#tbh for Stitcher it'd be a lil worse because Stitcher gotta scream a lot
arikihalloween · 8 months
do u have a set time for when u interview all the peacekeeper vas
u know like what happened with the admin vas interviewing on a discord call with ur friends
Oh it wasn't an interview ! It was us reviewing the auditions, and then choosing who will be called back !
Actually we already reviewed, so rn I'm in it the "rewrite for the recall" step
I have more directions to give to some but it will take a lil time to write my lil speech (school struggle)
I think I will contact people this weekend
Basically I will ask to redo some lines or stuff like that with more directions after the others helped me pinpoint what I want exactly
And after that I'll finally choose
I appreciated every participation, everyone in there has potential ! But well, Keeper can only have one voice so-
Thank you all anyhow
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