#switching between two definitions of particle here at will because i can't get them straight in my own head
riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
What does it feel like to get put in baby jail the Rift? We know in-game enemies stub their toe and allies only suffer psychic damage bc they don't know what the roll button is, so do they actually feel different for enemy vs ally too?
how often do Pule and Bruiser get put in rift timeout for being problems
phrasing. you are so fucking good at phrasing. jhbjdhgbsjdbhf
brief recap of what i said about how the rift *works*: if reality is a system of particles keeping itself in an 'active' state, the void is a system of particles keeping itself 'inactive', and these systems are self-reinforcing. the rift is when you keep all particles forcibly in stasis, toeing the line between reality and void - if you're casting this while In Reality you're gonna have to scramble some particles into a void state for this to be effective first & vice versa, i think, but keeping it all in stasis is really the big challenge.
so my first thought at "how does it feel for allies" is probably like. you get the feeling that you've just run into a wall, but it's just vibes & no actual feeling? like you've skipped a step running down the stairs? it feels Off to exist in the rift bc it's not a stable plane of existence by definition. i think you'd instinctively hold your breath in there, just because it feels like you shouldn't be able to breathe in there. it'd feel at once warm and cold, because warm and cold both rely on particle movement, and particle movement gets particularly fucked up in the rift - also the source of the noises. things are fuzzy at the edges, both in terms of vision and physical bounds - the filter you get over your screen when you hop into the rift, light works a little funny passing through it.
i think i've mentioned before that it'd be funny if vince's abilities don't have that base damage that limbo's have. i think i'm going to reinforce that here because i can See how stasis would work with this setup but not Instant Damage. slowly choking enemies to death because you won't let them use their lungs, though? Very Possible
with kali's post i mentioned that the way the abilities know to distinguish between friend and foe is because 1. transference allegiance communication and 2. warframe as the prism to channel this energy through. works the same here. vince's energy-channeling keeps the plane-of-existence-particles in stasis, and if your particles happen to be passing through the set he's currently controlling, if you identify as Friend he'll leave you be, but if you are Not Friend then your particles get added to the list of Hold Fuckin Still
you'll notice that i specifically say Channel & not Cast Cataclysm Once & Sit Back. it takes focus (& let that be one of the things he gets Bad At after the confetti event) to keep a chaotic bubble in stasis & not let it succumb to entropy, so it's a constant energy drain, and the Bubble will still shrink over time due to said entropy. banish also doesn't work the same - vince can just cast smaller you-shaped bubbles on your location, not specifically target you. his abilities don't lock on to moving entities as well as they can pure location. i think his 3 would still work like base limbo's, in a way, maybe somewhat like an equivalent to radiation poisoning & some of the life-force-vampirism that pule has going on also. i'm throwing around vibes here none of this is any kind of scientific & i need to generally use rift surge more to get more of a Vibe on this one.
oagh the life-force-vampirism actually also works with the getting-energy-for-killing-shit-in-the-rift thing. and the healing-allies-in-the-rift also - channel from foe to friend.
OKAY on to shenanigans. so his abilities won't instinctively let him banish & stasis something that identifies as a Friend to him but that doesn't mean he can't hard-lock (not allow Anything to pass through) a thin layer of particles all around you so that you're Prevented From Moving Anyway. this would feel Very Claustrophobic despite being able to see through it so he only tries it on bruiser once & does apologise for that afterwards. pule doesn't have bruiser's excuse so he gets this treatment on the Regular. vince is probably also able to briefly hard-lock a rock-shaped area in front of your foot, as a very nonspecific example.
i don't think he could use this to medically-safely extract someone in an emergency, though. hard-locking is difficult to hang on to & he can't do it for long, and he also can't Move the hard-locked area around - the particles are locked locally and if the point is to Not Let Them Move you can't just make them Move Anyway. that would just move the hard-locked area itself around & drop whoever he was holding onto the floor the second they're no longer supported by the particles.
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