#surprised I haven't done fanart yet tbh
flyingbroommate · 2 months
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Random doodles✨
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chibiosaka · 6 days
Tagged by @luckylolabug <3!!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
7! Although like half of them are just fanart so I really haven't written that much. :3
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 35,919 - SHAMEFULLY LOW
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently just Lockwood & Co although I have a Miraculous Ladybug fic that has been languishing in my WIPs on FF.net for years. I meant it to be a oneshot and then it got comments so I kept writing without an ending in mind and I've lost the plot. :p
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Inside, This Place is Warm - L&Co
Three's a Company (And a Home) - L&Co
Everyone Makes Bad Decisions - L&Co
Part of Your World - L&Co (fanart)
Powdered Sugar - L&Co
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Usually when I update, so it may be way later than the original comment, oopsie.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't think I'm capable of writing anything but a happy ending tbh, haha. I just can't do it to myself. Part of the fun of writing fic for me is getting the satisfaction of seeing resolutions that didn't get done in canon. Although I guess the ending for one of my unfinished ones is semi-angsty? But I shan't spoil it!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Three's Company (and a Home). Love me some cot3 realizing they are all crazy about each other.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Fortunately no, but I think that's more due to the fact that so far most of my posted fics are for rarepairs, so there's less eyes on them in general. In fact I'm usually surprised when I get comments or kudos from people I don't directly interact with in the fandom, lol. I'm used to the audience for my fics being pretty small.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! I...I don't know what kind? N...normal??? Well I guess technically all the smut I've posted so far is poly? I'm new enough to it that I'm not super familiar with like, categories so, uh...that's about all I can say to describe it ...but if you told me like five years ago I'd be not only writing, but sharing smut online I'd be so scandalized, haha.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not yet. I'm not super into crossovers as a trope, it has to be like, really well written or a really compelling idea for me to be into it. There's a handful of crossover ideas I've had for a couple fandoms but nothing that has compelled me enough to sit down and write. Maybe more likely to do some silly comics at some point.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, but the idea that anyone would find any reason to steal my fics is hilarious to me. Like...why.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. Again, my audience is pretttttttty small. Which is fine by me, I'm not posting for popularity or numbers, it's just fun to have my friends like my work. :)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet. I think I'd be more open to doing illustrations for a work, honestly, than co-writing. I'm...bad at sharing creative control. -_-;
14. What is your all-time favorite ship?
StarfireXRobin, my childhood OTP, forever in my heart (UuU)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh god. Don't get mad but I honestly keep forgetting I even wrote the first chapter of Everyone Make Bad Decisions. I started writing it as a silly self-indulgent one-shot and then it bloomed into a terribly complex soap opera level drama in my head that's just honestly really intimidating for me to think about writing all the way out. I have mad respect for people who can stick out writing a fic that's more than like, 5 chapters.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm good with metaphors and descriptions. I really like writing poetry and I think some of that comes out in my prose too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing a fic, lmaooooooooo
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Hmmmm, personally it'd have to be really relevant to the plot for me to include it, otherwise it seems like it makes it harder for the reader?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Teen Titans, the Cartoon Network version. I was OBSESSED.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmmmm, probably Inside, This Place is Warm. I haven't finished posting because the last two chapters need some massaging before I'll be satisfied with them but it's all written. It's the most ambitious fic I've written so far and also something I never would've predicted myself writing, which makes it really fun.
Tagging @monsterbananatv @hailqiqi and @ohmyoverland cause I wanna see your answers! :3
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
i was scrolling through your blog again today and i got down to that ask i sent you about chapter 11 and....wow. i just checked and it's.......7477 words. the essays i write for school are less words than that??? thank you for getting me back into writing????
amd im still thinking about chapter 11 and what it could all mean, too! i havent the faintest clue where this is going and i am so grateful for it. a lot of the time i have the unfortunate ability to guess where things are gonna go so whenever something stumps me i am !!!!
and i realized i never replied to your reply on ao3, so i guess i'll take the opportunity and do that now? thank you a lot for replying to it with your own thoughts! im very excited to see where the connection linh and marella have to the dragons goes. dragons are great since they can really be anything, too, so i dont even know what you're gonna have them look like! and if they are part-dragon, itd be really interesting if maybe they were different kinds of dragons, since it would make sense for linh to be a rain or river dragon, but marella has her fire and all. either way, im super stoked for the future of the wings au! thank you tons for writing it :']
(i still have no idea whats going on with oralie and bronte's messages, though....maybe ill reread what you said on that and see if i can find any hints. i should probably do a reread of the chapters so far, too, to make sure i havent missed anything....)
- pyro
welcome back, pyro!! also oh damn that's a lot of words--also several of my posts on here are longer than essays I turn in. Just the other day I wrote an answer that was 1200 words...and my paper due this sunday for my contemporary social problems class is supposed to be between 600 and 900 (haven't started it yet but i'll be fine).
I think you're talking about the post that starts "So. Chapter 11. I have many thoughts." But if it's a different one that's also fine! also you're welcome, I think! Anything I've done to help you write and be creative is super cool!! i'm always a little shocked when I see people creating things based on stuff I've done--fanart and asks and things like that in general! just people thinking! I was just scrolling through my blog and saw a few art pieces from you about the wings au and I just sat there for a moment like oh fuck ve made a thing for my thing. So cool!
I am also thinking about chapter 11 tbh (I think you sent this before chapter 12 was posted so you're probably thinking more about chapter 12 now but still!!) Also I'm so glad you're confused about where this is going--I get so worried that my twists are gonna be predictable and bland so it's always nice to hear that there are some surprises along the way! But even if you do guess things that's also excellent! because it means what I wrote made sense and is believable! there can be a certain amount of satisfaction in guessing, but it's also so much fun to be surprised. Hopefully the au is full of several more surprises for you because I am not done yet! I have so many plans and ideas and I want to share them all.
oh also this reminded me I never responded to your comment on chapter 12 on ao3. oopsie. that's what I get for having such a busy schedule I guess! but!! I think things will kinda calm down in the new few days and then I can get back to writing and answering asks more. Had several things disrupt me and make life very chaotic, hence less frequent posts recently--still trying to recover from that! so I will reply to that comment soon, I promise! (and to all your asks!!)
also all your thoughts and speculations about dragons are so cool!! that's actually something that's coming up very soon in the au so I can't talk about it a lot without spoiling! but if you couldn't tell from Marella sneaking out, there's gonna be a little more focus on her for a little bit. the dragons have actually gotten more complex in my head as the au has gone on. they're were accidental, so I didn't think to much about what they'd look like or their purpose aside form the immediate shock factor, but now...I have several thoughts about them!! and Linh's connection...was also an accident but I'm so pleased with it. Do we know exactly what that connection is? nope! but it's not the same as Marella's and it's gonna be really fun to explore what is happening to the two of them!
"either way, im super stoked for the future of the wings au! thank you tons for writing it :']" thank you for reading it! your enthusiasm has really helped me through some of the tougher spots and kept me going. it wouldn't be the same without you! I wouldn't say I cater to the readers, but knowing what excites everyone and catches interest helps me make decisions on what to focus on later! and also gives me ideas for things to add in! and I'm also very excited for the future of this au--I have some ideas that are probably gonna be a pain in the ass to execute but I can't wait to get to them! they're still a ways off but ahh!
and those messages...so much meaning behind them. so cryptic! this is actually one of those bigger ideas I was just talking about! so if you do figure it out (not that I would tell you) you might have an idea of what's coming in the wings au in the future! I don't remember exactly what hints I gave, but I do think it's entirely possible to figure out at least parts of the clue! what it leads to is mostly me making up worldbuilding things and drama, but the hints are drawn from canon!
also if you do reread the chapters...good luck? there's so many words I wish you luck. according to google the average reader would take five hours to read that, but that's at 200-250 wpm, and I don't know your reading speed! honestly I should probably reread the au for inspiration for future chapters...we can reread it together!!
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