#tanto tries drawing
swatchitt · 2 months
TMNT (2012/IDW) Leonardo Weapon Re-Design
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So, I went to a small exhibition on Edo-Period Japan, and it had a lot stuff on Samarai armour and weaponry - the assistant info dumped on me, it was fantastic. And all my nerd ass could think about was TMNT 💀 And I kept thinking about it. So I made a re-design for Leo's weaponry. Details under the cut!
In the official Leonardo concept art...
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...Leonardo is a Daisho wielder, or he uses a pair of swords, one a Daito and the other a Shoto. (As much as the creators would like to convince me those swords are proper Katana/Wakizashi, those are the straightest curves I've ever seen. ) There will be some slight changes between the two swords.
Tsuba! Or the sword guard!
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I think it'd be made of Blackened Steel and Silver, and it'd be the same for both swords. The Kogatana would be a handcrafted item Leo added to the Wakizashi. I think he'd be very interested in crafting his own swords in the future, and he probably did after Splinter died. But for now, I think a small little utility knife with his name carved into the hilt (in hiragana) and some choppy engravings of what ever he thought was cool into the blade is something he'd do. This means the Katana's Tsuba would only have a singular hole for the blade. The Tanto, (unusually) located in the hilt of the Katana, maybe a concept unique to the Hamato Clan.
Menuki! Or a small ornament to help with grip!
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On both swords I think they'd be gold and paired with white Tsuka Ito (hilt wrappings) to match his hand wraps, with a black Samegawe (a ray skin underneath the Tsuka Ito). Leo goes through a lot of moral dilemmas in IDW and I think the gift from his father eventually being stained red in blood would be a cool design change/concept. ⤵
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Also a design note that like the Menuki, the Tsuka Ito would need to be wrapped slightly different due to the change in hands. The diamond shape usually seen on the hilts is to be a rough indication of finger positions, two larger fingers rather than four smaller ones would require a more dispersed wrapping.
The headcanon that Leo names his swords is GREAT! My own personal take is that Leo would go for Japanese names because he really tries his hardest to be like his father. The Katana is called Meirei (めいれい) which means command/order, and the Wakizashi, Yaritogeto (やりとげる), meaning follow through. (Probably. I used Jisho Dictionary, please don't take my word for it.)
Basically, Meirei is a representation of Splinter - and Yaritogeto, the turtles. I think each name would be engraved in the blade in Hiragana.
Anyway... sword brain-rot... 😨
I might do the other turtles as well. At some point. And I will probably draw the Kogatana with all it's little imperfections too.
I hope this was mildly informative.
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buttdumplin · 3 months
Of course you want to show off the food of your hometown to the boys, but this really should have been a solo date with Kyle. Still, you manage to sneak some time together.
cw: Gaz x reader, fat latine reader, gn!reader, implied poly 141, established relationship, mexican slang word count: 1845
You throw the car into park and glance up at your rearview mirror. The three white boys smushed into the backseat push at each other to try to take a look through the window, grunts and mumbles escaping them. Kyle chuckles from the passenger seat, watching the commotion unfold.
“Are we sure this was a good idea?” you turn to Kyle, “We could have brought it back to the house for them.”
“No saben igual después de tanto tiempo, y tu bien lo sabes, tesoro,” Kyle responds, an impish smile on his face.
With a groan, you close your eyes and throw your head against the headrest. It’s the first time yall are back in your hometown for more than a week, and with all the extra time to yourselves, the plan was to eat as much good food as possible. One of your tías told you about this place, where they serve al pastor straight from the trompo, each slice almost caramelized to a delicious crunch. They’ve got the pineapple sitting on top, too. She said it was the best quality she’s seen in town to date. Even her husband won’t stop talking about it. And now here you all are, parked against the curb with the air on full blast.
Every time you’ve gone to a mom and pop shop like this, it’s been you and Kyle stepping in first. You go in with kindness and chatter, and the older ladies always helplessly swoon over Kyle. Laughter bubbles and you both eat happily, and sometimes the ladies sneak extras onto your plates. It’s a sacred time full of loud smooches, the staff going “UUUUU’ all around you, a deep blush on Kyle’s face as you wipe at the corner of his mouth with a napkin, his radiant smile set to make your heart burst. It’s perfect. It’s home.
Once you’ve scoped out a place with your own private date, then you bring your white boys over. At that point, you’ve already tried the place, showered Kyle in kisses, and built rapport with the staff. So by the time they step in, the sun drawing eyes to their paleness, the staff won’t try to upcharge you. It’s a genius pull, honestly, one you’ve done yourself with tremendous success. The white folks always have more than enough money to spare, and since they usually don’t know the prices, well that’s on them. But as you sit here in the car, listening to them point out all the little details of the shop to each other, you can’t help but wish you’d left them at home.
Kyle notices the disappointment on your face as you pick at your fingers. Try as you might to keep your face neutral, your expressions are always so easy for him to read. This is the first time your private outings have been interrupted, all because the shop is just a bit too far from the house for the tacos to travel well and your cousin had to fucking say so. He reaches for your hand, bringing it to his mouth for a kiss, waiting for you to make eye contact with him. There’s a distinct sadness in his eyes, a bittersweetness that’s never appeared on these outings before.
“Next time?” a little bit of hope cracks through his voice.
“Next time,” you swear, noticeably glum.
A thought freezes you before you can undo your belt. You reach for Kyle’s hand again, silly grin on your face, and turn around towards the other boys.
“How do you ask for the price of something?’ you ask them.
Kyle holds back his laughter at the question, squeezing your fingers with excitement. There’s joy on his face again and that’s all it takes for you to know you made the right call.
¿Cuánto cuesta?” they all say as one.
“No,” you say, your splitting with a grin, and Kyle can’t hold in his laugh. “Sorry boys, you’re staying here. Kyle and I will be right back.”
They don’t have the chance to protest or question before you’re bolting out of the car, coming around to open Kyle’s door and pull him from his seat. He lets out another loud laugh, the crinkles around his eyes sending warmth blooming in your chest. You’re both still giggling, if a little out of breath from sprinting inside, when one of the staff steps up to greet you, an older woman who's clearly enjoying the life you’re bringing into the place.
“Hola, mis niños. ¿Es su primera vez aquí? No me acuerdo haberlos visto antes, y a esas caritas las recordaría.”
“Primera vez. Un primo nos dijo de este lugar. Y nomas al verlo, se ve rebueno,” Kyle says, bringing you in closer as you wrap your arm around his waist.
“Una cita con el novio,” you tell her. It’s hard to keep a smile off your face with your sudden success, and it seems to catch in the staff member as well.
As she goes off to put in your order, Kyle helps you pack up some salsa, holding the small containers for you to scoop the goods into. You’re trying to figure out just how many containers you can fit into your hands, Kyle reminding you that you’ll need more guacamole than any salsa, when she returns with a big bag full of much smaller plastic bags of guacamole for you. Before you can even thank her, she’s handing each of you a plate with two smaller tacos, winking at you.
“Si quieren, pueden esperar ahí,” she points towards the door with her eyebrows, where there’s a couple of swings.
Walking over, you eye them a little nervously, worried about the structural integrity. The last thing you need is for it to give out on you, regardless of how nice it might be to reminisce in the seat.
“They’re welded,” Kyle whispers in your ear, “They’re solid.”
Sweet tears brim your lashes as you pull him down to cover his cheek in quick kisses. You can feel his shoulders shake with quiet mirth as he stays in place, accepting as much love as you’re willing to give him. If it were up to him, he’d never move from the spot, not even if his back starts aching or if hunger pangs strike. He’d stay pressed to you until something or someone forced him away. So for now he takes what he can.
“We should eat these before they get cold,” the false concern in your voice clear as you gently rock in the swing.
“Definitely. Wasting them would be disrespectful,” his voice low, pulling at the chain of your swing to bring you close together.
The first bite has you turning to look at each other with wide eyes, a pleasant shock bouncing between you. Words can’t do it justice. Your tía’s husband hyped these tacos up so much that you were a little worried about being disappointed. Turns out he didn’t talk about them enough. All either of you can do is let out groans as you chow down silently, Kyle’s strong arm keeping your swings connected.
“Hijo de su pinche putisima madre,” you say, gulping for breath around the sheer ecstasy of the food.
“Que chingandos fue eso?” he says, soft eyes searching yours as if you have the answer. They say food is sex, but the closest he’s ever come to feeling like this has been with you. What the fuck did they put in this. He leans back to face the woman behind the counter, “Seño, nos puede dar otras dos órdenes más porfa?”
“Ya te las puse, precioso,” she says, stepping towards him with a bulging bag in her hand, “Sabía que iban a necesitar más. El amor hace que te dé más hambre.” Before either of you can get up, she’s shoving another two little tacos into your hands, pressing a finger to her smiling lips.
You take slower bites this time, smiling at each other with cheeks bulging full of food. Now that you know what you’re in for, you’re going to savor every piece. Swings still connected, you nudge Kyle’s foot with the toe of your shoe, pressing your knee more firmly against his. He looks so at peace, his shoulders slightly scrunched as he carefully brings the food to his mouth, his nose crinkled up with delight at each bite he takes. You have the brief thought that maybe you should take a picture of this moment, but you can’t bear to tear your eyes from him. And when he turns, those big brown eyes locked on you, you’re sure you’ll never blink again.
“¿Que piensas, mi vida?” he caught your stare.
“Que te adoro,” you speak the words into his skin, kissing the arm holding your swings together.
“En aceite?”
Kyle quickly scans the room, just enough to make sure no one is looking your way, before bending and planting a tender kiss on your lips. His lips taste faintly of salt and fat, just as yours surely do, and you wish you could deepen the kiss, wanting more of the delectable combination. But he pulls away before you can, hunger for you burning in his eyes.
His voice is rough when he speaks again, tongue peeking out in search of the lingering taste of you, “We should get back to them.”
“When we get home?” your voice so breathless you barely recognize it as your own.
Kyle nods and stands, holding the bag of food in front of him, trying to discreetly adjust his pants. You’re both giggling again as he reaches for you, gently helping you up from the swing. Smiles are still stuck in place when you reach the car, slipping into your seats without saying another word.
You pause for a moment, waiting for some kind of commentary from the backseat. Now that you’re back in the car, you can look over and see that the swings are in clear sight of the car. A glance up at the rearview mirror shows you three grinning faces, each one more knowing than the next. They could dog you, tease you, joke about the scene they surely saw. But they don’t. Instead, Simon’s tummy breaks the silence, a loud rumble echoing through the car.
The entire car bursts into peals of laughter, the racket interrupted only long enough to deal out plates and servings. Kyle was right about the guacamole, as the boys pour entire little baggies of it on their tacos. Can’t blame them, honestly. That shit is creamy. And then a corus of moans breaks out in the backseat, first bites hitting hard enough to make the most stoic of them break into delight. You look over at Klye, find him already looking at you, and you both nod enthusiastically, biting into your food.
“We’re coming back,” he says, and then lower, “Just us next time.”
“Fuck yeah we are, that was set in stone the moment the woman greeted us. Gotta show off my boyfriend again,” you wink at him.
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arisu-artnfics · 2 months
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Similar to the Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom drawing (here or here), I tried to do half of half of a couple. I may should stick with just the same person just different versions. PS: I went lazier and didn't adjust that much... I was just feeling like by hand kind of drawing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Similar al dibujo de Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom (aquí o aquí), intenté hacer el mitad de mitad de una pareja. Quizás debería de quedarme con sólo la misma persona sólo diferente versiones. PD: Fui más floja y no lo ajusté tanto... sólo estaba sintiendo como dibujando a mano. DeviantArt || Facebook
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missvalentine142 · 9 months
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🧡January Collection Out!: SexyBack💙
A new year has begun, you ready?
For the first month of 2024 I have decided to draw a little inspiration from one of the most remembered years in history, the new millennium, Y2K. The 2000s was an era of music, where pop music was at the top, artists like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and one of my personal favorites, Justin Timberlake, so this collection is named after one of his hit songs: SexyBack.
SexyBack tries to encapsulate this era with miniskirts, washed denim, and color. Therefore it consists of 9 total pieces 3 exclusives ones (Tier TL) *attach to a different post*
2 Dress/Outfits - 1 Dress - 1 Skirt -  1 Top(Body)  - 1 Top
Exclusive: 1 Dress / 1 Pants / 1 Top
You can download everything in this post (next image show which piece is by the name)
Un nuevo año ha comenzado, you ready?
Para el primer mes de 2024 he decidido inspirarme un poco en uno de los años más recordados de la historia: el nuevo milenio, el año 2000. La década del 2000 fue una era de la música, donde la música pop estaba en la cima, artistas como Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera y uno de mis favoritos, Justin Timberlake, por lo que esta colección lleva el nombre de una de sus canciones: SexyBack.
SexyBack está llena de minifaldas, denim desgastado y color asi representando un poco lo que fue esta era. Por lo tanto consta de 9 piezas en total 3 exclusivas (Tier TL) *adjuntos a una publicación diferente*
2 vestidos/outfits - 1 vestido - 1 falda - 1 top (body) - 1 top
Exclusivo: 1 Vestido / 1 Pantalón / 1 Top
Puedes descargar todo en esta publicación (la siguiente imagen muestra qué pieza tiene el nombre)
Patreon Full Collection
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ma-warriors17 · 8 months
Finally finished!!!
Finalmente finalizado !!!
This art took so long to come to fruition that I almost thought about giving up (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠), "but as the saying goes, hope is the last thing to die!" Hahahaha
There were several attempts and files that almost crashed my tablet (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
Essa arte demorou tanto pra dar certo que eu quase pensei em desistir (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠), "mais como diz o ditado a esperança é a última que morre !" Kkkk
Foram varias tentativas e arquivos que quase travaram o meu tablet (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
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This was the attempt that had "worked" until the app couldn't handle the number of layers and I lost the entire process, and luckily I had saved this part of the drawing in advance
To be quite honest, I didn't like this drawing and anyway, I thought it was very far from the original drawing •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀
Besides the fact that I tried to mature the characters a little, which leaves me a little doubtful as to whether it would be a good idea to do so.
Essa foi a tentativa que tinha "dado certo " até que o app não aguentou o número de camadas e eu perdi todo o processo , e por sorte tinha salvado essa parte do desenho com antecedência
Pra ser bem sincera não tinha gostado desse desenho de qualquer forma , achei que ele tava muito distante do desenho original •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀
Além do fato de que eu tentei amadurecer os personagens um pouco , o q me deixo um pouco em dúvida se séria uma boa ideia fazer isso
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I liked this drawing much more than any other I had tried to do, drawing children is not my strong point but I think it worked lol
I loved participating in this game! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡ And I hope you enjoyed it ෆ⁠╹⁠ ⁠.̮⁠ ⁠╹⁠ෆ
Eu gostei muito mais desse desenho do que de qualquer outro que tinha tentando fazer , desenhar criança não é meu forte mais acho que deu certo kkk
Eu adorei participar dessa brincadeira ! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡ E espero que tenham gostado ෆ⁠╹⁠ ⁠.̮⁠ ⁠╹⁠ෆ
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mesetacadre · 2 months
Mi ingreso en el Partido Comunista constituye un paso lógico en mi vida y en mi trabajo, paso que da a estos su significación. Mediante el dibujo y el color he tratado de lograr un conocimiento más profundo del mundo y de los hombres, a fin de que este conocimiento sirva a liberarnos. Siempre he expresado, a mi manera, lo que consideraba más verdadero, más justo y mejor, y era por lo tanto más bello, pero durante la opresión y la insurrección advertí que esto no es bastante, que debía luchar no sólo con mis pinceles, sino con todo mi ser. Una «inocencia» peculiar me había impedido antes comprenderlo. Me he hecho comunista porque nuestro Partido se esfuerza más que cualquier otro por conocer y por edificar el Mundo, convirtiendo a los hombres en pensadores más claros, más libres y más felices. Me he hecho comunista porque los comunistas son los más bravos en Francia, en la Unión Soviética y en mi propia patria: España. Jamás me he sentido más libre ni más completo que desde que ingresé. Mientras espero el momento en que España pueda acogerme de nuevo, el Partido Comunista Francés será para mí una patria. En él me he reunido de nuevo con todos mis amigos -los grandes científicos Paul Langevin y Frédéric Joliot-Curie, los grandes escritores Louis Aragon y Paul Éluard, y tantos bellos rostros de los insurgentes de París. De nuevo vuelvo a encontrarme entre mis hermanos.
Pablo Picasso, finales de octubre de 1944, París
My entry into the Communist Party constitutes a logical step in my life and work, a step that provides them with significance. Through drawing and color I've tried to achieve a deeper understanding of the world and of men, with the goal of this knowledge serving to liberate us. I have always expressed, my way, what I considered the truest, fairest and best, and was because of this more beautiful, but during the oppression and insurrection I warned that this wasn't sufficient, that I should not just fight with my brushes, but with my whole being. A peculiar "innocence" had impeded my understanding before. I have become a communist because our Party strives to, more than any other, to know and edify the World, transforming men into clearer thinkers, freer and happier. I have become a communist because the communists are the bravest in France, the Soviet Union and in my own motherland: Spain. Never have I felt as free nor as complete than after joining. While I wait for the moment when Spain can embrace me again, the Communist Party of France will be my motherland. In it I have reunited again with all of my friends -the great scientists Paul Langevin and Frédéric Joliot-Curie, the great writers Louis Aragon and Paul Éluard, and the many lovely faces of Paris' insurgents. Once again I am amongst my brothers.
Pablo Picasso, late october of 1944, Paris
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okatsu-corpos · 2 months
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XGaster tries the "*Flirt"
Eiiii, quanto tempo, não? Deve fazer alguns meses que não posto ou reposto algo, não fiquei tão ativo em certas redes sociais ultimamente. Fiquei um pouco desanimado e um pouco ocupado pra desenhar, tanto que deixei até alguns desenhos não terminados na minha galeria, achei que quando eu entrasse de férias da Escola seria mais animador e melhor para eu fazer o que queria, mas me enganei :(
Enfim, vou ir postando algumas artes que fiz em meio tempo, não fiz tanta coisa mas pelo menos foi algo
Hey, how long, no? It's been a few months since I posted or reposted something, I haven't been as active on certain social medias lately. I was a little discouraged and a little busy drawing, so much so that I even left some unfinished drafts in my gallery, I thought that when I went on vacation from school it would be more exciting and better for me to do what I wanted, but I was wrong :(
Anyway, I'm going to post some art I did in part time, I didn't do much but at least it was something
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hannyalice · 3 months
Olá!!! Depois de muito tempo (e muitas tentativas frustradas de desenhar esses dois), aqui está minha versão de Amane Youkai e Nene Exorcista da fanfic "Quando a madrugada vem"! Juro que fiz o meu melhor e, sinceramente, até que estou feliz com o resultado final!
"Quando a madrugada vem" é uma fanfic de fantasia escrita por mim, disponível em português no Spirit Fanfics e no Wattpad! Inspirada no folclore japonês e também na série de livros O Povo do Ar. Deixando claro que os personagens são maiores de idade nessa fanfic, e tentei ao máximo deixar isso explícito tanto no desenho quanto na história!
É isso, espero que tenham gostado! 🖤💗
Hello!!! After a long time (and many failed attempts to draw these two), here is my version of Amane Youkai and Nene Exorcist from the fanfic "When Midnight Comes"! I swear I did my best and, honestly, I'm happy with the end result! Amane's design was directly inspired by @anubis-005 's arts, precisely because it was my main inspiration for creating this fanfic in the first place lol
"When Midnight Comes" is a fantasy fanfic written by me, available in English on AO3! Inspired by Japanese folklore and also by the book series The Folk of the Air. Making it clear that the characters are aged up in this fanfic, and I tried my best to make this explicit both in the drawing and in the story!
That's it! I hope you all enjoy💗🖤
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dailylileep · 1 day
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Day 16
La pequeña Lileep se arrastraba dentro de una cuna improvisada con bordes de rocas cuidadosamente pulidas para no tener filos afilados, ocasionalmente jugueteaba con las hojas que hacían de cojín, no tardó en notar el silencio peculiar del lugar, ella levantó la cabeza sobre las rocas, observando fijamente al Aggron adulto en la boca de la cueva, no podía ver su expresión, curiosa inclinó la cabeza ¿Por qué su padre permanecía en ese punto estático? Él no hacía eso a menos de que estuviera pensando en algo complicado.
Ella solo sabía que era muy probable que Aggron esté triste, a Lileep no le gustaba eso, con sus tentáculos intentó trepar sobre las rocas con torpeza, su cuerpo no estaba construido para este tipo de actividad, pero ella solo quería llegar a Aggron.
Podría no entender la situación en la que están, o el porqué Aggron se ponía triste cada tanto, solo sabía que eventualmente todo salía bien, de alguna manera lo hacía y ella esperaba que fuera así siempre.
Pronto se las arregló para elevarse lo suficiente y dirigir su peso hacia adelante, cayendo de cara en el acto con un suave golpe, pero esto no le importó, son sus pequeñas patitas avanzó sobre el suelo terroso.
No le importaba cuántas veces tuvieran que mudarse, cuantas horas de viaje tuvieran que pasar, en tanto Aggron tenga tiempo para jugar con ella todo estaba bien, en tanto pueda compartir bayas con Aggron, está perfecto.
Lento pero seguro, llegó a su lado y extendió sus tentáculos para rodear su garra, llamando la atención de Aggron en el acto.
—Palith —susurró sorprendido, pero había un toque de consuelo en su voz.
The little Lileep crawled inside an improvised crib with edges of rocks carefully polished to not have sharp edges, occasionally playing with the leaves that served as a cushion, it didn't take long for her to notice the peculiar silence of the place, she raised her head above the rocks, staring at the adult Aggron at the mouth of the cave, she couldn't see his expression, curious she tilted her head. Why did her father remain in that static point? He didn't do that unless he was thinking about something complicated.
She only knew that Aggron was most likely sad, Lileep didn't like that, with her tentacles she tried to climb over the rocks clumsily, her body was not built for this type of activity, but she just wanted to reach Aggron.
She might not understand the situation they were in, or why Aggron got sad every now and then, she only knew that eventually everything worked out, somehow it did and she hoped it would always be that way.
She soon managed to raise herself high enough to shift her weight forward, landing face downwards with a soft thud, but this did not matter to her as she moved forward on the earthy ground with her little legs.
She didn't care how many times they had to move, how many hours of travel they had to spend, as long as Aggron had time to play with her everything was fine, as long as she could share berries with Aggron, it was perfect.
Slowly but surely, she reached his side and extended her tentacles to surround his claw, drawing Aggron's attention instantly.
—Palith —he whispered in surprise, but there was a hint of comfort in his voice.
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mkninja18 · 10 months
Enemies to lovers
I made the characters in gacha 2 because I was too lazy to draw 🤭
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Tomas: Don't mess with Hanzo and Yinyang! You can hurt and insult me, but you respect them!
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Bi-Han: but seriously Tell Hanzo to stay away from my brother...
Tomas: For someone cold, you're quite jealous when it comes to me and your brother.
Bi Han: Do you want me to leave you outside?
Tomas: I understand, I'm sorry...
Context Au : *Tomas and Bi-Han did not have a good relationship at first, Bi-Han treated Tomas badly for being one of his father's favorites, but Tomas eventually rebelled against Bi-Han when he tried to exile Hanzo and Yinyang because they had failed. on a mission, at that time Bi-Han reflected on his actions when he saw his mother's spirit reflected in Tomas, since Bi-han and Kuai Liang received abuse from their father the great teacher but their mother always protected them, Bi-Han, in an attempt to change, tries to be good to Tomas, this will be seen in the fanfic that I will upload these days since there are finally vacations ✨*
Some Au Data:
-Hanzo Hasashi has the power of lava and rocks basically like magna, he is the same age as Tomas, he has a love interest with Kuai Liang but secretly although they are not good at hiding.
-Kuai Liang has the fire element but as an additional element since he has cryomancer blood and can create ice just like his brother.
-Bi-Han is still just as grumpy but tsundere with tomas.
-Tomas in this Timeline is not the adoptive brother of Kuai Liang and Bi-Han but he is the grandmaster's apprentice, possesses the enenra, and is an overprotective friend of Yinyang (oc) since he found her half dead when she was a child. and it reminded him of his twin sister, here his adoptive brother is Hanzo Hasashi.
Maybe I'll upload the fanfic in Spanish first and then in English ^^
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blueberry-any-g · 4 months
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Hablemos del Rodorah , otra vez.
Podemos hablar de como la gente se queja de que el ship es re toxico y demás cosas por X o Y motivo y después están shipeando a literalmente la pareja más toxica del mundo?
Porque no creo que 2 personas que se odien a muerte, hayan intentado matar al otro y prácticamente todos saben que no son compatibles se amen. (Ghidzilla)
No tengo nada en contra del ship, pero me parece hipócrita que la gente se queje del Rodorah existiendo ese ship (no es por odiarlos, hacen un buen trabajo en sus historias y dibujos).
Y yo que he leído bastantes fanfics puedo decir que el supuesto "estereotipo" de estas historias es mas falso, literalmente se enojan porque Rodan actúa "suave" y "sumiso" con Ghidorah y que este lo "maltrata", Dios pero si Ghidorah es el "I let the world burn for you" verdadero, y no es por decir nada, pero actuar cariñoso y suave con tu pareja no es delito, y no significa que lo quieran hacer ver como alguien débil o algo parecido, alguien puede ser de personalidad valiente, fuerte y arrogante y aun así ser cariñoso, suave y puede preocuparse por aquellos que ama.
Los pocos fanfics que he visto donde Ghidorah maltrata a Rodan son en violento metros o donde no lo muestran como amor sino como lo que es abuso y no lo romantizan.
Pero la gente lo sigue odiando porque para ellos, que creo que ni han leído un fanfic de ellos y si lo han hecho fueron de gente que ni a la misma comunidad le agradan, el Rodorah siempre será o Rodan siendo abusado y alguien débil y Ghidorah siendo un abusador que se aprovecha de Rodan o Rodan siendo alguien tierno, casi como un niño, y que no se puede ni valer por el mismo.
Existen muchos ejemplos de Rodorah, donde no todos son iguales, pues cada quien lleva su historia, hay muchos artistas y escritores muy buenos en la comunidad (como Shisabun, Kripion, rated-oof, inclusive pumpkinlitost ha hecho arte de este ship, lo mismo con Kaliido-s, Smikkle-fish, etc) y no creo que el ship se merezca tanto odio habiendo peores cosas hay afuera que son mil veces peores moral mente y la gente los pasa por alto
Let's talk about the Rodorah, again.
Can we talk about how people complain that the ship is toxic and so on because of X or Y reason and then they're literally shipping the most toxic couple in the world?
Because I don't think that 2 people who hate each other to death, have tried to kill the other and practically everyone knows that they are not compatible love each other. (Ghidzilla)
I don't have anything against the ship, but I think it's hypocritical that people complain about the Rodorah when that ship exists (not to hate them, they do a good job in their stories and drawings).
And I, who have read quite a few fanfics, can say that the supposed "stereotype" of these stories is false, they literally get angry because Rodan acts "soft" and "submissive" with Ghidorah and that he "mistreats" him, when Ghidorah is the true "I let the world burn for you", and it is not to be rude or anything, but acting affectionate and soft with your partner is not a crime, And it doesn't mean that they want to make him look weak or anything like that, someone can be brave, strong and arrogant and still be loving, gentle, and can care about those you love.
The few fanfics I've seen where Ghidorah mistreats Rodan are in violent meters or where they don't show it as love but as what it is (abuse) and they don't romanticize it.
But people still hate it because for them, who I don't think have even read a fanfic of them and if they have, they were from people that the community doesn't like, the Rodorah will always be either Rodan being abused and someone weak and Ghidorah being an abuser who takes advantage of Rodan or Rodan being someone cute, almost like a child, and that he can't even stand up for himself.
There are many examples of Rodorah, where none is the same as the other, because everyone has their own story, there are many very good artists and writers in the community (like Shisabun, Kripion, rated-oof, even pumpkinlitost has made art of this ship, the same with Kaliido-s, Smikkle-fish, etc) and I don't think the ship deserves so much hate when there are worse things out there that are a thousand times worse morally and people overlook them.
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acermp100 · 7 months
Short: Slap Jack
(I THINK that's the name of this card game. Heard like 10 diff names growing up. Anyway...)
Alright, it's writing time! Did a short inspired by amazing @mtndw-whteout age swap, detective AU. Freaking love their manic Teru and Shou and the lil esper Mafia.
TW: Blood, Gore, Violence, Slurs
Shou reached down to take the mini pile of cards that had formed, shuffling them loosely back into his stack.
“Where’s that Jack?”
Blue eyes flicked from the table to Shou’s hands. He clutched his larger deck in his hands ready to start again.
“Don’t accuse me of some sorta fast finger work.” Smoke trailed form his nostrils, more following as he chewed on the near finished cigarette, exhaling to last bits of tobacco. “I’m not a cheater like you.”
Teru held up a card between two fingers in preparation for his first turn. The inside faced Shou displaying the Ace of Diamonds in gold ink amid the black backdrop with the suit in blood red.  “Perish the thought.” He flicked his wrist and the Ace spun on a corner before landing right side up at the center of the desk between them. “Just wondering is all. My three are so lonely without their friend.”
A flick of the tongue. Shou tossed his card next.
The room hovered in a dusty shadow more brought on by the ash and smoke than any lack of cleanliness. Leave it to him to find a place like this: right out of an old movie with the taxidermy deer and wolf heads and all. Hand carved mahogany desk with matching wall panels, a mirrored bar in the corner all silver flasks and crystal glass ware. Even managed to get an H laser etched into each. Gold framed the pair of stools at the bar with more of the glinting metal acting as a crown finish for the desk.
Shou abandoned his current cigarette and ignored his next few tosses with his hand bloated with trash as it was. The match hissed before flashing, bringing a glow to his face while leaned back to watch his boss take the meager winnings.
“What yah got? Like 13 left?”
“15. And don’t you worry about me.”
Always that grin. Shou rolled his eyes. They continued countering face cards with face cards, building a growing stack. Teru visibly twitched as each of his prized jacks were foiled by some petty ace or king. He never smoked, at least as far as Shou had noticed.  Didn’t ask either in case he’d be in for some rant about hair and skin health. For a moment a thought slipped into his head: then why did he allow me to right in his office?  Better not dwell on that too much- Shou never enjoyed power dynamics and pointless strutting amid social standings. Better to leave that to someone like his boss.
 The only source of light came from a single, small lamp on the far side of their playing field. Still, it was enough to reflect off the several swords that hung on the wall directly behind. He always through the clash of time periods looked tacky: a board sword above a tanto with some sabers and things he didn’t really recognize. Then again, knives were not really his thing.
Shou reached out but was too slow. He pulled his hand back and took a long draw of his cigarette while he tried to keep count of card patterns in each of their piles. Teru clenched his finger over the meager win and dragged it back to his side.
“Say, what do you think of the northern territory?” Blond hair swished as he idly played along his ear with a free hand. The piercings that led along the cartilage were just as shiny as the blades that hung on the wall.
More uninteresting wins and losses, Teru always keeping his number of cards steady.
“The one against the industrial tracks?
The grin widened. “Yes.”
“Odd choice. There’s those mules that took up residence there years ago.” Shou threw out his card.
Teru followed. “True, they are very attached to that place. Perhaps they need a bit of convincing.”
“Ah, there we go.” He tossed his next in confidence.
Shou let out a sigh. 
He was barely fast enough. Flinching, Shou tried to hide his pain as the bottom of several rings dug into the top of his hand right after he has slapped just a moment before his boss. Teru’s fingers were tensed like claws as he released the pressure and gave up his precious prize.  
“Bravo.” He clapped his hands together by his face, sitting back in the large, leather chair. So long it had been in the office that the long dead hide was now stained red. “I concede.”
Shou let out a long exhale as the tension finally began to fade, nursing his new bruises. Smoke rose between the two.
“You want us to take them out?”
Teru remained flush in his chair, going over what was left of his cards one by one until he placed them on desk face up. His smile had faded but the glint in his eyes still betrayed whatever chaotic intentions were still at work under those perfectly manicured blond locks.
“How sweet of you to offer.”
He watched his boss swivel around to the bar, gathering up two glasses and some fancy whisky or whatever. Ice clinked before a deep, dark gold liquid was poured. Booze also wasn’t Shou’s thing. But he was more than happy to accept.
 “But no. Instead sweep up to the tracks on either side. Put a little fear into our wonderful patrons.” Teru bought the glass up to his face but didn’t take a sip, only hovering it before his nose enjoying the scent.  “I’m sick of dealing with the little rats still thinking they have a chance.”
Shou blinked as the liqueur burned down his throat. “But- wait. Those drug runners are savages. All full of guns and greed. Heard they got these three brothers that lead with an iron fist. Good luck getting them all at once. Be like fighting a hydra.”
And there it was again. That grin. Shou always wondered if his boss had naturally sharp canines or had gotten some under the table dentistry work done to appear even more unhinged. Knowing him, probably the latter.
“That will be taken care of momentarily.”
As if on cue a crash echoed through the wall.  Shou sat up as a window was broken followed by gun fire.
“Shit. I left the new guys out there.”
Teru stood as well, calmly reaching over the desk. Shou glared down at the tight grip now on his arm, his leather jacket not stopping the pinch.
“And I sent them away. It’s just us here, how lovely is that?” Teru sat back down, the chair looming behind him, his long blond locks covering the intent of his eyes. He tented his hands in front of him and gave a single nod. “Please be a good boy and invite our guests in, will you?”
Shou took his arm back. After a long pull he abandoned his cigarette in the ashtray and stormed off. Creepy fucker. Good thing I’m on his side.
The armed men stood in the front office. Broken glass and papers were scattered on the floor. The far window lay shattered letting in some of the breeze. They were still digging through drawers and cabinets before Shou walked in, finding himself not even shocked that his boss had somehow got all three brothers together. He didn’t even have a chance to give a sassy quip before they noticed him.
“Fang scum!”
A gun was already shoved into his chest; some semi automatic junk they’d been selling in bulk all over the city. He tried to see if they had any aftermarket modifications he’s be interested in. Nope. How boring. Knives he didn’t give a fuck about, nor fancy wines that cost more than his monthly rent per bottle. But guns- guns he could handle.  Shou didn’t even raise his hands, instead narrowing his blue eyes and exhaling his lung of smoke at the new guests.
“You could at least say hi first.” A sneer as he licked at his front teeth, glancing back down at the guns. “Or maybe you’re compensating for somethin’?
The barrel was shoved into his ribs, yet he still didn’t react only stared back at the resulting scowls.
“Fucker! Don’t be cocky with us.” Hands took him by the shoulders as another set slipped under his open leather jacket. “Ain’t letting some mulleted punk back stab me. Where’s your weapon?”
Shou was giving his own grin now, jaw tense at the throw away comment about his hair. His hands flexed at his sides but kept his cool knowing the fate awaiting these fools.
 “Don’t got one. And don’t need one.”
They finished searching him and shoved him into a corner, guns always threateneing.
“Eh, he’s stupid but honest.”
“Want me to kill him?”
The eldest brother stared into Shou’s eyes only getting a blue, unafraid glare black. “If he’s not gone by the time we leave, I will.”
“Boss will see you now.”
Shou cracked a smirk back as he watched them enter the boss’s office, then stepped forward and closed the door behind them with a purposeful click.
“Have fun.”
The men shuffled inside, eyes trying to adjust to the low light. After a moment they noticed the man at the desk. The youngest stifled a laugh while the older one let out a scoff. Pastel painted nails and a gaudy bright dress shirt and pants against their gruff leather jackets and torn jeans. Teru ‘s expression still remained behind left over ash tray smoke and his long hair, but his confident lips were every visible.
“So, you’re the leader of Fang?”
“The one and only.” Teru opened his arms in an exaggerated gesture. “Welcome! Save a seat. Would you like a drink?”
The three bothers stood fast, exchanging looks.
“Not very talkative, are we? Well that’s alright.” Teru set out three glasses. “I can do all the speaking.”
“What the fuck is this.”
“Is he alone?”
“This faggot’s been giving us trouble?”
Teru grinned at the continued whispering. His back arced and he cracked his neck before rising, slipping around the desk.
“Gentlemen, no need to be so secretive.” Teru reached up with his jewelry adorned fingers and tugged at one of the men’s collars. “We’re all friends here.”
Three guns were pointed straight at his face. Like Shou, Teru didn’t flinch, instead eying the barrels with a bemused smile.
“You’re a bit outmatched to be acting like some puffed up fool.”
A full grin flashed, eyes above the barred teeth wide and eager. “If that is what you think.”
“Why the hell shouldn’t we just kill you right now?
Teru held his arms behind his back. “Oh, please! Don’t you want to hear my proposal?
The men glared, looking at each other before turning back
“Fine. Spit it out.”
“Give up your territory to me. Every last pathetic inch.” He met each of their confused gazes with his own glinting stare. “And I might let you live.”
One of the brothers coked his gun and shoved it into Teru’s face. Not a jerk, not a reaction. Just a smile.
“Cocky little gay boy. You’re done talking!”
The gun wouldn’t fire. One by one, all three of them fussed and pulled at their triggers to result of nothing.
“What the fuck??”
The middle brother had had enough. “Guess we do this the old fashioned way then.”
A knife was drawn. Teru kept his arms behind him as he shifted left, then right, dodging each stab and slice. In the end the man in a miss had shoved the blade into the wall where it remained stuck.
“Oh, tut tut.” Teru leaned right up to his face. “Looks like you need more practice.”
Another brother came in, swinging fists. Teru backed up before bringing on hand up, opened to a palm. The man was forced back in an instant, crashing with a yell into other wall, dazed. That only left the third.
“What- what are you?”
Teru didn’t shift his body, only arced his head at an tilted angle over his shoulder. “Someone who likes to have fun.”
The final brother pulled a spare hand gun and wasted no time. It fired straight, the sound echoing in the small office. But the shot didn���t land. Nor did it miss; instead the bullet hung in the air between them. Now shaking and unable to speak, the man was backing up as he watched the bullet turn and face him instead. Teru’s hand rose in front of his manic grin, fingers utilizing only a fraction of his abilities.
The rest of the gun was unloaded. Each of the bullets hovered in an an natural state, vibrating with the same excitement as the one controlling them. Teru let them hang as the slow realization drew up on the doomed man’s face. With a click of his fingers each round was reflected back at the same speed that had left the barrel, ripping through bone and flesh.  A now battered and bleeding body twitched on the floor. He made sure to miss the heart and brain for a slower, more poetic death.
“No! You fucker!”
The knife user was swinging with fists now in a blind rage. They hit over and over but did nothing, not even push Teru back, as if the blows were beating against sand bags. He flipped his hair, laughing to himself.
“Looks like you forgot this.”
Aura focusing, Teru hovered the man into the air, helpless. The knife jerked out of the wall as if by its own will, hovering by Teru’s shoulder like a little pet ready to obey. Now kicking, the frantic man screamed as his own weapon danced back and forth, slicing with each pass. Blood splattered from arteries to pool under all the writhing and begging. Human sounds devolved into desperate gurgling until the lungs had no more capacity for air.
The last brother was shaking against the wall as he watched the body fall, wide eyes flicking in terror from his dead siblings then finally to Teru.
“I quite like these knives.” Teru was playing with the blade, a butterfly knife with the handle adorned in silver and gold. His fingers skillfully flipped the edge before spinning it over a knuckle then back to his grip. All the while he took slow, purposeful steps towards his next victim. ”Nice and long. Very versatile.” He was now standing at eye level, his gaze leaving the knife to focus on the cowering man. “But I always thought they were a bit too showy.”
The blade was brought up to tap against a nose and cheek, now desperately trying to hold still among the sweat and blood.
“P-please. DOn’t k-k-kill me? I- I-“
Teru interrupted, his voice the same casual, cheery tone as when they started. “You’re the youngest, aren’t you?” He traced a little circle along the man’s face, drawing blood. “Here’s some advice, leader to leader.”
Blue eyes widened. Teru glared ahead as his powers drove the man’s body from wall to ceiling to floor, back and forth, bones cracking and organs rupturing amid flying red that joined the other splatter marks. With every impact, his grin widened until he was laughing, head back and a hand on his chest to steady himself. The fucker was already dead yet he continued to abuse the corpse leaving it an unrecognizable husk in the end. He pocketed the knife.  
“Don’t reject a good offer when first given it.” Teru turned, admiring his handy work. “It could be bad luck”
Shou had busied himself with picking up the papers. He rolled his eyes at the horrified screams, checking his jacket pocket for another cigarette. Lighting it, he put a foot up on the desk and waited, mumbling to himself.
“I better not have to clean this up.”
Whistling could be heard now. Shou was about to enter when the door knob shifted.
“Ah, Shou! Here you are. They each had their own handgun, customized too.” Teru piled the red stained weapons on the desk. “Isn’t that just cute?”
Shou tried to ignore his blood drenched, wild eyed boss and turned his attention to the guns.
“Ugh. Why do they always get the crappy shit?” He took one of the hand guns and inspected it. “Hmm. Probably could do something with these the personal pieces though. Nice.”
“You’re so welcome.”
Teru left a trail of red footprints, heading to the front of the room. With a smile he glanced over his shoulder. Shou couldn’t help but tense.
“Let’s go meet our new employees, shall we? I’m sure they’re lonely without their leaders. “
And with that he waltzed off. Shou exhaled hard through his nose. From the cracked office door he could see the twisted bodies laying limp and disfigured. He flicked his cigarette and the closest.
That’s what you get for insulting my hair.
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j31cy-johannblogs · 7 months
🌐🅒🅗🅤🅡🅡🅐 y un  🄵🅁🄸🅂🄺 pasifista❤️
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✒️Little drawing for @clay10kind ^0^, she has made me so many fanarts that I wanted to make one too ^^, I really like her style; and its AU is interesting and very curious
🌐Fact: CHURRA has a defect in his abilities called "the forgotten one", (I mentioned it before jsjs here: https://www.tumblr.com/j31cy/739230766529134592/churra-the-guardian-of-the-multiverses ?source=share ) If CHURRA leaves an AU for a long time, the characters he interacted with will completely forget about him, this is because being an error, the world tries to fill that void, which causes CHURRA there I've had to befriend many characters more than once in different ways. I don't know how long it takes for the U.A to restore itself, it's as if the world I visit automatically makes an edit erasing CHURRA from the memories.
"𝙽𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝙸 𝚍𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚢 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚜..... 𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗'𝚝 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚛𝚢. 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚙, 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝙸 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛" - 𝙲𝙷𝚄𝚁𝚁𝙰
✒️Dibujito para @clay10kind ^0^ , me ha hecho tantos fanart que quise hacerle uno también ^^ , me gusta mucho su estilo; y su AU es interesante y muy curiosa, sigue así jsjs. 
🌐Dato: CHURRA tiene un defecto en sus habilidades que se llama "el olvidado" , (lo mencione antes jsjs aquí :  https://www.tumblr.com/j31cy/739230766529134592/churra-the-guardian-of-the-multiverses?source=share  ) si CHURRA sale por mucho tiempo de un AU los personajes con los que interactuó se olvidarán de él totalmente, esto es debido a que al ser un error ,el mundo trata de llenar ese vacío, lo que provoca que CHURRA allá tenido que hacerse amigo de muchos personajes más de 1 vez de diferentes formas .No sé sabe cuánto tiempo tarda el U.A en restaurarse , es como si el mundo que visito hiciera automáticamente una edición borrando a CHURRA de los recuerdos.
"𝙽𝚘 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊 𝚌𝚞𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚜 𝚟𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚐𝚊 𝚕𝚘 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚖𝚘, 𝚎𝚜  𝚞𝚗𝚘 𝚍𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚜 𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚘𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚜..... 𝙽𝚘 𝚙𝚞𝚎𝚍𝚘 𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚓𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚎. 𝙴𝚜 𝚞𝚗 𝚋𝚞𝚌𝚕𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚘 , 𝚌𝚘𝚗 𝚎𝚕 𝚚𝚞𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚋𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚋𝚒𝚊𝚛 𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎"-    𝙲𝙷𝚄𝚁𝚁𝙰
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dozenssporks · 1 year
*the video opens with a distant shot of Vash laying in the shade of a sand dune making a ‘snow’ angel*
Wolfwood, speaking from behind the camera: there he is, ladies and gents, the most feared outlaw in the tri-state area
Vash: only that infamous? my ratings have dropped.
Wolfwood slowly zooms in until it’s a close up of Vash’s face as he stares at the sky: you’ve been laying there for, like, an hour. Don’tcha have anything to do, you lazy bum?
Vash: I am contemplating. The life. The Universe. The everything. That cloud looks like a jelly doughnut. Now shush.
the shot slowly zooms out again and wolfwood whispers: I am bored out of my mind so I am going to do something drastic. Ready? Okay. *raising his voice* Hey, needle-noggin! What’s your opinion of America’s public transport system?
Vash, sitting bolt upright in a shower of sand: it’s The Worst! It’s patchy, incomplete, inconsistent! There are hundreds and hundreds of desolate miles where the only option is a car because nobody bothered to put a train there. Do you know what that means when you can’t drive? It means you walk! My boots have racked up more miles than a soccer mom’s SUV--
Wolfwood, whispering again: and off he goes . . .
^Vash gets up and begins to march around, waving his arms dramatically to emphasize his points or express his frustration. The camera calmly follows him back and forth. There are several cuts so Vash’s ranting jumps from point to point and country to country, a timer in the corner of the screen records how long he’s been talking, more than twenty minutes. The smooth dune becomes a a churning sea of footprints*
Vash, pointing sharply: --and that’s why England’s railway--!
Wolfwood, suppressing giggles: what about, dunno, Italy?
Vash: Italy, well, I got pick-pocketed on public transport there actually
Wolfwood: for real? someone picked the humanoid typhoon’s pocket?
Vash: yeah--oh! That reminds me, hang on!
*Vash dives forward, sliding to a stop at his destination on his knees. He pulls open his bag and rifles through the contents. Odds and ends spill out and a couple odd shirt-sleeves are trailing in the sand before he pulls out a wallet*
Vash: so um *pulls an id card out of the wallet and glances at it* Drusilla Zuccaro if you are watching this I’m sorry I took your wallet and forgot to give it back and forgot I still had it until just now. It was going to be a great bit where you thought you’d got my wallet but I’d got yours and I’d give it back and we’d laugh and you’d turn over a new leaf and never pick-pocket again. I, uh, kinda had to hoof it due to various misunderstandings and it slipped my mind. I’d offer to send it back to you but it’s been, uuhhh, five months? You’ve probably got a new id and stuff by now . . .
Wolfwood, voice shaking with suppressed laughter: there wasn’t any cash?
Vash, looking sideways: . . . it was only maybe fourteen euros and a guy on the run has gotta eat, you know
Wolfwood: vash the stampede committing petty theft? you disgust me
Vash, on his knees, hands pressed together: Scusami tanto, ti chiedo scusa dal profondo del cuore. Sono mortificato, chiedo scusa.
Wolfwood: yeah, yeah, so what are you gonna do about it?
Vash, sadly and a little sulky: Ti rimborserei ma non ho soldi
Wolfwood: Imma take a wild guess and say you’re saying you’re broke
Vash, muttering and drawing circles in the sand:  sì
Wolfwood: you’re a total deadbeat you know that, spiky?
Vash, throwing himself down into the sand, tears streaming down his face: leave me and my deadbeat feelings to die
Wolfwood: want some absolution?
Vash: keep your stupid little confession box away from me! Didn’t you hear me? I have no money! I’m already in debt!
*Vash continues to weep noisily as the camera pans over the dunes and setting sun*
Wolfwood: that was fun. next time I’m gonna ask him about, um, types of socks maybe. This is where I’d ask you to like and subscribe but y’all know we don’t work like that. Otherwise we’d be scamming you for donations and ol’ needle-noggin here would have money for bus fare. Buh-bye.
*video ends*
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campesino-asiatico · 4 months
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Pues para matar el aburrimiento intente dibujar a Susie en una armadura.
Fue mas dificil de lo que crei y salio muy grande (2920 x 2500) y por ello cometi algunos errores pq no vi bien el tamaño xD
MS Paint si que es un tanto complicado.
To kill boredom i tried drawing Susie in a armor.
Was harder from what i thought, and it came up huge (2920 x 2500) xD
MS Paint is indeed kinda complicated
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ma-warriors17 · 1 year
I wanted to show some more drawings of my AU that I made today, I've never really enjoyed creating a "story" as much as this one lol
Queria mostrar mais alguns desenhos da minha AU que fiz hoje , Eu realmente nunca gostei de criar tanto uma "história" quantos essa kkk
BLUM _ Bluestar
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I created a kind of alternative outfit for her, deciding to also show the scar that is described in the books ---
Criei uma especie de roupa alternativa para ela , decidir mostrar também a cicatriz que é descrita nos livros
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Nothing reminds me more of fire than a good messy hair lol in particular I like to imagine him as a furry cat in the books and that's why I made him with long hair, I tried my best to put it in
Nada me lembra mais fogo do que um bom cabelo despenteado kkk em específico eu gosto de imaginar ele como um gato peludo nos livros e por isso fiz ele com um cabelo comprido , tentei ao máximo colocar a quela energia dele no desenho , mais queria deixar ele com uma aparência mais sabia depois de adulto
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