#stylish macy's bitch LOL
viola--lancaster · 2 years
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Viola Wardrobe Aesthetic Moodboard (1/?)
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nostalgiaispeace · 8 years
2001. Can you believe that we have only gotten through two fifths of this survey so far? -
2002. What is your opinion of Dave Coulier? dunno who that is. 2003. If you were to a write a Choose Your Own Adventure book, what would it be about? not sure. i have no interest in writing a book. 2004. What was your best find from a flea market, garage sale, ebay or thrift store? books usually. 2005. What do you not have enough money for right now? bills
2006. Do you believe that Teras for Fears were right when they said, “Everybody wants to rule the world?” probably. 2007. What is the design on your beach towel? i don’t have one. 2008. What stirs something deep and animalistic inside you? i guess things that piss me off? 2009. Have you ever cross dressed (even as a joke)? no
2010. Do you own anything with a rainbow on it? probably not 2011. What would be the worst object for a child to take on a long car ride with you? anything that makes noises 2012. What’s the Best Beatles song in your opinion? - 2013. Why do you suppose that diary sites are more popular with females than males? who knows? 2014. What do these color combinations remind you of: orange and pink: Easter pink and green: Easter green and gold: Money. purple and gold: Royal gold and red: RED album cover. red and white: America blue and grey: me 2015. What is one selfish thing you tend to do? no idea. 2016. When do you think technology will catch up with the Jetson’s? - 2017. What made you laugh today? nothing yet 2018. Do you ever stick your entries in any of the diary circles? no 2019. Can you freestyle rap? lol no
2020. Are you: stylish? naw
chic? no smart? yeah 2021. Do you find you self only buying brand name products? yes 2022. Would you ever want to buy an article of clothing or an accessory because you saw a celebrity wear it? if i liked it and could afford it. 2023. What song do you feel the sexiest dancing to? Britney Spears and LDR songs.
2024. Who do you know who looks silly when they dance? my mom 2025. Sweaty sex or clean sex? either is fine 2026. Which is more important to you: being kind or being right? Being kind i guess 2027. Can you do any special dances like swing, tap, or ballroom? naw 2028. Are you scared of monsters? No. 2029. Who would you like to remind people of? no one? 2030. Do you walk to school or do you bring your lunch? - 2031. Rate your skills from one to ten (10 = you are the best at it): socializing: 3 making friends: 3 working with computers: 7 arts: 5 crafts: 3 dancing: 2 skating: 1 talking other people into things: 1 writing: 7 living life to the fullest each day: 1 cooking: 2 gardening: 0 cleaning up after yourself: 6 playing poker: 0 surviving in the woods: 0 managing your time: 8 attracting the opposite sex (or same sex if you prefer)? 1 2032. Have you ever been to an Indian reservation? No. 2033. What is going to happen tomorrow that you can celebrate, even if it’s a little thing? nothing. 2034. Do you save things for special occasions or is everyday a special occasion? neither 2035. What is one thing you are terrible at: lol being positive. 2036. What’s your favorite: rap song: - country song: - industrial song: - cover song: Something I Can Never Have - Flyleaf punk song: anything by Nirvana odd song: - 2037. What do you get your teacher or your boss for the holidays? nothing 2038. Do you like to read books by Virgina Wolfe? haven’t read anything by her yet. 2039. What is your favorite tv show from when you were a kid? Lizzie McGuire. 2040. What is now proved was once only imagined. - William Blake. What do you imagine? a life i want. 2041. What has been passed down through at least two generations to you? nothing. 2042. Do we live in a particularly bad age for romance? no idea? 2043. Have you ever cheated on someone? No. Do you believe that once someone is a cheater they can never be trusted? probably. 2044. Have you ever gone: christmas caroling? no pumpkin picking? yeah on a hay wagon ride? Yes. on a romantic valentine’s day date? naw to a new year’s eve party? yeah to a memorial day parade? naw to the Macy’s thanksgiving day parade? naw to search for gold coins on st patrick’s day? Nope. 2045. Have you ever done any modeling? yeah 2046. Would you consider yourself to be psychologically damaged? yeah 2047. How aware are you of the reasons behind your actions and words? pretty aware 2048. What is the sickest you ever drank or drugged yourself? mixing alcohols and drinking a lot of each 2049. Would you prefer it if clothing was optional? no 2050. What is one interesting fact about you: i can scream
2051. Are more people depressed because they are alone, or are more people alone because they are depressed? that’s not the definition of depression and shouldn’t be used in that way. 2052. Have you ever gotten a mug, t-shirt, key chain, etc. that was personalized with your picture? no 2053. What was the last thing that you experienced for the first time? band practice. 2054. If you were going to die tomorrow and you were leaving a postcard for someone to read after you were gone what would it say? "I am free.” 2055. If you were about to be executed what would your last request be? listen to my favorite albums 2056. What kinds of people do you find intimidating? creepy men 2057. How much conviction do you have in your feelings and beliefs? none? 2058. In your house where is the: crazy glue? i’m not sure we have any. flashlight? not sure I have one. 2059. Out of everyone you know who has the most personality? Chase maybe? 2060. If you could go back in time to experience a musical movement or era, which one would you choose to live through? The Doors.. 2061. Do you suffocate people with your love? naw 2062. Do you feel your life is charmed? No. 2063. What character do you identify the most with from Winnie the Pooh? The little pig 2064. When do you do your best thinking? in the shower probably. 2065. What motivates you? music 2066. Look back at all the people you’ve dated. Has there been a pattern? no 2067. Things change but what will always remain the same for you? i’ll always be myself. 2068. Is divorce something you would ever consider or do you feel that marriage is permanently binding? it should be permanent. 2069. What’s the strangest movie you ever saw? Under the Skin probably. 2070. If you could go into virtual reality and set up your life there to be perfect and it would seem real but not be real would you trade your life now for the virtual life? - 2071. Does it seem like life is more difficult for you than for anyone else? yeah 2072. What are you grateful for? the people i love; books; films; music; harry potter. 2073. What was a choice that you didn’t want to make but you had to? not sure. 2074. Have you ever had dental surgery? no 2075. At what point exactly are you grown up? 25 i’d probably say...according to science. 2076. If there was a weight loss procedure that would destroy your ability to taste food so you wouldn’t be tempted by junk food, would you have it done? no 2077. What is one thing that happened that you never expected? Trump being president. 2078. If you called one of your friends and they said “It’s nothing personal but I don’t want to talk to anyone right now,” would you take it personally? naw. 2079. What is your favorite girl’s name? Lacey or Lily. 2080. Do you ever feel guilty for being more fortunate then others? i don’t feel I am though.. 2081. If you had to wear a shirt with one word on it for a year, what word would you choose? Cunt. 2082. What is evian spelled backwards? Naive. 2083. You drop 10 pounds of feathers and a ten pound bowling ball off the top of the same building. Which will hit the ground first? i feel like i learned this in school and it was feathers..but i dunno. 2084. Even though you may never get what you want, are you happy because you’re trying? no 2085. If you started a petition what would it be about? get paid more at Amazon. 2086. When was the last time you asked someone to do something and they said no? don’t sure. 2087. Do bad things happen to you on friday the 13th? no 2088. What’s your favorite: Madonna song? Bitch I’m Madonna John Lennon song? - Michael Jackson song? Dirty Diana Doors song? Indian Summer Rolling Stones song? - David Bowie song? - Elvis song? - 2089. If you had started a relationship with someone and they said that it would be best if no one knew about it just to see how it goes, would you be offended? no? 2090. Do you know any self defense? yeah How about CPR? yeah 2091. If you had to look into a mirror and see your naked soul stripped of all delusions and pretenses (Never ending Story style)could you handle it? - 2092. Are you a genius? no 2093. How did you find out that Santa Clause wasn’t real? i started noticing Santa and my mom had the same handwriting 2094. Which is your favorite tarot card? don’t have one. 2095. Does the internet separate people or connect them? connect 2096. Have you ever written a letter to a soldier? No. 2097. Does pain and fear make you feel alive? No. 2098. Are you: good looking? no thin? - happy? No.
successful? No. confident? no 2099. Are you decisive or wishy washy? indecisive. 2100. Do you feel pop stars should be morally responsible to set a good example for their fans? no
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