#switzerland vip
the-swissmister · 2 years
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Holiday Cheers 🥂 #champagne #holidays #holiday #christmas #leather #hermes #birkin #geneve #geneva #genf #switzerland #schweiz #suisse #veuveclicquot #style #fashion #vip with @anacarmo777 @hermes @veuveclicquot @eatswitzerland (at Hermès) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cliv4_PNYJT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vipvantransfer · 4 months
Luxuriöser Chauffeurservice Schweiz: VIP-VAN-Transfer
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Erleben Sie den Inbegriff von Luxus und Sicherheit mit dem Chauffeurservice von VIP VAN Transfer in der Schweiz. Unsere erfahrenen Chauffeure sorgen für eine Reise voller Opulenz und Sicherheit und führen Sie mit unübertroffener Professionalität durch die atemberaubenden Landschaften der Schweiz.
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Entdecken Sie die Schönheit der Schweiz mit Stil und wissen Sie, dass Ihr Komfort und Ihre Sicherheit für uns oberste Priorität haben. Begeben Sie sich mit VIP VAN Transfer auf eine Reise in die Erlesenheit, wo jeder Moment von Luxus und Raffinesse geprägt ist.
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Calm After Storm
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Hi guys!
It was way too long since I didn't write for Leah, so here is a sweet little thing.
I'm so happy Arsenal won yesterday, even if I almost cry three times and had two hearts attacks. And of course I think about Frida, hopping she's ok :(
TW : Lover fight, Angst.
Leah is intense. Always have, always been and that’s how you love her. You love how much she can be passionate about everything she’s doing. You love her love for football, for her family, for her friends. She is always here to help her relatives for everything. She’s here for her grandmother when she needs help for groceries, she’s here when her mother can’t walk their dog, she’s here to get her brother to the airport at 8 in the morning even if she played a game the night before, she’s here to support her teammates through injuries.
She’s everywhere she can be, at every time.
You, in another hand, you’re calmer. You’re a little shy and need some time to observe the people you don’t know before opening up. You are as affectionate and attentive to your loved one than Leah, but in a more discreet way.
Those differences are the meanly reasons of why you didn’t understand at first why Leah seems interested in you. You met her thanks to your friend Lotte and Leah took the time to talk to you every time you came to watch Lotte plays. When Leah did her ACL, she attends almost every game, and you talk a lot during this time. That’s where she asks you out for the first time, after having asking Lotte if you are into girls.
You said yes, obviously.
If you didn’t think that Leah must be interested in you, you were deeply charmed by the personality of the blonde. She’s funny, intelligent, great to talk to and you have a lot in common. And yes, you must admit that you find her unbelievably attractive. Like almost half of the population but hey, you’re just a girl.
Leah kissed you at your second date. She asks you at the fourth to be her girlfriend and introduce you to her family after six months of dating. Of course, they already have known about you. And you knew them thanks to the Arsenal VIP room. But it was the first official diner with the Williamson and relatives.
You are not living together for now, but you find yourself a lot at each other’s house. You love being at Leah’s, everything smells like her. But she loves being at your house too. At Christmas, Leah gave you the keys of her house and you gave her the keys of your flat.
You love her, a lot. And you know that she loves you back, even if those precious words were never pronounced to each other. At least you both know that you care for each other. A lot.
That doesn’t mean you never fight, to be honest. Not later than yesterday, you had a really stupid argument about something really stupid. But with Leah’s stress about football and her comeback and your proper tiredness thanks to your job, it was sometimes happening. Some means words were exchanged, and Leah ended up leaving your flat, slamming your door.
Stubbornly, you decided not to write to her. In your opinion, she was wrong, and it was even more wrong to leave the way she did. You were hurt a little bit too, by the argument and after by the fact that Leah didn’t call you or at least send you a message. Not the same night, not the day after.
Almost two days later, you still didn’t have talk to each other. You ask casually to Lotte how Leah is doing when you have her on the phone. But your cousin answers that she was Switzerland in your love life and that she didn’t want to be involved in anything. Unless it’s for marriage or children. So, basically, you don’t know how Leah is today.
You saw the video and the pictures posted by Arsenal’s admin on Instagram, but that’s all. You choose not to go to the game, not sure that Leah wants you here. It’s an important game though, so you decide to watch it on TV. Leah’s starting and it’s strange to see your girlfriend’s face on your TV screen. She’s focused, her glare well fixed on her face. Her blue eyes are piercing her opponents.
But that doesn’t help Arsenal to win today. It wasn’t a big loss, but it was a loss anyway. Leah seems particularly sad, and you feel your heart cracks. So, you decided to jump in a jean, in your car and to go to Arsenal’s stadium. Leah gave you a pass to access to the parking lot, so you just use it to get in it.
You know that Leah went to the game with Beth, so you’re not surprised not to see her car. But, when you get out from yours, you can’t help but feel a little bit uncomfortable. What if Leah doesn’t want you here? Maybe your idea wasn’t as good as you thought at first. You almost decided to leave when Leah passes the door.
She’s looking at the ground, not listening to Beth or Laia Codina who are walking with her. The other blond spots you first and elbows Leah who looks at her. Beth then points in your direction and when Leah spots you too, she seems as surprised as she is relieved.
You don’t move, only waving shyly at her. She gives you a little smile in return, turning into Beth to says her something. You don’t know what it is, but Beth rolls her eyes and push Leah in her direction with her hand before mimic a kick in the ass.
“Hello” you say softly when Leah is next to you.
“Hi” breaths Leah.
You reach out to take her bag, putting it on the back seat of your car. Then you went to opens Leah’s door, but you cross her eyes, and she seems so upset that you can’t do nothing against that. So, you reach out to her again, so that she can grasp it this time. And, when Leah almost jumps on your hand, you take her delicately against you. She hugs you back, putting her face in your neck almost immediately.
“You played good” you whisper after some seconds.
“You weren’t here to watch” Leah objects, her face still in your neck.
“I watched you on TV.”
At your explanation, Leah pushes herself even more against you and you tighten your arms against her. No one like to lose obviously, but you’ve never seen someone with such an ability to take all the blame on themselves. You know that tomorrow, Leah would pass half of her day watching the game, analyzing her mistakes and noting them in her notebook. You hate that damn notebook.
“You still watched me?”
You can’t help but smile, hearing how small your girlfriend is when asks you that question. Leah Williamson, captain of England and Euro champion looks like a little girl right now. No one ever saw this part of Leah, or her mother only maybe. But you do.
“Of course.”
You could have tease her and answering that you wanted to watch Katie, but it wasn’t really the good timing. Leah takes a deep breath and release you, looking attentively at your face before trying another smile. You smile back and stroke her hair before nodding at your car.
“Can I take you home?”
“I’d love to.”
You don’t really talk during the journey to your house, but Leah captures your hand in hers almost immediately. She strokes your fingers and plays with your ring all along, looking out by the window. You let her, knowing with time that she needs some quiet sometimes to figuring things out.
When you get out of your car, you take Leah’s bag with one hand, your girlfriend’s hand with the other and go to the ascensor. In it, you can smell Leah’s shampoo and that’s make you smile. The blonde surprise your smile in the mirror of the ascensor and you just shrug. She doesn’t have the time to question you though, the doors opening just after.
“Do you want to order pizzas? Or I can go to Tesco to take you a ham sandwich if you prefer?”
“Nah, pizza is good Babe. Don’t worry”
You let Leah orders your diner, using this time to wash her dirty laundry before heading back to the living room. Leah had made herself comfortable, lying on your couch. But she stands when she spots you, making you frown.
“We need to talk. About our fight.”
You feel your face fall, hopping to never discuss your fight again. You hate fighting with Leah, and you hate the way you feel after. You were hopping that you can have like a silence contract to forget it. Plus, the We need to talk sentence is never really good. But Leah seems to understand really fast what’s happening in your head, because she takes your hand when she sits down on the couch again, taking you with her. You are almost sitting on her lap when she talks again.
“I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. I don’t even remember why the fight start, but I shouldn’t have left like that. It was childish and I’m really sorry. Are you still angry with me?”
You shook your head negatively, relieved to learn that Leah doesn’t want to break up or something like that.
“No, I’m not. To be honest, the same night I was more sad to sleep without you than angry.”
“Why didn’t write me?” Leah asks with curiosity.
“I wasn’t sure you’d answer me and I was afraid I’d be even sadder.”
Leah sighs softly, stroking your back. Her eyes are looking at you with intensity and you bite unconsciously your lip.
“Do you want to know a secret?” Leah asks you soon after.
You nod, taking advantage of your position to cuddle against her. Leah puts her chin on top of your head, and you can hear her heart when she talks again.
“I was sad too. I was hopping you will come to the game but when I didn’t see you, I realize how much I fucked up. And after the game, all I was thinking is that I will have to deal with the loss all alone. Almost everyone was going home to their partner and mine was probably angry at me. I just wanted to go home and hide under the cover. When I saw you in the parking lot, I was thinking of the best way to apologize and get you back. I knew it was my fault, but it didn’t ease the sadness of it, it was even worse I think.”
“Don’t say that” you mumble “It was my fault too. We were both arguing.”
Leah hums and you look up at her before kissing her cheek. It was nice to know how much your presence means to Leah whether it’s during the games or at home. You love being here for her obviously.
“But we’re good now, right?”
Leah smiles, with her real smile and you feel your heart fluttered.
“We’re good, my girl.”
Then you kiss her for the first time since the fight and you get lost in your embrace. The kiss is sweet, tender and you feel like floating somewhere above the ground. Maybe your exchange will change in something more passionate if your pizzas weren’t already here.
You eat them in front of the TV, but still cuddling against each other. Leah finishes her pizza first and takes you more against her soon after. She kisses your cheek several times, not really interested in the movie she picks before. When you feel teeth against the skin of your neck, you decide to forget your meal to roll on your girlfriend.
Leah smirks, happy to have all your attention and catch your lips in an intense kiss. You whimper, surprise by the intensity of it but didn’t waist time to answer it.
“Thanks for coming for me tonight.”
Leah whispers it way later, when you were under the cover of your bed, almost asleep. The pizzas were eaten, you forgot the movie to better activities and after that you took a hot bath.
 Leah’s body is warm against yours and you hum at first for only answer.
“My pleasure” you mumble, half-hiding your face in her.
You yawn and Leah start scratching your neck, just like she knows you like. You only need thirty seconds to fall asleep after that. Leah needs a little more time, but she watches you sleep to pass time. She knows she’s lucky to have you and she swears to herself not to leave you angry anymore.
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michellemisfit · 17 days
Happiest of birthdays to our dear @energievie who created today's birthday themed tag game. WHOOP WHOOP! 🥳
Thanks for the tag @deedala 🎉 @gallapiech 🤩 @vintagelacerosette 🙌
When is yours? 1st March
Where were you born? Switzerland.
How do you feel about your legal name? Are you using it online and/or IRL? Michelle is a nice name. I'm perfectly happy with it. I do however absolutely hate the Beales song I was named after. Think it's one of their worst songs. And I regularly forget that I have a middle name, not even cause I hate it or anything, purely because I think it's pointless. It's Aline.
How about your sign? Do you feel it "fits"? I'm Pisces. And I guess so..? I don't really know much about signs, but people who do tell me it fits, and I believe them. @celestialmickey - come and weigh in! haha
What's your earliest memory related to your birthday? Weirdly enough my earliest *birthday* memory that comes to mind is actually my brother's birthday, when he turned maybe 6? And I would have been 3? My parents had a weird thing about getting me small gifts on his birthday, because I was younger and they didn't want me to get upset I guess? Anyway. There's a photograph of him blowing out his birthday candles and me holding a little sheep stuffed toy that I got for his birthday. I remember loving that sheep a LOT! For my first birthday memory I actually don't really have one until about age 6 or 7? I had a birthday party in our party room and my mum made me invite the whole class, even though I wasn't friends with anyone at school. One of the girls gave me a doll as a present and I genuinly just didn't know what I was supposed to do with this thing and had no idea how to react when I unwrapped it... it was very awkward and I'm sure I was less than graceful. Not the best memory lol
What's one of the best gifts you've ever received? When I first moved to London I felt like I was required to go back to Switzerland for birthdays and Christmas celebrations, even though those were difficult, associated with a lot of bad memories, and never ever fun. I moved to London at the beginning of October with a suitcase of clothes and not much else, and we pretty immediately went on the Dirty Pretty Things break up tour, so i didn't even sleep in my new London room very much for the first 8 weeks. Going back to Switzerland for that Christmas was particularly hard because I hadn't been in London for long, I had barely any stuff that belonged to me, and there was a certain feeling of 'maybe it was just a long holiday, and I'm gonna wake up and live in Switzerland again', because I did a lot of extended holidays to follow bands around the UK in the two years leading up to my move so... yeah, it was rough. And then when I returned home to London Ruth and her mum had bought me my own bedsheets (zebra striped), and made up the bed in my room, and put a big bow on it, and I'm basically in floods of tears just thinking about it now. They made me a home that I was welcome in. And I’ll never forget that.
How about one of the best you've given yourself? I honestly can't think of anything that was a "birthday" gift to myself. hmmm. When I quit smoking I put £5 into a jar every day, that I wasn't spending on cigarettes, and then Ruth and I went to New York and attended Elsie Fest with my 'No Longer a Smoker' money, buying VIP tickets that came with awesome seats and a tonne of free booze... that was EXCELLENT! haha
What's your favourite cake flavour? Not a big fan of cake. I like raw cake batter an awful lot better than actual cake. So I now always ask for chocolate mousse for my birthday :)
How about your favourite flowers? Wild Flowers. And I quite like interesting twigs, too.
Have your ever thrown a birthday party? If yes, tell us about your favourite one. Oh yeah, I throw awesome parties. Here's just a few recent ones, or you can check out the Mys in the Kitchen tag for what may get served at my birthday parties... haha Though actually a couple of years post pandemic I wanted to have a brithday party, but keep it small and covid friendly, so I had a Cocktail & Cookie Icing party, which was so much fun!! I highly recommend everyone to throw a party at least once in their life, that includes like a fun workshop element. We had such a good time!
What's the ultimate birthday song?
Because it’s my birthday and people have to let me play it haha
There we have it! Birthday fun! Now it's your turn @deedala @ian-galagher @iandarling @darlingian @celestialmickey @crossmydna @too-schoolforcool @rereadanon @rutherinahobbit @the-rat-wins @tsuga-of-mars @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx x @iansw0rld @ohkate @palepinkgoat @lynne-monstr @loftec @sickness-health-all-that-shit @faejilly @junemermaid @jrooc @mikhailoisbaby @creepkinginc @francesrose3 @callivich @blue-disco-lights @sleepyfacetoughguy @stocious @spookygingerr @lingy910y @suzy-queued @greentealycheejelly @thepupperino
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musialasmaid · 3 months
A Small Gift ♡ Florian Wirtz
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summary: florian has a small gift for you after his match
warnings: none
The sun was shining brightly over the packed stadium, the air buzzing with excitement as the crowd eagerly anticipated the start of the game. You sat in the VIP section, nervously fiddling with the jersey you wore—Florian's number boldly displayed on the back. The moment was almost surreal, watching your boyfriend, Florian Wirtz, prepare for another pivotal match. Today, Germany was playing against Switzerland, and the stakes were high.
Florian had given you the jersey that morning, a playful grin on his face as he pulled you close. "For good luck," he had said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I need you to be my lucky charm today."
Now, as you watched him from the stands, you could see the determination in his eyes, the way he moved with precision and purpose during the warm-up. Your heart swelled with pride and love, knowing how hard he had worked to get to this moment.
The whistle blew, signaling the start of the match. The game was intense right from the beginning, both teams displaying incredible skill and tenacity. You cheered loudly, your voice blending with the roar of the crowd as Florian made a brilliant pass that led to Germany's first goal. The excitement was contagious, and you found yourself on the edge of your seat, heart pounding with every play.
Half-time arrived with the score tied, and you took the opportunity to stretch your legs and grab a drink. As you made your way back to your seat, you noticed a familiar face making his way towards you—Florian's coach.
"Hey, Y/N," he greeted with a smile. "Florian wanted me to give you this."
He handed you a folded note, and you thanked him, your curiosity piqued. As you unfolded the paper, you couldn't help but smile at Florian's familiar handwriting.
"Meet me by the tunnel after the game. I've got a surprise for you."
Your heart raced with anticipation, and you spent the second half of the game trying to focus on the match while wondering what Florian had planned. Germany and Switzerland continued to battle fiercely, but in the final moments, Florian made a spectacular move, scoring the winning goal. The stadium erupted in cheers, and you jumped to your feet, screaming in joy and pride.
As the final whistle blew, the celebration began. The German team congratulated each other on the field, and you made your way down to the tunnel, your heart beating with excitement. You spotted Florian waiting for you, his face lighting up as he saw you approach.
"Hey, you," he said, pulling you into a tight hug. "Did you enjoy the game?"
"I loved it," you replied, beaming up at him. "You were incredible out there."
Florian grinned, his eyes twinkling with happiness. "Thanks. I have something for you." He reached into his bag and pulled out a small box, handing it to you with a nervous smile. "Open it."
You took the box, your hands trembling slightly as you lifted the lid. Inside was a delicate necklace with a small, intricately designed pendant in the shape of a football. Your breath caught in your throat as you looked up at Florian, tears of joy welling in your eyes.
"Florian, it's beautiful," you whispered, touched by the thoughtful gift.
He smiled, taking the necklace and fastening it around your neck. "I wanted you to have something special to remember today. You're my lucky charm, Y/N. I couldn't do any of this without you."
You threw your arms around him, hugging him tightly. "I'm so proud of you, Florian. I love you."
"I love you too," he murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Now, let's go celebrate. This win is for both of us."
Hand in hand, you left the tunnel and joined the team in their celebration, your heart full of love and pride. The victory was sweeter because you had shared it together, and you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you and Florian would face them as a team.
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just to put the abysmal attendance at the olympics into perspective: i am from a neighboring country and wanted to attend some games. tickets were not available in my country apart from vip packages for several hundred euros each. no idea why they did not offer general admission here but i looked on at least four different occasions and it was always the same.
oh yikes! that's really unfortunate, anon. you would think they would have better deals available, especially if the seats eventually end up going unsold. but alas, it is what it is.
it's unfortunate because even if you forget that it's the olympics, these are international match-ups between nations that we just don't see very often, so the opportunity to see a colombia, japan, or brasil v. spain doesn't happen as often as seeing spain vs. another european nation.
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i get that excuse for 10 years ago, but with the growth of women's football worldwide, the olympics carries a lot more weight for women's football compared to the men's tournament. it just does. and there haven't been very many women's tournaments compared to the men over time and the olympics has been one of the longstanding ones, in which the entire senior national team competes.
the attendance reminds of when i went to my very first world cup in canada in 2015 and my friend and i were at one of the host cities in which canada played (edmonton) and all the locals we interacted with had no clue the world cup was being held, let alone canada was playing! 😂
thankfully things have changed since then because even though new zealand is not a women's football country, it really felt like the country embraced the tournament! and of course, it was a crazy fun situation in australia!
but again, that's why i was a little disappointed to see the attendance figures in paris. hopefully, switzerland 2025 will make up for it. even if everything will be super expensive! start saving now! 🙈
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bokutosmochi · 2 years
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itadori yuji x fem!reader
"two orders of astronaut ice cream for itadori yuji and @yuujispinkhair please!"
ingredients? after crushing on you since you were first years, itadori finally makes a move.
what's it? fluff
allergen warnings? n/a
sugar level? 1k
regulars? @tokyometronetwork @tahonet
parlor's note? i really like this one. i feel like yuji's really in character -- adorable, absolutely precious, and the biggest gentleman
bon appetit!
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gojo sighed into his fist for the nth time, but itadori was too engrossed in his thoughts to notice his sensei growing annoyed -- a rare occurrence since the white haired sorcerer was usually the one to cause all the annoyance.
"itadori-kun, you've liked her since you were first years. don't you think it's time to make a move?"
the question made the man in question blush.
he has liked you for a while now. a long while. as gojo said, itadori has been infatuated with you ever since the both of you were mere first year students, all too innocent, and - itadori especially - all too eager to lead non-shamans to proper deaths. and now, you two were adults, already having graduated from tokyo metropolitan jujutsu technical high school. what was clear as day was the fact that one, gojo was still somewhat itadori's mentor, and two, the pink haired man is still deeply enamored with you.
as itadori was about to open his mouth with a reply, his sensei from back in the day interrupted him, pulling out two rectangular pieces of paper from his uniform pocket. "this was supposed to be for me and suguru, but he already had another date planned."
and with that, gojo walked away -- either to get away from itadori's lovesick rambling, or to leave his former student with no choice but to ask you out.
cinema pathé
she's the man [2006]
starring: amanda bynes, channing tatum
cinema pathé is a theater in switzerland which offered vip bedroom screening rooms. theaters which had beds that could accommodate two people instead of seats. each ticket was priced at $48.50, but not for itadori, as per gojo. for itadori, the tickets came at the low, low price of the both of you taking gojo's mission in switzerland.
it was supposed to be easy enough. that was what gojo told you, but of course, he didn't actually mean it.
you had some trouble with the curses present because there was a number of them; one special grade and a couple of first grades, matter of fact. itadori volunteered to exorcise the most powerful one before helping you out with the first grades which worked, before you got overwhelmed by their number.
nevertheless, with itadori's help, you were able to accomplish your mission and tend to the movie tickets.
"gojo-sensei got these for us, it would be a shame if we didn't use them. they're pretty expensive, after all." he grinned at you. "besides, i watched the trailer for she's the man, and it looks like a really good movie!"
"yeah," you hummed out. "i think i've heard of she's the man before."
the cinema was colder than the usual one, but thankfully, they provided thick blankets with the bed which helped warm you up; well, it helped warming up itadori, at least. you on the other hand, still felt cold and shivery.
you were able to keep your teeth chattering to yourself at the start of the movie, but when the funny parts would be shown on screen, your shakes would make your laugh sound funny. nevermind how you were also in so much discomfort it was almost painful.
this did not escape itadori, ever the gentleman.
he peeked at you from the corner of his eye - like he always does - and frowns at what he sees. you were cuddled up onto the grey sheets, but your face shows the fact that you were still cold. he could also faintly make out your shaking figure and the movement under the covers when your hands ran up and down your arms in an attempt to warm you up, but to no avail.
"here, take my hoodie." he strips off the yellow piece of clothing and hands it to you without a second thought, sporting his signature heartwarming grin.
as much as you wanted to take it, "n-no, itadori. y-you don't have to."
"i want to, though." his smile was unwavering much like how it was throughout his life. it was one of the things about him that you admired the most; his ability to see the good in everything and love passionately even with the cards life has dealt him. he was such a strong character, and not just physically.
your ice cold fingers longed to get it from him and put it on. you had to press them to your side to assure they won't grab the garment of clothing being offered to you.
"b-but if i get it-t-t, then you're gonna be the one who's c-c-co-cold."
his cheeks brightened up at that, turning into a bright shade of pink that matched his hair. "well, i kinda only bought it just in case you would need it, so.."
your eyes widened at that, not expecting those words to spill out of his lips. it was sweet, definitely sweet, and you could feel the way your heart fluttered in your chest. the only problem was that itadori took your silence the wrong way. "i'm sorry! is that weird? i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable!" the people around you hushed him and he flinched, smiling at you sheepishly. "i'm really sorry if that came across as cre-"
"no," you interrupted him, shaking your head rapidly. "it's nice. just took me by surprise a little bit." you said quietly, taking the hoodie being offered to you and shrugging it on. "it's really cold though, so why don't we compromise." you smiled up at him, shuffling closer so you snuggle into his broad chest. "i think this is much better."
"yeah," he breathed out, heart beating so fast he's scared it's going to escape out of his ribcage. he hopes you don't feel it, but you do. the only thing was your heart was beating fast as well, its pace matching his as one. "i think so too."
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i get: reblog
you get: gojo's latest mission
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The World Economic Forum is a (self-anointed) global thought leader on politics, sustainability, innovation and equality.
In fact, I actually know the World Economic Forum quite well, I’ve worked with them professionally dozens of times; we’ve collaborated on important projects, we’ve shaken hands, sat around tables and pretended to laugh at each other’s jokes. I’ve even scaled the icy mountains of Switzerland to spend the week documenting the ultra-VIP Davos conference.
Their Global Gender Gap Report is a highly anticipated and respected annual barometer for how the world is doing on its meandering journey toward equality. But with no sense of irony, the report’s methodology is itself, systemically sexist.
So, let’s turn the beady eye of equality onto those pointing the finger, is the GGGR sexist and how?
It’s time to say GG, to the GGGR
Read it for yourself - https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGGR_2021.pdf
[1] https://www.theguardian.com/education/2021/aug/13/girls-overtake-boys-in-a-level-and-gcse-maths-so-are-they-smarter
[2] https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/global-study-on-homicide.html
[3] https://www.scielosp.org/article/bwho/2014.v92n8/618-620/en/
[4] https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/mars-vs-venus-the-gender-gap-in-health
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keanuquotes · 7 months
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UK + European 2024 Tour
We’re coming back to Europe & the U.K. this Summer!
So stoked to announce our new headline tour in Spain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom
General on sale starts on Friday, February 16th at 10am local.
A limited quantity of VIP Soundcheck packages will be available at all headline shows. Check out below for the package details. 
Click below to view all upcoming tour dates - including the previously announced festivals in Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia & Serbia  🤙
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ask-a-w · 6 months
Aeon Honeymoon
Summary: Leon and Ada finally go on their long-awaited honeymoon. Fluff and romance ensues. Sequel to Change of Plans.
Since Ada had painstakingly planned their surprise wedding in the summer, Leon took it upon himself to handle their honeymoon. They had shortlisted a handful of locations and the blonde got down to work to choose where they would be spending their first vacation abroad as a married couple. 
He even insisted on packing his wife’s luggage too, not wanting to spoil the surprise of their final destination. The only thing he hinted was that she should dress warmly on the day of departure which made sense since they were leaving during December. 
After dropping off their pet Cobalt at Hunnigan’s house for cat sitting, the Kennedy couple made their way to the airport, driving carefully through the light snowfall. Ada watched the windshield wiper sweep periodically across the screen with a soft thump. Even though she knew Leon would reveal the answer at the airport, the anticipation from waiting was at a fever pitch. 
“Where are we going, handsome?” She couldn’t contain herself. 
He reached over with his free hand and linked their fingers together reassuringly. “You’ll find out soon.”
Fifteen minutes later, Leon parked his Cadillac into a slot at the airport’s long term parking, and pulled out a couple of boarding passes from his jacket pocket. 
Ada took them into her hands and glanced at their intended destination. “Switzerland, huh? Are we going to ski and snowboard?” She gestured  to the trunk at the back, “I hope you packed my thermal underwear too.”
He gave her a lopsided grin which she loved. “We can do that and yes, I did.”
The blonde proceeded to get their belongings and after ensuring his car was locked, they made their way into the airport terminal to check-in. Ada was not expecting Leon to direct them to the first class line though. 
“You spoil me,” she whispered to him once their bags were sent away and they were ushered into a lounge for first class passengers after going through security. 
“A honeymoon is a good excuse to splurge.” Leon replied as they found a cosy corner to wait. “I’m sure you miss this, don’t you?”
Pursing her red lips slightly, Ada furrowed her brows in thought, mentally calculating the cost of this trip. She knew being a government employee wasn’t a profession to be rolling in money. “I’ve had my fill of the high life and now I’m content to be with you, wherever that might be.” She looked into his blue-grey eyes earnestly with a smile, “Thank you for doing this though, I really appreciate it. Just know I’m not expecting extravagance every time.”
Her husband nodded. Despite being married for six months and having seen her demonstrate her capacity for kindness through the years, he was still touched by how thoughtful she was. “You’re not bankrupting me, beautiful. Just relax and enjoy our holiday.”
With that, Ada went ahead to browse the buffet spread in the lounge. Upon spotting her favourite dish of lamb shank, she made a beeline towards it. Leon saw hot chocolate was available too and he dispensed mugs for both of them. He grabbed an empty plate, knowing his spouse would split some of her food with him. 
As he predicted, Ada cut up her share of food and transferred the rest to him. She was pleased to have her sweet tooth sated with their current beverage. They ate and made idle conversation, occasionally looking out at the tarmac and watching the airport staff do their work. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy? We will lead you to boarding shortly,” a young man in a suit stopped by their table to address them and they nodded, gathering their carry-on and personal items. All eyes were on them and the other first class passengers as they felt like VIPs being escorted through the airport, straight past the boarding gate and into the aircraft. 
Both of them did not have to walk very far upon entering the plane, their suites were located in the first couple of rows. Instead of cushy seats that could lay completely flat like one would expect traditionally in first class; they each got a somewhat enclosed space to themselves. On one side was a plush, leather seat angled towards a huge flat screen monitor while the other was a flatbed. There was plenty of storage space and Ada managed to stow her carry-on into the cubby hole on the side of the bed. 
They were divided by a partition between both suites and were informed that it could be lowered to combine both suites into a double bed. It was a mini bedroom in the sky. This was truly an epitome of luxury. 
In his initial excitement to book first class airfare, Leon overlooked the fact that he would not be able to sit beside Ada for the flight. However, the blonde noticed his wife looked quite content with the seating arrangements, and so concluded that he made the right decision. Seeing those red lips quirk upwards into a smile always made his day. She was taking in the furnishings like a fish to water and Leon felt his wife deserved to be pampered once in a while… 
The Kennedys shed their coats and partook in sweet champagne as they waited for the rest of the passengers to board and soon enough, the plane took off and they were on their way. Meal service commenced immediately once they reached cruising speed and it was the first time Leon experienced fine dining in the sky. 
At least he did not have to remember which utensil to use as they provided a new set of cutlery for each course. No wonder Ada chose not to overindulge in the lounge buffet earlier, she knew a feast would be awaiting for them on the plane. The lobster thermidor followed by pistachio ice cream laid on some deconstructed pieces of granola and gold flakes stumped Leon momentarily. Even the state dinners at work didn’t have such ostentatious presentations. 
He only wished that he was able to dine together with Ada as they were still separated by a barrier. The blonde could imagine that his wife would be teasing him for being out of place amongst fancy silverware. 
Meanwhile, Ada was thoroughly enjoying herself and was reminded how much she missed the high life. However, it would have been a lonely one if he wasn’t there. Sharing experiences together as a married couple was something she now looked forward to. It just wasn’t the same without him around. Watching the wondrous sparkle in his eyes when she brought him to newfound places made her day.
With a small sigh, she reluctantly finished her meal. The flight attendants cleared the dishes and started the turn-down service, transforming her suite into a bedroom. Ada only wished they could move faster instead of impressing her with their meticulous movements of lowering the mattress without a sound or smoothing out the sheets to ensure there were no creases. When the divider was finally lowered, she caught sight of Leon’s handsome face and shot him a smile. He returned it with equal enthusiasm. 
Matching pyjamas along with slippers were laid out and thank goodness there were two bathrooms in first class; neither of them would have to wait for the other. Ada leaned over to give Leon a quick kiss before grabbing her toiletry bag, sleepwear, and heading off to the bathroom. 
Even in first class, the bathroom turned out to be about three times the size of a regular airplane lavatory. There were leather furnishings too and a LED mirror. The only thing that was missing was a shower. Now that would be luxurious. Feeling eager to spend time with her husband, Ada promptly removed her make up and brushed her teeth. The pyjamas were silky smooth and clung nicely to her form. To her surprise, she was the first to return back to their suite. 
She sat down on the mattress and found it to be a little firm for her liking. Furthermore, there was the annoying divider between both mattresses which would definitely be a hindrance to their comfort. Ada got back up and rummaged through her carry-on, pulling out a beach towel and rolling it into the shape of a log. She wedged it between the beds and hoped it would provide enough cushioning. 
Leon returned not longer after, his breath smelled faintly of peppermint as they kissed once more in their mini sanctuary. It was quite a sight to see him in long sleeves at bed time since he frequently went to sleep shirtless or in a tank top. Hopefully he would not find it too constricting. 
The couple slipped under the covers just as the cabin lights dimmed to a shade of navy blue and little pinpricks of light dotted the ceiling, simulating a starry night. They shuffled their bodies around for a while, trying to settle into a comfortable position as best as they could. 
Eventually, Ada nestled her head just under his chin while he loosely wrapped an arm around her waist. The towel managed to prevent them from feeling the hard divider. “Comfy?” Ada whispered, glancing at Leon's handsome face in the dark. 
He shrugged in response and softly replied, “Trying to. I can’t sleep well in planes in general. Flat beds while flying seems like a novelty.”
“Maybe I should commence your initiation into the club,” she murmured.
Leon raised an eyebrow. “Club?”
“The mile high club.”
He looked incredulously at his wife. 
“It’ll help you sleep,” was all she said. 
“The suite isn’t fully enclosed and I don’t want to get kicked off the plane…”
“We are in the air, where would they kick us to?” She asked with a touch of mirth in her voice. 
Leon could only swallow nervously. 
Silence was her only answer and she kissed his chin. “It was just a suggestion. I’m not forcing you,” she replied before turning away, letting him spoon her into his embrace. It did not help that as Ada shifted in his arms, her ample bottom kept pressing up against his groin. Leon fought his body’s natural reaction to her and he bit his lip, trying to distract himself. 
The plane suddenly shuddered a little as it encountered some unexpected turbulence, causing Ada to keep rubbing up against a bulge that was now gradually swelling up. A ding sounded soon after as the seatbelt sign was lit up. Both reluctantly parted and retreated back to their own beds as they clipped the restrictive seatbelts over their respective blankets. 
They stayed awake as the plane continued to lurch, both ready to execute a plan B should things go down, literally. Ada reached over and laced fingers with Leon’s, having to settle for a chaste gesture of touch. He squeezed her fingers in return and held them firmly. After a few tense moments, the situation calmed down and the seatbelt sign was switched off. 
Leon unbuckled his own seatbelt before reaching over to unclip his Ada’s, pulling her body close to him. The sweet fragrance of her perfume permeated his nostrils, and the blonde relaxed after a few inhales of her scent. “Let’s sleep…” he murmured into her ear as she got comfortable once more, settling her back against his broad chest. 
The loud breathing in her ear ten minutes later made it clear that Leon was not going to succumb to the sandman. Furthermore, he kept drawing circles on her waist, keeping her awake. “Seems like someone’s restless,” Ada turned her head around and whispered. 
“Hard to settle down after turbulence,” came his reply and Ada felt the stirrings of an erection against her pants. She could only smirk and proceeded to use the same trick earlier where she shifted on the bed to get comfortable. 
Leon’s breath hitched for a second and he said, “I’ve re-considered your invitation.”
“Hm? To what?” Ada asked coyly. 
“The mile high club, beautiful.” The hand at her waist began to sneak under her top, seeking her breasts which were pleasantly bare, much to his delight. His fingers brushed against a nipple and Ada sighed. Leon responded by kissing her ear, “Shh.”
So, he wanted to stay quiet huh? Challenge accepted. It was now a war of wills as their hands roamed everywhere, stroking each other in intimate places under the blanket and stifling their moans. 
Both managed to get their pants and underwear off without fanfare as Ada laid on her towel while Leon still cuddled her from behind. His manhood was nestled between the junction of her thighs and he rolled his hips into her impatiently. Ada acquiesced by raising one of her legs and he slid a hand along her thigh, holding it in place as he tilted his pelvis and brushed the tip against her wet entrance. 
The blonde continued to frustrate her as he kept teasing, repeatedly rubbing himself along her labia but not giving her what she wanted. Ada grabbed a hold of him instead and skimmed the underside of his penis with her thumb, occasionally sliding up to play with the sensitive slit. 
Leon stilled and hissed through his teeth, making his wife grin triumphantly. He retaliated by pinching her nipple with his free hand and Ada had to suppress a squeal. 
“Truce?” Ada asked breathily and he nodded in agreement. 
Both withdrew their hands from each other and the blonde proceeded to slide inside his wife. The angle of their joining only allowed slow movements and he massaged against her slick walls, enjoying the leisurely, intimate manner of their lovemaking. 
Ada felt herself tense up every time he kept stimulating a spongy spot within her whenever he slipped out and thrusted back in. He knew the best way to get her to unravel and he was not holding back. Plus, they had to be quick about it lest they got caught. It was also getting a little stifling between the sheets and Ada was sorely tempted to throw them off. 
Leon could sense his wife’s impatience and sped up, peppering his wife’s soft neck with kisses and gingerly nibbled the creamy flesh to stifle his groans when she squeezed him tightly. Even though the thrill of almost doing it in public was pleasurable, it was not enough for Ada. She boldly took his hand on her breast and brought it between her thighs where he eagerly toyed with her swollen clit. 
Her husband did not need any further encouragement as he stroked her in time with his thrusts, eliciting a groan from her. His hand on her thigh reached up to cover her mouth and she lightly bit down on his finger. That spurred him even further, and he maintained his pace, giving her all that he had. It always excited him that only he could make her feel this way. 
He felt the tell tale spasm from her thighs that she was fast approaching her orgasm and he roughly dove into her one last time, spearing her with his rigid length. Ada shuddered with a muffled whimper as she experienced the first of many delicious climaxes of their honeymoon. Leon joined her soon after, spilling himself into her warm, inviting depths. He left teeth marks on her shoulder as he stifled a soft cry of ecstasy, his hips still unconsciously undulating on their own as he squeezed out every last drop. 
It took a few moments for the twitching to stop before their breaths returned to normal. Leon kissed her ear and Ada turned to him with a smile, “Welcome to the club.”
He had to suppress a chortle and they cleaned themselves up, discreetly getting dressed under the covers. Ada folded her towel and shoved it into a ziplock bag inside her carry-on. She returned to bed and both nestled up in each other’s loving embrace, finally drifting off to sleep. 
They woke up a couple of hours before descending with knowing smiles on their faces, stealing a few quiet moments together as they softly caressed each other’s skins. A few kisses later, the lights switched in their cabin and they returned to the lavatories to get dressed. 
Ada looked at the light bruises and teeth marks on her shoulder. He seldom marked her, seeing the scar on her waist and other parts of her skin always appeared to trigger a protective instinct within him. It was like he had an unspoken vow to ensure she would never be injured. 
Good thing the love bites will be covered up during their trip. She tugged the red turtleneck over her head and fluffed out her hair, lightly treading through the raven locks to make them look presentable. 
Their beds were returned back to the original positions and they ate their meals alone once more. Leon hoped the rest of their trip would proceed smoothly and he could not wait to spend more quality time with Ada. Just thinking about how his wife’s elegant form would cut through the snow got him excited. He pinched himself in the thigh to prevent him from having another bodily reaction so soon. It was still the beginning of the honeymoon, there will be plenty of days to indulge. 
The plane descended without fanfare and they were the first to disembark. Ada watched the light dusting of snowfall on the tarmac as they walked across the bridge. “If they keep this up, it looks like we will have a White Christmas.”
“That was the plan. Our cabin has a fireplace and a hot tub for us to enjoy in this weather too.”
“I look forward to it,” she grasped his hand and they went through passport control together before gathering their luggages. They exited baggage claim and found a smartly dressed representative from the resort holding up a sign with the establishment’s name. The couple went towards him and they were directed to his colleague in a similar uniform a short distance away. 
She greeted them with a warm smile, “Welcome to Switzerland. May I have your names please.”
“Leon and Ada Kennedy.”
She checked off their names from a clipboard and gave them a warm smile, “Ah, the honeymooning couple. We are waiting for a few more guests before we depart.”
Thankfully, it was a short wait and everyone loaded their luggage onto the bus before it set off on a long journey to the resort town. The couple alternated between small talk and looking out the window. Watching the snowy landscape was oddly soothing and Leon’s eyes slowly drifted shut. 
Ada could only smile when she saw that her husband was feeling relaxed enough to nap on public transport. It was probably a job hazard but far too often, his mind was always on the alert, unable to truly rest until he reached the safe sanctuary of home or a hotel. She reached upwards and angled the heating vent towards his hands, ensuring he stayed comfortable. 
He remained asleep for the rest of the ride and every now and then, she would glance at him, admiring his handsome features. Despite waking up to him daily, she was always astounded that his blonde eyelashes were surprisingly long, almost touching his cheekbones. Her gaze went to the faint scar on his right cheek that peeked out from under his fringe. It was one of her few regrets that she was never able to intervene in his fight against Krauser sooner. At least she stopped the attack in the nick of time and Leon was still here. 
She continued her admiration of his visage, focusing on the way his nose angled out sharply, reminding her how they always had to tilt their heads while kissing lest he poke her in the eye. Speaking of kisses, she glanced at his lips that were slightly chapped from the dry air. She would have to remind him to apply lip balm later.
Finally, Ada finished her visual inspection by looking at his cleft chin. Her lips quirked up again as she mused on how her thumb would always fit perfectly into the small dip at his jawline whenever she whispered sweet nothings. 
Unable to stop herself, her hand reached out to brush aside his bangs and she leaned in to press her lips against his cheek. That caused him to stir. 
“Huh, wha…? Are we there?”
“Not yet. You looked so handsome and I couldn’t help myself.”
He smiled and his blue-grey eyes met hers before he leaned in to return the kiss. 
A couple of minutes later, the resort representative approached them. “Mr and Mrs Kennedy? I would like to hand you the keys to Cabin 7. We will approach the edge of town in half an hour and everyone will be transferred to an EV which will bring you to your cabins.”
Seeing the puzzled look on their faces, she explained, “The town is car-free and everything is within walking distance. There is the option to take an electronic vehicle, if you want.”
Ada gave her a polite smile, “Alright, thank you for the info.”
She waited for the rep to walk away and spoke to her husband in a hushed whisper, “You weren’t aware of the unique transportation in this town?”
“Nope. I just saw ‘romantic mountainside cabin’ and made the booking.”
There was a chuckle followed by a small grin from her. “We’ll improvise, like we always do.”
An hour later in the early afternoon, they trudged up a small slope to their wooden cabin. Leon had insisted on carrying both their baggage across the snowy terrain while Ada unlocked the front door. The first floor contained a cosy living room with a flat-screen TV, a gas fireplace in the corner, and a small kitchen tucked away at the back. What she thought was another room turned out to be a bathroom furnished with two sinks and a bath. She peeked through the back door and saw a tarp-covered hot tub a short distance away. 
Everywhere she went, the scent of pine lingered, reminding her that they were now one with nature. It was a nice change of scenery. 
There was a staircase that probably led to the bedroom and Ada proceeded to grab her luggage to carry it upstairs. Even though Leon was striving to be a chivalrous gentleman during their honeymoon, she was perfectly capable of pulling her weight. 
To her surprise, it was more of a loft than a room. Leon followed soon after her and laid his bag on the luggage rack. “Well, shall we start unpacking or relax for a bit?”
“We should unpack first since we’ll be here for a while. Don't want to have to look for something we need later on. Let's see how your fashion skills are." Ada quipped and opened her bag, eyeing the red and black clothing within. There were plenty of warm turtlenecks, wind-proof pants and thermal underwear. She was also impressed that he packed scarves, gloves, and a beanie too. 
“I do have more colours in my wardrobe, handsome,” she said with amusement. 
Leon flushed slightly in embarrassment. “I’m aware of that but I know these colours are your favourite.”
“Along with gold,” she walked over to give him a hug. “You did well, thank you for keeping me well-clothed.” 
Both unpacked their belongings, stowing them into the closet and side tables before heading downstairs to see what was provided. The kitchen was well equipped if they wanted to make a simple meal. Along with complimentary wine and a fruit basket of berries, she noticed brand new packs of butter, slices of cured meats, milk, juice, and cheese inside the fridge. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever had an accommodation provide these before,” Ada eyed the food cautiously. 
“I requested them,” was her husband’s reply. “Just in case we were too tired to go out and eat after we landed.”
“That’s quite a good idea,” she said as they continued to open up various drawers, finding some instant coffee bags and an opaque box beside the microwave. Leon opened the box and was greeted by a loaf of bread, heaving a sigh of relief. “Was worried they forgot about this.”
His wife pursed her lips as she opened the last drawer. “Let’s head out to get some tea.” 
He nodded as they grabbed more accessories to prepare for the walk in the cold. Seeing the beanie on Ada’s head was something he needed to get used to. “You look adorable,” he said when she caught him staring. 
Ada grinned as she perused the map on the table, taking note of the nearest store and other establishments. Within a minute, she was ready to head out the door. 
Leon was astounded how fast she managed to take in the information when he was halfway done. “You’re pretty quick.”
She shrugged. “The trainers taught us well. Time isn’t a luxury when you’re on a mission.”
He knew his wife was essentially kidnapped and forced to undergo arduous espionage training and it was something she rarely talked about. They did ruin her life, after all. He wondered if he made a faux pas by making her remember the past. 
Seeing the slight furrow of his brow, she waved him over. “I’m fine. Let’s see what this town has to offer.”
The air, while crisp and refreshing, seemed a touch colder than before even though the snowfall remained stable. Ada tugged her scarlet scarf up to her chin to contain the warmth and shoved her gloved hands into her pockets. Leon chose to pull up his hood as they walked the path into town. Their breaths were visible whenever they exhaled, a testament to the dip in the temperature. Both would have to make this a quick jaunt. 
Unlike most populated areas, the air was still pristine when they reached the heart of town thanks to the absence of vehicular pollution. Tourists mingled about with cups of hot beverages in hand, some with their ski gear hanging off their shoulders. Others admired the festive decorations adorned along the streets and shop displays, pausing to take pictures on their phones. 
The main attraction was the huge fir tree in the centre, its multi-coloured baubles hanging off the branches like twinkling jewels. The glittery golden star at the top was slightly transparent and Ada was sure it would be a sight to behold at night when it was illuminated. She made a mental note to have dinner in town during their stay. 
They finally sighted the grocery store and headed straight for it, feeling a rush of warm air greet them the moment they stepped through the entrance. Leon grabbed a basket and trailed after his wife who went to the beverage aisle, grabbing various tea boxes and reading the ingredient list. 
She selected one with a red rose and deposited it into the basket. “I’ll get some canned soup too. Do you want to get anything that catches your eye?” 
“I know you’ll enjoy the chocolates.”
Her eyes lit up at the sound of that. “Surprise me then. See you in a bit,” she kissed his cheek and sauntered away. 
Guess he was now on a mission to satisfy his wife’s sweet tooth. Her preference gravitated towards 70% dark chocolate so Leon ignored the milk and white chocolates on the shelves. There were plain ones and some embedded with fruits or nuts. One caught his eye, sea salt with caramel. Just a hint of sweet to cut through the bitterness. 
They reunited at the soup section and Ada nodded with approval at his selection. She deposited a handful of cans and continued to wander through the store, adding a carton of liquid eggs and a packet of dried nuts. 
The check-out was smooth and they each carried one paperbag in their arms. Leon made it to the door first, tugging it open a little too early when Ada was still a few strides away. He had to sheepishly hold the door for an elderly couple and a red-headed man, the latter looking quite bewildered, before his wife caught up. 
“Shouldn’t I get a tip?” Leon asked playfully and his spouse gave him a bemused grin. 
“Back at the cabin, perhaps.”
The couple laughed as they strolled back, whispering sweet nothings to each other, and huddling close to stay warm. When they entered the cabin, Ada went to set aside their items while Leon opened up the flue for the fireplace, switching on the gas and starting up the fire. 
“I’ll make some grilled cheese sandwiches,” Ada said as she fired up the stove and laid out the ingredients on the counter before pulling off her outerwear. Rolling up her sleeves, she washed her hands and hovered her hand above the pan, feeling for any heat. Once she felt it was warm enough, she got down to adding butter to the pan, watching it sizzle and coating it evenly around the surface. 
The scent of toasted bread and cooked cheese soon filled the air and Leon’s stomach rumbled. He made his way to the kitchen and admired the way his wife was concentrating on the stove, waiting for the cheese to melt. The blonde quietly got behind her, casually slipping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder as he briefly nuzzled her neck. 
“Mind if I watch?” He whispered and his hands began to caress her curves while he continued to hug her. 
Ada smirked and leaned into his touch. “Be my guest but be careful,” she replied and stacked the sandwiches once the cheese was perfectly gooey. As a bonus, she began to sprinkle more cheese on the outside of the bread, making an inside-out grilled cheese sandwich. 
“Ooh, I see you're being creative. I like that, and it smells good.” Leon was becoming even more affectionate, rubbing up against her backside and making circles around her tummy. 
Ada could feel him being very amorous behind her and she continued to smile but decided to hold it off for now until the next day. “Leon, don’t spoil your dinner,” she teased as she plated out the food. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t,” was his reply as he took the plates to the coffee table by the couch. “What would you like to drink?”
“Whatever that can keep me warm in this cabin.”
Even though the fireplace was going, they were still on a snowy mountainside after all. 
Leon heated up the rose tea in the microwave and joined his wife on the sofa, handing a mug to Ada. 
Nestling up to him, Ada watched the flames dance along the logs in the fireplace. She could almost imagine their cat curled up right in front of it. “Wish Cobalt was here… he would have loved this.”
“Yeah. Too bad quarantine would be a hassle. I’m sure Hunnigan’s keeping him well fed and happy.”
Both ate their food together and the cheese was so stretchy that a long string of cheese dangled between Ada’s lips and her sandwich. Leon took the opportunity to lean in to steal a kiss, much to her delight. 
“Now that we're here, what should we do tomorrow?” He asked after he pulled away and took a sip of tea. “Go skiing? I did pack your ski pants and jacket for you.” 
Finishing the rest of her sandwich, she replied, “Skiing is nice. It's been a while since I was on the slopes. Today’s outfit isn’t practical for skiing, I’ll be freezing out there.”
He wrapped an arm around her waist and stroked her side, “If you’re still cold, I can keep you warm…” The blonde began to nuzzle and kiss her temple. It was his honeymoon and he could be as sappy as he wanted to be. “Don’t you find this romantic?” 
Ada turned her head to meet his lips once more. “Mm… I'm a little tired though. How about tomorrow? I just want to wash up and sleep.” The jet lag was getting to her, gnawing at her from the back of her head. 
“Of course. Let me help you with these,” Leon gathered their dishes and went to the sink, scrubbing off the grime and rinsing them off. Ada went upstairs to lay out their pyjamas and stripped off, heading to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. 
Her husband eyed her appreciatively as she descended in nothing but a towel. His hands moved even quicker as he tried to wash off the frying pan in the fastest time possible.
Ada just stepped under the rain shower when she heard the bathroom door open followed by the scent of citrus which signalled his arrival into the shower stall. His hands descended on her immediately, lathering her creamy skin from head to toe. She turned off the water and revelled in his pampering as he gently massaged the muscles along her back and shoulders. 
Sex may not have been on the cards but Leon paid special attention to her breasts and mons, lingering and feeling up the flesh on the pretence of getting her cleaned up. A delicious tingle ran up her spine and she exhaled a happy sigh. The faucet squeaked and the suds were sluiced off, leaving her refreshed. 
Ada pumped a generous amount of soap in her palm and returned the favour. She stood on her tiptoes to wash his blonde locks first, pressing a feather-like kiss against his lips before thoroughly lathering her husband’s muscular form. There was a playful glint in her hazel eyes and Leon knew not to interrupt her fun. He merely stood there and allowed his wife to do whatever she pleased. 
Purposefully skipping his slightly swollen groin, she scrubbed his legs before slinking behind to wash his back, massaging his shoulder blades. “You’re very stiff here…” she murmured as she continued to work on loosening the knots. 
“That’s not the only thing that’s stiff…” he answered mischievously. 
His wife responded by sliding her hands down to his waist, knowing how it occasionally caused him some discomfort. “Oh yes, this area here is stiff too.”
The blonde flinched a bit, forgetting how that part of him along with his back was now forever sore from all those years of being thrown around like a rag doll. But he welcomed the relief, nonetheless. 
When he was sufficiently relaxed, Ada swiftly reached around him to grasp his manhood; stroking it in firm, broad strokes in an even tempo, just the way he liked it. Leon tensed a little at her touch and she whispered praises of his girth and length. 
“My hands are so full of you, handsome…”
Leon chuckled and surrendered to the sweet bliss of pleasure. A pleasurable sensation arose from his loins before creeping up his spine. He began to feel light-headed as his breath became more ragged with each meticulous caress of his manhood. His thoughts were filled with him pressing her against the wall and slipping into her soaked core repeatedly. 
She listened to each inhale and exhale quicken as his body began to seize up. When one of his legs began to tremble, she pulled away just as hewas on the cusp of ecstasy. 
“Ada!” He shouted with surprise, turning around to give her a hurt look. 
“At least now I know I can make you edge,” was her reply as she activated the water, gently pushing him under the torrent to cool off and wash away the day’s grime. Leon knew that there was a purpose to everything she did and Ada would never hurt him deliberately. He stilled the thumping in his chest with calculated breaths. 
When the last bit of soap fell away from his body, his wife gave him a kiss to soothe him. “I can’t wait for tomorrow.”
They stepped out of the shower and dried off, heading back upstairs to don their fleece sleepwear. The Kennedys huddled under the covers for warmth before succumbing to the sandman. Their honeymoon was off to a great start. 
Ada awoke to a blonde head between her thighs. Her pants and underwear were tossed to the side and Leon was slowly lapping at her labia. 
“Good morning to y- oh!” She gasped when he swiped at her clit. 
Her husband lavished all his attention on her, alternating between his talented mouth and fingers, all the teasing from yesterday’s shower drove him to return the favour. He did not keep track of how many orgasms she received. Only when her legs remained splayed out on the mattress and she was still trying to catch her breath did he finally pull away. 
There was a shit-eating grin on his face as he made a show of wiping his mouth, strings of her arousal sticking on the back of his hand. Leon slowly crawled over her body and kissed her languidly, his erection straining hard against her belly. 
“Mmm…” Ada moaned with approval and eagerly returned his affections. Even though her mind was still swimming from her post-orgasmic high, she knew that if they were not mindful of the time, they would not have much daylight on the slopes. 
A loud rumbling from one of their stomachs broke the silence. “I’m hungry. How about tonight, when the fruit tastes sweetest, handsome?” She pulled away and stared dreamily into his lust-filled blue eyes. 
He took a few moments to process her request with a small pout but he kissed her forehead nonetheless. “Alright. I'm going to make some breakfast. I'm feeling hungry too.” Leon carefully got out of bed, and then deftly leapt down to the first floor.
Ada’s eyebrows shot up in alarm, “Leon!” She rushed out of bed and over to the railing to see that he had landed without any injury. “Are you that upset?”
The blonde raised an eyebrow in response, “What? No, I just wanted to get downstairs more quickly. Don't worry, I'm fine. What do you want to eat?” 
Ada let out a sigh and leaned against the railing. “You scared me.” She then shot him a coy smirk, “Surprise me, Mr. Kennedy. I'll be waiting for breakfast in bed.” With that, she blew him a kiss and turned away to return back to the covers.
In a few moments, she heard the sizzling of a pan followed by the scent of toast wafting upstairs. It was soon replaced by the aroma of bacon. Her handsome husband appeared with a breakfast tray in hand ten minutes later. 
“Bon appétit, Mrs. Kennedy,” he laid the tray across her lap. There was a spread of toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, a bowl of berries, and a glass of OJ. “There’s no powdered sugar or syrup for the French toast but I brought some fruit and juice to sweeten things up.”
“It’s the thought that counts, dear. Why don’t you bring your breakfast up and join me?”
He nodded and jumped over the loft’s railing again and Ada could not help but smile. You could take the government agent out of the field but wherever he went, anything in the environment was considered an obstacle to overcome.
They blissfully ate their sumptuous breakfast in bed, feeding each other bites of toast and fruit while hands occasionally roamed elsewhere… Leon semi-wished his beloved wife would cease teasing him but knew she was just being playful. 
His phone chimed and he unlocked it, seeing a photo of their Cobalt lazing in a sunbeam and showing it to Ada, “Looks like Cobalt is enjoying Hunnigan’s house.”
“I’m glad he feels relaxed enough in a new environment.”
His thumb was about to open the email app when Ada’s dainty fingers wrapped around his wrist to stop him. “No work on our honeymoon, Agent Kennedy.”
He nodded sheepishly. “Right. Let me log out to reduce the temptation.”
Draining the last dregs of juice, the couple carried the dirty dishes downstairs and both helped each other wash up. Ada made a surprise pounce on the blonde afterwards as she French kissed him and Leon momentarily staggered against the counter to balance her weight. 
The heat between them rose once more and Leon’s hand just slipped under her slightly damp panties when she pulled away abruptly. He could barely contain his growl when he realised she was getting him worked up. 
“I can’t wait for you to have your way with me later.”
Leon replied dryly, “Alright, I’ll hold you to it. Let’s get dressed.” He gave her a little pat on her rear as they headed back upstairs. 
She laid out her thermal leggings and began to shimmy into them. It was a miracle how he didn't just allow his lust to take over. “You have very good self-control, by the way. I'm impressed.”
“Because I love you,” he said simply after pulling on his longjohns. “I would never force myself on you.”
“Thank you, Leon. I love you too,” Ada replied and basked in his feelings for her. She slipped on a long-sleeved undershirt that accentuated her form before sliding on some woolen socks. Just a couple more layers to go. 
Both would be striking figures on the slope later, with her in a matching scarlet ski jacket and pants while he donned a sky-blue jacket and black pants. Ada slathered on her usual routine of moisturiser, and sunblock, and applied some shiny lip gloss for a pop of colour. 
With all their accessories on them, they switched off the heating and headed out the door. 
The temperature was similar to yesterday with light snowfall but they were appropriately geared up today and were unfazed by the chill. It was a short walk to the gondola and they boarded a half-empty one after purchasing their tickets. They held hands and watched the town shrink in the distance as they ascended, the landscape quickly replaced by snowy hilltops.  
They finally reached their destination a couple of transfers later and the view was breathtaking with mountain peaks framing them from the sides against a misty blue sky. Even though they were supposed to go skiing, Ada’s feet carried her to the observation deck outside the ski lodge. Her hazel eyes continued to admire the picturesque scenery and she couldn’t help but pull out her phone to capture the moment. 
Leon decided to play photographer too and took some shots of his wife being one with nature. Seeing her slow down and taking her time with the environment still took some getting used to since she always flitted away in a blink of an eye. There were still plenty of things to learn about Ada Kennedy the civilian instead of Ada Wong the spy. She just looked so beautiful when she was at peace. 
Ada turned and posed for him, well aware that he had been snapping away. Old habits still died hard where she could appear to be aloof but her vigilant gaze had already scoped out what others were doing. 
A young woman offered to take a picture for them and they readily agreed. What good was going on a honeymoon without proof they were there together? 
“We can go hiking and take the other gondola routes for the rest of our stay here,” Leon said once they were done posing. His wife had an eye for appreciating nature and he was going to let her indulge in it. 
“You read my mind. Come, let’s hit the slopes,” Ada replied and they walked back into the lodge to rent all the necessary equipment. They sat on the bench and swapped out their current footwear for ski boots, ensuring all the straps and buckles were in place before placing their belongings into the locker. 
Both paused at the piste map to study the available routes. “Which one should we start with? Beginner? Intermediate?”
“I’m comfortable with Advanced,” the blonde spoke after a moment and Ada raised an eyebrow at him. 
“I didn’t know you were adept at skiing.”
He shrugged, “Had to learn quickly on a job.”
“You were chased by zombies on a mountain?” She said in disbelief. 
“People build research bases anywhere…” 
“I see…”  She had been to snowy regions for missions before but personally had never been to one on a mountain. The concept just seemed so impractical to her and any potential employees. Who would want to work in such arduous terrain? 
Ada snapped out of her thoughts. Bad working conditions weren’t something to concern herself with on their honeymoon anyway. 
They headed out onto the powdery snow and stepped into their skis, hearing them click into place. Leon made his way to the starting point and was waiting for his turn to ski when he turned around to see his wife trying to kick off excess snow stuck to the bottom of her ski boot. 
Someone cleared their throat from his side. “Did you want to go first?”
Leon turned to find a familiar-looking redheaded man furrowing his brows at him. It was the same stranger from the supermarket yesterday. He gave an apologetic smile, “Sorry, you go on ahead.” 
The stranger shrugged as he sped away, leaving the blonde in his wake. 
Leon slid over to his wife as she was trying to use the end of the ski pole to chisel out the last bit of snow. “Do you need help, beautiful?” 
Ada shook her head, “Almost got it…” With one last stab, the snow broke free. “There we go,” she said triumphantly and placed her boot into the ski with a satisfying click. 
“Are you ready for this?” Leon asked as they finally made it to the starting line. 
“Born ready. See you at the bottom, handsome,” she replied and pushed herself down the snow, feeling the refreshing, cool wind caress her skin. No coffee was needed when a jolt of cold air would wake you up. 
Leon pushed down his goggles and went after her. He picked up speed and began to feel the chill blowing against him. It wasn't long before they started reaching the advanced part, weaving their way around the bumps and catching some hang time. 
“Whoo!” Ada yelled with uncharacteristic excitement as she flew through the air and landed on the soft snow. It reminded her of all the times she was on her hookshot. Even after retirement, she was still able to maintain her athletic form. 
The blonde managed to catch up to his spouse. He grinned when he saw how much fun she was having, glad to see that skiing was a good idea. He went over another jump and did a quick 360° spin before landing. He wasn't one for tricks, but he could do a few.
Ada just beamed at him and decided to show off by doing a backflip in the air after a jump. Leon’s breath was momentarily caught in his chest before she landed gracefully on the ground. “We should build a snowman later!” She hollered at him.
“Okay!” Leon shouted. They flew down the slope a while longer before they finally reached the bottom and came to a nice, slow stop. “Whew”, he wiped his face and took his goggles off. “What a rush.”
Ada brushed off the snow off her jacket. “It was fun.” She disengaged from her skis to walk up to her husband to plant him a kiss. “You look good covered in white powder.”
“Heh, so do you,” He replied and wiped some snow off her shoulder before kissing her back. “Do you want to go again?”
His wife gave an enthusiastic nod of affirmation. 
They rode the ski lift back up and hit the advanced course once more, enjoying the sheer rush of adrenaline coursing through their veins that they no longer felt cold. The couple tried out another slope with intermediate difficulty and more laughter flowed between them.  
“How about we play on the easy one and then go grab some lunch?” Ada said as she fanned herself. 
Her husband nodded and helped to gather their skis before heading to the lift, riding to the beginners’ slope. They got off and put their skis back on. Leon stood beside his wife and stared at the relatively straightforward terrain. “Nice and easy this time.”
“Let's go together. One, two, three!” Ada sailed down side by side with Leon, enjoying the leisurely pace. The ride was super smooth, and they did not need to exert themselves at all. Just enough to keep their balance. In no time, they reached the bottom. 
Ada let out a small sigh when they were finally done with skiing. “I’ve not had that much exercise for a while… That worked up quite an appetite.” 
The couple took their time to head back to the lodge to return their rental gear and by then, there was a small crowd disembarking at the gondola station, all eager to have an exquisite experience at a higher elevation. It definitely paid to be early. 
“I think there's a cafe where we can eat here,” Leon said as he looked at the directory once more. “Ah, it’s downstairs.”
What they did not expect was a tunnel full of ice sculptures when they made their way down to the cafe. The lights illuminated them in such a way that it appeared they were glittering like stars. 
“That’s impressive,” Ada whispered in awe as her pace slowed down to admire the handiwork.
“Let’s come back again. We still have over a week remaining,” Leon said softly when he saw how enthralled she was with this mountain. 
They reached the cafe an hour before lunch, only to be turned away at the door. “My apologies, you need to make a reservation.”
Ada peered above the waiter’s shoulder into the establishment which was a quarter full at best. She smiled cordially at him, “May I know when your reserved guests will arrive?” 
She began to speak sweetly, “That’s nearly an hour later. My husband and I have decided what to order. We will definitely vacate before your guests arrive.”
Goosebumps appeared under Leon’s jacket and it made him uncomfortable. That was a tone she used to get what she wanted and it was usually reserved for him…
Silence greeted the both of them as the waiter hesitated. 
“Most of the food has been prepared, yes?” Ada pressed on politely. 
The waiter faltered and nodded. “I’ll ask the manager…” He ducked into the cafe and reappeared a minute later, gesturing to an alfresco table along the deck. “What would you like to eat?”
“Two soups of the day, a croque-monsieur, and a club sandwich please,” she replied. They’ve had similar items before back in the States, it should be suitable for their palates. The waiter nodded and jotted down the order on a notepad before walking away. 
“Did you really have to charm him? I think we could have reasoned with him anyway.”  Leon said when they were finally alone. 
Ada quirked a brow. “What do you mean? I believe I spoke normally.”
He turned his gaze away, cheeks a little red with embarrassment. “Sorry, I was jealous… My eyes were tricking me into seeing something that wasn’t there.”
“Jealous?” She reflected on the way she spoke earlier. All those years of work made it instinctive for her to default to being genial whenever she wanted things to go in her favour. Ada reached across the table to grab her husband’s hand. “I married you, Leon. I only have eyes for you. I’m sorry that I made you uncomfortable.”
“I know.” Leon placed his other hand over hers and raised it to his lips for a kiss. “Truce?”
She nodded and the waiter returned with their food, “Here you go, please enjoy.”
“Smells good,” Leon said with a smile and carefully sipped the mushroom soup. “And tastes good too.”
Ada stirred and spooned some soup into her mouth. It wasn't from the can and she could tell it was homemade. “Mmm hmm.” There was some crusty bread to go along with their soup too and she dipped a small loaf into it.
Leon did the same with his own bread. It was nice to have something warm after being in the cold. After several spoonfuls, he proceeded to cut their sandwiches in half, knowing how his wife liked to share whenever they each had something different. 
Even without a reservation, they managed to turn things around. They continued their simple, quiet lunch and it was quite romantic when they had the outer deck to themselves.
It did not take long for them to finish their food and Leon went inside to pay for the bill while Ada lingered near the front, admiring the decor. 
There was a sense of déjà vu when Leon waited behind someone with a familiar shade of red hair… The man turned and upon spotting him, frowned. “I am flattered but I am not interested.”
“Excuse me?” Leon asked, his forehead scrunched with confusion. 
“We met yesterday, and encountered each other two times today. It looks like you’re stalking me.”
The blonde shook his head vigorously, “This is a misunderstanding. I’m on a honeymoon with my wife,” he pointed to Ada at the entrance. “It’s a coincidence we keep bumping into each other.”
Noticing the commotion, Ada weighed between letting her husband fend for himself or to step in. Not wanting to ruin the good mood, she decided on the latter. 
“Everything alright, dear?” She looped her arm through Leon’s elbow. 
The man waved his hand in dismissal, “My apologies for getting the wrong idea. Enjoy your vacation.” He darted out the door and left the couple alone to pay for their bill. 
“What was that about?” She whispered when they were in the gondola. 
Her husband briefly hemmed and hawed, “He thought I was hitting on him since we bumped into each other yesterday and twice today.”
“I see,” she said with a wry smile. “Should I be worried that my husband is attractive for both sexes?”
Sensing her mischief, he gave a coy response, “You know I only have eyes for you, beautiful.” 
“What a glib tongue you have, handsome.”
“I believe you have mentioned it was ‘talented’ too,” Leon continued to banter with his wife and there was a faint rosy tint on her cheek. Whether it was red from the cold or bashfulness, she rolled her eyes and enjoyed his company for the trip back to their cabin. 
“How tall should we build the snowman? Two or three tiers?” Ada asked once they reached the path leading to the cabin’s entryway. 
“Three’s good. I’ll handle rolling the base and help you lift the rest.” Leon began to grab a handful of snow, compacting it tightly before rolling it all over the ground to make it bigger. 
Both worked quietly, shuffling and packing their oversized snowballs. It got a little warm and Ada partially unzipped her jacket. 
“Do you need to cool off?”
“Yeah. You only have one ball to roll, I’ve got two.” She fanned herself rapidly and let out a yelp when something cold collided into the back of her head. 
Ada spun around to see her spouse nonchalantly working on the snowman base. “That was you, wasn’t it?”
“Maybe a passing reindeer dropped it,” he said innocently. 
She made a small ‘hm’ noise and got back to work, keeping an ear out for his movements. The repetitive squelching sounds stopped for a few seconds too long and she quickly gazed at Leon. 
Only to see a white object hurtling towards her and she reflexively caught it with outstretched hands. 
“Oh, you’re good.”
She stood up and straightened her shoulders. “Best of three?”
“Three of wh- Oof!” Leon sputtered when Ada’s snowball flew to his cheek. Brushing away the flakes of snow, he shot her a cheeky grin. “You’re on!”
His wife proceeded to dash away to the back while he quickly made and carried two snowballs with him. Leon then engaged in the pursuit for his wife, following her footprints…
Which led to a mostly empty backyard, save for some trees, shrubs, and a hot tub. Ada managed to spread out her footprints in a circle. How did she manage to blend herself into the environment when she was wearing bright red? 
There was a flash of movement from the corner of his eye and he lobbed one snowball but saw her jacket thump onto the ground. Leon felt an impact on his back and he whirled around to see Ada, having shed her outerwear and now clad fully in black, beaming triumphantly. 
He noticed her dominant right leg was leaning to the side and his arm reared back, aiming for where she would escape to. Leon’s aim was true as she cartwheeled to her right and his last snowball made contact. 
“Not bad!” Ada called out as she ran back to the front of the cabin. 
They spent the next few minutes chasing each other around their dwelling, neither of them hitting their targets. The once pristine blanket of snow was now fully covered in boot prints and it was getting difficult to keep track of their spouse. 
Leon was at the hot tub again, using it as a cover from Ada. He could have sworn she ran back here. There was nothing but silence and he cautiously stepped out, keeping to the trees as his blue-grey eyes carefully surveyed his surroundings. 
He stopped underneath a short tree when he heard a soft whoosh from above. A snowball descended onto his scalp soon after. “I believe I won,” Ada’s voice rang out overhead. 
Shaking the fine snow from his blonde locks, he peered up the tree and spotted his wife sitting on a branch. “Alright. Do you need help getting down? I’ll catch you.”
Ada leapt into her husband’s outstretched arms and they tumbled onto the snowy ground with him embracing her protectively. “Hi, handsome.”
“Hey, gorgeous.” His body was already reacting to her and Ada squirmed a little against him before burying her face into his chest. 
“I’m feeling cold,” she whined in a sing-song manner. 
He replied coyly,  “Maybe you shouldn't have taken off your jacket.”
Her red lips formed a pout, “Shouldn’t you be trying to warm me up?”
Their breaths mingled and Leon could not resist, closing the distance with a kiss. Ada reciprocated by deepening it, probing his mouth with her tongue. His lips lightly encircled the “intruder” and gave it a gentle suck. 
A soft moan arose from the back of her throat and Leon bucked his pelvis upwards, blood growing hot at his wife’s ministrations. 
“We should get inside…” Ada murmured and nuzzled his cheek when she pulled away for air. 
The journey back into the frigid cabin was a blur and the cold air snapped them back to their senses. Leon quickly got the fireplace going while Ada went out to retrieve her fallen jacket. 
When she re-entered the cabin, her husband was already pulling off his boots and shedding some external layers. She hung her jacket over a vent in the bathroom before heading back to Leon. 
“Don’t get naked without me now…” she purred into his ear as she gently slid her hands under the waistband of his thermal pants, skimming too close to his manhood. She found the bottom of his longjohn top and began to tug it upwards, revealing his abs. 
Not wanting to be outdone, Leon managed to grab her turtleneck and thermal top at once and pulled it over her head, leaving Ada in just her bra. She shivered involuntarily from the change in temperature. 
“Let me warm you up properly,” Leon whispered huskily and fingered the bra straps, pushing them off her creamy shoulders. He then threw some cushions onto the floor and gently laid his wife down. His lips peppered kisses from her neck down to her breasts, only stopping at a sensitive pulse point to deliver a hickey. 
Ada closed her eyes and leaned back against the cushion, allowing him more access to her skin while she relished in his pleasurable ministrations. Her nipples were expertly toyed with and became stiff peaks. She felt him mount her before his lips hungrily sought hers once more. 
“You’re so beautiful.” he murmured as he admired his wife’s visage in the flickering embers of the fireplace. The fire cast a warm, orange glow on her skin and made her more radiant. 
Ada smiled back, “You too.”
All their clothes were left on the floor in mere seconds and Leon slid a cushion below her butt as he leaned over her. His pupils were dilated with pure desire, “You’ve been teasing me since yesterday… I don’t think I can hold back any longer.”
He swirled the swollen tip all along her entrance, getting some of her slick onto him before he gradually sunk into her inviting depths, inch by inch. The cushion gave him a much deeper penetration and Ada felt a pleasant tingling sensation radiate through her spine. The angle hit a sweet spot within her. 
Her warmth was welcoming, as always, and she teased him with a squeeze. Leon groaned in response before he slowly undulated his hips. The motion made her breasts bounce slightly and the sight of that turned him on. His hands greedily sought them and his fingers grazed her already stiff nipples with every thrust. 
Both sighed happily as they made love by the fire and Leon quickened his pace. The wet smacking noises gave the blonde a slight ego boost, he was always proud he could make her so wet. 
In the spur of the moment, Ada lifted up both legs and placed them on his shoulders, making the experience even more delectable. Leon bottomed out and leaned down to trade kisses with his wife, cradling her face tenderly. 
There was another squeeze and he twitched involuntarily, making her gasp. He repeated the motions till she was begging for release. Not one to deny her requests, he gladly acquiesced and stimulated her clit, making her see stars. 
Leon was beginning to shudder as his movements grew more hurried, no longer sliding out as much. His heart pounded loudly in his ears and his pelvis had a mind of its own, getting his fill of Ada. Every inch of her walls hugged him in a vice grip. 
The blonde felt a hand caressing his cheek and he glanced down to see his wife staring at him adoringly. He felt a surge of affection for her, feeling immensely blessed that after so long, she had always loved him. 
He concentrated all his efforts on their combined pleasure and Ada was practically arching her back off the floor from sheer ecstasy. The heat between them rose into a raging inferno. On Leon’s final plunge into her soaking sex, they cried out simultaneously as they reached the peak. 
Torrent after torrent of his seed still gushed into her when they laid on the floor in a heap and they continued to shower lazy, lustful kisses on each other. 
When their minds finally cleared, Ada nuzzled his neck, “That was amazing.”
“Do you want to warm up some more in the hot tub?” 
The twinkle in her eye indicated she was on board with the suggestion. 
They spent the next few days participating in a myriad of activities, ranging from idyllic hiking, eating, to duelling each other on snowmobiles and sledding. The couple always ended the day tangled in the passionate throes of embrace. 
On Christmas Day, Ada managed to score a dinner reservation for a fancy restaurant in town. With their stomachs sated with cheese fondue and steak, they took a stroll along the streets. 
The area was still bustling despite the holiday and the mood was infectious, making Ada more lighthearted than usual. She kept leaning her head against Leon’s shoulder as they quietly judged everyone’s decor. 
“So, who’s our unofficial winner?” He whispered and she stopped at the town square. 
“Doesn’t matter, it’s Christmas. Everyone wins.” 
The blonde chuckled and watched as her eyes remained fixated on the large, twinkling fir tree. “Let’s take a photo to commemorate our first Christmas together.”
Ada handed her phone over to a teenager who eagerly took a few shots of them, even directing them into different poses. She thanked her and scrolled through the pictures, liking one that focused on them embracing each other with the tree illuminating them from the background. 
“Let’s go back. We haven’t exchanged presents yet,” Ada said quietly, having had her fill of the festivities. The snowfall which was constant throughout the day, finally eased up. So the stroll to their cabin wasn’t bitingly cold. 
With the front yard in sight a few minutes later, Leon greeted Snowy, the snowman they had completed after soaking in the hot tub a few days ago. He was so used to having Cobalt appearing at the front door whenever he came home that he reflexively said hello to the snowman. Ada could only smile at her husband’s interaction and brushed away the excess snow that had gathered on Snowy’s head. 
They entered the cabin and retrieved their gifts, sitting in front of the fireplace to exchange them. Leon’s present was a medium-sized package and it felt hefty. Ada had a box that fit the palm of her hand. 
“Ready?” Leon asked and his wife nodded. 
He carefully tore open the wrapping paper to find a brown, leathery material peeking out from underneath. The colour looked quite familiar… Leon continued to reveal his gift and could only stare in surprise at his long-lost bomber jacket. 
“You managed to find my jacket from Spain? I thought I lost it.”
Ada smiled and shook her head, “It’s not the exact one you wore but I found someone to make a replica.”
He pulled off his current jacket and slipped on his gift; it was a perfect fit. The blonde inhaled the fresh leathery scent and ran his hands down the sleeves and cuffs. Everything was just as he remembered. 
“Thank you, Ada.”
It was her turn to open her gift and she tugged at the red ribbon that held the lilac box together before lifting the lid. Inside was a matching earrings and necklace set. They were in the shape of a scarlet butterfly with golden wings. 
“Looks like the embroidery on my dress from Spain,” Ada murmured in awe. She gingerly lifted an earring and watched how the red and yellow gems twinkled in the light. 
“That was indeed my inspiration when I ordered them.”
“Thank you, Leon. Do you want to help me put on the necklace?” 
She handed the box to her husband and he carefully picked up the necklace, removing the clasp and reaching around Ada’s neck to fasten it while she hooked the earrings onto her earlobes. 
Ada turned around and Leon beamed. The necklace hung just above her clavicle and she looked absolutely perfect. 
“Judging by your reaction, maybe you should get me jewellery more often.”
He leaned in for a kiss, “Merry Christmas, Mrs. Kennedy.”
“And Merry Christmas to you, Mr. Kennedy.”
Close to the end of their trip, they went to hit the ski slopes once more. The couple opted to keep things relaxed and they took their time to enjoy the mountain at a leisurely pace. 
They were taking turns conquering various routes and Ada had just finished the intermediate slope, scooting off to the side to watch her husband. 
His form was perfect, as usual, and he cut through the snow at a steady pace. He suddenly turned his head around when he was almost halfway down and Ada glanced upwards, spotting a small figure that was careening down the course. Her gut feeling sensed there was trouble.
Soon after, she heard a boy’s frightful screams and looked around for something that would cushion his fall. Going back up the slope was out of the question. 
Leon noticed the child was close to veering off course and the blonde turned his skis perpendicular to the slope to slow down, hoping to match the child’s speed. 
“Bend your knees!” He yelled when the kid was within earshot but the boy hollered back in a different language. 
Leon let out a soft curse and sailed after the boy, tossing aside one of his ski poles and stretching out his arm to grab a handful of the kid’s ski jacket. He managed to steer him back onto the route but it was difficult to control a panicking human, let alone a child who was scared stiff. 
The blonde had to think fast and got an idea when he glanced at his free hand. He used his remaining pole to tap against the kid’s pole, catching his attention. Leon made a throwing gesture with his free hand and thankfully the boy understood, abandoning his child-sized poles. 
The end of the slope was nearing and Leon proceeded to turn his skis to slow down. They were so close to the bottom when the boy mirrored his saviour’s pose but his ski collided against Leon’s, sending them into a tumble. 
Reflexively, Leon grabbed the child into a protective embrace, supporting the kid’s neck and head while the blonde tried his best to tuck himself into a ball. 
“Leon!” Ada rushed to her husband’s side as he rolled down the slope and came to a stop. “Can you hear me?” She eyed both forms and apart from being covered in snow, their limbs appeared to be intact. 
The blonde nodded in response and groaned at the slight twinge on his right ankle. He was feeling a little winded and he looked down at the little boy who was breathing shakily into his chest. “Hey, are you okay kiddo?”
Green eyes glanced up at him and the child whispered timidly, “Bedankt.”
There was a frantic shout from above as a couple skied to a stop near them. “Mama!” The boy sat up and scooted away from Leon, opening his arms to receive his mother’s embrace. Conversation flowed quickly between mother and son and based on the tone, it seemed like she was admonishing him but still relieved nonetheless. 
“T-thank you,” the father said in a thick accent as he handed Leon his ski pole. The blonde returned the gesture with a polite nod, acknowledging his gratitude. 
Leon then smiled and allowed Ada to fuss over him as she was sweeping clumps of snow off his jacket and pants. “No broken bones, I hope?” 
“About that…” He finally sat up as his wife furrowed her brows worriedly. “I might have sprained my ankle. And these ski boots aren’t made for walking so I’ll have to keep these skis on for a while.”
“We’ll take it slow,” she extended her hand and he gladly took it, standing up and favouring his good leg, leaning his weight away from her. She noticed his posture and frowned, “You can lean on me, handsome…”
Ada gave him an expression that indicated she would not take no for an answer. He knew she was stronger than she looked. And sometimes, it was better to accept help than to handle things by himself. 
He rested some of his weight against his wife as she held his waist and they slowly made their way to the ski lift that brought them back to the lodge. Leon let out a sigh of relief when he finally removed the ski boot that was on his sprained ankle. 
Ada gathered their belongings and allowed Leon to rest before he felt ready to move again. She managed to procure a bag of ice too for the journey back. Due to how early it was, the couple had a gondola to themselves. 
“Here, take off your shoe and elevate your leg on the seat. There’s no one around anyway,” Ada said and carefully placed the ice bag on his ankle after he followed her instructions. 
“Sorry for this when we are so close to the end of the trip.”
“At least we have experienced most of what this place has to offer.” She replied and her lips quirked upwards as she finally caught sight of the famous mountain in this region. “Oh look, we get to see her today.” 
The cloud cover had been heavy during their honeymoon and they could only see part of the mountain but today, they were able to witness its full glory. 
Leon gazed out the window to admire the view. Even with his injury, there was still a silver lining. They both had a knack of Lady Luck smiling down upon them in bad situations. 
The Kennedys were still enjoying the view when they felt the vehicle lurch to a hard stop. Thankfully they were seated and weren’t violently thrown to the floor. 
Ada made a beeline for the intercom near the front and spoke to the staff on the other end. “Hi, my husband and I are in gondola RC98. It seems to have stopped moving… There are only two of us on board.”
There was silence and static for a few moments before the speakers came to life. “Hi, we apologise for the inconvenience. Please remain in your seats, we are resetting the power.”
Ada gazed downwards and did not like how far they were off the ground. 
“You’re not thinking of an escape plan, are you?”
Her husband did know her well. 
“I was considering it but without any equipment, it’s safer inside here,” she returned back to the bench and patted Leon’s knee. “At least you make good company up here. It was pretty lonely in the chopper in Lanshiang.”
“I do not miss the T-rex though,” he said wryly. 
She almost snorted. “Ah yes, Dino-Simmons. What was he thinking?” 
“Beats me,” Leon shrugged. “I thought he was a normal, level-headed guy.”
Ada shot him an incredulous look. “I would beg to differ.”
“Oh? Care to share?”
“Are you sure you want me to talk about another man during our honeymoon?”
He gestured to the stalled gondola. “We don’t have anywhere else to be at the moment.”
There was a long drawn sigh, “Where do I even begin…” She scrubbed her cheek with the palm of her hand. “You already know about the spy academy where I trained. Simmons was one of the contractors who could hire any trainee. He had an unhealthy obsession with me since day one.”
Leon frowned as his voice dropped into a growl, “He didn’t force himself on you, did he?” 
She shook her head, “Luckily, we weren’t allowed to fraternise with colleagues or our temporary employers. But Simmons wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
Ada went on to describe how he would leave gifts for her in all sorts of places: her locker, the meeting room, even private vehicles. He would always request for her expertise even when her schedule was full. 
“Thankfully, I was assigned to him ten percent of the time so our interactions were minimal.” 
“I’m sorry that you had to deal with him for so long,” Leon murmured softly and clenched a fist. “I should have punched him harder in China.”
Ada laid her hand on his, coaxing him to open his fingers. “He revealed his true colours during the Raccoon City Incident anyway.” Leon gradually opened his fist and she laced their hands together. “As enamoured as he was with me and knowing how I was still in Raccoon when he ordered the missile strike, his actions proved he ultimately thought of no one else but himself.”
She became contemplative for a moment before she smiled at her husband. “At least I met you on that fateful day. I did not think I was a worthy candidate for love, let alone marriage.”
“But you are definitely worthy, beautiful.” As corny as his words were, it never failed to stir something within her. 
“We’re already married and on our honeymoon, handsome. You don’t have to keep making me blush,” she replied matter-of-factly. 
What good deed did Leon do in his past life to deserve a precious soul like her? Even when things seemed bleak, she always appeared like his own personal guardian angel, casting him a precious lifeline amidst this shitty existence. 
Every day since their wedding, he was grateful that she chose him for all eternity.  He vowed to always make her content and happy. The pensive expression she currently wore tugged at his heartstrings and he needed to remedy it. 
Leon tilted her chin upwards to gaze into her eyes, “That doesn’t mean I can’t stop saying I love you, Ada.”
Her eyes shone with joy. She was one lucky woman to have found such a steadfast and understanding individual who had the capability to see the best in her. “I love you too, Leon.”
Both leaned in for a tender kiss and they felt the gondola start moving, as if in response to the devotion they had for each other. 
Even though the transfers were slow due to his ankle, they made it back to their cabin in one piece, thanks to Ada contacting their resort host and requesting an EV to bring them back from the town’s gondola station. 
Leon continued to elevate his leg for the rest of the day as Ada showered him with tender, loving care. Come next morning though, they woke up shivering in bed. 
“Is it m-me or is it c-colder today?” Ada asked as her teeth chattered together. 
“It d-does…” Leon concurred and pulled the blanket a little tighter around himself, mindful of keeping the pillow at the end of the bed in place for his ankle. 
His wife got out of bed and slipped on a fluffy bathrobe, speedily heading downstairs to see what was wrong. She got her answer when she spotted that a quarter of the windows were covered in white. The snow wasn’t piled too high up but it would definitely be an inconvenience for Leon. 
The wood in the fireplace was running low too and she carefully added more pieces to keep the fire going. “I’m going to make breakfast,” she called out and Leon acknowledged her from the loft. 
Ada whipped up the same meal that Leon cooked on the first morning. Since they were so close to the end of their trip, she decided to finish the egg carton, making scrambled eggs and cheese toast with a side of bacon. All the work in front of the stove warmed her up sufficiently. 
“We’re going to have a snow day today,” she said as she carried Leon’s breakfast tray and steaming tea cup upstairs. 
His blue eyes widened slightly, “Are we completely cut off from the road?” 
Ada carefully laid the tray across his lap and ruffled his blonde hair, “No, but it’ll be a challenge for you. Looks like there’s almost two feet of snow outside.”
“If we run out of ice, we know where else to look.”
His wife sniggered and went back to the kitchen to get her food. “How’s your ankle?” She asked when she returned. 
Leon gingerly rotated and flexed his foot, “Not as bad as yesterday but still a little sore. I think one more day of rest should do the trick.”
“That’s good,” Ada replied and both ate their breakfast in peace, occasionally glancing at his phone to coo over new photos of their cat Cobalt, who was tangled up in colourful tinsel. “We should get something nice for Hunnigan.”
“Hmm…” Leon put a hand on his chin thoughtfully before he had an eureka moment. “I saw a colour changing souvenir mug in one of the stores in town.” 
Ada felt doubtful. “Would that be appropriate?” 
“It’s a practical gift. I always see her with coffee at her desk.”
“Alright, I can go grab it when the snow eases up.” 
Upon finishing their meal, Ada brought the trays downstairs and washed up. Leon was feeling guilty for being a little helpless but his wife repeatedly assured him that it was perfectly fine. Before she went back upstairs, Ada hung a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the front door since they were going to be in the cabin for the whole day. 
“Guess we’ll spend the whole day in bed,” the blonde said as he opened up a spot under the covers for Ada to slide into. She accepted the invitation and cuddled up against her husband, being cocooned in their little nest of sorts. 
After a few minutes, Leon felt her hand sneaking past the waistband of his pants, palming the bulge of his underwear. His breath hitched for a second, “H-honey, what are you doing?”
“An activity,” she responded coyly. 
“I’m not in peak condition…”
“You can just lay back and let me handle the heavy lifting.” Her words were mirthfully laced with innuendo and gave an inkling on what position she was going to be in. 
She finally made contact with his bare flesh, grasping his length and pumping it slowly, much to Leon’s delight. It became engorged within a minute and his hips involuntarily thrusted into her palm. 
Leon felt the blanket shift and saw his wife disappearing under it. He soon felt her tugging at his underwear and he lifted his ass, allowing her to remove it. Her warm and moist mouth descended on the glans and she sucked him earnestly, her tongue slowly laving across the entire length. 
He exhaled a soft groan and sunk his neck further into the pillow out of bliss. The slight cooling sensation of pleasure was rushing up his back and spreading through his head.  
There was a swallow and Ada engulfed his manhood even more, almost sending him to the back of her throat. She knew how to vary the suction and pressure by hollowing cheeks, keeping her husband in a constant cycle of lust and reprieve. 
However, it was starting to get stifling under the sheets and her breathing grew heavier. That caught Leon’s attention and he peeled back the covers to see his wife with her cheeks flushed and raven hair mussed up. “Are you okay? You don’t have to get uncomfortable for me.”
She looked him in the eye and gave him one agonisingly long lick before pulling away with a wet pop. “It was getting stuffy but I’m fine.” Ada wiped her mouth and winked, “I think it’s time for the main event…”
Mrs Kennedy slid off the bed and made a show of gyrating her hips, slowly shimmying the pants off her hips. Leon sat back and enjoyed the display. Her fingers hooked under the panties and she tugged it down, bending over to give the blonde a view of her glistening entrance. 
What caught Leon’s attention was the long strand of her arousal desperately clinging onto the scrap of fabric before it finally broke away. He didn’t know it was possible to grow harder than he could, feeling immensely proud that he could make her this horny. His manhood throbbed in time to his heartbeat and unable to contain his pleasure, he began to stroke it. 
Ada giggled, “Let me handle that, Mr. Kennedy.” She pried his hand away and swung her long, shapely leg over his groin. With her back to him, she hovered over his inviting erection and Leon watched as he disappeared into her, inch by inch. They seldom made love in this position but he took the opportunity to admire her round buttocks, his gaze travelling further down where they were joined as one. He twitched involuntarily, eliciting a moan from his wife. 
Instead of tipping forward where there was a chance she might jostle his ankle, Ada leaned back to get more friction on an area within her and she undulated her hips in an unhurried rhythm, her wet walls encasing his length over and over again. One of her hands slipped down to the clitoral hood as she toyed with herself. The sensation of being stimulated in multiple places at once still remained delicious, as always. 
Leon couldn’t help but grasp her hips to keep her speared on him, not wanting her to slide out too far. He snapped his pelvis upwards in time with her, massaging the spongy G-spot repeatedly. She responded by squeezing her walls, milking his length for its worth. 
The heat that was coiled in his belly sprung into action as he sat up, wrapping his arms around her torso as he sought her clit, stroking it in broad circles. The blonde began to pepper kisses on the back of her ear and neck, sending spicy tingles down her spine. 
This position was somewhat reminiscent of their time on the plane, it was intimate and still erotic. They continued to rut against each other, the sounds of their ragged breathing filling the room. There was not a care for the world right now except for their fornication. Leon felt her walls fluttering around him and knowing she was close, he did one last forceful rub on her clit. 
The result was magical as Ada climaxed with a passionate cry and she quivered with immense relief. His manhood erupted spontaneously, emptying his viscous seed into her over and over. 
He gently brought his wife back down onto the bed and turned them on their sides as he remained buried in her hot sex. Even after all that intense activity, he was thankful that he did not exacerbate his injury. “Maybe I should sprain my ankle more often. You look amazing from the back,” Leon murmured nonsensically into her ear. 
She laughed, “There are much better ways to see my back than getting wounded, handsome.”
The Kennedys continued to enjoy each other for the rest of their snow day and the remainder of the honeymoon. Already, they were making plans for an annual vacation to celebrate their marriage. They would always stand shoulder to shoulder, no matter what, as they had proven through the decades. 
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starry-eyed-steve · 8 months
8, 14 and 30 ❤️
8. How many languages do you know?
I speak German and English fluently. And I would love to learn Spanish in the future. <3
14. How tall are you?
I'm 1.59m or 5'2 (ngl I had to google my hight in feet lmao) but yeah I'm quite small.
30. Have you ever met a celebrity?
I have, in fact, met one. 12 years ago before I was a 1D stan I absolutely loved this singer from Switzerland who won the German version American Idol in 2012. He gave a bunch of concerts in my area, and I got vip tickets together with my best friend. It was super awkward doing the photo ops because I was so nervous lmao. But yeah, I met him a few times. He did some signings we went to, but I never really talked to him lmao. (Also, concert tickets were so much cheaper back then)
Thank you so much for asking 💗
If anyone wants to send some more, here's the link 💗
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the-swissmister · 2 years
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Swiss Red Cross Ball Fundraising Gala Dinner & West End Show with The Jersey Boys 🇨🇭🇬🇧 #philanthropy #gala #fundraising #geneva #switzerland #suisse #schweiz #charity #vip #musical #champagne #gourmet #michelinstar with @swiss_red_cross_ball @jerseyboysuk @eatswitzerland @beaurivagegeneve @moetchandon (at Geneva, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnXBPLZtWui/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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malaysiankpopfans · 9 months
K-indie band The Rose brings Dawn to Dusk Tour to Kuala Lumpur in January 2024
Pre-sale Tickets go on sale 6th January 2024 with exclusive fan benefits for the first 300 VIP, 104 VVIP, and 5 VVVIP ticket buyers
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KUALA LUMPUR, 3rd January 2024 — Acclaimed South Korean indie rock quartet The Rose  is finally coming to Malaysia for their first appearance here in years!
Organised by Lo-Fi Entertainment, The Rose Dawn to Dusk Tour in Kuala Lumpur 2024 will  be rocking Mega Star Arena, KL on 31st January at 8.30 p.m.
Kuala Lumpur is among the very few Southeast Asian stops for the tour, which takes the band  to arenas and venues in cities across North America, Europe and Asia as they belt out a range  of hits for their fandom known as ‘Black Roses’. 
Members of The Rose – composed of vocalist and guitarist Kim Woosung, keyboardist and  vocalist Park Dojoon, drummer Lee Hajoon and bassist Lee Jaehyeong – met through the  busking scene in Seoul. 
The band, which is under their own label Windfall in partnership with Transparent Arts, is  known for their emotion-filled English and Korean songs such as Back to Me, Red, She’s in the Rain and debut single Sorry that propelled them to fame. 
Apart from being a collective, every member has also made waves in the industry as  individuals – Woosung is featured with the late Ryuichi Sakamoto on a track by Agust D, also known as Suga of BTS, and was cast as a voice actor in an Ali Wong-led animated series,  while Dojoon, Hajoon and Jaehyeong have made appearances in K-dramas and web series. 
Having played Lollapalooza in Chicago, Sweden, Brazil, Chile and Argentina, as well as  Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland and BST Hyde Park in England, they have been named  Band of the Year at Brazil’s Prêmio Annual K4US in 2022. 
To date, The Rose has released two studio albums Heal and Dual, two EPs Void and Dawn,  one single album Red, along with numerous singles that made a mark on global top charts. 
Tickets to The Rose Dawn to Dusk Tour in Kuala Lumpur 2024 will be available from 6th January 2024 through www.ticketingtix.com at the following prices, subject to RM4 processing fee:
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RM898 (VIP): First 300 buyers will receive Early Entry (after VVVIP & VVIP),  Soundcheck Experience, Q&A Session, Official Lanyard, Poster, The Rose Guitar Pick Pack,  and a sample of The Rose’s Upcoming Fragrance, Black Rose.
RM598 (CAT 1)
RM498 (CAT 2)
RM298 (CAT 3)
*All ticket categories are seated.
*VVIP and VVVIP tickets available only on The Rosarium App. 
VVIP: First 104 buyers will receive all VIP Benefits, Early Entry (after VVVIP), Meet & Greet  Photo (Groups of 8), Signature with Poster, VVIP Merch Bundle.
VVVIP: First 5 buyers will receive all VVIP Benefits, Earliest Entry, Solo Meet & Greet Photo  (in lieu of Group Photo), Exclusive VVVIP Merch Item Gift, Green Room Experience.
ERA, MY and HITZ are the Official Media Partners for The Rose Dawn to Dusk Tour in Kuala Lumpur 2024. 
For more information and the latest updates, follow Lo-Fi Entertainment on Facebook and Instagram.
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surreality51 · 2 years
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When your beloved and famous parents get VIP tickets to Blackpink in Paris with the Arnault family but you’re stuck at home in Switzerland cuz you have school.
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Eurovision 1997: The actual result
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RTÉ may not have required the help of the Northern Irish tourist board to fund Eurovision in 1997, but they couldn't stretch to a fully-virtual scoreboard like Oslo managed. It was back to the normal screen with flags and numbers, and a font of which I'm not fond.
Here is my regular spoiler warning for a competition that happened over 25 years ago. If you don't want to know who actually won Eurovision in 1997 don't read any further. Close the article and scroll on by.
Ireland's years of reigning are over but singing in English is still the advantage the Scandinavian countries have been claiming it was since the 1970s. The UK won for the fifth time and fairly easily. For the second year in a row, their singer was not British. Instead the BBC were relying on the anglophone world to provide, and after the Gina G hiccup, Katrina brought home the goods.
Ireland just about did the perfect thing, by managing to finish second. The best you can get without winning and for that RTÉ were truly happy. Below them come Turkey in third with by far their best result ever in over twenty years of trying. Italy on their return came fourth, but would that be enough to keep them coming back? Estonia maintained their good finish in 1996 by getting another top 10.
At the bottom there was that rarest of things with a double null-points from Norway and Portugal.
Here then is the full scoreboard.
United Kingdom - Katrina and the Waves - "Love Shine a Light"
Ireland - Marc Roberts - "Mysterious Woman"
Turkey - Şebnem Paker & Etnic - "Dinle"
Italy - Jalisse - "Fiumi Di Parole"
Cyprus - Chara and Andreas Konstantinou - "Mana Mou"
Spain - Marcos Llunas - "Sin Rencor"
France - Fanny - "Sentiments Songes"
Estonia - Maarja-Liis Ilus - "Keelatud Maa"
Malta - Debbie Scerri - "Let Me Fly"
Slovenia - Tanja Ribič - "Zbudi Se"
Poland - Anna Maria Jopek - "Ale Jestem"
Greece - Marianna Zorba - "Horepse"
Hungary - VIP - "Miert Kell, Hogy Elmenj?"
Sweden - Blond - "Bara Hon älskar Mig"
Russia - Alla Pugachova - "Primadonna"
Denmark - Kølig Kaj - "Stemmen I Mit Liv"
Croatia - ENI - "Probudi Me"
Germany - Bianca Shomburg - "Zeit"
Bosnia & Herzegovina - Alma Cardzic - "Goodbye"
Iceland - Paul Oscar - "Minn Hinsti Dans"
Austria - Bettina Soriat - "One Step"
Switzerland - Barbara Berta - "Dentro Di Me"
Netherlands - Mrs. Einstein - "Niemand Heeft Nog Tijd"
Norway - Tor Endresen - "San Francisco"
(24th equal) Portugal - Célia Lawson - "Antes Do Adeus"
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Sierra Nevada takes over Voly's Volansi military UAV series
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 11/10/2022 - 07:54 in Military, UAV - UAV
Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) has announced that it has acquired the portfolio of assets and intellectual property related to the Voly-50 and Voly-T series of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) developed by the company Volansi.
With the acquisition, SNC intends to improve its offer of multifunction platform, long distance, takeoff and vertical landing (VTOL), especially in the field of intelligence, surveillance and recognition (ISR).
With the closing of the deal, SNC also acquired Volansi's production unit in Bend, Oregon, and retained key personnel.
The Voly-50 and Voly-T series of infrastructure-independent aerial drones can take off and land vertically, taking advantage of the sky for unlimited possibilities and infinite connections.
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SNC plans to integrate Voly UAVs with its open architecture systems and ISR resources to offer a fast-demplementation unmanned VTOL ISR solution for multi-domain operations. The company says that UAVs are built for resistance, with the ability to handle heavy loads, while a ready-to-use ISR system would give users the ability to see, track and understand the battle space more completely.
According to Volansi, the Voly-50 has the ability to simultaneously carry up to 50 pounds of cargo, including a sensor payload or ISR option. Depending on the payload settings, the UAV has a range of more than 500 km and can navigate up to 80 knots for up to eleven hours in a single mission set.
Revealing the UAV earlier this year, Volansi said it planned that the Voly-50 would be in low-rate production in 2023.
“Suns is committed to providing a future unmanned system with the payload, range and resistance our military needs,” said Tim Owings, executive vice president of SNC’s Mission Solutions and Technologies (MST) business area. "Adding Volansi's resources to SNC's existing portfolio was a perfect fit. Our complementary technologies will create a world where mission-adapted VTOL drones will make it possible to support any sector, deliver anything, anywhere, anytime."
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SNC also plans to leverage the experience of its subsidiary, Kutta Technologies Inc., which will contribute to the redundancy and durability necessary to complete the missions of the Department of Defense, ensuring compliance with DO-178 and adherence to interoperability standards.
"S SNC wanted to keep the dream alive, realizing the ability to support humanitarian aid and ISR missions, reaching places that were previously inaccessible to deliver survival kits, blankets, food and water," said Josh Walsh, vice president of programs for the MST business area of SNC. "Volansi systems are unique because they offer the military a new generation of flexible UAVs that provide long-haul aircraft with superior flight range, flexible payload capacity and ability to fly beyond the visual range."
Tags: Military AviationSNC - Sierra Nevada CorporationUAV
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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