#t: chelsea wfc
annehath-a · 5 months
Yes Lauren!!!
And Jonatan scoping out the competition, I see you sir.
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wosowrites · 1 year
You’ll be Okay (Chelsea WFC x Reader)
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warnings: none
a/n: so so sad about the team moms leaving :((
prompt: in which you have to cope with the news of magda and pernille leaving chelsea
You had had your first suspicion that maybe Magda and Pernille would be leaving at the end of the season when you lost out on the Conti Cup to Arsenal. You just imagined that they were upset when you hugged them tight and told them that you would lift the trophy next year. Magda and P shared a quick, sad look before smiling at you. "Of course," they had said.
They announced it too the team two months before it was announced to the public, and you had never felt more naive.
Actually, the couple had announced their departure with Magda’s help to the team while you were in a private session with the therapist. You had recently gone through quite the scary event as angry Manchester United fans spent the whole time you walked out of the stadium yelling horrible things at you. You had never seen the girls so angry. Guro yelled at a few people, sweet, calm Jessie had to be held back by Sam to go give a piece of her mind to a woman in a Leah Galton jersey. You had insisted you didn’t need therapy and that you were fine, but it ended up being beneficial.
This had all been planned out. They would tell everyone as you were with the therapist, and then they would tell you separately after training.
Magda and Pernille walked up to the front of the room, and although everyone knew what was coming, most people still cried. Almost no one on the team had known a Chelsea without Magda and the idea of her not being around felt horrible.
The girls delivered their speech, crying themselves and then they allowed questions. "What club are you guys going too?" Sam asked. "We can’t say yet, sorry," Magda said, earning a frustrated groan from the australian. "If you guys go to Arsenal…" Jessie started saying. "Gross! No! Of course not," Pernille said. "Wait- where’s y/n?" Niahm asked, looking around the room.
The blondes at the front of the room shared a quick look. "Uhm, were- were telling her separately after practice," Magda said, holding P’s hand. "Which- actually, is that a good idea? It’s the right decision right?" Pernille asked.
The blues all nodded. "Yeah, I mean I’ve known her since we were fifteen and she’s never had a… a parent figure like you guys in her life before. She’s gonna be happy for you guys but… she’s gonna take it really hard," Jessie said, pursing her lips together.
Your therapy ended two minutes before the start of training so you headed to the meeting room.
The second you opened the door, something felt wrong. Every head turned to you and Magda and P seemed to have just been sat down. You scanned the room, smiling tentatively. "What are all of you weirdos looking at?" you asked them, letting the door close behind you and taking a seat at a table composed of Magda, P, Niahm, Z and Jessie. "Nothing! You just caught us by surprise," Magda said quickly. "Okay weirdos" you joked.
Practice flew by quickly as it almost always did. Thankfully, as you had a game tomorrow, Emma didn't, make you do fitness and you were all instructed to take it easy. You did notice that Emma pulled Magda and Pernille to the side towards the end of practice, and although you did wonder what that was all about, you didn't ask.
"Emma told us that she doesn't want us to tell y/n about the move until after tomorrow's game. I feel dirty, it feels gross not to tell her when everyone else knows," Magda told Millie and Zecira after her talk with Emma as you watched from afar.
That night, you went home knowing something was wrong. But you ordered Chinese food and watched a movie with Jessie, who was your roomate, before going to bed.
There was no other way to describe your performance against Tottenham. You had played spectacularly, scoring a hat trick and assisting Guro. You were on top of the world, and then your world came crashing down.
You all headed towards the changing room, but before you could get into the area, you felt your wrist being grabbed. You turned around quickly to see Pernille holding your hand. "What is it?" you asked, moving to the side to let your teammates in. You could see on the faces of the girls piling into the changing room that they knew something you didn't.
The women in front of you shared a look. "Stop with the looks. Everyone knows something I don't so please just tell me," you said firmly.
"Y/n... I've been with Chelsea for six years... and, Pernille has been here for three and we've- we have decided that it's time for us to... to concur another part of the world. To leave Chelsea," Magda said.
They searched for a reaction in your eyes for a solid twenty seconds. Your eyes were watery but you were hoping your fake smile cancelled out the tears. But they saw through you. "That's great! When are you announcing it to the public?" you asked, your voice clearly shaking. "Honey..." Pernille tried to say but you cut her off immediately. "No. No please don't call me that. I'm happy for you, you're going to do well but I- there are dozens of photographers outside that are going to take pictures of me and there's no way I'm walking out of there with puffy red eyes so please just let me act as though I don't care," you said, letting so much and so little out at the same time.
It was already too late though, your face was covered in tears and your nose was running. Magda didn't wait five seconds before pulling you and her girlfriend into her. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I'm being so selfish. This is good for you guys," you sobbed into Magda's hair. "We don't think you're selfish, we understand. We know," Pernille answered.
Walking back into the changing room was hard, but thankfully most people were in the shower so all you had to do was grab your Chelsea sweatsuit and rush into the shower. After showering, you slipped on your blue Chelsea sweatpants and then the matching blue hoodie. It was only once you had put it on that you noticed the number 16 was embroidered on the right side. Magda had switched it out. You smiled and combed your hair before heading back to the main room to put on your jewelry and your shoes. Magda and Pernille were waiting outside for you, and you all walked out together.
You woke up the morning of May 18 knowing that today was the day that the world got the confirmation that Magda Ericsson and Pernille Harder were moving on from their life as blues. You were still on a high from the FA cup, and as long as you beat Arsenal on the 21st, the league title would probably be once again, the blues. But today you felt nothing but devastation, as you could no longer be in denial of your two team mothers leaving. You had prepared a goodbye post for them, knowing that on their actual last game for Chelsea, you would never be able to summon up enough energy to post a goodbye.
You had chosen three pictures, one of you asleep on Magda's shoulder in the bus when you had only been playing for Chelsea for about two months, the other of Pernille caring you over her shoulder in the streets of Portland during pre season, you were both laughing loudly. And the last one was a collage of three pictures of you, Magda and Pernille. The three pictures were of your three FA cups, and in every picture you were between the both of them, holding the trophy, and they were kissing your cheek. You were a family, and that really showed in those pictures.
The caption was what you put most thought into however. It read:
I genuinely can't think of a day in the past two years and a little more where I didn't send a text to our group chat, ranting about how good or bad the meal I had was, how the lady in the apartment in front of mine always gave me the stink eye, or just texting you to tell you that Jessie was still on my back about leaving my towels on the floor. I'll always be able to text you, but now I can't take the ten minute walk to your apartment anymore. Now I have to give you guys the key you gave me back. Two FA cups won with you guys, and certainly, two league titles ;) I love you both, I love you for being my soulmates, and I love you for defending me on the field, smack talking the players who injure me, and always being my honorary mothers. Go destroy another league now, and don't forget that Friday's at 8:00, London time, are reserved for your daughters, me, Niahm, and Jessie.
You then got out of bed, waiting for the moment where Chelsea FCW would post on their instagram about the departure of their skipper before posting your message. You had a rare off day today, a day in which you had planned to have brunch with Jessie, Pernille, Niahm, Magda, Sam and Kristie, who was visiting her girlfriend.
You headed towards Jessie's bedroom and then knocked on the door twice. "Come in," you heard her voice say, but it sounded heavy and tired. "You okay, Jess?" you asked gently, sitting down next to her and looking at her. Her cheeks were slightly wet with tears and her eyes were red. "I don't want them to leave. I hadn't let myself think about the fact that they were leaving until today and now all the emotions I should have let myself feel over the past two months are all coming up now," she said.
You looked at her sadly, pulling her in into a hug. "You can cry, Jess, everyone is going to. We play Arsenal at Kingsmeadow in three days and god knows I'm going to cry. I'll try not too, but I will. Let's just focus on the time we have with them, right?" you told her. You felt her nod against your shoulder before pulling away from her. You gently wiped her tears and smiled at her, looking into her eyes, before leaving the room to let her get changed.
May 23, Kingsmeadow, the last home game of Hardesson. You felt like death against a team you needed to all feel alive against. So, that morning, you dragged Jessie out of bed, she made breakfast while you gathered up your pre match kits and made coffee. After breakfast, you were out of the house. "I feel like Magda's gonna score today," you told your best friend as you turned into Kingsmeadow. "Hmm, I feel like you're going to score today," she said to you. "Yeah but I always score," you jokingly said, trying to lighten the mood.
Walking into the changing rooms, Magda seemed a bit down but Pernille was all smiles, they contrasted each other well. There were pretty obviously two groups, the ones who were sad but wouldn't cry over the departure of the team mothers, and the ones who seemed more scared of a team that didn't have Magda as captain.
But the second the starting eleven walked onto the field, you were all professionals, ready to fight tooth and nail for the title. You wanted to lift one more trophy with your Danish and Swedish mothers.
The first goal came in the 22 minute by your sliding header. A free kick was taken by Niahm but it went a bit far into the box. But you read the play well, Manu didn't react quick enough and so you threw yourself head first to connect with the ball for it to land in the far netting. You landed on your stomach but quickly got up and celebrated with the fans and your team. Jessie had been right.
And then, it was your turn to be right. Magda scored. You had never felt more joy over a goal someone else had scored, your heart lit up, your smile had never been bigger and you hugged Magda and kissed her forehead over and over.
2-0 win. That was a very good score, and you were ecstatic about it. You did feel a little sorry for Katie McCabe's missed penalty, but that was football.
And then came the waterworks. As the team walked around the stadium, clapping for the fans, you felt the need to step aside at the bench for a second. Magda and Pernille were leaving. You had never known a Chelsea without them, and now they were just going to be gone one random Monday. So, you went up to James, the team medic.
"James-" you started saying. "-I, uh, I need a favour from you. I need you to pretend that you're checking me for a- I don't know, a head injury? Yeah cause of the collision I got in with Catley. I feel like I'm seconds away from bursting out in tears and I want this moment to be about Magda and Pernille and not me feeling sorry for myself," you said to him.
James looked like he had not signed up for this, but eventually he smiled at you gently and told you to position yourself so your back faced the crowd. He started doing what he would usually do to check for a head injury as your bottom lip shook and tears streamed down your face. "You're aloud to be upset, y/n. It's not selfish, it's human. I say go out there after Magda and Pernille receive their legacy jersey's and don't be ashamed to cry. It's normal," he said to you. You had always liked James, he was like a silent force that always brought wisdom to the team. "I just don't want to make it about me," you said as he palpated your neck. "Crying wouldn't make it about you, if anything it would go to show how much of an effect they had on you, and how much you love them," he said.
You nodded slowly, starting to realize that maybe not being with the group attracted more attention than you wanted. So, you thanked him and jogged to meet the girls who were still going around and thanking the fans.
"You okay?" Kadeisha asked you, draping an arm around your shoulder. "Yeah, upset but yeah," you told her.
As the two gave their speeches, you really saw the contrast between them. Magda was absolutely breaking down in tears and Pernille was just laughing and smiling, rubbing her girlfriends back. The second their speeches were done, you couldn't hold back the tidewave of emotions you were feeling. You crouched down to the ground, pulling your jersey over your face and letting out a shaky sob. Right away, you felt a hand on your back and then you noticed that the person, or maybe people had crouched down next to you. "We will always be in your life, you know?" Magdas voice said sadly. "I know," you cried, pulling down your jersey and looking at her with broken eyes. "Is it stupid to be scared that you'll like your new team more and replace me. I don't want you to forget that you'll always be like my mother," you said to her.
She pulled you up to her feet and held your face, rubbing her thumb on your cheeks. "You will always be like my daughter. You, Jessie, Niahm, Sam, you are all my kids. I won't ever love a team more than this one, you hear me?"
You nodded and Magda pulled you into a hug, behind her, you could see Jessie crying and hugging Pernille.
It sucked, things sucked, but you knew that your mothers would always be your mothers, and that their heart would always be at least 60% blue.
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that-soccer-guru · 3 years
Any prediction for tomorrow’s champions league final? And, what do you think of F. Kirby winning player of the year?
Okay I am hella late to this but I had my money on Barcelona, unfortunately. And they went out there and proved me right. Which like, good for them! But also they're gonna be unbearable during the season and I'm gonna need Atleti to step it the FUCK up bc we can't keep living under the Barcelona boot, ya feel me?
I don't much care for individual player awards bc they often end up going to popular players whose game doesn't always back up the honors they're getting. THAT BEING SAID Kirby came back from a serious heart condition and being sidelined for months. More importantly at nearly a goal a game, Kirby was on fire for a while there. It's a shame that Chelsea couldn't keep it together for her but I don't hate this pick this time.
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loutontravis · 3 years
Aston Villa Norwich City: Conor Hourihane grabs winner - BBC Sport
Villa v norwich - Aston Villa v Norwich City Recap - To Holte
D H v Wolves. L A v Sheffield Utd. Norwich L Villa v norwich v Man City. L H v Burnley. L A v Chelsea. L H v West Ham. L A v Watford. Vote at Full-time. Tom Heaton. Matt Targett. Ahmed El Mohamady. Kortney Hause. Ezri Konsa Ngoyo. Marvelous Nakamba 56'. Conor nowrich 56'. Jota 84'. Jonathan Kodjia. Norwich City game prediction. Even though SofaScore villa v norwich offer direct betting, it provides the best odds and shows you which sites offer live betting.
Where to watch Aston Villa vs. Norwich City? Norwich should have gone ahead early in the second half as Byram again headed inches wide and Nogwich Tettey saw villa v norwich shot cleared off the line by Douglas Luiz but Villa Park erupted with relief when sub Hourihane tucked home from 15 yards noriwch fine work from Jack Grealish Norwich pushed late on, with Tom Heaton saving brilliantly from sub Onel Hernandez, but Villa villa on for a villz three points.
The result means Villa move to within a point of safety in 18th, while Norwich drop to bottom place, seven points from 17th. The first half was full of intensity, but lacking in real quality. Norwich cut Villa's defence open with ease as Teemu Pukki was played through that site goal, only for the forward to lose his footing and allow Villa to recover.
Villa's struggles at set-pieces were highlighted as Emi Buendia's corner was met by Byram moments later, only for his header to hit the floor, bounce up, and hit the bar. The hosts failed to register a shot on target in the first half, but did come within inches of scoring as Matt Targett's waist-height cross from the left was touched just wide by El Ghazi. I talked her round so she sent me out notwich large donner no salad I got the munchies and ate it villa v norwich the way home so she dumped me again, and I slept in the shed but I I felt we'd won a cup final.
We got norwih. Villa Angels Glad that we've sent this lot as good as down All these teams come to VP and up their game v us. Believe we that the "ay we's" Wulfs WFC will be back villa v norwich the vil,a t a lot sooner than they-um think. Norwich played well and Wolves are a fine side. Real Villa fans are concentrating on look here villa v norwich not insulting others.
Aston Villa football club: record v Norwich City
Comment posted by jude nelson, at 26 Dec jude nelson. I can see the haters are on in force. I would like to see Villa have a go at and stick Kodja up villa v norwich Wesley with Jack, Connor, el ghazi and luiz behind them. If nothing else then just to rule Wesley either in or out. Was a massive win. Jack Grealish and Conor Hourihane are only ones on the same wavelength. But Massive problems still, unless he changes these useless signings. Nakamba just abysmal. Luiz useless. Elmo proper defender.
Conor Hourihane - Brilliant. As soon villa v norwich we took Useless Nakamba off and put Conor in his rightful position we were a different team. Class goal made by brilliant football by Jack.
Goals, great example play from Grealish, good to see. More required. Players need to do better. Comment posted by Mark, at 26 Dec Mark. Pity, Norwich seem to be a yo yo club, one or two seasons in Premiership and then straight down.
I hope they keep Daniel Farke, even if they do get villa v norwich. Quite a good manager Not enough money invested in the squad, especially defence. Important win that. Rode our luck at times. Heaton and Hause were villa v norwich for us today. We've now won more games and earned more points than the last time we were in the Premier League.
Just thankful for three more points. We need to just do the basics better, and stop panicking, and life will become a whole lot easier. More comments Back to top. The left side continued to make waves through the Norwich midfield and villa v norwich as Grealish was able to pick up the ball villa v norwich of the 18 villa v norwich box due to hard work by Wesley. The Villa Captain then sliced through the defense while playing the one-two with Hourihane.
The Norwich defense clamped down on to Grealish and the Captain coolly played it try here a waiting Hourihane who put it by the Norwich keeper cleanly. The Norwich response to the goal was lacking and the Canaries could only muster long shots and dead ball crosses.
The Villa looked galvanized by the goal though and the quality increased noticeably. At the 81st minute things began looking a bit villa v norwich as confusion on a Cantwell injury provided Norwich with space to put in cross after cross after a quickly taken free kick.
Aston Villa - Norwich City Live Score, video stream and H2H results
Villa v norwich attacking from end to end continued as each check looked to get one to change the outlook of the game. Aarons was able to get the better of Targett and filla a cross into the waiting Norwich attack.
Alexander Tettey took a shot at point blank range but Heaton responded with an incredible reflex save to keep his clean sheet.
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athomewrebecka · 8 years
2016 World Food Championships Blogger Summit NEWS!
From Left: Kim Banick, Denise Romeo, Suzanne Clark, Debbie Reid, Veronica Callaghan, Lisa Keys, Rebecka Evans
This year at the World Food Championships 2016 Blogger Summit, Bloggers were treated to the WORKS in Orange Beach, Alabama!  
Blogger Summit’s Amy Green, Staff and Mike McCloud owner of MMA Creative, showered fifty Food, Style and Travel Bloggers to luxury accommodations at the TURQUOISE PLACE. Located on some of the most pristine white-sugar, sand beaches in the area. Our accommodations were over-the-top luxury, three bedroom 2400 sq. ft. condominiums, complete with beautiful ocean front views, living room, gourmet kitchen, washer and dryer, outdoor cooking area and hot tub. The master suite was as large as some people’s homes not to mention, the opulent master bath and walk-in closet. Wonderful accommodations, perfect for Family reunions, and holiday travel, left us all feeling very pampered!
Turquoise Place
Sand, Sun and a whole lot of fun!!
Intensive training with Kay Maghan, Public Relations Manager, Gulf Shore, Orange Beach Tourism, Dr. Bill Walton (“Dr. Oyster”) Auburn University Shellfish Lab as well as, Hydrogen Power Project, renewable energy study with President Ted Wampler, Jr. Wampler’s Farm Sausage. We were also treated to a stellar demo by Hormel Chili’s “BroTorch Boys” cooking two dozen hotdogs with a 50 foot flame thrower in the new food trend “Brotorching!” We all got a chance to fire up the Brotorch which was quite exhilarating. Hormel and the Brotorch Boys gifted all the bloggers with their own blow torch! Thanks Hormel! 
Michael Sewall, renowned UK photographer shared tips for food photography. Our final challenge of the day, create a tailgate sandwich with WFC 2016 Food Sponsors, Saucy Mama and Wickles Pickles then photograph our delicious creations. I made an Orange Habanero Pesto Italiano Wrap, it was a giant sandwich, delicious and well received by my fellow bloggers. 
My scrumptious Orange Habanero Pesto Italiano
Brotorch Blogger Summt 2016
Then this happened….Luxury Coffee Break with Chef Brian David Scott and his cup of luxury hand-picked, hand wash, hand roasted coffee. This 5-star cup of coffee cost $1200 per pound. I was quite sure that this coffee was none other than Kopi Luwak aka cat poop coffee however, I was unable to get an answer to the origin of the coffee blend. Needless to say, it was very tasty and a treat but I’d be hard set to pay $1200 per pound to experience it again. Special thanks to Amy Green for this delicious indulgence!!
Luxury coffee break-$1200 per pound coffee
My photo shoot of Wickles Pickles
We had a full day tour of beautiful beautiful Bayou La Batre, Alabama; Murder Point Oyster Farm, the Olympic Shellfish crabmeat processing plant and the Graham Shrimp Company.  That same day we enjoyed some sweet southern hospitality at a Low Country Boil, hosted by Graham Shrimp Company and members of Organized Seafood. We ate piles of fresh oysters, fried and steamed shrimp, potato salad corn and all the fixings, plus homemade banana pudding for dessert. It was some kinda delicious!
Stuffed to the gills, we all rolled back on the bus headed for the Homeport Marina and one of Alabama’s favorite restaurants, LuLu’s. Lucy Buffet is sister to the renowned singer-song writer, Jimmy Buffett and owner of this very popular tourist destination. I honestly didn’t think I could put another bite of food in my mouth after eating that amazing Lowcountry boil but once I tasted the red snapper, I was done for! We learned that the red snapper was the fresh catch of the day and to prove it, all we had to do was check out the FISH TRAX app.
Fish Trax™, an electronic fishery information platform that helps industry, marketers, and fishery managers collect, analyze, and share information that is critical for the success of their fishery.
Developed initially by a collaboration of fishermen and scientists for managing fisheries in near-real time, the Fish Trax™ system has evolved to become an important tool for consumers who want to know more about the seafood they eat –including the origin and harvest area of a particular fish.
Needless to say, we ate some of the freshest fish a restaurant can produce! I’m hoping the idea catches on in other coastal regions.
Lisa Keys
Kim Banick
Chelsea Madren
Chef Roc
Hair Net Ladies
Denise and Becka
Josse Lanzi, Isabel Minuti
Lisa, Becka, Veronica, Kim
Chef Sal and Chef Roc
Chef Anthony Saranno
Oyster Farming
Anthony eating his first raw oyster
Jodi Taffel
Blogger summit was all about World Food Championships 2016. We attended the media kick off in the morning where we met the Mayor and listened to three Experts share their knowledge. Suzanne Clark, owner of Living a Creative Life , award-winning home cook and two-time 10 K winner of the Pasta World Food Championships as well as, TV personality. Suzanne shared insight on what it takes to be a TV personality, and award winning competitive cook. I love that she’s a star and my friend too!! Donna Bennar, owner of SWOON Talent spoke about her agency and shared her tips on how to become a successful blogger and tv personality. We also heard from Darie Loretta O’Connor owner of Try The DisH Radio which airs 9PM CST Saturday’s out of St. Louis on 1380ThePulse!
The Blogger Summit finale was ripe with a food champ judging class and the honor of judging the first round of World Food Championships Dessert category. I’m now a gold card holding E. A. T. certificated judge! EAT™ methodology, the scoring system that allows any WFC entry to be judged consistently using three key criteria: Execution, Appearance and Taste. I’m thrilled to be a certified food judge but I can honestly say that I’d rather be a food competitor than a judge; judging is entirely more stressful! 
At the end of the day, the WFC Blogger Summit 2016 was another wonderful event thanks to Mike McCloud and his staff.  I can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2017. 
Sunset from Orange Beach Alabama
    2016 World Food Championships Blogger Summit NEWS! 2016 World Food Championships Blogger Summit NEWS! This year at the World Food Championships 2016 Blogger Summit, Bloggers were treated to the WORKS in Orange Beach, Alabama!
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that-soccer-guru · 4 years
Do I root for Chelsea? No
Am I excited to see Jessie Fleming on the field tho? YOU BET YOUR ASS
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that-soccer-guru · 4 years
forget arsenal and join the blue legion of terror
no ❤️
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that-soccer-guru · 3 years
I meant how chelsea treated them like shit, no proper locker room, no showers, changed the game ball last minute. This isn’t the first time they treated opponent liek thsi, ada said smth and one time the heater was « stuck » on high in the away changing room so arsenal(the away team) had to have halftime talk on the pitch
wow I hadn't heard that? what the hell!? If you have a link to any article that talks about this or a clip of a video I would appreciate it?
It's not like they didn't know this game was scheduled for today, what gives! I mean look things happen sometimes with facilities but for a game this big and a club that's supposedly leading the pack in England that shouldn't be happening at all.
Hopefully someone looks into this or at least the Bayern directives place a complain bc that's not right.
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that-soccer-guru · 4 years
I kinda have like a 3-in-1 question because it revolves around European footy leagues lol 1) how come a lot of Americans (especially USWNT players) decided to play in Europe this year? 2) what's the difference between FA WSL and UEFA UWCL? Or are they the same thing? And 3) is Kopparberg/Göteborg not part of the WSL? I assumed it was since Sweden is in Europe but when I searched up "FA WSL" Kopparberg/Göteborg wasn't there so now I'm confused. Does Sweden have its own separate league like how the NWSL is mainly American/Canadian based? (I'm aware NWSL accepts international players as well)
Oh! I like this one. Okay:
1. The leagues abroad figured out their safety protocols in time for regular season games. Since the NWSL was only scheduled to have the Challenge Cup, US national team players looking for significant minutes to stay 90min fit decided to sign in Europe to find them. It was just a matter of where they could keep playing.
I'm going to answer 3 first because it leads to 2
3. Göteborg plays in the Damallsvenskan, the top Swedish league. the FA WSL (or Barclays WSL) is made up of teams in Britain. Every country has its own league, and a lot of them have top leagues and 2nd leagues where teams that don't make the point cut get relegated. The Frauen Bundesliga for Germany, the Primera Iberdola (or primera division) for Spain, Ligue 1 in France, Serie A in Italy, etc etc.
and now 2
2. The UEFA WCL is the Women's Champions League. The Champions (and runner ups) of the UEFA teams (Union of European Football Association) compete with eachother for a cup where essentially the winner becomes the champion of Europe. Göteborg won the Damallsvenskan trophy this season so they had a spot in the championship. Chelsea and Manchester City were the top 2 teams of the English league (WSL) so they have a spot too. Spain had Atletico Madrid and Barcelona, and so on (I'll include a picture of the teams in the round of 16 right after this ask).
Every team has international spots just like the NWSL, so any team can have internationals like the league in the states does. However, every country does have a majority of players be "home grown" so most of the people in the WSL are Brits, the Damallsvenskan has mostly Swedish players, and so on. Players are classified as international for most leagues if they're foreign nationals, ie can't play for the league's national team, often they require work permits AND rosters are limited to a few international players per season.
I hope that was what you were looking for! Thank you for the question! Also, the aforementioned picture if the teams remaining in the UWCL round of 16
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that-soccer-guru · 4 years
This is more of a NWSL question idk if you’ll know the answer but worth a shot. Say someone like Macario doesn’t enter the draft and plays in europe for a year then wants to go to the nwsl, can she sign with any team or are there weird restrictions? If there are restrictions are those only for US and CAN based players? Like can Alesia Russo just sign with any team or are there weird rules?
Oh this one is fun and though I don't know the details, I do know that drafting is a murky and often contentious way of picking players.
Catarina Macario is the projected #1 draftee for her pool of graduates, but she has yet to declare for the draft. Until she declares, she's free to sign with whatever team without repercussions. If she gets drafted AND signed by whoever has her prospected pick (Louisville as of my answering this question) then she can only be traded by the team that owns her rights.
That was the conversation surrounding Deyna Castellanos, FSU graduate, and Jessie Fleming, UCLA graduate, who were projected as the top 2 draftees available in the 2020 draft. Both would've also counted as international slots which is slightly different from Macario (depending on her FIFA waiting period being waived. Deyna is Venezuelan and Jessie is Canadian), but both signed to international leagues due to their limited earning potential in the league. Deyna signed a 2 year deal with Atlético Madrid from Spain's Primera Iberdrola Jan 2020, and Jessie signed for 3 years with Chelsea from England's Barclays WSL on July 2020, without ever declaring for the college draft.
IF Jessie or Deyna ever chose to play for the NWSL, they would have to trade into any of the teams like every other player who didn't declare for the draft or didn't attend college in the states, regardless of which team picked their original draft spots, since they didn't declare for the 2020 draft nor did they sign any rights deals with the #1 and #2 draft pick team(s) (the Thorns in this case), and they would take up an international spot since neither player is US born and have caps in their national teams.
Hope that answers your question?
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