ezrisdax-archive · 2 years
study buddies
also here on ao3 (spoilers for s4 finale)
“So,” Tendi drew out the last syllable, “How’s the studying going? Do you need any help? Because I’m here to help, I will be so much help, I-”
“This is counterproductive to being helpful.” T’Lyn cut her off in the same dry manner that Tendi recognized from other Vulcans. “Your time would be better spent studying your own modules.”
Tendi didn’t bother to contain her squeal. “I’ve always wanted a Vulcan lecture on studying!”
That made T’Lyn pause and actually looked up from the padd she was looking at. “That seems…illogical.”
Tendi gasped, squealing again, “And I’ve always wanted a Vulcan to call me illogical! This is so cool!”
There was another pregnant pause before T’Lyn put down her padd and turned to face to Tendi. “I believe it would be best to get what you ‘have always wanted’ regarding Vulcans out of the way so we can pursue our work without distraction. What else have you ‘always wanted’?” T’Lyn tilted her head. “And do you use instinct for this?”
“Oh yeah, totally, mostly I just go with how I’m feeling even if how I’m feeling is like, a total mess. Well I mean not always because sometimes how I’m feeling is like…the stereotypical Orion stuff and I don’t want to be only seen as that you know?” Tendi rambled, “Oh no, have I messed up? What if you don’t want to do stereotypical Vulcan stuff and I’m making you! T’Lyn I’m so so sorry-”
T’Lyn held up a hand, having learned early it was the best way to cut Tendi off. “I feel no attachment to…Vulcan stuff. It is one such problem that led my superiors to assigning me to Starfleet.”
“Oh.” Tendi reached out to put a hand on her shoulder. “I’m glad you’re here. And not just for a study buddy. I think you’ve got some really great ideas we can implement to boost the tricorders.”
“You read my notes?”
Tendi winced, pulling her hand back. “They were just lying around and I thought it was my padd at first and…sorry?” She offered again.
“You do not need to continue to apologise. You believe my process has merit then?”
“Definitely, we should totally pitch this to the Captain, I bet she’d agree.”
T’Lyn looked down at the padd in question and then back up to Tendi. “Thank you.” She opened her mouth to say something else but thought better of it.
Tendi beamed at her. “And if you have any other ideas you can bounce them off me! We’re partners now.” She stuck out her hand to grab T’Lyn’s and shook it.
“Is this symbolic of something?” T’Lyn asked, looking at their hands.
“It’s the beginning of the best science era in Starfleet history!” Tendi exclaimed. “I think we’ll be amazing.”
“I see.” T’Lyn hesitantly curled her fingers around Tendi’s and shook then pulled her hand free. “You were stating before that you had things you always wanted to do with a Vulcan, is forming a partnership one of them?”
“It wasn’t on the list but it’s at the top now!” Tendi said, laughing, “But there’s loads, like, playing baseball with a Vulcan, I read about it on a plaque on Deep Space Nine, and also oooo, cuisine of course but like not replicated not that replicated is bad but I want to experience it from the source!”
“It really isn’t that different-“
“And Pon Farr.”
T’Lyn froze. “You wish…to experience Pon Farr.”
“Well yeah,” Tendi laughed again. “But only with a Vulcan girlfriend or boyfriend and if they’re cool with that. I totally get if they’re not.”
T’Lyn opened her mouth and shut it again. Tendi continued to ramble but the words ran right over her. “You are most illogical.” She finally said. “But if you prove be a worthy partner perhaps that is something we can look in to. Years down the line.”
“Really?” Tendi’s voice got high, her hands flying everywhere as she tackled T’Lyn. “Does this mean we’re dating.”
“Perhaps.” T’Lyn said with as much dignity she could manage from being tackled to the floor. “It means I will consider if such feelings are worth evaluating.”
“So, so, scientifical.” Tendi flopped to the side, finally letting T’Lyn go. “Best day ever. Science and a girlfriend. Don’t worry, I’ll be the best girlfriend possible.” Tendi promised and then sat up. “Oh I should research that! Research session!”
“I thought that’s what a study session was for.” T’Lyn began but Tendi was already up and rushing out of the room, calling Rutherford’s name in excitement with her news.
T’Lyn watched her go, idly wondering what she’d gotten herself in to.
It wouldn’t be so bad however, instinct – whether logical to her other Vulcans or not – told her that this could turn out to be an interesting endeavor.
T’Lyn was certainly up to the challenge.
She glanced at the doorway again and then pulled out another padd, quietly researching herself what made a good girlfriend.
It was after all a logical idea.
72 notes · View notes
antzonian · 2 years
once her hand was held, T'lyn felt the triple heart beat of her soon to be Girlfriend's six valed heart.
Cold hearts club!
20 notes · View notes