#t: main theme [don't starve: shipwrecked]
vgtrackbracket · 5 months
Video Game Track Bracket Round 1
Main Theme from Don't Starve: Shipwrecked
Last Stand from FTL: Faster Than Light
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xplrvibes · 11 months
In your opinion, what are the top 5 most emotional Sam and Colby videos? Not including the cancer video cos that one would defo be no 1 on all lists lol.
Well shit, taking the cancer video out of the running really threw this list for a loop, lol.
Ok, so I actually included videos from their personal channels on here as well, simply because I honestly don't know if I could come up with 5 from the main channel lol. I don't know how often they get emotional while hunting ghosts.
This list is the best I could get without using the obvious choice:
1, The Chernobyl Series
I mean, the babushkas. They live all alone in a radioactive warzone and are just starving for visitors. They talk about how they don't even see their kids or grandkids that often, and you know these strangers who go there to essentially gawk at them are their only source of human interaction.
They got so excited for the boys to come that they prepared a veritable homemade feast for them, then apologized for it not being good enough. They got the boys drunk and made them (namely Sam) cry. It was just all around emotional. Every ounce of their interaction with the babushkas was emotional on a level that you don't really see too often with snc.
That alone would've guaranteed this series a spot in the top 5. But the actual story of Chernobyl, the way snc went about presenting it, interviewing the liquidator and their tour guide, Misha, who survived it all...it was just wonderfully done and very, very emotional.
2, Best Friend Gives Me First Tattoo (25x25)
I mean, come on. Colby decides to go and apprentice to be a tattoo artist so he can give Sam, who has always expressed fear about getting tattoos, his first ever one. Sam trusts him with this terrible idea so much, that he allows Colby to choose the design and agrees to be blindfolded while Colby is tattooing him.
Mind you, Sam went into this with 0 tattoos, and is allowing his first one to be done by his non-professional friend while he is blindfolded.
When its done, Colby tells Sam that he wants to match him, and that he (Colby) wants Sam to tattoo him as well. Now, Sam has done 0 training and is a little drunk by this point.
But that's the trust Colby has in Sam.
So, now they have matching 25's, and they get their actual professional tattoo artist friend to up the ante and give them a second set of matching tattoos - the ripple of water, which symbolizes them living in the moment.
This whole video, while out of the norm as far as their editing and production style goes, really just highlights the absolute trust they have in each other and this friendship standing the test of time.
3, (tie) "A Video to Future Colby Brock, my Best Friend | Sam Golbach (2017)" and "A Video to My Future Best Friend, Sam Golbach | Colby Brock (2017)"
These two go hand in hand, really, even though they are two different videos on two different channels, so I am including them as one. (If you've never seen them before, watch Sam's first, then Colby's).
Now, full disclosure, I have not watched either one of these in a long time, so I don't remember all the details of what's said in them. But, I know that when I read this ask, these were actually the first videos that popped into my mind, so they definitely must have made an impression in my subconsious, if nothing else lol.
The gist of these is that Sam made a video directed towards a Colby twently years in the future, telling him what future Colby means to him. Colby then responded with a video of his own, telling present day Sam what he means to him.
It's a love fest, lol.
4, Our Terrifying Shipwreck Experience (25x25)
Honestly, the first several 25x25 episodes before they gave up and got discouraged are a good look into snc's psyche, and follow a general theme, which is facing your fears and anxieties, and doing those things you've always wanted to do.
But this one has some suspense and intrigue and near death to it (which actually would've made it a good candidate for the intense videos list, had I included 25x25 stuff on there lol), and because of that, there are a lot of earnest moments of reflection, fear, and triumph over anxiety to it.
It's not a tear jerker, perse, but it is a good emotional story if the emotion you are looking for is nearly dying doing the thing you're most scared to do...and then doing it AGAIN.
5, I Got Robbed - Part of my 2021 Story | Colby Brock
I just plain old feel bad for him on this one, lol. His little journal entries that he wrote to try and remember the journal entries that he lost...epsecially knowing that he got into journaling in the first place as a way to combat his anxiety, only for that to be taken away...this is emotional in that "oh damnit, now I feel bad" kind of way lol.
(Disclaimer: I did not include the first episode of the new Conjuring series on here, partially because I feel that would've been as obvious a choice as the cancer vid, and partially because I plain forgot about it until I wrote all these up and didn't want to change anything lol. Sorry 'bout that)
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