#suo fanfics
tigreblvnc · 7 days
Who among the bllk members would be the best to drink with? The one with the highest tolerance? The lightweight? Drunk hcs ;p
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warning: alcohol, drunkenness.
characters included: isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, chigiri, kunigami, barou, yukimiya, rin, shidou, karasu, otoya, hiori, oliver, sae, kaiser, ness + master strikers.
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✦ [All-or-nothing drunk] Isagi takes the time to calculate the blood alcohol level per drink and how long it will take for his body to process it all, before his plans are ruined by Bachira, who convinces him to drink everything with him. Isagi either becomes capable of anything or ends up on the floor, unable to speak or think properly.
✦ [Happy drunk] Bachira is overexcited, drags Isagi around and tries every drink. He ends up plastered on the floor, hugging Isagi like a pillow.
✦ [Talkative drunk] Nagi is surprisingly chatty, holding the bottle like a stuffed animal. He drinks straight from the bottle like it's a baby bottle, with a weird trembling smile on his lips. He mumbles stuff, but no one understands him.
✦ [Dramatic drunk] Reo takes the bottle away from Nagi to lecture him about sobriety, before drinking in his place. He ends up drunk instead of Nagi, starts getting sad, and eventually cries over his past failures.
✦ [Clumsy drunk] Chigiri giggles at every joke and stumbles around. He bumps into furniture and can no longer run. If he tries, he trips and falls to the ground, unable to get back up but still giggling.
✦ [Sober] Kunigami doesn’t drink and scolds those who overindulge. At the very end, he cleans up with a large garbage bag and escorts the drunk ones home, carrying people like princesses.
✦ [Sober and angry] Barou is typically like Kunigami but loses his temper with anyone who messed up the room. Unlike Kunigami, Barou drags people out by their feet directly.
✦ [Responsible drunk] Unlike Isagi, Yukimiya sticks to his calculations and drinks only the bare minimum before politely excusing himself from the party and heading home. He’s perfectly fine.
✦ [Amnesiac drunk] Rin forgets his first and last name. He turns red and drools everywhere without realizing it. Confused, he babbles incoherent words and looks for someone to comfort him. Basically, he's a big baby with teary eyes.
✦ [?] Shidou doesn’t show any difference between being sober and drunk.
✦ [Melancholic drunk] Karasu downs his drinks while sitting on the roof under the moonlight. His cheeks are flushed, and he mumbles cryptic things. Sometimes, he looks sad, but he hides it. That’s why he drinks alone on the roof.
✦ [Flirty drunk] Otoya flirts more than usual and giggles a lot. He also gets more touchy, throwing his arm around people he doesn’t know and asking awkward questions before moving on to the next person.
✦ [Innocent drunk] Hiori gets carried away by Isagi, who got carried away by Bachira. He drinks one glass and already feels hot. He can’t handle alcohol but tries to keep his composure, even though his cheeks are scarlet. More philosophical than usual.
✦ [Experienced drunk] Oliver has an average tolerance for alcohol but is a regular. Basically, he drinks until he falls asleep on the floor or someone, with a silly smile on his face.
✦ [Confident drunk] Sae can’t handle alcohol too well but knows how to pace himself so that the other person gets drunker than him. After a few drinks, he gets flirty and more demonstrative, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll see him smile.
✦ [Fake drunk] Kaiser actually drinks non-alcoholic cocktails and neither holds nor tolerates alcoholic drinks, as they remind him of bad memories. He doesn’t drink in public to maintain his composure and avoid being seen as vulnerable. Probably a sad and violent drunk if he ever did drink.
✦ [Weak drunk] Ness can’t handle alcohol at all and crawls on the floor after two drinks. He babbles nonsense and keeps calling for Kaiser, even to people who aren’t Kaiser, as they try to pick him up. He probably declares his love to whoever comes near him.
+ master strikers.
✦ [Controlled drunk] Noa has flushed cheeks but remains perfectly capable of giving rational and logical speeches.
✦ [Sober and disdainful] Loki doesn’t drink, judges those who do, and even worse, judges those who can’t handle their liquor.
✦ [Euphoric drunk] Prince laughs and talks even more than usual. Very touchy. Too much. Claims to be friends with everyone.
✦ [Sober and melancholic] Snuffy doesn’t drink. The very thought of it makes him sad and reminds him of bad memories.
✦ [Uninhibited drunk] Lavinho loses all control and climbs on tables to give grand speeches praising the youth of football.
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revasserium · 2 months
Can I request any windbreak characters (headcanons) of your choosing reacting to their s/o ending up in the hospital beacause if a rival gang targeting them?
reqs are open!
the beautiful and damned
sakura, suo; 911 words; fluff, slight angst, implied bodily harm, lapslock, no "y/n", hurt/comfort kinda i guess?, very!drabble, suo being... suo
a/n: sry i only did sakura and suo... currently i've only got the muse for these two tho i did consider tossing umemiya in there lmao; maybe next time...
falling backwards — sakura
it can take the body up to twenty-minutes to cycle through an average fight-or-flight response though he’s always prided himself in staying for the fight.
seeing you in the hospital bed for the first time was a masterclass in the concept of flight — or rather, in falling. of the ground crumbling beneath him, of his stomach going momentarily weightless before sinking and sinking, of his lungs calcifying inside his chest till it physically stings to breathe.
“i’m alright,” you say, waving him off, but for the first time, his knee-jerk reaction isn’t to punch something — it’s to topple into the chair by the door and bury his face in his hands.
“you’re alright…” he says, his mouth forming around the words like learning to speak for the very first time, and then again, “you’re alright.” the says the words like a prayer answered, like exaltation, like a promise to himself made and broken and mended back again.
you cast him a wide smile, though he doesn’t miss the way you wince and your hand jumps up to the bandage wrapped around your forehead.
“it really looks worse than it is… i just got scratched so they had to bandage up my head but the wound was really shallow so —”
he makes his way over to your bedside and tugs you into his chest, squeezing his eyes shut to block out the harsh, florescent light of the hospital room. for a second, your voice is muffled against his shirt but then you go quiet in his arms, you go soft, and there’s a terrifying moment when he wonders if he’s held on too tight —
“you’re… alright.”
he slumps down on the bed next to you, reaching for your hands. you let him take them, let him study them. there are a smattering of bruises along your arms, but nothing’s broken, no lasting damage. he leans down to press his forehead to the backs of your hands; you feel the heat simmering beneath his skin, stark and startling against your cool fingers.
“yeah. i’m alright. and… you’re okay too,” you say, flipping a hand over to cup his face, to lift his head up to meet your gaze. he nods, slowly, leaning into your touch.
“yeah… i think i will be.”
here are the monsters — suo
there are a few things suo hayato knows to be true: he’s a good fighter, even one of the best in the freshman year, that green tea should be brewed at 75 to 80 degrees, and that whoever did this will pay.
“tell me who did this.”
his voice is light, almost conversational, and nothing in his expression betrays the bright red fury curdling just beneath the thin veneer of his calm. you eye him warily, and he smiles sweetly, cocking his head to one side as he waits for your answer.
you sigh, leaning back in your hospital bed and crossing your arms.
“if i tell you, promise you won’t go looking for a fight.”
suo pauses, considering your words, tallying them against his internal list of truths — he knows of the terrible risk of loving someone more than yourself, of the secret strength it grants you. he knows terror too, the kind that seems endless and dark and ever-expanding, a black hole of nothing that threatens to consume him when he’d first heard that you’d been hurt bad enough to warrant a night in the hospital.
but beneath that terror is something else — something with flashing teeth and shining claws that he does not have a name for but has felt flickering there for his whole entire life.
this is the monster, he thinks, that lives in us all.
the minotaur in the middle of the maze of self.
hungry and lonely and howling for blood.
“fine. i promise,” he says, putting his hands up.
you blink at him for a few seconds before your eyes narrow once more. you know him, and you know him almost too well.
“hayato, what aren’t you telling me?”
“i’ll tell you if you tell me who did this.”
after another second’s pause, you sigh and list off a few names — the perpetrators to this great crime. kids, too, from another school’s gang.
“it’s par for the course, isn’t it?” you say, your voice tightening slightly as suo nods and gets to his feet. he takes his time, stretches, leans down to drop a sweet kiss into your hair, “i knew what i was getting into when i agreed to date you so…” your voice trails off as suo makes for the door, humming lightly.
“where’re you going?” you ask.
he pauses by the door, “for a walk and… maybe a friendly chat with some kids at the school the next county over.”
“hayato! you promised you wouldn’t go looking for a fight!”
at this, suo’s expression shifts ever so slightly. it’s in the slant of his mouth and the sharpness of his eyes, the way his voice is smooth as starlight but his words have all their vowels seeped in cyanide —
“oh i’m not going looking for a fight… but you see, the second they put a hand on you, the fight already found it’s way to me.”
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the-original-skipps · 4 months
Suo likes to stand in this pose ↓
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What it could mean ↓
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bookmaker-untaken · 3 months
you're ugly, you're disgusting - give me 200 horses
Suo Hayato x Reader // Mythology AU
Summary: To marry you, a suitor must beat you in hand-to-hand combat. Or do whatever the fuck Suo did instead.
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, OOC!Suo, Probably (Look, I Tried), Misogyny
Word Count: 1, 953
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Contrary to popular belief whispered throughout the steppe, you do not hate men.
But, by god, are they a stupid bunch.
There is this story your Father liked to tell after a few drinks, of you, as a toddler, gripping a snake by the throat and happily slamming him into the ground, repeatedly.
So why are men always surprised when they end up in the same spot?
Your most recent challenger groans from the ground, dust settling around him. 
The fight master holds up your hand once more and you grin. 
Behind you, there is familiar laughter and clapping, your Father waving you back to the cushioned seat near him. 
"That's my daughter! A force to be reckoned with!" 
He claps a hand on your back and shakes you a little and you smirk.
The man with the eyepatch and expensive clothes lowers his cup of honey wine, a tranquil smile adoring his features. "Your fighting technique is quite impressive."
You look over at him, up then down. His robes make it hard to tell what kind of stature he has, hard to tell what kind of fighter he might be. 
"Most men still challenge me afterwards. I hardly receive compliments."
"Fight you?" He laughs, and the small jewel attached to the eyepatch quivers. "I would most certainly lose."
You give him a look out of the side of your face. Somehow, you know he's bluffing. He might put up a good fight at the very least, and that in itself would be a miracle. 
"You are wise, Suo! My daughter is well versed in combat!" 
You watch this Suo for his reaction. He shows you nothing, taking another sip of wine.
"You see, my daughter has one rule for suitors! They must beat her in hand-to-hand combat!"
"Oh?" He says, sounding genuinely interested. This, too, is rare.  "And what happens when they lose, as that man did?"
"They owe me a horse." You say, chin raised, daring him to speak ill of your methods as many often do.
"Huh." He says. "How many horses do you have?" 
"1,000." You say, smirk curving on the corner of your lips.
"Wow," He says, sounding genuinely impressed. "That is quite amazing!" 
"And a hassle! We hardly have room for them all," Your Father laughs.
The arrow sings through the breeze, hitting its perfect mark.
You're almost boring to watch with your accuracy and skill. 
The Merchant speaks to your Father under a richly colored tarp.
"You must forgive my daughter," You hear when you go to pick up more arrows. "She worries for me." 
"It's cute," Suo replies. 
Your face wrinkles in confusion and he laughs. 
"Don't let my daughter hear you say that," Your Father leans over, whispering conspiratorially. "She might bite your head off." 
"Right," You say loudly, another arrow piercing the bullseye. "Like that would be the optimal way of killing someone."
The smile on Suo's face remains, despite your dark joke.
The other girl scoffs and storms away, leaving your handmaiden and best friend Líu.
"What happened?"
Liú gives you a one armed shrug, putting another cloth into the basket at her hip. "Well, I told her I had my first time with my husband the other day,"
Your eyes widen. “How … how was it?”
“Somewhat underwhelming,”  Líu admits. “I think she was expecting more of a story?"                                                                                                              
You had the heard stories girls gossiped in the night. Sometimes horrifying, sometimes filthy, seldom in between.You supposed you had been wondering, even if you never asked.
"Don't get me wrong, I love my husband but ... it was just fine."
"'Just fine', huh.” You laugh, eyes crinkling. “So I suppose there really is no reason to stop throwing them into the dirt, then?”
Liú laughs. "I suppose not. But getting married wouldn't be the end of the world, either. Whichever you choose, I know it'll be true to you.”
"You have a lot of faith in me.” You say, puffing your chest.
“Of course!” 
Another day, another victory. 
The man hits the dust and you're already turning around to walk away, not seeing him scramble to grab a saucer from a plate and fling it at you.
But you do see the hand cast out before you, blocking your vision.
"Come now," Says Suo, smile taking an odd sort of edge. "There's no need to be a sore loser!" 
"You have good reflexes, Merchant," You say.
"Thank you!" Suo drops the saucer into your outstretched hand. 
"Though, you absolutely stole my thunder." 
"Sorry," He says, scratching his cheek. "My hand moved on my own."
"You're going to have to make it up to me," You say, still smirking. "Tomorrow. Archery grounds." 
Suo is just as much of a challenge as you had predicted. 
You often tie. 
You await his return to visit your Father and give him a new challenge each time.
He's fantastic with a polearm, but often lets go of the arrow too early.
Your horses adore him, even the most stubborn old girls allowing him to feed them carrots. 
He tells you stories of his travels, and in exchange you regale him with your exploits.
"Your next challenger..." Your Mother says. "He's a good man."
"They often are?" You say with a quirk of the brow. You feel the trap closing in on you, even if you do not know what it is for. 
She sighs, seeing that such a method would not work on you. "I want you to throw the match."
You look to your Father, who says nothing. 
Your Mother continues. "He comes from a good family and - "
"What of our honor!" 
"This is honorable!"
You look again to your Father, who simply shrugs. "It is your decision in the end. I trust our judgment." 
You stand in front of the man considering the conversation from earlier.
“100 Horses.” He is saying. “I bet I could beat you.”
“The men before you said the same.”
He spits. “The men before me were nothing.”
You do not throw the match. 
On a later visit, you and Suo are returning from a hunt, when you tell that story.
You wait for his reply.
"Hm. Good."
You're surprised. 
"I just thought you would have taken more of a ... business minded approach?" 
"I think it was merciful," He said. "Any fighter worth their salt would have been able to tell if you threw a fight."
"Have you ever thrown a fight?" You ask. "Is that how you lost your eye?"
"Nothing nearly as interesting as that," He says smoothly. 
"Aww," You smirk.
"Is there an interesting reason you started fighting your suitors?"
"Because I have to," You say automatically, then seal your lips. It dawns on you that nobody has asked you that question before. "Well..."
You look up into the sky as you think. He doesn't need an answer, you know. And he doesn't deserve an explanation. But you've already started thinking. On one hand, it's instinctual - you cannot help but not go down easily. 
"My grandmother ... was taken from her home by a foreign prince, my grandfather. And on her deathbed, she longed for it."
Suo is silent, waiting. He watches you intently. 
"She made me promise as a little girl for that never to be my fate. To never let any man possess me. "
Suo looks at you for a long time. "I cannot claim to completely understand, but I do empathize." 
You make a sound in response.
“Though. It is a lot of weight to put on a child.” 
"So," Liú says. "Is there something going on with you and that Merchant?" 
You stop cleaning your sword for a second to look up at her, "You mean something other than friendly competition?"
"There are rumors,"
"You know how I feel about rumors." 
"I do!” She say, plopping down next to you. “Which is why I came to you instead,"
"Suo is great competition. More than the likes I've ever seen before."
"And that's it?" 
You pause. "Should there be more?"
"No," Liu says with a loose shrug. "There doesn't have to be." 
It's a sharp second, like a pinprick - attacks you suddenly like a bird of prey..
The sunlight hits Suo's hair just right and it's like it glows. 
A terror grips you by the back of the neck. 
You shove the feeling away and decide to deal with it another time. 
And then the rumors start. 
The rumors that the reason your so object to marriage is that you are in a secret relationship with your Father.
You balk. It's ridiculous! Why would anybody believe such a thing! 
Your surprised when your Father calls you to his tent, full of onlookers.
"You must get married." 
You laugh. "You're going to let some silly rumor decide for you!? You might as well let it run your court as well!"
"No," He says. "I've let this charade go on for far too long. It's not fit for a young woman to remain unmarried like this."
"You're joking."
His face is unmoving. You realize he is not relenting. 
"Father. Father! You can't just offer my hand to some stranger! ... Please!"
He closes his eyes. "One year. You have one year to choose."
When Suo returns, he cannot find you. 
"She rides every day," Your Father tells him. "From dawn till dusk." 
When you return, you give him a smirk that doesn't meet your eyes. 
"What happened?"
You start to tell him, the emotions swimming in your eyes, but instead say, "Ride with me."
The moon illuminates your shadows.
You approach a shimmering lake, looking at its surface. "My father wishes for me to get married."
"I -" You are crying. The tears that squeeze out of your eyes are of desperation. "I know of none who would wish to marry me of their own accord, so I am to be promised to a stranger."
Suo is silent.
"I have fought my whole life for my freedom and now I will be remembered for my failure!"
"You didn't fail." 
You look at him, crystalline tears still falling.
"You never lost." 
"But I did!" You say. "Because I fell for somebody!"
"Falling in love is not losing," He says. "And knowing you, knowing the decisions you make - the person you fell for would probably never have you give up on yourself. If they do, it isn't love."
"You don't understand!” You snap, fists forming at your side.”I do not know if I'll ever be able to love them like anyone else! I respect them! But what if it is not love? What if it is all I am capable of? You do not wish a life with me!"
"That is not for you to decide," Suo says, then after a moment, “Fight me.”
“A King once told me that fighting is a conversation of one’s souls. You have something to tell me, don’t you? Fight me.”
You begin to walk from behind your horse. “You have to be serious.”
He nods. “I will.”
“Even if you think you can’t win.”
He begins to stand in a fighting position. “I’ll try.” 
You shift into your fighting position. "Then come!" 
The two of you lunge at each other. He’s faster than you are, and reflects most of your attacks, but when you finally manage to grapple him he hits the ground hard. The two of you dance along the moonlit shore to a rhythm nobody else will ever hear.
The two of you fall to the ground at the same time, panting and sweating. 
You laugh.
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unpopularwriter25 · 4 months
Baked with Love
Summary: Hajime Umemiya frequently visits a local bakery where Y/N, a sweet and caring worker, has captured his heart. Despite his nervousness, Hajime continually finds excuses to see her, often bringing friends who know his true intentions.
Warnings: None
Note: Hi, I started watching the new anime called Windbreaker, so I'm going to be writing for some of these cuties.
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The bell above the bakery door chimed softly as Hajime Umemiya pushed it open, the scent of freshly baked bread and pastries wafting out to greet him. He inhaled deeply, savoring the sweet aroma that never failed to lift his spirits. The warm, inviting atmosphere of the bakery was a stark contrast to the bustling streets outside. Soft music played in the background, and the gentle hum of conversation filled the air.
“Man, this place really does have the best treats,” Hajime said, a little too enthusiastically, as he ushered his friends inside. They exchanged knowing glances but said nothing, familiar with the real reason for his frequent visits.
You stood behind the counter, your eyes lighting up as you saw Hajime enter. “Good morning, Hajime! It’s great to see you again,” you greeted warmly, your smile as sweet as the confections you sold.
Hajime’s heart skipped a beat at your words, and he felt a blush creeping up his neck. “Morning, Y/N. Got any new treats today?” he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.
“We do! We just started making these new strawberry tarts. Would you like to try one?” You held up a perfectly golden tart, the strawberries glistening under the soft lights.
“Absolutely! I’ll take one. And, um, the usual for my friends,” Hajime said, his eyes never leaving yours.
As you prepared their order, Hajime couldn’t help but admire the way you moved, so graceful and focused. The way your hands worked, deftly and efficiently, made his heart swell with admiration. He wondered how someone could be so perfect, so effortlessly kind and beautiful.
“You know,” his friend Suo said, nudging him with an elbow, “you should just ask her out already. It’s obvious you like her.”
Hajime shot him a panicked look. “Shh, not so loud!” he whispered urgently. “She’ll hear you!”
Suo chuckled. “Honestly, I think she already knows. Everyone does.”
You returned with their order, setting the tray on the counter with a smile. “Here you go! One strawberry tart for you, Hajime, and the usual for your friends. I hope you all enjoy it.”
“Thanks, Y/N. I’m sure we will,” Hajime replied, his voice softer now. He handed you the money, and as your fingers brushed briefly, he felt a jolt of electricity shoot through him.
As they settled at a table near the window, Hajime took a bite of the tart. The sweet and tangy flavor of the strawberries, perfectly balanced by the flaky crust, was a delight. But even more delightful was watching you as you interacted with other customers, your cheerful demeanor never fading.
“Man, you’ve got it bad,” Haruka teased, biting into his own pastry.
Hajime sighed, his eyes still on you. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
The sun streamed through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the bakery. The combination of sunlight, the smell of freshly baked goods, and your presence made the place feel magical. Hajime knew he couldn’t keep coming here with the same excuse forever. He needed to muster the courage to ask you out, to see if there was a chance you felt the same way about him.
As they were getting ready to leave, Hajime lingered by the counter, waiting for a moment when you weren’t busy. Finally, you turned to him with that same sweet smile.
“Is there something else you need, Hajime?”
He swallowed nervously, his heart pounding. “Actually, Y/N, there is. I was wondering if… maybe you’d like to go out with me sometime? Like, not just here, but… somewhere else?”
Your eyes widened in surprise, and then a radiant smile spread across your face. “I’d love that, Hajime.”
His heart soared, and he felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. “Really? That’s… that’s awesome. How about this Saturday?”
“Saturday sounds perfect,” you replied, your cheeks tinged with a soft blush.
“Great! I’ll see you then,” Hajime said, grinning from ear to ear.
As he left the bakery, his friends congratulating him and patting him on the back, Hajime felt like he was walking on air.
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silverquillsideas · 1 month
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Hello!! I finally gathered up courage to post chapter 1 of the self indulgent Suosaku fic I'd been working on! 🙈
Hope you guys like it! 🥺✨
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glittersparkleslady · 2 months
does anyone know any fanfic about a crossdresser oc/reader in windbreaker? Like she dress up as a boy so that her enemies would go all out on her without minding the gender? so she won't get underestimated 🗣️ And also she would be under Tsubakino-chan's and she's the only who knows about her little secret ☝😊
if u guys know anything about this pls lemme know hehehehe 👁👁
edit: oh i just realziwd that furin is an all-boy school lsol
(also my fav panel)
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in-kensington-gardens · 2 months
"ultimately, love exists in the lone man who allows himself to be loved even when he's scared."
🌿 a sakura haruka character analysis.
we are made of hearts that echo the songs of both hope and despair — and we are all made of stories... unconsciously writing strings of letters, adding sentences over sentences sometimes larger than the pages. a syntax some can empathise, but surely not many can understand on the first read.
an overture... a chapter of grief, of fear, of regrets, of joy — and sometimes, of love.
sakura haruka's began at the first hour of the sun's peak, when he met nirei in a shadowed alleyway, and it overflowed into a rowdy classroom of faces who would soon wear the look of familiarity. shame was what he felt first — he had not known love. it was something he never found from others... the one thing he's never had the privilege of having.
it magnified in the instant he was made representative. an odd sense of belonging bubbling in the pits of his chest, right under the surface of being needed, but a feeling he could not quite pin down as he overhauls with an exaggerated doom. fear was what he felt then — he had not known love. it never occurred to him that regardless of what he could offer, he was someone they believed in unconditionally.
before he realised love existed in the small corners of his classroom, he felt his first surrender. oddly, it was a defeat that which didn't feel like a loss. a defeat he surmised was a sense of equal bewilderment and relief, as though he had been clutching unto a thin thread for so long, nails digging in his skin, and only finally understood the concept of peace. as though surrender was what he was meant to do all along — and it felt right.
a punch to the gut, both literally and figuratively, when sugishita practically forced the truth into his system that one night with noroshi and sakura broke.
you're not alone. we have your back — so don't be afraid to fall.
sugishita wasn't one for many words, but as the mantra of furin's top dog echoed down all the way to the borders, "talk with your fists." and though one-sided, it was a conversation sakura would forever remember.
we are made of hearts that echo the songs of both hope and despair, and we are all made of stories. sakura once believed his was that of a lone man's book, a journey following hands that held only the self and never others, and a cup that filled itself, never by others. a lone man who only knew love in the way he put himself to bed when he was tired, and in the way he carried himself to the stairs even when his knees ached. a lone man who believed love only existed when he was alone.
but love also exists in a run-down box of walls, graffitis signed by hands that try to make a purpose. love exists in the crests of pale knuckles that fight alongside him, in laughter that rings in forgotten hallways. love exists in taiyakis handed in the streets as an extension of thanks, in the omurice sakura makes a point to always have from kotoha. it exists in the scribbles on nirei's notes, in suo's left that rights him on his feet when he forgets his place.
ultimately, love exists in the lone man who allows himself to be loved even when he's scared.
he realises his book wasn't much of a book as it was a love letter. when we are created with hearts that echo a song of hope and despair, who are we to deprive ourselves of the one thing that carries us all?
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druh19 · 4 months
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༝ Wind Breaker Icons
like and reblog if saved ♡
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tigreblvnc · 19 days
Oh lord.
*clears throat*
HI. 😃
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*inhales deeply*
What do you think are isagi's kink? Y'know...in bed.
why are you making me do this sob sob
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warning: pervert!isagi, sub!isagi, also dom!isagi, unprotected sex, body worship, somnophilia, penetration, nipple play, blowjob, breeding kink, oral sex, masturbation, mention of pregnancy.
w. count: 1010.
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✦ boyfriend!isagi wasn't the most confident boyfriend at first and had no experience with women, but from the moment you were the one who took his virginity, oh my god, he wasn't the same anymore.
✦ boyfriend!isagi is starving.
✦ boyfriend!isagi is also a good boy. Well, most of the time.
✦ boyfriend!isagi seems always sweet and discreet in public, but then goes totally wild once you're in private.
✦ boyfriend!isagi loves snaking under the blankets, lifting your shirt and sucking your bloated tits while you're still sleeping. He licks them so well, the sounds of him sucking your sensitive nipples even awakes you. Eyes opened, you find him on your boobs, lapping like a naughty little puppy who doesn't know how to stop. Poor baby.
✦ boyfriend!isagi adores when you rub his cock. That makes him cum hard and loves to see all his cum splattered all over your hands. Of course, he comes to clean up all his mess like a good boy.
✦ boyfriend!isagi's favorite position is cowgirl. It's so comfortable for you and pleasant for him because he can see you as you bounce on his stiff, swollen cock. Damn, he loves rubbing your tits while he thrusts deeper and deeper into you.
✦ boyfriend!isagi educated himself a lot on the internet to learn new positions and ways to please you. When you want to try something else, he will ask either his experienced friends or the internet to provide him with the most exciting positions or accessories if you like that. Know that tying you is one of his favorite thing.
✦ boyfriend!isagi is a panty thief and can't help but steal yours when you leave him home alone, they are his comforting stuffed animals when you're not around. But when you come back, you surprise him with your precious underwear and punish the boy by fucking him hard on the couch. The fact that you're not even wearing panties makes him cum in two seconds and he apologizes.
✦ boyfriend!isagi loves it when you're strict and demanding. You're so sexy when you're mad at him that he can't help but do stupid things on purpose just to see you get savage on him.
✦ boyfriend!isagi's best reward after a match he wins is when you join him in the facility to suck his dick until there's no more dripping. His cum is warm and clear, always coming out in thick, fast spurts. It also tastes a little sweet. The first time you sucked him, you were surprised by the amount that came out. The boy was so embarrassed and blushing, it was so damn adorable.
✦ boyfriend!isagi is always up for a quickie even if it's between sessions. The boy never rushes you, adapts to your pace, goes faster or slower. The main goal is to feel your velvet walls close around his aching and sensitive cock. You know what's the best? Making love to you while wearing his jersey. Because when he's on the field, he thinks about you and it makes his balls twitching.
✦ boyfriend!isagi collects all the nudes you sent him. And you're so beautiful, he can't count all the times he jerked off while looking at your perfect body. You don't even realize all the pictures stocked in his computer. As an organization freak, the boy named each file correctly and by date. That way, when he wants to jerk off to a specific picture of you, Isagi knows exactly where to find it.
✦ boyfriend!isagi loves to eat you. No matter what time is it. Whether you shave or not, he praises your precious little pussy and never misses a chance to sneak in to honor this wonderful treasure of yours. He takes good care of this sensitive bud you hide and swallows it between his warm lips. Oh my god, he can stay here for hours, licking between your spread legs like a wild and hungry man.
✦ boyfriend!isagi once made love with you with his unprotected cock, and then accidentally cum inside you. He apologized, ashamed, but smiled knowing he did it perfectly on purpose.
✦ boyfriend!isagi often feels the urge to fuck you first thing in the morning because his balls have already gotten too heavy since last night. So while you open the window, he sneaks up behind you and takes you to the balcony, putting his hand over your mouth to prevent the moans from alerting the neighborhood.
✦ boyfriend!isagi sends you a text when he just finished his workout. He doesn't have much times since his schedule is busy, so he only has time to bang you in the bathroom. You try to be silent because someone entered at the same time but when Isagi ends up cumming loudly, the world knows.
✦ boyfriend!isagi is very vocal and even though you scolded him for that, he can't stop. But his moans are so deep and so delightful to hear, how to blame him.
✦ boyfriend!isagi always blushes when you cum with him.
✦ boyfriend!isagi won't be able to see you much with the soccer tournament so he makes sure you have the best night of your life right before he goes on his world tour. Tonight, he goes so deep inside you that he can't even pull out once he cums.
✦ boyfriend!isagi is clearly the best at aftercare, making sure you're well, if you need something or putting the blanket on you. And of course, if you're ready for a second round.
✦ boyfriend!isagi doesn't know about the gift he left in your belly before he left, but will hear the good news from you once he returns. He will be so proud to see his children growing in your belly and this thought alone makes him hard and happy.
✦ boyfriend!isagi loves you and can't wait to see you soon.
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revasserium · 2 months
know, know better
suo hayato; 3,591 words; fluff, fem!reader, no "y/n", banter, so much flirting, mentions of bodily harm (its wind breaker lol), first!kisses, semi-whipped!suo, suo will break the world for the one he loves likes, suo is a jackass gentleman exhibit 329048293
summary: the only difference between a garden and a graveyard is what you decide to put in the ground
a/n: yes, i know i've used that metaphor before in another fic for another fandom. no, i do not care. yes, i will continue to reuse this metaphor bc i love it.
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He sees you for the first time on the roof, and for a second, he wonders if he’s hallucinating because — well, no one else wears dresses at Fuurin other than Tsubaki-chan and he’s certain he just saw them downstairs, arm slung through Umemiya’s, squealing about a new line of glittery eyeshadows that just launched over the weekend.
“Ah — excuse me!”
“I know, I know — but I couldn’t just let the poor cherry tomatoes suffer like this! Go tell Ume-nii that he’s been neglecting — oh!”
By the time you look up, Suo is already bending over your shoulder to peer politely down into the garden trough, his single eye wide and bright and curious.
“Uwah… you seem really good at this!”
You lick your lips, tasting salt, feeling an unfamiliar heat creep up the back of your neck.
“Uhm… yeah — well —” your clear your throat and turn back towards the cherry tomato plants, reaching out with a gloved hand to flick one of the budding green tomatoes, “these lil guys need a lot of sunlight and Ume-nii let them in a patch of shade, so I couldn’t just leave them there, yknow?”
You smile as you get to your feet, Suo backing up politely, his hands tucked behind his back, his eye following the graceful lilt of your movements, the lithe, slenderness of your arms and legs. He can’t help the way his gaze catches on the hem of your skirt, the way it brushes the creamy skin of your leg just above your knees.
He forces himself to look away.
“You… must be one of the new first-years, right? I heard Kotoha-chan talking about you guys!”
Your voice is clear as a bell-chime, and almost as sweet, but its your eyes he can’t stop himself from coming back to. Irises purled with gold, limned by dark lashes that cast shadows against the round of your cheeks. He feels something inside him stutter as he tries to focus back on the way you’re reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear, how the other errant strands frame your face so perfectly that he has to fight down the urge to reach out and tug the slip of hair back down.
“… your name?”
“Hm?” Suo smiles before he realizes you’re waiting for him to say something, “Ah — apologies — how rude of me. Suo Hayato, it’s a pleasure.”
He dips his head in greeting as you extend a hand.
“Pleasure, huh?” you giggle as he takes your hand in his and shakes. Your skin is warm and soft, and Suo finds — for the first time in a long while — that he doesn’t really want to let go.
He sees you the second time at Cafe Pothos, laughing behind the counter with Kotoha. He pauses in the doorway and lets the sound wash over him, even as you both look over at the sound of the doorbell.
“Oh! It’s you!” your smile sets his world spinning off on it’s axis and it’s all he can do to keep it from showing. Beside him, Sakura frowns.
“You know each other?”
Suo grins, stepping over the threshold to slip into one of the bar chairs.
“Yep! We met on the school roof the other day!”
“School roof — wait, I thought there weren’t any girls in Fuurin — unless —” Sakura cuts off as he whips back towards you, his eyes wide as he looks you over once, twice — before Kotoha rolls her eyes and snaps her fingers in front of his face.
“Oi! Quit ogling my friend — and no, there aren’t any girls in Fuurin, but we do have a delivery service for the VIP clients.” Kotoha winks as Sakura’s cheeks go pink. Suo props his chin on the heel of his hand and offers you a bright smile; your mirrored smile back makes his chest squeeze.
“So… how’re the cherry tomatoes doing?” you ask, reaching out to set a traditional tea service in front of Suo, your fingers light as they pluck a tiny porcelain cup from a shelf to place it on a small, bamboo tray.
“They’re getting really ripe! I’ve been checking on them like you asked…” Suo’s voice trails off as you go about the work of putting loose leaf tea in a tea bowl and warming it before pouring out the first wash of liquid.
“How… did you know I’d like this kind of tea?”
You grin, shrugging, “I just… had a feeling.”
“It’s her superpower,” Kotoha leans over with a sly smile, “she can usually guess a person’s favorite kind of food and drink within… about five minutes of getting to know them!”
“Oh stop it — it’s nothing like that! I just… had a hunch is all.” You glance up to catch Suo staring, his gaze so intense you almost fumble the teapot in your hands. It clinks against the empty cup, but before the cup has a chance to tumble off the table, Suo reaches out with a deft hand to catch it, placing it smoothly back onto the tea tray.
There’s a faint stutter in the fluidity of your movements as you blink at the cup now sitting innocently, perfectly centered, on the tray. And then you’re reaching out to fill the cup with a steaming, golden liquid, fragrant enough to fill half the room. Even Sakura leans over with a curious sniff.
“Whoa. Smells good,” he says, “smells like…”
Suo smiles, reaching down to trace a finger along the razor-thin rim of the tiny glass, “Smells like flowers.”
You are young in all the ways that teenage girls can be young, and old in the all the ways that people have to be in Makochi. Your ribs hurt, your lip’s split, and there’s an ache settling over your right eye that tells you there’s probably an incredible bruise blooming into existence there.
“Ouch… damnit… I’ve really… done it this time…” you groan as you try to push yourself up off the dark alley wall. You wiggle each of your fingers in turn and say a silent prayer when you find that they all respond. Good, you think, so nothing’s broken. **
Not yet, at least.
Footsteps to your right. Light, but hurried. You squeeze your eyes shut and brace for the worst but instead — there’s only warmth, and a soft palm cupping the curve of your face.
“Hey… it’s okay — you’re alright.”
“That’s right — it’s me —” a soft, exasperated sigh, “we were looking for you afternoon —” arms wrapping around you, lifting you up. You hear the soft rustle of bags and groan as you try to reach out but a firm hand stops you.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got it.”
He doesn’t sound angry. If anything, he sounds just as measured as he usually is. But pressed up against his chest like this, you can feel the wild, racehorse hoofbeats of his heart, feel the shakiness in his every breath. His fingers are tight as he cradles you to him, carrying you from the alleyway.
“I wanted… yokan…” your voice is hoarse, and a bit ragged. Suo casts his eyes up toward the sunset sky and counts down from ten.
When he’s certain his voice won’t shake, he says —
“Eh? But the Minami tea store always sells really good yokan — why’d you… ah… you wanted to get the famous mizu yokan from across the tracks, didn’t you?” Suo sighs, gently adjusting his hold around your body, pressing you ever closer to his chest. Your breathing is shallow but even; like this, he can almost hear the faint fluttering of your heart deep inside your chest, see the soft quiver of your lashes as you shift in his arms.
“Silly girl,” he whispers, leaning down to press his lips into the seam of your hair, “next time, just tell me and I’ll go with you.”
He can sense your consciousness fading, and though the logical part of him knows that you’re in no immediate danger, he still hastens his steps, his stomach twisting inside him like a wrung-out towel, dry and aching.
“But…” he leans in; your voice is barely a whisper. He almost jumps as you reach up to trace a finger along his eyepatch, “Then it wouldn’t have been… a surprise.”
“Happy Birthday!”
“Wow! Thank you!” Suo blinks for a second before his expression breaks into a bright smile. He’d had an inkling, after the “yokan-incident”, that this might’ve been the reason. But still, it twists something deep inside his gut to know that you’d gotten so hurt because of — well — something to do with him.
Even unsolicited. Even then. He detests the thought of it.
Nearly the entire first year class is there, and a good few students from the second and third years, crammed into Cafe Pothos. There’s a full traditional tea service set out on the tables, pieced together into the center of the room, and an array of tea snacks enough to make even the most ascetic eaters take pause.
“Suo-kun! C’mon, you shouldn’t keep everyone waiting, right?” Kotoha waves him towards the center table, where a multicolored display of mochis are placed in a barely legible “Happy Birthday”, each with a matching colored candle shoved into the middle.
“Sakura-kun did the mochis!” Nirei offers, pointing, seconds before Sakura smacks him upside the head.
“You don’t have’ta single it out!”
Suo takes his time, moving from person to person, chatting and laughing and thanking them in turn. There’s a softness pulsing inside him, something warm and growing, purring, curling up with a creamy, spine-deep contentment. Until he gets to you, busy wowing a group of first-year boys with your kung-fu tea skills, pouring the steaming water from higher and higher, never spilling a single drop.
“— the water can’t be too hot, or else the tea will get burnt — and that’s why sometimes —”
“Sometimes, when you make tea at home, it tastes awful and bitter, right?” Suo sits down, smiling even as he purposefully encroaches on the personal space of the freshman closest to you. To his credit, the freshman boy laughs, inching back as Suo props his chin on his palm and turns to look at them.
“A-ah… that’s really uh — cool! Wow — those shortcakes over there look really good — guys, let’s go grab some before they’re all gone!”
They scurry off, dipping their heads in your direction before ducking away.
“Mm… you’re lucky its your birthday,” you say, placing a warmed cup of tea in front of him, reaching over to slide over a glistening piece of mizu-yokan.
“Hm?” Suo takes a sip of the tea, savoring it’s depth of flavor, before taking a bite of the tea-snack.
“Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so nice to someone who’s driving off all my best customers,” you say, flashing him a knowing, indulgent smile. Suo doesn’t miss a beat.
“Your best customers?” he makes a show of pivoting towards where the clueless freshmen boys had run off to, now crowded around Sakura, laughing all too loudly, “if I didn’t know better… I’d say you need to raise your standards.”
You cock your head, hands pausing over a fresh pour of tea.
“But you do, don’t you?” you ask, resuming your movements. A second later, you place a fresh cup of tea in front of him.
“Don’t I… what?” he asks, playing at innocence.
“You should,” you parry, propping open the lid of the tiny teapot with two fingers, bending down to take a deep breath of the fragrant leaves.
The lid snaps back onto the pot with a solid click.
Suo blows at the surface of his teacup, pausing at the sound. He looks up to meet your knife-sharp gaze.
“Know — better.”
A shiver kisses up the length of his spine, and he nearly drops the fresh cup of tea. He clears his throat and takes a long sip. The heat drips down his throat, unfurling in his stomach, setting his whole body ablaze with the kind of fire that refuses to go out.
“Mm… this tea is delicious! Where’s it from?”
You shake your head, the motion just on the other side of innocent. But as you said — he knows better now.
“Somewhere… over the rainbow, I suppose.”
In a flicker, faster than a flash, he reaches out, fingers skimming along a thin line marring the perfect skin of your left cheek.
“This wasn’t there two days ago,” he says, almost casually, before his voice drops in register and his eyes go dark beneath his curtain of too-long lashes, “where’s it from?”
You make you shake off his hand but he’s too quick, catching your chin between two fingers.
“Don’t know. Must’ve been an accident.”
Suo tugs you towards him, his grip now bordering on too tight, “Ah… pretty girls like you shouldn’t make a habit of lying so much.”
You lick your lips, breath caught in your chest as you tug your face from his grasp, flicking a strand of hair over your shoulder.
“And pretty boys like you should really know better than to ask questions they don’t want to know the answers to.”
“And if I don’t?” Suo’s voice is sweet and soft and low. He sets down his empty teacup; you reach out to refill it.
“Don’t what?” you ask, feigning ignorance.
He catches your wrist, pulling up your sleeve before you can protest to reveal a series of dark bruises scattered up the length of your arm. The air around him seems to condense and cool as he stares for a second before his expression fixes itself back into one of detached sweetness.
“Know — better,” he answers, simply, letting his hand fall as you snatch your arm back, massaging the place where his fingers had been.
You narrow your eyes, but before you can say anything else, a group of boys all stumble over, singing loudly as they pull Suo back towards the center of the room, where yet another cake has materialized out of god knows where. He laughs, clapping along, blowing out the candles on instruction.
But for the rest of the night, you can’t help feeling the weight of his eyes on you, though you never again catch him staring.
“They’re doing well, aren’t they?”
You jump, jerking upright even as Suo approaches you on the rooftop garden, hands laced behind his back, his earrings fluttering in the light breeze.
“Y-yeah. They really are.” You turn back to your cherry tomato plants, a few of them ripe to bursting. You reach out to pluck one off a vine, turning to offer it to the boy crouching down next to you.
He takes it from you, examining it for a second before popping into his mouth.
“Mm… sweet!”
You laugh, reaching out to tug another one off the vine. You bite into the soft flesh, feeling the explosion of flavor on your tongue.
“So much better than the ones from the supermarket, right?”
Suo sighs, nodding, but his expression sobers a second later.
“You shouldn’t have done that — just for my birthday.”
You pause, hands halfway towards another tomato. Suo reaches out to pluck it for you. As he presses it into your hand, you sigh, shaking your head.
“I didn’t do it just for you.”
You roll the bright red fruit between your thumb and forefingers, holding it up to the light.
“Do you know what the difference is between a garden and a graveyard?” you ask, dropping your hand back down, your eyes trained on the plump little tomato now sitting in the palm of your hand.
“Tell me,” Suo says, watching you intently.
You turn to glance at him, a sad little smile on your lips.
“What you choose to put in the ground,” you say, before reaching out to press the cherry tomato to his lips. Suo blinks at you for a second before slowly opening his mouth to let the tomato slip through. He bites down, doesn’t reach up to wipe at the thin streak of juice slicking down his chin. He watches as your eyes flicker down, feels the pad of your thumb swipe across his skin.
He’s tugging you forward before he can stop himself; you taste the bright burst of sweet and sour on your tongue seconds before he pulls back, eyes wide. You lick your lips, expression half-shocked, half-satisfied. He opens his mouth to apologize —
“S-sorry, I should’ve asked — mmphf!”
You reach up and pull him towards you by the collar of his school uniform. It’s all he can do to catch himself against the rough ground of the rooftop garden, bits of gravel biting into his palm.
The kiss is sweet, is savory, is tentative — and then, suddenly, it bursts into something more — like a bite of over-ripe fruit, with juice sluicing down it’s seams — he surges forward, catching you around the waist. He savors in the friction of your lips against his, the teeth-aching sweetness of your warm breath as you gasp open for him, and only him. And by the gods, he tries to be a good man — a respectful man, but the tiny noise you make as he curls his fingers into the bend of your waist threatens to render all his flighty codes and morals to ash.
It is a noble pursuit, he decides later on, this of all things — to kiss you until there is no other way for you to be kissed. To kiss you just like this, until your mouth is ruined for all other tastes but the one of his tongue. He’s never thought himself a greedy man, but like this — with your body pressed to his on this rooftop garden, he thinks he might’ve learned a few more things about the depths and widths of why greed is considered such a cardinal sin.
When he finally lets you go, he’s satisfied to see there’s a dazed, unfocused haze to your eyes as you blink up at him, fingers fisted into the front of his school uniform.
“You still haven’t told me —” he leans down to press his forehead to yours, reveling in the way you gasp, the hitch in your voice as you lick your lips and he fights back a thick groan.
“Told you what?”
“Why you’d go out of the city bounds to get all those things for my birthday.”
You sigh, pursing your kiss-swollen lips.
“Because… those stores, like the earth, they… they might just need one good seed — one nice interaction —” your lashes flutter and Suo has to physically bat down the urge to lean down and kiss you again. Perhaps, he thinks, this is how dragons are made of fairy tale princes — perhaps, all the dragons ever needed was just one more kiss from their fairy tale princess.
“So… you thought to take it upon yourself to be that one nice interaction? To turn all those graveyards… into gardens?”
You crinkle your nose, glancing up at him from beneath your lashes as he pulls back to stare down at you.
“It’s a stupid thing to do, I know.”
Suo nods, “It is. But… only because you thought you could do it by yourself.”
He shifts, tugging you up into his lap as he readjusts himself to lean back against one of the taller planter boxes, his arms now comfortably looped around your middle.
“Well, if I’d told anyone… they would’ve tried to stop me.”
Suo tuts, reaching up to flick your nose with a gentle finger, “Oh ye of little faith,” he admonishes, grinning as you swat at his hand. He catches you by the wrist, pulling it in to press his lips to your palm, sighing as he nuzzles into your warmth.
“Do you really think we would’ve written off your feelings that easily? That I wouldn’t have at least tried to listen?”
You make to look away, embarrassed at your own oversight, but he tugs your chin back, forcing you to face him properly again.
“C’mon now… smart girl like you… should know better than that, shouldn’t you?”
You narrow your eyes, a feline glint alighting behind your eyes as you reach up to lace your fingers through his, leaning in with a challenge clear in your voice.
“And… if I don’t?”
Suo meets your gaze, a wide smile splitting his face as he tugs you closer, shifting your legs to settle on either side of his hips, his fingers now digging into the plush of your thighs, inching up to tease at the hemline of your skirt.
“Then I suppose… someone’ll just have to teach you better, won’t they?”
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jui-imouto-chan-art · 3 months
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blunderland · 25 days
Suo stans, your meal is served~ •ᴗ•
There were many anomalies concerning the students attending Furin High. Still, nothing could compare to the anomaly that was your boyfriend, Suo Hayato.
After being together for a while, you made it your mission to fluster your boyfriend and man, you really should've thought this through.
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peofun1 · 25 days
WIP Wednesday innit
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this one takes place when they're third years, with Sakura as the head of Bofurin and Suo as one of his four kings.
I'm busy with some other projects atm so this probably won't be finished for a while, but I thought I might post a little bit anyway :P if you read the end of my last fic and thought "okay but what if Suo got captured by an enemy team for REAL?" boy have I got good news for you about this fic
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teamotc · 1 month
my suosaku fanfic masterlist 🍵
(warning: many of these are 🔞—MINORS DNI)
✨starter pack✨
nsfw fic idea thread
current fic update queue
✨my suosaku fics✨
🔞 explicit (E)
trans!sakura series
1. a helping hand 2. devour 3. bite
🔞 explicit (E) - abo
honour (alpha!suo x omega!sakura)
drowning (abo - alpha!suo x omega!sakura)
sticky sweet & salty series (non-traditional abo)
1. spring rain (alpha!sakura x beta!suo) 2. cherry blossoms 1. cool down (omega!sakura x beta!suo) 2. burning up
mature (M)
100 ways to say i love you
a garden with you series
1. in bloom 2. little sapling
teen (T)
slowly, slowly
summer love series
1. summer daze 2. summer evenings 3. float
you can also just browse through my fics on ao3 itself 🫶
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joeys-piano · 3 months
SuoSaku | Teen Rating | 4.7k+
A/N: It’s probably clear I’m more used to writing established relationships than developing ones, or ones that have started recently. But it’s not so bad to try something different when fledgling loves can be just as dramatic 😅
As far as first dates are concerned Suo’s partial to bloody fists; they last longer than any rose stripped of everything that made it dangerous.
In-between them an island forms in the same shape as Kyūshū, an errant breeze could pull it apart as it rises out of the earth. And the little towns, the little cities, the metropolis spread their roots. You need a cable cart to ride the cracks climbing higher across the knuckles. Of Mount Nakadake, Mimaka, Kurodake; go name the rest. Those up and down the ocean green surrounding Yamanami to Furin, Beppu, and the tenderness sweeping down the broken rock face up the skeleton. But Suo could manage it—the entire distance. He could walk there in Sakura’s hand. It’s a one-for-one recreation; he’d be foolish to let it go. Though it smears him in broken blood. Splintered knuckles. Naked tendons. Sure it stains him in these ways and he holds on without a doubt; this got dirty for Suo’s sake. Who among you would tell him, ‘No’?
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