#stream this tomorrow please 😠
kookjinnies · 2 years
coldplay posted a snippet of raw vocals and the title of the project was "the astronaut for jin" 🥺
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calebdoerksen2 · 8 months
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Well guys, my latest stream was a failure. Things were going a little smooth for me while I was going through Rusty Bucket Bay in Banjo-Kazooie until I got PTSD trying to swim out of the oily water before eventually drowning and having to start all over again with the notes. 😱
What’s worse is that I experienced some trolls in the Chat Box talking about their support for Elon Musk even though I was proven right about everything I’ve said about him and his management of Twitter, as well as talking about hungry bears and surviving off of caffeine, and I ended up having a mental breakdown as a result. 😥
Because of this, I had to end the stream and set it to private because you wouldn’t want to see me in the mental PTSD breakdown state I’m in right now. This means I’m gonna try again tomorrow night at the same time (7 PM MST), and I swear to God, if that same troll who harassed me with all that BS comes back, I am gonna ban him from ever chatting on my streams again. I normally don’t use profanity in my videos or posts, but F*** THAT A**HOLE. Seriously. I don’t know what mental war he escaped from, but he needs to stop. NOW. 😠
Anyways, I’m done. I feel so depressed and unclean from what I went through tonight, so I need to find some way to lighten my mood. Like I said, I’ll try streaming again tomorrow at 7 PM MST, and with that said, thanks for reading this, and until then, please take care of yourselves and pray for me. 😞🫶🙏
This is Caleb, over and out.
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