#surprise to myself I can apparently draw actual Pokemon even when it's been a million years since I've drawn any
peachy-kun · 2 years
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Some more submas practice
(this got out of hand, as you can see)
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coolpolarbear123 · 5 years
Band Camp Day 6
If you thought our band director couldn’t make things worse, you’re wrong
August 24th, 2019
Day 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 7
I’m tired in many senses of the word:
First some stuff I forgot from yesterday:
Two nights ago the band was super slap happy and the BD was mad about it but maybe if we weren’t outside for a million hours and had actual indoor rehearsal--
The gang and I are showing up later and later to rehearsal and I’m surprised we haven’t been actually late yet
Okay now for today:
Morning rehearsal we just did a ton of halftime. This time the BD was able to fix our mistakes because he had the music, which Highkey confirmed that last night was a waste of time
We had to relearn a lot
Why are we even doing halftime when we barely know pregame
I learned some clarinet tea: someone went to join colour guard at the beginning of the year, got cut, rejoined clarinets, and they’re slightly annoyed
We got to march to the football practice field to “teach” the footballers how to sing the fight song
Basically we marched there in a parade formation (cool, good practice) and played the fight song for them. We didn’t get to teach them at all technically
When we got there, the football coach was hyping up the team, and we couldn’t respond with hype because we were at attention and that was awkward
Then we played the fight song
Then we got to relax and react a bit
Then we played Dance Again, the band’s national anthem
I was in the back, so I couldn’t see it, but apparently there was just a whole heckin mosh pit so that’s cool I guess
I think it’s kinda fun
So then we had to march back
And fun fact: piccs are in the back
So the genius idea was for the band to just turn around and have piccs in the front
Uh bad idea bad idea
I literally said “nonononononono” and I Know some of the piccs heard it
I was on the edge because I’m a Returner (but that doesn’t mean I’m good at marching, folks)
The first line had two people in it because they were the back
So I was guiding to like my line sort of and my made up place
And it’s not my first time being the corner of a parade, but it’s definitely the worst I’ve ever done
Marching back sucked because of me but whatever we made it in one piece
BD: “We’ll do some halftime then pregame” *we only do halftime*
Half the piccs got together to do a Pokemon Go raid before going back to band and it was pretty fantastic
So the plan was sectionals at 1:30 (after lunch) but it got changed to “Meet in band room first”
It was to put away chairs and stands
Then sectionals
But here’s the deal
Our section leader was really sick
So she wasn’t there until then
Me, texting her: So sectionals are happening, but only come if you think you can Two seconds later, the piccs: Can you text NSL Me: Just did
Us, getting into the sectionals room
Me: Listen up, piccs. Naptime until NSL gets here
We ended up napping for like twenty minutes
NSL got there, and one of the fish piccs was like “Do we have to get up” and NSL straight up said, “No keep napping” and let us go for another fifteen minutes
I was on instagram the entire time because I hate sleeping and naps
But then I was accused of sleeping and I’m still lowkey mad about it
Even though plenty of people stood up for me asdfghjkl
Then we started sectionals
I definitely had a piece of white chalk because I was gonna draw on the chalkboard (I didn’t so I didn’t wake people up)
The chalk was at the board, but I accidentally carried it back to my seat on accident
So I started drawing on myself
(I’m not white)
And I sit in the back so eventually the piccs turned around and were like “[cpb] wtf” “I’m trying to blend in”
Which has the same vibes as when I stole Roommate’s sunglasses (she was up front but her stuff was still in the back) and then was messing around on my phone and it must have been a Look because when the piccs saw they all were like “??????”
NDL noticed almost immediately and gave me a Look
that was like the second day of band camp whoops back to today
Finished sectionals, immediately back to the field
Many pregame
There was a car parked on where we’re supposed to enter the field so that created Issues
The owner of the car is this one guy who’s,,,, in band? Not in band?? none of us understand
He’s this older dude who fills in spots, but he has a nametag like the rest of us and everything, so
I dunno but he didn’t move it so we were Messy getting on the field
Our drum major brought her dog and her name is Coco and I love her
Technically this was the end of the day (shortened day--ended at 5:30)
We did noncompliance dances, which was some song about cows
One of the returning piccs lives on a dairy farm, and she was very into the song--it was hilarious
yes a member of GB
We didn’t sing, though--not yet
So then our band pres got in front of the band for announcements, and she was like, “Today’s activity is a hike up sugarloaf mountain! We meet here to figure out rides!”
but then here’s where stuff got even messier:
During the week of band camp, we’re supposed to have an elimination block
This is where we get in a block formation and follow commands blindly. Mess up and you’re out. Last one wins
We do it as a band, then just the returners
This is supposed to leave the freshmen paranoid. “Oh no they’re gonna make the freshmen do it” sorta thing
And then you go back to rehearsing as full band without saying anything, effectively confusing the freshmen
We didn’t do this
So as band pres was giving announcements, she said, “We’re gonna march pregame a bit and do an elimination block” so uh that’s spoiled thanks
I sorta get that we have to introduce the concept of it, but we should have done that when we met up after dinner
That entire thing is supposed to be a secret to the freshmen
Especially because of how BD reacted
He was like “Tell them about the rewards!”
And that’s an even bigger secret
So then everyone started whispering “freshman of the year” so surprise: spoiled
So then we completely revealed that, and I had to raise my hand because I was FOTY, and the other two also had to raise their hands but aaaaa
The piccs cheered for me though haha it was sweet
Thankfully, with all of us so tense you could feel it in the air, crash and burn wasn’t spoiled
The fact that we do stuff before sugarloaf was though and it makes me angry
then the antics
We did a whole band elimination block
I committed suicide--I wasn’t about to do that whole thing
A senior baritone won that
Then it was time for the block that mattered: the freshmen only
Basically the piccs dropped like flies except for maybe two, but they did well
Colour guard won, which nice since they’ve never done that
I should know, I currently have the list
Breaking the streak of only trumpets and drumline getting it one section at a time
Though piccs are slightly annoyed because their DI was a picc and knows the secrets
Then time for crash and burn
What’s supposed to happen is that we set up for pregame, and then they say “returners step out” which effectively freaks out the freshmen
But this time they straight up said “freshmen set up pregame” which ruins that
Then they got to the final block and were being yelled at to stay in set
Then the SL for the percussion gave us their air horn and we went wild
Basically the goal is to get them to break attention
We did a ton of vine references and broke quite a few of our piccs
One of them though was unbreakable so kudos to her, especially since she’s been sick all week and couldn’t do most rehearsals
Picc section has been dying in more than one way
She picks up on stuff so quickly though she’s amazing
Then we went up the hiking trail, hung out at the top, did the senior speeches, got emotional, took some awesome section pictures, amazing GB album covers (that’s what we call our squad pics)
squad piccs
After the senior speeches, we do the cult stuff. Singing the alma mater and fight song. However, before this, we’re supposed to take a pledge--or the freshmen are, at least
However our band pres forgot to get a copy of the pledge, so she had to call the band pres from last year (who graduated) and it was pretty funny
We did the cult stuff first to give him time to send it over
After that NSL called us over to give us a speech and talk about how proud she is of us and dang I love her
I miss mom and dad too, though
The freshmen: Why do you call yourselves gingerbread We made gingerbread houses together,,,, it’s not that interesting of a story
We hiked down
I very quickly figured out that my dinner of Lots of Bread wasn’t quite enough
My friends fixed that real quick
We also played pokemon go this entire time
And uh yeah that’s pretty much the day. I’ve been typing this on and off for two hours so I’m gonna go sleep
But also, another thing from yesterday:
At lunch I misheard someone say something and heard the word “wet” instead. But my dumb brain also took that as slang for “rad” so guess what the picc section says now
Yeah it’s pretty wet
Did I explain that yesterday? I dunno but I wanted to make sure you guys knew because it’s a Thing along with the handshake and I’m excited
Have I talked about the alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic song? I’ll try to mention it tomorrow if not
Have I mentioned how much we talk about vines because that’s still happening it’s honestly fantastic
A new vine reference every five seconds really
Tomorrow is a short day. Expect a shorter post. 
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