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Cafe Half-Caff 1: The Orientation
Hey there! This is the first chapter of my new PJO Percabeth series. It’s going to be a pretty long one based off the plan forming in my head. Absurd amounts of fluff, and hopefully antics ahead. I will be cross posting this to my FF.net account under the same name. This first chapter is a little shorter to gauge interest, and I will be continuing it, but please let me know if you enjoy it so far. It’d help motivate me. =P Anyway, enjoy!
Percy shoved his hands just a little farther into his sweatshirt pockets as a shiver racked his spine. He was really starting to regret not bringing the jacket his mom had recommended. Nestling up in the corner of the doorway, between the glass pane and the slight lip of the brick wall, Percy tried to hide from the wind chill. 7:30 was far too early for orientation. In fact, if he wasn't so desperate for this job he would have seriously considered just looking for another job. Clearly anyone who could schedule an appointment like this had to be heartless.
Pulling out his phone, he stared at the screen through the slight fog of his breath.
Great. Only 28 minutes left to go.
He had spent the past night at his mom's, partially because she wanted to give him some advice to actually keep this job, and partially just because he missed her. Moving out had made him miss her more than he thought he would.
Unfortunately, his mom had gotten a call early that morning that owner of the candy shop she worked at wanted to meet with her, mentioning a promotion. Which meant that she wouldn't be able to drive Percy to work like she had promised, so he could either walk there on his own, or be dropped off early. He had opted for the later, hence finding himself waiting around in the crack of dawn for orientation from some cruel person who would subject him to this.
Mentally, he made a note to never get picked up by his mom again, he refused to lose access to his car. There was no way he would suffer this ungodly fate again. He also made a note never to visit Canada. Any place this cold couldn't be that great.
Sliding down the wall, he got settled in the corner as he pulled his knees up to his chest and shivered in the breeze. It was slowly getting warmer, but his breath was still visible in the fall morning. A yawn escaped his lips as he pulled his hood more over his head. Shifting his weight to get a little more comfortable in his cranny, he let his eyes slide shut.
He wasn't exactly used to waking up this early. He figured he wouldn't pass out, but resting up just a bit before orientation would probably be a good thing. He needed all the energy he could get, especially considering he wasn't the best at learning new things quickly and he desperately wanted to make a good impression.
He would just close his eyes for a moment, that was it.
What Percy hadn't expected to happen, was to feel something nudging his foot. Opening his eyes, he was surprised to see a pair of shockingly gorgeous gray eyes and curly blonde hair staring back at him with an amused smirk.
“You drool when you sleep.” Was all she said before she stood up again.
Quickly wiping away the drool on his face, mentally dying on the inside Percy quickly scrambled to his feet. “Uh- sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep. I'm just waiting for...”
“Orientation, right? I take it you're Percy Jackson, the new guy?” The voice asked, the amused tone still in her voice. “I'm surprised you could sleep in this weather.” She offered, stepping back.
Percy ducked his head, hoping the rosy color in his cheeks looked like wind chill versus the blush that was currently dominating him.
Of course the person training him had to not only wake him up, but also be almost criminally attractive.
“It's early.” He muttered. “I haven't gotten up this early... ever.”
The blonde just laughed, her laugh sounding like wind chimes to Percy. Utterly unfair. She held out one of the two cups she held in her hand. “Here's a peace offering for calling you out so early. I don't know what kind of coffee you like so I got you hot chocolate. I hope that's okay.” She said, her voice trailing off slightly at the end in a hint of worry.
Taking the cup gratefully, Percy took a sip.
“Wait! It's a li-” She winced as she saw Percy flinch. “A little hot...” She finished.
Ignoring the scorching pain and increasing numbness in his mouth Percy smiled. “Thank you... uh...”
The girl's eyes widened as she realized she hadn't introduced herself. Offering her hand, she smiled a bit sheepishly. “Annabeth Chase. I'm one of the two managers here.”
Percy shook her hand, impressed with her firm grip. He quirked an eyebrow. “Manager?” He muttered a bit subconsciously.
A challenging smirk crossed Annabeth's face. “Is that a problem?”
Quickly shaking his head Percy raised his hands in a show of peace. “I'm just impressed. I think we're the same age, and you're already a manager.”
“I've been here for years.” She replied with a slight shrug, though Percy saw the proud grin she was trying to suppress. Looking him over for a minute, she tilted her head slightly. “22?”
“23.” Percy replied.
“Same here.” She offered, before a shiver wracked her spine. “Let's get inside. I'm not like you, I don't enjoy sleeping in the cold. I prefer the nice heater we have.”
She fished out a set of keys as she unlocked the door, holding it open for him.
Quickly ducking into the cafe, Percy looked around curiously. He had only been in there twice before. Both times swarming with customers. Once to drop off his resume, once for an interview with a girl named “Reyna.”
The cafe was pretty simple, but elegant. Most of the outside walls were glass planes, and various booths littered the walls. A spread of tables dotted the floor, all with the chairs upside down on them. The far back wall had the three registers, and the wall of various prepackaged coffee beans. One side of the counter was a massive display case that usually contained various pastries and other food. Behind the display Percy could see what looked like a kitchen window, and the echoes of some sort of kitchen beyond it.
The color scheme was a earthy green and black, very sleek and pleasant. Not too fancy, but also nice enough.
Subconsciously taking another sip as he looked around, Percy winced as he burned the roof of his mouth again. Right. Lava was in his cup.
“It looks completely different in the morning without all the people here. Much cleaner and organized, I wouldn't get too used to it though.” Annabeth offered as she unwrapped her scarf and moved behind the counter. “You coming? Or are you deciding what to order.” She teased.
Percy had jumped at her voice, momentarily forgotten she was there. Luckily he hadn't squeezed too hard because he really didn't want to spill burning coffee all over himself on his first day. He had made enough of an impression already.
He followed her a bit nervously towards the back, starting to feel some nerves set in.
Annabeth lead him to a small room off to the side of the back. Inside was a table, some lockers, a sink, and a fridge. It was small, but organized well. It felt bigger than it was, much like the front of the shop.
“This is the break room. Your locker is the top right one. You can bring a lock if you like, but we all trust each other here. Nothing's gone missing yet. Well, aside from some food from the fridge. I'd put your name on that.” She offered, a light-hearted smile on her face.
Annabeth quickly deposited her bag into her locker.
Quickly pulling off his hoodie, Percy bunched it up and put in the back of his locker. When he freed his head, he could have sworn he saw Annabeth's eyes staring at him for a moment, but a heart beat later and she was looking down at a phone so he figured he was imagining it.
He dumped his keys in the locker as well before he closed it, turning around to find Annabeth leaning against the table.
“I heard good things about you from Reyna. I'm sure you know this, but she's the other manager. Also the only person aside from the owner who has been here longer than me. A bit of advice, I'd try to stay on her good side. She's a nice person, but she takes her job seriously and will do what it takes to keep this place as successful as it has been. You do good work, and you'll be treated well.” Annabeth offered with a friendly smile.
Nodding, Percy made a mental note of that.
“But... I read that this is your 5th job this year?” Annabeth asked, raising an eyebrow with a relatively neutral expression.
Percy's head drooped again. Great. Lifting it, he looked back at her with a sheepish grin as she scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah, I have... bad luck. Trouble has a way of finding me, or so I hear. I promise you I will work hard.” He said a bit too earnestly. He needed this job. He couldn't go home to his mom with bad news again.
Annabeth studied him for a moment carefully. “I believe you.” She said after a moment. She nodded to herself, as if satisfied with the answer to another unspoken question. “We'll just have to keep you out of trouble then.” Pulling out a bag from another locker, she tossed it at him. “You said you were a medium, right? Put that on and meet me in the front. There's a bathroom over the-” Her voice trailed off.
Percy raised an eyebrow, in the middle of shimmying the new shirt on, his old one discarded onto the table. Realizing he probably should have just stripped his shirt off in front of his new manager, he quickly pulled it down. “Sorry! I'm sorry. I just wanted to be quick...”
“It's” Annabeth's coughed once. “It's okay. I just wouldn't do that around Hazel.” She offered, turning and walking away quickly.
Percy could have sworn her cheeks had looked a little pink. He paused for a moment to drop his head against the lockers with a soft thud. He had known his manager for all of 10 minutes and he had already screwed up so many times. If he made it through the day it would be a miracle.
Quickly following his new manager out, he saw her starting to flip the chairs back down so he joined her.
“Normally you most likely won't be opening, but it's easier to teach you the ropes before everyone gets here. Easier to answer questions, the like. Speaking of which, please ask questions. I'd rather answer your question, than clean up your mess.” Annabeth explained, a smirk on her face.
Percy nodded, setting down another chair. “So... Reyna mentioned I was a waiter?” He asked, a bit confused. Most cafe's didn't have waiters of this size.
Nodding, Annabeth motioned for him to follow as she moved back behind the counter.
“You'll be a waiter/cashier. We usually get pretty busy during the days, so when things are hectic we'll have you be a runner. We also may have you be a cashier if it's slower or we need the extra hands at the registers.”
Percy nodded, a clearly a bit nervous. Handling money was a scary prospect for him. He saw Annabeth purse her lips for a moment before she scooted over and gestured. “Here, it's not that bad. I'll teach you the ropes.”
About ten minutes later, Percy had managed to successfully enter three orders. Annabeth beamed next to him, clasping a hand on his back. “Good job. You'll get the hang of it in no time, and we won't leave you stranded while you learn. I'll be here if you get stuck or have questions.” She promised.
Grinning in return, Percy turned to face the blonde. “You're a really good teacher. I'm not sure many other people could have taught me that.”
Annabeth just scoffed. “Give yourself more credit. You're smarter than you think.”
Before Percy could reply, there was a knock on the door. Instantly his heart sank to his stomach. He wasn't ready for the day yet.
Sensing his distress apparently, Annabeth just laughed. “Don't worry. It's just Leo and Hazel. One of our chefs, and one of our bakers respectively. They have to get here early to prep for the day.” She explained, moving over to open the doors and let them in.
They had both been in the middle of some conversation when they froze and saw him.
“Hey there new guy! I'm Leo. Don't worry, I'll take you under my wing.” The Latino boy said happily as he walked in, offering a big grin and a wave.
The younger girl walked up closer, offering a friendly smile. “Nice to meet you, my name is Hazel. You're the new waiter, right?” She asked, with a slight tilt to her head.
Nodding, he highfived Leo who seemed to be holding out for him, before turning to Hazel. “Yeah. My name's Percy. Nice to meet you.”
Hazel just nodded. “By the way, what's your favorite pastry?” She asked, a slight glint in her eye.
Percy was caught off guard, but thought for a moment. “Probably those bear claws. The ones with the apple in them?”
Hazel nodded, still beaming. “I love those too! That's good to know.” She said, a slight wink before she headed towards the backroom with Leo.
Annabeth just grinned. “Don't worry, you'll love them. Leo's a bit crazy but he's a good cook. Hazel is also a bit young, but our best baker. Her treats are to die for. If she offers you one, never say no.” Annabeth said with a laugh.
Percy nodded. “Right.
Reaching under the counter, Annabeth handed Percy a half apron. “Here, this will be useful. Today will be just you and Jason. But it's also our slowest day of the week so we shouldn't have too much traffic. Speaking of which...” She trailed off as she moved to let two more people into the shop.
A blonde boy and a girl with a feather in her hair both entered the shop.
“Oh! You must be the new boy. I heard Reyna talking about you. I'm piper, pleased to meet you.” She said, offering a handshake. Immediately she walked over to one of the espresso machines and started making something.
“Piper, we're not supposed to make ourselves drinks.” Annabeth warned half-heartedly.
“Don't worry, I'm making you one too. Besides, you owe me this, calling me in early and everything.” She said.
Annabeth just rolled her eyes, but didn't argue. Seeing Percy's amused, and slightly confused expression the manager decided to explain. “We've been friends since high school. That's why she doesn't show me any respect. She's also the primary cashier usually, and works the espresso machines.”
“When she's working, our job is pretty easy. She's quick and customers love her so our lines are shorter.” The boy offered. Offering a firm handshake he continued. “Jason. I think I've seen you around campus. Swim team, right?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Percy nodded. “Yeah. You... soccer, right?”
Jason nodded as well. “Yeah.”
Annabeth clicked her tongue. “Swim team.” She muttered to herself, as if she had answered a question that had been plaguing her.
Piper walked over, and whispered something that had Annabeth's cheeks turn red and had her swat her best friend's shoulder. “I could have you fired for that.”
“Nah.” Was Piper's only response.
Annabeth rolled her eyes, taking the drink offered. “No respect. Don't pick up those habits from her Percy.” She warned, half teasing.
A grin crept on Percy's face. It seemed like this place would be pretty fun. Which was a relief, considering he planned on sticking with this job as long as fate would let him.
“Anyone else coming in today?” Jason asked as he returned from the break room, tying his own half apron around his waist.
Annabeth thought for a moment. “I think Reyna wanted to drop by at some point and check in on how Percy's doing. Frank has mid shift, he'll be by later. Aside from that, other than the evening crew, it's just us.”
Still standing there a bit awkward, Percy perked up as he smelled something amazing starting to come from the back room.
“That'll be Hazel's magic. She's a magician in the oven, I swear.” Jason offered, sniffing the air himself.
Laughing slightly, Percy felt his nerves ease ever so slightly.
“We're opening up in thirty.” Annabeth announced, returning from her office with a clipboard. “Percy, come with me. We have some more paperwork for you to do. Jason, take care of front prep please? Piper help him out.” Annabeth instructed as she moved Percy back towards the break room.
They all offered some form of acknowledgment as Percy saw begin some well rehearsed routine.
About twenty five minutes of tedious paperwork later, Annabeth finally straightened the stack on the table before she put it away. Offering him a sympathetic smile, she cocked her hip. “That's done with finally. Now you can legally work here and all that. And...” She checked her watch. “Just in time.”
Leading him back out, Percy was surprised by the different atmosphere in the cafe. There was the subtle smell of a mix of baking and food from the back kitchen area that made the place more inviting. Coffee was boiling from the front, and all the tables had been wiped down and looked ready to go. Jason was sweeping a bit, and Piper was filling out some log near the registers.
“Here we go.” Annabeth said, glancing over at Percy.
Apparently the sense of dread and fear that washed over him was visible as he felt Annabeth rest a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Hey, it's going to be okay. Jason will have your back today, and we're all here if you need help. You'll do fine, don't worry. I'll cut you some slack today.” She said a playful tone masking a genuine promise.
Percy felt his nerves calm down to a dull throb and nodded. He could do this. He wouldn't screw this job up like the others. Too much was riding on it, and he was honestly looking forward to working with everyone.
Moving to the front, Annabeth offered him one last friendly grin before she flipped the close sign to open.
“We're open now. Good luck everyone.”
That’s the end of the first chapter! Kinda short for what you can expect, but I’ve been super eager to get this out. I really hope you guys like this, and some of you get as excited for this as I am! Thanks for reading and please look forward to the rest!
#percabeth#pjo#percy jackson#Annabeth Chase#Cafe Half-Caff#I'm super excited for this#I think this is going to be a really fun one#I have quite a few ideas planned out for this
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Gregg Berhalter confirms Gio Reyna's first USMNT call-up, explains omission from Olympic qualifying
NEW YORK — Gio Reyna's star continues to rise. After breaking into Borussia Dortmund's first team at the age of 17 this winter and providing a game-winning assist against PSG in his Champions League debut last week, the young American starlet is about ... source https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.mlssoccer.com/post/2020/02/26/gregg-berhalter-confirms-gio-reynas-first-usmnt-call-explains-omission-olympic&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHzhmNjA0ZmY0ZDA2NmEyMjM6Y29tLmJyOmVuOlVTOlI&usg=AFQjCNE37SXjBbQaQk1WdF6YcrXHScMaPg via Blogger https://ift.tt/2TgPN3S
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“Let Him First Cast a Stone at Her”
Two occurrences in this early morning:
(1) I brushed off Ms. Len when she asked if I could deal with her bank deposit on my way, since yesterday I experienced the worst long wait ever. That particular bank has poor manpower and technology. Now I regret letting that opportunity to help pass me by.
(2) Reyna’s all anxious again from her mistakes at work. She thinks they’re minor and careless, but it’s exactly the simplicity of the mistakes that makes her feel bad about herself. Simple mistakes that she could have avoided, she thinks.
To Reyna:
Kung may mag-judge man sa iyo, sabihin mo walang kwenta siya JK HAHA
[If anyone ever judges you tell them they’re fucking useless JUST KIDDING HAHA]
Sabi nga ni Jesus sa Christianity, "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."
[Jesus of Christianity did say,...]
Remember, walang may karapatan na husgahan ka. Ginagawa mo ang pinaka-best mo, at alam mo yan.
[Remember, nobody has the right to judge you. You do the very best that you can, and you know it.]
Pero kung gusto mo ng improvement anyway, pwede mong i-note nalang yun para new habit na haha "always doublecheck" :) Malamang magkakamali ka pa rin kasi di naman tayo robot, pero magiging mas konti na probably ang frequency! :D
[But if you want to work on self-improvement anyway, you can note it instead to turn it into a new habit haha “always double-check” :) You will certainly still make mistakes since we aren’t robots, but you’ll probably less frequently miss it! :D]
I still feel bad about Ms. Len hahahuhu
Oh wait! She responded in e-mail! Yay she would like to take my re-offer of doing that deposit (as long as it’s on the wayy)
From Ms. Len:
Wait for a moment.I will go there.Thank you very much.
To Ms. Len:
Thank you so much for taking the trouble! Noted!
2019-02-28 08:40 Philippines Thursday
I am seriously trembling, fuck.
I am overwhelmed with excitement as I crave for this social development.
Ms. Len and I hugged. She said sorry for the trouble, but that she also really appreciates it, because two secretaries that sit adjacent to her cubicle like to pick on her schedule. They spread weird rumors about her taking too long with errands (and are suspecting that Ms. Len is busy chatting with people and having fun despite it being the time for work.)
So this is quite a help in saving her time. I told her not to mind them. I love them as individuals, but they’re letting their perspectives run over Ms. Len this time. Those two are known for having less responsibilities as Ms. Len as people also say that they are unreliable or slow. Which makes them not understand how Ms. Len can possibly have so much errands/responsibilities to be running out and back to office the whole day.
For people who some others belittle, they should understand what Ms. Len must be feeling if they just try. :<
People just like to pick on other people. Especially if they don’t think getting to know others better is worth their time. Let’s try to break the cycle, shall we?
2019-02-28 09:32 Philippines Thursday
I ran into Richel, one of my cousins, who is now in her early college years. I was able to properly express my pleasant surprise. It’s been so long that I thought we’d have a lot of troublesome ice to thaw between us but hey, we were good. I told her that I missed her (and I didn’t know that until I said it), and she met me with similar enthusiasm and told me that she and her family would actually love to have lunch together with me someday.
I thought I’d be allergic to her since ever since I left home, I hid from my relatives ( I didn’t like to be talked about or pried on, and I didn’t want unnecessary burden on my dad and everyone although I think this absence of mine might have just worsened the gossip fuel haha) But we were cool. She didn’t know how to talk to me but in the spur of the moment I initiated so that was a surprise.
I wonder if I should take them up on that offer? I dislike feeling like I have to explain myself, but isn’t that exactly what socializing is about? Helping each other understand each other?
Okay, a part of me still doesn’t want to, but I guess I should. If they initiate of course. I am technically sent the invitation through someone else’s intention, but I don’t want this gathering to be started by me because then it would be as if I want to push my ideas onto them.
Mission: Share Your Opinion.
2019-02-28 11:27 Philippines Thursday
Waaah. I couldn’t share my opinions at our meeting. I couldn’t even speak up or make a sound. Even when Dr. Virg started lightening up to me with jokes on my silence.
I just didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t relate to them. Worse, I couldn’t find my voice. My voice was also weak even when it was Dr. Seth asking. I guess the whole, general air can give so much effect on comfort. I saw them somewhat as a group of people I couldn’t relate to.
Retirement? Salary? Nationwide competition? The only thing I could relate to was that scandal they talked about around a certain graduate who lied for years to their parents regarding studies and even graduation. That student made up a lot of stories which sounds so familiar to me because my brother did that before.
So I could only empathize. Troubled, repressed individuals who don’t know who to go to for help. Or just plainly can’t because they’re no t used to asking for help.
I couldn’t speak because I’d just be adding fuel to their gossip.
I had no idea what to do at all, although I did my job right when it’s about business.
I don’t understand what Dr. Virg and some others in the room expect from me. If they were in my position, I wonder what they would talk about? I could be the clown/joker and say some pretty stupid things just to get a laugh and a level of comfort, but that wouldn’t be me.
Hm. Whatcha think, reader?
I really believe now that small talk is important, but what could I possibly talk about? I’m clueless here...
All I can think of for now, is improve the volume of my voice. Be adventurous with it. Don’t let their expectations intimidate you.
But I’m severely lacking in improvisation in this case. Strange.
Do I really just lack information? Is that it? But their topics are too irrelevant to me.
Seriously, what do you say to:
“Ey, Lobo. You and Phoebe should be hosts to this event. Haha!”
Don’t worry it wasn’t an attack. Or at least that’s how I heard it. Phoebe is an apparently soft-spoken staff member. I could only smile or chuckle along.
I have no idea what to say. Hm. If I do have to give an opinion though, I’d ask if the event was undercover because I’m too quiet to host it. I wonder if they’d relate though. I have pretty weird contextual language, just like anyone does when there’s a huge gap in culture.
What if, instead, I say, then the event would be chaos, because I'd make a pretty speechless and therefore powerless host. Hosts exist to control the flow. I exist to observe the flow.
...too serious? This has always been a kind of problem haha
I like this part of me, but most don’t relate.
But I think I’ll try my second idea next time. My way of showing affection is adding some flavor and insight into things.
WAIT. I think I found another hole. I’m too busy looking for a short response, since I know they don’t think of me highly yet for me to steal more than a minute out of one turn.
(1) Do they actually think that? If so, there’s nothing to do about it. I can only shut up, or be fake.
(2) Maybe they don’t think that. If so, then I should give myself a push and try.
(3) The truth is that I really just don’t know what they think; So I must try, and keep trying. Unless it’s really evident that (1) is true, then that’s the time I drop it.
I should give it tries.
Mission: Steal Time, Test Waters!
But I still think I wouldn’t have gotten this idea at the time, since I keep thinking about the comfort levels of the other speaker and what they are probably expecting out of me. So, a revision of the previous mission:
Mission: Share Your Opinion (Think Underlying Concepts)
2019-02-28 15:14 Philippines Thursday
Huh. I don't feel so attached to Karu now, even though it's nighttime.
I'm actually pretty happy and excited on my own.
I'm genuinely excited for his gig tonight and for his net gigs, and for his new flute!
Even though I won't get to hear it until maybe a weekend morning.
You know what? I don't feel bad at all. I watched a few short films, snd then manga, and then pondered for a bit on what I could develop in that collab story I have with Nynaeve.
And I'm going to bed pretty darn happy.
I am absolutely comfortable right now.
It feels so free to rid yourself of unnecessary reins.
Chains that shackle unnecessary burdens like self-expectations, obsessions, self-depreciation, etc...
Why did I want Karu home at night before again?
The anxiety was triggered by extreme loneliness and envy. Unforgiving to myself for having such feelings, I would beat myself up and fixate on things about myself, and then I wouldn't be able to stop with the obsessive thinking if I didn't remember to do my calm spell and breathing exercise.
Now, I just have peace. Freedom. So much freedom that I find it easy to set other people free. Set Karu free.
I guess it's hard to find peace if you're looking for it. Peace is in everything around you; in everything that taught you important lessons; in everything that you love to do; in everything that you discover new.
You don't do tricks and hacks to get the peace of mind that you crave for; you just do things for reasons that actually matter to you—you do things for getting better, and for growing up.
Don't rush it, but don't delay it.
Don't resist it.
Literally be yourself and always find ways to enhance yourself.
This was Pa's truest words, when he wasn't held down so much by the pressures of society: (I was crying tears at the age of 19, having experienced my first of societal/social failures—flunking a subject.)
"I don't need you to be the best out of everyone. I want you to be the best of yourself."
2019-02-28 22:41 Philippines Thursday
What is this. I'm still not afraid of getting up in the morning!
Because how do I know it’s all gonna work out? I don’t.
2019-03-01 06:00 Philippines Friday
PS watch Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse!
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Fimmta umferð Skákhátíðar MótX var tefld þriðjudagskvöldið 6. febrúar. Þessi umferð var sú æsilegasta á mótinu hingað til, þrungin þvílíkri spennu og flækjum að við lá skammhlaupi í taugakerfum teflenda frammi fyrir agndofa áhorfendum.
A flokkur
Efstur fyrir umferðina var Suðurnesjamaðurinn geðþekki, Björgvin Jónsson, með 31/2 vinning en hann sat yfir að þessu sinni. Á efsta borði öttu stórmeistararnir Jóhann Hjartarson og Hjörvar Steinn Grétarsson kappi í rammaslag miklum. Jóhann tefldi byrjunin hratt og náði þannig forskoti á tíma er reyndist skipta máli þegar á leið. Eftir mannsfórn Jóhanns á g7 kom upp gríðarflókið tafl þar sem Hjörvar Steinn hafði tvo menn fyrir hrók en möguleikarnir voru svo margslungnir að erfitt var fyrir mennskan heila að tæma stöðuna. Hvortveggi fékk færi á að hrifsa til sín vinninginn en að lokum veitti Jóhann betur. Vel tefld skák en ekki hnökralaus.
Á öðru borði mættust stórmeistararnir og Huginskapparnir Hannes Hlífar og Þröstur Þórhallsson. Hannes, sem stýrði hvítu mönnunum, langhrókaði og náði sóknarfærum gegn kóngi svarts. Þröstur varðist þeim hótunum fimlega en upp kom að lokum endatafl þar sem veikleikarnir í kringum kóng svarts riðu baggamuninn.
Jón Viktor fékk snemma betra tafl og vann peð gegn Baldri sem varðist af útsjónarsemi en varð að játa sig sigraðan. Helgi Áss kom Halldóri Grétari á óvart í byrjun með óvenjulegri leikjaröð. Hann náði smám saman tökum á miðtaflinu og vann mann og þar sem Halldóri Grétari tókst ekki að tryggja frípeði sínu sæluvist í himnaríki 8. reitaraðarinnar voru örlög svarts ráðin. Jón L. fékk þægilegra tafl gegn Oliver, tefldi markvisst eins og hans er háttur og knúði fram sigur í endatafli.
Örn Leo tefldi af mikilli varfærni gegn Þorsteini Þorsteinssyni sem vann mann með lúmskri gildru. En Arnarljónið var ekki á því að láta í minni pokann heldur braust inn bakdyramegin hjá bóndanum á Steinastöðum og knúði fram jafntefli. Kristján Eðvarðsson lagði Bárð Örn laglega, Ingvar Þór sveið félaga sinn í Hugin, Sigurð Daða, peði yfir í endatafli og Vignir Vatnar sigraði Guðmund Halldórsson nokkuð snaggaralega.
TR-ingarnir Björn Þorfinnsson og Daði Ómarsson sættust á skiptan hlut og sömu sögu var að segja af Huginskempunum Ásgeiri og Lenku þar sem Ásgeir náði ekki að ryðja sér sigurbraut í örlítið betra endatafli.
Skákhátíð MótX – Úrslit 5. umferðar Nafn Stig Vinn. Úrslit Vinn. Nafn Stig GM Hjartarson Johann 2536 3 1 – 0 3 GM Gretarsson Hjorvar Steinn 2565 GM Stefansson Hannes 2523 2½ 1 – 0 3 GM Thorhallsson Throstur 2418 IM Gunnarsson Jon Viktor 2466 2½ 1 – 0 2½ Kristinsson Baldur 2185 FM Einarsson Halldor Gretar 2236 2½ 0 – 1 2½ GM Gretarsson Helgi Ass 2441 FM Johannesson Oliver 2277 2 0 – 1 2 GM Arnason Jon L 2457 IM Thorfinnsson Bjorn 2400 2 ½ – ½ 2 Omarsson Dadi 2275 FM Sigfusson Sigurdur 2228 2 0 – 1 2 FM Johannesson Ingvar Thor 2352 Johannsson Orn Leo 2200 2 ½ – ½ 2 FM Thorsteinsson Thorsteinn 2327 FM Stefansson Vignir Vatnar 2304 2 1 – 0 2 Halldorsson Gudmundur 2174 FM Asbjornsson Asgeir 2267 1½ ½ – ½ 1½ WGM Ptacnikova Lenka 2218 FM Ulfarsson Magnus Orn 2371 1½ – – + 1 FM Jonasson Benedikt 2248 CM Birkisson Bardur Orn 2190 1 0 – 1 1 Edvardsson Kristjan 2184 IM Jonsson Bjorgvin 2349 3½ ½ not paired IM Jensson Einar Hjalti 2336 2½ ½ not paired FM Ragnarsson Dagur 2332 0 ½ not paired
Áhugaverðar viðureignir í 6. umferð
Jóhann Hjartarson og Björgvin Jónsson eru efstir að fimm umferðum loknum með fjóra vinninga hvor. Í humáttina koma Hannes Hlífar, Helgi Áss og Jón Viktor sem situr yfir í 6. umferð. Þriðjudaginn 13. febrúar kl. 19.30 verður baráttunni haldið áfram. Hannes Hlífar hefur þá hvítt á Jóhann Hjartarson en takist öðrum hvorum þeirra að sigra, nær sá forystu á mótinu fyrir 7. og síðustu umferðina. Á öðru borði mun reyna á þrætubækur skákfræðanna þar sem Helgi stýrir hvítu mönnum gegn Björgvini. Sjá aðrar viðureignir hér:
Skákhátíð MótX – Viðureignir 6. umferðar 13. febrúar Nafn Stig Vinn. Vinn. Nafn Stig GM Stefansson Hannes 2523 3½ 4 GM Hjartarson Johann 2536 GM Gretarsson Helgi Ass 2441 3½ 4 IM Jonsson Bjorgvin 2349 GM Arnason Jon L 2457 3 3 FM Johannesson Ingvar Thor 2352 GM Thorhallsson Throstur 2418 3 3 FM Stefansson Vignir Vatnar 2304 FM Thorsteinsson Thorsteinn 2327 2½ 2½ FM Einarsson Halldor Gretar 2236 Omarsson Dadi 2275 2½ 2½ Johannsson Orn Leo 2200 Kristinsson Baldur 2185 2½ 2 FM Johannesson Oliver 2277 Edvardsson Kristjan 2184 2 2 FM Jonasson Benedikt 2248 WGM Ptacnikova Lenka 2218 2 2 Halldorsson Gudmundur 2174 FM Ragnarsson Dagur 2332 ½ 1 CM Birkisson Bardur Orn 2190 GM Gretarsson Hjorvar Steinn 2565 3 not paired IM Gunnarsson Jon Viktor 2466 3½ not paired IM Thorfinnsson Bjorn 2400 2½ not paired FM Ulfarsson Magnus Orn 2371 1½ not paired IM Jensson Einar Hjalti 2336 3 not paired FM Asbjornsson Asgeir 2267 2 not paired FM Sigfusson Sigurdur 2228 2 not paired
Hvítir hrafnar
Lítið var flogið í Hrafnabjörgum í 4. umferð. Kapparnir Jónas Þorvaldsson og Friðrik Ólafsson sættust á skiptan hlut en skákir Braga Halldórssonar gegn Jóni Þorvaldssyni og Björns Halldórssonar gegn Júlíusi Friðjónssyni verða tefldar 13. febrúar.
B flokkur
Gauti Páll, sem hafði unnið allar fjórar skákir sínar, mætti Agnari Tómas Möller í fimmtu umferð. Úr varð hörku skák. Agnar Tómas tefldi byrjunina mjög vel og í eftirfarandi stöðu þurfti Gauti Páll að láta mann fyrir tvö peð:
27. – Bxe5 28.fxe5 Rxe5 29.De2 Rc4 30.Bg5.
Í tímahrakinu náði Gauti Páll að slá til baka og í þesari stöðu átti hann rothögg:
39. – Hf2!!
En í stað þess kom 39. – f5 40.Rd4 Hc4? (hérna var aftur hægt að leika Hf2 eða Rg4+ með þráskák) 41.Df4 og liðsyfirburðir hvíts skiluðu honum öruggum sigri.
Á öðru borði tefldu Blikarnir Birkir Ísak og Stephan Briem vel. Birkir ísak hafði betur að þessu sinni og hefur unnið fjórar skákir í röð. Siguringi heldur áfram með gott mót og sigraði Björn Hólm örugglega.
Sigurður Freyr var með mun betri stöðu gegn Hilmi Frey þegar maður datt í hafið og þrátt fyrir álitlega sókn sem fylgdi í kjölfarið þá héldu varnir Hilmis og hann sigldi vinningnum örugglega í höfn.
Úrslit í B-flokki í 5.umferð Nafn Stig Vinn. Úrslit Vinn. Nafn Stig Moller Agnar T 1925 3 1 – 0 4 Jonsson Gauti Pall 2161 Johannsson Birkir Isak 1760 3 1 – 0 3 Briem Stephan 1890 Sigurjonsson Siguringi 2034 3 1 – 0 2½ Birkisson Bjorn Holm 2084 Jonatansson Sigurdur Freyr 1642 2½ 0 – 1 2½ CM Heimisson Hilmir Freyr 2136 Mai Aron Thor 2066 2½ 1 – 0 2½ Davidsson Oskar Vikingur 1854 Mai Alexander Oliver 1970 2½ 1 – 0 2½ Omarsson Kristofer 1744 Sigurdsson Birkir Karl 1934 2½ 1 – 0 2½ Luu Robert 1680 Halldorsson Kristjan 1889 2½ 0 – 1 2½ Ulfsson Olafur Evert 1784 Sigurdarson Alec Elias 1373 2 + – – 2 Einarsson Oskar Long 1785 Davidsson Stefan Orri 1280 2 0 – 1 2 Heidarsson Arnar 1592 Birkisdottir Freyja 1483 1½ ½ – ½ 2 Alexandersson Orn 1366 Briem Benedikt 1464 1½ 0 – 1 1½ Eliasson Kristjan Orn 1846 Gunnarsson Baltasar Mani Wedhol 1268 1½ + – – 1 Hilmarsson Andri Steinn 1606 Sigfusson Ottar Orn Bergmann 1096 1 0 – 1 1 Gudmundsson Gunnar Erik 1491 Steinthorsson Birgir Logi 1080 1 – – + 1 Johannsson Hjortur Yngvi 1472 Haile Batel Goitom 1421 ½ + – – ½ Karlsson Isak Orri 1307 Jonsson Olafur Gisli 1856 2 ½ not paired
Eftir fimm umferðir eru fjórir skákmenn jafnir og efstir með fjóra vinninga: Gauti Páll, Siguringi, Birkir Ísak og Agnar Tómas.
Margar spennandi viðureignir verða í sjöttu umferð:
Round 6 on 2018/02/13 at 19:30 Nafn Stig Vinn. Vinn. Nafn Stig Johannsson Birkir Isak 1760 4 4 Sigurjonsson Siguringi 2034 Jonsson Gauti Pall 2161 4 3½ Mai Alexander Oliver 1970 CM Heimisson Hilmir Freyr 2136 3½ 4 Moller Agnar T 1925 Ulfsson Olafur Evert 1784 3½ 3½ Mai Aron Thor 2066 Sigurdarson Alec Elias 1373 3 3½ Sigurdsson Birkir Karl 1934 Heidarsson Arnar 1592 3 2½ Jonsson Olafur Gisli 1856 Birkisson Bjorn Holm 2084 2½ 2½ Omarsson Kristofer 1744 Alexandersson Orn 1366 2½ 2½ Halldorsson Kristjan 1889 Gunnarsson Baltasar Mani Wedhol 1268 2½ 2½ Davidsson Oskar Vikingur 1854 Eliasson Kristjan Orn 1846 2½ 2½ Jonatansson Sigurdur Freyr 1642 Luu Robert 1680 2½ 2 Einarsson Oskar Long 1785 Gudmundsson Gunnar Erik 1491 2 2 Davidsson Stefan Orri 1280 Johannsson Hjortur Yngvi 1472 2 2 Birkisdottir Freyja 1483 Haile Batel Goitom 1421 1½ 1 Sigfusson Ottar Orn Bergmann 1096 Steinthorsson Birgir Logi 1080 1 ½ Karlsson Isak Orri 1307 Briem Stephan 1890 3 not paired Hilmarsson Andri Steinn 1606 1 not paired Briem Benedikt 1464 1½ not paired
Háspenna og Gordonshnútar í 5. umferð Skákhátíðar MótX Fimmta umferð Skákhátíðar MótX var tefld þriðjudagskvöldið 6. febrúar. Þessi umferð var sú æsilegasta á mótinu hingað til, þrungin þvílíkri spennu og flækjum að við lá skammhlaupi í taugakerfum teflenda frammi fyrir agndofa áhorfendum.
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