#tal terig
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Runed Servitor
Scholars had puzzled for centuries over the ruins at Tal Terig. Its secrets had always lived within one rune-carved head.
Artwork by Mike Bierek
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Arbitrary Card of the Day 1-14-17: Runed Servitor
Today's arbitrary card of the day is Runed Servitor. Tal Terig is one of my favorite locations on Zendikar. Known as the Puzzle Tower, Tal Terig is a mysterious spire in Akoum with ever-shifting rooms filled with traps. Most who enter die...or go insane. It was built by those maddened by the presence of the Eldrazi, which translated into the inscrutable floorplan of the tower.
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Бид хоёрын валентины оройн хоолны үеэрх яриа. Бие биенээсээ 10 асуулт асууж тоглосон юм.
Q: Охидууд өөрийнхөө хүсдэг залуугаасаа өөр хүмүүстэй нийлчих тохиолдол их. Ямархуу эрэгтэй хүн сонирхол вэ? сонирхолд чинь одоогийн залуу нь таардаг уу?
Sua: Minii ideal type jaahan hondii zaluu ㅋㅋ hun bolgond ooriin jijighen oron zai bdg gdgt itgedeg blhr nadad oron zai gargaj udaan uil ywtstai bdg zaluuchuudad durtai. Namjachin maani ugaasaa yg l minii sonirhol bsn. Jishee ni bi namjagaa tanin medeh gj mash ih udaan hugatsaa zartsuulsan. Husel moroodliig ni sonsoh hemjeenii hun ni boloh gj bas olon jiliig zartsuulsan. Nuutsiig maani sonsoh gj temuuldeggui oron zaig maani hundleed hairaa gj duudah gj hurtel zondoo tsag hugatsaa orsn ㅋㅋ Eregtei humuus uerhsen odroo tewreed margaash ni unseed ternii daraa iluu gunzgii zuils hiih gj temuuldegt durgui. Tm hariltsaanuud hurdan ehelsen shge hurdan hordog blhr oron zai hundeldeg zaluuchuudtai udaan hamt bhig husdeg. Tegeed l baga bagaar ooriigoo taniulj bgaa hoorhon duumed zaluutaigaa hamt bh nadad taalagdaj bgaa rpd minii uchirsan hamgiiin goy zaluu ni
Q: Хайрлахдаа хашир уу, хурдан нь хүлээж авдаг уу?
Sua: Hashir bish denduu hashir ㅋㅋ sain tanij medeed ene hund bi gomdohgui bj chadahuu gj bodoj uzej bj hairlah esehee shiiddeg. Durlah tatagdahiig ooroo shiidej chadahgui ch gsn hairlah hunee mash ih bodoj bgaad songodog
Q: Өөрт чинь таалагддаг өөрийн чинь зан чанар юу вэ?
Sua: Ooriihoo talaar tm ih boddoggui blhr ene asuult hetsu yma ㅋㅋ ih ym boddoggui gd oird ih helsenshdee sanaj bnuu. Ooriigoo zowoodoggui maani nadad taalagddag ym bn. Hunii zowlon shanalal hun ooroo l bdg blhr bolood ongorson ch bsn boloh gj bgaa ch bsn muuhai zuilsig tm ch ih boddoggui ooriigoo sanaa amar amidruulj bgaa bi nadad taalagddag ㅋㅋㅋ
Q: Ямар амттанд дуртай вэ?
Sua: Yogurtand durtai
Q: Хүнд дурлахын хамгийн ��эцүү санагддаг бас жаргалтай болгодог зүйл юу вэ?
Sua: Bi ene tuhai haird helmeer bsn cgsn marttsn bnshdee. Bid hoyrin mirai no mirai uzsen odor hair garchihaad bj bj bgad ergej orj ireed ert untlaa shuu gd helchiheed untahad bi shn amraarai gd unseed untuulsan mortloo online bj bgad 1m bolj oorchlogdohig chin haraad shuud sanaad T^T aimar uilmaar sanagdsan >< tegehed jargaad bnu zowod bnu gdge ylgagui hha jargaltai bas hetsuu sanagdsan ym ni ter
Q: санах хэцүү байдаг гэж үү?
Sua: Hetsuu mortloo goy offline bhig ni zondoo l hardag bj ter ued nuden dr garchihsn chin bur ewgui bsn
Sua: hairtai bolchihsnoo huchtei medersen blhr ter bas taalagdsan yeo bi ymr gajig ym yriad bnaa ㅋㅋㅋ
Q: Нэг хүнийг машинд мөргүүлэхээс хамгаалтал тэр хүн дурлалын бурхан байжээ. Тэр ачийг чинь хариулахын тулд дурлалын тал дээр заавал нэг хүслийг чинь биелүүлж өгөх ёстой байна гэвэл чи юу хүсэх вэ?
Sua: Dandaa husel guij baihiig ㅎㅎㅎ Nz zaluugaa bi oort ni hairtaigaas iluu nadad hairtai bailgaj og gj guinaa
Q: илүү хайрлахаар юм уначих гээд байна уу хаха
Sua: bi ooroo ter ayaraa fall in love bolchihod bn zayuu
Q: Эрэгтэй хүмүүсийн нийтлэг тохиолддог ямар занд дургүй хүрдэг вэ?
Sua: Turuun er ni helchihsendee nuuts medeh gd yaraad bdg eregtei turemgii maygin hund durgui tiim eregtei humuustei olon uulzaj bsn blhr terig niitleg gj boddog
Q: Хэрвээ итгэдэг хэн нэгэн нь өөрийг чинь мэхэлж хуурч байгааг мэдвэл яах вэ?
Sua: Ooroo heltel harj l bndaa
Q: Хамгийн сүүлийнх. Надад хандаж юу хэлмээр байна?
Sua: Ya! bi setgelee neechihsn chin chamd ulam hairtai bolood bn yahwe?
Sua: za bi bas ideal type asuumaar bn
Q: Би шууд Сүа гээд нэрлэчихье. Сүагийн бүх занг шингээсэн хүнд дуртай
Sua: Minii yund durtai bolsondoo hamt bmar bn gj helsn ym
Q: Олон төрлийн мэдрэмж өгдөг болохоор. Хааяа намайг тоохгүй үед нь гуниглаад, хайртай шүү гэхээр нь догдлоод, догь байх үед нь дурлаад, ярилцах үед хайр хүргээд, өдөр болгон инээлгэдэгт. Хуйцаанд ордог бөөрөнхий мах чинь тайчсан банш гэж байна лээ гэснээ санаж байна уу хаха. Тэр үгийг асуудалд уначихсан байж л уншаад инээж байсан. Тийм л гоё зүйлсийг өгдөг болохоор
Q: Аан бас яагаа�� хамт баймаар байна гэсэн нь намайг бүүүүр ав гэхээр нь хэлчихсэн чинь үнэхээр бүүүр авчихсан
Sua: ㅋㅋㅋ Minii zaluu hartai yu?
Q: Уг нь түй ч харгүй гэж бодож байсан чинь чам дээр ирээд хааяа хардаад байх юм. Зарим надад үзүүлээд байгаа скрийншотны эзэн нь хэн юм бол оо гэж боддог хаха
Sua: Tegwel sain bolchihson yeoja ni hairiig toohgui bwl yu hiih we?
Q: За лав би чамд сайн болчихлоо гэж хэлэхгүй. Ойлгох хүртэл нь хүлээгээд ямар нэг юм хийж байх байх. Гэхдээ ганцаараа хайрлана гэдэг юм би бараг төсөөлөхгүй байна. Яаж болоод ирснээ бас гайхаж байна шүү хаха
Sua: Nadaas medehiig husdeg ym bdg uu, bwl bi odoo shuud hariulay hha
Q: Би жаахан сонин зуршилтай байхгүй юу. Гэр бүлийхэн надад огт харж байгаагүй, эсвэл юу гэдгийг нь таних боломжгүй юм өгөх үед би үнэрлэдэг тийм зуршилтай. Уг нь яаж ч бодсон гэр бүлийнхэн надад хор өгөхгүй нь ойлгомжтой байдаг. Тэрэнтэй жаахан төстэй “хайртай” гэж хэллээ гэхэд үнэхээр яг жинхнээсээ хайртай юу гэж өөрийн эрхгүй боддог байхгүй юу. Зүгээр л надад хайртай юм байна гэж бодож хүлээж авахгүй чин сэтгэлээсээ найдвартай хайртай юу гэж боддог. Энэ эргэлзэж байгаа юм шиг битгий санагдаасай гэсэндээ ийм урт юм яриад байгаа юм шүү. Би чамайг бүр чин сэтгэлээсээ намайг хайрлаж байна уу гэдгийг мэдэхийг хүснэ.
Sua: Bi bas nmg unen goloosoo hairlaj bgaa gdgiig mn hair medeesei gj boddogoo
Q: Ингээд сайн мэдчихлээ
Sua: pabo (neg emoji baisan)
Sua: 98 onii boy nadad hairtai gj bodohoor egduu hureed bgaa shg egch yeojatai uerheed oorchlolt garch bnuu?
Q: Намайг бүр илүү эрхлүүлдэг болоод илүү их таалагдаж байгаа хаха амьдрал дээр эрэгтэй нь ах эмэгтэй нь дүү байх зүгээр бол рп-д эрэгтэй нь дүү байх илүү зүгээр юм шиг ээ
Sua: Durlaliin tal dr haird uram hugaraad disappointed bolj bsn tohioldol bdg uu
Q: Дардан зам туулж ирээгүй ч гэсэн урам хугарч үзээгүй юм байна
Sua: Sain yriltsdag emegtei sain sonsdog emegtein heniig songoh we
Q: Сайн ярилцдагийг нь сонгоно. Хүмүүс сонсох чадвар их чухалчлаад сайн сонсдог хүнийг нь сонгоод байдаг. Хүмүүс л тэгэх байх. Ярилцаж бодол санаагаа хэлэхгүй байгаа хүний бодол нь нэг их олигтой биш байна даа гэж бодогдоод байдаг юм. Тийм үү, аан гээд өнгөрөөчихдөг хүнд юм ярих хэцүү ярихгүй байх ч хэцүү. Сонсож өгч байгаад нь баярламаар байдаг ч цаанаа юу бодож байгааг нь таах шаардлагатай байх нь хэцүү шт. Тиймээс харилцан ширээний теннис тоглож байгаа юм шиг харилцах илүү амар бас дурсах юмтай санагддаг.
Sua: Jagid aidag ym bdg uu? bdg bol yuee
Q: Багаасаа аймхай маягийн хүүхэд байсан шүү. Сул талаа хэлчихэд бид хоёр зэрэгцэж суугаад аймшгийн кино үзэхэд би илүү айх байх. Тодорхой айдаг гэж тоочиглоод байх зүйл байхгүй тухайн үед айдсаас үүдсэн адреналин ялгарч л байвал би айж байдаг
Sua: Suuliinhuu? suuliinh dr bi bas haird nadad heleh ug bwl sonsyo
Q: Миний сонсдог хөгжим өөрчлөгдөөд хайрын бичлэгнүүдийг үзэж дууг нь сонсоод утасны хамаарал гэдэг шиг бүрэн хамааралд ороод байгаа шүү. Одоо гэхэд шинэ дуугаа сонсохыг хайраас илүү хүсээд байж байх жишээний. Тийм болохоор надад битгий эргэлзээрэй.
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Nissa and Sorin, Part 3
The group continues making their way forward through the mountains, making sure that any thing that messes with them, which happened to be an unlucky Hurda giant, get dealt with promptly. By late afternoon, the group had passed into the fields of Agadeem. There, they pass more Kor as they are engaging in a religious funeral ceremony. Nissa is able to see Zulaport, the place they needed to reach in order to cross to Akoum. Continuing further, they discover the Brood moving around and building something, using the Vampires as labor. They decide to get the surprise on the Brood and attack a bunch the Brood, killing many before becoming tired from so many killings. However, they don’t have anytime to rest as they have more Brood coming towards them.
Nissa summons up a Basilisk by drawing mana in and it rips through most of the Brood. When the battle is over, Nissa notices a juvenile Broodling split in half and Sorin states that she shouldn’t look so sad as it’s better than it growing up and consume the world, which Nissa agrees with. They look at a carved symbol in wall they were building and Anowan thinks that the Brood were building a religious idol to the larger Eldrazi, which reaffirms their need to get to Zulaport. It’s nightfall as they enter the town and they head to the inn to sleep for the night. The innkeeper allows the planeswalkers and Anowan to sleep inside but Smara and the Goblins have to sleep in the stables due to the stench they give off. Nissa falls quickly asleep, but is awoken by a man who attacks her and she retaliates. The entire group gets attacked and after rescuing them, encounter the leader who happens to be a Vampire named Indorel. They take care of all of them and head down to the port before they cause anymore trouble. Nissa summons a Behemoth to pull a sailboat they found.
As they head off to Akoum, the group soon regrets their hasty departure. They neglected to pick up food, so they ended up using up what they had on the boat. The goblins seemed to vanish one by one was they made their way across the sea. One night, while Nissa and Sorin happened to be both awake (which for Nissa has been a couple of days because if she sleeps, the behemoth disappears), Sorin discusses exactly why he’s there on Zendikar, which is to prevent the Eldrazi from escaping. He intended on killing the Brood, but they have since dispersed too much for them to deal with. He also reveals himself to be a planeswalker to Nissa (she suspected it since they met) and says he knows that she is a planeswalker too. Nissa wonders if they could just release the Eldrazi, but Sorin replies that the Eldrazi will destroy the plane if they are released. He then heads to sleep as they approach ever closer to Akoum. In the morning, they approach land, but they are stopped by the Moon Kraken, who demands a sacrifice. Sorin is too happy to offer a goblin up, but that’s not enough for the Kraken. The Kraken though learns of the death of his friend, the Joraga tribe’s leader, and allows the them to pass, knowing that the Brood needs to be defeated.
They get off the boat and make their way to their destination. Eventually they reach Tal Terig, the “Puzzle Tower” and find it surrounded by the Brood. Inside the tower, they come upon a band of Elves who disarms the group and makes them walk to Ora Ondar, a life bloom that contains the wild magic of Zendikar. The elves here say the group has trespassed on Tal Terig and they are to be locked away while their guide gets tossed to the salt flats and they kill Anowan and toss his body off the tower. Sorin, Nissa, Smara, and the last goblin are put into a cell while Anowan is placed in another. The Elves seem to enjoy teasing Anowan as they cannot stand Vampires. While Nissa tries to convince Sorin they still need Anowan, the goblin announces he can also take them to the Eye of Ugin. Sorin uses his magic on some guards to kill them and Mudheel finds the key to let them out. Anowan is rather ticked off at the elves and wishes to be as far away from them as possible. At the same time, the Brood attack the tower. Halfway through it, the Brood breach it and the group has to come face to face with Brood flyers. Anowan enchants one with his powers and they leave the tower using the creature as a vessel. Once they land, Anowan promptly kills it. From here, no one but the goblin actually knows where to go. He apparently happened to be at the Eye and witnessed Anowan being there and the “battle with the Dragon”.
A number of days pass and Nissa finds out the Goblin’s name is Mudheel and the only reason he has stayed with Smara is because he seems to care a great deal about her. The come across a caravan and are greeted by a merfolk scout whom refuses them to travel with him unless they ditch Anowan and pay with coin. Anowan kills the guy by feeding on him and tosses him on a caravan roof. The caravan they joined comes to a halt due to a Roil Bloom they say is a good omen. Nissa destroys it and the caravan kicks them out for it. Mudheel says they will reach the mountains about four days time, but they only have enough water to sustain them for two. They happen upon a water cart man who gives them all water and they head with him. As they come to a floating lake, the man freaks out and starts filling up bottle after bottle. Anowan gets a meal out of the man despite Nissa protesting and the group take the cart to continue on into the mountains. At this point on the journey, Anowan is rather edgy and refuses to give them exactly why he is so. They decided to abandon the cart when they come to a spot that would be a good spot for an ambush.
As night falls, they come across an old guard tower and Nissa says they need to bolt for it as they are being assaulted by nulls, vampire created creatures who will act on their own and kill anything living unless they are given orders by a vampire. Nissa summons two trolls and Anowan commands the nulls to assist the trolls. The nulls though simply outnumber the trolls, forcing Anowan to jump into the fray. Nissa starts summing another creature, but is knocked out and when she awakens, she comes nose to nose with another vampire. She summons a giant python but the another vampire just turns it into zombie and kills it for fun again. Nissa does everything in her power to try to get away, including summoning a giant spider, but it gets killed. The two vampires told her that they were using her as bait for the mortifier, who she believes is probably Anowan. The mortifier is the one who essentially sold the vampires into slavery to the Eldrazi. Anowan and Sorin finally come to Nissa’s aid by a surprise attack. While the female vampire is killed, the male kills himself, but this is merely a ruse since he’s a powerful vampire who can use magic to resurrect himself.
Part four will conclude this tale of an Elf and a Vampire with the biggest mistake one of them will make!
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