#tbh even i feel like i got cheated on too at that last line 😭
liverpool-enjoyer · 1 month
Ch 20 has haunted me for weeks. Everything about it was so perfect but ofc the mullendowski drama was *chef kiss* it was everything and more. You're absolutely exceptional in building up drama because that chapter had me in a chokehold.
The last line for example absolutely destroyed me. I had to put down my phone and process it for a minute. It felt like my own heart broke. It felt like I got cheated on. And that's what brings me to your ask box.
There's this song called "Llueve Sobre La Ciudad" by Los Bunkers. I don't know if it's the direction you're characterizing with Marco, but I could not stop listening to it while thinking of him. Idk it could be because there's a certain emptiness (and perhaps defeat?) in the song that reflects their relationship. Marco just feels like such a doomed character and I tend to associate this song with a doomed ship so yippee!!
Here's the song I've been blasting on repeat for a good 3 hours every day with English subtitles: https://youtu.be/LrstPzHptq8?si=TasvKhwn4v8QYVs1
There are more songs that I think of and play whenever I reread your uefa high fics, but some of them are in Spanish and there aren't any eng translations D: (at least, not on youtube). But I'll think of some next time, this song is just so powerful. Anyway, love your works
AHHHH first of all THANK YOU for this it was such a lovely thing to wake up to yesterday!!! it rlly means the most to me that you liked chapter twenty sm, as i put a lotta time into it n was rlly looking forward to getting it out there <3
oh marco,,, hes a doomed character indeed. i havent managed to find a good time to mention it in uefa high yet, but lets jus say romance isnt the only part of marcos life thats riddled w problems :(((
n the fact that you listen to songs n think of MY fic??? i have ascended. this is the highlight a my year. also i love the song you recommended!!! the resignation is very marco coded. poor guy. plus its catchy so i'll be adding it to my playlist (also im tryna listen to more music in spanish to get outta my no sabo era so thanks for that :D). but yeah feel free to send in more songs you associate w the fic / characters i'd love to hear em!!
thank you sm for this sweet ask <3
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sds-mod · 3 years
Excuse me can I just say, I was just gone a a year and OMG YOUR ART really improved, the mod who drew naruto. The uh black hair girl white eye color lol. Do you use anything fancy like a cintiq? I personally just have an ipad 10.5 😭 but I haven’t been drawing as much, and practicing. Can you share your drawing tips? You use clip studio right? What brushes did you use to color or lineart? My art friends all say, to look up refs, trace, study the anatomy. Cause dear god, listen if you ever have commissions open please please. I would absolutely throw money at you. Sorry if this ended up being long lol. If you have a personal blog I’d be cool messaging you over there instead. Don’t wanna clog up the askbox -art anon
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sdkfjhdsfj okay lemme gather uhmm:
- This is my personal blog so you're in the right place :D asks are only at asksds
- I've been using a Wacom Intuos Pro M for years and I'm very happy with it!! I do actually have a Cintiq at work, and it's very handy for what I'm doing there, but for my private art I prefer the Intuos because with the Cintiq I always feel like my hand is in my way haha. That's just me and my preference though! My best friend uses her iPad, after she has worked with a regular drawing tablet and screen tablet, and she's super super happy with it, so it depends on the person.
- I do use Clip Studio, I even upgraded to EX in the last sale because I love it so! Currently my favourite brush for sketches is this one, and I occasionally use it to line as well (like with these Hinata-doodles), but generally I use the basic G-Pen in Clip for lineart, like here. For asks in asksds I use a brush I got from the asset store once called Bird's Lineart Brush, but I think it was deleted ;; it's very similar to the G-Pen though, the only difference is that the stroke-tips are a little more blunt.
- As for tips (this got a bit long so I'm putting it under a Readmore):
1) be lazy. I don't have as much time for drawing anymore since I got a fulltime job (hence why I don't upload a lot), so when I do I just take shortcuts, which is why I love Clip so much. I have downloaded countless brushes in the asset store so I don't have to draw a full plate of macarons 3 times and can just use a brush for it (btw. I counted and I have 67 lace brushes...wow.), and make a lot of use of the 3D-Models, especially for perspective. The bigger comic-updates in sds exist only because I use 3D-Models and rulers and whatnot, and I love them. Fuck the mindset of that being cheating (which I did have myself, I used to be like "But I should just KNOW how to do perspective!"). It gets the job done and you have more time for other art or other things. Win-Win!
2) Using refs, tracing and studying anatomy are all true tips which I also support, but just saying it like that is frustrating and too nebulous as a concept (it always felt that way to me at last), so lemme try to explain why. An excellent tip I read once is that art is like a language - you can't just craft something from yourself, but you need to learn the vocabulary first to get there. Likewise, you need to do those things so you train your hands and muscle memory. If you trace a thigh 100 times, your hand starts to just kinda know how the line is supposed to flow. tbh you could compare it to rhythm games, the longer you play, the more your fingers just kinda take over, and actively thinking about it makes you play worse.
That's not to say that it's some magical fix or you "know" art then! It's just that you don't have to actively think about everything you do anymore since your hands do part of the work, because you trained them for it and they remember.
Using refs and studying anatomy imo are intertwined. What I felt has worked the most for me (and keep in mind that I don't study a lot and I really really should do it a lot more so don't be like me) is actually trying to grasp the basics of skeletal structure and muscle build. There's a really good book called "Anatomy for sculptures", which is WILDLY useful for explaining and grasping muscle structure (you can find it online if you know where to look wink wink), and an app called C.Anatomy, which has a paywall for the full content, but the free version has a really nice 3D-Model of a skeleton which you can rotate and look at. I also really recommend MangaMaterials, she's a pretty big inspiration to me and explains the concepts of studying anatomy extremely well on her Youtube-channel.
Basically, if you know at least the base structure of the body, you start to kind of understand the random bumps and connections on the human body which makes it easier to reproduce them I feel. And again, I don't do this NEARLY enough myself and I make a lot of mistakes still, but even just doing it for a bit helps a lot imo.
HOPE THIS HELPS!! This ask made me so happy skdfhjkj I hope you have a fantastic weekend Art Anon!!
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xiaoguiheyu · 3 years
I have so much to say about this chapter!!! I'll never shut up about it!!! I love this chapter!! Okay!!! It's the best!!
102. Only I know you best!!!
And he yu, you do. And he has given you that privilege, trust me buddy it's a big deal for xqc. And tbh he yu knows and that's why his cherish and respect phase lasted for as long as did because he knows how big deal it was for xqc to let him know this stuff!!!
Okay enough now we discuss what happens in this "phenomenal" Chapter!!
First off He yu just called Li Ruoqiu aunt!!! Omg this kid is hilarious. He is too petty.
Xqc is drinking and smoking after his brief encounter with his ex-wife he seems unsettled. He was affected by her cheating on him. Xie xue took li Ruoqiu to a hotel and he yu visits him.
Xqc doesn't want he yu to see him like this, more exposed and more vulnerable. He's already shown him too much and xqc wants to put walls. So many that he hits he yu with a lamp when they start arguing about li Ruoqiu. And when xie qingcheng tries to say that he deserved getting cheated on. He yu finally loses and kisses to shut him up and xie qingcheng hits him again in the same spot and this kid is bleeding from his head but he won't give up, he wants xie qingcheng and he starts giving him a head. Xqc can't believe that he yu was actually sucking him off and he is turned on but tries to stop he yu but he yu is stubborn as hell.
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Ngl this part hurt. Poor baby he got rejected so many times.
Xqc not letting He yu see his face when he came because he didn't wanna be even more vulnerable in front of He Yu.
Then this long ass chapter continues for 10k smut!!! Which is all very delicious!!! I want to comment on each and every fucking line of this chapter. Unfortunately I don't have that much time 😭😭😭
But key points are he Yu's breeding kink. Oh gosh meatbun wasn't kidding when she said Haitang version alpha he yu would give xqc 18 kids. His breeding kink is seriously no joke!!! Lmao
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This gem!!! Lmao. I can't with this kid!!!
And then he yu saying that he will get xie qingcheng pregnant because he has more money than xie qingcheng and he can support xie qingcheng!!! My lungs!!!
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Experienced, skilled and handsome man!!
And Xqc taking initiative. First to kiss he yu!!! And then to ride he yu when He yu edged him. Xqc feeling good!!! He lost himself. He lost control. Its all because things have changed between them after the titanic arc!!! Also being hurt about li Ruoqiu's sudden appearance. Love irritated, frustrated and horny xqc!! Xie ge has the potential to be very horny too. I can totally see it.
Also this with he yu xie qingcheng feels like he is needed and not a spare tire. Not a replacement but truly needed him.
He yu saying he can be better to xie qingcheng than Li Ruoqiu's ever been to him. Omg!!
Also I loved the part He Yu said that xie qingcheng house is too small and can only fit one person and that person should be him. I swear, are you realising what you said!!! You love him dude! Just realise it already.
He Yu addressed xie qingcheng as his wife while fucking him!!! *falls to the ground and died*
Despite everything xqc says and no matter how parental and manly he is, he likes being topped for sure. Xqc himself can't convince me that he doesn't because he loved being topped! I totally understand what he yu means when he tells xqc that he was meant to bottom.
I find it endearing that He yu loves it when xqc scolds him. *he's so whipped, it's embarrassing that he hasn't realised it yet.*
He yu kissed his tears omg!!!
But loved how he yu overstimulated and made xqc feel good all night till he passed out!!! Because he yu went all out kept his promise to fuck xie qingcheng all night from the bed to the bench to the shower then back to bed till xqc passed out!!!
I love everything about this chapter just everything!!! Like so good! I've read it so many times!!!
He Yu's Jealousy towards Li Ruoqiu and his unrealised feelings for xie qingcheng made him break his promise to xie qingcheng. He yu is very impulsive. Well xqc broke too and even he was really impulsive too.
Also He Yu's stamina is no joke!! Lord have mercy on xqc's ass!!!
Ngl! This entire chapter serves as a serotonin for me !!!
Somethings he yu said that basically killed me !!
When He Yu said he couldn't live without xqc while fucking him. (Omg you do know that this a confession right.)
He yu also saying that he wants to live xqc forever and fuck him forever! (This too)
Loved it when he yu was trying to compile a list of reasons why he was better for xqc than Li Ruoqiu! This was so funny.
At this point He yu has already married xqc in his head!
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4 & 7 please
Word: Test
Sure!! Okay i'm assuming u mean 'test' as the title lol!
tbh the first thing that comes to mind is my EM academic rivals AU 😂 but that's no fun since that's already a thing so I feel like it'd probably be some kind of game or like an actual test they're both working towards. Maybe a more serious dystopian survival kinda test, i'm leaning towards something similar to the chunin exams in Naruto or like final selection for demonslayer where you have to prove yourself, or like goldie pond in TPN. UGh EM in like a survival test scenario 😭 If they come out alive, they're doing well, they're probably fighting monsters too, not sure what kind and they just have to survive a few nights or something. Of course they probably hate each other or rather maybe Eren hates Mikasa, Mikasa is too above him to hate him, he's like dirt under her shoe. She's not even concerned with him as competition, and of course this fires up Eren more that his percieved rival doesn't even acknowledge his existence. He always picks fights with her in (demon hunting school?? idk some sort of academy situation, we're combining naruto and demonslayer ideas here) And Mikasa is so fucking unphased, it's all about her, and the competition so they get released into an evil forest of monsters, are expected to survive the night, thrive actually, and Mikasa is doing well, great actually, but then during battle a demon sneaks up on her and her leg is injured. Of course Mikasa is still trying to battle it out to her last breath and is growling and snapping and Eren should of course leave her cuz it's real cut throat and he's probably going to get eaten if he sticks around but he's like DEEP SIGH I can't let my rival die. So he grabs her, the whole time Mikasa is like cursing him that she doesn't need any help and they probably argue as they escape and hide and Mikasa of course goes on to win the competition regardless bc he wakes up and she's gone, off slaying demons again with nothing but a crudely written note that says 'i didn't need your help'. But they develop kind of a soft spot for each other after 🥺🥺🥺
7. This one is really tough because honestly a lot of my favourites are from stuff i've already written 😂 Like I was rereading Yeagerist Miaksa the other day and cackling because Eren was losing his mind about it. But i think some of my fave lines are from MMDS when they're fighting, I wrote this entire fighting scene around Eren's line 😂
“Mikasa why would I cheat on you? Why? Please explain, please give me one good reason I’d cheat when I’ve loved you for not one but TWO FUCKING LIFETIMES.”
and Mikasa's makes me laugh too bc I can just imagine her with crazy eyes thinking about cutting someone's spinal cord bc it's so familiar to her 🤣
“I’ll break her Eren I swear to god, chop her into little bits, I’ve got a clear line of her spinal cord, it’d take one swipe.”
Hard to believe a girl right out of high school could go that dark.
But that's not as fun, so here, this is from Switch! I have a lot of stuff written for that fic that I don't know if I'll have the opportunity to share and when so I'll share it now just in case I switch up how the storyline is going 😉
But its no fun to just give old lines lol so here's something from Switch! It's not necessarily my fave, but I don't know when I'll be able to share this if it'll be next chapter or if i might change things up plotwise so here u go 😉
Since they’ve started this little game, Eren has quickly come to realize how much he loves teasing her, especially sexually. Before, it was just little barbs back and forth with words, but now, he can bring her to the edge of orgasm and make her wait, claiming it’s just in her head.
He fucking loves it. One day, he just can’t resist slipping it in while they’re watching a movie. She’d been bouncing on his lap so excitedly, her rhythm so good, as she chatted about the movie he couldn’t help it.
She’d whined breathlessly, “Ren, we can’t you said—“ He cuts her off with a slam of his dick up into her messy cunt. “Baby I think we should amend the rules."
Mikasa can do nothing but nod against his shoulder, trying to hold back her sweet little whimpers.
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nako-doodles · 5 years
13 songs tag 🎵
rules: You can only repeat one artist and only one time, so we can all kind of spread new 🎶 to the people we tag. Try to listen to at least one of the songs people rec here
I was tagged by my love @yooniversaire​ 💖💖💖 thank u bby
1. one song you 💛 the first time you listened to and never got tired of?
tonight - spica everything about this song and mv is so infectiously joyous im sad they disbanded 😭😭
2. one song you 😭 every time you listen or makes you emotional?
here comes the regrets ft. lee hi - epik high and amor fati ft. kim jong wan - epik high...theyve really did something wonderful w these songs......really stepped out of the box........ (see what I did there *wiggles eyebrows*)
3. one song that always makes you happy 😁?
this is a three way tie between calling in love ft. beenzino - suran, very nice - svt, and really really - winner I realize this said ONE song but you cant have too many happy songs ok.
4. one song that you would dedicate to your best friend and/or your family?
black pearl - exom to my best friend for jamming together w me to this song on the school bus for the entirety of my sophomore year and forever cementing our nerd status at school, and mama don’t worry - sam kim to my parents bc they've always been so worried about me since i havent really grown up w them and they still always make sure to check in w me
5. one song with a production (the sounds, the beat, the mood) you 😍?
bro imma cheat and say the entirety of primary’s newest single when i fall in love ft. meego, suran and slow down ft. meego, haon both songs are so fucking good and soothing i have NO WORDS primary really fucking outdid himself this time....I really wanted to say primary’s entire 2 album but this new single.... god damned sir hats off to you
6. one song with perfect, amazing, outstanding lyrics?
stand out fit in - one ok rock. i was fucking inconsolable listening to this the first time thank you one ok rock thank you taka
7. one song that you would recommend to anyone?
暗香 (hidden fragrance? its hard to translate) specifically the one covered by the one on the chinese vers of I am a singer. this man fucking slayed it dude!!!!!! hes not even a native speaker and the first time I heard him sing I didnt even realize. I just thought he had a dialect towards the end (lets be real no one speaks perfect standard mandarin unless youve been through professional training) bravo my dude ((and if you dont count covers goodbye - park hyoshin is also a MUST)
8. one song you don’t understand why you like so much but you do anyway?
icy - itzy. its so loud. and poppy. and stereotypical bright happy bubblegum nasally 90% rap instrumental mess of a kpop girl group song and like......everything i shouldn't like in a song but here I am going I SEE THAT IM ICY!!!!!!! THEY KEEP TALKIN’!!!!!!!! I KEEP WALKING!!!!!!!!! AJFIOJEIAO BLAH BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. one song that you think people, in general, wouldn’t like but you do?
any rania song tbh. they get so much flack for doing really risqué sexy concepts but like their songs are ALL bops??? pop pop pop?????masquerade?????? demonstrate?????? yall are missing out
10. one song people normally like and you don’t like or hate?
ok i wouldn't call it “hate” or even “dislike” but i just....dont get the hype for fake love? like im elated that jin has more lines and screen time and they all look fantastic and the mv is great and yes at dramatic crying and references to hyyh and ly:tear is a fucking masterpiece but like fake love just......isnt my jam.......its how i feel when people talk about how hot benedict cumberbatch is......like on an objective stance I guess???? sure???????????......i really dont get it
11. one song you would call a masterpiece?
again one can never have too many masterpieces so here's a trio: the chaser - infinite, beautiful night - beast, and error - vixx. you can never have too much orange juice, so to speak
12. one song you recently (last 30 days max) discovered and really liked?
ive been obssessed w tired - nive ever since dee introduced it to me. (((im still going thru ur recent batch of recs my love plus I need to find music to rec back to you!!!!! so hang on!!!!!!!)))
13. one song you listen to to get pumped like you wanna tear down the fucking government or something?
dead end in tokyo - man with a mission its the first song on my playlist ‘the labors of hair-cules.’ its what I play when I need to wax my legs or really undergo any pain. im a wimp. (cry out and we are by one ok rock is also a great call to arms song, as is fly again 2019 - man with a mission but the rules are there so shhhhhh pretend this addition doesnt exist)
I tag my loves @cafejoon @stargazingjin @yunkisunbae @ksj1​ @jincentvangogh​ @yourdelights​ @yooniversaire​ @suggable🌸🌸🌸 to do this mess
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