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Tagged my buddy @yaoifanatic4ever Goal: Tag nine people you want to get to know better! Relationship status: Single as fuck (though I’ve never had a relationship in my life fun facts) Favorite color: it’s usually either blue (like teal) or green (dark forest-y) Lipstick or Chapstick: I don’t wear either tbh and I have really chapped lips Last song I listened to: New Divide by Linkin Park I’m such trash Last movie I watched: GOOD QUESTION I’m fairly sure it was A historical documentary on World War I from the ground soldiers of Germany (they all died in the end and after that I went to a morgue that was an interesting day) Top three TV shows: 1. One Piece 2. Your Lie In April 3. Yuki Yuna is a Hero Top three characters: 1. Nico Robin (gee I wonder why) 2. Shanks 3. Hakuyo I think (even though he's said about 2 sentences total he's GOOD OKAY) Top three ships 1. Makino x Dadan (crack shipping hell with lesbian moms) 2. LawLu 3. Marcoace Oooooh who to tag.. hm, maybe if y'all want @nicefandom @trashfalgarlaw @conspacelien @gomu-gomu-no-sideblog and whoever the heck else wants to do it (I'm so bad at tagging people RIP
#I'm such trash honestly#I'm like good trash though so it's okay#taggo'd#chloe talks#yaoifanatic4ever#nicefandom#trashafalgarlaw#conspacelien#gomu gomu no sideblog#Hecked okay#I hope my answers were sufficient
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Tagged by @trashfalgarlaw Woo! RULES: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you. 1. Can you see/hear/feel ghosts? Do you have any paranormal experiences? Yes - especially the theatre ghost - her name is Emma and one Time I was alone in costumes and she retied the thread on my needle and it was really helpful 2. Your favourite movie of all time? Oooh, hard to say... Sucker punch probably 3. What is your useless talent? My existence 4. What would you want to be written on your tombstone? "I made a grave mistake" 5. What are your weird pet peeves? People chewing or breathing too loudly, and people groaning 6. Imagine, you’re alone and it’s raining outside, then you hear heavy footsteps near your window. What will you do? (Sorry I love creepy things lol) Cry in silence cause my window is above my bed 7. Favourite TV commercial? I don't watch tv oops 8. What was the most risky decision you ever made in your life? Anything while I'm training wild horses 9. Describe your favourite friend. He's covered in fur, majority of it is black but white spots that look like a tuxedo, he's a cat 10. If you met a vampire, would you let it bite you? Sure 11. Favourite fairy tale? Any Grimms one See other taggo'd post for questions!!
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I got tagged by @nicefandom thank you!! Sorry it took me some time to answer, I came down with the flu and had a fever of 104F yuck
RULES: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you.
1. Your first fandom? Well, the first anime I ever watched was Fruits Basket, but there’s not really a fandom for that (the manga is hella better and hella good btw)
2. Your 3 favorite characters? NICO ROBIN, Nico Robin, Nico Robin (Nami, and Shanks too)
3. Winter or Spring? Winter
4. Something funny that happened to you? So my last name is Lamb, and in my theatre class we were doing a game that involved singing so my teacher turned to my group and said “Y'all are doing Mary had a little lamb” and people in my group sung Mary had a Chloe Lamb
5. Why did you start watching One Piece? My oldest brother was into it and suggested it
6. Hobbies? Theatre, horsemanship, reading
7. Last movie you watched? One Piece: Strong World
8. Your biggest fear? Being abandoned again
9. A reason to smile? My sister
10. A thing you’re proud of yourself? I won a National Essay contest in 2014
11. Why do you start using Tumblr? In 2012 I drifted from rp sites and started using other websites - this just happened to be one of them
My questions:
1. What’s the funniest joke you know? 2. When did you start watching one piece? 3. If you wanted to recommend a fanfic, which one? 4. Do you have a favorite ask-blog? 5. Who’s your role model? 6. What’s the best thing that happened this week? 7. What country are you from? 8. What’s something you’re excited about? 9. Do you have any pets? 10. What’s your favorite animal? 11. What do you notice first about a person?
I’m so bad at tagging people sorry! @nicefandom @greenleavesgreentea @arlinn–kord @trashfalgarlaw @zosansanji @johnny-tries-to-draw ugh I can’t name others so feel free to do it and say I tagged you!!
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That feel when you get tagged
My buddo @trashfalgarlaw tagged me
1. who are you named after?
My middle name is after a queen
2. last time you cried? Day before yesterday- I was frustrated with someone for dipping out on their responsibilities when it got inconvenient 3. do you like your handwriting? It’s okay, chicken scratch but I do like my y’s 4. what is your favorite lunch meat? Not a fan 5. do you have kids? That’s funny no and I will never have any cause I despise children 6. do you use sarcasm? Only to make fun of friends 7. do you still have your tonsils? Yep 8. would you bungee jump? Yeah tbh 9. what is your favorite kind of cereal? More of a waffle person (plain waffle with no syrup yum) but Frosted Flakes I guess 10. do you untie your shoes when you take them off? I wear flats most of the time but no 11. do you think you’re strong? I am 4'11 and can pick up people who weigh like 170 lbs it surprises people 12. what is your favorite ice cream? MOOSE TRACKS 13. what is the first thing you notice about someone? Hair or voice 14. football or baseball? Ew. 15. what is the least favorite thing about yourself? I’m really bad with social skills 16. what color pants are you wearing right now. Who wears pants at home?? 17. favorite smell? Garlic powder and Pepper 18. who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My mom 19. favorite sport to watch on tv? I don’t watch TV 20. hair color? Blonde 21. Eye color? Green 22. favorite food to eat? Steak and roasted potatoes 23. scary or funny movies? Funny movies 24. last movie you watched? Hunchback of Notre Dam 25. what color shirt are you wearing? Blue 26. favorite holiday? Thanksgiving 27. wine or beer? I hate alcohol
Ohhh I don’t know who to tag maybe?? @nicefandom and @mugiwaratrash and idk
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I got taggo’d by my buddo @rboooks
Always repost the rules · Answer the 11 questions posted for you · Create 11 new ones · Tag 11 people (if you want!! No pressure
1. What’s the best time of the day for you?
I’d say afternoon, it’s the time I’m able to relax and nap with my kitties!!!!!
2. Tell me about your latest Plot bunny!
ooh jeez It's a Marcoace fic where Marco is a bartender and Ace is a homeless punk™ who keeps getting fired from jobs but is job hunting to take care of his lil bro (Luff) and he's trying his best but he has a routine that everyday he goes and sees his favorite bartender, Enter Sabo (@myself is it REALLY a Marcoace fic hmmm), the broke af college student who is close to the two punks™ and eventually is like Dude, bro, you're totally crushing on Marco, and Ace is like gaSP NO,,,,,,, (yes) and then Sabo sets them up like the gentlemen he is IS IT REALLY A MARCOACE FIC AND NOT MAS @MYSELF
3. What got you into your current fandom?
If we’re talking One Piece, My brother!!! I go through cycles of hyperfocusing on shows or something and then finding nothing interesting, and I was going through the nothings interesting period and asked him for suggestions he said One Piece, it has pirates and I was HOOKED (LMAO)
4. Do you remember your dreams?
Sometimes, I had a weird dream where I was so tiny and weighed so little that I would start floating?????? And I met Michelle Obama, and I was like “I really like the way you raised your children (mind you, I know nothing on that subject) but I am smol, and I float,” and I was floating off the ground around about her shoulders and she was like “Yeah you do,” And grabbed me and anchored me to the ground
5. What’s one smell and sound you can’t stand?
A smell - Sour Kraut
A sound - people eating/chewing and breathing too loudly
6. Give me your life quote. A quote from you.
I like the moon because it doesn’t expect anything from me, it just listens, and I suppose that’s all I really want, is to listen and be listened to
7. Favorite food?
Steak (I like chewing on the fat too)
8. Do you have any side blogs? Which ones do you use the most?
I do! I have @livinforhistory it’s my “main” blog i kinda treat this blog as my main lmao which I use just as often as I use this blog! (It’s for stuff other than One Piece)
9. How long does it take you to create something?
Too long, I spend most of the time staring at the page and going “It sure would be nice if I wrote what was in my head on the page”
10. Whats the first thing you do when you wake up?
I have my bed against the corner of the room, and on it I have pictures, art that people have made for me, and I have this thing “The all of traits” wher I had people list traits I had on a card and I look at my wall the first thing because it reminds me why I’m still alive in the morning
11. Favorite anime, cartoon, book and movie?
Anime - One Piece (I mean I usually hyperfocus on things but it has never lasted as long as its gone on with OP it’s gotta be pretty special for it to have not fallen through my interests)
Cartoon - Steven Universe
Book - The Wolf Children (it’s not a book per say, but it counts okay)
Movie - Suckerpunch
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@trashfalgarlaw tagged me! I’m so happy you want to know me!!! Rules: Tag 10 People you would like to get to know better !!!
Relationship Status: single af
Favourite colour: green
Last song I listened to: Impossible game soundtrack Favorite TV Show: I don’t watch TV
First Fandom: Fruits Basket
Hobbies: gaming reading solitaire
Books that I’m currently reading: The Trials of Apollo by Rick Riordian
Favourite book: can’t choose
Worst thing you’ve ever eaten/tasten: Pickles
Favourite place: anywhere there are cats
Hmm…. @mugiwaratrash @lao-paperman @rei-the-rat @dailyrowlet @gray-terminal @lawlu @nicefandom @robinswhitehat @totallycorrectpjo @vinsmokes
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