away, too, taking one look at Leo and joining him in his laughter, his freckles scrunching up around his cheeks and nose. Logan grinned a bit stupidly, flushed with sheepishness.
“What the fuck?” Finn laughed. He took Leo's face in his hands. “Leo, what the fuck?”
“I don't know,” Leo giggled. It sounded like sunshine. “I don't know, I'm being so honest.”
That set them all off again, and soon Logan's sides hurt from his belly shaking. Finn's laugh was loud and barking, and he slumped against Leo's body. Logan liked how they looked together.
“Holy shit. Holy shit, Le,” Finn said. He looked up. “Where did that come from?”
Leo shrugged, amused. “Was tired of waiting, I guess.” He snorted. “Plus, it seemed like the easiest way to explain the situation without having you running.”
Finn raised an eyebrow. “And how did you know I wouldn't run if you kissed me?”
Leo's looked him up and down, smiling when Finn's ears turned red. “Just a feeling.” He reached a hand out to Logan and pulled him towards them. “You okay, Lo?”
Logan sank into the hand on his waist. “Ouais,” he said. He stood on his toes to kiss Leo's cheek and smiled at the both of them. “I think I'd like to take you on a date.”
Their answering smiles were blinding.
O'Knutzy Household, May 2024
Finn pressed a kiss to Logan's temple. “Le was so brave that day.”
“Ouais,” Logan said. “He's so brave all the time.”
“Mm.” The sound of their door opening reverberated around the room. “Speak of the devil.” He turned his head. “Le! In here!”
Leo's blonde head peeked around the doorway. He smiled. “Hi.” He came and gave each of them a kiss. “How are we?”
“Good,” Logan said against his mouth. “Fish found some photos.”
Leo's eyes were twinkly. He sat down on Finn's other side. “Oh yeah? Let's see, then.”
Finn leaned over to show him. “Lo's try-outs and signing day.”
Leo smiled. “Oh, I remember that.” He caught Logan's eye. “We were so proud of you.”
Logan blushed and looked up at him through his thick eyelashes. “Merci.” He reached around to drape Finn's arm over his shoulders. “We were talking. It's been almost ten years since we got together.”
Leo laughed. “Oh, God.”
Finn scoffed. “What's that tone for?”
Leo waved him off. “Nothing, I just- the memory makes me laugh, is all.”
“I don't know, it just…” Leo rolled his eyes at himself. “I was kind of silly.”
Logan looked amused. “Non, you weren't silly.” He took Leo's hand and kissed it. “You were very brave.”
“Yeah,” Finn agreed. He nuzzled Leo's cheek. “You brave little youngster, you.”
“Ugh, don't remind me.” Leo wiped his hand over his face. “I felt so stupid, being a pining sixteen year-old.”
“Not stupid,” Finn retorted. “And besides, we were the silly-stupid ones.” He bit at Leo's jaw. “We were so whiny that year we spent apart waiting for you to graduate.”
Leo looked amused. “You were?”
“Oui,” Logan said, standing up. He scooted Leo's chair back and flopped down into his lap. He tucked his face into Leo's neck. “We would just count down the minutes until our next mirror call.”
Leo stroked up at down Logan's back. “You're sweet.”
“No, you are,” Finn said with a kiss to Leo's cheek. “We were more excited for you to graduate than you were.”
Hogwarts Grounds, May 2016
Leo checked his watch, magically protected against the wards of Hogwarts, and bit his lip. Ten minutes until the ceremony. He could do this, he could totally do this. He'd already taken his exams, he had already done well- all that there was left to do was to walk across that stage and shake his professors’ hands. 
“You look like you're about to faint.”
Leo turned to look at Regulus, who had an eyebrow raised cooly, Cole beside him. “Huh?”
“I said, you look like you're about to faint.”
“Real helpful of you, cheers.”
“You'll be fine, Leo,” Cole said. He shrugged. “Besides, all you gotta do is walk across the stage.”
“But what if my parents don't arrive okay? Or what if I trip? Oh God, there are Ministry people here, if they see me trip, I'll never get a job-”
“Fucking hell,” Regulus said. He took Leo's shoulders in his hands and looked him squarely in the eye. “Leo, you're the third best in our class.”
“Yeah, behind you. And Layla.”
Regulus shrugged. “Can't beat perfection.” When Leo glared at him, he sighed. “Seriously, Le, you've done really well. Anybody will be happy to take you. And I'm sure your parents got here fine, I asked mum and dad to help them. Monty and Effie are angels, they definitely took good care of them.” He shook Leo gently. “And most importantly, those boyfriends of yours that you can't stop waxing poetic about will be here. If you do fall, Finn will go help you up, and if anybody says anything bad about you Logan will glare at them so hard they'll turn to ash, okay? Fucking guard dog, that one.”
Leo smiled dreamily. “Yeah.”
Regulus flinched and curled his lip. “Oh, God. Bleh. You three are disgusting.”
“I think they're cute,” Cole piped up. 
“Yes, yes, very,” Regulus said drily. He threw an arm around each of their shoulders, all three clad in their nice robes and school ties hanging off their necks. “Let's go hand over the last bit of youthful freedom the world has provided for our aching hearts and harrowed souls.”
“Oh, Christ, not yet,” Cole groaned. “You read way to many philosophical Muggle books.”
“They're the most intellectual of company.”
Leo laughed. “Quit talking like a posho, you Victorian wannabe. Let's go graduate.”
The actual ceremony space wasn't all that extravagant. There was a raised platform with chairs for the graduates on one side, professors on the other, and a lecturn for the speeches. Leo,  Layla, and Regulus, top three in their class, and Cole, Head Boy, Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, winner of the House Cup (much to Leo's chagrin), and future Harpies Beater, were sat all together in the first row. Leo immediately spotted his parents, sat with Effie and Monty. Beside them were Sirius, Remus, Lily, and James, all in attendance to support Regulus. James and Sirius each let out a whoop, which made Regulus’ mouth quirk (though he'd never admit it). Leo smiled, heart beating faster as his eyes moved down the row, looking for-
There. Right at the end of the row of chairs sat Finn and Logan, all fancy-looking in their nice slacks and button down shirts. Ever since Leo's parents had taken them charity shopping, they preferred to wear Muggle clothes instead of wizard robes. Logan pursed his lips and blew Leo a kiss, which surprised a laugh out of him, and Finn sent him a signature wink and a wiggle of his fingers. Leo blushed, wiggled his fingers back, and turned to pay attention to Headmistress McConagall’s opening words. 
There were a few general speeches after that. Regulus, as first in their class, gave one (Leo swore he saw Sirius and the Potters crying), as well as Layla, who was one of the most intelligent people Leo had ever met and Cole’s crush since fourth year (no matter how much he insisted it wasn’t like that). They stood to sing the school song, then each walked across the stage to receive their diplomas and transcripts. Regulus went first, garnering huge cheers from his brother and their friends and family, to which he rolled his eyes, but smiled. Layla went next, also to lots of clapping and cheers (one of the loudest of which from Lily, who she was going to work with at St. Mungo’s), and then Leo went. He shook the Headmistress’ hand, then a few other professors’. The last one he came to was Professor Dumais.
“Congratulations, Leo,” he said in his heavy French accent and with his signature smile. “You’ve done really well. One of the best students I’ve had the pleasure of teaching.”
Leo blushed. “Really?”
Professor Dumais nodded. “Really.” He brought Leo closer to whisper into his ear. “I’m going to be leaving this place in a few years, to spend some more time with Celeste and the kids. The position is yours if you want it, oui? I'll put in a good word.”
Leo pulled back, shocked. “But, sir, I've got to do an apprenticeship, and-”
Professor Dumais winked. “I think you'll find that all sorted. I wrote a recommendation on your behalf.” He winked. “Ms. Meadowes is excited to work with you.”
Leo gulped. Dorcas Meadowes was one of the most renowned Potions Masters in the field. She was young, only a few years older than Leo, incredibly intelligent, and very selective with who she hired. Leo used to dream of working with her.
“Thank you,” he gasped out. “Thank you, sir.”
Professor Dumais patted him on the back and sent him on his way.
After that, there was a farewell speech by the Headmistress, then a congratulations. When they were officially announced as graduates, there was a big yell and a standing ovation. Leo brought Cole and Regulus into an excited hug. He and Cole were both shouting. Regulus even let out an amused laugh, which was basically as excited as he ever got, and so Leo ruffled his hair. 
Finally, they were let off the stage, and Leo soon found himself in a tight hug from his mother. 
“Oh, my boy,” she said in Welsh. “We are so proud of you!”
Leo squeezed her tightly, turning his face into her blonde curls. His dad patted his back, kissing the side of his head. “Well done, Le. Congratulations.”
Leo leaned into his parents again before letting his mother go. “Mum, have you seen-?”
She cupped his face. “They're  around here somewhere, darling. Last I saw, Finn was taking pictures of Regulus and Sirius with that Muggle camera we got him.”
Leo shook his head fondly. “He's obsessed with that thing.”
“Oh, they're both such loves” she said. She patted his cheek. “Off you go, cariad. I'm going to find Effie, she's got a new roast recipe for me.”
Leo waved his parents off with a smile, using his height to peer over the crowd. He found them before they found him, and he took a moment to gaze smittenly. Finn had one hand clasped in Logan's, the other holding a small digital camera Leo's parents had gotten him for Christmas. He admired Logan's shoulders, visibly strong even through his button down, and the way Finn's red waves turned slightly golden in the sun. Logan saw him first, eyes lighting up, and tugged at Finn's hand. Rouge, Leo saw him say.
Leo bit his lip around his smile. Hi, he mouthed.
Logan let go of Finn's hand and was off, walking quickly through the crowd of people. When he broke through the last person, he broke off into a light jog. He and Leo laughed at each other as Logan threw his arms around Leo's neck, jumping to wrap his legs around his waist. Leo held him tight to his body.
“Hi, honey,” he laughed. “Hi.”
He felt Finn crash into them a moment later, and moved one hand to boost Logan under his thigh and used the other to draw Finn to his side. Finn's smile filled his vision right up until he kissed him, hard and a bit sloppy for being in public.
“Hi, sunshine,” Finn said as he pulled away. “Oh, how we missed you. We missed you, baby. Oh-” He broke himself off by kissing Leo again, grinning hard. 
“Missed you, too, cariad,” Leo sighed, letting Finn tuck his face into his neck. “Missed you so much.”
Logan finally pulled back, gripping Leo's hair. He was grinning so hard his nose was scrunching. Leo couldn't believe how green his eyes were. “Soleil.”
“Hi.” Leo nuzzled their noses, then let Logan kiss him deeply. His tongue traced Leo's bottom lip, and Leo made a soft noise before pulling back. “My parents are here, Lo.”
“I don't care,” Logan said, kissing Leo again. He sighed into Leo's mouth. “Je t'aime.”
“I love you,” Leo said. He boosted Logan up and pressed a hand to the side of Finn's head where he was resting it on Leo's shoulder. “I love you both so much.”
“Love you,” Finn said. He breathed in deeply and closed his eyes. “It's so nice to say that to you in person.”
Leo tweaked his ear. “What, you don't love mirror dates?”
“Non,” Logan said defiantly. He'd taken up residence in the crook of Leo's neck again. “Take you on a real date.”
Leo shared a fond look with Finn. “Sounds good to me.” His eyes widended excitedly. “Hey, wait until I tell you what Professor Dumais said.”
O'Knutzy Household, May 2024
“We didn't know what was coming for us, huh?” Leo said. He kissed Logan's shoulder. “You with your Quidditch, Finn and I in our apprenticeships.” He sighed. “Who would've thought, you know?”
Finn rested his head on Leo's unoccupied shoulder. “I don't know. I think our past selves would have liked this life of ours.”
Leo turned to look at him. His eyes were blue and soft in the warm dining room light. “Yeah?”
Finn smiled, tracing Leo's jaw with a finger. “Yeah.” He kissed Leo's forehead gently. “I sure know I would. All that was important to younger me was you two.”
Leo snorted, jostling Logan's body on top of him. “That's not true.”
Finn nuzzled his cheek. “No, it's not. But it was the most important thing out of all the important things.”
“Ouais,” Logan said, finally rousing himself from Leo's neck. He looked a bit sleepy. “The most important thing.”
Leo kissed him lightly. “You look tired, cariad. How about I go heat up some leftover curry, okay? Then we snuggle and go to bed.”
Logan nodded. “Mm hm. Sounds good.”
With a last lingering kiss to Logan's lips, Leo shifted so Logan could climb into Finn's lap. Leo then kissed Finn's forehead and went through to the kitchen, humming softly to himself. Finn rubbed Logan's back. 
“Yeah, baby?”
“Can we look at more photos in bed?”
Finn smiled into Logan's neck. “Whatever you want, baby.”
“Mm,” Logan hummed. He took a breath. “I'm glad soleil was so brave that day.”
Finn closed his eyes and breathed in. Logan smelled like himself and Leo. Finn wanted to fall asleep to that scent forever. “Me, too, baby. Me too.”
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