#tbh alola almost hit the bottom but that game being hand-holding isn't so bad as XY being flat and boring
clefartist · 7 years
6, 7, 16, 17!
6. Favorite legendary? Darkrai. No contest. It’s my first event legendary and the star of my favorite pokemon movie.
7. Which generation/ region is most special to you? Each region has brought something for me, from Kanto to all the way out in Orre. But the one I hold near and dear to my heart? It’s gotta be Sinnoh.
16. Which game is your most favorite? The pinnacle of favorites? The cream of the crop? The one that blew me off my feet? Pokemon White. What it brought was a region filled with only new pokemon (until White 2 but i was ecstatic to learn you couldn’t find pikachu there), a story that asked questions many took for granted (are pokemon good with humans, do the species need each other), as well as the concept for the legendary dragons (truth vs ideals). It very much has it flaws with the pokemon designs (hello carbon copy buff clouds and klinklang) and a storyline you cant quite escape from (you cant cross the bridge until you beat Elesa), but it did bring in some fresh air to the fanchise
17. Which game is your least favorite? time to be mean. Pokemon X. Kalos tried. It really tried. But having Santalune Forest be a carbon copy of Viridian Forest, the new pokemon being extremely hard to find (not to mention evolve im looking at you sliggoo), it was hard to get hooked on the adventure. Also 5 friends/rivals/companions? They believe right from the beginning that you’re such an awesome trainer. They barely get any growth themselves, much less act anything different than being a personal cheering squad. And why does Team Flare think bright red-orange is fabulous? The entirety of Lysandre’s plan is just… he basically wants to be god and let beautiful people live. He lets you try to interfere but it’s clear he’s playing around and doesn’t care (choosing the switch that deactivates the cannon). The final tipping point was the exp share. It was great that it affected the whole team like it used to in Gen 1… except it was broken to high hell. When I played the game the first time i fought the gym leader at an equal level (which is a titch above normal). By the time I reached Wulfric, I was 10 levels ABOVE him. There’s no challenge or strategy when I can 1HKO his entire team with a fire bird I found on Route 1. Not mention the stretch it is between the first and second gyms.
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