#switched it to a new post since tumblr wasn't letting me trim posts on the other thread
bxtsence · 1 year
cont. from here
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Viridian didn't know any Italian other than the words for "bathroom" and "water", so she was relieved to see someone who spoke English.
"Uh huh...." The goth smiled sheepishly, taking the phone back. "Good thing. Thanks again."
She didn't remember dropping it at all; surely, she would have noticed at least that happening? Viridian was usually careful with that sort of thing, but that didn't seem to be the case. She examined the phone carefully, before letting out a long sigh and putting the phone back in her purse. This time, she made sure that the zipper of the purse was secured. She didn't even want to think about what could've happened if she didn't have her phone for the rest of the trip!
"Um, yeah, I'm a tourist..." Viridian admitted shyly with a small smile. She figured it was obvious, judging from her belongings and her mannerisms that would only belong to the Southwest of the USA. A small part of her was wondering why the blonde teenager was being so friendly to her, but she was just glad that someone was here to help. "And yes please! I was wondering if you knew where this museum was? I'm supposed to meet up with my brother there."
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