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Imagini dramatice | Cea mai neagră noapte în Belarus: un mort, zeci de răniți, sute de arestări și un conflict care nu s-a încheiat
Ciocnirile violente dintre forțele de securitate și protestatari, după alegerile prezidențiale de duminică, au lăsat în urmă un mort și numeroși răniți, dar și sute de arestări, potrivit societății civile de la Minsk, citate de site-ul The Moscow Times. Și, în vreme ce președintele Aleksandr Lukașenko și-a revendicat victoria cu peste 80% din voturi, opoziția a subliniat că nu recunoaște rezultatul, semn că atât criza politică, cât și conflictul din stradă au șanse să continue.
Un protestatar a murit și alte zeci de persoane au fost rănite în timpul manifestațiilor care avut loc duminică noapte în Belarus, după ce forțele de ordine au folosit gloanțe de cauciuc și gaze lacrimogene pentru a dispersa mulțimile, notează The Moscow Times.
Centrul Viasna pentru Drepturile Omului a anunțat că un tânăr protestatar a murit după ce a fost lovit de un camion al poliției, iar medicii nu au mai putut face nimic pentru a-l salva.
Oficialul Viasna, Serghei Sis, a declarat pentru AFP că cel puțin 300 de persoane au fost arestate, inclusiv 150 în capitala Minsk.
”Zeci de persoane au fost rănite ca urmare a ciocnirilor cu forțele de ordine. Zece au ajuns la spital”, a spus acesta.
Ministerul de Interne a oferit niște cifre mai mari. Mai exact, Poliția din Belarus a reținut 3.000 de persoane, dintre care 1.000 în Minsk.
Cel puțin 50 de civili și 39 de polițiști au fost răniți.
Lukașenko nu cedează
Rezultatele oficiale arată că președintele Aleksandr Lukașenko a câștigat scrutinul cu 80,23% din voturi.
Candidata opoziţiei belaruse, Svetlana Tihanovskaia, a refuzat însă să recunoască rezultatele oficiale anunţate de Comisia Electorală Centrală.
”Regimul trebuie să reflecteze la cum să ne cedeze puterea. Mă consider învingătoare a acestor alegeri”, a declarat ea în faţa presei luni, denunţând represiunea din cursul nopţii.
Svetlana Tihanovskaia a acuzat că alegerile au fost fraudate masiv, iar colaboratorii săi au cerut renumărarea voturilor în secţiile cu probleme, potrivit BBC News.
Lukașenko nu a clipit însă.
”Deci Lukașenko, care este în fruntea structurii de putere, după ce a primit 80% din voturi, trebuie cedeze puterea în mod voluntar”, a spus el, sugerând că ordinele vin din străinătate.
”Răspunsul nostru va fi robust”, a mai spus Lukeșanko, un semn că protestele și confruntările de duminică seară s-ar putea repeta.
epaselect epa08595027 An injured girl during a protest rally after polling stations closed in the presidential elections, in Minsk, Belarus, 09 August 2020 (issued 10 August 2020). Media reports state on 10 August that exit poll suggest long-time leader Alexander Lukashenko was re-elected in the election. EPA-EFE/STRINGER
epa08595026 Demonstrators take part in a protest rally after polling stations closed in the presidential elections, in Minsk, Belarus, 09 August 2020 (issued 10 August 2020). Media reports state on 10 August that exit poll suggest long-time leader Alexander Lukashenko was re-elected in the election. EPA-EFE/STRINGER
epa08595025 Demonstrators take part in a protest rally after polling stations closed in the presidential elections, in Minsk, Belarus, 09 August 2020 (issued 10 August 2020). Media reports state on 10 August that exit poll suggest long-time leader Alexander Lukashenko was re-elected in the election. EPA-EFE/STRINGER
epa08594453 Riot police move to disperse demonstrators during a protest after polling stations closed in the presidential elections, in Minsk, Belarus, 09 August 2020. Five candidates are contesting for the presidential seat, including the incumbent president Lukashenko. EPA-EFE/TATYANA ZENKOVICH
epa08594451 A riot police officer hits a demonstrator during a protest after polling stations closed in the presidential elections, in Minsk, Belarus, 09 August 2020. Five candidates are contesting for the presidential seat, including the incumbent president Lukashenko. EPA-EFE/TATYANA ZENKOVICH
epa08594411 Opposition supporters protest after polling stations closed at the presidential elections in Minsk, Belarus, 09 August 2020. Five candidates are contesting for the presidential seat, including the incumbent president Lukashenko. EPA-EFE/TATYANA ZENKOVICH
epaselect epa08594911 Police stand guard during a protest after polling stations closed at the presidential elections in Minsk, Belarus, 09 August 2020 (issued 10 August 2020). Protests broke out after exit polls suggested incumbent President Alexander Lukashenko had won the election by a vast majority, while opponents allege that the vote was rigged. EPA-EFE/YAUHEN YERCHAK QUALITY REPEAT
epa08594414 Opposition supporters protest after polling stations closed at the presidential elections in Minsk, Belarus, 09 August 2020. Five candidates are contesting for the presidential seat, including the incumbent president Lukashenko. EPA-EFE/TATYANA ZENKOVICH
epa08594404 A police truck, carrying demonstrators, makes its way through a crowd of opposition protesters after polling stations closed at the presidential elections in Minsk, Belarus, 09 August 2020. Five candidates are contesting for the presidential seat, including the incumbent president Lukashenko. EPA-EFE/TATYANA ZENKOVICH
epa08594400 An opposition activist tries to stop a police truck during a protest after polling stations closed at the presidential elections in Minsk, Belarus, 09 August 2020. Five candidates are contesting for the presidential seat, including the incumbent president Lukashenko. EPA-EFE/TATYANA ZENKOVICH
epa08594399 A police truck hits an opposition activist during a protest after polling stations closed at the presidential elections in Minsk, Belarus, 09 August 2020. Five candidates are contesting for the presidential seat, including the incumbent president Lukashenko. EPA-EFE/TATYANA ZENKOVICH
epa08594403 An opposition activist lays on the road after being hit by a police truck, which he tried to stop during a protest after polling stations closed at the presidential elections in Minsk, Belarus, 09 August 2020. Five candidates are contesting for the presidential seat, including the incumbent president Lukashenko. EPA-EFE/TATYANA ZENKOVICH
epa08594421 Protesters ride an electric bike in front of police during a protest after polling stations closed at the presidential elections in Minsk, Belarus, 09 August 2020. Five candidates are contesting for the presidential seat, including the incumbent president Lukashenko. EPA-EFE/TATYANA ZENKOVICH
Foto: EPA
epa08594471 People react during a protest after polling stations closed in the presidential elections in Minsk, Belarus, 09 August 2020. Five candidates are contesting for the presidential seat, including Alexander Lukashenko, the incumbent President of Belarus. EPA-EFE/MARINA SEREBRYAKOVA
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