#such a dark and miserable path for him and it's heartbreaking that you don't even really get to SEE it if you choose it
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zombolouge · 4 days ago
it's 100% because the only way to give the character content after that was to delve into pretty harsh conflict, with them and the rest of the party. But DAV doesn't let you do that with ANY of the companions, so any time they run into an issue that would require it, it's just swept aside and ignored. Or so shallow it's barely there at all.
It makes complete sense (to my understanding of the character himself) that Lucanis shuts the fuck down after Treviso, makes perfect sense that he wouldn't trust you or the rest of the party after that. It even makes sense that his depression over it all would drive him deeper into conflict with Spite. What makes less sense (and where the narrative falls on its face) is that you never get to confront that or deal with it. In Inquisition, you usually got to confront each other about the shit that didn't sit well, but in DAV you get robbed of that chance. You make one choice and then nobody gets to process it or deal with it, except maybe one line or scene in passing that doesn't even scratch the surface of what it needed to be to reflect it accurately.
The whole game should have been high-stakes, high emotion conflicts that you had to navigate, but it's just...missing that part of it.
It's amazing how much of a non-entity Lucanis becomes if you don't save Treviso. You get cut off from his romance, there's no choice during his companion quest (for me it just automatically threw Illario in prison and I never saw or heard from him again, not even from Lucanis), and the whole thing with Spite - y'know, the thing his whole character arc revolves around - is "resolved" with one line of "oh btw I'm gonna split from Spite after this" and that's it, you can't ask him about it and Spite doesn't do anything for the rest of the game. This is the game's first major decision btw. Imagine if siding with the mages in Inquisition cut off the romance and story arcs for Iron Bull, Cassandra, Sera, Vivienne and Cullen? Your first major decision in a game that's supposedly full of them (if the devs weren't a bunch of liars) turns a major companion into a dead weight! 10/10 game design right there!
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justplainwhump · 11 months ago
BBU Community Days Showcasing Prompt: Boxie
So, today's @bbu-on-the-side prompt is about showcasing my favorite Boxies. And oh my, this is hard, because I love so many. I will try to limit myself.
KAURI | @ashintheairlikesnow | Erase to Control
Probably one of the first box boys I read about on here. This man. Is special to me. He is so intelligent and strong and sparkling - and also so desperate and sad and struggling. Kauri's story is in huge parts about imperfect recovery, with so many bumps and mistakes but he's getting there. Kauri is so different from me in so many ways, and still his story touches me so deeply, few other characters or stories do. There's some careful quiet strength I feel in him, hidden at first under so so many layers of self deprecation and fake lightheartedness. Ash lets the readers follow him through so many episodes and years of his life, and it all makes such bittersweet sense.
LOURDES | @wildfaewhump | Lourdes: One of a Kind
Everyone following me knows I love Lourdes, because I keep coming back to them, and borrowing them to make their life even more miserable (listen, Lourdes, I am sorry, but you know, that's how one shows love, right?). Lourdes' is another story about imperfect survivors, and the struggles of finding a place - and an identity - after trauma and humiliation. Lourdes has an utterly heartbreaking backstory (wrong place, wrong time, wrong relative), a very hot and very deranged owner, and the most beautiful, sad, poetic way of looking at the world. Their struggles in recovery are heartbreaking, and their choices could be considered problematic more oft than not. Lourdes' mindset is messy and beautiful at the same time, and (yes we tried it) they are an incredibly scary whumper if you push the right buttons. Lourdes is an artist, somewhere buried far under their conditioning and trauma, and honestly, I wish they eventually find that again. We have the headcanon that my OC Bradley wrote them a song, and honestly, if I had any talent, I would do so as well. But alas, this essay has to suffice.
CHRISTIE | @winedark-whump | The Safehouse
Listen, with Christie, I don't even know where it started. She is, just, such a beacon of positivity, and I don't even know how to say it, like... positive femininity? (Isaac, let me know if this is imperfect wording, please.) Christie just, has this spark inside her, and I love how she learns to navigate freedom and inspire others around her. She accepts herself, and learns to care for herself, and thus turns into someone who can be so good for others, too - I wish everyone had someone like her in their lives. And I am happy to have met her through her stories and through the headcanons Isaac shared. Even though my favorite Christie piece is a heartbreaking and one from her captivity, her path to happiness is what inspires me most.
(And now, my pizza has arrived, so this is the reason I cut myself short and end it here. Still, special shout out to @hackles-up B, @angst-after-dark Dami and @ocean-blue-whump Sunny who would be the next ones I just have to scream about and will need to do it another day)
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dearly-dreaming · 2 years ago
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Title: Adoration.
Paring: Dream of the Endless x fem!reader.
Word count: 4739.
Warnings: Mentions of Morpheus’ imprisonment, mentions of sex, no intense description, a tiny tiny sprinkle of angst, childbirth, mostly lots of fluff. (Also I have no knowledge of how weddings are supposed to be done or how childbirth actually is so don't come at me please lmaoooo)
Summary: You fall in love, death makes you immortal, you get married, and now you’re having a baby.
Author’s notes: This was requested by an anon and by @emarich7 so I merged the two. I hope you enjoy this one shot and thanks for requesting it :)
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First, you fell in love.
And Morpheus caught you.
It was a fast thing, burning with an intensity that drew you together like thunder and lightning, always meant to be a pair. It consumed your entire body, streamed through your veins, hummed to your heart, and whispered to your soul.
From the first moment you looked at him you were enamoured, the man was crafted from stories. The man that was the charming villain, the misunderstood rouge, the cold king. You were captivated by the hair that wisped like the softest yet deepest darkness, the skin that was so tenderly kissed by the moon, the wonder of his star-lit eyes that gleamed so brightly and the voice that was as smooth as wax and as soothing as dark chocolate.
And he was just as entranced by you.
When Dream of the Endless fell in love, he fell hard, crashing through the air as he plummeted to what he knew he always would, heartbreak. It happened to everyone, the once tame flame of love would become a wildfire, raging and ravenous.
But you were different.
Not once did you shy away from his perhaps too-forward actions and met him head-on with that smile that always seemed to make him freeze in his steps. You gazed at his divine being with wonder but never with fear.
It was fate Morpheus fell completely and utterly in love with you.
And it was no wonder that he couldn't bring himself to ask about you.
Or more specifically, where your grave lay.
After all, you were entirely mortal and after a century's imprisonment, you had surely faded from this world and found your place in his sister's realm.
Morpheus could not bring himself to walk along the path to your grave, see your name carved in stone, read the words loving wife and know you had found someone else.
And yet he was miserable without you.
That left him here.
Dream of the Endless, sitting on a park bench in the middle of the night, staring out into nothingness, desperately trying to recall the precise softness of your skin and the ringing bells of your laugh.
He did not know what to do with himself.
You were the light.
And his universe had gone hopelessly dark without you.
He felt a presence sit beside him - Death, he knew.
"Brother..." She whispered softly, her honey-like voice filling his ears.
"Sister..." He responded slowly, the words dry on his tongue.
He hadn't spoken much recently.
"What are you doing here? What's wrong?" Questioned the woman softly, tight black curls bouncing around her shoulders gently.
Dream clenched his jaw, he never liked baring his soul.
But still, he swallowed harshly and forced out the words that branded him like fire, he welcomed the flame, it reminded him that you once existed, "She's gone."
Death remained silent, hand coming to place itself on Dream's shoulder, silently telling him to continue.
And gods, he continued because the words wouldn't stop spilling, "She's gone. My love. She's gone. And she's taken all of my joy with her. She's taken my heart. She's taken my soul. She's taken everything. No longer does the sun feel warm or the moon knowledgeable. Oh, my love. My Y/n."
"Y/n..." Trailed off his sister.
"My Y/n..." Whispered Morpheus, the shattered remains of his heart squeezing at the memory of you, "My life. My eternity. And now she will remain in your realm until the end of existence. I never even got to say goodbye. To kiss her farewell."
Death's lips quirked up as she let out a snort, "I gave it my best shot, but she wasn't having it. You sure fell for a stubborn one."
Dream's face snapped to look at her's and Death almost stopped breathing. It was only now she could see the tears gathered in her brother's eyes and the tinge of redness from the previous crying.
"...What?" He just managed to croak out, his voice so light it almost shattered.
She smiled softly at her brother, "I came to collect her after an accident but she refused to take my hand. Yelled at me. Said I would be a horrible sister if I took her away from you and that she wouldn't go to my realm until it was your time to go as well. Together or not at all."
Dream couldn't believe it.
He didn't get to be so lucky.
Not after a century's imprisonment, not after Jessamy. Not after being mocked by the painted stars scattered across the ceiling of the basement, he was trapped in, deprived of air confined in a glass that was so close to the sand.
He did not get to have such joy after that.
"Do not mock me, sister," Morphues' voice was as sharp as a shooting star but his eyes quivered, desperate.
Death smiled, "I am not mocking you, brother. Your lady love is still very much alive, she lives in a cottage in the countryside, waiting for you to return to her as she always knew you would."
The silence was almost as suffocating as the glass cage.
"But how...?" Morpheus whispered.
His sister's eyes shimmered, "She's my Hob Gadling. Only instead of meeting once every century we meet every month and have tea."
Dream's chest heaved, "She's immortal?"
Death nodded, "As immortal as we are."
Dream's heart thundered in his chest louder than ever before, emotions flooding across his body like a tidal wave.
You had fought his sister for him.
You had become immortal for him.
You had waited for him.
And he would not make you wait any longer.
"Where?" He rasped, grasping his sister's hand desperately, " Where does she reside?"
Death grinned and swiftly reached into her pocket, pulling out a piece of paper, "Now I know why Destiny demanded I write this. It's Y/n's address."
With careful hands, Morphues cradled the paper, looking at it as if it was the most important piece of creation to ever exist. He shot up, desperation clawing at him. He needed to see you now. Press your body against his. Feel your soul connect with his.
"Thank you, my sister," He breathed lightly.
Death smiled at her little brother, "Tell her I said hello and that I'll see her in a week."
Dream nodded.
Sand swept around him hastily, just as focused on seeing the Dreaming's lady once again.
Within seconds Dream was gone.
And he was heading towards you.
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It was one of those nights when you couldn't sleep.
Before they were just times when sleep would not come to you and they were filled with Morpheus. At first, he would appear in your home, straight out of wonder and dark brilliance, and sit beside you as you talked the night away.
Sometimes his stories swept you into bliss.
Then talking got disrupted by longing glances and lingering touches. Soon enough it turned to kisses so passionate they could only belong in fairy tales. You still remembered the sweet taste of his lips, the way they were as soft as silk, the deep rumble of his hums as one of his hands clutched your neck while the other grasped your waist.
Now there was no Morpheus.
You sat on your chair, staring at the night sky that shimmered with stars - so akin to the gleam in his eyes. You'd stay in that chair until the sun rose and burned your vision with hues of red and golden.
You sighed and nestled closer into the coat you wore.
His coat.
It was not often that you parted with it. You could not bring yourself to. That coat, as black s the wisps of darkness that made his hair, brought you comfort in the worst of times when you feared he had left you and that you would never see him again.
Somehow, even after a century, the fabric still smelled faintly of him. The salty sea spray of a storm, the world after rain, wisps of dusk - the smell of Morpheus.
Your lips parted.
Even if Morpheus could not hear you, you still liked to speak to him, despite the sharp silence that was the only answer.
"I took a walk this morning, along the river. The world was so pretty, still bathed in the glow of sunrise. It was peaceful, only the wisps of wind and the chirps of birds spoke to me. It wasn't nearly as beautiful as Fiddler's Green but I think you would've liked it," You murmured so lightly it was as if you feared to disturb the world around you.
You expected silence.
But silence did not answer.
"Then, perhaps, you shall have to take me on a walk along the river," A voice whispered.
No. Not a voice.
His voice.
Tears sprung to your eyes as you shot up from the chair, spinning so fast that you almost tripped with dizziness.
And there he was.
As beautiful as the last day you saw him, features lit aglow by the moonlight that only made him all the more ethereal. Dark eyes shimmered with the wonder of the universe and the wight of unparalleled empathy. Star-kissed skin glittered smoothly, stark against the black wispiness of his coat. Dark, unruly hair swept across his forehead, weaving through the air like the brush of a raven's feather.
Your breath caught.
Your chest thundered.
The universe could not be so cruel to you now. It could not let you see Morpheus now, as perfect in his beauty as always. Fate was not far nor what anyone would consider kind, you could not be so lucky to see Morpheus again.
You don't know how long you stood there.
Neither did he.
Finally, a single word managed to leave your lips, "Morpheus."
And suddenly the stalemate was over.
Morphues rushed towards you like a flurry of sand, desperation cawing at his throat more and more the closer he got to you. And then he was there. Standing right in front of you, callous hands clutching onto your skin as if you were something his mind hand made to allow him to forget his torment.
He shivered.
He remembered just how many times he had imagined you in his imprisonment, the only safety he had.
The feeling of your skin knocked the breath out of his lungs as he shuddered, all but collapsing against you. Your gasp ignited emotions deep within him.
Together, hands grasping one another so tightly you could leave bruises, you sunk to the floor. Morpheus' hands clutched your waist, your neck, every inch of you he could reach. He was a starved man - a grave one - and it was you that brought him back to life.
He would never be parted from you again.
You let out a cry, hands clutching his back so tightly you feared you might break him. Morpheus was much more fragile than you remembered - something terrible must have happened to him and it only made you cry more.
Then, you felt his tears - hot and burning - fall against the crook of your neck as Morpheus let out the most feeble of whimpers. He may have rebuilt the Dreaming but it was not home without you.
And now, with you held so tightly in his arms flesh and blood, he knew he was finally home.
"My Morpheus," You whispered, pressing gentle kisses to his soft skin, his silky hair, to every part of him you could reach.
Morpheus' chest heaved with tears unshed for a century, "My Y/n..."
Neither of you said anything after that, you didn't need to. All that mattered was that you were in each other's arms once more. Nestled into one another's souls, rooted in one another's hearts, just as you were always meant to be.
You lay there the whole night, bodies intertwined so closely it was almost impossible to imagine you'd ever been apart. And yet to anyone who looked close enough, it was clear that this was the embrace of lovers who had been separated but whose love still blazed with all the brightness in the universe.
The poets of the world would tell you that love was the most powerful force on Earth, relentless and wonderous. Those poets, despite being human, were Morpheus' creatures, the people who were inspired by whispered dreams and strove to change the world.
You and Morpheus were together again.
And you would never part.
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"I don't think I've ever seen you this emotional about anything," Hob chuckled, smiling at his oldest and best friend.
Morpheus shot him a withering look, straightening out the refines of his suit, callous hands swift and shaky. It was terribly unusual to see Dream of the Endless so nervous, not even during his imprisonment did he show such vivid emotions.
Why was the King of Dreams and Nightmares so nervous you might ask?
Because he was getting married to the love of his life.
And he was terrified everything would go wrong. He knew what it was like to love him, the burning intensity, the searing fall. He loved you more than the universe - he was desperate to stay by your side for all eternity, he couldn't bare to be parted from you.
"He's right, boss," Mervyn hummed, "Everything will be fine."
Dream was about to respond but then the music began to play.
He froze.
Saints, he was about to see you in your wedding dress. He was about to place a ring on your finer. He was about to call you his wife.
Everyone turned their attention to the entrance and breathed in response.
Calliope came first, draped in a teal blue the colour of the ocean, hair pined up delicately. She strode across the aisle, smiling brightly as the subjects of the Dreaming stared in amazement.
Her eyes glittered with fondness the closer she got, finally coming to an elegant halt opposite the best man - Hob, of course.
She grinned slyly, "You are a very lucky man, Oneiros"
Morpheus allowed a smile, "I know."
Next, Lucienne stepped onto the aisle and Drea had never seen his librarian look so beautiful. A deep blue was against her skin, making her glow. Unlike Calliope, however, she wore a pantsuit, smooth against her skin, regal and outlandish but still entirely Lucienne. She grinned brightly as she came to a stop by Calliope.
"You look beautiful, Luci," Mervyn spoke, voice cracking slightly.
Lucienne smiled bashfully, "Thank you, Vyn."
Dream caught the gazes of Hob and Calliope and the three shared a look, weddings were good places for sparks to fly were they not?
And then, his sister appeared. Death of the Endless, radiant as all life was. Her dress was the colour of sapphires, deep and rich a perfect contrast to her golden-brown skin. She strode confidently, happily and oh so giddily as she grinned with enou8gh brightness to create a universe.
Her eyes shimmered as she stared at her brother, "You might want to hold him, Hob. I think he'll collapse."
Hob snorted quietly, "Of course, it's my duty as the best man, after all."
Morpheus sighed, ever since Hob and Death had officially met chaos had occurred, "And I trust, as the Maid of Honour, you made sure everything is right with Y/n."
"You'll find out for yourself," Death grinned.
And, by God, Dream certainly did.
You had no one walk you down the aisle but Matthew sat on your shoulder, shimmering rings dangling from the two ribbons tied around his neck.
Morpheus almost crashed to his knees.
You were ethereal.
The Sun.
The Moon.
The Stars.
You were everything to him.
Your dress flowed around your body like the gentle wisping of winds against your cheeks, it weaved around the curves of you, perfect and oh-so enchanting, you looked like the universe. Your hair was styled as if the spirits of magic had come together, you were the most beautiful creature in creation.
Morpheus was completely and utterly in love with you.
His soul burned in a way it never had before, sung symphonies so sweet even the stars swooned. Morpheus was yours, entirely without hesitation.
And he was going to marry you.
You grew closer, as graceful as the sunrise.
His breath caught.
His heart thundered.
His hands shook.
And now you were in front of him.
Morpheus restrained himself with all of his strength, his entire body begged for you to be in his caring embrace. Every part of him wanted to sweep you away and keep you all t himself in your shared chambers.
And you wanted to do just the same.
God, Morpheus looked absolutely wonderous. A man crafted from the sweetness of dawn, from the depths of peace, the echos of poetry. His hair was still unruly, like ripples of midnight water just as you loved it. His alabaster skin was as dainty as snow and as divine as stormy clouds rumbling over the distance with the promise of glistening rain. And his eyes. Swirling tempests of enchanting infinities, shimmering with the murmur of blissful stories, swimming galaxies consumed with joyous stars. His lips were as rolling hills, as pointed as mountains and as beautiful as whispered songs.
He ignited every inch of your soul.
And he was about to be your husband.
Fiddler's Green - or Gilbert as he liked to be called when in his human form - spoke softly, like the brush of a butterfly's wing, "Today, my friends, we are gathered to witness the unification of Dream of the Endless and Y/n L/n. A pair we all know was meant to be from the creation of creation.
Smiles spread across everyone's faces, there was no set of words that could ring more true than those.
"Now, despite how much time I have spent in the Waking World I have not truly had the chance to study weddings, so I'm not entirely sure about what to say," Chuckles filled the air, "So I shall let out bride and groom say their own vows."
Your hands shook, You go first-" You paused, "Wait no - I'll end up crying."
Even more laughter filled the air, along with some tears.
You gently untied Morpheus' ring from Matthew's neck, your groom doing the same.
"As you wish, my love," Hummed Morpheus, his words ringing in your ears like delightful songs.
You smiled shakily as you took a breath, letting the words fly from your mouth like a poet inspired in a way never before, "My Morpheus. You are my story. You are the reason I strive to turn each page of the book that's my life. You are the reason I live every word written, to be entranced by your beauty, your wonder, your affection. My love for you can never be described with words - it is far too great. But I can tell you this..."
You swallowed, reaching for his hands.
He gave them to you, clutching you as if you were the first snowflake of winter.
The words fell from your lips like heaven, "I can't wait to live the chapters of our eternity with you."
And you slipped the glimmering ring onto his finger.
No one, not a single person would mention the way Morpheus' eyes gleamed.
And no one would mention how a tear slipped from his eye, listening as it traced his cheek.
You took a shuddering breath as he lowly whispered, "I thought you said you were going to be the one to cry."
You giggled softly, "I might still cry, you haven't said your vows yet."
"I will do so now," He murmured, eyes glistening as he took a breath, "My Y/n. I could compare you to the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars but I know they will never hold the slightest light to your existence. You are the one who holds my soul, the one that keeps it safe, protected and loved. You are the one who stole my heart before I could even ask your name and I have never wanted you to give it back to me."
His eyes fluttered closed, hands shaking in yours.
His eyes burned with intensity, voice shaking, "Even in the darkest times, there was hope. That hope was you. That hope will always be you, Y/n."
And the cold band of the golden ring was slipped onto your finger, suddenly you could not imagine your hand without it.
You let out a cry, lip quivering as your soul swelled with love. Your sweet, wonderful Morpheus. There was no one else that could make you feel this way and you never wanted there to be.
"I told you I'd cry!" You laughed at the crowd filled with your friends.
"Why do you think I didn't put any makeup on you!" Death teased causing Calliope to snort quietly.
Morpheus smiled, "Gilbert, would you please continue? I fear I may run out of patience, I just want to call Y/n my wife and kiss her."
You snickered, "I was just about to say the same thing."
Gilbert chuckled, "Soulmates at their finest," He straightened his back, "My lord, my lady, with the power invested in me, the Fates, the Endless, and, of course, the universe, I proudly pronounce you husband and wife-"
Morpheus didn't wait. He couldn't.
He darted toward you like a shooting star and pressed his pomegranate lips to yours. You let out a gasp, flinging your arms around his shoulders as one of his hands clutched your waist while the other grasped your neck.
Everything was perfect. The universe had aligned to watch your marriage.
Your husband Morpheus.
Your heart flew at the thought. He was yours, completely and entirely, just as you were his. Nothing else mattered.
You and Morpheus were married.
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You couldn't believe it.
You had only been married for three months.
But those three months had been incredibly passionate.
The intense touches, the bare skin pressed together, the gasps, the raw pleasure, the all-consuming love imprinted in your mind. And your body. Your body was covered in red marks, hips lightly bruised and kissed. You flushed. You remembered the nights under the moonlight, Morpheus above you, below you, between you. The way he caressed your skin, the way he ravished you so deeply and relentlessly.
It was absolutely enamouring. Even now your skin burned, your body wishing for Morpheus to be beside you.
Especially now.
You stood in front of your mirror, staring at the small test in your hands - thank god for modern inventions - as two bright pink lines appeared.
You let out a small cry.
You were pregnant. With Morpheus' child. Your heart wept with joy, you were going to have a child, a child you had already begun to love. You fell to your knees as you cried softly, your hand coming to place itself on your stomach.
The world seemed quiet now, just you and your baby. You wanted Morpheus, your husband, beside you and yet you could not find it in yourself to move.
Thankfully, you didn't have to.
Lucienne slowly opened the door, "Forgive me, my lady, but I knocked three times-" She froze at the sight of your tears, "What's wrong?"
You croaked and handed her the test.
She gasped, hand flying to her mouth as her eyes brightened with wonder. She wrapped an arm around your shoulders, "Oh, Y/n, that's wonderful! I assume you just discovered this?"
You took in a shuddering breath and nodded.
"Do you wish for me to get Lord Morpheus?" Lucienne questioned softly.
"Please," you whispered.
Lucienne clutched your hand as she rose, "Congratulations."
And off she went to get Morpheus. No. Perhaps went isn't the correct word for the Dreaming's Librarian sprinted toward the throne room where her king sat begrudgingly doing work.
She burst into the throne room and just managed to utter three words, "Go to Y/n."
Morpheus feared the worst.
He snapped into your chambers within seconds, terror clawing at his heart. And then he saw you, curled up on the floor, tears streaking down your cheeks as you clutched your stomach.
He shot towards you, collapsing onto his knees as his frantic hands grasped your face, "My love? What is it? What's wrong? Has someone harmed you? Upset you? Tell me and I shall fix it."
"Morpheus," You slowly lifted your hands to his, intertwining them, "There is nothing you need to fix. Nothing at all."
"Then why do you cry?" He whispered, nose brushing against yours.
You didn't answer with words, guiding his hands to your stomach and placing them there. You waited in suspense as he furrowed his brows in confusion. You pressed his hands closer, willing him to understand.
The sun streaked against his features as he spoke, "I do not understand-"
Shock swept across him, his mouth falling open as his gaze transfixed on you.
The words almost couldn't leave his mouth, "Are you-?"
"Yes," You gasped.
You couldn't even begin to guess his reaction.
Then, a laugh spilt from his lips, his eyes beginning to fill with tears as he pressed closer to you, voice so light you could almost mistake it for air, "You're pregnant."
"Yes," You smiled through another round of tears.
Morpheus couldn't believe it.
He was a father again.
"You're pregnant," He whispered, forehead falling against yours, "With our child. Thank you for making me a father again."
You nodded, a giggle falling from your lips, "Our child."
As you two sat together, curled so tightly, the sun shone with the promise of a new beginning.
Your and Morpheus were with child.
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A scream tore from your mouth as your chest heaved, hand clutching Morphues' tightly.
Nine months had passed quickly and now you were in labour. Morpheus by your side as he would be for the rest of eternity. Sweat was thick on your body as you flung your head into the pillows, shallow gasps flying from your lips heavily.
Maria, a dream made for expecting mothers smiled at you, "I can see the baby's head. Just one big push, my lady."
You shook her head, a cry escaping your lips, "I can't."
"Yes, you can," Morpheus told you softly, eyes shimmering with complete belief, he pressed his forehead against yours, voice as soft as a lullaby, "You can do anything."
"No, I can't," You wailed.
He hushed you softly, grasping your cheek with his spare hand, "Do not doubt yourself. You're the woman who refused to take Death's hand. The woman who waited a century. The woman who is Queen of the Dreaming. The woman who has not only my heart but our child's as well. You can do anything."
You squeezed his hand tighter and nodded.
Maria nodded encouragingly at you, warm eyes confident, "Push!"
You shrieked.
You clenched your eyes shut.
Your entire body shook with pain.
And your cries were met with another.
"There you go!" Maria gasped, "You did it, my lady!"
Morpheus smiled so brightly you could almost mistake it for the universe, "You did excellent, my love."
Maria's heart warmed at the sight of you two holding each other close as she swiftly completed her job and wrapped the small bundle of life in a blanket.
She moved towards you, "My lady, my lord, meet your healthy daughter."
You let out a whimper, hands desperate to hold your child, to cradle her in your arms.
The king let out a breath, "Daughter?"
"Yes, your majesty. Your child is a girl," Maria spoke as she dipped her head, "I'll leave you three alone."
You felt another round of tears spring to your eyes as you held your daughter in your arms, an overwhelming sense of adoration and love consuming you. Your daughter, your sweet, perfect daughter.
Morpheus sat on the bed beside you, wrapping one arm around your shoulder as the other gently stroked your daughter's cheek. Tears fell from his eyes as his breath shuddered.
"My love?" You whispered.
"She's perfect. Completely perfect," He murmured, kissing your forehead, unbothered by the sweat.
Her cries were soon lulled by the comfort of you, her parents. A contented look passed over her small features as her eyes fluttered open.
A gasp fell from your lips.
Your daughter had stars in her eyes.
"Just like her father," You mused quietly, staring in wonder at the child that somehow came from you.
Morpheus chuckled lightly, "I don't know about that. She has your brilliance. It's almost like she's just seen a supernova for the first time."
An idea sparked in your head, "Nova..."
A grin spread across your husband's face, "Nova. Our daughter. Princess of the Dreaming. A wondrous name for our sweet wonder."
And indeed it was.
Your little family was absolutely wondrous.
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psssst fake texts masterlist here
Hello! I'll be updating and modifying this very often but for now I think this should serve as a start, the ones that don't have a description are older stories of mine, I guess this was something to easily distinct the stories.
Levi Ackerman
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:: Face Time- Levi has had it rough at the office all day and yourdaughter kept asking to see him, cue cute face time conversations between Levi and his baby
:: The Moon Is Full, I Guess -  Levi is hurt and refuses to go to the infirmary and you’re big on being the one who tends to his injury
:: Airplane -  You, Levi and your kids are traveling for Christmass break
:: The first time I held you - Levi holds his firstborn for they first time
:: Roses and Dragon embroidery - a love letter adressed to sir Levi, head of the knights
:: Raging Storm - Levi, the only person you’ve ever loved has fallen, luck has never been on your side
:: Hot Chocolate -  Levi is bound to spend this birthday on his own, seeing that you're halfway across the globe as an exchange uni student. What he doesn't know though is that you have planned a huge surprise for him.
:: A Mattress For Five- After your death Levi has to deal with his grief, your sons and your newborn being sick
:: Teddy Bear- you can't sleep without your teddy
:: Every me and every you - The night before retaking wall Maria you beg for him to promise you that he'll come back
:: The Nightmare Before Our Fifth Anniversary- you try to cook for him and you fail... miserably
:: Only Time Makes It Human - Part 2 he shouldn't have let Hange drag him to that frat party with Petra as his date, not when she knew you'd be there with someone else.
:: Bullet - You get shot protecting Levi and you decide to push through to help protect Eren and Historia.
:: Double Drabble - bloody/ awkward/ funny situations with Levi and sasha
:: Kitten - Yours and Levi's younger children get in a fight over a kitten
:: November Sunsets - He gets to be the one that comforts you on your breakup
:: Caramel Apple - Your dream had always been to go to Disneyland with him and your daughter
:: Baby Fever - You find out you're pregnant and you can't find a way to break the news to him
:: Promise - You realise you're in love with each other but you don't get a chance to admit on your feelings until the night before retaking Wall Maria
:: Crepes - Your children are chaotic, they love crepes and playing with Jean and Eren.
:: An Act Of Trust - No one has ever given him a massage before and your touch is a remedy for his soreness
:: Last Kiss - Zeke confesses to you and Hange thinks it's a good idea to go along with him. You can't bear to leave Levi behind.
:: Paths - contains heavy spoilers for later chapters of the manga - You almost die taking the fire for Hange to save Levi
:: Soft
:: A Little Game
:: Mistake
:: Daddy's Never Home
:: Anchor
:: Food
:: Paperwork
Jean Kirstein
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:: Stiller Than a Statue - Jean is eager to get on his knees for you, no matter the time and place
:: Sketches of you - Jean comes to your saving when the stress of your upcoming exam and the heartbreak in your heart becomes unbearable and it somehow feels like the starts have aligned for him to finally confess to you. Ft cozy coffe shop bc I'm a sucker for those.
:: Spinning- Pressed against a dark, Marley alleyway by Jean you find yourself in bliss. Or alternatively, sex against a wall but make it ✨ sentimental✨
:: You’re really something - Jean gets in another stupid fight with Eren because hes a fool who’s in love, so can you kiss him rather than blame him?
:: Get it on -  In which everyone is working against you for your own shake
:: Have You Even Seen The Bride?
Eren Yeager
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:: Necklace- sometimes the backseat of a car is the ideal place to find yourself in, so long as it's with Eren Yeager
:: Neon Silhouettes - The last time he saw you he told you he wouln't regret that he was once yours while he begged you to not let go. The last time you saw him you didn't have any strenght in you left to reply to anything he said
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crxwnedbarbie · 1 year ago
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐒𝐇𝐄 cries quickly on cue on scenes, Barbara knew how to swallow the threatening tears, something she managed well throughout the years. She was holding the threatening tears as she talked about one of her fears. ⏤ Once the tsarina found a place to sit, Barbara found some composure, rubbing carefully the corner of her eyes with her gloved fingers, and swallowing the threatening tears. She looked around and noticed they were alone. ❛ It's horrible and heartbreak shouldn't exist. �� The Hungarian princess also had other heartbreaks in life, with family too. With family, somehow she learned how to live with it, not affecting her. Romatically? She closed off for good, having struggled to 'trust' in people. She would not chase the Count, it wouldn't make her feel any better. Being heartbroken for a loved one is just disappointing. Barbara was glad that hopefully, this pain would go away because she couldn't bear to feel like this. Not that she let anyone, see this side, except now she is opened up to Amara, and the only one she would share the things. It was a relief to say it to someone and not feel judgy by others, instead of the usual bottle up the sentiments.
❛ He is, and I'm thankful for that. I don't want to make any of us miserable by this union. I'm also willing to make this work, except I'm slow in the process. ❜ That was true, even with the Count, it took her a lot of time to finally know what she felt for him was 'love'. ⏤ ❛ He is oddly both at the same time, patient and unpredictable with me. ❜ It was true, he always treated her so well… But then she remembers him telling her how he threw the French prince on the wall… Barbara would never guess how a 'gentleman' he is would do such a thing, although he explained to her his reasons. ⏤ ❛ And in this hypothetical situation, I would tell him sooner like immediately before developing any 'feels', rather than later. I think the longer keep a secret like this worse the downfall. ❜ She heard rumors of people who chose this path, and how the aftermath, in general, was terrible. Barbara didn't want to put herself in a complicated position. ❛ In a hypothetical situation… If I back to him now… I would hurt my fiance, and I would risk a lot… And how can I be so sure he won't pull me away from him again, after 'risked' everything?! I would have nothing in the end. And twice the pain. ❜ And that's why she didn't trust him. ⏤ She met the other's gaze, with a glint of sadness in grey-bluish hues, for pouring out what she truly is bottled up inside. ❛ And that's all my fault and my stupid fear. ❜ Barbara refers to why the prince might think he is competing with her ex, she doesn't want to make him feel like this if he feels it. When reality it is just her inner struggles. Barbara enjoys what her fiance is providing her and she feels terrible because at the moment she doesn't feel enough for him, despite being unsure how to give back the same kindness. She wanted to make her fiance happy, just like he makes her happy despite not having all the normal energy she normally has to make it happen. With the clarity of somebody else, a person who is a friend and she admires, it makes her relax for a bit. Her pupils dilated a bit when the Amara took her and gloved hand. Surprisingly she isn't used to so much affection, despite being affectionate with people. Barbara was astonished that she understood her completely now when she said what troubles her thoughts.
❛ He's not just a friend. He's little more than that. I'll try to be less harsh on myself. ❜ And not let dark thoughts cloud my mind, but that part goes unsaid. ⏤ ❛ How did you 'overcome' your heartbreak? Don't have to tell me the reason for your broken heart but what did you do to well… Feel a little better about yourself. Was it time? ❜ She didn't want to pry into topics that weren't her business, the tsarina's private life, it's her only. She just wanted to hear, what she did do in her experience to overcome all of it when everything seemed impossible. Holding the other's hand with a coy smile.
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❛i don't think you can.❜ while amara has been invited to many premier and other hot spot events ( more so since being crowned empress ), she didn't know most of those celebrities personally to attend. it has never been her thing, but for barbara who's a good friend, it's a different matter entirely, she's sure she'd perhaps only attend such events if they were for the blonde. things are different now certainly, that women could have more freedom to do what they wished as royalty but amara knows much changes after a marriage, more than one expects, and it doesn't have to be all bad, but ones priorities do shift. still, she hopes that barbara isn't ever placed in a position where she must relinquish her successful career - something the other loves so much. regardless of the circumstances, marriage is scary, and amara is as fearful when talks of her own marriage to the tsar was in the works. the tsarina sees that the other is fearful more than she lets on, but its when she sees the liquid pooling in the other's gaze that amara shifts closer to the other, leading them to a place to sit.
she looks around to ensure they are alone before turning her attention the blonde, a hand resting on the other's in comfort. she does understand that while barbara has made her peace with ending things with the count, it didn't mean it hurt any less. in a way the count has done this woman a favor knowing that they would have no future with their respective positions. to an extent, amara knows this because the king of italy is much the same way, his children would never be allowed to marry below their titles. still, her heart goes out for the princess, barely having time to process leaving the man she loves and attempting to form a relationship with a new one. ❛i would agree, its wise of you not to chase the man and makes things even more difficult for yourself. though I can't say I know what its like to be in your exact position, i do know what if feels like to have your heartbreak by a loved one." she's dealt with it with many times over, with her family, and her own husband, for a different reason than barbaras'. ❛I will tell you this, you will not hurt forever, that's my promise to you. no matter how it seems and it feels now, you won't feel this ache forever.❜ that much amara can say with certainty. she nods, ❛you can't, it makes you want to try harder to be as good to someone like your fiance. he sounds like a fine man, and one who wants to make this marriage work between you two. one of these days you will want to open up to him. the fact that he gives you so much time, is telling enough.❜
it was a lot the other was holding back all this time, there really hadn't been any time for barbara to process all the changes all at once. to be the last one to know of your own engagement is a splitting feeling in itself. but amara is so relieved her fiance seems to be a patient man, allowing barbara time to come to terms with this unexpected alliance at her own pace. she is also relieved and equally glad the other shared this with her, that she wouldn't want the other to keep inner turmoil bottled up inside for so long. if she ever needed to unburden herself to someone, amara would be there. ❛unpredictable hmm... odd from the same man who's patient.❜ a brow rises slightly but she nods, ❛he would appreciate that more, to have his fiance be honest with him. these sorts of lies and sneaking around don't bring anything but complications and disasters. so, for your sake alone, i'm glad you didn't place yourself in that position.❜ she believes that one day babara will find her happiness, and that most things worth having were also worth fighting and waiting for. because amara had even her previously strained marriage didn't want to quit because of the sliver of hope she'd clung to that paid off. things had not been ideal or easy, but to now where she's at with iskender...it was worth the trials. she also wished those days to hate the tsar, but in the end she couldn't. ❛yes, its a valid fear, when something is so good you're afraid you will lose it, or that it will never last.❜ a pause as she met the other's gaze, her own hazel orbs softer, ❛its understandable that you'll never hate the count. and I know why you feel you'll not be enough because I also suspect that he perhaps feeling the same way about himself concerning you. while you wrestle to your heartbreak, the prince feels as if he's competition with the man you love even if hes not in the picture anymore.❜ the brunette shakes her head, ❛no, it doesn't make you a bad or ungrateful, just a cautious one, something your fiance understands right now, until you've had a chance to process your breakup. let your fiance be there for you, let him be a friend to you for now, and allow yourself time, because I do believe that the day will come when you know what you want from him. he will earn your trust and you don't be afraid to give him yours. just be patient with yourself, of all.❜ amara squeezes barbie's hand. ❛you've had one heartbreak, and now? things will be better for you.❜
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askthechaoticwitch · 6 years ago
➡ @xmalfoydracox ⬅
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As he waited for her to respond, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he wasn’t gonna like what she had to say. Arching an eyebrow at her words as he crossed his arms over his chest, a soft huff escaping his throat as definitely knew now that what she was gonna say he wasn’t gonna like. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you purposely be mean to anyone, well besides when purposely swore to get revenge on your parents murderers but that is understandable.” He mused out with a shrug, it was true he honestly didn’t think they female had a mean bone in her body. The one that was mean out of the both of them was him, so for her to be the one that’s gonna to be mean felt odd. Though he could tell she was a bit antsy to do so by the way she played with her sweater, he wanted to tell her that she didn’t have to explain herself but he needed to know why so he kept quiet.
He couldn’t help but to snicker when he heard her call him wonderful, he was far from being wonderful. Though he pressed his lips together when she used the word friend, were they still friends? He hadn’t thought so moments before running into her, so her to confirm they still were made him feel relieved and happy. Though that happiness disintegrated quickly as he continued to listen to her words, a sigh escaping his throat as he shifted quickly. She did realize that Draco had been just as bad, that he had been nothing but a bully? Sure he mellowed out a lot but it doesn’t change the fact he was horrible, now he was worst than just a bully - he was a death eater. However he hadn’t really bullied anyone much of lately, he just hasn’t been in the mood and plus he’s been focus on trying to make a relationship work and trying to succeed with his mission.
Unfortunately he couldn’t control what Pansy did when they weren’t near each but still he wished she’d grow up just a tad bit, normally he’d look pass it all as long as she wasn’t being two face about him but he could tell it was getting to the female. Oh she definitely had a heart of gold, it was something he hoped she’ll never lose. “That doesn’t surprise me, she can be quite a bitch when she isn’t distracted with me. Do I even want to know what she did to cause the boy to end up in the hospital wing? I know how much it bothers you and some others, I also know how cruel that name is. I’ve called Granger one plenty of times, hell I’ve witnessed her cry over it. It vile but I don’t think anyone who has quite a distaste for muggleborns will stop using it anytime soon unfortunately, tho being called mudblood will be the least of the muggleborns concern if the dark lord takes over.” He spoke in a low tone, annoyance slipping through the seams of his words. The last thing he wanted to do was deal with any drama but it looked like this year was full of it, maybe he should have stayed single.
The moment he heard what she said next, he couldn’t help but to pinch the bridge of his nose. Did he really know who Pansy was? He thought he did but he could be wrong. Honestly come to think of it, most of his friends where his friends because it was convent for him at the time. Now he sticks with them because they’re all he has, well minus Maximoff. Another snicker escaped his throat as she continued to speak, she thought he deserved all that? Boy was she wrong, he deserved none of that. Especially if she knew his secret, hell he was pretty sure she’d learn to hate him. Why would she want to be friends with a death eater, especially when death eaters killed her parents? Hell let alone he was suppose to something completely worst than what Parkinson was doing, he definitely doubted she’d continue to believe any of her own words - not that he could blame her.
And then all of a sudden she dropped a bomb on him causing him to freeze, he couldn’t stop the look of pure heartbreak that crept upon his facial features in that moment. She loved him of all people? Why? Why him of all people? He didn’t deserve it, not one little bit. She however deserved the best and that definitely wasn’t him. “I- What?” Draco muttered out as he tried to form words to respond with, however it was as if he was chocking on any words that dared to even form within him. She had caught him so off guard that he was a mess, well he was already a mess but this was the first time he was allowing her to see him this way and he didn’t exactly like it one bit. He was just powerless to control it right now, which he would kick himself for later.
By the time he was able to regain control of himself once again, she was walking away from. He mentally cussed himself out as he ran after her, she couldn’t just do that then walk away as if nothing just happened. Uh huh, that wasn’t fair so as soon as he caught up to her he grabbed her wrist and held onto her til she looked at him once again. “I probably don’t know who she really is, I’d like to think that I do but I could be wrong. As I said I know she can be quite a bitch but as long as she has been two face about me, I simply just shrug it off. I probably shouldn’t but I do, I will talk to her about it though. However we need to discuss the whole you being in love with me.” Malfoy mused out as he felt the wetness against the palm of his hand, he knew right then and there that she had been crying or it seemed to be that way.
Wanda heard Draco running towards her, but ignored it and kept walking, determined to not discuss the situation. However, when he grabbed her wrist, she had no other choice but to face him, to look into those eyes who had captivated her heart.
She sniffled softly, wiping away some tears with her sleeve as she said "Look, there's nothing to talk about. It's my fault I dropped this off onto you out of nowhere, it wasn't fair nor appropriate of me to do so. However..." the brunette took a breath, finally brave enough to state her opinion. "What I said is true - I really think you're a good person. Unlike that... "bitch" as you called her, you do have a loving heart and actually regret your past actions. You were taught all the wrong and cruel ways but as your friend I'm supposed to guide you to the right path."
The girl took her friend's hands in his, a faint smile gracing her features for the first time in a long time. "You deserve do grow in a healthy environment and to meet kind people... I'm afraid Pansy isn't the type of partner you'd have a great future with. I'm sure there are many trustworthy, loving people out there who would be glad to share the rest of their life with you once they get to know you like I do."
Her smile faded in an instant but she kept composure and continued "Look, forget what I told you about my... you know. That special someone you'll date doesn't even have to be me. In fact, I encourage you to find someone else. This thing, you and me, could never happen, you don't even love me like that in the first place. But that's alright, I can manage to deal with my... problem. I'm sure it will pass after awhile, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't love you as much as now."
Wanda had calmed down by then, but worry was peeking through her chocolate brown eyes. Draco was still with her and she finally had the chance to ask him about something she had wanted to discuss with him for quite a long time. Other people might have not really noticed how the Slytherin had changed, but the Gryffindor effortlessly did so. The girl knew it'd be good to give him privacy and let him talk to her when he's ready, but long time had passed and she couldn't stand seeing him hurting so she decided to be the one to bring up the topic first.
She began to speak in a soft yet firm tone of voice, his name rolling off her tongue lovingly "Draco, dear, I can see the past few months have been rough to you. You haven't mentioned anything about it, but I can clearly notice there's something bothering you, a burden on your shoulders."
Wanda moved closer to the boy and gently touched his cheekbones and cheeks, examining him. Her heart began to ache horribly as she saw in what miserable state he was in. "I see you're not fine at all and it hurts me. There are dark circles under your eyes, you skin is more pale than usual, you often seem exhausted as if you rarely get sleep, you barely eat and your eyes... your eyes are empty. I need you to tell me what is going on. Why are you so busy all the time that you stopped taking care of yourself? What's troubling you?"
Wanda knew Draco was the kind of person to deny her words and to refuse to get help. That's why before letting him speak again, she kissed the ghostly white knuckles of his hand and added "Just know that whatever the reason might be, it could never make me stop loving you or love you any less. I've trusted you before, now I need you to trust me with what you're going through. I can handle it."
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djs0451 · 3 years ago
The Final Dream To Walk
Do you hear the glass under your feet? The beat of your heart as you realize you are incomplete?
"I just wanted to see him, just once more..."
Do you understand the effect your presence had on the dreams you intervened with? The reality you shifted to gain control of their thoughts, welding their minds like a Smith.
Playing god like a child plays with their toys, taking control and ruling their world for your own fantasy, for a boy?
"You don't understand! For a boy? No! For the one who helped me stand! For love, that might seem foolish in your eyes but to those that soar through the skies, for love that helped me soar above..."
Above what, above the line that you crossed? Above the line that none should ever walk, no matter the cost.
"No, you are wrong for I needed to soar over the grey that was taking over my life, the Disconnected feeling that overwhelmed me with strife."
You speak of love, but what is it than a miserable pile of heartbreak? What is it but one man's gain and another's mistake?
"Heartbreak comes with love, I have seen tears shed over days, nights even. Their hearts are so frail yet beautiful, they will soon find hope in the hands of the one who sees their worth and gives them something to believe in..."
You believe in love so much that it pains you to move forward without the one you lost. It hurts so much, you were willing to Dream walk across other worlds, to steal a life you dreamed of, not caring about the cost.
You took your Soul to the darkest corners of Time so you can live in that Dream. You took your wounded Heart and sold it, all to stitch up your torn seams.
How could anyone ever love someone enough to tear open their soul, to offer it up no matter the cost just to see their lost one again, to feel whole?
"Have you ever been on walks, on days where you feel incomplete? Have you ever laid in bed, staring at the ceiling wishing that tonight's dream will make you feel at peace as you stand on two feet?
I lived years feeling like I was piece to a puzzle that was missing, I lived years staring through the looking glass, reflections of a time once happy now disappearing.
You never loved someone like I had, you never loved someone with all your heart, that once they're gone it will break into a million tiny pieces, so sad.
If you were to ask me now if I would do it all over again, I would answer truthfully, though you wouldn't be able to comprehend."
I comprehend the rules of time and reality, I comprehend the Magic you used to harm the minds of those you used as puppets, like some dark poetic theatricality.
Pulling their strings and using them to make yourself feel human! In the most inhumane way that's possible, breaking their minds, you are living in an illusion!
What you are doing isn't real, what you are seeing is a poor reflection of a man you knew. That isn't him, that isn't the same heart you believed to have love, the original is gone, that is what's true.
I might never understand this feeling of love, I just don't understand. But what I do know is what you see, in their reality, hold a different set of cards in their hands.
They live their lives differently, they have different Dreams they follow. Teachers, music, jobs, and families that all exist are just mirrored images to us, that you must swallow.
"Maybe you are right, maybe I have been so lost in the night. Following a broken path filled with glass and stained by blood. Blinded by the darkness and drowning in the flood.
I allowed the strings of a broken heart to pull me along and play me like a fiddle to the song of their choosing, even though it was wrong. And what's worse, I fully knew the actions I was making. I fully knew the Dreams I was walking through and escaping.
I wanted the easy way out of this cruel world filled with grey and madness. Yet the only mad one here was me, I became so lost to the sadness."
You can make things right, you can dry those tears you created in the minds of those who still have a chance to see the light.
Turn the page, write a new chapter and open yourself to a new age. For your life can still mend and heal, if you are willing to face this ordeal.
No more Dreams to walk through, no more mirrors to stare into wishing for a new reality to pursue. Searching beyond Time and dwelling on the feelings of tomorrow always causes suffering and through that suffering, creates shattering thoughts that slows the heart of ever recovering.
"No more time for reflection, time to face the present and find the right direction."
This is not an easy task for the broken but I promise we will be there for moments unspoken.
"Am I strong enough?"
Times, will be tough.
"Will I ever feel whole again?"
Only you will know when.
"I stare into the shattered mirror, hoping for things to become clearer. Tracing my finger along the edge of the glass, almost as if there lies a hidden secret waiting to be passed. That secret to be, what is left of me?"
Hope my dear, hope for the years to come as you cope...
"I can do this..."
That will not be dismissed.
Before we go answer me one burning question that resides in the sky...
"Ask your question before we say goodbye."
Please tell me, how do you know when you are in love?
"When it hurts to say goodbye, when on the darkest of days their light rains from above. That light in the rain, that washes away your stains. The voice you hear, in an ocean of fear. They are your home when you are feeling alone."
Sounds like a Dream...
"So it seems..."
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