tonks-21 · 10 months
"Just for you to know..." | Erwin x reader | Modern AU College AU | Corvey's chest ire67
Resume: locked up in the library with your ex-history professor.
Word count: +2000 words
Reader: !gn reader
Tw: +18
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“Oh, could you fuck yourself, please?” you swore that math problem couldn’t be solved that way. Even if you copied it from the blackboard yourself. This new teacher you have had was shit.
Near you, some meters back in the shelves of the library, was a blond-haired, blue-eyed tall man. Even if you couldn’t see him, your History professor, Erwin Smith, was glaring intently at you. As he did so many times, without you noticing, of course. He would kill himself if you did. He knew it was inappropriate, he knew it, and even so, you were the light of his eyes, the only star he could ask for. Even more than that. You were like that kind of poem you would reread infinitely without caring about anything else.
At Shiganshina College School, as in all the others, the professor-student relationship was seen as a taboo. Sure, students were commonly over age, but they were still young and it was seen as something perverted. At some point, even he saw it that way, but the adoration his heart had for you was painful like anything else.
You were strong yourself, you were independent, confident, disciplined, fairfull, fearless… And your face, oh god, your smile drove him crazy. When you smiled, he felt his stomach flip. And when you laugh it was like a chill ocean mesmerized him.
But that all changed some weeks ago. You arranged a professor switch. He didn’t know why. Nor what he did wrong. Why would you want to do that? You were a top student in every sense of the name at his class. So why? That bothersome thought have had been in his mind since then. He couldn’t keep you out of his head.
This institution, as some of the most antique liberal ones, let the students set their preferences in terms of the professors they wanted to be teached by. But he was confused, why would you do that?… It was an endless cycle of revising all his past interactions with you, everything you made, everything you said… But he ended up with the same question with which he started. Why? Why had to be you from all his students? He just couldn’t explain it to himself.
He left the book he initially came for, leaving the place.
Hours later, you were about to exit that library which’s air was already weighing you down. You packed up your things, putting the pens and the highlighters in your suitcase, as well as itself and your books and notes in the bag. Maybe you had to think about a change of bag, it was already worn out and somewhat torn to the side.
To only step before the two huge doors that seemed unopened. 
“Shit, what?” You murmured, still making failed attempts to open it. “Oh, fine, marvellous” giving the wooden form of it a light punch you took some steps behind. 
Before you could took your phone, you saw a figure form in your left. When you turned around, you couldn’t believe what your eyes were seeing. Erwin, your old history professor, there, the one that you tried to avoid the most that you even switched classes. 
“Hey” he only said.
“It seems we are kind of stuck here, uh?” the Smith murmured with that low tone you loved.
Yeah, you were enchanted by your History professor. And that’s why you decided doing so for the best. Your califications weren’t suffering, but you were. It was such an impossible thing to just ignore all the stomach empty sensation, the breathless sentiment, the way your eyes sinked everytime he was in your vision camp… It was just so uncomfortable. 
You knew it was bad, but your heart surely didn’t care and that was dangerous. That relationship would be an aberration, in a sense, and you were sure he couldn¡t feel the same. I mean, he was him, Erwin Smith, he, from all the people, couldn’t like you for the simple reason you probably woruldn’t click. He was a man with a tidy life, a steady job and something he was determined to do until the end of his days. He was, what people call now, already "settled down". You obviously didn’t. I mean, you, a messy-A student, a young woman with a lot of things bumping on her head everyday, not even with the job you want, less with the life you want to make to yourself, how could you settle this uncertain destiny to someone that settled? You didn’t reach anymore than that question. You didn’t want to either.
“Yeah”you signed.
But you were now here, with the man of your dreams in front of you. And you didn’t even know how to deal with this situation.
You took your phone, and, even if the 45% of battery hit your eye reflection, you said, with an hopeful tone “Uh, fuck, I don’t have battery. Could you call the secretariat?”
He took a breath, like thinking for a moment and, without even taking his phone, he replied with a laugh  “Um… I don’t have battery either!” 
You signed, knowing that if you tell it was a lie and you actually had for some calls, he would think you are a strange person. So you stayed there, on your feet, not knowing what to say.
“I guess the only thing is left for us is just.. wait until we can get out of here” the blond murmured, like wanting to not let die the conversation.
“I guess” you afirmed, moving a bit your shoulders, uncomfortable because of the weight of your backpack.
“Uh, let me help you with that”he said, even if you were already putting it down, Erwin did it for you.
“Thanks” you said.
As always.
So why? Why did you left?
Thought him, brushing his fingers, looking for a distraction..
“If this is gonna be that long, as you said, I’d just sit here and wait” you said, sitting on the very floor. With a mumble, he did the same.
After sometime looking into nothingness, he got a bit more comfortable, pushing his strong back to the shelves full on books, making himself comfortable. Not only because every second seemed longer, pushing him to talk or do something to let you know the chaos you created in him.
You saw him from the side of your eye, play a bit with his hands before talking aganfinally.
“Can I ask you a question?
“Sure, I guess”
“I guess?”
“I mean, if we are going to stay here like, all night, better talk. If you don’t want to read a book instead” 
You were out of words and, at the same time, talking, and that was dangerous.
“No, I’m good with just talking…”he said, for the way his voice sounded, you knew he was smiling. You could easily recreate that cute expression printed on his face.Every detail, every feature, every millimeter of it… “So… If you don’t mind me asking.. why did you switch classes? I know you are with Jaeger, with Grisha”you noticed despise in his tone when he pronounced that name.
The question hit you like a rock, you knew it was coming, but you don’t know how to answer, and you never knew how to improvise. You really were a nerd in that terms.
“Um…” you started, not knowing how to follow “It’s just… This semester just started so hectic, you know, and I just thought a practice subject could help me taking less time than a theory one”
Yeah, it was a bad excuse, but you thanked anything that was jumping between your last neurones working after that “practice easy subject” of yours for been able to make it up.
“Oh, I see”
Some seconds passed, he was no longer playing with his fingers, his eyes were observing you intently something. At first, you thought it was a book from the shelve that was before you two, but then realized it was the nothingless itself.
“Yn” he called you by your name. He never have had called you by your name. “You are an A student, you may not be the best at studying or like your subjects the most, but you always push it through. And you always, with no steption, go for the best and the maximum you can. God, sometimes I eve question again how you could deal with your own subjects, one extra project, one dabete, one journalist report.. and I don’t know what more that semester last year… You are disciplined and capable enough, and I know it.. I know it really well. So, now I want the truth
Erwin’s words left you astonished. Yeah, you were greeted al the time, but it was like nothing of that mattered if your favorite professor told you this. It felt so special you were going to cry. 
You tried to calm down and looked at the front, breathed some times. Then looked at him. He was no longer your professor, and you were young and irresponsible. Just as you thought that many times earlier that two long months it took you to make that decision.
And you prepared to fait, to his refuse answer. You felt stupid. Trying something you knew how would it come. Well, it was as stupid as the math problems you were doing just some minutes before.
“I like you, Professor Smith”
His astonished face turning that fast to look at you surprised you less than you thought, his neck uncomfortable because of the position.
“that’s a fact. A fact that you don’t need, and, obviously, what I’m saying, won’t take care. But a fact in the end. So, for the food of the two of us, I decided for the good. It was better just don’t see you, seeing in that way a form of forget you”
That got out of your mouth dry as a dessert, not even looking at him anymore, your eyes connected with the wooden floor. You noticed there were more marks on it that in theother corridors. Logic, it was the entrance to the place. That place you were looked up with your professor. Ex-professor. A place, in which you’ll have to be in with him knowing this. At least, it couldn’t go worst.
“What… what made you feel this way?” out of the blue, you heard him ask you a question you didn’t have predicted at all.
You laughed at the irony of the situation “I don’t know, it could have been your kind actions towards the others.. or your protective caracter, or your voice, that low tone that.. fuck, it drives me crazy; or even your blond perfect hair just perfect, laying gracely on top of your head; your stupidly tall height” you heard him laugh, and your smile turned into another laugh, filling the less tensed up ambience “Or those stupid blue eyes you have… Probably a combination of all that with a bead of… you. I don’t know, it’s undescriptable. Nearly an unsolvable anagram” you said, looking at the now so interesting books in that shelve just infront of you two.
“You know, you too are an unsolvable anagram”he murmured, making his voice sound even lower. You turned to meet his eyes already looking so focused in yours.
“What are you saying?”
“Yn, deluded, have you eyes in your face? What were them all this time?”
“What?”all that shit that he wassaying was the real unsolvable thing here “What are you saying?”
“I thought you already saw me everytime I loose my eyes on you. While you are concentrated, that serious but humorous expression of yours… your face when you laugh,, talk, do nearly whatever” he lightly laughed, and it was the cutest thing your eys were graced with “fuck, i’m nearly obseseed with you, and you didn’t noticed? I was worried for nothing…”he looked away while saying this.
“So… live me a second… you just said you thought I switched classes because I thought you were a creep?” you turned seating again, while looking at him surprised.
He buried his head in his hand, frustrated, breathing heavily “yeah” 
“Oh, shit!” now the one laughing lightly was you “Fuck, so…”
“Yeah” you two laughed.
He also turned completely to you, making less space between you two.
“What a pair of idiots” he said.
“Yeah. So smart called and all, but..:”
“Kinda” he smiled widely.
“So…” at that point your bodies were that near you could breath his own.
You tried to say so, but he just smiled, again, nodding “yeah”.
Even if your glance was nervous and changing before, now, your eyes were trapped into his. And you knew it at that moment. You didn’t need words. 
You took air before doing what you’ve been doing in your dreams in that last lonely nights.
When your nose touched his, you two felt that explosive electriveness even in your gut. Nuzzling it in his face, your mouth wanted to reach already his leaps, but he asked first.
“Could I kiss you?” that was adorable from him, and you could just nod lightly, already exploring the last space between you and him.
The touch of his lips was just like heaven, soft and tender, not even rough. It was a slow kiss, as you could hear every romantic song you knew playing up in your head.
But something was wrong in that head of yours, you parted the kiss.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.. It’s…”you couldn’t say it, it was too painful as your stupid heart was still downing you into that heaven-like kiss.
“Inapropiate, yeah, I know. I obviously know, Yn. That’s why I didn’t tell you. And I wouldn’t if you didn’t… God” he layed against the shelves, at it looked that good that you had to look away “I knew it was a bad idea, I knew it! And what did I do? Follow it up!God, i’m the most irresponsible teacher ever” it was shown he was feeling so bad about it. 
And who could not? You were like that form the start, god, you were like that since you had fallen for him. But Erwin? All the pressure was on him. The older, the professor. The professor kissed his student. It never came the other way around. It was clear abuse of power and you couldn't do nothing about it, even if you wanted. It was just like that. No exceptions. 
But you loved him. So you talkedyour voice out loud.
“Hey, hey” you called, taking in between your hands his sloping shoulders “It’s not your fault. You wouldn’t have done anything if I didn’t say that to you. It’s not your fault… Not at all”
The way he looked at you with that thanking puppy eyes made your heart melt. In a mere second, you thought of a life together with him. A nice apartment, maybe a dog, a huge warm bed, a boring routine that wasn’t boring at all as you two made it work… That thought caused you fear. Fear of never can change that if it started. You got back in your movements, getting your arms far from his figure.
He noticed in a second and changed the expression to one of worry “Sorry, i’m doing it again! Fuck…”
When you two separated a bit, you already felt longing for the warmth of his body next to yours. You sign, out of yourself, asking him “I need to know… If we weren’t professor and student… would you…?”
He took a moment “Have you seen yourself? You are perfect, obviously I would”
That made you smile “I’m not as perfect as you think”
“No, I know that. But I love the way you try everyday to be perfect while not been so. That’s the most act of power a human could do. And that’s what made me fall for you”hee confessed, looking without any hesitation at you.
You didn’t need more, you thought, to let the destiny decide for you two. But for now, you wanted to decide yourself. 
Getting closer to Erwin, you surrounded his neck with your arms, letting them rest on his shoulders, feeling protected there, not caring about anything else, not even about the situation with your professor you were in. It was just you and him. No titles. No rules unless the ones you two set up with your bodies. And the possessive kiss that involved you both. 
That made you feel so much more than you thought a simple lips contact could make you feel. Pressure in your lungs, tensing muscles everywhere, search for more with your own mouth, just eating his out. 
He seemed to feel the same fast blood running his veins, as his glance at you while resting both heads together was one of full tiredness of waiting for that moment and the plenitude of knowing that he could sleep well this night, that tomorrow you will be by his side.
“Just for you to know” he said then.
“These stupid blue eyes are yours. Now, and forever”
Even if he could loose his job, even if your stinky life would be known in your name, that didn’t matter. It only mattered the incompressible way you two felt for each other that could break any of that taboos shit.
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wickedzeevyln · 8 months
Passive receptacles—two words, one adjective, one noun, when put together make up the most mundane description to denigrate students who couldn’t keep their eyes from shutting and lulling themselves into a trance rather than endure her nightmare. She dared the empty bodies strapped in the arm chairs to raise a question and challenge her superior intellect, and I thought this was a perfect…
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bluebellhairpin · 1 year
college professors nerwin that teach the same things, but in different fonts 👀👀👀. same material, but different interpretations. students from both of your classes host their own debate sessions with each other in their free time because of the inconsistences between the two lectures supposedly teaching the same thing. Some students even find they prefer what the other professor is saying bc it just makes sense. And those students will be the ones that ask a question no one else in the class is thinking at times, but that each professor will know is something that student got from their partner's teachings. You'll both smile knowingly and maybe make little jokes as you explain your position and it's just so CUTE!! Like the students love the way you both respect each other's learnings but still have a great time poking fun at one another to your students. Real OTP type stuff uwu. I'm imagining y'all both teaching like mythology or smth similar :3. <333333333333
this concept is such a good one, and I didn't have it myself bc I was picturing erwin teaching English Lit, and myself teaching Art History - purely bc I think both our special interest line up with those really well (and honestly I think they're pretty similar too, personally).
BUT this idea is a Top Tier idea. I see it working with English Lit pretty easily (since I feel Erwin goes quite the traditional route, whereas I make up my own ideas and encourage students to do the same ("Break free from the machine children.")).
AND it could work really well with Art History too, especially when it comes to analyzing artworks because (and it was something I got very well when I was studying myself) you can make any argument about any artwork, and as long as you can explain yourself you have a Valid Argument. You could be set to analyze an artwork that is literally just a blue canvas and make the analysis that it actually represent Happiness, and as long as you can explain it you can get an A+. Makes plenty of leeway for everyone's interpretations, like art is meant to.
basically I agree with you 100%, and I won't go on bc I'll go WILDLY off topic about the art side of things (it was the one subject in school i enjoyed learning about (I could've sat 30 art exams and have done each happliy lol)).
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ncfcatalyst · 1 year
Victorian Era Meets Choose-Your-Own-Adventure in Hilarious Musical, The Mystery of Edwin of Drood
Prepare to be enchanted by a delightful cast-within-a-cast of whimsically comedic characters as they try to piece together the ending of Charles Dickens’ final unfinished novel, The Mystery of Edwin Drood. The musical is the final feature in the [performance @ new college] 2022-23 season and opens at the Black Box Theatre (BBT) on Apr. 27 and is free to the public, but the Catalyst had the…
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lucysarah-c · 6 months
All my Levi x reader fanfics and Levi fanart
Art Commission: CLOSED!
Writing Requests: CLOSED!
Headcanons and asks:
-> Little "toxic" things Levi does as a boyfriend
-> Levi dating a Swifty
-> Levi's s/o telling him she's pregnant
-> Virgin! Levi
-> Sexism in AoT
-> Homosexuality in AoT
-> Levi showing affection to his S/O in front of his kids
-> Levi having competition to wins your heart!
-> Canon! Levi (Scouts time) views on kids, marriage and romantic relationships
-> Alpha! Levi believes you would be a good mommy of his spawns
-> Wishing to be breed by Levi.
-> Levi accusing his partner of cheating?
-> Is Levi a virgin?
-> Is Levi conservative?
-> Levi's S/O with a contagious weird laugh
-> Levi in love
-> Connie having a crush on Levi's girlfriend
-> Levi reacting to his girlfriend giving birth
-> Petnames that Levi would use
-> Levi's reaction to his S/O getting assaulted NSFW
-> Levi's kinks
I've reached the limit of this a single post by tumblr for links so. . . here's another masterlist lol.
-> Ackerman’s blood
Levi fears for the first time that perhaps his Ackerman's powers aren't a bleassing when his son suffers the consequences of them. Dad! Levi x Reader
-> Stoppers (NSFW!!)
Levi feels overwhelming jealous and decides that there's nothing better to set things clear of who owns who than a good old fucking. Levi x Reader.
-> Criminal Record Part 1 - Part 2
Levi insist he has done worse things in his life than, perhaps, sleeping with a subordinate.
-> Traidor
2020 what a time to be alive. The snk character are doing the same as old of us trying to survive the lockdown... playing among us! Levi x reader.
-> Father’s day
Having a soldier as a father is never easy, way less when your father is Humanity's strongest soldier. Levi's kid has the perfect gift but perhaps it's not the perfect scenario. Dad! Levi x Mom! reader
-> Couple goals
Levi hates military's formal events and you know it. Both of you still make the perfect team.
-> Baby boy
Hang out with your higher-ups as you just become Levi's girlfriend. What's the worse thing that could happen? Spoiler alert: Eren is not going to forget about this... neither Erwin.
-> Scratches down his back NSFW-ish
Repeat after me, nothing good happens in the common showers unless it’s Levi sandwiching you with the wet wall. Sadly, this is not the case. So, nothing good will happen. 
-> Blackfire
Erwin insists that Levi should educate his squad on certain topics proper of their age. Levi isn't really convinced but Commander's orders are Commander's orders… However, Erwin didn't specify on what he should educate his bratty cadets about. Levi x reader!
You met Captain Levi while working as a teacher at one of the new orphanages that Queen Historia created. He seems so willying to help. (YANDERE! Levi x reader NSFW!!)
-> Tea time
Levi is deep down a huge gossip old lady. Levi x reader
-> An Old-fashioned Girl
You're a teen living her normal life until she travelled back on time to aot period.
-> Self-sabotage
Erwin begs Levi to buy him a coffee on his way to university. Having a crush in a barista is so hard when you don't like coffee. (Modern au! University student Levi having a crush on a barista)
-> Not in season? NSFW! Part 1 - Part 2
Winter had settled in, and the scouts were busy training and preparing for the prospects of spring, still far away, to retake Wall Maria. Despite the snow accumulating outside, the building was freezing cold, and the world had secluded itself until the temperature rose. So, why was Captain Levi boiling in his own body? Something felt off, but his mind was quickly slipping into insanity as he tried to find a rational explanation. OMEGAVERSE ALPHA LEVI X OMEGA READER.
-> Levi and the first encounter! Underground! Levi
Tales of Levi's life in the underground.
-> Fifteen, what an age to be alive!
Steal your father's car! What could go wrong? Dad! Levi x Mom! Reader
-> Laundry Problems
Levi's a very stoic calm man. He always does laundry but as a unknown piece of clothe appear, Levi's life flash before his eyes. Levi x reader
-> Bed-head Levi
How are Captain Levi's mornings?
-> Boop! You've been chosen!
Levi and you decide to adopt a kitty.
-> My Teen! Levi's modern AU stories.
There's a lot of them so here's a link to all of them.
Levi may not have attended school, but he knows a thing or two about pregnancy… and also periods. (Levi takes care of you during your period)
-> Transactional (PURE NSFW!!!)
When you go to ask Captain Levi for a promotion, it's important to remain humble.
-> Mother's smile (Dad! Levi angst)
Levi's son feels the pressure of being an Ackerman.
Little Pieces I Wrote (Self-Explanatory Titles).
-> Levi isn't romantic
-> Levi as a father part 1 part2
-> Unpopular aot opinions
-> Levi growing up in the underground 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
-> Levi's morning with happy ending NSFW
-> Sick clingy Levi NSFWish
-> Soft Levi NSFWish
-> Horny Levi x nurse! reader NSFW
-> Levi x Passenger princess reader
-> Travelling with Levi
-> Girlfriend effect on Levi!
-> Levi loving calling his girlfriend "wife"
-> Levi and farlan as roomies
-> Levi as the father of a baby boy
-> Being humanity's strongest baby girl
-> SnK boys and pilates.
-> Levi's baby thinks Levi's tight chess works as mommy's chest lol
-> Erwin finds out that now Levi is busy at night 👀
-> Levi's only weakness... You, you and a sundress
-> Sexually frustrated Levi
-> Levi = female gaze
-> Levi using you as an excuse for anything
-> Modern au! Levi was a very attentive fuck buddy, even more attentive as a boyfriend.
-> Your horse doesn't want to share you with Levi.
-> Levi's daughter
-> Erwin introduce you to Levi
-> Rambling about gossip to your boyfriend while stealing his food >>> anything else
-> Deadly Occasion (Levi is forced to marry someone else) NSFW
-> Drunk Levi? Better say needy Levi! NSFW
-> Walking down the streets with Levi
Levi's horrible flirting skills!
Short multichapter where we follow Levi's awkward attempts to win the reader over.
Holy Ground (longfic! Levi x reader)
"Alright, get comfortable because this is going to be a long, crappy tale. Join me as we travel down memory lane, back when Erwin wasn't yet a commander, when Mike and Nanaba couldn't keep their hands off each other, when Hange was... well, Hange. And Levi? Well, Levi was a twenty-four-year-old man who didn't give a damn about the rules. Are you ready?"
600! Followers event!
Have you ever wished you could ask Captain Levi a few questions and see his reaction? Well! say no more! I left Levi incharge of my blog for a few days. Enjoy the comic with hisreactions!
2k! Followers event!
Have you ever wished you could ask Captain Levi a few questions and see his reaction? Well! say no more! I left Levi incharge of my blog for a few days. Enjoy the comic with hisreactions! Part 2! Levi's revenge.
SnK Incorrect Quotes:
63 and COUNTING silly posts of quotes that I think snk characters would say.
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You think that art looks cute? I draw it! Here's a link to a few of my other pieces!
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letters-from-cutie · 2 months
The Scouts as Your College Boyfriends [Headcanon]
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CHARACTERS: Eren, Armin, Jean, Connie, Erwin and Levi x gn!Reader (slighty spicy at the end)
If you like to see others, please tell me. I'll try this concept again for Levi, and maybe Eren/Jean too. I apologize for some scenarios being bigger than others. I'm Brazilian so I don't know how college works in other places, so don't mind if sounds different to you. English is not my first language.
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He seeks justice in all his lifetimes. So, I see him enrolling in law to be a prosecutor. He wants to get justice for victims. However, he may switch to criminal defense as he learns more about the system and life.
Besides law, he's also interested in social studies so he may change his course for that. I can also see him wanting a political job, especially after high school. He aspired to make the world a better place. But, as he gets older, he becomes more skeptical about that.
Studies aside, he is such a cool guy to hang out with. He goes to some parties but never lets his studies aside. On the contrary of his high school years, as a college student, he is dedicated enough to get very good grades, though he barely studies, what an icon.
He meets you after he picks a fight with your ex. You just ended things with him and is trying to avoid him around campus. But, you would eventually have to go through his class corridor one day.
And of course, he is there when you do. The guy wants to talk to you so badly and paint himself as innocent, but Eren won't let that happen, as he already has enough of him, because of his problematic commentaries during class.
Eren, wanting no trouble with his professor, stays calm and ignores your ex during class. But, now, as he sees your ex trying to force you to speak with him, Eren finds a chance to finally get back to him.
He calls him off right there, in the middle of the corridor, in a humiliating but smart way. Eren also offers to escort you away from him. You, always the revengeful (rightly so), accept his companion.
So Eren throws his arms around your shoulders and looks behind him to shoot that look (yk the one) towards the guy. And so your love story begins.
Congrats, you got the hottest guy in college. That comes with ups and downs, but mainly ups. Eren is absolutely devoted to his partner, you. In theory, there's nothing you should be afraid of.
He'll do anything for you and will protect you from everything that can harm you. If you have a problem with a member of your group project, ask him to resolve it, and he'll be happy to oblige.
The downside of being with Eren is that he gets girls and boys enamored with him all the time. But he pays them no mind.
Eren would never look to anyone other than you, so he gets annoyed when someone tries to hit on him, and probably has a good comeback to it. Though he understands if you get jealous, and will take you immediately to the bathroom to prove you wrong.
Expect to hang out a lot with Mikasa and Armin, as Eren asks you to go with him on most of their outings. Their hangouts are mostly calm. The trio enjoys exploring towns and new places. Therefore, you should be prepared to always check on new locations and have different experiences with them.
You'll always have a place in Mikasa and Armin's hearts, and it makes Eren even more in love with you when he sees how much you guys get along.
Lastly, expect him to be in your dorm a lot. He loves to cuddle with you at night, and you can't say no to his cute sleepy face, desiring you to untie his hair and play with it. And it's even harder to say no to his sexy morning voice.
It sends shivers down your spine every time he wakes you up, asking you to stay for some minutes and skip the first period of classes. How can you say no to him when you know that in his arms you'll have the time of your life?
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Many people link him to marine biology because of his interest in the ocean, which I agree with, but comes from a different perspective. I see him being more into the concept of traveling and discovering new things than anything.
I imagine him wanting a job that lets him stay put but also change settings from time to time. Biology and marine biology are great for that if you desire to study, protect, and care for wild flora or fauna.
Also, he sounds to me like a guy who enjoys brain challenges, so a scientific field is something that would keep him engaged. He will pursue education further than most people would, as he enjoys learning new things and overall the academic field.
But, this also means that he's a big nerd. He does hang out with his friends, but he prefers to stay indoors, so he is more likely to attend these types of reunions.
Mikasa and Eren are his best friends. He also has other companions, so he's not the lonely type of nerd. He's just a smart, yet introverted guy.
He's such a booklover, so it makes sense for him to get a part-time job at his university's library. Armin quickly learns about how everything works and it's the best at the job they ever had. So if you need any help finding something, go after him.
That's how you met him. You like the library for its silence and academic atmosphere that keep you focused on your studies. Armin's shifts are when you're also free to study, so you always see him when you go there, and quickly get a crush on the blondie.
He is such a cute and polite guy. Armin always greets you when you arrive and get a book, but you're kinda insecure that he is just being polite, seeing how he also treats other students.
But one day, you find yourself needing a helping hand to find your books. So you take it as a chance to talk to Armin. Though he seems rather busy, surrounded by two students you think you've seen before.
Going back to the shelves, you find yourself looking for this specific book for quite some time, that is until you feel him behind you. In Armin's hands lays the exact book that you need. Before handing it to you, he says that he needs to doublecheck it quickly, and goes to the direction his friends were.
When he hands the book to you, you find a cute post-it on the first page. It has a motivational phrase, a drawn smiley face, and a number. You can thank Mikasa and Eren later for the push they did on Armin, cause that's how you meet your boyfriend.
Armin is such a sweetheart. He always checks up on you: if you have studied for your tests if you've done your assignments on time, if you have rested after so many classes...
This is his way of taking care of you, in the middle of his own busy student life. Also, you don't need calendars anymore, baby boy remembers everything you say to him.
He takes you to study dates, where you'll spend half an hour studying, half an hour making out, then repeat. He settles his dorm with warm lights and will help you if you ask, somehow he can understand your lessons even better than you at first read.
If you're in the artistic field or an overall very different field for him, the relationship becomes such a learning experience for him. He enjoys sitting down at night with you, while you show him your project that you just ended. He looks at you with those big blue eyes.
He is so tender and shows so much admiration that takes your breath away, and you need to recollect yourself to go back to your work. Then, he will proudly take you to bed. He'll show you how much he enjoys your work. To relax you after your hard work, a great oil massage and some sexy times will follow.
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Jean is most of us out of high school: lost. So it is not a surprise that he chooses business or managing courses, - very common and vast fields to study on. He doesn't know where he wants to work yet.
All he knows is that he enjoys the frat lifestyle shown in movies. Ironically, at the same time, he wants a romance of books and he needs a job.
So as time passes, he finds himself enjoying HR, which he plans his career around and pushes his studies further. For me, Jean is a great leader and cares a lot for others, so HR is perfect for him. Plus he looks amazing in a suit/working outfit (mine and his words).
Like I said, he first wanted to experience the frat life. During his first semester, all he does is party, even more than Connie and Sasha together.
It's funny because all he wants is love and to have some fun, but he is too young and was created in a world that directed him to pursue a fuckboy life.
The reality is that he is anything but a fuckboy, he cannot even go to bed with someone without catching feelings. After some time, he can't sustain this lifestyle. With so many rejections and bad grades, he desires to change. He wishes to be a person he can be proud of.
That is how he finds himself pursuing mentoring classes. It may be for his own subjects, calculus, or for his writing, whatever you feel like you'd teach him in this scenario.
At first, you thought it was a prank... One of the top fuckboys of your college is wanting your help?
In the first classes, you have to reprehend him on some of his attitudes, but he always listens to what you say. The way you treat him so well makes him fall for you, no one had such patience with him before. So, he starts to do everything and anything to entice you.
Expect flowers on your doorstep. Chocolates will somehow slip into your bag when you aren't looking. And when opening the books you use with him, you'll find post-its with corny pick-up lines. It's obvious he wants you.
You confront him one day and tell him to spend his dedication on studies instead of trying to get into your pants. Jean was being truthful, but at first, you don't believe he'd change like that.
He promises you that he is changing into a better version of himself, and asks you to go out with him if he gets a full score in all his subjects. That seemed so impossible that you accepted the deal.
Jean took it as a challenge, and soon enough, you found yourself on a park date with him. After he spent so many nights studying to get good grades, he deserves some fun right? He even got an internship! And so more dates follow.
As a lover, this man is your devote, and you're his god/dess. He never hangs out without you, I mean never, so you bet you're gonna be friends with his friends too. He goes to fewer parties once he starts dating you.
Jean now prefers more intimate hangouts with you and his friends. He loves movie dates, because it's a win-win for him, as he can get some fun far from campus and keep his hands all around you with no one looking funny at him.
He is very touchy, so expect him to want proximity with you and be very clingy, but he does the most adorable pout when you deny him that you can't resist. Also, being so close to you allows him to lower his head and whisper nasty things in your ear. Meanwhile, his hands "innocently" roam your body.
The asshole knows what he is doing. But don't worry, handling all the teasing is worth it once you get alone in a secluded place and he kneels before you, to treat you good this time.
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I'm not quite sure about his major per se, partially because I think he would not be that enthusiastic about it either. But s4 Connie gives me engineering vibes, especially electrical engineering.
That being said, his main interest is sports and frat life. He's an active and extroverted guy who likes to have fun as much as he can and may go parting sometimes.
He hangs out with Sasha and Jean the most, and sometimes with the other 104th too, making a big and messy group. But I assure you, he is the funniest and most unhinged one, never letting the hangouts get boring. Connie is the life of the group together with his best friend Sasha.
Eventually, he gets a part-time job, and becomes such a hard worker! This is great since he's able to learn to be more responsible and serious when needed.
He meets you at a party. You're in a corner, using your phone. You don't care for the party, but it was your friend's birthday. So, you had to be there.
This little guy didn't even know your friend, but he needed to get his mind off work and his upcoming tests. Eventually, Connie found you by yourself and decided to interact. Connie is not the type to let someone be uncomfortable around, he wants everyone to have a good time.
So he goes after you and stays because you picked his interests, and you both have the time of your life, dancing and laughing from his attics. When it gets too late, he takes you to your home and you offer your phone number in exchange to catch up, and so it begins...
Dating him is never boring. Baby likes to make you laugh, and says that it is the cutest motivation for him to wake up in the morning. He'll get out of his class a bit early to wait outside of your class, he tells you he was bored, and it's true, but he mainly missed you.
He messages you during your classes, sending memes and photos of his friends making funny faces at his teacher, but somehow he never gets caught.
Connie goes to parties with you to show you off to his friends. No one (especially Jean) believes that he got you initially, but after some time with you, they see how much compatible you two are.
If you're tired or not in the mood for going out, he sits with you in the car, blasting nostalgic and cheerful loud music, as you go around campus. Expect lots of sonography while you're walking around.
When you're in his or your dorm, he likes to tell you all about his day, while you guys cook or do some chores together. If you're cooking, expect many food fights ending with cute flour kisses and apologies from him. Connie is not a fan of chores (unlike Levi) but he enjoys spending time with you, so that's a bonus.
Also, please, remind him to study for his exams! He gets forgetful about this kinda of stuff and may get lower grades because of it, or procrastinate if he finds it boring. However, do not study with him, he will not let you, and you'll get lower grades but it may be worth it for the laughs and the flirting.
Look out, or he'll take you to the bedroom as soon as he starts to check you out so focused, so sexy for him. And I'll have to tell you; after he treats you so well, you will not want to do anything other than be lost in him.
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Of all of them, he's the most obvious to me. First of all, he desires to get multiple degrees during his life, as a curious and cultured guy. So depending on your age difference, you may meet him during his first, second, or even third degree. He thinks about being a professor too, like his dad, but being more of an activist too.
Erwin definitely gets some work inside the university, either as a mentor or helping the faculty. Therefore, he is spending most of his time there. That's how he knows almost everyone around college, or at least most faculty members and talented students.
He is commonly seen with his friends: Levi, Hanji, Nanaba, and Mike, doing plans for hangouts with them. They can range from a simple movie night to an elaborate weekend in a cabin in the mountains.
Usually, the fun hangouts, like parks and trials are planned by Hanji. The active ones are chosen by Mike or Nanaba, such as going out to bars or playing sports. And Levi says that he never wants to go, but he is there anyway. They walk around college together alluring this "veteran" aura, very cool.
For one semester, you'll see him with your favorite professor, Mr. Smith, who you need to talk with. Erwin just stands there, looking so classy and smart that you're intimidated at first. However, as soon as your professor sees you, he introduces you to Erwin, who takes an interest in the project you're developing.
With that, you discover that he's the professor's son, while the older man just looks at you both with a strange knowing look. Erwin offers to help you, with your project, but he probably can't due to his proximity to your professor. He knows that. Erwin is just using it as an excuse to ask for your number, and it works.
Erwin is such a good boyfriend and a gentleman. He always meets you before the morning classes with a warm cup of your favorite beverage. He's such a busy person, with all the classes he is attending, work, and projects, but somehow he always makes time for his friends and you.
Also, he loves planning dates and invites you to the hangouts he has with his friends. Prepare yourself for cute museum dates, and fancy dinners after he gets his salary of the month. He likes to spoil you.
He surprises you sometimes, asking to meet in a random campus location, and surprising you with a sweet picnic under the tree. Erwin states that he's making up for his busy day ahead, and you both sit in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company and maybe a book. That is at least until you hear Hanji's greetings from afar, followed by Levi trailing behind them with a scowl.
Sometimes, you wonder if dating Erwin is a package that comes with his friends as extra. However, be assured that at the end of the day, you'll get your alone time with him behind the sheets. Erwin will make it up to you in a way that'll make you even forget that anyone else exists other than him.
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This guy doesn't even know why he's here nor how he got here in the first place. I mean, he is such a flexible character, I can see him in many degrees but for this multiple headcanon I'll stick with just three.
Levi as a teacher would be so iconic. He may pursue education because he had good teachers before and believed that they helped him take things seriously and not go to "the bad side" of life.
I see him in law pursuing it to be a judge or prosecutor too, he wants to see "rats" (his words), going to jail and will be pleased to be the one putting them there.
Since criminology fits more his persona so well, I don't think I need to discuss it that much. I'll just state that detective/forensic Levi would be the best of his generation. So it definitely an option too.
Enough of flattering him. As a student, Levi terrifies his professors, why? you ask me. He walks into class, sits down, and almost never moves an inch. He does not talk or ask questions. At the end of the term, he'll get the highest scores. He even works in a respected office already! The professors' days are counted... Ah wait that was flattering again? Oh well...
Anyway, he is the scary dog of his group, I mean like those scary little dogs, not the big ones. Levi walks with people twice his side, who together know everyone in college, but he just sticks with the three of them.
It's with them that he passes his free time. It's funny because he may sound like a hater and says that they are glued to him. But it's actually the opposite, he is the one to look after their hangouts the most.
One thing about college Levi is that he loves his coffee and tea. He knows every café in town but doesn't really enjoys the college ones, like the one you've been transferred to.
He only goes there when there is no other option, and says that the coffee is cold and the tea always tastes like toilet water. That is why your coworkers prepare you mentally for the infamous day you'll get to serve him.
The day comes, and you're alone at the counter, you don't even realize that is The guy everyone was so scared about. You quietly hand him his thing, and he goes away just as quietly, and so it becomes a routine. One day he comes with his friends, who are throwing you looks every moment or so (it's just Hanji).
Eventually, they leave. When you go to clean their tables, you see a note on it, it's a number. It's not Levi who wrote it, but Hanji. He didn't allow them to give out his number so they gave theirs. Soon enough, you start to hang out with the group.
And being part of the group means being part of Levi's heart. Your relationship starts like that, evolving from friends, to fwb to lovers. However, Levi treats you like you're his for so long, and you're dumb to not notice (his words).
Expect him to always walk you home. Look at him and you'll see him already looking back at you, then acting as if he didn't. He'll fetch you drinks and food during class recess, and he'll do so much stuff a boyfriend would do to you.
Eventually, he does become your boyfriend. Like I said, Levi already treated you like you were his before it was official, but after it, it just becomes less subtle. He will only get enough sleep when you're in bed with him. Also, your place will be spotless, he says that you can't clean but it's just an excuse for him to do something back.
Levi will stay by your side as you complain about a messed up class you had. He allows you to cry on his neatly cleaned sweater about a failed test. He'll even buy you ice cream while you ramble about your group member who didn't do their job. And like Eren, if someone else were to blame for your stress or tears, he would do something about it.
He never expects you to do something back for him. You being here for him is enough, it's his main motivation for dealing with annoying college life every day.
But if you're really into rewarding him them we will not complain if you get in his lap and be good for him too. Oh, it may even become a competition, as you both pleasure each other for hours after a tiring and busy day.
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salaciousdoll · 1 year
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꒷︶ ̇ ̟ ෆ ‿︵‿ The Salacious Exploits ‿︵‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ︶꒷
You’re a girl who was brought into this world with riches. Many thought that you had it all but the act of abandonment done by your father says otherwise. Don’t get it misconstrued though, your father is still alive and in your life just doesn’t even glance your way even when you broke into the famous stadium near your house with your friends, leading to sending you away to boarding school. Boarding School was an experience. Getting through that obstacle only to end up at a nice 4 year University. Easy-peasy for you right? except two and a half years later you’re sent to Private College. You hated your mother for thinking what’s best for you but “The Kaizen of Maria” Private College was a risqué experience, way better than boarding school, am I right? Am I? See how you deal with being with the social classes you don’t usually be in. Hardships, flowing red and orange leaves hitting the ground in the opening season of fall, volleyball practices, majors, sexy instructors and classmates, and finally realization of issues.
Be apprised of the warnings before you read below: smut, heavy smut, plot build-up, angst, heavy angst at the end chapters and maybe beginning too, chubby reader in mind but everyone could read, age gap, reader is in her early 20s( 21-23), tw.taboo, teacher/student relationships, reader could be considered hyper feminine and Bimbo/ditzy, very different and wrong depictions of boarding school( just for the plot), trauma( heavy and light), power dynamic relationships, sex with no relations on one side( yours), large age gaps so please be aware, written with black reader in mind but again everyone could read, volleyball player!reader, fashion major!reader, chubby reader in mind but everyone could read, daddy issues are high here but this in no way to describe it in a sexual manner only( this also goes into depths of it), heavy drug use! But the reader is not doing it just watching + dark content!, threesomes, classroom fucking, under the desk, Pervert reader and some characters, size kink but not major, false!corruption kink, reader is very seductive without even doing anything, body fluids( squirting, creampies, cum on body), mention of the younger cast of each series( not everyone though), Fem!reader, the men and Hange are between the ages of (30-50, so exit out this series if you’re uncomfortable), some fluff here and there, a little self indulgent, small descriptions of body parts( cocks, pussy, hair, etc.), heavy body worship, oral( f & m receiving), mentions of alcohol/parties off campus, strict teachers( Nanami, Erwin, and Levi), toxic!relationships, unrequited love( male wise), modern!au, joint modern au, crossover au!
Characters: Erwin smith, Levi Ackerman, Onyankopon, Hange Zoe, Miche Zacharias, Gojo satoru, Geto suguru, Nanami Kento, Toji Fushiguro, Shiu Kong, Hiromi Higuruma, Keith shadis, Kishibe, Eren Kruger, Principal Yaga, Zeke Yeager, Atsuya Kukasabe, Grisha Yeager, Kenny Ackerman, and Choso Kamo
Wc: tba ( tie it up at the end of the series)
ෆ ‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ┈•゚Note from Salaciousdoll: Thank you to Deja for the pictures/headers, I adore you so much for this because you did this for free and just for your own entertainment, I was so scared to ask you but we up!! 😭 read the warnings carefully everyone. As always, MDNI; 18+ only
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。゚•┈୨ CHAPTERS ୧┈• 。゚
i. The opening of Fall 9/19/23
ii. Friends? 10/1/23
iii. You can’t always get what you want 12/16/23
IV. I wouldn’t do a thing like that, that’s for sure! 1/16/24
V. Be my Daddy(1/24/24)
VI. Ridin’
VII. I put you down because I want you
VIII. Slut Pop
IX. Strawberry Pound Cake
X. Thee Five Star Bitch
XI. Cherry Cola
Xll. Ten men on my line tryna fuck me, your daddy’s the biggest spender
XIII. He calls me lavender
XIV. Just wanna have fun’
XV. Holding hands with an bad old man
XVI. Allure
XVII. Wanna know how red taste?
XVIII. Blood Rush Slut
XIX . Candy Necklaces
XX. French Restaurant
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1. Boarding school- Lana Del Rey 2. Party Girls- Victoria Monet
3. Love Language- Sza 4. Open Arms- Sza ft Travis Scott
5. Mermaid Hotel-Lana Del Rey 6. Girl that got away- Lana Del Rey
7. Go Go Dancer- Lana del Rey 8. Off to the Races- Lana del Rey
9. I’m that girl- Beyoncé 10. Rocket- Beyoncé 11. You can be the boss- Lana del Rey
12. French restaurant- Lana del Rey 13. Fucked my way up to the top- Lana del Rey
14. Attention- doja cat 15. Daddy issues- The Neighborhood
16. Older- Isabel larosa 17. Naughty Girl-Beyoncé 18. Valley of the doll- Marina
19. What was I made for- Billie elilish 20. Baby doll- Mariah Carey
21. The roof- Mariah Carey 22. Body Electric- Lana del Rey
23. All Up In Your Mind- Beyoncé
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Tagging: @chosoist @honeybleed @emomanswhore @simpingfor-wakasa @happygoluckyalexis @mastermindenoshimaalicia @angelshub and if anyone else wants to be tagged in future chapter, fill out the taglist form.
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。゚•┈© all right reserved to salaciousdoll, she does not give permission to steal, plagiarize, and translate.
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jeankirstein4ever · 6 months
Professor!Erwin who will smile and nod a little when he sees his best student already set up at the very front of the class, an hour before lecture.
Professor!Erwin who loves grading your work, adores the fluidity of your handwriting and the way you sign your name so neatly at the top.
Professor!Erwin who loves to see the look on your face as you read his encouraging marks across the page but even more so the look of shame when he leaves a discoursing comment, “I hope you are able to reevaluate how you spend your time, you’re clearly becoming distracted miss y/n.”
Professor!Erwin who has to bite back a scoff when he watches the rather obnoxious and duller one of his students ask you to tutor.
Professor!Erwin who watches you present for the class, having you dig his nails into his leg to keep himself focused while you’re damn near bent over trying to click through your slides.
Professor!Erwin who extends his office hours just for you, “wouldn’t want my best student to fall behind now would we?”
Professor!Erwin who admires how hard you work, “you have the most admirable drive of any student I’ve met.” He’ll lean over you to read your paper as you write it, his breath and cologne making your body painfully aware of how needy you wanted to be.
Professor!Erwin who groans when you press yourself against him, not being able to wait anymore , “Poor girl, been needing something other than some dumb college boys dick, huh? You work this hard for all your teachers or just the ones you want to fill you up?”
Professor!Erwin who’s hand is moving up you thigh, at an agonizingly slow pace, your hips already trying to buck for friction. His other hand holding you by the crown of your hair. Thumb pressing perfectly through the soaked cotton keeping you too far from him.
Professor!Erwin that goes soft as tears start to blister your eyes, finally moving aside the fabric to move two of his fingers swiftly inside your sopping wet hole. “You like this babydoll don't you?” His hand tightening in your hair making you whine so pitifully, “Answer or I'll stop.”
Professor!Erwin who feels himself strain against the fabric of his trousers and flesh of your ass; feeling you squeeze harder and harder around the cold metal of his wedding ring, pushing you further down on the desk.
Professor!Erwin who has to practically race to pull his length out before he ruins his favorite pants, his tip hitting your cervix with what he knows is not enough time to adjust, “m’ so sorry baby, just take it all in okay, I know you can, your my best girl, I know you can do it.”
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arminsumi · 1 year
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ party favor
Nerd!Armin x popular!fem!reader
Overview; nerd!Armin getting a bj for the first time during a Halloween party by popular!fem!reader
Contents; college au, Halloween party
Warnings; 🔞 MDNI, SMUT, stereotypes, reader is mean
Note; lol i've sat on this draft since january would you believe!!
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Smut warnings; light humiliation, dom!reader x sub!Armin, blowjob + facial
You accepted some nasty dare at a Halloween party, and that's why you were on your knees for Armin Arlert, in the bathroom, making him tremble in pleasure.
His heart was beating so hard in his chest he thought he might die. When the door shut the party out behind you two, he wiped his palms on his clothes.
Oh, and those clothes? About that...
He was wearing the tightest Halloween skeleton costume you've ever seen.
He'd been uncomfortably readjusting it, awkwardly shifting his legs so that he wouldn't have this embarrassing bulge. Skin-tight. You could practically see his nipples. His slight muscle was hinted at; that subtle curve of his bicep drove you more insane than any other physique you've feasted your eyes on.
"You're so kind, Min, letting us use your house for the party. 'M gonna pay you back." you said as you pulled his zipper down. His heart skipped a beat.
"Please! You d-don't have to repay me..." he said embarrassedly. He thought he was in heaven when you nuzzled his crotch.
He rolled his eyes back, his glasses started fogging up. You could hear his breathing get heavier when you started sluttily making out with his tip.
His size surprised you. When you commented on it, he stuttered; "Th-thank you. Uh — AH — ummm fuck, sorry."
You giggled uncontrollably. He came almost immediately after you started sucking on his cockhead. Ropes of sticky sweet cum shot all over your tongue, you swallowed it down just to embarrass him.
"God," you groaned with a smile up at him. "You're such a pathetic virgin."
Armin's tip twitched when you said that.
His cock hovered over your face. Juicy, slippery, thick, veiny, mouth-watering. It was a treat for both your eyes and your mouth, clearly; you couldn't stop staring at it and licking your lips.
A sharp hiss escaped through his gritted teeth when you lowered your soft lips back down on his cock and began sloppily blowing him again.
He was losing his mind over the fact principle Erwin's daughter was on her knees, sucking off his favorite goody-two-shoes student.
And in your mind, you were just laughing about the fact that armin's best friend dared you to blow him off.
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rivangel · 5 months
What's something that would make Levi leave a relationship?
i honestly commend you bc this is a simple question but i've never thought so hard about one of these what-would-levi-do/think relationship questions before. (i love love feeling i 'know' levi IDK)
(canonverse) Levi… he's just so loyal... at the same time, in acwnr, not even farlan up to that point had gained Levi’s trust. he lost his mother, and seemed to be treated as more of a weapon to be sharpened by Kenny than family or even a student.
so by default i don’t think Levi understands what a healthy intimate relationship entails from his side. he doesn’t consider his own (especially emotional) needs. he wants what’s best for his partner, and won’t advocate for himself. he’s completely loyal and devoted, and trusts them completely, but maybe to a fault.
taking Erwin and Levi’s relationship for example (not a shipping statement), Levi was still on his side even after Erwin smiled at the knowledge that people are titans, and his realization that Erwin is in the survey corps for less than completely pious reasons. knowing how selfless Levi is, and how strongly he feels about his mission, says A LOT about how his feelings towards someone he truly trusts and cares about affect his actions.
so it's just NOT possible to say his feelings would be less intense in a romantic relationship. if he’s with you, he’s WITH you. ride or die.
he's so self-sacrificing that if his partner treated him badly (for lack of a better word), he'd bear it, and go about wondering what he's doing wrong to be treated that way. he’d try harder to be good enough, because (1) that’s what he had to do to please Kenny to feel wanted, and (2) he doesn’t have a self-esteem outside of his usefulness.
i’m kind of trying to imply that to make Levi leave a relationship there would have to be a… threat to his life if he didn’t?😭
putting aside impossible hypotheticals, i think there is one thing would make Levi leave an established relationship: if his partner told him to go away and leave them alone. (but this is also impossible so?) if he can’t convince you otherwise, then he’ll respect your choice and die of a broken heart how could you
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twilovesshuake · 1 month
Modern time high school teacher - student au
Y/n: Who's your favorite student?
Levi: Teachers aren't supposed to have favorites.
Y/n: Mr Erwin does
Levi: Of course he doesn't-
Erwin, walking in: Yes I do. Arlert is my favorite.
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riewritten · 2 months
so i went to a remote area this weekend for a field work and i cant help but imagine erwin during the ride... like in an interview he said that if given the chance, he would like to live in a remote cabin, right?
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TAGS: post-canon, erwin lives agenda, fluff, age-gap (lol rie tell us what we don't know!), love confessions, basically jus wholesome stuff
in a setting where erwin lives and can retire from being a soldier, with which he eventually builds a simple cabin of his own in the outskirts of trost district to enjoy a simple life in the rural. you, on the other hand, are a researcher who came all the way from the stohess district, interested to study trost's advanced agrarian reform program.
their advanced practice was what saved trost's economy from titan invasion years ago, but sadly not every district in paradis would like to apply it in consideration to the nobilities. in principle. you'd like to have it implemented to the rest of the paradis island which takes pride in its rich agricultural resources. and to know the bounties of trost to the fullest, you'll have to live with them for a month.
lo and behold, you'll come across the erwin smith as one of the residents. usually, he doesn't talk much to people, let alone from outsiders, but the villagers love him because of his kindness and intelligence; they're confident that if there's someone who could help you the most, it'll be no other than this man. moreover, erwin welcomed you with open arms as he's very intrigued to know how the educational system in paradis has been doing since his last involvement in the academe (before he enlisted as a soldier. pretty long time, isn't it?)
he doesn't want the residents to treat you as an inconvenience so as soon as he learns your university isn't funding student researchers, which makes you lack the resources to rent a dorm in trost, he gladly opens the spare room he had built inside his cabin at your disposal (he had built that room so levi, hange, and others could sleep somewhere comfortable whenever they go visit him).
what a kind man he is, but you can't help but be bothered because not only is he so kind for reasons you're yet to unveil, but you are to live with him! a very handsome middle-aged man who is unreasonably single, especially in a period where people as young as sixteen are already bearing children! maybe the sheer change paradis had become since the walls collapsed has something to do with it?
it isn't long til you learn that he is none but the very commander who had contributed the most for the freedom of paradis! he suddenly blurts out over breakfast that he was the 13th commander. the 13th commander of the scout regiment. you took history classes really well so you know what the 13th commander has done; it's just that you never remembered his name because as far as you are concerned, the former commander opted to not get his name published in books. the long list of his comrades were there, but not their commander, making your teachers speak of him so highly--an amalgamation of what a real leader must be. goodness gracious. the way you started shaking over the coffee and bread erwin had prepared made him panic.
"oh no, was the coffee too strong for your liking? i'm so sorry." and when you eventually cry and utter praises and gratitude for serving the country well, he starts laughing—boisterously so, a laugh he had never done during his prime years—and pats your head. "well, our efforts have never gone to waste because of smart students like you, no?"
to integrate more with the trost community, erwin fetches you to other neighbors using his old car every morning (he bought it for a discounted price at an auction—scratch that, the merchant almost gave it to him because he was a huge fan. had erwin been a boastful bastard, he wouldn't even bother paying for it). he says the ride to another farm takes around half an hour, so you two take your time talking about a lot of things such as erwin's previous profession, his favorite areas on his lawn, the things he'd like to do in the future to make his little paradise even better to live in, and more. how badly you yearn for a life like his.
and when late afternoon comes, erwin would pick you up from the neigborhood so you can accompany him to the wet market approximately an hour away. erwin usually takes this chance to talk to the merchants because he supplies them his harvest at a low price for extra income (what a strategic and simple man he is!) then you two would restock condiments and other needs in the house that his small farm couldn't provide. the life erwin has is tiring for you who's basically raised in a highly urbanized area, but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy it especially with erwin's company.
one of the best things he had ever shown you is the tiny river surrounded by giant trees where he takes a bath. the scenery makes you feel like some sort of deity in an urban legend. the sun would peak behind the leaves and onto the water, then the water would bounce back its light towards your glimmering eyes—full of adoration at god's creation. the river is quite cold and sometimes the breeze these trees exude freezes your skin. but it feels so fresh, so pleasing to look at, and you wouldn't mind if you're not accustomed to taking a bath in an open area. no reason to be scared, too, as the singing birds and cicadas keep you company. not far from here, you could also hear erwin chopping wood. of course, he's just there, ready to rescue you if you slip on the rocks or some intruder tries to come at you.
one of the best tasks he had entrusted you with (which you asserted to be tasked because you couldn't fathom not paying him rent) is plucking ripe fruits from his farm. in your hometown, every need comes with money, but here, one could survive with just the gifts of land ripened by their hard work.
"it makes your research more valuable, doesn't it?" erwin affirms, "imagine every citizen in paradis being able to live a life not based on money once the government appreciates agrarian reforms more, given how rich our country is with natural resources."
the distance you had with him as he intricately teaches you how to cut fruit from its stem, his appreciation for your principles (which students from the urban area often laugh about), and the way his hands brush against yours while he's correcting your posture because the way of cutting needs to be precise so the stem could still be capable of bearing another fruit—it all fills your heart with sheer warmth. when night comes and you're alone in your room, you finally deduce what you feel for him—it's not just mentorship that you want from him, or his kindness, or even his farm.
you want him as he is. you want to give back all the help he has given you by loving him with all your heart.
as the research is about to end, you realize that you soon will be bidding him farewell to go back to your hometown, to live a boring university life, to take a bath in the constricted bathroom of your dormitory, and to live a life where you have to take money out of your purse every time you want to eat. it filled your heart with sorrow. you hope you can stay with him.
on one of your final days in erwin's house, you wake up with rain so strong tip taps of water can be heard from the roof towards the wooden floor. erwin knocks and asks if he could fix it as you eat breakfast but as soon as you open the door for him, you start crying.
"i'm sorry, it happens a lot during rainy days. i should've warned you." perhaps he's thinking that an urban girl like you would deem living in this wooden cabin overwhelming, but it's rather far from it. "I'm thinking of replacing the roof with cement instead of mere iron strips, but I can only do that when summer comes. you might not be here anymore by that time, though."
"can i just live here for good? i don't want to go," you wail, the attachment and adoration you have for this new friend flowing through your tears. "i want to live here for good."
"because you want to witness the renovation of my roof...?"
erwin is surprised at your sudden rise in tone, but eventually he smiles despite not understanding it all, "i'll consider, but only after you let me fix the hole in your room."
it took you five minutes of wailing (and erwin's gentle taps on your shoulder) before you step away from the door and let him in, with which he whispered a small praise, "good girl. now come on eat your breakfast and drink your coffee. we'll talk after i'm done here."
his voice sounded so warm, deep, and gentle in that particular remark.
you manage to do what he asked of you, albeit with little hiccups. to be honest, had erwin lacked the academic knowledge to help you finish your research, your stay in his home would've lasted longer. but he's such a smart man—even on par with your actual research professor—that it even makes you wonder if his parents were formerly part of the academe, too.
when erwin learns of that fact, he laughs in guilt, "i'm sorry! i admit i got too caught up with your research. you should've shooed me away when i got too invasive! is that why you were crying?"
"no! it's because i want to stay with you longer!" you cry, albeit impulsively, because you are drenched in cold water as soon you see erwin's surprised face.
nonetheless he's able to compose himself, "seems like you loved living in trost, hm? it's okay, you could visit us here even after your research is—"
"i meant you! i want to stay with you specifically!" you blurt out. oh god, did bathing in the river give you a bravado as strong as erwin's? you're not usually this blunt.
"why, if it's fine to ask?" erwin starts, his face more serious this time around, albeit there's a tinge of expression you couldn't quite decipher.
you wouldn't be able to take this back. you wouldn't be able to take this back. you wouldn't be able to take this ba— "because i like you." you wouldn't be able to take that back! "oh god," you covered your face in embarrassment. "i-i'll be back! i'm sorry!" then you stand up from your seat and hurry towards the door.
you run to the secluded river to wash your face from embarrassment (or perhaps drown in it for good), but after a throaty scream of shame, you notice a presence behind you.
"e-erwin!" you screech in surprise. "i-i told you i'll be back soon!"
"repeat what you just said."
"the what?"
"what you said before running off. repeat it." the expression on erwin's face that you couldn't quite decipher earlier is much more understandable now.
it gave you more courage to admit, "i said i like you."
"as a...?"
the mood is ruined when you suddenly let out a chuckle, "what do you mean 'as a?' i know we have a bit of a generational gap but i'm certain what i said was clear enough!"
this is the first time you've ever seen this man flustered. all this time you thought of him as someone who knew everything astutely. he walks closer until you're centimeters apart, eventually he smiles in realization. then he cups your cheeks, "finish your research and come back here. you'll hear my answer by then."
"huh?" you scorn, "why don't you answer now while i'm still—"
a kiss on your forehead cuts you off. it lasts for ten seconds or so—you know because you started counting it out of fluster. while on it, he rubs his thumb on your cheeks in circular motions. the sensations render you in a haze. as soon as he withdraws, you bury your head on his chest, taking his scent in even though you don't understand what's happening. "what i could offer to you is nothing in comparison to the life ahead of you in stohess. do what you must there. submit your research, advocate for your principles until your voice reaches more people, and if by then you still can't stop thinking of me, by all means, stay by my side for good."
"how can i be sure that you're not married the moment i come back?!"
he chuckles, then places your hand on his chest. his forehead bumps on yours, a knowing smile plastered on his lips, and his eyes reeking of adoration. "because my heart has been yours the moment you set your foot here."
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p lease i encourage everyone to continue this fic for me because as much as i love the prompt i donT HAVE THE TIME TO TURN IT INTO AN ACTUAL THING 😭😭😭 PLEASEDKDKSED
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🔖 @xiaotopia @cadenza-damour @rinamars @grimistheangerinmystares @suntizme @onasvigo @inkofteyvat @aeanya @watyousayin @collinnmckinley @frenchdyer | SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE TO MY STORIES
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chosos-mascara · 2 years
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seven minutes
𝙡𝙚𝙫𝙞 𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 - levi hates you. but, after spin the bottle decides your fate, you make up and hatred turns to lust.
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 - college party, alcohol (therefore dub-con), kinda enemies 2 lovers, mentions of cheating (petra to levi), i feel like i wrote him ooc soz, PiV, condom usage, some instruction?
3.7k words
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"He's staring directly at you." Connie spoke, hushed voice close to your ear as his breath fanned over your cheek. Your eyes darted around the room, finally finding the narrow grey ones Connie had been referring to, aimed at you with a killer glare. Once making eye contact, he'd slowly looked away, scowl over his face as he'd watched Erwin speak hands gesturing as his friends had listened closely.
"Let me talk to him." Connie stood, but had been stopped by your hand reaching outward, fingers wrapping around his wrist. "Please, don't. Plus, it's his place - don't get us kicked out of the party." You'd begged him with your gaze, a small shake of the head. "Just ignore him, I'm fine." The persuasion had his figure relaxing, giving in and sitting back down on the battered three seater. Sasha threw an arm around him, sitting widely on the other side of him with drink in hand.
"We should play a game!" Sasha shouted in order for rest of the group to hear, Jean moving his chair closer, Eren, Mikasa and Armin leaning in. "How 'bout truth or dare?" Sasha had ended with a smile, the other members of the group instead groaning. "What?" Her question was lost in the chatter once more as those surrounding had lost interest. Connie had laughed at his friend, an eager girl who'd had a heart bigger than a brain - or perhaps, it had been her stomach.
"Why does Ackerman keep staring?" Jean's voice had pulled you from your focus on Connie and Sasha as he'd had his elbows to thighs, leaning forward.  "He thinks I had something to do with Petra cheating." You spoke as you'd swirled the drink around in the red solo cup, sighing before bringing it to lips. As you drank, you watched Jeans eyebrow furrow, thinking for a moment. He'd tried to connect the dots in his head, but couldn't. Once satisfied with the amount of liquor in your throat, you pulled the cup from your mouth and held it back down upon your lap, liquid now sufficiently lessened. 
"I was friends with Petra, back in freshman year. New to college, new to Germany as a whole - she was the student ambassador assigned to me. Brought me along to some parties, before I met you guys." As you'd explained, you'd looked through the corner of your vision to check what Levi had been doing. He'd stopped obsessing over your every movement, instead complaining to Hange, her arms wrapped around him as she'd laughed. He'd looked miserable as ever. 
"There was a party, it was in February that year - she got off with Eld in seven minutes in heaven. I opened the door and saw them, but didn't tell Levi. He found out a few weeks after and blames me for not telling him sooner." Your explanation had ended with a long exhale of breath you hadn't realised you'd held, another twist of the plastic cup.  "But that's ridiculous-" Jean began, but you raised a hand.  "He's right. I should've told him." Defeated tone, you slumped back against the cushions. 
"Seven minutes in heaven!" The shout of Pieck had brought you from the racing in your mind, an uncomfortable shift in the seat at the ill-timing of the announcement. An innate reaction of your sight meeting with Levi's had made matters worse, his hardened gaze looking back at you. Hange and Erwin had stood, smiling wide and preparing to move forward, while he'd remained seated. Fingers wrapped around your shoulders as you were pulled upward, suddenly aware of Sasha and Connie's excited expressions as they'd dragged you toward the circle forming on the other side of the room. 
"N-no, guys." The protests from your lips had been ignored as you'd fought against them, only to be seated among your group, bottle in the center of a wide circle.  "It'll be fun!" Sasha shouted as the bottle spun, the first pair of students making their way upstairs. First, the bedrooms would be filled out, with the final couple having to make do in the pantry cupboard. Sasha's cheeks turned red when the bottle's mouth had met her space, burning a deeper scarlet when it had spun again to land on Connie. 
That had left you beside Jean, awaiting the final two turns so you'd be able to leave, though as the spinning glass slowed and neared closer to you, your heart had been within your throat. Clear as day, no space for questioning, the green bottle had pointed at no one other than yourself. Time had seemed to slow as you watched anxiously at the second spin, bottle stopping within a matter of seconds. It had been with reluctance as you'd looked up, fear in your eyes replaced with horror when meeting with the bottle's suitor. It can't be-
Levi stared back at you, though hadn't looked frightened - he'd instead been filled with rage. When he'd began to stand, meaning to walk off, he'd been stopped by Erwin, who'd instead offered a shove toward the closet door. You'd been sat in shock, though soon found Eren and Mikasa following Erwin's actions, pushing you toward the pantry only a few meters away until both yourself and Levi had been shoved in, door barricaded on the other side. You'd fought to push it open, shoulder hitting into wood with loud thuds, eventually pushed aside by Levi as he'd repeated your actions. Loud groans of frustration left his chest as he'd kicked at the handle, though it had been in vain. 
"It's no use, Levi. We'll just have to wait until the time's up." A few boxes had been pushed against the wall and you'd taken one, placing it down behind you before sitting on it. Leaning back, you'd rested your head against one of many wooden shelves, watching as Levi had stopped taking his frustrations out on the door, instead sliding down the wood and meeting with the ground beneath his feet. He'd found himself in somewhat of a fetal position, ass to floor and knees folded to chest, head hanging low. Black hair had swayed before his face. 
For the first two minutes, there had been silence. You'd appreciated it, instead listening to the ambient chatter and muted music from beyond the closet door, though when sinking back and moving to allow yourself a more comfortable position, your knee had met with Levi's, igniting a fire within him as his head tilted back upward, eyes locking with yours. 
"Sorry-" You'd began a defensive apology, though had been cut short by his quick and stabbing anger.  "Don't fucking touch me." His words were muttered beneath his breath, though within the quiet of the closet, the closeness of the two of you, you'd been able to hear the statement clearly. "Why are you here, anyway? Who invited you and your shitty friend group?" A sigh of frustration had left you as he'd continued ranting. Drowning out his noise, you closed your eyes - squeezing them shut before taking a leap of faith and beginning to speak the words you'd wanted to say since that evening 18 months prior. 
"Levi -" Beginning, you'd interrupted yourself with a shaky exhale before continuing. "I'm so sorry. I should have told you when I saw them; but Petra was my only friend. I was so scared of being alone that I hadn't thought about you, and how you'd deserved to know."  Levi had let his stiffened exterior relax slightly, shoulders dropping. The open mouth with sharp tongue finally loosened, leaving an expression of thought written across his features. He'd calculated his reply for a few moments as your heart had raced, awaiting some sort of response. You'd considered continuing the apology before he'd finally started to speak, though hadn't needed to before he'd filled the silent air with a softer tone. 
"I appreciate honesty above all else." Levi spoke, hands clasping together, fingers interlacing as he'd continued. "If you'd have told me about Petra, Hange would've spoken to you - Erwin, too. And you have a group now, you didn't need her." Levi's statements felt redundant, though you'd appreciated the sudden lack of animosity.  "I'm sorry, Levi. Not telling you is something I regret, and it's actually part of the reason I don't speak to her anymore." His eyes had met with yours, and for the first time since their break-up, he hadn't looked at you with hate. "I wanted to speak with you about it, but you hated me so much that I couldn't get close to you even if I tried." 
He nodded, another exasperated sigh. "Just thought you'd sided with her." Levi explained, the tension within the closet suddenly lifting. Opening your mouth to speak again, you were interrupted by a loud bang; door opening and leaving Levi to fall backward. Hange had been on the other side, grin wide as Levi had scowled toward her, moving from the carpeted ground to brush himself off at his feet. You smiled toward Hange, pushing yourself from the crate you'd been sat rather uncomfortably upon to leave the cramped cupboard and return to your group of friends. 
"Shit, you were in there with Ackerman?" Jean's voice had been the first you'd heard since returning, to which you'd been left to nod. Though, a small smile on your face had spoken true feelings when he'd proceeded to ask how you'd still been alive.  "We made up, actually." Jean's questioning expression had caused a chuckle from your lips, glancing over your shoulder to look over to Levi and his own friends. They'd been within the midst of a game of beer pong, and Levi had looked to be winning. 
"I'm gonna grab another drink, want one?" He'd asked, and you'd accepted, watching him disappear into the crowd of people near the fridge. Somewhere on the kitchen counter had been a bowl of punch, surrounded by other forms of liquor and drafts.  "Wanna join?" An unfamiliar voice had sent some concern over your spine, though when meeting with Erwin's blue gaze, you'd relaxed. His offer had taken you by surprise, but you'd accepted nonetheless, walking toward the table covered with plastic cups, Hange hunched over and attempting to concentrate as they clutched a small white ball between their fingers, eyes squinting before letting go. They missed, ball instead falling flatly before the lip of a cup, bouncing onto the wood and hitting carpet. 
"Got another player!" Erwin had announced, but before you'd been able to participate, you'd felt a cold and sticky liquid coat your side, dripping over your arm and hip. Mouth wide and brows raised, your gaze shot to the perpetrator - a sorry looking Jean.  "Fuck." He spoke, placing the cup down beside others on the table and reaching toward you, though hands falling short as he'd realised he didn't have the resources to clean the liquor from your shirt. So, he'd instead stood with arms out before him, fingers spread and expression questioning his own next move. "Come on, brat. I'll get you a shirt." 
Levi had moved from the other side of the table to beside you, fingers ghosting over the skin of your clean arm as he pointed toward the doorway.  "I'll get you another shirt." The explanation had aided with your confusion, and as he'd walked away you'd followed, a quick side eye to Jean's red cheeked face before going along with the black haired male. 
He'd taken you upstairs, walking past a few doors before entering one at the end of the hall. You'd questioned whether to follow or stay behind, but after a few moments you'd given up on the internal confliction and walked into the room. It had been neat, freshly dusted and vacuumed with a faint scent of vanilla in the air. The furniture had matched a black and white tone, a desk, bookshelf and bed, muted lighting emitting only from a lamp beside the plain coloured sheets. 
Levi had stood at his closet, another door in the wall with many neutral toned garments on hangers, drawers beneath. He'd pulled a navy turtleneck and handed it to you, eyes shifting from the cotton to your warmed cheeks. You'd realised upon taking it that Levi had currently worn what had looked to be the same turtleneck, only in black.  "You can change in the bathroom." He commented, a quick point toward an en-suite before crossing one arm over the other. 
When pulling Levi's shirt over your head, you were encompassed by a scent that had felt alien, yet comforting. The scent you'd understood to be Levi's, one of ceder-wood; faint hints of bergamot. Lacing fingers with the hem, you glanced in the mirror, a tightness in your chest when glancing over your own body in something Levi had owned. The smell had been somewhat intoxicating - an intrusive reminder of whom the article of clothing had belonged to. 
Before the events of that night, you hadn't spoken with Levi much, only when in the presence of Petra. She'd controlled most conversations and he'd allowed her to, quietly appreciating her, loving her. You'd admired him at a distance and until now you'd assumed the admiration to be due to his attentiveness as a partner - a form of jealousy. Though, with his t-shirt clinging to your skin, his scent lingering over your nose and your heart beating wildly against your rib-cage, you'd began to question how exactly you'd felt about the Ackerman. 
Had it been admiration, or had it been attraction? Maybe, being Petra's friend you'd misjudged the way you'd felt when watching him, the way he'd expressed when you had conversed, the similarity of your opinions. With the apology and sudden new-ground between you, you'd known the magnetism you'd felt toward him hadn't simply been that of acclaim or approbation for his being - it had felt as if your body had formed some sort of crush. Though, you chalked it down to alcohol, and a new-found acquaintanceship. 
Turning the lock and exiting the bathroom, you held the dirtied shirt between your fingers. Levi had waited atop his bed while you'd washed off the liquid and changed, standing with one arm outstretched when you'd walked toward the center of the room.  "I'll wash it." Levi spoke, fingers drifting over the fabric while awaiting your approval.  "You don't have to-"  "Please. It's an apology for being so rude to you. Plus, you couldn't get that stain out without my help." Levi hadn't needed to persuade you further, the shirt leaving your grasp and entering his own. 
"Do you talk to her anymore?" Levi spoke, your shifting body stopping to turn back and face him. "Petra, I mean." He gripped the shirt tightly, grey eyes locked onto yours. You shook your head.  "You?"  "No." Levi dropped his gaze, maneuvering to sit on the mattress once more. 
"Aren't you gonna come down?" You'd asked while watching him slouch, still clutching at the cotton in his hands. He didn't answer, and in turn you walked to his body, seating yourself beside him. "What is it?" You questioned, but again you'd been left without a reply. A few anxious moments within silence had altered your mind, sifting through various shallow conversational topics as if your brain had been a filing unit.  "Thinking about the most eventful seven minutes in heaven you've experienced?" 
The joke had left your lips before you'd processed the statement, your body being left to cringe at the odd utterance. Teeth clenching, you shook your head, balling fists before turning to face Levi. He'd been watching you, an expression of either amusement or annoyance - you couldn't tell the difference with him.  "Sorry, that was stupid-" The apology had begun, yet you hadn't been able to proceed as he'd taken over.  "We can try again." Levi had responded quickly, a flash of hope over his countenance as he'd allowed such a risky assertion past his lips. 
"What?" You'd questioned in disbelief as he'd taken the moments following to think, finally acting upon the impulse within his body. Whether it had been alcohol or a rush of adrenaline he hadn't been sure, but Levi took control when leaning toward you to place a kiss over your lips, pulling back to assess your reaction. He'd dropped your shirt to the floor, eyes widening and an expression of regret, though you hadn't allowed him to indulge within guilt as you'd closed the gap once more. 
With a longer kiss, you'd been able to feel the softness of his lips against yours. A hand brought to cheek had caressed over Levi's pale skin, smooth under fingertips. He'd had narrow and sharp features, all able to be felt beneath your touch, the jut of his jaw, the smallness of his lips. There had been a buzz in your core, one you were sure had been partially caused by liquor, though aided by anxiety and excitement. 
Your hand had slowly moved to cup at the back of his head several kisses into the encounter, undercut grazing your fingers. When introducing tongue and slipping fingers to sit between the locks at the back of his head, Levi had also allowed his hands to leave the sheets. A squeeze over your thigh, drifting to your hip. You'd given a light tug to the thick of his hair as a gesture for him to straddle you, and he'd taken the offer. 
Falling with back to the mattress, you spread your legs to accommodate his frame, arms caging either side of your torso as he pressed his chest to yours, lips still moving leisurely with your own. As tongues roamed one another, there had been an influx of drool, a sheen coating each of your mouths. Spit from both you and him now merging, a fluid representing both lust and attraction toward the other. Levi's hand had finally moved downward and allowed him to tug at your jeans, a question of furthering the actions taken between you. You'd obliged nonetheless, fidgeting to undo the button and slide denim from your legs. He'd pulled back to kneel, fingers squirming to unbuckle his belt and undo trousers, until both you and Levi had been equally undressed, only the thin cotton of underwear moderating exposure. 
 Levi leaned forward to reconnect with you once more, lips working against yours as his erection had been hard against your slit, though each body still caged within the final layer of clothing. A roll of his hips to yours had caused a moan to erupt from you, uncomfortable wetness desperately needing more friction. You pulled back, hands against his chest lightly pushing against him to allow space. He'd watched you breathlessly, gaze threatening to drop to the glossy lips he'd wanted to re-attach himself to, though restraining as he'd awaited your question. 
"How far do you want this to go?" Heat had risen through you when you'd asked, a small smile forming across Levi's lips, an exhale of amusement before he'd replied.  "All the way." Reply whispered against the skin of your neck, you'd arched your back, goosebumps prickling bare skin. Levi had taken the movement as an invitation to slip his hand beneath the arch, fingers hooking to the clasp of your bra and opening the garment. Pulling back, he'd looked to you for consent, only sliding straps over your arms after you'd given a reassuring nod. 
"Do you have condoms?" You'd almost choked when Levi had taken a nipple into his mouth, a moan originating deeply from your chest when he'd rolled his tongue over the bud, fingertips grazing over the other. 
He pulled back to reach to the bedside table, fumbling around before pulling out a foiled packet. Once extending the rubber, he'd taken the last step of pulling your panties from covering you, dragging them over your thighs, slowly over calves until your feet had slipped through. For a moment, Levi watched over you to admire your figure, though soon gave into temptation and lined himself up, a languid slide forward complimented by a hiss between his teeth.  "Fuck." Levi's curse had caused you to clench over him, a sigh from lips when he'd pushed deeper. "So tight." 
Once bottoming out, he drew back, picking a pace as he rocked forward. The stretch you'd felt between legs had felt good, head pressing back to the pillow beneath as you'd let out a whine. Levi placed his thumb to his tongue, a quick glob of spit coating the digit before he brought it forward to lay over your clit, rubbing circles over the nerve. You'd allowed a louder moan out, pleasure displayed through another arch of your back, eyes squeezing closed.  "Levi-" Speaking his name had only encouraged him further, rolling into you while groaning, watching your contorted expression through half lidded eyes. 
"Feel s' good." The praise had been slurred as your mind had been too focused on the sensations between your thighs to give a more coherent statement, lip catching between your teeth when he'd continued to rub over you. The build up was nearing an end, whines and gasps growing louder.  "Shh," Levi had whispered, slowing his pace and earning a disapproving groan. "Unless you want everyone else to hear me fucking you?" Levi's comment caused your stomach to churn, though you'd been adamant with the boom of music and the bustle on the floor below that no one would be able to distinguish your muted moans from the music - if they'd even been able to hear. 
"Gonna cum." Levi had gone a little faster after the statement, eyes locked onto your tensed face, only straying slightly to catch a glimpse of himself inside you.  "Cum on my cock." His instruction had aided in pushing you over the edge, a coil within your core finally snapping. In return, Levi had groaned, mouth agape as he felt himself loosen, finally letting go. With both coming undone in unison, the moment had felt euphoric, a mess of whines and skin slapping on skin, breath panting as you'd felt yourselves grounding once more. 
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a/n: not really edited cuz i'm lazy, sorry !!
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seeingivy · 1 year
first meeting 
eren jaeger x f! reader 
in which, your old roommate forgets to mention she can’t room with you next year - leaving you with no housing prospects. that is until you meet eren jaeger. 
**roommate eren fic masterlist here
With an unfortunate twist of fate, you curse Shiganshina University for randomizing dorm assignments for first year students. Just your luck, you were stuck with a red haired girl named Nifa, who was so forgetful you think she’d forget her head if it wasn’t attached to her. 
What did she forget this time? To tell you that she was rooming with Nanaba for the next year, leaving you out of housing for the summer and the following year. You groan, snapping the pencil clasped in your fingers at the thought of seeing her when you return to your dorm later today. 
“What gives?” 
You turn to find your coworker, Armin, staring at the broken pieces of pencil discarded on your desk. You groan in response, resting the top of your head against the desk. 
“My roommate. She didn’t tell me she didn’t want to room with me next year and she was the one who reserved housing for the both of us. I didn’t reserve on my own and now all of the rooms are full.” 
He looks over at you, silently handing you a pack of the sour gummy worms he kept in the bottom desk of his drawer. While he usually kept them for the students he was tutoring, he figured the situation called for it. You knew he was awkward and you warm at the thought of this being his way of trying to comfort you. 
“I hope you figure it out, Y/N.” 
You shoved the broken remnants of the pencil you just snapped into the trashcan near your desk, collecting your thoughts. 
“No room?” asks Armin, peering across to your cubicle. 
“Nope. I’m going to be homeless this time tomorrow.” 
Finding a roommate turned out to be harder than you thought it would be. Since everyone already had to reserve the rooms a while back, no one was really looking for extra roommates anymore. You tried your luck on renting a room in the houses and apartments nearby. 
They were all too weird to live with. They were too loud, super messy, rent cost too much, they wanted you to sleep in a bathtub, the list went on. You weirdly found out that your Political Science professor Erwin was dating your Physics professor Levi, when they were selling the apartment they shared to get a house. 
“I’d take you in if I could, but my girlfriend Annie lives in the spare room in Jean and I’s apartment.” says Armin, shooting you a sorrowful look. 
You nod in acknowledgement, shooting him a smile for trying to help in whatever ways he could. 
“You can sleep at my place till you figure something out, okay?” 
You nod, turning back to making the assignment sheets for your session later today. You shoot Sasha a text in the meantime, asking her if you can sleep at her place the day after tomorrow, not wanting to overstay your time at Armin’s. 
Armin, Annie, and Jean are more than accommodating, which leads you to crying puddles over their kitchen sink. The stress of the situation catches up to you, realizing you had nowhere to live indefinitely. 
Jean offers you a plate of warm food, saying you can sleep in his bed as long as you need to. Armin and Annie tend to help you set up your stuff, making sure you have towels, face wash, a toothbrush for the few days you would be staying with them. 
After calming down and taking a shower, you dress yourself into your most comfortable pajamas and meet the three of them in the common room. They decide to run a few errands, grabbing snacks for you all to eat over the course of the weekend. You decide to watch Mulan on Armin’s Disney Plus account while you wait. 
You hear Armin’s bathroom door close and jump at the sight of a tall, brown haired boy padding out to sit on the couch next to you.
“Who are you?” he asks, not looking up from the Wordscape he was playing on his phone. 
“Y/N. I work with Armin. I’m going to be staying here tonight. Who are you?” 
You nod, turning back to watch the movie. He grabs the top of your head, twisting your head so you’re looking right at him. 
“Five letter word. Letters are O, E, R, V, and L.” 
You grab the phone from his hand, staring at the crossword ahead of you. 
“Did you try ROLE?” 
“First word I picked. And it’s five letters, silly girl.” 
“Oh! That’s easy. The word is Lover.” you respond, sliding the letters on the screen, the screen covering with confetti. He turns to you, giving you a halfhearted smile in response to passing the level. 
Armin, Jean, and Annie return thirty minutes later, double checking you were comfortable with sleeping in Jean’s bed and that you had every need. You thank them for their kindness, heading to bed for the day. 
As you lie in his bed, your heart heavies at the thought of where you’re going to sleep tomorrow. And the day after that.  
You return to Armin’s apartment after six days, having exhausted all options of people to stay with. You stayed with Sasha, Connie, Historia and Ymir, Marco (big mistake, he’s a sleepwalker), and even your Physics professor Levi and his partner Erwin you had met while house hunting, who you accidentally ended up sobbing to during a problem solving session. 
You’re settled on their couch again, the four of you watching Get Out. Halfway through the movie, Eren nearly scares the shit out of all of you, your heart pounding as he creeps in through the door. 
“You’re back, silly girl. What gives?” he asks, opening one of Armin’s cans of Celcius. 
“Still didn’t find a place to live.” you respond, scratching at the back of his neck. 
You see a confused look of plaster on his face, as he darts his eyes to Armin looking for an explanation. 
“Housing problems, her old roommate kind of sucked. She’s been out of a place for a week now, hopping from place to place every night.” he responds. 
He looks back at you, his green eyes flashing a look you had never seen before. Granted, you had only met him once before this but it was enough to warrant a weird feeling from you. 
“Speed round. Answer whatever I say silly girl, okay?” 
“Favorite color?” 
“Stable income?” 
“Two jobs. And a decent savings account.” 
“Attention to detail?” 
“You wouldn’t believe it.” 
“Not currently.” 
“Loud friends who overstay their visit?” 
“I think I’m the friend who is currently overstaying her visit.” 
“Raging partier?” 
“Homebody ‘till I die. ” 
“So quiet my professor forgot I was in the room with him.” 
He stops, the gears in his head moving. Jean and Armin share a confused glance, Annie having given up on trying to understand Eren years ago. 
“I have an extra room at my place. My old roommate just graduated and I need someone to fill the spot. If you can pay the rent by next week, it’s yours.” 
You swear you could kiss him on the spot. He’s offering you a place to live. You reach over the couch, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Thank you, Eren. Really.” 
You break apart from the hug, your noses a few feet apart. You smile at him, your eyes darting between his green eyes. You tense at the contact, suddenly realizing how close the two of you are standing. You let go abruptly and he scratches the back of his head, instructing you to pack your things so you can settle into the room now. 
“Ann’, hundred bucks they start dating by the end of next year.” 
“Raise it to a hundred and to the end of next semester. You’re on, Kirschtein.” 
“Should we really be profiting off of our friends' love lives?” 
“Shut up, Armin.”
next part linked here
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mamasbakeria · 1 year
hey, what's your major again?
summary: my credible expert opinion on what the aot characters would study in university. what are my qualifications? the dozens of hours i’ve spent staring at my school’s program bulletin trying to figure out what i’m majoring in
genre | includes: headcanons, sfw, minor language, uninformed percy jackson reference (pls don't hate me if im wrong)
characters: eren jaeger, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, sasha braus, jean kirschtein, connie springer, historia reiss, ymir, reiner braun, annie leonhardt
author’s note: had this in my drafts for months now. i just need to post it so it stops haunting me. might do the rest of the marleyans and vets in the future! lmk your thoughts, my only tumblr notifications are from p*rn bots, so i'd love to hear from real people lol. enjoy <3
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eren: sociology and public policy, 4+1 program for a social work masters
there’s only so many times you can hear “you’re gonna be a doctor just like your dad” before you start to believe it. that’s why eren started out with biology on the premed track. the thing is, he really didn’t care for it. eren is really passionate about lessening equity gaps and is a firm believer in “if you want something done right, do it yourself”. this is why i see him making the switch to a double major in public policy and sociology. he wants to know about how society got to the point of perpetuating disparities so that he can fix them. but he also knows that the government fucking sucks and thinks its naive to expect policy change to be the only method of change. and like the maniac he is, eren is enrolled in a 4+1 program so he can get his master’s in social work when he’s done with his undergrad. he’s determined to graduate with both degrees in just 4 years though. rip his summers.
armin: international relations and military ethics, minor in communications or smth
everyone always says armin would study marine biology or oceanographic studies, but i honestly think that it’s a passion that he pursues on the side. he takes marine bio courses for his breadth requirements, but knows he’d end up hating the ocean if he spent the rest of his life studying it. he also strikes me as someone who would rather run buck naked into traffic than sit through multiple semesters of organic chemistry. armin was always a good public speaker, though, despite being a bit insecure. that’s why his speech and debate teacher during sophomore year of high school recommended model united nations to him. he was hooked after his first conference and now genuinely sees the path of international diplomacy as his calling. that’s why he’s majoring in international relations. his concentration in military ethics is something he tacks on in his junior year after taking some courses and publishing research with dr. erwin smith. he probably minors in communications because he can.
mikasa: forensic science
mikasa had no idea what she wanted to do when she started uni. she’s good at nearly everything. like never gotten a B in her life and is the student who the curve is based off of. but excelling in every environment you’re put in often means you don’t know what you’re best at. she knew deep down that she wanted to do something justice related like her childhood best friends did, but she’s no public speaker and has no interest in political reform. she was, however, emo in high school and heard a fair share of undertaker jokes at her expense. it wouldn’t hurt to look into right? as cool as the title sounds, morticians don’t make enough money for the job they have. fortunately enough, forensic pathologists do and mikasa looks good in a lab coat. she would never admit it to spare armin and eren’s feelings, but when they, as children, recreated the crime-solving shows mrs. jaeger always had on, mikasa always wanted to be the brains. so criminology and forensic science it is. (side note: she definitely joins the military and they pay for her education)
jean: structural engineering and industrial design with a minor in studio art
more than anything, jean wants to provide for his mom and knows he can’t guarantee a retirement of luxury for her as the freelance artist he wishes he could be. he’s decent at math when he tries and doesn’t hate physics, so he decided he’d give structural engineering a try for at least a semester or two. he wasn’t expecting to get much from it, to be honest. he had a plethora of backup plans waiting for his supposedly inevitable distaste for engineering, but he found that he didn’t hate it at all. someone once told jean that he had the makings of a great leader and he didn’t believe them until he started taking the lead on design projects and producing incredible results. his only qualm is that he just doesn’t get to be as creative as he wanted to be. that was easily rectified by an additional major in industrial design and a minor in studio art. he’s unbelievably busy, busier than he anticipated when he started his post-secondary journey, but he’s content and there’s nothing some extra coffee can’t solve. 
sasha: environmental science and sustainability
sasha spent her childhood ankle-deep in mud and fighting her way through forest thickets without a compass. an upbringing like that doesn’t leave your spirit, no matter how far into the city you go for school. so sasha’s always been passively passionate about the environment. that passiveness became significantly more prominent when part of the woods she grew up in was cleared out to build an industrial complex. it was then that she started researching and writing petitions about preserving wildlife and making environmentally conscious decisions. her work actually got her the scholarship she’s on (because god knows it wasn’t her grades). and she genuinely loves what she does, so why wouldn’t she keep learning about it? the environmental science and sustainability program at the school is small, but tight-knit and known for churning out changemakers. sasha knows she’ll be one of them one day. just hide your plastic straws from her, okay?
connie: computer science and chinese
stick with me here okay? everyone expects connie to be a douchebag marketing major whose hardest assignments are graphing functions and making posters on photoshop, but he’s a lot more invested in his education than he looks. don’t get me wrong, connie has always struggled academically, but that’s because so much of early education is pre-determined. he performed way better when he could choose what courses he took. it’s kind of like percy jackson being dyslexic in english because he was wired to read in greek. connie can’t keep his eyes on a history textbook for shit, but will gladly sit in front of the c++ code on his pc for hours. he doesn’t even get mad when he realizes that he was missing a semicolon. connie loves how versatile of a future he could have with a compsci degree, because, let’s be real, he could never survive in a typical office environment. definitely takes a bunch of chinese classes and doesn’t realize that he has enough credits for it to be a minor until his second to last semester.
historia: political science with a minor in international relations and child development
historia is a lot like eren in the sense that she knows her time is best spent doing hands-on work in the fields she cares about. she realizes this sometime after reconnecting with her estranged father and volunteering at the orphanage she grew up in. but now that she’s publicly associated with a powerful political figure, historia doesn’t get to do what she wants, only what is expected of her. that’s how she ends up on the pre-law political science and public policy route. the nickname “ms. president” that connie and sasha give her only further reminds her that she’s heading down a path she never wanted for herself. after lots of encouragement from ymir, historia decided to take child development courses on the side. even if she doesn’t take on the full minor, she’s taking some classes she cares about. maybe she’ll find use for it someday. at the very least, it’s her first step in becoming the most selfish girl in the world.
ymir: data science and business management
ymir is smart. much smarter than she presents herself to be, almost as a form of protection. nobody expects much of someone who is aloof, so it makes it easy to slip through the cracks to remain safe and comfortable in the shadows. business management is notoriously low commitment and easy to skate by with. guaranteed internships, post-graduate employment, and so on. To anyone who doesn’t know ymir well, it’s perfect. but they have her mistaken, ymir will do as little as possible to go as far as possible. sure, she can live comfortably with a business degree, but it could be better with a little bit of data science in her arsenal. she’s intelligent enough to pick up on it, and determined enough to make it her bitch. yeah, academia is a money-sucking pipeline into the capitalist hellscape, she doesn’t believe in it yada yada, but at the end of the day, ymir’s gonna get the bag. so what if she’s gotta sleep through some stats classes to get it?
reiner: behavioral economics
reiner’s mother had convinced him his whole life that getting a high paying job would fix their lives and bring his father back. believing “perfect grades lead to a perfect life” made high school tough for reiner; gifted kid burnout is no joke. it really messed him up. he wasn’t sure if he could withstand the pressures of university, but here he is. reiner was never allowed a therapist, so he figured pursuing psychology would, at the very least, give him some answers and be a good pathway to a medical degree. he loved getting to understand how people work and why they act the way they do, but something was missing. he found out what it was when a guest lecturer spoke in his economics class. he knew making the switch would be risky, it’s a new field and his current career options are really only research, academia, or government, but the interdisciplinary study of behavioral economics is calling reiner’s name. 
annie: biomedical engineering and kinesiology
annie’s entire life revolved around her father, including the injury he was never able to heal from. the one she gave him. he’s claimed to be over it, she’s forgiven, but annie will never feel like she’s earned that forgiveness until she gets rid of the problem entirely. how is she going to do that exactly? with biomedical engineering. she has years of hell in front of her, especially with her concentration on biomechanics, but she doesn’t care. annie will throw herself into her work to get the results she wants. she takes the highest amount of credits possible every semester so she can graduate early. you’ll most likely find her chained to a study cubicle at the library at all hours of the day and running on 2 hours of sleep, but it doesn’t faze her. she tacks on a minor in kinesiology because it makes sense and she had most of the credits for it anyway. and as if it couldn’t get worse, she probably TAs for a thermodynamics course or something crazy like that.
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© mamasbakeria 2023. do not repost, translate (without permission), or modify
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lesinquietes · 11 months
I once wrote this longfic about Yandere!Professor!Levi who works out of a university and agrees to take you on as his teaching assistant in the first year of your grad degree…… and guys, the brainrot is back 🥺
Tw; coercion, degradation, dominant levi, dubcon (just a sprinkle), oral sex (levi receiving), slut-shaming, spanking
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He remembers how much completing a master’s degree sucks. Rewarding? A little. But mostly just a waste of time keeping to the institution’s expectations of excellence. Originally, he only applied to see if he would get one of the scholarships they offered to the poor folk. He didn’t anticipate gaining entry to the program.
Fast forward to eight years later, and he’s cozy in his teaching position. The headmaster is his best friend, Erwin Smith. Life is good. He doesn’t have to teach much with the team of graduate assistants he has each semester. He lets them conduct seminars on course material to get “teaching experience”. As if that’ll help them find a job afterwards.
Although everything seems to have fallen into place for him, there’s still something missing. A void. A yearning. For what, he doesn’t know; that is, until you came along. You make him realize that life isn’t meant to be easy.
For every class he teaches, he receives at least one teaching assistant. Oftentimes, the flock he gets are new graduate students who don’t know their hand from their foot. They’re so nervous in their new role, that they cause more havoc than they’re worth. As such, he’s learned to be a hard ass. It turns out tough love works better than coddling.
But you.
You don’t respond well to either.
And it pisses him off how you’re not predictable. Growing up in the slums made his ability to read situations damn near immaculately. To some degree, he should be able to predict most common behaviours. He’s utterly confused when you don’t respond to reward or punishment. What kind of person are you? The fascination takes him faster than the alcohol did after Farlan and Isabel died in that car accident. Unlike the liquor, he lets his attraction for you bloom.
He treats you like an academic study. He writes down his hypotheses and then conducts an experiment to record data. He documents every method he tries, hoping to make a breakthrough, all while skirting under your radar; the subject can’t know her role in his field research.
Initially, he’s hard on you. He discovered a marking error on one of his students’ returned papers. Usually he doesn’t bother to check his teaching assistant’s work. With you, he’s been putting in overtime.
“The fuck is this?” He growled, tossing the paper onto your desk.
You took the sheet onto your hands and scanned the lines with careful orbs. When you reached the bottom, you locked eyes with him. He doesn’t utter a word. You’re bright enough to understand the implicit message.
“I made a mistake,” you state. “I’m sorry, I’ll be more careful.”
You always act so diplomatic with him. He wishes you would let your guard down. You speak to your colleagues with less of an edge to your tone.
“I thought a master’s student would be able to handle bachelor’s level shit.” He antagonized you. “If you fuck up again I’ll scrap your contract for next semester.”
It’s a bluff. He won’t do that. He doesn’t want anyone else getting you as a teaching assistant, least of all that creep Miche. You’re too alluringly odd. Levi wants to lay claim to you.
“It won’t happen again,” you called after him. “Sorry.”
A lightbulb goes off in his head. His vivid memory of your nonchalance gave him a bright idea. You don’t mean your apologies because you don’t care. Truly.
Of course you haven’t been responsive to his rearing techniques; you aren’t interested in what he’s offering. He hasn’t been using the correct rewards and punishments. You’re in this teaching assistant position against your will; you needed to take it on so you could afford to pay your tuition. He bets you’re dying for stimulation.
With this in mind, he sends you an email, requesting your presence in his office tomorrow morning. If you want something to captivate your picky mind, he’s going to give it to you.
He can’t believe his eyes when you actually obey his request to bend over his desk. Your skirt hikes up, revealing your cute panties. They’re white. The way they don’t fit around the cheeks of your ass makes his cock twitch in his pants. The notion that you planned this crosses his mind. He dismisses it in favour of indulging.
Levi smacks his ruler against your ass, revelling in how your holes twitch each time he strikes. You respond well to this punishment. You moan and gasp when he goes harder, panting breathily like a desperate whore. He’s never seen so much life in your face. He only stops hitting your plump globes when the skin feels tender and worn beneath his palm; even then, he gives them one more clap before standing up to tug down his trousers.
You suck his cock next. Who knew you were such a champ at giving head? He helps you along with a firm hand glued to the back of your skull. You choke and slobber when his rip slams into the back of your throat. He doesn’t let up. Tears are streaming down your face until he decides it’s time you worship his balls. He shoves your nose and mouth into his sack, shuddering when he feels your tongue lavish each sphere with your love. It’s almost enough to make him cum.
He can’t take much more of your teasing. He forces himself down your throat a second time and shoots his load. You cough and sputter, but he doesn’t let you off. You’ll only have the privilege of air when you swallow. Once you do, he’s happy to permit you to breathe.
He grabs a fistful of your hair and tilts your head up. His steely orbs are filled with wanton lust. Your makeup is smeared and your eyes are glossy. You’re in a daze. This is what you wanted all along; to be used by your professor.
Well, if that’s what it’ll take for you to maintain an interest in grading for his class, he’s happy to do it; the next time you need some proctoring, he’ll be sure to claim that wet pussy of yours.
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