#story aesthetic: Wendy McCoy
emilynightshade89 · 2 years
kind of random but aah!!
I'm curious to know about what your current favorite WIP to work on is right now - and this can be through actual writing, plotting, developing, etc.! I wanna know which of your WIPs is giving you brainworms!
That’s such a great question!!!!! 
So, my current favorite WIPs to work on right now are my original WIP The Innsmouth Bride and my fanfic WIP series with my Daybreakers oc Wendy McCoy. 
The Innsmouth Bride atm is really gaining traction in my brain because there is much of the worldbuilding that i need to do and since it involves the Cthulhu Mythos, a genre i am completely a newborn to, and also the setting of 1800s Victorian England I’ve got my research cut out for me but i am so excited to learn more about these topics, and in return, the world i am building too! I am also slowly but gradually falling in love with my characters as they grow and are fleshed out bit by bit, and with the history they keep in their families i am enthralled with how their dynamics are shaping out to be and what that means for my lovelies Emmett and Nerida as i try to balance the story as well as character arc. I also wanted to try out a story akin to beauty and the beast but with reversed gender roles because i don’t think we get those too often or maybe i just haven’t looked enough but darn it i wanted to see some cute/scary/badass/kind creature ladies and if i must i’ll try to do it myself. 😅
With my fanfic WIP, working series title: Nights In White Satin, this is very much a teensy bit a love letter to the film for me because it was the first film that really started my love for films that explore the human condition. There was something intriguing and almost real about the film that made it like something that could happen and i loved that so much. The world building is fantastic. And it had a great cast too! All the actors and characters in the movie i had loved before i really started paying attention to them and started simping. xD but with my oc Wendy, i really wanted to explore what could happen after the events of the film and possibly add real world problems and solutions and that’s where her and Elvis’s story goes through as they try to survive and fight for a future where humans don’t need to be hunted or hidden. 
So, out of all of my original WIPs The Innsmouth Bride comes in first when i think about working on them because i really have been putting in all the thoughts and brainworms into that one as mentioned above! :D
My other OG WIPs includes:
The Spring Man (working title): A story about the personification of Spring in a man living in a small village who must be buried into the ground before winter and the seasonal family he raises there. 
Untitled Seaside Creature Feature:  A sea creature turns human to explore the world above. Still in development but this wip holds a special place in my brain.  
The Moor/Teardrop (w. t.): A story about a small-town priest that went missing for five years and was found when he was a teenager and the girl he raises as a daughter after her mother had the same experience.
 The Stolen Child: A story that involves a mysterious creature that abducts children, a reserved man living with a haunted past, and the mother of a recently taken child that reaches out to him for help. 
The Undertaker’s Wife: & Other Short Stories: A potential short stories series if any of these ideas don’t pan out fully. 
Short Stories include:
The Undertaker’s Wife: A cautionary story in which a young man working at a funeral home, wishes back to life a woman he had hoped to be with, when she turns up on his silver table after a tragic accident. 
Young Turks: A typical 60s biker love story but with the girl as the biker. 
The Fox’s Huntress Bride: A story inspired by the aesthetics of the film The Green Knight. A prince goes missing, a huntress with nothing left to lose save for an animal companion, an old wives tale taboo, and a kingdom on the brink of war are all players in what i hope is to be a medieval fairytale. 
Cell: A thriller/mystery where a woman is kidnapped and held in the basement of a man who claims that her imprisonment isn’t for her own safety but the safety of others from her instead. 
 The Boxer: Based on a dream i had about a quiet young man coming to work as a boxer in an old gym for the owner to gain cash in return for housing. He meets a young woman who works there and they develop a relationship. 
Grandfather Jack: Currently an idea still being worked on. The story centers around a woman about to have her first child and her thinking about her father who went missing as she receives daily visits from a wild jackrabbit in her garden. 
No-Face: An idea for a story where a man without a face finds an abandoned child one night and raises her as his own all the while trying to solve a case and keep his true identity a secret.  
A Touch of Death: A horror/thriller/mystery about a detective woman with a troubling past and a serial killer that keeps trying to prove to her that he cannot be killed.
The Body (w.t.): A sci fi story about a nurse living with her android assistant in a rundown hospital on a ruined Earth. They receive unexpected cargo containing a cloned body of an elite social lite whose father had him made after a deadly accident and wishes to keep his son’s death a secret, as cloning is illegal throughout the galaxy only if used to prolong life.
An Untitled Sci Fi Story about a malfunction on a colony ship headed towards an earth like planet. A young passenger is awoken and with only an android for company; must figure out how to survive aboard. 
And finally, an Untitled Midnight Mass inspired Vampire WIP: A woman visiting from out of country falls prey to a dangerous creature and miraculously survives, but soon finds out that this creature won’t let her go so easily.  
It’s a lot of ideas but i’m really hopeful about some of them making it! Almost all of these i have already written out a bit in my google docs and every once in a while, i’ll revisit them and add more if i’m not daydreaming about it for too long. I hope this was entertaining and thank you for asking! 🥰 
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goldenworldsabound · 6 years
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Little biographies of each of my SIs below - post inspired by @benobiships​!
From left to right
Fandom: Breath of the Wild - with a few modifications. Unbeknownst to most people (my SI included) the Champions didn't die - they got put into resurrection chambers, complete with puzzles to unlock and discover them. Is She Me?: This is one of my SIs who is a bit more of an OC than exactly being me, as far as personality goes. Like me, she thinks she's kind of clever (and to a degree she is), she's silly, she can come off a bit clumsy sometimes, and is sometimes lacking in the commonsense department. Her interests are pretty different than mine - she's fixated on the old Sheikah tech that's around, and desperately wants to get into a shrine. She's fairly in tune with the spirits and other mystical beings in Zelda-verse, because she's a Chosen One like Link/Zelda (though her role is much smaller). She's also hilariously weak like myself and doesn't know when to quit (also like myself). She can become easily hyper-fixated by ancient things, which is not so much like irl me. Role: My SI grows up in Kakariko Village. While people are nice enough, and Impa kind of takes care of her, she always feels like an outsider. She is not a Sheikah herself, and that is obvious. She often goes to visit the other Sheikah out in Hateno and Akkala, to learn about the tech and everything. However, she becomes frustrated with not being allowed to research certain things ("the shrines are for the Champion, don't touch them"), so she runs away. Impa knew that she was a Chosen One, part of the legend, and panics a bit that she's run away. But unfortunately, Kakariko cannot spare to send anyone to find her, with the Yiga Clan's returned presence. And thus begins her journey to ultimately resurrect all the Champions (starting with Urbosa, followed by Mipha, Daruk, and Revali). She later meets Link (and Zelda once the world is saved). F/O(s): Romantically, Urbosa and Mipha (sometimes as a polyamory, but typically a V if anything). Platonically, Daruk, Revali, Link, Zelda.
Tags: Modern History (Urbosa x Wendy), Rainfall in the Ruins (Mipha x Wendy), botw aesthetic, Urbosa, Mipha
Fandom: Star Trek TOS Is She Me?: Very literally. She is me but through time travel shenanigans she ends up in the future (Star Trek is the future!!!) on the USS Enterprise. She even used to watch the Star Trek tv show! Very literally me. Over time as she becomes a science officer and computer specialist of the future, she diverges from me a bit, as her time on Vulcan helps her calm her emotions, and she learns to defend herself a little bit. And Starfleet grows more discipline in her. Role: Once she orients herself to being spontaneously transported to the future and gets through the grieving of losing everything, she starts trying to learn and grow on the ship, with the story that she is McCoy's niece (Everyone kinda knows this isn't true but opt not to question it). Kirk and McCoy take it upon themselves to take care of her while she acclimates, and Spock gets roped in as well. He kind of knows she has a crush on him, but he doesn't really know what to do about it or how he feels, although over time he figures out both of those things. He helps teach her about technology and science in the future, and she is kind of like his apprentice. Eventually they confess their feelings to each other. After some time, it is decided that it is too dangerous for Wendy to stay on the ship long term. Now that she has acclimated to being in the future, they want her to go to school on Vulcan and properly train for Starfleet/Science Officer duties. She is super scared to be away from everyone but ends up doing it. She and Spock bond before that. She goes to school, makes some friends, some shenanigans happen (including a traumatic event of someone else trying to break her bond with Spock), and then the Enterprise comes back to pick her up after some time. F/O(s): Romantically, Spock. Platonically, Kirk and McCoy (who waffle between familial and best friend depending on the day tbh), and the entire bridge crew. Amanda and Sarek are her in-laws and she loves them like family.
Tags: Love is Fascinating (Spock x Wendy), Uncle Kirk, Uncle Bones, Spock, Star Trek Aesthetic
Fandom: Fantasy setting Royalty AU - an AU entirely of my own creation, in a fantasy setting that allows for magic, different sentient species, etc. Crossover with all faves and their verses. Is She Me?: She looks like me, but in fancy dresses. Our personalities are fairly different though. She's a very magnanimous Princess, who is very brave and very selfless, and also has a really amazing magical power. She speaks politely and well. She is physically weak like myself, and despite her interest in learning to defend herself she is not permitted such things. We both really like to read and learn, even if that interest turns out just to be a hobby. Notably, she is a great diplomat and speaker, though she doesn't really enjoy the former (I wouldn't say irl me is GREAT but is okay, though I do not enjoy it also) Role: She was an orphan as a child, taken in by the Sheikah, who make up the elite royal guards. Once it was noticed I had an amazing magic power, to make massive unbreakable shields, the King and Queen scooped me up and I became the Princess. I grew up and was trained, and eventually I chose for myself four elite guards, who also became my secret lovers. It was an unusual move, but being beloved by the people, it was allowed. The King and Queen clearly think of me more as a pawn than as their child, so it was important I surround myself with people who really cared about me. My power has protected the city on numerous occasions, and the elite guard I chose have protected me even more times than that. F/O(s): My elite guards and primary lovers are Spock, Urbosa, Akabayashi, and Shizuo, as a polyamorous clump of sorts, centered primarily around me. Impa is a secret romantic lover as well (childhood friend who became leader of the Sheikah tribe), though outside of that group. Mipha is a Princess from another Kingdom who I am publicly romantically involved with - while we both consider it temporary (as in we won't get married), it's great fun and keeps away the other suitors. She sometimes engages with my elite guard as well. There will be platonic faves appearing as well.
Tags: Royalty AU, Royalty Aesthetic
Fandom: Durarara!! (x2 focused) - in this AU I am part of the yakuza as well. Is She Me?: She is the most like an OC of any SI. She is an outlet for feeling powerless - she is angry, she is strong, and she gets shit done. She swears a lot (which is true to me irl) and talks shit, and delivers on those promises to hurt them when people wrong her. She's the aggressiveness that I feel inside me, but that irl me would never consider executing. She's terrible at introspecting and talking about emotions (not like irl me at all). However, she does have a secret love for Poke'mon and plushies (irl me loves Poke'mon and plushies...). And also magical shield powers that she has weaponized. Role: She was an orphan American child who somehow ended up in Japan - she was adopted by the head of a small yakuza that co-existed with the Awakusu-kai in Ikebukuro. While she considers herself Japanese and Japanese to be her first language, she does speak English, and she is often accused of being a foreigner because she looks that way. Her adopted grandfather (she sees him that way, not as a father) does not force her into the yakuza - she joins on her own. She loves to fight, and being his granddaughter is given a lot of free reign to do what she wants within the boundaries of the small yakuza. She goes to high school at the same time as Izaya/Shinra/Shizuo/Kadota. She catches a lot of shit for being a woman, but she kicks enough ass that eventually she makes a name for herself - the Crystalline Angel. In addition to just being badass at fighting, she discovers early on that she has a special power - to generate shields. But she learns that she can form these shields into any shape, including razor sharp blades. When she's serious about using those powers, it's hard to beat her. Her primary job in the yakuza is to watch over prostitutes and make sure no one is causing them trouble, and if they are, she kicks an entire ass. Ultimately, her grandfather passes away, but he cuts a deal with the Awakusu-kai (who he was on good terms with) to let her join them. The other executives don't take her seriously for a while, but she shapes up and proves herself to them. There's a lot of shit talking, and she falls for Akabayashi almost immediately - and he falls for her instantly too. F/O(s): Romantically, Akabayashi. Platonically, Shinra and Celty, and sort of Izaya. She would really not call them friends, but they have a storied history and she wouldn't say she hates him either. Platonically also all of the Awakusu-kai execs - Aozaki, Shiki, and Kazamoto. She and Kadota were friends in high school, but haven't spoken since then.
Tags: Sharp Lines and Soft Edges (yakuza!SI x Akabayashi), yakuza si, yakuza aesthetic, durarara aesthetic, Akabayashi
Fandom: Durarara!! Is She Me?: Yes, with a few modifications. She is me, but after I graduated college I moved to Japan to work there. And I speak Japanese relatively fluently. This means I discard a lot of the life experiences irl me had. Personality wise, we're generally pretty similar - kind and smart, but ready to lay down some sass at my friends. A little absent-minded at times. Differently, my SI here learns to fight fairly well, and also has magic shield powers. Role: She moves to Japan and almost immediately runs into trouble (depending on which F/O she's with, the trouble varies). She quickly learns that the city is full of bad people and unusual people, and finds herself making friends with the unusual people. In the verse where she dates Shizuo, she helps calm him down, and Izaya takes an interest in messing with her to mess with Shizuo. Things got complicated very fast. In the verse where she dates Akabayashi, she doesn't much learn to fight, as the yakuza protects her once her relationship with Aka is serious. In that verse she joins the Dollars before she finds out Akabayashi is in the yakuza, which is how she discovers her shield powers, despite not really knowing how to fight. F/O(s): Romantically, Shizuo or Akabayashi (not ever in the same verse). Platonically, Celty (BFF!) and Shinra are big friends of hers, as well as Anri being like a younger sister to her. She's also on good terms with the van gang in both verses.
Tags: Street Signs and Snuggles (Shizuo x Wendy), Red Devil’s Honey (Akabayashi x Wendy), durarara aesthetic, Shizuo, Akabayashi
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artdjgblog · 4 years
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​Innerview: Nathan Reusch​ / The Record Machine​​
October 2008
Art: DJG Design
Note: ​Interview ​for a series called "​Where Are They Now?​"​
Over the years we have gotten to work with really great creative people. After doing this for five years we want to give you guys some more insight on who has helped be a part of this label and make it what it is today. First off we have an interview with Danny Gibson of DJG Design. Danny has always been behind the scenes at TRM. He has helped create almost all of our logos and helped us with a lot of art direction and design since the begining. He also designed our very first release for Jame Dean Trio. ​0​1) Introduction I was at the historic first official meeting of The Record Machine held at McCoy’s in West Port of Kansas City, MO over half a decade ago. My say didn’t amount to much. I think my mouth was full as I was mostly positioned to eat free cheeseburgers. ​0​2) How have you been spending your days? My days are spent. Creeping on the Crow’s Feet I find that time is more easily measured in flap jack format than ever before. Something big has always been beaming and beating and I find myself blind peeping to see how far back the dogs with prickly sticks in their mouths yip, kick and nip for my heels. I do beat the crickets up at 5 am Monday thru Saturday in order to pinch a bit back. Evenings and weekends find me down slide sliver squeezes as well. I engage in making things and find some peace through all the pieces with my maker in the act of doing so. The handful of women I share space with enlightenment my walk as well…kitties and wife. Walks are good too and Fall time is the best for comfortable living in Kansas City. ​0​3) Where have you been spending your days or evenings? A bounty of selections from my basement is always on the menu. I’m easily entertained hunched over at my good ol’ door desk. In the mean time I appreciate the company of my wife, kitty hair on my clothes, celebrating all movies, well-tailored music that sometimes requires a third ear and high rise stacks of books and comics. For nourishment I scrape every pan and pot my wife cooks in. And I am the dishwasher. In the twilight occasion, a one scoop waffle cone of peanut butter ice cream at Miami Ice just down the street does me correctly. If I’m in need to see the stars or get away, the family farm isn’t too far off. ​0​4) What has been in your ears? I love big chunks of ear wax. While rockin’ to the thunder that Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band brought at Sprint Center here in KC, I had a big chunk of ear gunk fall out and it was heavenly. I’m really tickled by the musical foundations a fellow basement dweller named Micah Buzan of Blue Springs, MO is cranking out. He is only 18 and one to watch. Other Kansas City area highlights include The Tambourine Club and The ACBs, who both not only crank out some great and fresh music, but are genuinely lovely lads and don’t boast at the art of playing “rock star”. Far out of this area…I’m excited to hear more from Empire of the Sun as the single “Walking on a Dream” is some of the best dance pop I’ve heard since Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” album. Which, I’ve been rattling the rafters with that ’80s gold as well whenever I tire of the Samey So-So’s of most things current. Though, there are a few great new ones and “Evil Urges” by My Morning Jackets is my favorite album so far in 2008. And I can never get enough Bruce Springsteen in my diet. Every day and sometimes every minute of the day calls for a different selection from The Boss’s healthy catalogue. I’m also into the music of Suicide lately. Oh, and I’m quite convinced that Harry Nilsson is one of our finest song craftsmen as a handful of his albums have really been making sense to me and his range is all over the map. ​0​5) What has been inspiring or refreshing to you lately? The work ethic, ideas, passion and output of singer-songwriters Harry Nilsson and Bruce Springsteen gets me going. I finished reading Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road” for the second and one half times and it is gold. I like Michael Chabon’s writing and work ethic a lot too and am spending my second Fall in his books…the same with Flannery O’Connor. In terms of arts and crafts, Saul Steinberg, Henryk Tomaszewski, Eric Carle and Bill Traylor continue to get me to smiling. Oh, and I must hand out an exclamation to fellow maker Ben Chlapek of Neversleeping.com as he is involved with a lot of lovely creations. ​0​6) Earliest Influences that you can think of? Farm Life / Giant Watermelon Patches / Giant Pumpkins / Grandaddy Long Legs / Dead Animals Under Bed / Homemade Stuffed Animals / Taxidermy / Seed Corn Packaging and Farm Implement Logos / Small Town Gas Stations / Uncle Ed’s Horse Drawing Skills / The Seasons / Fireworks / Animals Big and Little / Hunting / Dead Animal Backpack / Grandma Gibson’s Handmade Aesthetics, Checker skills, Sugar Cookies and Salmon Patties / Grandpa Gibson’s Burnt Pancakes and Old Western-Love Story Reading / The Sand Box / Tree Houses and Forts / Popping Asphalt Bubbles in Summertime / Snow Days / Hard Rains / Holidays / Fishing / Camping / Guns and War / Drawing WWII Battles with Dad / Raccoon Wall Paper / Puppets / Anything Jim Henson / Mad Magazine / Mad Balls / Garbage Pail Kids / Dr. Demento / Taping Music Off the Radio / “Live & Let Die” by Paul McCartney & Wings / Mom’s Record Pile / The Beatles / Oldies Music / ‘70s T.V. Theme Tunes / ‘80s Pop Music (Michael Jackson for sure) / Weird Al Yankovic / Ren & Stimpy / Pee-Wee’s Playhouse / Saturday Morning Cartoons / “Gummi Bears” / Comic Books / Tractor Pulls / Big Foot (Creature and Monster Truck) / “Star Wars” / “The Swiss Family Robinson” / “James Bond” / “Indiana Jones” / “Rambo” / “Commando” / “Batman” (Tim Burton) / Going to the Movies / Pizza and Tacos / Soda Pop / Flavored Frozen Pops / Kick Ball / Grandma Dayton’s Spaghetti / Racking Leaves and Riding to the Dump with Grandpa Dayton / Sports (Michael Jordan for sure) / Sports Team Mascots / Sports Stadiums / Collecting Sports Trading Cards / Skyscrapers / Cake and Ice Cream / Late Nights at Best Friend Ean’s Funeral Home House / “…red and yellow, black and white they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.” / Being Alone / Cutting and Pasting / Falling Off a Slide, Hitting My Head and Blacking Out in Kindergarten ​0​7) Best thing you have seen on a little or big screen in a while? P.T. Anderson’s “Punch-Drunk Love” is my favorite movie and I just took my 8th dip with it. My favorite 2008 movie and the best rockumentary ever so far is “Young @ Heart” and close behind for top of this year is “Be Kind Rewind” and “Son of Rambow”. This Fall and Winter look to boast one of the finest crops of films…I’m highly anticipating “The Road”, “The Wrestler”, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, “Synecdoche, NY”, “The Changeling” and many others. Other great watches of late (old and new) include “The Tin Drum”, “Hoop Dreams”, “It’s A Wonderful Life”, “The Wicker Man” (1973), “Sorry, Haters”, “The Seven Year Itch”, “The Cars That Ate Paris”, “Don’t Look Now”, “Dark Days”, “Rat Catcher”, “The King of Kong”, “Alice”, “Dear Wendy” and “The Band’s Visit”. On the small screen, “Planet Earth” is mind-blowing worship that demands for me to invest in a projector for the future. In T.V. Land this summer I discovered and fell in love with “Beauty & The Geek”. I’m excited for the cool new sci-fi show with cool typography called “Fringe” and another season with the excellent “How I Met Your Mother”. Currently I’m backtracking through the entire series of “Sex & The City” and am absolutely loving it and can’t wait to get the movie! Oh, and the live Broadway production of “The Drowsy Chaperone” is gold genius and made me cry. ​0​8) Last best show you have been to? Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band in Kansas City on August 24, 2008. It is the best show I’ve ever seen, even better than two previous Boss concerts. Sprint Center is now officially called Spring Center. I can’t wait for the Super Bowl half-time… ​0​9) Any links to things you want to pass along? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYwhvD2-fYw 10) The Final Word? (one word only please) GRILLEDCHEESETOMATOSOUP -djg
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emilynightshade89 · 2 years
34, 82, & 98 for everyone :)
Thank you for the asks love!! 🥰
Answers under the cut!
34. What was the last thing they thought about stealing?
Wendy McCoy (Daybreakers) -> The portable radio she carries around with her on her motorcycle. She was successful in stealing it from a truck early in her scouting days and uses it to broadcast her message to other human survivors. She may also frequently think about stealing from supply warehouses if her colony is low on certain things like medicines as well.
Rose Gonzales (Streets of Fire) -> What hasn't she thought of stealing? Rose literally lives off the items she steals and is able to sell to the highest bidder so almost anything and everything has potential to her. The most significant thing she'll remember stealing is Raven Shaddock's bike as it's what led to them meeting in the first place and changed her life.
August and Augustine Ripley (Hellboy) -> Most likely something from a gas station like a candy in their childhood. Neither August nor Augustine thinks about stealing anything unless some serious shit were going down and they needed something only the B.P.R.D. could provide but wouldn't give. August would hesitate about it though, Augustine wouldn't so much as care and would not hesitate at all.
82. Do they have a harder time going to sleep at night or getting out of bed in the morning?
Wendy McCoy -> Depends on the situation. If she's out scouting long distances overnight, she'll have a harder time falling asleep because she's more alert to being captured or killed. If she's having trouble getting up in the morning it's most likely just because she has Elvis with her and wants more time together with him, which he always caves for if she asks.
Rose Gonzales -> Getting out of bed in the morning. She's more of a night owl and her line of work is easier done at night so there are plenty of mornings where she just doesn't want to be up at all and would rather sleep till noon if he could. The only way she's going to be up early is if she really wants to be in the garage before anyone else.
The Ripley's -> Going to sleep at night. Both iterations have trouble getting to bed and would rather stay up working until they simply passed out. Lying still in bed awake in the dark reminds them terribly of being trapped in the cave, so they prefer getting up in the morning to see the sunrise and start a new day.
98. List 10 reasons why you love spending time with this character.
Wendy McCoy ->
I love her compassion to help people
Her loving gentleness
Her "fight me >:( " energy
She's fun to want to write more for
She's my favorite oc
She gets to fight vampires
I get to write about Vampires
Her ship partner Elvis is one of my fav lesser known Dafoe characters
I love her ability to see the best in things despite the odds
I adore her wardrobe style
Rose Gonzales ->
Her "try it" attitude
She gets the coolest intro in the story (that i need to write)
Despite being an oc for a movie i have yet to watch i love putting together her aesthetics
She plays tough but she is very soft hearted on the inside, it just takes a long time for her to open up
She looks awesome
She's badass and is willing to fight anyone
Is very loyal to friends despite not having much of them.
Has the most banging soundtrack besides Wendy
Great hair. i wish mine weren't so straight 😅
She has a thing for collecting stealing small and shiny stuff that i totally get
The Ripley's ->
I absolutely love imagining what differences and similarities they could have in their universes
They exist in my favorite Guillermo Del Toro films
They'd be the chillest people to hang out with, genuine soft people who just want to do the right thing
their collection of books combined could make an entire library that i could spend weeks in
They are outdoorsy people that love to go out and id join them if i could
Comfort ocs! They are great listeners and would make tea or cocoa for you and their friends!
I love the detective sides of their job; it makes for good horror and emotional storytelling that i cannot wait to write for
I love picturing what their home lives would be. Very cottagecore esq with some gothic undertones.
Their stories before and outside of the B.P.R.D. are heavily inspired by the horror tones of Doctor Sleep, who's director Mike Flanagan, I am a big fan of
I love the way both August and Augustine, although cursed with supernatural abilities, bring humanity to the Hellboy team like Liz does but in their own way.
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