#stratos (hero of the sky / hylia's chosen knight)
mythicalartisttm · 2 years
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Some drawings of some of my Links from this ask, and some notes on their designs:
- What Stratos is wearing here isn't actually what he wears on the adventure, the sweater is much too warm for where the former residents of Skyloft are on the surface, but he does still have it. Also the jewel is green and is a pin, so he still has said jewel with him on the adventure. Gonna keep messing with the patterns on his tunic. Wears the sailcloth underneath his utility belt - Vein's "tunic" is actually his smithing apron; it's heavy enough to double as leather armor. And the little decor in his hair hold kinstone halves, one of each color (except for the purple one). You can't see it here but the gloves are fingerless - The defining aspect of Tock's outfit is in this half-mask that he uses to cover his scarred eye. It was originally going to have a carved/painted eye on it, but it looked derpy; imma keep messing with it anyway. He's been living on Lonlon for extended periods of time so Malon and Talon got him some clothes better suited for farmwork (may or may not be inspired by link between links for that last one)
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mythicalartisttm · 2 years
I would very much like to hear about whatever you want to tell us about your Links
-Sky Floor
I have been enabled
AIGHT FELLAS LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS The name of the au is Courage^21 (courage to the twenty first power) based on the amount of Links I had counted out at the time of naming, but it's more like a redesign project I do for fun. The actual "get all the Links together" aspect of it is more akin to the startup of L\\\U with exploration of the hypothetical over an actual plot. I don't have the spare time or creative energy for that when I'm working on several original projects. Also there's Zeldas and whatever characters I feel like redesigning. This isn't a secret so I'll put it here, but also I'm one of the losttolegend mods and those Links + their stories fit in here, but not the other way around. Lore on them will be revealed over there. And I did get your ask from that blog I'm just trying to make more than one portrait to answer it, marker work is just taxing 😩 So, concisely put, LoZ redesign project I do when I'm not not working on Other Things. There's a timeline theory that I hold that's crucial to the au's structure but I'm not interested in explaining it atm But anyways, here's some info on some of the l a d s (in timeline order uwu) Stratos (Hero of the Sky / Hylia's Chosen Knight; Skyward Sword)
- The ever-sleepy hero is in his mid-twenties, but the guys he travels with call him Grandpa for the reasons of being ever-sleepy and slow. Stratos finds it endearing from the younger ones but is just a smidge annoyed when the older ones decide to pull that card
- His fatigue is bc he suffers from multiple sclerosis (a disease where the immune system eats away at nerve protection) and the lack of nerve protection REALLY messed him up during Lanayru. Between that and Demise, he's been shocked to the point of numbness. --
-Can often be found sipping a red potion to restore his nerve endings temporarily, but only in safe spaces
- His Zelda - I call her Zenith - sewed him little grips for his potion bottles. He loves them and his wife
- Local man with health problems and fatigue is, somehow, an adrenaline junky
- For some reason I think there's a point in SS in which you can bring materials for potions to the potion lady? Idk if that checks out but he does at least know how to make red potions and is trying to expand his knowledge
- Crow brain for any items that catch his interest
- Still wood-carves, still plays harp/lyre whatever
- I like the idea of SS Link not wanting to use a sword other than the Master Sword after his adventure so I'm gonna say he's putting those 30/20 eyes to good use and is his team's sniper
Ven (Hero of the Minish; The Minish Cap)
- No older than 14, Ven is a spriteley young hero who also happens to have a glaring resting face. He's worlds nicer than he looks
- Unlike the majority of the other heroes Ven is a morning person. And it gets on everyone's nerves when he front flips out of bed
- Somehow went through his whole adventure without finding a purple kinstone but hasn't given up home on finding one just yet
- Doesn't understand the concept of social classes. Zelda would run through the streets as she pleased and talked to everyone like it's the most natural thing in the world, and no one batted an eye at it. The people of that Hyrule treat their king a little more formally than his daughter when he comes out of the castle, but for the most part, the people of this time period are all too connected to the royal family for Ven to understand why many of the other Links see his normal as shocking. It also trips him up when they arrive in basically Every Other Castle Town
- Does not give a rats tail about money. A spender if left unsupervised. Not allowed to handle his team's rupees
- Has a snazzy new black hat with embroidery and matching gloves as gifts from the royal family (they're made of real sturdy stuff too)
- Still helps his grandpa in the forge and will continue to do so when he returns from this adventure
- A pretty quiet dude for the most part but has a tendency to comment on whatever conversations he overhears and is interested in Tock (Hero of Time; Ocarina of Time / Majora's Mask)
- Looks about 18, but is slightly older. Spent 7 months in Termina. The irony of the number is not lost on him
- Has had some time to become a little less bitter about… well, everything, but is still quite aloof. Malon and Talon have been a big help to him. MaLink is canon here btw
- Never stopped looking for Navi but has a sliver of peace knowing that Tatl is still around and in good company
- Doesn’t hang around the team(s) very often when they settle down for the evening and/or go into a town, and even then he stays to the back edge when they travel. If he’s not behind the treeline, that is. Kishin (LtL Fierce Deity) is the only one allowed relatively close for a good while
- Trying his darn best to not get attached but friendship is inevitable
- Invoking the popular "HoT can keep time down to the second" headcanon
- He uses this trick all the time and knows a lot about fairy magic
- Between his tendency to stay physically away from his team and his ability to talk with fairies, Tock actually makes a really good watchman There's obviously a lot more of them but it's getting late, so I'll say more about the others at a later date. And Stratos and Ven have appeared in my art tag before, if you want a peek at their designs
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mythicalartisttm · 3 years
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*clasps hands together* SO i asked you guys if y'all wanted to see some of my Links and like. One maybe two people responded, so I took that as a green light. These are all the designs I have already that could fit on one page.
- STRATOS is SS Link, the first of Hyrule's heroes. Sorry gang, no First. I hc his sleepiness to be the cause of a medical condition, specifically multiple sclerosis, in which one's nerve endings aren't protected (drowsiness is a symptom). His nerve endings were damaged during the 1st Lanayru dungeon bc of that (so much electricity…) so he's a little numb physically, but red potions do fully restore his body for a little while and he knows how to make them himself, though he'll only drink them in safe spaces. Currently learning how to make all kinds of potions. Zenith (his Zelda) sewed together some cloth to decorate his potion bottles and he sometimes takes out said bottles to admire her handiwork. Stratos would probably be an adrenaline junkie if he wasn't so Tired; also has a crow brain and hoards anything that catches his interest. Still does wood carving. - VEIN is the Link from Minish Cap. He went on his adventure when he was 12, currently 14 and the best smith in town after his granpappy. He wears his heavy green smithing apron while he adventures nowadays - it doubles as armor. Vein doesn't really use his shield unless he has to and would much rather stun his enemies with the Cane of Pacci or Gust Jar. The complete opposite of Stratos in the sense that Vein is a morning person. Also doesn't really care about status or money bc the royalty of his time is pretty personal with the population (and is a spender if left unsupervised). His hat and gloves - elaborately woven, yet sturdy - were commissioned by his Zelda and given to him as gifts for his help in saving Hyrule. - UNION is the Link from Hyrule Warriors and the first unique Link after the Transfer. He had the misfortune of receiving a concussion when he was very small and it permanently messed up his speech, so he speaks in sign language, writing, and through Proxy's soul readings when she's around. The magical capacity of beings in his time skyrocketed due to all the time travel combined with the interference of Lana and Cia, so while Union's power is unnaturally high, it's only so next to the large majority of the other Links' times. He's still more powerful than most people back at home though, having a piece of the Triforce and all that jazz. Union used to be meticulous about his appearance, but after trekking through Cia's fortress (twice), the Hero of Souls is now rubbed the wrong way by his own reflection.
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