r0-boat · 3 months
Pokémon Hot Dragon women
Various pokémon women as hybrid dragons
Do you know what's awesome?
Do you know what's even more awesome?
Hot women!
Yeah I definitely missed some hot women Don't worry
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Lorelei/Baxcalliber hybrid
For some reason this Baxcalliber hybrid has more feathers covering about half of her body especially around her chest. Humans think it's to keep her warm. Lorelei has sharp claws and even sharper sail on her back. She is known in the icy mountains for her called demeanor toward humans.
However any human able to break through her I see heart will be alarmed at how warm she could be. However that warmth is only for you. She has no intention in sharing it with others.
She sees you as a bumbling little human fool. Never change She thinks you're cute this way. If any harm shall to come to you They will succumb to her I see breath and sharp as steel claws
Claire/Dragonair hybrid
A Dragonair That has yet to evolve. She likes her half serpentine body. She does not want to look like her cousin Lance who is a hybrid Dragonite.
Unlike the docile Dragonair Claire is stubborn and standoffish, She will not accept help from humans even if she is one foot in the grave. You don't know how you got the eye of this dragon. Maybe it was because despite all efforts of her trying to push you away when you found her injured You still stayed with her until she healed.
She still visits often, Even though she has a dragon hybrid her mannerisms remind you more of a cat. She wants you to keep your distance from her but occasionally, her stricken with curiosity and infatuation will come towards you.
Nessa/Kingdra hybrid
Very wary of people so much so that she almost never comes up to the surface. But you were a rare case. You dropped a necklace into the water and you thought you'd never see it again until you thought you saw a hand coming up from the waves throwing it onto the Sandy Beach.
You yelled out thank you giving the mysterious thing whatever it was a shell. Nessa is wary of humans but you seemed nice. The next time you met your eyes met when you stared down in the ocean blue over a bunch of rocks.
You knew her immediately She must have been the same person who grabbed your necklace! It was the first time she'd ever interacted with a human in a long time and she has not regretted it.
Perrin/salamance hybrid
Looks terrifying but is actually a sweetheart. You were outside taking pictures of pokémon and plants when you come face to face with a terrifying Salamance hybrid. Her claws were sharp her teeth even sharper and her gaze fixated on your device. She looked terrifying yet beautiful at the same time You couldn't help But be mesmerized.
You were scared for a moment but that fear instantly fade, You picked a wildflower putting it behind her ear before takingher picture and gave it to her.
She followed you home and now she visits you constantly, wherever you go she seems to know exactly where you are trying to play with you or your camera.
Cynthia/garchomp hybrid
Terrifying but also a sweetheart. But don't mess with her. She only has so much patience. You've heard that it is very hard to earn a garchomp's respect even more so a hybrid. Dragons have good judges of character You've also heard maybe that's why this garchomp hybrid decided to stay in your camping site just sitting there watching you closely as you study old artifacts and old runes.
She was even a good travel companion when you explored the ruins of Alph, perhaps there was something she was trying to find as well?
Cynthia likes you, What she is seeing you are very knowledgeable and caring of pokémon. You are also interested in ancient treasures of the old. You are also kind and sweet despite who she was you were not afraid. Yeah she likes you.
Rika/Flygon hybrid
You lived near the flats of the Mesa in the paldea region You've heard that hybrids were rare more so dragon hybrids. However you're starting to think that was a lie. Everyday you Walk on the same trail and this hybrid you don't know what she's doing has been trying to show off to you.
You try to ignore her at first only for her to frown at you. Now she's trying to get your attention, stealing your things, playing with you, whipping up tiny Sandy gusts to blow stuff off of you.
That toothy smile and that wild look in her eyes you don't trust. You could almost see a glint of mischief. However, that was all you saw until she protected you from a while pokémon.
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the-offside-rule · 2 years
Mason Mount (Chelsea) - Coffee Talks
Requested: on wattpad
Prompts: 44) "I'm just looking at your eyes."
49) "Stop smiling at me, I can't."
Warnings: nope
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Running through the streets of London isnt exactly how Y/n imagined her Thursday morning. She more so expected to be doing normal physio assistant things, like maybe taking details or helping the Physiotherapist but no. Coffee runs. She quickly stumbled into the coffee shop to be faced with a massive line to the counter. She was given twenty minutes to be back, how was she gonna do that now? She took her phone out and called the clinic she worked for, waiting for them to answer. "Hello?" The familiar voice of her boss answered. "Hey, it's me Y/n? The line here is huge, I wont be able to be back on time." She explained. "I mean, take your time I suppose. Just be back before ten." She looked at the time. "But that's in twenty five minutes."
"Nothing, I'll get back as soon as possible." She hung up and sighed, a string of curses being let out underneath her breath. "Next please!"
"Two caramel lattes, one hazelnut latte with hazelnut milk, a chai tea, three cappuccinos and an americano with soy milk and a sugar." She gasped out in one breath. The barista smiled at her. "Whatt size?" She thought for a moment. "Just give me them all large."
"£41.60 altogether please." Her jaw nearly hit the floor. "Jesus, that's gonna hurt the bank account." She chuckled, takingher card out to tap.
"I'm so sorry miss, it declined." Y/n groaned. "Are you sure?" The barista nodded. "Is there any way I could put this on a tab and pay later? My wages are in today." She shook her head. "I'm afraid not." Right then, she spotted a card being handed across her shoulder. "I'll pay-" She cut the polite stranger off. "No, I have cash." She quickly muttered, opening her purse and handing over a fifty pound note. Y/n received her change and quickly grabbed her coffee and speed walked towards the door. "Six pounds for a fucking cup of flavoured water and milk." She muttered, leaving the coffee shop. She heard a chuckle from someone behind her. She turned to see a man with brown hair, almost as if it was off of a Disney Prince. "Sorry, that was hilarious." He said. "Well it's true. Shouldn't be over 3 pounds. It wasnt where I'm from."
"Well, I'm here because you left your card for the tube at the counter." She looked down and saw him handing her a card. "Oh my god, thank you!" She exclaimed. "Could you just put it in my pocket please? My hands are full." The man put the card into her coat pocket and then went in front of her to open the door. "After you." He smiled. "Whhy thank you?" She paused and waited for his name. "Mason. And you're welcome?"
"Y/n." The smile stayed the same. "Nice name." Y/n shivered as she stood in the street. "Freezing, isnt it?" She said through jittering teeth. "I can give you a lift if you'd like. My cars only a minute away." Mason said pointing down the street. "No, no. I'm fine getting the tube." She said. "You sure?" She nodded. "Well I mean theres two stops I could get off at but the one that goes a bit further is three minutes closer to work." Mason smiled again. She kind of loved his smile. "It'll be quicker by car. Theres mental lines at the tube, especially this time of year." She thought to herself for a while before kindly accepting his offer. "As long as you aren't a serial killer." She joked. "Ah, my covers blown now." She giggled at his light hearted response. They continued talking until they reached his car. Now, Y/n expected something different, a car that someone his age would have like maybe a polo or a ford but what wasnt on her list was a custom black mercedes g wagon.
"This is your car?" He nodded and opened the door. "Just bought it. Real fast." He said. Y/n was dumbfounded. Who was this guy? "What are you, a doctor or something?" She asked, sitting into the car. "Nah, guess again." He closed the door and walked around to his side where he got in. "You a doctor maybe?" He shook his head and looked out the window to look for traffic. "How about celebrity? You a secret celebrity?" He grinned. "Something like that."
"Sometimes." Her face twisted. "What do you mean sometimes?" She asked. "Sometimes I'm asked to model soome stuff." She thought for a minute. "Footballer?" He looked over and nodded. "Chelsea?" He nodded again. "You're not Mason Mount are you?"
"And shes won it!" He exclaims. "So what is it that you do, since you know mine and all." He asked. "I'm a physio assistant. I graduated in September." Mason nodded. "Are you working in a hospital? A clinic?"
"I'm working in a clinic. I hate them all there but its work." She sighed and looked out the window. "Well, if you ever need, I've got links in Chelsea." He joked. "Ha, ha. How'd you get links there?" She joked back. "You know what I mean though. If you ever need out of there, just let me know." She smiled and looked out the window. "And how will I manage to do that?" She paused. "This is my stop." She said. As Mason pulled in, she turned back to face him, but was instead faced by his phone, opened. "Giving me an iPhone 11? How generous." She chuckled. "No, no, put your number in. That's how you're gonna message me about Chelsea." She smiled as she took his phone. "Or anything else."
Y/n typed her number in before handing it back. "Same goes for you. Thanks for the lift by the way." She smiled and hopped out, but by the time she turned around to wave goodbye, her prince charming was already gone, and nothing but a memory that made her smile like nothing ever had.
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A Crimson Sinner (closed rp with @e-m-p-error )
The squirrel sinner waspacking her backpack up, ready for a day in the city when she looked up at the photo of her with her friends at IMP. Blitz, Millie, Moxxie and Loona had reunited with the sinner after she showed up in hell. That was the day the photo was taken, and it brought a smile to her face. She had given the group some time after their mission in the greed ring, after seeing the toll it took on them. Especially Moxxie. Butit had been a couple of months and she decided to give Moxxie a call.
Takingher phone off the charger, she went to her contacts and tapped Moxxie's number. Putting the phone up to her ear she waited for a reply. Hoping that he would be up for going around the city with her.
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katebush1985 · 2 years
hope everyone had an Awesome Epic friday just like i did (got kicked off my parents health insurance four years earlier than expected and will have to stop takingh all my medications going to therapy cannot go to the doctor cannot go to the dentist which i desperately need because i have a cracked tooth in my skull)
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f0xd13-blog · 6 months
bitch nobody has to stop for 1 random guy.. the thing is im not a random guy or u wouldn't be following me and takinghe notes so that isn't an excuse. U are totally following me and doing nothing watching me rotten get hungrier less.healthy and shit. God is watching ;)
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qudachuk · 1 year
The former governor of India’s central bank now steers a tricky course between supporting free markets and campaigning against unfettered risk-takingHe was once talked about as a possible successor to Christine Lagarde as boss of the International Monetary Fund....
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
29 - He's My Life
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Part 30
His Golden Princess
@fanficismydrug @misskitty1912-blog @alanaangie24
Foosteps approached us so we broke the kiss seeing Regina who bawled her hands into fists at her sides. "You Charming's can't let me have happiness can you!"
Blinking the sleep from my eyes I was woke from my deep sleep by the sound of weapons and boots hitting the ground in a quick fashion. Robin and I shared a tent since he insisted it was too dangerous for me to walk alone at night. I haven't spoken to Regina since she saw me and Robin kiss last night. She just might kill me if she got the chance. Pushing the flap open I gasped rushing forward in between Rumple and Robin with his loaded crossbow aimed at him. "Woah, woah. Robin you can't shoot him!"
Foosteps approached for me to see his little son drop his sticks scared. "Daddy!"
"Don't! Please!" I begged my lover whipping my head to give him puppy dog eyes.
"I don't want to. I really don't. Come closer, little boy." He magically forces Roland forward. He then uses magic to push the boy into the ground.
Roland cried. "Daddy! Help!"
Waving my right hand I pointed the tip of my sword into Rumple's neck. "Fight her Rumple. If she wants a heart. Give her mine..spare his child." Rumple sucked in a breath not changing his position.
"I didn't want to do this either." Robin shoots his arrow; only for Rumple to magically catch it in mid-air. He then turns the arrow in Roland's direction.
Stepping closer I press my blade tightly against his throat hearing him grunt still not dropping his hand. "It never misses its target. And I've just changed the target. If I drop my finger..."
The other Merry Men attempt to come forward, only for Rumple to freeze them into place. "Wait! Wait." Robin begged digging the heart out from hiding underneath a tree handing it over to him.
"Thank you. And I am sorry." He sends the arrow flying until it is inches from Roland before it drops.
Rumple and I locked gazes before I bared my teeth to the man I love. I saw some blood from where I had cut him with my sword secounds ago. "Take me to her right now, Dark One. I wanna lay my blade into her chest!" Rumple waved his hand engulfing us in a cloud of purple smoke until we returned to the old farm house she was keeping him.
"Astrid you need to get out of here-" Rumple begged me still holding the heart in his hand until it magically gets into Zelena's hand behind me.
"Come for another beating little Charming?" She teased when I spun around on my feet.
Getting in a fighting stance I gripped the sword in my hands. "Why is it so important that Rumple doesn't stop you. What do you want with him exactly?"
"That's none of your business." She snapped stepping closer to me
Knitting my brows together I could see an odd expression on her face. Glancing over my shoulder to Rumple I snapped my fingers thinking something crazy. "You love him. That's why you want him all to yourself."
"It's fine dearie. I have that affect on women. I won Emma's sister after all." Zelena rolls her eyes at Rumple's chuckling in amusement.
"Stop talking. That's not the reason." She raises the dagger out making Rumple bend his head down like he was a dog.
Glaring towards her I take a swing for her but she grabbed the end of my blade yanking me in her face. "If you wish to know so badly I'll show you. It doesn't matter anyway. You'll be dead when this is done." She grabbed my chin in her freehand engulfing me in a cloud of green dust where I collapse onto the grass.
"The Dark Curse is the only way." My father spoke since they had traveled to see the good witch for answers.
Regina throws her arms up frustrated at the situation. "Haven’t you been listening? I can’t cast it."
"But someone else can." He trailed off.
"Who?" My mother and I asked in unison seeing his gaze had fallen on us.
My father slowly walked over takingher hands in his. "You. It’s the only way. You can use my heart to cast the curse. We have to think of our child."
"Our child needs you. I need you. We’ll find another way. We always find another way." My mother started crying wrapping her arms around his neck. Turning on my heels I jumped on the closet horse riding off into the middle of the woods crying. Falling from my horse into the mud I gasped through tears until I felt someone watching me.
"Oh forgive me. I'm Zelena. I must say I wish my sister was suffering like you." I saw the wicked witch leaning against a tree watching me.
Getting to my feet I drew my sword I tried attacking her but she grabbed my sword melting it with her fight. "You're making my mother have to kill my father!"
"Well you're suffering shall be short. You see I have a plan to make the Dark One suffer...through you." She shoved her hand inside my chest making me gasp pulling it out. "When I crush your heart he will feel your pain and then he and everyone else in this realm wouldn't be able to stop me. Because they won't remember any of this."
Raising my hand I created a fireball to throw at her but she squeezed my heart. Gasping for air I collapse on my hands and knees. Clutching where my heart was I started crying when she gave it one finally squeezing tightly. "They'll stop you...good always wins!"
"Maybe so. But you won't be able to warm them. Sweet dreams princess Charming." Zelena clutched my heart turning it into dust with my eyes falling closed. Inside Rumple's castle he gripped the bars feeling pain in his chest suddenly.
He yanked his heart from his chest quickly placing a spell over it before he felt you completely die. "Astrid..."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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birdaboos · 2 years
im takingh back phil-centric my blog is just gonna be random kings but mostly just mcyt for now since im... still lost on how to get into my other interests KJSDKSHKJD
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mashallah · 3 years
i want to be a little mouse coming home and takingh off my green coat aftera long day to some warm bread and soup is thay too much to ask for
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newwayastrology · 3 years
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99% of my training in analysis of a horoscope came from mentor, the late Noel Tyl. One of his techniques was to produce a partial horoscope and have you talk about the possibilities. In the partial horoscope shown above, the 7th House Sun receives a square from a retrograde Saturn (super important). Capricorn rules the Ascendant. Just that alone, Saturn Rx ruling the Ascendant tells you a LOT, a whole lot. Those takingh my Course past a certain level could talk to you for 20 minutes just on that in terms of how the psychological manifestation in life is expected to pan out. This is the partial scope of a client whose problem is that he was made to feel so inferior by his father that he developed a counter-superiority attitude wherein anyone who disagrees with the way he thinks becomes almost like an immediate enemy. This is the root cause of his relationship failures, not just personal but business and everything else. This is real-life stuff that can be found every day. Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to find this kind of training education in astrology books that were not written by Tyl. Fortunately, he passed his Course to me prior to his passing and I had my own Course prior to that, which is a strong semblance of his and was approved by him when completed. Every year in either November or December, because of the holidays, I reduce Course prices. Email me at [email protected] for information. As they said in The Godfather, "I'll make you an offer you can't refuse."
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craziestxabnormal · 4 years
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The dungeon cell was dark and cold, with only a single chair and wooden table. Sitting on the table was an unlit gaslamp and on the far side of the cramped cell was a door, locked and bolted tight to ensure the person inside could not escape. The sound of keys jingling and the click of a locking mechanism was the only warning the prisoner got before the door creaked open and a long coat silhouette stood outside the threshold.
"Bertholdt Hoover, 3rd Ranking Scout Regiment of the 104th Cadet Corps, a traitor to her Royal Highness of the Three Greats Wall, the Colossal Titan and murderer of hundreds of innocent lives, welcome," said Hange, stepping inside the cell walking over to the table and takingh off their coat. "Under normal circumstances you'd be granted a fair trial in front of a judge, the commanders of the three corps. as well as her Majesty's council. Given the nature of your crime, you would most likely be imprisoned for life or sentenced to death...but you're different aren't you?"
Hange was being eerily calm, considering only yesterday they were on the verge of executing Reiner the moment they had him in their custody and it was JEan’s quick thinking that saved the blonde’s life.
"As if stands, you are still in the hands of Survey Corps. and as Erwin Smith's successor, your fate is now in my hands." A turn of the dial and the gaslamp sparked with light, illuming the room in an orange glow. "You have information I require and that is the only reason you are not being fed to one of my comrades."
Flashes of the battle of Shiganshina District flashed through their mind, and silently Hange grieved for the loss of Mobilt, who sacrificed himself to make sure his Squadron Leader got out of the blast zone. Poor little Armin who died from first degree burns just so Eren had a fighting chance, and Erwin who did not survive the suicide charge.
Shaking the memory from their head, Hange forced their face back to a neutral expression and turned around to address Bertoldt, light in hand so his face was bathed in the amber glow.
“Under normal circumstances torture would be pointless against someone like you. Just one little papercut and you’d transform, killing me and anyone else in a 60-metre radius." Hange then lifted the lamp higher, exposing more of the room. The walls were not made of bricks but a smooth almost crystallized rock. "You might have noticed that your cell is a bit different than that of a regular dungeon, Eren made it for us. His hardening ability created this very room. You can still try transform, I would certainly die in the explosion, you, however, it’s hard to say. Maybe you’ll break through the crystal, or maybe it'll hold firm and your increasing mass will crush you from the inside out. I believe the phrase for such a scenario would be; when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object."
Bertoldt could still try and kill Hange out of spite or some last ditched suicide attempt, but they were very certain this young man still had a burning desire to go home at any cost. And right now that was their one advantage.
"Now, I'm going to ask you a few questions and I would really appreciate it if you answered with the uttermost honesty. Let's start with a simple one, what was your mission?"
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strech-street · 3 years
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 some of bryce takingh a selfie
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bonkin · 8 years
just got the privilege of taunt killing 3 unlucky saps
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teddyylou · 8 years
Otayuri Week - Day 6: Rivalry
13-year-old Otabek Altin stood at the back of the novice class shamefully after not being able to keep up with the Russian skaters of his own age.
He stayed quiet and hung his head as he did as he was told by Yakov, ignoring the younger skaters who were all sniggering and pointing at the older boy under their breaths. He could feel all of their eyes on him as he tried to look everywhere else but into them.
Then his eyes landed on a small blonde boy at the end of the ballet bar. He was definitely the shortest and appeared to be the youngest of the group. However, he wasn’t turning around to glare at Otabek, or whisper something into someone else’s ear. He was staring straight ahead, alone taking on all of the instructions, tips, and corrections like it was a private lesson between him and Yakov.
Otabek found himself gravitating towards the young boy through the day; intrigued that he didn’ t care about what anyone else was doing or saying and was trying to soak up as much information as he could. Otabek liked that he was so determined. 
Every time the class went for a drink break the boy didn’t move. we went over what they had learnt and practised. When the class began to return to the bars, Otabek would run ahead and try to move up closer to the boy and stand next to him.
At one point he even got a glimpse of the boy’s face. He was only a child but his eyes… So determined, so fierce. His eyes were the strongest shade of blue-green he has ever seen, and they stared straight ahead like he was a soldier taking orders. He would never forget those eyes.
In the afternoon session, Otabek found himself one spot behind the blonde Russian as they practiced kicks. The boy who must have only been ten could already get his leg up past his head and hold it there. 
Otabek admired his strength and balance.
He admired but also envied the praise that the boy was receiving from Yakov.
Every “Good job Yuri” or “Excellent core strength Yuri” pushed Otabek to meet his level, to be better. Every time his accomplishments were ignored by the instructor he became angrier. 
He admired the boy but at the same time, he was annoyed that a ten-year-old could be better than him. He created this rivalry in his head to be better than this ‘Yuri’. 
Every kick, he pushed his long legs higher and his skinny knees straighter. Engaging every growing muscle in his body.
He was worn out. He was done. He could give up and go home to Kazakhstan. 
“Good posture um, uh, Otabek. See everyone look how his knee is locked on his supporting leg.” 
Otabek’s heart swelled as the skaters who had made fun at his weakness turned to smile at him. This ‘rivalry’ he had created with Yuri had pushed him to be great.
He turned his head away from everyone else to continue when his gaze locked with the soldier eyes.
He could not tell if the boy was angry with him, or interested, but after a few moments Yuri averted his eyes back to the front and kicked his leg higher than before. 
He expeced Yakov to praise him and all of Otabeks hard work would be forgotten, but no one said anything.
Yuri head snaped back arounf to Otabek to reveal a smirk on the russian’s face as if he was saying ‘come on, try and do better then me.’ 
So without breaking eye contact Otabek kicked. He held his leg next to his hear for five whole seconds. His whole body was shaking but before he lost balance he gracfully lowered it to the ground.
The two boys went like that for the rest of the seesion. Takingh turns in trying to outdo each other.
“Alright everyone, time for showers before dinner. Great work today novice class, many improvements from the start of the camp.” Barked Yakov.
But Yuri didn’t move. He had held his leg for fifteen seconds and we beckoning with his eyes for the older boy to try again.
With his body aching he swung his leg up fast, oo fast. His supporting knee bucked and he fell to the ground. 
Rather unceremoniously he clung with one hand to the bar and looked back to the blonde. He expected either two things: Laughter or for the boy to help him.
But the boy just raised his eyebrows and sighed before turning on his heel and leaving Otabek on the floor.
Otabek was a bit hurt, but he was used to it; he never really was good at making friends. 
Maybe this ‘rivalry’ will bring them together in the future? Maybe Otabek with meet Yuri again?
Otayuri Week - Day 6: Rivalry
I’m a bit late to the bandwagon but this is my entry to Otayuri week before it ends. 
I like the idea that Otabek tried to be as good as Yuri. 
My HC is that he had developed a good imagination due to lack of IRL friends and he created this ‘rivalry’ in his head to push him further after the shame of being rejected from skating with the boys his own age.
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thatsabigship-blog · 6 years
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I don't have many followers at all, but the few who have followed me, please read this. I don't care where you're at in life, if you feel like your life doesn't matter or if someone is telling you that you're a waste of oxygen or if you have mental issues that you don't know how to cope with, suicide is NOT the answer. My mom was 28 when she decided she couldn't handle being bipolar anymore. Instead of takingher medicine like my dad and everyone else in the family begged her to do, she put a gun to her head. I was 8months old at the time. My brother was 8 years old. Both of us needed our mother and she abandoned us. Now I'm 19 and my brother is almost 30 and we still miss her and need her very much. I had to drive 4 hours to visit her grave because I couldn't bear not seeing her on mother's day. Her birthday is in 3 days and she would be turning 47.
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