#storms ahead on the road of life
s-brant · 2 years
Jealousy, Jealousy
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Nancy and Y/N are best friends. The problem is, Y/N and Steve have been secretly hooking up for weeks, and when Nancy asks for advice about possibly getting back together with him, Y/N doesn’t know how to feel.
“wow genuinely your steve fics are so good and seem to be super well thought out i’m literally scared that a prompt i send won’t be good enough!! i dont know i want to say “we shouldn’t be doing this” sex w steve because i’m a whore for it”
7k (18+)
Warnings: smut, penetrative sex, exhibitionism, praise kink, very slight dub-con if you squint due to wording but not really, it’s also just assumed reader is on the pill, and strong language.
This is wrong.
She knows that she shouldn't be thinking or feeling any of the things she is at the moment, but, when she looks up from her spot on the floor in the Wheeler's basement to find Steve staring at her, she cannot ignore the butterflies that stir to life in her stomach. Those pretty brown eyes of his are quick to avert back to the task at hand, but, for the short few seconds that they lock eyes, his lips twitch with the urge to curl up into a smile at her.
The thing is, Y/N and Steve have been secretly fucking for a few weeks now. In her defense, she didn't actively seek him out for the sake of having sex with him.
It was dark and rainy that night, and she was caught up in the storm on her bike as she pedaled home from cheer practice, eyes nearly shut from the wind that blew up the street at her face. The uniform she donned all afternoon was drenched from the downpour, and her hair stuck to the sides of her face as well. It annoyed her that she was two miles from home and her useless mother couldn't be bothered to part with her boyfriend to drive to get her, sure, but she tried not to let it bring her down.
Then, out of the gloom that hung over Hawkins, the headlights of a familiar BMW came up over the hill in the road to shine in her face, and she knew it was Steve before he even had the chance to slow to a stop and roll down his window to talk to her. If anyone else did this—even him a few years ago when he'd been the king of Hawkins High School—they'd come off as a creep, but it was Steve. Her best friend Nancy's sweet, if not a little clueless, ex-boyfriend who babysits her brother and his best friends. There was nothing to worry about.
He asked incredulously, "What are you doing out in this?" The doors to the car unlocked with a click. "Come on, I'll take you the rest of the way. You're gonna get sick."
So, she went. Her bike barely fit in the back of the car, and once she slammed the door shut, he wasted little time in driving off into the rainy night.
"Where do you live?" he asked.
She shook her head.
"I was gonna go ask Nance if I could crash in the basement. My mom didn't answer, and when she doesn't answer, it's probably not a good idea to come home unless I want to walk in on something that'll make me wanna bleach my eyes. Learned that lesson the hard way."
The sound of his melodic laugh filled the car, then, when she just stared at him, the amusement fell from his face.
"Oh, you're not kidding?"
It was her turn to laugh.
"I wish," she said, cutting him a sidelong glance before setting her sights back on the road ahead. "She and her weirdo boyfriend literally demand that I don't come home on nights he's over. Apparently, it's their constitutional right to fuck on the kitchen counter, I don't know."
There was a dip of silence in which neither of them said a word after that.
In his peripheral vision, he could see her fiddling with the hem of her soaked cheer skirt awkwardly as she avoided looking at him at all costs, and, suddenly, something changed.
Y/N had befriended Nancy shortly before their breakup, so he hasn't been in close proximity to her many times. Seeing that they've been broken up for a year, he doesn't have a reason to interact with her except for when he's picking up or dropping off the kids from the Wheeler's house when she's hanging out there. But, that night in his car, she was acting strange around him. Strange in the way that girls used to act around him all the time back when they hoped and prayed for a chance with the most popular guy at school. He didn't understand why she was behaving in such a way now, though. The way he saw it, he was a loser who couldn't even get into college like his other classmates and worked at Family Video.
What he didn't know, however, is that she didn't think he was a loser at all. If anything, her view on him then made a complete turnaround compared to when he was dating her best friend. When she got stuck with him and the kids last year at Joyce Byers' house and watched him go head-to-head with Billy in defense of Lucas, she knew a small part of her heart would always belong to Steve Harrington. She was the one to clean the cuts lining his face, as well as the blooded nose caused by the beating he took, and place bandaids from under the Byers' sink on each one of them. After that, she didn't see him again outside of fleeting glances in the hallway and through the windows of his car parked outside the Wheeler's place until recently.
He said, trying to keep his cool with the smoking hot girl he never noticed last year due to his Nancy-induced heartache sitting in the passenger's seat of his car, "I just dropped Dustin off at Mike's and Nancy was on her way out to see Jonathan."
She asked, "How about your place, then?" and the rest was history.
It wasn't even a half hour later that she was laid back on his couch with his head buried between her thighs and a hand gripping a fistful of his hair as she panted for air amidst the build-up to her orgasm. Then, after she woke in his bedroom and snuck out of the front door before his parents could notice her presence in the house, it wasn't long before they crossed paths again...and again and again. She'd wait around the back of the school where she knew Nancy wouldn't see for him to pick her up from school after his shift at Family Video, and they began to develop a routine of swimming in his pool, having dinner together since his parents couldn't be bothered to hang around with him, and having sex before he had to drive her back home in time to do her homework before bed.
As far as she was concerned, they were just having fun and not labeling whatever it was that was going on between them. Steve, on the other hand, was already imagining how her name might sound with his last name attached to the end of it.
Now, as they're sitting in Nancy's basement and helping the kids with the projects they waited until the very last second to start, he's still fantasizing about all the things he wants to do with her. Not just sexually, either. He's been trying to work up the nerve to ask her on a date for the past few days, but every time he tries, his nerves get in the way. That voice in the back of his mind sings its doubts, telling him that she'll never want him in the same way that he wants her. No one has ever wanted him to be the one, so why should it start with her?
When Steve gets up from the couch to pay for the pizza they ordered to the house, Nancy casts a look over her should at him to ensure he's too far to hear and scoots closer to Y/N while the kids are engrossed in their own conversations.
She whispers, "Can I tell you something? It's about Steve..."
Anxiety tightens the muscles of Y/N's chest as she tries to keep her face schooled into a mask of neutrality. Although she feels like the truth is written across her face every time she comes into the presence of her best friend, she is outwardly as calm as can be. She doesn't know whether or not she should take pride in the skill she's acquired in lying since she and Steve began hooking up.
What else can she do except nod?
Nancy goes on in a hushed tone, "I've been kind of having these...feelings for him again lately. Feelings I haven't had since we were together before. And I love Jonathan, I do, but I guess I'm just worried about what I'm missing. I just don't know if I made the right choice now that these feelings are back." As soon as the words leave her mouth, she shakes her head and shuts her as if that'll take them back. "That was so fucked up of me to say, I'm sorry."
The news sinks home inside of her like lead weighing her down at the bottom of her stomach. Part of the reason she hadn't bothered entertaining the curious side of her that wondered if Steve felt anything more for her in the quiet moments after they had sex, when he'd linger on top of her for a few seconds longer and murmur his praises into the warm curve of her neck, was because she'd be confronted with the issue of her best friend being his ex. Granted, they weren't best friends for the majority of the time they dated. She was more of a post-Steve thing, but that isn't the point. The point is, her own moral code, as well as girl code, dictates that Steve is strictly off limits. But, if that's true, why does she want him so badly?
But because of this, she cannot do anything other than force a reassuring smile on her face as she reaches for her friend's hand and whispers, "Thoughts aren't inherently bad or good, they're just thoughts. Everyone has doubts to themselves, but I think it's important to remember how well you and Jonathan work together. I mean, he was the reason you left Steve in the first place."
The words she doesn't speak aloud but feels clawing at her from the inside begging to be released are something along the lines of, Please, don't drag him back just to break his heart again in another year. Don't steal him away if you don't really want him. But, she can't say that, not because it isn't her honest opinion regardless of her current relationship with him, but because Nancy would know based on the waver in her voice that something is going on between them.
To her mortification, her words don't appear to help the difficult debate waging war on Nancy's mind. If anything, it muddles things further and creates more discourse.
"You're right, you're absolutely right, but..." Of course, there's a but. "What if my instinct is trying to tell me something and I'm ignoring it?"
There's a drawn-out pause, then—
"Maybe just wait and see how you feel for a few more weeks before you say or do anything. It might just be one of those things that comes and goes, y'know?"
Nancy is quick to nod, setting her focus back on the partially painted piece of cardboard belonging to Max's unfinished project. For another minute or so, Y/N can't do anything but focus on her out of the corner of her eye, worry stirring to life within that the happiness she's experienced in the past few weeks will be taken from her the second Nancy decides to talk about the feelings she's having.
Steve isn't hers, so why does she feel this nagging possessive instinct whenever she imagines her friend acting on the feelings she just admitted to having? She never realized until now, but she doesn't think she can share him. Whether that means they will soon need to have a talk about their arrangement and how the feelings she's having are getting in the way of it being just "fun" or not, she isn't sure, but she knows one thing.
She needs to find him.
Y/N sets down what she'd been working in favor of standing from her spot on the floor, knees tucked beneath her bottom on a stray cushion, and offers up a placating smile when multiple faces around the room perk up to see why she's leaving.
"Where are you going?" Mike asks.
"Bathroom," she says. "Be right back."
With a quick, worried glance at Nancy calms her nerves instantly. There's no suspicion present on her friend's face. If anything, she's too focused on the task at hand, as well as the difficult debate going on within her head over the whole Steve versus Jonathan thing that has existed since junior year of high school, to notice or care about her sneaking away to "use the bathroom". It allows Y/N's racing heart to slow momentarily as she ascends the old staircase to the Wheeler's basement and enters the main level of the house. Slowly, carefully, she shuts the door to the basement behind her to keep any conversation she may have with Steve as private as possible.
The bright array of cozy lights strung up around the Christmas tree positioned in the corner of the living room passes in her periphery on her way to the front door where she sees Steve talking to the pizza guy with one hand casually propped against the open door. She assumes it must be an old friend, perhaps someone who used to be on the varsity basketball or baseball team with him back when they were in school together, but it matters little to her who they are at the moment. The only thing she can think to do is stake her claim before it's too late. Or, at least, have one last good night with him before Nancy takes him back.
She waits with her back leaned up against the staircase railing and watches him take the stack of three boxes from the delivery man after handing him the cash as payment.
"Alright, have a nice night, man," Steve says.
The man lifts a hand to wave goodbye over his shoulder as he's turning to walk off in the direction of his parked car, and, with that, the front door swings shut. When he turns around with the pizza boxes balanced precariously in one hand, it's difficult not to flinch and drop them all to the floor at the unexpected sight of her standing there.
"Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me," he says after a second is taken to steady himself, one hand pressed over his chest as though to soothe his heart after the drastic shock it received. When she remains quiet, he furrows his brows, continuing, "You're really quiet right now. It's actually kind of creepy." His voice then quiets as a new thought comes to him. "...Unless it's a weird sex thing, then I might like it."
All she does is allow her lips to curl up a bit at the ends in a slight smile before she turns to walk down the hallway to the kitchen. The living room is being used by Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler to watch a popular movie Steve so kindly held aside at Family Video for them when they asked Y/N if he could do so. And, of course, since she was the one who asked, it was delivered right to Mrs. Wheeler the second he arrived tonight.
In fact, the exact words he said, although quietly so anyone at the store couldn't hear, when she asked was, "Sure. Anything for my girl."
My girl.
As she walks through the entrance to the kitchen with her back to him, she picks the two words apart over and over again. Particularly, she gets stuck on the first one. My. It lights a fire in the pit of her abdomen, desire flaring to life at the memory of him casually declaring her as something that belonged to him. My. A possessive word. One he had been comfortable in using. The question is, would he be comfortable with it the other way around? The voice in the back of her head can't help but wonder...
Is Steve hers?
He keeps eyeing her up suspiciously throughout the process of setting the pizza boxes down on the kitchen island one by one and checking to make sure they're what they ordered before the delivery man pulls out of the driveway. Once it's confirmed that they are, in fact, two plain cheese pizzas and one pepperoni for Max and Dustin, he pauses to call her odd behavior into question again.
Steve asks, "Okay, you're really starting to freak me out. Are you okay? Did I do something?" She doesn't allow her face to give away any of her true intentions as she walks around the island, making sure in her peripheral vision that there's no one around to see them as she approaches. "If I did something, you can just tell me—”
His sentence is cut off at the end by her kissing him to shut him up.
It's a surprise, sure, but it doesn't take him any longer than a second or two to realize what's happening and react accordingly. As if it's an instinct as natural as breathing, he kisses her back with an urgency that brings a flushed color to his cheeks and settles both hands on her hips to tug them closer. The warmth of his fingertips touching the stretch of bare skin between her slightly too-short sweater and jeans draws a barely-audible noise from the back of her throat. But, he hears it. He always picks up on those little things about her, whether they be sounds, expressions she makes, or anything of the sort.
The kiss is cut short a second or two later out of fear of someone walking in, but his hands refuse to stray from her hips when she pulls away with a look in her eyes he knows all too well. Her pupils are blown wide with lush, glazed-over in a way they never get outside of moments such as these, and he knows straight away what she wants from him.
He asks, "So, it was a sex thing?"
Finally, she can't help but break her act of stoicism and offers him a bright smile.
"Shut up and follow me."
"What about the kids—"
The sharp tug of her hand wrapped around his wrist brings him away from the kitchen island, bringing him along in every step she takes toward the entrance to the hallway. She doesn't bother to look over his shoulder when she next speaks. Instead, she gives his hand a reassuring squeeze to get the same sentiment across as the words leave her mouth.
"They think I'm in the bathroom. And, for all they know, you could be outside talking to the pizza guy," she offers.
It's settled, then.
Still, in the time it takes her to drag him down the hall and up the staircase behind her, Steve can't help but check over his shoulder multiple times to ensure Nancy, Robin, the kids, or Nancy's parents didn't see them leaving to go up the stairs. The last thing he expected tonight was for her to pounce on him like a feral animal and drag him upstairs to have her way with him in a house filled with people. They've done it in risky places before, like on the break room table at Family Video and his car parked at Lover's Lake, but they've never done it in a place as risky as Nancy's house.
Despite the mild confusion it causes, whatever it is that has gotten into her, he prays it never leaves. It isn't unusual for her to initiate sex with him. Hell, half the time, she's the one who leans in to kiss him first or calls to ask if he's home, but he has always been the one to initiate in situations like these. It was his idea to fuck her on the break room table just like it was his idea to bend her over the hood of his car at Lover's Lake last week.
Every door they pass and briefly pause at is a no-go. Mike's room? Absolutely not. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler's room? Never. Holly's room? That would be the most deplorable thing either of them has ever done. So, when they reach Nancy's half-open bedroom at the end of the hallway, Y/N has no other choice but to pull him inside and push him up against the shut door.
In between the eager, open-mouthed kisses she gives him, he murmurs, "We shouldn't be doing this. Nance will literally murder us if she finds out."
She shakes her head into the kiss and pulls back, breathless, to say, "Then, we're gonna have to be quiet, huh?" before promptly reconnecting their mouths.
His face lights up at the mischievous tone her voice takes, and he can't ignore how his cock starts to strain against the tight denim of his Levi's at the mere thought of fucking her while everyone else is unaware downstairs. She can feel him smirk against her lips, his chest jerking with the sound of him chuckling to himself at how this girl has him wrapped around her finger.
And there it is. With a conflicted feeling of acceptance, he finally realizes he's falling in love again.
As soon as he realizes that this is real, that they're truly about to do this, Steve takes control of the situation in a matter of seconds. His hands make quick work of tugging her sweater off of her body. Her arms rise to make the task easier for him as he frantically undresses her and tosses the knitted fabric onto the floor behind the locked bedroom door. When she's free of the confines of her warm sweater, she then reaches for his shirt and rips it off with the same frantic nature he had with her. There's a time and place for unhurried, slow sex, but this is not one of them. By her estimation, they have five minutes to spare before their friends notice their absence and begin to question their whereabouts.
He hefts her up into her arms with his hands grasping the backs of her thighs to bring them around his hips, but right before he can set her down on the bed, she shakes her head.
"No, Steve, the headboard hitting the wall will be too loud."
This earns a scoff from him.
Though he'd never be dumb enough to bring up his ex while he's about to have sex with her, Steve is as familiar with Nancy's room as she is, if not more. After all, he snuck inside a handful of times and had to get creative so as to not allow her parents to hear what they were doing while they were asleep across the hallway. Her headboard does bang against the wall, that she's right about, but her mattress doesn't creak much, and if he puts a few of her pillows between the wall and the headboard...
He tosses her down onto the bed with ease and crawls up to meet her where she lays with her head cradled against one of the pillows. His hand reaches to the side to grab the other one and maneuvers it between the wall and headboard, then grabs one of the many decorative ones to do the same on the other end before coming back to her.
Ignoring her previous statement entirely, Steve asks, "You're real cute when you're nervous, you know that?"
The button and zipper to her jeans come undone with a few deft movements of his fingers, and she can't help but grin up at him in spite of her fear of getting caught as he pulls her pants and underwear down her legs in one smooth motion.
There's something better to her about being called cute or beautiful by him rather than the typical "hot" label guys have thrown at her. Don't get her wrong, being called hot is flattering in circumstances of one-night stands or even random compliments from those she likes, but having the guy you like call you cute or beautiful in a moment of heady desire is different. She knows by the way he said it alone that she isn't just an easy fuck to him. He genuinely likes her, and that's not something she ever expected to happen seeing that he used to be a well-known jerk as well as her best friend's ex-boyfriend.
He hardly has the chance to undo his own jeans and shove them partway down his thighs before she's tugging him down onto her with a needy plea for him to fuck her. Her arms wrap around his shoulders as he kisses her, his tongue invading her mouth without warning, and uses one of his hands to guide his cock through her sticky folds. When his tip rubs against her throbbing clit, she can't help but whisper more desperately, urging him to get on with it.
"Steve," she says, a sharp gasp escaping at the feeling of his tip against her entrance, "Please"—her hips press up to sink the tip of his cock into her a little more—"Need you."
Usually, he'd be the insufferable little bastard he always is and retort something like, "Yeah?" or "Tell me what you need from me," for the sake of getting her to blush for him, but they have already used up at least a minute of their time before things become suspicious, so he gives her what she wants without protest.
She cries out beneath him when he sinks into her with no opportunity for her to gradually adjust to his thick cock. Her fingernails dig into the soft skin of his shoulders with enough force to leave crescent-shaped marks indented into him. Before she can think to make another noise again, though, Steve's hand is covering her mouth.
His eyes have gone wide, and the smooth motion of his hips stalling for a second as he listens for anyone coming up the stairs before he pulls his hand from her face. Somewhere to the right of her body, he reaches to grab something she cannot be bothered to look at.
He says softly, "Gotta be quiet, baby," and stuffs the shirt Nancy left on the bed into her open mouth.
Y/N doesn't even have the chance to be shocked or turned on by the fact that he gagged her with his ex-girlfriend's shirt—while they're fucking on her bed—because he starts to move the second he's sure her noises won't get them caught. Well, at least, the noises coming from her mouth. As for the sound of their bodies smacking together, as well as the wet squelching sound that accompanies it from how wet she is, whether or not anyone hears that is left up to chance.
His arms are braced against the bed on either side of her head, caging her in and forcing her to look at him while he ruins her. It doesn't take much for her to feel that fire in the pit of her belly flare up. All it takes is the feeling of him pushing in and out of her, the spare hair at the base of his cock brushing against her clit on the upstroke, and she's melting in his arms.
Seeing Steve above her is like seeing every one of her wet dreams come to life. Sometimes she does dream about him. Whether it be when she's alone in her bedroom or sleeping beside him on nights they're both too exhausted to stray from his bed, she'll wake on the edge of climaxing with her hands balling up the sheets into a fist. When she's alone, she'll take care of it herself. When she's with him, she'll roll over and start nudging her face into the curve of his neck, peppering kisses there until he begins to stir from his sleep.
The sound of her muffled moans coming through the makeshift gag encourages him in his efforts to press himself deeper inside of her on every thrust. One of the hands beside her head grasps one of the posts of Nancy's headboard for leverage while the other slips down between their bodies to press down on the lowest point of her abdomen. When he puts pressure there, it intensifies the pleasure felt from the steady rocking motions he makes into her, and she can't help but buck her hips up to meet his thrusts.
The heel of his hand presses down right above her pubic bone, leaving his fingertips in a perfect position to rub her clit for her. He knows they have very little time, so he doesn't bother trying to get her to come from penetration alone like he often does when they're alone in his empty house while his parents are out. Before him, she never even knew that was something her body was capable of. That's not to say every other guy before him was terrible in bed, but there's a reason he gained a good reputation with the ladies in Hawkins. The first of which was that he had, as she already knew from girls who gossiped about hooking up with him, a big dick. The second and most important reason of all was that he knew what to do with it.
The sight of her breasts bouncing, although hindered slightly by the bra they couldn't be bothered to remove, brings him closer to his end quicker than he expected. He'd like to think he's experienced enough to spend more than a minute and a half fucking a girl before he feels himself getting close, but, with her, one would think he's a touch-starved virgin with how easy it is for her to work him up.
His forehead drops down to press against hers as he mutters, "God, you're fucking perfect," with the words pitching up into a whine at the end from how she clenches around him.
Just when he thinks he can feel her tensing up and writhing beneath him with the build-up to her orgasm, someone knocks on the bedroom door.
He goes as still as death, and Y/N, too lost in a world that solely consists of Steve Harrington and nothing else, looks up at him with her brows scrunching in confusion until she too hears what drew his attention away from her and caused him to stop.
Her eyes go wide at the sound of Nancy's voice, her hand coming up to rip the balled-up shirt out of her mouth in time to respond to her. But, of course, Steve would never let her off that easily. As she opens her mouth to speak, he starts to thrust into her again—slowly, deeply—and it takes everything she has not to whine his name as he rubs her sensitive clit in lazy circular motions to interrupt her train of thought. With the careful pace set and the pillows preventing the headboard from hitting the wall, the bed's constant shifting doesn't make enough noise to alert Nancy of what's happening inside.
She clears her throat and calls out before he can snap his hips forward into hers again, "Yeah? What's up?"
The doorknob rattles as though the person behind the door is trying to get in.
"Why is the door locked?"
Y/N looks up at Steve with pleading eyes that beg him to cease this torture and allow her the time to respond, but he doesn't. He just dips his head down to kiss at her neck, careful not to leave a mark behind, and leaves her to fend for herself.
"Um," she says, voice a tad louder than she intended from a particularly hard jerk of his hips, and rushes to cover up the accidental outburst, "I figured I'd change into my pajamas for the night. If we're gonna be eating a lot of pizza I don't really wanna"—a whimper is choked back at his fingers speeding up their movement on her clit—"be uncomfortable in my jeans."
"Oh, okay. Well, we're all downstairs whenever you're done." There's a dip of silence, as though Nancy is hesitating before saying what comes next, then, "Have you seen Steve? Dustin was looking for him when he came upstairs. None of us can find him."
Under his breath, he murmurs in annoyance with his hot exhales puffing against her ear, shaking his head, "Henderson."
Of course, Dustin would be the one to send Nancy upstairs in search of him when he's seconds from coming inside her best friend.
Her cock-drunk brain takes a delayed few seconds to conjure a believable alibi for the man fucking her into the mattress right now as she claws at his back and bites down on his shoulder to stifle the moans that try to escape the back of her throat. As Steve grows more and more confident with his ability to ramp up the pace and depth of his thrusts without the bed making too much noise, she starts to unravel rather quickly. She can sense it building in the bottom of her belly and starts shaking her head at him as if he can do anything to get Nancy to go away.
She has to concentrate all of her energy on keeping her voice steady as she says, "He said he was going out to get some soda for the kids 'cause he heard El asking Mike if you guys had some. He was just going to the store for it, so he'll probably be back in like ten minutes."
The second the last few words leave her, she tips over the edge, and his hand comes down to smother her mouth to prevent any noises she makes from echoing in the small room. Neither of them acknowledges whatever parting words Nancy offers before she retreats downstairs to the kitchen for dinner. Steve is far too preoccupied with watching and, more importantly, feeling her come beneath him.
The euphoria rushing through her has tears falling from her watery eyes as she embraces the intense high with her arms clinging around his waist for support. Now that he hears Nancy bounding down the steps, every one creaking beneath her shifting weight, he pounds into her with no thoughts present in his head other than those relating to her and the climax he chases with little care for how the bed begins to squeak beneath them.
"Steve," she cries out with tears slipping down her cheeks.
He brushes her hair from her face in a soothing, repetitive motion and whispers, "Such a good girl," as he pins her to the bed with his weight and uses the remaining scraps of energy left in him to slam his hips down against hers with a ferocity she can hardly cope with in her sensitive state. It doesn't take any longer than a few seconds for him to be tipped over the edge along with her.
His eyes are squeezed shut on instinct when he spills into her, hips jerking haphazardly, but she's quick to remedy that.
"Look at me," she whispers with a hand closing around his neck to force his head up, and he obeys without hesitation.
And, of course, she was right to tell him to do so. As soon as he meets eyes with her, the explosive pleasure felt in the span of ten or so seconds it takes for him to ride it out is heightened to a degree he rarely experiences it at. Even as it begins to slip away from him, he keeps rocking into her at a slow pace until the dying undulations of his hips give way to an exhaustion he can no longer ignore.
He pulls out of her, careful in his movements to mind her sensitivity, and falls onto his back on the empty space atop the mattress beside her. The second he leaves her, she's quick to tug her discarded panties back up her legs to avoid staining Nancy's bedding with his cum.
His hair-smattered chest has a thin sheen of perspiration over it, a drop of it rolling up and down with the rapid rise and fall of his panting breaths. Y/N watches its path as she turns onto her side and scoots closer as subtly as she can to savor the warmth emanating from his body.
Steve doesn't even pretend not to notice her sneaky attempt at cuddling up to him. He stretches his left arm over her head and uses the other to scoop around her waist, bringing her in to rest her head on his shoulder how he knows she likes to. They don't have much time to spare, but, for the next half minute, they lay together in the afterglow and pretend they have eternity to waste away together.
Breaking the silence, he groans and rubs his eyes, saying, "Shit, now I have to go get soda for the kids."
The sound of her giggling brings his attention over to the pretty girl laying with her head on his shoulder. Her hand trances circles in the layer of sweat shining on his chest, playing with the hair growing there whenever she becomes bored with her designated pattern of tracing every once in a while.
"Sorry about that. I couldn't think of anything else," she says softly.
He just shakes his head, then presses a kiss to the top of her head.
"Don't worry about it."
She's the first one to leave the bed to search for her discarded clothes, and once she gets up, he doesn't have many reasons to continue laying there other than the fact that he gets especially tired after he comes. Still, he forced himself to get up out of bed after pulling his pants back up into place and zipping them up.
Together, they redress in silence and listen to the sounds of the younger teens shouting at each other and laughing in the kitchen below them. It brings a soft smile to her face to imagine everyone having fun together after all of the heartache they've shared as a group.
"What are you smiling for?" Steve asks.
Her head snaps up from where it had been craned down to search through her backpack for the pajamas she mentioned to Nancy not long ago.
She shrugs.
"I just like hearing them have fun. They deserve it after everything they've been through."
The conversation drops back off into silence again after this, and he can't help but smile to himself as he thinks over what she said, trying not to look up and watch her redress while doing it like a creep. It's only another minute that passes before they're both fully clothed again—he in the same outfit he was wearing prior to their impromptu fuck, she in the pink matching pajama set he's seen her wear a million times. Once she runs her fingers through her hair a few times, it looks as though nothing out of the ordinary happened during her trip upstairs.
While he waits for her to fold up the clothes she changed out of, sitting on the edge of the bed, a nagging curiosity compelled him to ask her, "Not that I'm complaining, but what made you so..." He trails off for a second, trying to find the right word for it. "Horny. We could've just gone on a drive to the store together and pulled over if you asked."
For the first time since she dragged Steve upstairs, the words Nancy said to her in the basement come back to the forefront of her mind. This time, however, it doesn't haunt her as much as it had before she came to find him. There's a lingering sense of insecurity, but after what just happened, she has a good feeling he's been over Nancy for a while. If he weren't, he probably would've freaked out and stopped when she knocked on the door, but he hadn't. Instead, he decided to keep going for the sake of teasing her and acted as though his ex wasn't even standing on the other side of the door.
Y/N avoids making eye contact with him at all costs when she finally answers.
"Um," she says, "When you went upstairs for the pizza, Nancy said something to me about wondering if she made a mistake breaking up with you, and I guess I got a little...jealous..."
Before he can even take a breath, let alone process everything she said and come up with a coherent response, she continues rambling out of fear of what he'll say when he responds. Part of her still fears that he'll end whatever it is they have for the sake of rekindling what he had with Nancy.
"I know we aren't—like—dating, obviously, but I haven't been with anyone else since we started doing this, and if you wanna get back together with Nancy, I won't get in the way. I promise. If that's what you want, it's fine." She starts to pace back and forth in front of where he sits, dumbfounded, on the foot of the bed. "I just—I like hanging out with you, and I guess I like you, and the idea of seeing you with anyone else makes me go nuts, so—"
This time, it's his turn to shut her up with a kiss.
She was so caught up in her improvised speech, she didn't even see him standing up from the bed until his hands were cupping her face to pull her into a desperate kiss. It doesn't last any longer than a moment, but, fuck, it makes her even weaker in the knees than she already is from getting fucked by him a few minutes ago. Her hands shoot out to grasp onto his biceps, squeezing hard to keep herself upright, and he reciprocates by allowing one of his arms to cocoon around her back to provide her additional security.
When he pulls away, she starts to chase his lips, and he must fight the urge to smile hard enough to make his cheeks ache at the sight of it. The hand cupping her face moves to tuck her hair behind her ear, then drags his pointer finger along the edge of her jaw until she opens her eyes to see him staring at her.
"I don't want Nance, I want you."
Heat rushes to her cheeks in response to his honesty to add to the flush already present there from the strenuous exercise they endured together. And he loved it. He relishes in how bashful and skittish his unabashed desire makes her. Typically, she never lacks confidence in their time spent together. She was the one who suggested they go to his place that first night when he found her biking home in the rain. She was the one who dragged him upstairs demanding they have sex. Yet, now, she's turning all shy on him.
She tries her hardest to play it cool, though, shrugging and saying through a smile, "Good," before taking his hand to drag him over to the window he used to use to sneak into Nancy's room.
It's the same window she uses to sneak into her room on nights when Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler say no to their daughter's pleas to have her friend over, so she's quite familiar with how easy it is to enter and exit from. Thank God he has his wallet and keys stowed in the pockets of his jeans. If he left them downstairs, he could always go out and window and come through the front door pretending he "forgot" them, but that wouldn't be the most believable excuse considering how long he's been gone.
Seconds after she opens the window, he's crawling through with a fumbling awkwardness that ends with him bumping his head on the side of the house with a soft, "Ouch!" muttered into the cold night air.
When he's finally settled on the other side of the window, standing on the roof of the garage with his hands gripping the window sill, he takes another few seconds to look at her.
"I'm gonna miss you tonight. I didn't know you were sleeping here," he says, not wanting to leave just yet.
To this, she simply bends down, pokes her head through the window, and kisses him goodbye. Her hand grasps the hair at the base of his neck to guide him into it, and he returns the enthusiasm immediately, rising onto his tiptoes to deepen the kiss as if doing so will make the short time they're to spend apart easier somehow.
Their lips are still brushing when she pulls back to whisper, "I'm coming over tomorrow night, remember?"
He pecks her lips again, then pulls back, saying, "It's a date."
Throughout the ordeal of Steve jumping down from the roof and landing on his feet in the driveway with a muffled groan, she watches with a goofy smile on her face from the bedroom window. The look he shoots over his shoulder at her to check if she saw him stumble on the landing only widens that smile, and she knows he's blushing in embarrassment without the porch light being on to light his face.
It's only when he drives off in the direction of the nearest store that she shuts the window to keep out the cold that's raising goosebumps on her skin and turns to lean against it with a sigh. It isn't an exasperated one or even a sad one. It's a sigh caused by disbelief and joy. It doesn't matter that he's her best friend's ex at the moment. They'll find a way to break the news with as little fallout as possible when the time comes.
The only thing that matters to her at the moment is that he wants her.
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chrisevansonly · 6 months
Tutte le Tempeste Hanno Una Fine
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charles leclerc x female reader
synopsis: sometimes you just need a hug and your favourite person to make the rain go away
warnings: mentions of mental health, sad reader, fluffy charles
a/n: this is so self indulgent and very small, i have never felt worse in my life, im so close to just giving up. i don’t want to do this shit anymore and im sorry i haven’t been writing much, its just been a bit hard for me recently…thank you for your continued patience<3
You never really see the real side of mental health online, often you see the glamorized version, not the sheer weight and pain you carry as you move throughout each day. How every passing minute is agony as you search for rhyme and reason as to why you are the way you are, or why your brain is wired the way it’s always been.
Having no motivation can start to make you feel almost useless in a way. Watching the world fly by without you as if you didn’t exist had a sort of darkness to it.
“Can I help?”
Your eyes moved to look at Charles, who’d crouched down to check on you, worry in his eyes. He loved you so wholeheartedly and to see you feeling this way, it hurt a part of him not knowing how to best help you.
“I don’t think so”
“Is there anything I can do…anything at all?”
A pause fell over the room as you kept your eyes on him, feeling tears begin to well back up to your lash line, the sight crushing Charles a little more, he wouldn’t wish this on anyone, especially not you.
“How about I just get comfy with you and hold you? Hmm? Would that help…?”
“M-Maybe…” you whispered back, and that was enough for Charles to quickly slip into bed next to you, pulling you in close so you could rest your head on his chest, his arms tightening around you.
Charles let you cry, never once interrupting you or shushing you, knowing how important it was to get that release no matter how much it hurt or how emotional someone could get.
Every storm has an ending, every rainstorm brought the sun, and even if you were stuck in a rut at the moment, deep down you knew there was a way to get back to that feeling of warmth and happiness. Charles was a key to that, because of him he never let you fall far, never let the ocean take you away.
“I love you, no matter how long it takes, how hard the road ahead is, or how much it rains, i’ll be here every step of the way to get you through it.”
Charles wasn’t expecting you to say anything back, but when your voice said a soft and tear filled ‘I love you more’ back to him, he knew maybe not right this second, but some time soon, you would be okay.
After all Tutte le Tempeste Hanno Una Fine.
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vennilavee · 6 months
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pairing: stsg, geto x reader, gojo x reader, stsg x reader
summary: In the middle of the lush forest, there sits a lonely house on a hill. On a dark and rainy night, you find your way to the house and it's inhabitants while running away from a deep, dark secret that you refuse to confront. Little do you know that they welcome you with open arms because they want you in a way that you’ve never been wanted before. It’s so easy to succumb to the darkness once you’ve been invited in…
warnings: this is meant to be a horror fic so please heed with caution - vampire geto, ghost gojo, smut, biting, drinking of blood, bloodplay, unreliable narrators, murder, death and dying, suicide, everyone is a little freaky here including oc, yandere behaviors (i think??)
word count: 15k
a/n: meant to be written for spooky season in october...happy new year do not perceive me. HUGE thank you to @lovenona @libroparaiso @hoennislands for reading large chunks of this fic before i posted it, and @lovenona for the painting for the fic banner! i appreciate u<3
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To add to an already terrible day, heavy and dark storm clouds cover the expanse of the sky before splitting open. Rain follows the split seam, pelting down and landing on your car before being met with your windshield wipers.
It’s a good thing you had your tires replaced recently, you think distractedly while tightening your grip on the wheel. 
The rumble of your car’s engine is the only noise you hear as you zip through the barely there road in the forest. There are no cars on this road. There are no lights, save for the high beams bursting from your car.
It feels as if you are going in circles, despite the GPS telling you that you are on the right path. You can barely see five feet ahead of you as the rain begins to downpour. You hate driving in storms. 
Perhaps you should pull over, rather than potentially wrap your car around a tree while trying to get out of this storm. Can you beat it? Can you beat the ominous clap of thunder and the bright streak of lightning? 
In the distance, you hear the winds picking up speed as the towering trees sway. The last thing you need is to die because a tree fell on you. 
All you were trying to do was clear your head with a nice, soothing drive after what can only be described as the worst week of your life. The weather forecast didn’t include heavy rain with zero visibility today. You must just be incredibly lucky.
Driving in this weather will surely result in your premature death. You make a split second decision and pull over to the side of the road, glancing at the umbrella in your passenger seat.
You scoff, stepping out into the darkness and further into the belly of the forest.
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Night has fully draped over the forest and yet, the rain has not relented. You must have been walking, following your GPS for hours now. And yet, it seems as if you continue to walk further and further away from the road.
You are drenched and shivering, possibly looking like a drowned animal as you trek through the mud and fallen branches. Even if you wanted to, you wouldn’t be able to return to your car. There is no way to tell what direction it’s in anyway.
So you continue on, shivering with the hood of your jacket covering your head and cursing the skies for leaving you stranded in this endless storm. Your phone vibrates with weather alerts indicating that you should seek shelter due to extreme flooding.
How ironic.
Your umbrella is long gone, proving to be useless with the force of the rain and the wind. You are completely alone in the lush, green forest. Perhaps you stop and appreciate the scent of petrichor if you weren’t so stuck and at the mercy of the unseen forces from above.
You don’t know how much you endure the walk, but you see something in the distance. Something warm, something like the light. 
A tall, dark house sits on a hill barely visible with the darkness of the night. But you can clearly see the warmth of the lights that emanate from inside the house. 
It feels like a reprieve, a lighthouse as you are lost at sea. So you run towards the warmth.
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The house is more of a mansion, you realize as you stand in front of the ornate, mahogany door. Green vines twist around the door as if to protect the house from any trespassers. They seem to pulsate when you touch them, hissing at you in an attempt to send you away.
You shiver again.
Lilies and red roses line the entryway to the front door. Despite the remote location of this strange mansion, clearly someone maintains the upkeep of it.
You’ve never seen a viridian so vibrant. It’s hard to take your eyes away from it, tracing the way drops fall from the vines onto the stark white lilies before dripping onto the meticulously carved stone pathway.
The rain pours down on you heavily, and it rolls off of your trembling shoulders. It feels dry here, like the sun is gently peering out. This strange mansion must be an oasis, or a safe haven for those lost in the woods.
You knock on the door impatiently, hoping that someone, anyone, can save you from the storm. A crack of thunder splits your ears and you jump, knocking again.
“Come on, come on,” you mutter under your breath, “Please, it’s freezing-”
The magnificent door creaks loudly before being pulled open dramatically, only to reveal a tall, white haired man with striking and absurdly blue eyes.
You can’t look directly at him for too long. You think you’ll be blinded.
“How annoying,” he drawls, “Annoying and impatient.”
“My car broke down,” you interrupt, your teeth chattering, “Please, I’m so cold-”
“Oh?” he looks you up and down several times over with an infuriating, smug grin on his stupidly handsome face.
“Can you please assess whether I’m a thief or a murderer or anything equally as dramatic while I’m inside?” you say, glaring at him, “I’ve been walking for hours, please let me in until the storm passes over. I’m begging you.”
“You’re lucky you’re so charming when you beg,” he says, waving you in.
Warmth immediately engulfs you and you sigh in relief. “Thank you, thank you, thank you-”
“Don’t thank me just yet. Didn’t you call for help?”
“My phone has no service,” you reply easily, staring him right in the eye.
“No service, What a shame. I suppose it cannot be helped,” he shrugs, “Didn’t you hear? This storm is supposed to last several days. You must be a fool for driving through this.”
“I guess so-”
“Especially in the forest. You never know what’s lurking around here.”
His smile fades and he looks at you pointedly, as if he’s looking straight through you. His gaze unnerves you but still, it takes you half a second to decide you’re staying here in the dry warmth. 
Besides, it’s not like you have anywhere to go.
“Gojo Satoru,” he says simply and begins walking away from you. Does he care to know the name of a complete stranger that he just let into his home? 
“Aren’t you afraid of strangers? Have you learned nothing from the movies? I could kill you when your back is turned,” you reply as you follow behind him.
“That’s highly unlikely,” Gojo laughs, but it sounds hollow as it echoes through the hall.
“You don’t know me.”
“I know you’re stuck in the middle of this horrendous storm with only me and the inhabitants of this house for company. You think I have reason to fear you?”
Gojo Satoru stops walking and abruptly turns to face you, crowding your vision. He speaks to you, but you’re not quite listening. You’re too enchanted by the odd blue of his eyes. Eyes that bright and deep simply do not exist beyond the walls of this house.
You think you may drown if you stare for too long. Gojo’s skin is pale, even when the lights hit the angles of his handsome face. Maybe there is a halo around his head, invisible to your eye. After all, he is the only semblance of a human that you have encountered in the last six hours. 
He must be an angel, sent to shepherd you through this storm.
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Inhabitants. Gojo mentioned other inhabitants, but you have yet to see anyone else in the house. Despite the emptiness of the house, it looks homey and cozy, with trinkets and odd items strewn about. It is clear that someone lives here. Someone other than Gojo.
You try not to let curiosity get the best of you and just focus on getting warm. With chattering teeth, you allow scalding hot water to drench your skin and your hair. Trying to catch your breath as you shake like a leaf under the spray.
All alone in a strange house in the middle of nowhere with no escape. It’s enough to make anyone nervous, but you welcome it like a reprieve. A second chance. A rebirth.
You brace yourself against the wall of the shower and watch absently as blood mixes with water into the drain. 
Wholly unaware of the pair of eyes watching you in the bath, you sigh heavily as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders. It is. Everything is-
No. You won’t think about it, not now.
You can’t feel the graze of his fingertips, not when he caresses the slope of your neck or presses his fingertips to your hips. Not even when he rubs the inside of your soft thighs, or flutters over your calves just to feel the warmth of your skin. He traces the curvature of your spine with the palm of his hand, while you are none the wiser.
He stands in front of you, admiring the way you turn your neck from side to side and rub your sore muscles. Will you let your hands drift downwards? Would you give him that reprieve?
Your tits fit perfectly in his hands, spilling into his palms without any misgivings. He’d nearly forgotten how velvety a woman’s skin was. Much less a human’s. A gasp leaves his lips as he massages your chest, meeting your eyes eagerly. But you can’t see him. 
Your cheeks are heated as you lather soap on your skin with hooded eyes and bitten lips. He leans closer, sniffing your neck- you smell divine, what a gorgeous gift you might be…
And then he is called away abruptly, lamenting that loss of your warmth curled away in his hands.
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A dark emerald silk robe lays on the pristinely made bed. It’s buttery and soft against your fingertips and it looks brand new. You can’t help but try it on, and somehow it fits you as if it was tailored for you. It’s perfect. You do a little spin in front of the full-length mirror and giggle to yourself, marveling at how it fits you perfectly. 
The guest bedroom he showed you to is massive, with ornate cherry wood furniture and a four poster bed that seems like it was custom made.
The warm scent of sandalwood remains on the duvet and on the pillows as you sink into the bed and try to get comfortable. It’s been such a long day and you just want to rest…
It doesn’t take you long to fall asleep in this odd house despite only having been here for a few hours. The storm rages on outside, rain battering against the windows as it lulls you into the first peaceful slumber you’ve had in months.
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It has been a long time since a human showed up drenched, terrified and shivering to his home. In the modern age, it seemed that less and less people would venture this deep into the forest. In the old days, it would have been the odd traveler or warriors passing by through the night or a woman running away from her betrothed.
Those were always his favorite visitors. These days, it’s usually just foolish, inebriated teenagers or a stray fox. Definitely not nearly as entertaining.
He remains hidden, until Gojo tells him to come out of the shadows. For now, he will remain content to watch you from a distance in his own home. Your shoulders are tense but your face is friendly as you chat away with the white-haired man as you nurse a warm cup of tea in your hands.
You keep him at arm’s length but not too far away so as to arouse suspicion from the man who gave you shelter during such a horrendous storm.
It smells so sweet inside now. Like nectar and honey and flowers. He had a feeling that dark green would be your color, anyway.
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There is a portion of the house that Gojo has warned you to not enter. About half of the house is dimly lit, a sharp contrast to the rest of the house that you have seen. The quietness of the hallway just a few short steps away from your bedroom is eerie. 
You can’t help but look beyond the threshold and into the darkened hallway. 
With the risen moon in the storm as your witness, you ignore Gojo Satoru’s voice in your head and take a few tentative steps towards the forbidden part of the house.
The bedroom at the end of the hall.
It’s not your fault. He shouldn’t have made it sound so enticing.
An owl hoots in the distance, just outside the house. Is the storm still devastating the forest? It’s awfully quiet. Save for your clumsy footsteps. How long has it been? A night? Three?
Darkness is your only company as your heart thunders in your ears and you push against the heavy wooden door. A single turn of the knob reveals that the door is in fact, unlocked. 
You exhale, very aware of the hairs standing at the back of your neck. Turning your head, you squint into the darkness. Trying to shake the inevitable feeling of being watched in this endless abyss of a hallway.
You have to know. You must know why this room is forbidden to you.
So you push the door open with your full strength, only to be met with even more darkness. Somehow, it’s a different kind of darkness. The kind of darkness that swallows you and does not spit you back out. The kind that you surrender to.
Surrender comes easily.
Your pupils cannot seem to adjust to the dark, no matter how long you stand here in the forbidden room. Waiting for something - anything - a stream of moonlight, a flicker of a candle. Instead, you stand in the middle of this airy room, one that you can’t see even five feet in front of you in.
A shiver rips down your spine as the door slams shut with a sudden gust of wind from a seemingly closed window whips around you, only for the air to remain perfectly still and breathless.
Amethyst eyes stare back at you in the unmoving darkness. Mirth is clear in these eyes and your shock is amusing, it appears.
“Can’t follow instructions, can you?” The voice is syrupy and magnetic. You hear the voice, beckoning you closer, but you cannot see where the voice is coming from. 
He is illuminated by a sudden flash of thunder just by the large French windows. 
This is what Gojo must have meant by inhabitants.
The stranger stalks towards you, his steps languid and sure. You’re frozen in place, unable to move. Too mesmerized by the gold flecks in his violet eyes, and the curtain of glossy, black hair that billows with each step he takes.
Light does not need to brighten his face for him to announce his presence.
“Not great at following rules, are we?”
“Rules?” you manage to reply after a beat, squeezing your fingers together in an attempt to ground yourself. He notices, a barely there smirk forming on his handsome face.
He towers over you like a god of the skies, with the moon as his crown.
“You were told not to come here, weren’t you?” His voice is coated by soft velvet, curling around you but leaving you cold.
“Gojo’s told you about me?” you ask curiously. He talks about you? To this chiseled stranger? The thought makes your heart flutter and heat to flood your cheeks.
“I know all about the lost women who seek sanctuary in my home,” he says softly, a hand curling around your jaw. Your eyes drift to his glossy lips briefly. It’s impossible for you to look away from him, his eyes are magnetizing as they stare right through you. As if you are made of glass.
He chuckles.
The erratic beating of your heart thrums in his ears as blood rushes through your veins like syrup. He licks his lips as your eyes drop to follow his tongue eagerly. 
What a foolish girl. You don’t even know his name, and you’re already rubbing your thighs together. His reflection looks back at him in your glossy, dark eyes.
Oh, you are exquisite, a divine little thing wrapped up in a bow. A gift given to him by his lover. 
Gojo Satoru is a man of celestial tastes and he always has been for decades. He must remember to praise his lover on a job well done, after all. It’s not often that a woman with blood as sweet and ripe as yours falls into his bedroom serendipitously.
Your eyes are wide and wanting, waiting for him to say something. You just want to hear the melody of his voice once more. Just once more. Another few minutes until you leave his bedroom. Just once more.
His touch is icy cold as his thumb parts your lips further, a sharp exhale blowing against his face. A shiver wracks your spine once more but you will not leave his embrace. The simple touch makes you feel alive again, as if you have been searching and searching for something for years but have not been able to find it.
It feels familiar and foreign.
“Go back to bed, girl,” he says dismissively.
“Can’t I stay? With you?” you ask unabashedly, reaching for his velvet, black robe. You catch a sliver of his tanned chest from underneath his robe and swallow.
He is vaguely reminded of a stray kitten, desperate for attention. Adorable, and pathetic.
“Not yet,” he replies, disappearing back into the darkness that he emerged from with a featherlight touch to your cheek, “Not yet.”
His voice echoes through the walls of the grand bedroom, bouncing off of the ornate paintings. You leave the room, wondering if the enigmatic man with purple eyes was merely just a dream conjured up by the wildest parts of your subconscious.
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Time must operate on a different frequency in this house. You’ve slept at least six nights here, and yet the storm is as vengeful as it was the first day you arrived at the house. There is no sign of the storm easing up, either. With no end in sight, you continue to explore the house, thoughts of your car long forgotten.
You’ve yet to come across the purple-eyed man again.
Gojo Satoru is the best company you’ve had in weeks. Possibly months, or years. He finds you in the library more often than not, or in the garden. 
The garden that seemingly has not been marred by the wicked winds of the storm. Somehow, the house stands still, impervious to mother nature.
“What are you reading today?” comes a voice far too close to your ear. Gojo Satoru loves invading your personal space, as you’ve come to learn.
“It’s a history book,” you reply, not looking up from the page you’re on. He doesn’t need to know, but you’ve stopped reading the page ever since you noticed him appear in the room. You’ve been waiting for him to stop by, as he always does.
“How absolutely fascinating,” he says, sitting next to you and pushing the book aside to lay his head on your lap, “Now you have something nicer to look at.”
“Is that so?”
You look down at him, once again startled by the blue of his eyes. No matter how many times you’ve seen it, it always takes your breath away. It takes a moment to adjust to the unnatural hue of his eyes and his stark white hair.
He smiles at you. At that moment, he looked so boyish and young. You wonder how long he’s been here.
“You’ve made quite a home for yourself here, haven’t you,” he muses.
“Have I overstayed my welcome?” you don’t sound particularly troubled by it.
“Not at all. Don’t you want to get back home? I’m sure you have people wondering where you are. A child? A spouse?” he probes, eyebrows raising when your heart quickens at the mention of a spouse.
“He’s not waiting or wondering where I am,” you say bitterly, immediately tensing up, “He never loved me.”
“I’m sure he’s worried about you-”
“No. He’s not,” you say with a note of finality. You look away, at your hands in your lap as your face falls and something far away settles on your features. Your lips tug into a slight frown. 
“Well, anyone would be lucky to have you love them. He wasn’t worthy,” Gojo soothes you with a comforting squeeze of your hands.
“No, he wasn’t,” you reply. Your eyes are glassy and distant, as if you are replaying a memory of your past in your mind. It was simple, until it wasn’t. You were enough, until you weren’t. “I am deserving of a lover who would do anything for me.”
“Of course you are, darling,” he says, sitting up and tilting your chin up to meet your eyes, “I’m sorry anyone convinced you otherwise.”
You turn toward him, meeting his gaze with big, watery eyes. Your hands are held tightly within his, as you lean towards him. Allowing your gaze to flicker to his pouty lips and back to his eyes.
“You deserve a lover who would write you love letters,” he murmurs, “Compare you to the moon’s beauty.” A kiss to your chin. “Be your lighthouse in the storm.” A kiss to your cheek. “Protect you from the darkness of the world by destroying it. Keep you safe,” A kiss to your eyelid. “A lover who would do anything for you.” A kiss to the corner of your lips.
“A lover who would kill for you.”
A final barely there kiss to your lips. Your cheeks are warm, chest fluttering as you lean into him once more to press your lips to his again. He lays back against the couch so that you lay on top of him comfortably as you chase his kisses. You are impatient, your hands straying to his hair, to his chest to unbutton his shirt.
Your moans are soft in his ears, as if you haven’t been touched like this in forever. Gojo watches the pretty planes of your face shift as he focuses his energy on you, on gripping your hips and letting his hands wander over you before resting on your chest. Your heart is hammering away, soft and delicious.
He looks ethereal under you, fallen from the skies above. You can’t pull away, certainly not from the foreign look in his eyes. One that you’ve never seen before, not in your husband, not in previous lovers… It’s for you, the look of ripe, unbitten desire.
“Oh, you are a gorgeous thing, aren’t you?”
Your skin feels overheated- with too many layers covering the space between you and the man beneath you. You struggle to take your dress off, but Gojo replaces your fingers with his own.
“I’ll take care of you, won’t I? You’ll let me take care of you?”
You nod wordlessly as he lifts you up to take your dress off. You sit completely naked on top of him while he is still clothed.
Your face is buried in his neck as you rut your hips against him, trying to gain friction. Gojo looks up and to the side, feeling a pair of eyes on his back. Purple meets blue and he winks at his lover and smiles before turning his attention to you.
He hopes his dear lover is watching.
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Geto Suguru is exhausted, deep within his centuries old bones. Blood does not come by the house as often as it used to, and while it would be just as easy to go to the nearest city to get his fill…
It does not hold the same pleasure anymore. Besides, when his lover is intent on finding him an everlasting source of blood, who is he to argue?
He is just so hungry, absolutely famished. It doesn’t help that a brilliant and beautiful damsel is sleeping in his home, just down the hall. He can hear your soft breaths and the rustle of the sheets as you twist and turn. Are you dreaming of him?
He supposes he can find out just as easily.
He enters your dreams with hardly any resistance from you. Your mind is malleable as he sifts through as if flipping pages of a book. There are patches of grey darkness melded in with hues of emerald and cerulean and amber as he takes a look around the essence of your mind. 
It’s almost as if your subconscious can sense his presence and clears a path for him.
There you are, standing in a cemetery surrounded by fallen leaves and dead trees. The sky is grey, fitting with the melancholy that surrounds the cemetery. A breeze in the air whistles through his hair and leads him to you.
Sitting in front of a tiny memorial with an odd smile on your face. 
Is this a dream, or is this a memory?
He makes a note of the name on the memorial, just as you lift your head and stare vacantly at him. Almost as if he’s made of glass and you are looking straight through him to the other side.
The dream shifts in a puff of smoke and he is suddenly in an apartment shrouded in shadows and darkness with nothing but the sounds of hoarse voices speaking loudly to each other. Not quite yelling, but not quite talking quietly either.
“... You never loved me, never made me a priority-”
“That’s not true and you know it-”
“You can’t wait to get rid of me, can you-”
“You have this version of love in your fucked up head that doesn’t exist. That nobody can live up to-”
“I just want you to love me and protect me!”
Then there is crying and harsh screaming. It grates against his eardrums before ebbing away into nothingness. 
Until he is flung into an ocean of blood and nearly drowns trying to get back into reality.
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An envelope outside your bedroom door awaits you after your morning walk in the garden. It is addressed to you, with your name written in black ink in cursive with a large wax seal. You run your finger over the seal in awe.
Who exactly are the men who live in this house, anyway?
The letter reads: 
You are cordially invited to join me for dinner tonight, at 6:30 PM sharp. You will find three dresses in the closet of your bedroom. Choose wisely. 
I look forward to our evening together.
There is no signature, only initials embossed in the parchment paper in silky, black print. The initials are shiny and wet, as if it was just signed and placed under your bedroom door.
You hold the letter close to your chest, unable to keep the giddy smile off of your face. Ever since you were a young girl, you’ve always dreamed of a lover who would write you letters dictating their unconditional love for you.
You look at the letter again, tracing over the initials gently and press a gentle kiss to the ink. How utterly enchanting.
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You decide on the muted mauve gown with tiny, shimmering stars embedded into the tulle. Will your mysterious dinner guest be happy with your choice? Which of the three dresses did he want to see you in?
Your heart flutters at the thought of seeing the long, dark haired man with otherworldly eyes chance a glance at you once more.
He awaits you in lustrous black robes at the bottom of the neverending marble spiral staircase, looking like a painting come to life. Your breath catches in your throat when he meets your eyes with that soft up-turn of his lips.
“Good evening,” he says, voice carrying as he offers his arm to you, “Your punctuality is alluring.”
“Only my punctuality?” you ask breathlessly.
“I suppose that remains to be determined, doesn’t it?” 
He leads you to the dining room, one of the many rooms you have not explored yet. A heavy chandelier glitters above the dark mahogany table and if you look for longer than a second, you’d be able to see your reflection in it.
“I’ve observed you, you know. Exquisite taste in books,” he informs you.
“Oh, yes, I’m…well-read, I guess,” you shrug, taking a sip of your flavorful soup.
“I’ve seen you in the library. That old couch isn’t very comfortable. Is it you who leaves my books out in disarray?” he teases.
“What?! I never left behind a mess-” you protest but relax when you see his grin, “Oh. Don’t make fun of me.”
You both sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes. He barely touches his full plate of food, instead opting to take in your presence in his home. In just a few short days, you’ve made this house your own home.
“Tell me,” he says, his voice curling around you and warming your cold hands, “What are you reading? What’s caught your attention?”
“A little bit of this, a little bit of that,” you say vaguely, “I like history.” 
“History? What about history interests you?”
“Well… I like learning about the past,” you muse, “We’re doomed to repeat history if we don’t see the patterns throughout time…”
“Yes, we certainly are,” he nods, “History is funny that way.”
“It is. Our own histories are just a reflection of that, too.”
“We’re doomed to make the same mistakes if we don’t recognize our own flaws… I suppose.”
“And what are your flaws?” he asks smoothly, making you laugh.
“I have none, couldn’t you tell?” you reply with a wink.
He merely looks at you, staring at you as if he can see right through you into the fibers of your soul. It’s unnerving, and you look away to focus on your food and on chewing each bite thoroughly. He doesn’t eat much, if anything, only drinking every few minutes from his glass of wine. But his eyes remain transfixed on you even as you sit in silence.
“I want to show you something,” he says once you’re finished with your meal.
You nod and let him lead the way.
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He takes you through the garden, past freshly bloomed tulips, cherry blossoms and red spider lilies and dewy, green bushes. Your eyes are suddenly filled with color, but all you can fix your gaze on is the man who glides in front of you with your hand in his.
His hand is cold, but his voice is warm like tea.
The summer rains continue to fall, but not on you. 
In the center of the vast garden sits a shimmering lake with the bluest, clearest water that you’ve ever seen. Your eyes are wide in wonder. Is there a mountain hidden beyond the trees?
“This lake wasn’t here when we moved into the house,” the man says softly.
“How is that possible?”
“The universe gave her to us when we needed her most,” he replies, turning his head with an intense stare.
“And you believe that?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
You shrug, breaking eye contact with him to look back at the lake. The man is intense, like a blazing fire in the darkness. You can’t help but hold onto his every word as he regales you with the tale of how he stumbled upon this forest. His voice is enchanting as it echoes through the silent forest- the trees must be listening to his reverence as well.
He reminds you of a tortured prince.  His voice is heard from further and further away as you marvel at the stillness of the young lake. Soon, you can’t hear his voice at all.
The thought should scare you, but you feel safe and protected by the trees in this forest.
You hardly realize how far you’ve walked by yourself, to the other side of the lake. Excitement (maybe adrenaline) settles in your bones as a sudden impenetrable fog emerges, and yet you touch it, wrap your hands around it. As if it has a heartbeat.
It surrounds you but is gentle in its caress as you pick up the skirt of your dress to avoid tumbling as you sprint through the woods.
The trees fade away behind you.
Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Air fills your lungs like a reprieve. Just before you let it go and gulp down air again. The crunch of boots on fallen leaves and sound of birds fleeing does nothing to quell the nerves in your belly.
The puffy sleeve of your dress catches on a stray branch, the pretty tulle ripping into shreds. What a waste of such a beautiful dress, you think absently. Your arm begins to bleed profusely but you pay it no mind.
You are a princess, being sought after by the monster in the closet.
Geto Suguru nearly hisses when the scent of fresh blood permeates the air like a  barely hidden vice. It’s sweet, like a freshly plucked peach on a summer day.
He wonders how you’d taste on his tongue, your neck bare and craned all for him…
Dull pain radiates across his gums as his fangs descend further. Your sharp laugh pierces the uneasy quiet of the dark forest. His runaway princess, always seemingly ten steps ahead of him.
You flit in between the trees, looking over your shoulder with curious, cautious eyes. Even from this distance at the edge of the forest, he sees honey dripping from your wild eyes. 
As you look over your shoulder, you see him taking languid steps toward you. When you blink, he’s there, a shrouded shadow that you nearly miss in your line of sight. When you blink again, he’s gone. Your sprints slow to a walk before you stop completely. In the middle of these strange woods, you look up to the sky, only to see a shroud of endless grey descending upon you.
Purple blinks back at you from high up in the trees. You shiver, and he suddenly stands in front of you, his velvety black robes billowing behind him.
“You have every opportunity to leave,” he says silkily. His words melt over you, dripping onto your skin like hot candle wax. The warmth is soothing and you would do anything he asked, you think.
“I know,” you say softly.
His eyes sear into yours, searching and burning through you as he comes closer. His touch is cold as his index finger remains on your jaw, stroking your cheekbone slowly. Your eyes are wide, shining eagerly with obedience.
His lips part, his gleaming fangs lengthening so daintily and his eyes shift from purple to black. But he is still his welcoming self, with his easy smile and his gentle touch. Except, the way he smiles is different.
The shift is there, but barely recognizable. 
“You should’ve run away, little dove, ” he says softly in your ear as you shiver in his hold, “When you had the chance to.”
You shake your head, only making him graze your neck further. You are ravishing, the slow honey in your body gushing like a waterfall.
“There is nothing for me beyond this forest anymore,” you whisper softly into his ear. His lips flutter warmly against the column of your neck.
The first bite is always the most painful, but it eases away as quickly as it came as his fangs sink heartily into the delicate skin of your neck. Right next to your jugular vein, but not quite.
A sigh echoes through the forest, barely a noise over the sound of drops of your blood dripping onto his tongue. It is euphoric- your eyes flutter shut when his fangs pierce further into your neck. Almost straight into the vein.
If he’s not careful, he might drain you dry. That would be…tragic, considering the promise he made to Gojo.
But you are so sweet. Like nectar, and you walked right into his home with open arms, tangled in his decadent web.
Your grip on his robes is tight as you somehow pull him closer. As if you want him to take more out of you. How greedy. But he doesn’t, instead pulling away and licking his lips. His eyes revert back to their chilling purple as he keeps his gaze on you.
You sigh again, feeling lightheaded and dizzy. And yet, something flutters in your belly, making you smile and look up at him with lovestruck eyes.
“What’s your name?” you exhale, your breaths coming out in cold wisps as the wind bites your skin.
He smirks at you, fangs still tinted red with your blood. Your heart races.
“Geto Suguru,” he murmurs, brushing a stray drop of blood away from your neck with his lithe finger and licking it.
He says your name softly before he kisses you, the taste of metal ripe on your lips like a summer peach. Your knees immediately buckle as he slips further into your mouth. Despite the chill of his fingertips, a fire alights in your belly and spreads and spreads. Your breaths are erratic as you trail after him, struggling to keep up.
Your name in his mouth sounds like a promise.
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The slight pain in the back of your head throbs lightly with each thready thought that forms in your brain, and yet all you can think about is the way Geto Suguru’s lips felt on your neck. The cold touch of his fingertips against your skin as he meticulously drank your blood.
Your blood. He chose you and he came after you in that forest.
It makes you giddy. It makes the headache worth it.
Slowly, the night turns into day. Repetitively, you hear the sound of the cozy rain and the sharpness of the wind against the windows nearly rattling the house. You don’t recall the last time you saw the sun, and yet light filters into the house through the skylights placed in the living room.
You don’t question it. It’s better than the alternative, being stuck in that stuffy house with your awful husband. Your husband who never cared for you, who never sought you out. Made you his priority.
Despite the fancy jewelry and pristine silks, the way you would dote on him, he never noticed you. He probably didn’t even notice that you were gone, anyway. You were supposed to be his favorite. His only. 
No matter. Geto Suguru drank your blood today. Nobody else’s but yours. Are you his favorite? His only?
You can’t help but laugh at such a ridiculous thought as you gingerly touch your neck and soothe the bite marks. Of course, you’re his only. You are the only woman in this house, save for Gojo Satoru. And he has been nowhere to be seen as of late. 
You must be his favorite.
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“Jealousy is quite attractive on you,” Suguru says, chuckling as Satoru glares at him and throws a pillow at him half-heartedly.
“Don’t make fun of me,” Satoru sighs dramatically, throwing his arm over his eyes.
“Now you’re just being juvenile,” Suguru says, tossing the pillow back. The air is briefly knocked out of Satoru’s lungs and he tries to sit up. He glares at his lover, but the heat in his bright eyes falters as he reaches for him and cradles his jaw.
“You know this is only a means to an end,” he soothes.
“Sorry I can’t be a human again so you could drink my blood,” Satoru says petulantly, “You like her, I know you do.”
“There’s no need to be accusatory,” Suguru replies, airily, “And there’s no reason to lie. I know you like her, too. As if I don’t know that you watch her when you shouldn’t.”
Satoru rolls his eyes but his shoulders slump as he slides into Suguru’s warm embrace. “I just…I wish I could bleed for you the way you need me to. I wish I could fulfill you in the way this stranger can.”
“Oh, I’ve neglected you, haven’t I,” Suguru says softly, tightening his hold around Satoru’s narrow waist, “You brought her into our home for me. There must have been something about her that was alluring to you.”
“It’s not everyday you find a woman who abandoned her car in the middle of the worst storm in years only to show up drenched at the front door. The opportunity presented itself and I couldn’t resist.”
“She seems in no rush to leave. To go back home. We should find out why,” Suguru muses, his train of thought interrupted by Satoru’s wandering hands.
“That’s a later problem,” Satoru murmurs, letting his fingers trail up his thigh. His touch is fleeting, barely there. Just applying the tiniest pressure behind his knee, where he knows Suguru is sensitive. He shudders- it’s funny, that a vampire as old as him can still feel flustered by a simple caress.
Well, Satoru has had many opportunities to learn over the centuries from the Meiji era to now. They were both young high school boys when they met, with dreams of samurai becoming distant as their worlds cracked wide open by the introduction of new literature, new teachers, new philosophies. They were still boys, running through empty fields, sharing copies of the same books. Sharing shade under the same tree branch.
Sharing each other’s first kiss. They were boys, until they weren’t.
The clocks continued to spin until neither of them could control the inevitable passage of time. Time pulled them apart, Satoru to Tokyo and Suguru back to the countryside to take care of his parents and the farm he left behind.
They found each other again, this time under much more dire circumstances. Vampirism was spreading through Japan like a plague, and Suguru wanted to know everything about it. What was eternal life like? Was it beautiful, did it contain multitudes? Was there anything human about an immortal being?
His questions were meaningless because it didn’t take long for him to succumb to a vampire bite. His parents were dead and everything on the farm was gone, ripped to pieces and blood splattered across the wooden walls of the barn.
It took him about three decades to discover that the carnage was laid out by him. He was turned and he rained blood on his own home. It took another decade to find the vampire nest who did this to him.
Then another three decades to find Gojo Satoru once more.
He had been nestled in the heart of Tokyo, as a teacher of all things. There had been a very brief, happy reunion. It didn’t take Suguru long to realize that something was off about Satoru. The coincidences were too many- he was flighty and impulsive, rarely eating (in fact, Suguru can’t recall the last time he saw him eat any food), and he swears that his skin was translucent in the sunlight. 
“Something is keeping me here,” Satoru muses with his lover’s head in his lap, “Can’t imagine what it is.”
“I don’t want you to cross the Sanzu River, not without me,” Suguru says firmly, looking at him with red eyes.
“Is there an afterlife for vampires?” Satoru muses, “I mean, I’m surely safe. I’m a ghost, after all. A spirit tethered to the material earth, or something.”
“If you wanted to leave, you would.”
“Yes,” he says solemnly, “I suppose I would.”
It has been decades since that day and the universe has pulled them apart and brought them back together many times. For two immortal beings, spending five or eight or fifteen years apart is just a blip in the fabric of time. They both find each other each time, even when Suguru was contemplating his entire existence as a vampire and a former human. 
He had become Japan’s most infamous vampire for a period of time after draining over a hundred humans completely of their blood. How was it just, for them to hold two little vampire girls hostage when they had no say in being turned?
Suguru couldn’t stomach it- how isolating and selfish humans could be in the face of adversity. In the name of self-righteousness.
Never again, he vowed. Never again would he allow humans to treat his own that way. But Satoru brought him back from the brink of sure destruction, before Suguru could decimate the entirety of Japan.
Satoru wouldn’t let him give in to his most primal urges. He wouldn’t let Suguru lose himself because he couldn’t be bound to the earth without him-
“I can’t let you do this.”
“Don’t tell me you care-”
“I can’t let you do this to me, you can’t leave me here! Not for this. Not for them.”
“You’re selfish, Satoru!”
“So are you,” he scoffs.
But that was the end of it. Suguru’s eyes had returned to their purple and Satoru whisked him away. 
He had whisked him away from all the noise, the blood, the chaos to the towering castle in the trees that they currently lived in in the quiet of the forest-
“Hey,” Satoru questions, poking his cheek, “You just spaced out for a while.”
“I was thinking about you,” Suguru replies, turning his head to meet his caress. 
“As always-”
“You saved me. And you continue to save me,” Suguru says, “So let me show you my undying gratitude.”
Satoru hopes desperately that you can hear the echoes of his pleasure from your bedroom.
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The house seems to have transfigured into more of a castle the longer you stay here. Winding staircases appear out of thin air complete with unfamiliar corridors and twists and turns.
But what remains the same is the library and how often you frequent it. The entire history of the universe must be kept in these bookshelves. There isn’t enough time in the day for you to read all of the treasures inside the library that seems to get bigger everyday.
You have been reading the same book for some time now, getting distracted by thoughts of Gojo Satoru. He hasn’t come to visit you in the library recently and you can’t help but wonder if you’ve done something to upset him for him to avoid you.
He comes and goes as he pleases. As if he’s there but he’s not there at all.
“There you are,” you say easily, sitting next to him on the bed.
“Can I help you?” Satoru says petulantly. You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Are you mad at me?” you ask, nudging his shoulder with yours.
“Whatever gave you that idea,” he deadpans, still not looking at you.
“Oh, come on,” you whine, tugging at his hand, “You can tell me anything.”
His head turns to you abruptly, too quickly to be considered normal. With narrowed eyes, he searches your face for any sign of deceit.
Satoru scoffs and lays back on the bed dramatically. You follow his actions and face him, meeting his terribly piercing gaze. Unable to stop yourself, you allow your fingers to graze his pale cheek. When he doesn’t flinch, you let your hand rest on his chest. He is more muscular than he looks, you think.
As if Satoru can read your thoughts, he turns to you and glares at you.
Comfortable silence fills the room. He stares at you, thoughts swirling behind those azure eyes, willing himself to speak.
Satoru pretends like he doesn’t notice your hand drifting down further.
“I found you first,” he mumbles, “And I found him first.”
“You did find me first,” you muse, “When nobody else wanted me, you did.”
Your grip on his shirt tightens briefly. 
“And now he’s drinking your blood and I can’t-”
“Oh, Satoru,” you say softly, “You don’t want to be left behind, do you?”
He doesn’t meet your eyes, but his silence conveys all you need to know. If Satoru could blush, his cheeks would be tinted a rosy color. You vowed before, to never let yourself feel as unwanted and lonely as you did in that relationship. And to never let anyone else feel that same loneliness.
His name is a honeyed whisper on your tongue that he wishes to pull from your pretty lips as often as he can. 
“I found you both first,” Satoru replies harshly before he presses his lips to yours, “Don’t ever forget that.”
Chaos bursts in his bright eyes before he closes them to kiss you, to pull your voice to the tip of your tongue. Your mouth is sweet, full of roses and tea. It’s no wonder Suguru is so taken with the taste of your rich blood. 
You fist his shirt as if you can’t get close enough to him with quickened breaths. Satoru can feel the rise and fall of your chest against his. Can you feel his weightlessness against you? 
Satoru pulls you into his lap easily, groaning into your mouth when you lazily rock your hips into his. You remind him that you’re with him in this magical forest, that he found you first. The universe brought you to him and he kisses you fiercely, to ground himself.
Despite your hands marking his shoulder blades and your legs tight around his narrow hips, Satoru feels far away. Impossible to touch as if there is a veil keeping you on the outside.
Does he know? It doesn’t matter- you’ll find your way through the fog to touch his soul with your gentle fingertips.
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The castle contains newly appearing staircases and paintings that have surely been lost to something as feeble as time and history. It protects you from the raging storm outside, the storm that surely awaits you in your home. 
It protects you from dangers that you cannot see.
You shouldn’t be here. You really shouldn’t, but you can’t be blamed. Not when the endless shadows of the house- the castle- lead you here. Straight to the ornate door of what must be Suguru and Satoru’s bedroom.
Only a door shields you from them. Only a door shields them from you.
Quiet whispers are muffled beyond the door, both of their voices mixing together. Whispers flow into syrupy moans as you press your ear against the door to listen.
You shouldn’t be here, disrupting what is surely to be an intimate moment between two lovers that you are not privy to. But you want to be. You want to feel their breaths span across your back, hear their voices low in your ear, feel their sinewy limbs under your fingertips. 
It makes you shiver. To be velvet in between silver and gold. All you can do is press your ear closer, closer…
No, you shouldn’t. But they’re so close to you-
“I can hear you breathing from out there,” Suguru says dryly, loudly enough for you to hear through the door, “If you’re trying to conceal yourself, you’re not doing a very good job.”
Impatiently, you push the door open, mesmerized by Suguru on his knees in front of Satoru. He is seated on the bed, leaning back on his elbows with hazy eyes and his fingers tangled in Suguru’s hair. 
You inhale hungrily, unsure of where to look. Suguru chuckles at you and beckons you closer with a simple, heady look.
“Don’t just stand there,” he says, his voice strained as Satoru complains over the lack of attention on him, “Sit down.”
You barely breathe as Suguru strokes Satoru’s hardened, leaking cock with his massive hand. You wonder how that hand would look around Satoru’s neck- as if he can read your mind, his left hand wanders up the pale divots of his chest and to his neck. Resting there, holding Satoru in place as he squirms for Suguru to do something. Anything.
Suguru’s voice is low but clear, softly telling Satoru to stay still and be patient. His hips jump in time with Suguru’s lazy strokes. How torturous- how long has Suguru had his lover on his back like this, waiting for mercy?
It must have been for a long time, considering the trembling of Satoru’s body and how he silently begs for more.
He smears pre-cum over his cock before pushing Satoru’s legs wider apart. Looking over his shoulder to see if you’re watching his movements, only to smirk at you knowingly. Your cheeks are warm as you peer at him. At Satoru’s vulnerability.
Suguru must know everything about Satoru. Everything about what he likes, about how to dissolve him into a pleading mess of want. You want to learn. You want to please them both. You want to learn from them.
But you just watch, for now.
You rub your thighs together subconsciously when they both sigh in unison as Suguru bottoms out. Their breaths are heavy against each other, silenced when he kisses Satoru harshly in contrast to his slow, purposeful thrusts. The fondness, the love between them is palpable in the way they gaze at each other. As if you aren’t even there- as if they are the only two stars in the entire sky of the universe. It wouldn’t be fair to the scales of the universe for there to be two pairs of lovers like them.
You wish to be the exception. You will be the exception.
“Touch yourself,” Suguru grunts from the bed, looking at you over his shoulder. You make an attempt to crawl closer to him but he stops you abruptly. “No, you’ll stay there and you’ll touch yourself. Let us see you.”
Their hands are interlocked and desire washes over you in a tidal wave. He turns away to give his attention to Satoru but you lift the skirt of your robe up to your waist to give them both a full view of your wetness.
You clench around nothing, wishing desperately to take Suguru in your mouth or press your pussy to Satoru’s lips. Instead you rub your clit in time with Suguru’s thrusts, watching his hips roll. Satoru’s moans are loud and raspy, calls of his lover’s name, please, please, please, more…
“Watch her,” Suguru hisses, his hair in disarray as he shoves Satoru’s face towards you. You gasp when both of them watch you together, watching as you shove your finger deep into your pussy, the sound of squelching mixing together and bouncing off the walls. 
You’re quiet in your corner of the room, obediently waiting for Suguru to beckon you closer. For him to grant you a small touch, however fleeting. But he never does, and you are desperate for their attention. For an ounce of their shared love to drip onto your heated skin.
Your clit throbs as Satoru’s moans get louder and louder, breathier and breathier and Suguru is concentrated on how his cock pushes into Satoru effortlessly, how effortless it’s been for decades but it feels like a millenia- and if there is a god- this is the salvation he’d pray for-
He cums with a broken moan, his chest heaving but continues to push into Satoru as he murmurs sweet nothings to him. They both turn their eyes to you, you who is currently rubbing yourself furiously as if you’re racing against time. Your eyelids are hazy, clouded over with lust. You listen so well. You hadn’t even moved an inch from where Suguru had told you to stay.
“Come here, darling,” Suguru coos, “What a good girl. Do you want a kiss?”
You nod eagerly and all but crawl to him and sit in front of him on your knees, waiting patiently.
“Good girls get kisses,” he replies, “Come here, next to me.”
Satoru pushes back on Suguru, trying to fuck himself on his cock but to no avail. Suguru places a warning hand on his hip to stop him. He kisses you, a chaste peck. It’s not enough for you, but he gives you a meaningful glance. Telling you to listen to him.
You lean forward to give Satoru a kiss and before you can deepen it, Suguru tells you that’s enough.
“No touching,” he clicks his tongue, “Touch yourself while Satoru cums. Show him how much you like it when he cums, sweetheart. Doesn’t he look good like this?”
You nod vigorously with warmth pooling in your cheeks. Suguru’s hair is in disarray, long strands falling from his messily made bun onto his forehead. He moves gracefully, a painter with his paintbrush as he strokes against Satoru. He is Suguru’s canvas.
Your chest tightens at the stars barely concealed in his meteor eyes.
Satoru’s gaze is hooded and heady, concentrated only on the man hovering above him as his hair falls onto his skin. Your fingers are warm against your thighs, but you prefer the coldness of theirs.
Suguru pushes his angel hair away from his forehead and murmurs for him to sing for him. To sing for you. His moans rise in pitch with every stroke- you can’t stop the way you look longingly where they are connected. Each tense muscle in his body is soothed by the other’s gentle but firm touch. It’s a delicate dance, one that Suguru has barred you from partaking in.
Your fingers wander, languidly rubbing circles on your clit, entranced by the ripple of muscles and the sheen layer of sweat on skin. The connection of two lovers is a sight that you are blessed to witness. You want to drink them in, be drenched in their love for each other- for you.
“What a patient girl,” comes a silky voice from next to you, “Why don’t you let us have you now?”
Suguru laughs when you nod your head vigorously. Like an enthusiastic puppy wanting her owner’s attention. 
“I want you both,” you say impatiently, pawing at them both,“Together-”
“Let’s give the girl what she wants,” Satoru says, still catching his breath as he lays flat on the bed.
You are met only with hungry eyes and salacious smiles.
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The moon hangs above for prolonged hours as the night begins earlier and earlier. It must be nearing the winter, you think. Frost clings to the air like stars in the sky, but you don’t mind it. Not when you’re there to keep both Satoru and Suguru warm.
Despite the winter fast approaching, you still hear the faint sound of rolling thunder.
“That’s enough,” Suguru murmurs, pulling away from your wrist gently as he licks drops of your sweet blood.
“Are you certain?” you ask, despite feeling a bit lightheaded.
“Yes, darling. You’d let me have you, wouldn’t you?” he coos, as if he is speaking to a newborn deer. Your lips part into a wide, bashful smile as you bat your eyelashes at him.
“My sweetest girl,” he says, pressing his lips to your jaw. You laugh airily at the sensation, pretending to push him back with a hand on his firm chest.
“I would give you all the blood you wanted,” you reply, “You only want my blood, right?”
“Is validation from me what you seek?” Suguru teases you.
Your voice is so full of hope, eyes shining with reverence as you wait for an answer. How far would you walk for him? Just to the edge of the universe? Would you fall over the precipice with him? Would you look over your shoulder before jumping if he told you to?
Judging by the way you shove your wrist in his face, he thinks he has his answer. Your skin is dotted with fading bite marks, some fresh and some old. You wear them with pride, uncaring if anyone sees. Not that there is anyone to see you, besides Gojo Satoru and himself.
The soft smile that uncurls on your face when Suguru’s eyes shift from a calm purple to charcoal and veins abruptly appear under his eyes as he feeds on you is enthralling. No feeling will equate to his soft whimpers as the first drop of your blood enters his circulatory system.
That’s all he is, anyway. A mess of blood and an undead heart thoughtlessly arranged together with frayed red strings in a puzzle where the pieces don’t fit. But somehow, you fit. You and Satoru both fit in different places.
No feeling, not even the memories of your formerly known lover, can make you feel as desired as Geto Suguru drinking your blood as if you are the last living, breathing thing on the planet.
Suguru gives you beautiful gowns and glittery jewels to adorn on your neck and your ears. All you need to give him is your blood and he’ll indulge you with his undivided attention.
“I desire you,” he mumbles, kissing your cupid’s bow, “Your mind,” a kiss to your forehead, “Your company,” a kiss to your palm, “Your body,” a kiss to your clothed chest, “Your soul,” a final lingering kiss to your bruised wrist.
“Oh,” you say sheepishly. Suguru can feel your lashes flutter against his cheek.
“Shall I prove it to you?”
He grins wolfishly, determined to indulge in every inch of you.
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“Oh, I almost forgot,” Satoru says with food in his mouth, “A cop came by earlier. He was asking about a certain abandoned car about two miles from here.”
Satoru’s eyes shift to you, piercing and intense but you don’t meet his gaze. 
“That’s so…interesting,” you mutter, “Who would come out this far and just dump their car? How weird…”
“Someone trying to leave something behind, maybe?” Suguru suggests knowingly, his eyes equally as piercing as Satoru’s.
You avoid both of their pointed gazes and take a long swig of red wine.
The silence suffocates you, but you don’t relent. They don’t need to know your secret, the one that you’ll carry with you until your dying breath. The real reason for your abrupt departure from your home, the perceived carelessness of throwing your car keys out in the mud on the forest floor for anyone to find. All for the simple hope of salvation in this sea of trees.
Instead of salvation, you’ve found eternal damnation with the immortal vampire Geto Suguru and ever living ghost Gojo Satoru. It’s still far better than the unfortunate alternative that awaited you in your former life.
You play with the emerald necklace seated at the base of your neck. A gift, of course, from the two ethereal beings sitting in front of you. Your lip nearly bleeds from how tightly you hold it between your teeth, debating whether you should tell them or not.
Not today.
“We need to know who is looking for you,” Satoru says firmly.
“Why? So you can hand me over to them all wrapped up in a bow? Or so that you can exile me from your home?” you challenge petulantly. Suguru narrows his eyes in your direction and you swear they flash an angry red. You try not to feel small in your seat and hold your head high.
“Don’t you dare imply that either of us would give you up so easily,” he all but hisses, “Do not insult me.”
“Besides, don’t you think we should know why the cops are knocking on our door asking about your abandoned car?” Satoru chimes in with a barely concealed smirk, “And how stupid do you think we are? To not know that that abandoned car was yours?”
Your eyes land on your hands in your lap and you sigh, the burden of your former life weighing heavily in your throat.
“You will banish me if I tell you,” you say, “I can’t handle it if you tell me to leave. There is nowhere for me to go.” Your words are sincere as you cave into yourself.
“Of course we wouldn't, sweetheart,” Satoru coos, coming around the table to sit next to you. He places a lithe, translucent finger under your chin and forces you to look at him. Uncertainty dances in your dark eyes but you’re unable to break the trance that he has placed you under.
“Maybe I’ll tell you later,” you mumble.
“How very mysterious of you,” Satoru teases you, patting your hair without a care in the world.
“We’re only asking so we can protect you if we need to,” Suguru offers. Heat blooms in your chest at his firm admission. Of course, they’d protect you. After all, this house is a lighthouse in the storm.
Today, you've forgotten to check if the rain continues to fall outside.
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The garden behind this castle of a house is flourishing and colorful, filled with flowers and blooms that you have never seen before. A sea of reds, pinks, blues and greens bursts in your eyes. To think, you’ve never seen the garden before. In fact, when was the last time you stepped outside?
You have not seen the sun in days, weeks, months, perhaps. But you feel the warmth of the sun whenever you lay between Satoru and Suguru.
But the breeze is refreshing against your face as it threads through your hair.
You look over the treeline, at the tallest trees that seem to pierce the stormy, grey sky. The rain has not begun for the day yet, but you suspect it will soon. It’s heavy in the air, palpable against your skin. If you reach out into the empty space, you’re certain you could collect raindrops into your hands.
A shiver trembles down your spine as the frosty air whips your face. Perhaps the rain will turn to snow soon. You always did love the snow. The silence of a fresh, bright snowfall where everything is as still as the night
Despite the approaching winter chill, the flowers in the garden are flourishing as if it’s the middle of springtime. You never really appreciated the springtime flowers in the past. But maybe because you never noticed, never took the time to smell the roses.
The tiny pond centered in the garden is as motionless as the air that chokes you with silence. Lotus flowers float mindlessly from one side of the pond to the other. You’ve never seen so many lotuses in one place before. It’s beautiful and rather ominous.
Time does not move in this patch of the forest. You’re forced to stand still along with the magic of the house, the symphony of the storm. Is it the magic of the house, or is it the vampire and the ghost who live inside the house?
Does it matter?
You sigh heavily, picking at your cuticles as you lose yourself in your thoughts. Your coat is heavy around your shoulders. Are they watching you in the windows? Wondering why you’ve left them alone in the house, why you’re sitting outside all alone?
Will they come find you? What would it take for them to come crawling to you, begging for your attention? Perhaps a deep cut on your wrist with the sharpened end of the gate surrounding the backyard, a scrape of your knees-
A whoosh of air wraps around your face in a firm caress but it’s not the wind, it’s more warm and comforting. You feel something being placed gently into your hair- a red spider lily.
You hide your smile.
The breeze feels like the curl of lithe fingers around your cheek, invisible but heavy against your skin. You sense Satoru’s touch but you still play coy, pretending like you don’t notice him pawing at your clothes. 
You can’t see him, but you can feel him. His hands pushing the collar of your coat to lick up the column of your throat. Cold breaths against your ear as his teeth graze your earlobe.
It’s playful, teasing- you can nearly hear his laughter. Until it’s not anymore, and you find yourself on your back in the grass. Staring at the stormy sky, despite the column of sunlight illuminating you.
You wonder if Suguru is watching. You hope he is.
His hands are nimble, an out of body experience, as your blouse becomes unbuttoned and tossed to the side. With a shaky breath, you try to feel for him, wanting to touch his chest or press your lips to his-
But he doesn’t allow you to, only allowing you to be at his mercy as he holds your chest in his unseen hands. You look down in interest as your own flesh is kneaded by the concealed force that is Gojo Satoru. His touch is searing, heavenly and goosebumps rise on your neck as the pressure of his hips presses against yours. Your skirt is suddenly flipped upwards in a flurry of impatience as he pulls you closer to him. To close the gap between life and the afterlife-  to tip you towards the latter.
A moan parts through the veil and settles deep in your belly as warmth bursts. You are sensitive to the plush grass against your back, against your bare thighs- your skirt has been pulled off and you lay unclothed in the garden. Like izanami herself, you lay with only the elements to witness as the unearthly being on top of you parts your knees lewdly.
He stares at your wetness as your legs part open- after all, divine intervention sits at the apex of your thighs and he wants a taste. He wants to see the great light, or whatever comes next, in your eyes as his teeth brush against your inner thighs. Satoru tastes honey once he moves your hands aside. You can’t hide from him- you can’t hide from something you cannot see. He is hungry for you, hungry to devour you, hungry for you to give in fully to him. To be absolutely and fully open to him and bare your entire soul to the deepest, dead parts of him.
Your gasps are slight, barely heard breaths as he licks you with fervor. In between your legs is Satoru, grinding into the dewy grass in time with the rise and fall of your chest. You throw your head back when Satoru pushes two translucent fingers into you, your slick coating his skin.
You smell ravishing, the pulse of your heart a song in his ears. No wonder Suguru nearly drained you dead the other day.
Satoru groans when you wrap your legs around his hips. It’s not surprising that you intuitively know exactly where he starts and ends. To your eyes, you see nothing but open space in front of you. But you feel his distorted lines pinned against you, pushing you further into the earth.
He wants to savor the image of your parted lips and half-lidded eyes, the heat on your cheeks as he strokes himself and pushes into you. The noise that leaves your throat goes straight to his cock. Do you enjoy being full like this? Stuffed full of his cock and not being able to see it? See him?
“Faster, Satoru,” you mumble, looking straight at his six eyes, “Faster-oh!”
Careful what you ask for. He grins at you wildly, pushing his chest down to yours. He could spit into your mouth if he wanted, it would be so easy to let his spit slide into your wet, warm mouth. Your body jolts with every thrust, tightening as he rubs your clit and spreads your wetness sloppily.
A pearly sheen of sweat coats your sweet skin and if you could see him now, the wolfish look in his eyes would be shining in yours. He presses down against your bottom lip with a ghostly thumb, groaning when you whimper into the open air. It’s quickly silenced when he pushes his finger into your mouth harshly as surprise melts into heat in your eyes.
Satoru can feel Suguru’s eyes on you both, laid out in the grass. He wonders if you can, too.
The slope of your neck is enticing and he must sink his teeth into you. With a breathy gasp, you shudder and clench your walls around him as you cum abruptly. He grins crookedly at you, not that you can see it. You squeeze around him like a velvety vice. Your eyes are mischievous as you roll your hips against him. The rise and fall of your chest is tantalizing- his hand moves of its own volition to wrap around your neck loosely. 
As if you are a goddess with a chain to keep you tethered to the earth, to him, you look directly into his eyes and smile.
His hips stutter as he loses rhythm before he pushes into you and stills completely. Satoru whines your name brokenly in your ear before he cums loudly and triggers you to cum once more. You feel full and heavy, sated with the feeling of his thick, gooey cum pooling and mixing with your own wetness.
His eyes widen when you let your hand graze downwards to rub yourself. You taste him on your lips; tangy and sweet. Your smile is lewd, like you’re proud of yourself for seducing him in the open garden with your bare body and honey eyes.
Your skin glistens with the dewy grass that you have claimed to be your bed as the selective sun forms a patch around your head like a halo. In truth, Satoru feels unholy in the way he looks at you, thinks about you.
He drops his head low to kiss you once more, driven by the desire to paint you with himself. To paint brushstrokes of his devotion on every inch of your skin.
It’s so simple to give in to his kiss. To dive into him without worrying about how far the jump is or how far off the cliff you’ll go. You trust that he will catch you, even if you can’t see him. 
He is still unseen to you, but your hands are flat against his taut chest as you maneuver yourself on top of him. You throw your head back as you welcome him inside, your wetness coating him like a salve.
Your hips move of their own accord and Satoru lays back to let you take control of him. You lean down to kiss him but your lips hover. As if you want to say something.
This garden of Eden will hear your secrets and here they shall die, you decide.  Nothing seems so terrible with the way he fits inside you. You want to give him your mind, body, and soul.
And with this declaration you will. You rotate your hips, coming down on him gently at a slow pace before picking up again. His hands stay idle on your hips as you finally say something-
“I killed him,” you say softly, wrapping your arms around his neck.
You can’t hear him, and you don’t need to.
“My husband. We just…it fell apart!” you pant, bouncing faster, “what was a girl to do?”
“He never loved me! Never wanted me. Never paid attention to me,” you whisper, “so I killed him. And I ran away. I just wanted to be his one and only…”
“I killed him and you found me,” you sigh breathlessly, moving an arm away to rub your clit furiously. The words have never been said out loud and the secret that remains between you and him has you squeezing around him tightly. “I wish you had been there to see it, Satoru-“
He finishes loudly, without warning and you keep rolling your hips. He pushes your hand away to replace your fingers and rubs you until you finish with him.
You fall onto his invisible chest and sigh happily. He stays unseen, running a hand over your bare back and feeling the mix of your cum and his of you both leaking out of you and onto him. Your words are the words of a lover, confessions and shy smiles bursting at the seam of your lips and into his.
It must be alright, if a gentle spring breeze caresses your back.
Satoru looks at you in awe- how frightened you must have been when you had realized what you’d done. And through all of the strife and turmoil, you still came to him.
That must be divine intervention. After all, he only planned for you to be a momentary blood bag for his lover until your inevitable decay.
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The openness of the house, the wall to wall windows, the way the breeze floats inside and coats the house in a gentle chill despite the ongoing storm outside, is comforting to you now. Rather than eerie as it was days ago. Days? Weeks? Months?
An invisible weight is lifted from your chest, one that you didn’t know even existed since you drove away in a frenzy on that cold, rainy night. The memories are almost too painful, but the newfound freedom tastes sweet on your tongue.
“Will you keep me waiting much longer, darling?” Suguru whispers, tracing your cheek with a long finger. You lean into his icy touch and he smiles at you.
Lifting the skirt of your midnight blue robe, he caresses your thigh and smacks it lightly. His grin widens when you yelp and laugh. Oh, he’ll have so much fun with you. What an excitable thing you are, completely defying any expectations he had of you only to enjoy your time in this castle.
A prison without a fence. He expects you won’t try to leave for a long, long time. Not when it took you all of the drama of a poor husband for you to leave in your prior life.
Yes, you are starting a new life, as you’ve indicated to him in the confines of his bedroom before. A new life with him and Satoru, one where you will be free. As free as the rain that falls from the sky.
Your soul is vulnerable, exposed for him to read whenever he desires. All Suguru sees is pure longing and fear. Fear that you will be abandoned once more.
It doesn’t matter. Suguru will make it so that your wishes are fulfilled forever. And once forever ends and you are nothing but an afterthought in his everlasting life, he will be sure to scatter your ashes in the lake by the house.
He will remember you fondly as the girl who killed to find a home in him. But ultimately, this story will not conclude with you in it. No matter how sweet your blood tastes or how you bat your eyelashes at him to get your way or how endearing he finds you as you list out trivial history facts from a time period he never lived in, not even how warm your pussy feels right after he cums inside you-
None of that matters, except for right now. Right now, when you reach for him with warm hands and look at him as if he is not a bloodthirsty creature, but as if he hung the moon in the sky.
“Make you wait? I’d never,” you reply with bright eyes, shifting against the cool sheets to press yourself closer to him. Your eyes flutter in pleasure when he pulls the knot of your robe loose from your waist. He pushes the robe to the side, leaving you open and exposed to him. Suguru purrs against your skin, the noise vibrating against your bare chest. He lifts his head as his eyes turn red and black veins form on his face.
He’s hungry.
Suguru lifts your wrist to his lips, pressing delicate kisses to the still bruised skin there. Most of the bruises have faded by now, anyway, with fresh ones blooming elsewhere. He remembers where each one is- your thighs, your chest, your neck… You don’t bother with covering them, not anymore. Not since you’ve fully accepted the castle in the forest as your home.
His tongue is gentle as he allows his fangs to elongate and brush against the skin of your wrist, like he is asking for permission. 
With a soft gasp, you feel his sharpened teeth pierce your skin as he messily drinks from your vein like a man starved. In truth, he has been starved over the last few decades. Starved of a sweetness like you.
In over one hundred years, he can only remember Satoru’s blood tasting so decadent. Filling him up with a sudden unquenched thirst. Suguru wants more of you- and you know it.
He lets go of your wrist, lapping any extra blood that angrily pours out of the small puncture wound with his tongue. With a comforting rub of your skin, he presses kisses down your torso, taking his time in enjoying how you squirm in his tight grasp. Your body moves in waves against his hold, moving with his push and pull.
The familiar pierce of his canines brushes against the fragile skin of your inner thigh, one of his favorite places to drink from. He says he can taste all of your feelings in that exact spot. Suguru doesn’t care about the guttural noises that rip from his throat as he drinks from you, careful to ensure that you don’t nearly faint from blood loss. Again.
Warmth blooms in your belly, uncurling like fairy wings to envelope you in comfort. But really, it’s Suguru’s touch, his mouth, how loved he makes you feel. He says he’s never had blood like yours before and you believe him. You push his head further with your free hand, encouraging him to take more from you.
But he pulls away, blood dripping from his teeth down his chin and onto his chest. You pull him on top of you for a sharp kiss, smearing your own blood on your lips. He tastes metallic with the taste of your blood down his throat. You want to devour him, to see how you taste in his eyes. You never want him to stop looking at you the way he does- as his prized possession, his favorite girl.
“There have been so many women,” Suguru coos, “Has Satoru told you? But you are the only one who stayed.” He drags lithe fingers over your chest, only to use his long nails to cut you. It’s not very deep, but you watch in wonder as ruby red blood blooms on your skin. 
He uses his thumb to paint your blood over your skin only to press his finger to your lips and wordlessly tell you to suck.
“You stayed because you love us,” he says in a honeyed voice, “Good girls should be rewarded for their loyalty.”
Suguru reaches over to his nightstand where he pulls out a silver dagger encrusted with jewels. You stare at him as he places it carefully into your hands. What does he want you to do with this?
It dawns on you when you look at the angry lines on your chest. You sit up on your haunches and smile at him, enamored that he entrusts you to this degree. 
You hold the dagger, trying to get comfortable with the feel of such a heavy metal in your hands. It’s a foreign weight, necessary for the foreign task that your lover has for you.
“Right here?” you ask quietly, your hand on his chest where you expect his heart would beat.
“Wherever you’d like, darling.”
With no hesitation, you allow the surface of the blade to pierce Suguru’s skin. Dark, burgundy droplets fall from the cut and trickle down his torso. With wide eyes, you look at him, asking him what to do. Instead, he laughs at you, curling a hand around your cheek.
“Is it not obvious?” 
He gathers the blood from the cut onto his finger and presses it to your lips once more. You swallow instantly with doe eyes- you will always take whatever he gives you. But you surprise him when you lean forward and press your lips to the blood on his torso and lick, whimpering with each swallow of his blood in your circulatory system.
“Come here, sweetheart,” Suguru says, petting your hair, “Good girl. Do you want more?”
With darkened lips and eager eyes, you nod vigorously. Wanting nothing more than to please him. He takes the dagger back from you and cuts a much deeper wound into his chest, wincing as he does so.
“There you go,” he says, throwing his head back when you latch onto him and drink his blood. It comes to you so easily. The urge to please.
Strangely enough, he tastes like ripened cherries. His moans are soft as you drink from him as you please. He owns you now, whether you realize it or not. Now that you’ve drunk his blood, he is a part of you now.
Until he decides otherwise.
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In your new home, you have created the perfect life. You are cherished and desired, not needing to hide the ugly truths about yourself to Suguru and Satoru. You see them with rosy hearts in your eyes, convinced that they have accepted you the way that they have accepted each other.
You refuse to let any seeds of doubt fester. Will they tire of you, the way your husband did? Will they say that you’re too needy, too demanding of their attention?
The words are familiar in your mind but they look at you as if they are enthralled by you. No, you are a part of them as much as they are a part of you. You try your hardest to quell your rising, unfounded fears. It’s you, not them, you convince yourself. It’s you, not them.
Suguru and Satoru are already in the library, waiting for you to join them on the barely sat-in leather couch. 
You read your book in silence, the same three paragraphs burned into your eyelids. You can’t focus, not when the two men next to you try to vye for your attention. Despite their lips on your neck and their sweet, seductive words… There is a buzzing in your head that you can’t seem to shake away. It gnaws at you and gnaws at you, even as you succumb to their touches. Even as they drape themselves over you and pull sweet sounds from your throat.
Why don’t they look at you the way they did before? Are you imagining the look of disgust in Satoru’s eyes as he undresses you? Is the boredom on Suguru’s face an unfounded figment of your imagination? 
You are desperate for them, for them to bury themselves in you and build a home inside you. For them to keep you and never let you go. With a harsh kiss and bite to their lips, you seal your fate of your own accord.
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In the thick of the frigid winter, the seasons change. It no longer downpours everyday- instead, snow covers the forest. Completely untouched and pure in a delicate, white blanket that cradles the earth.
The cold nips at your cheeks as you step outside the castle on the hill. You are dressed only in a thin black robe that rustles with the icy wind. With barren feet, you step into the snow. Hardly registering the way your blood cools with each step or how your teeth begin to shatter.
Despite the clean scent of snow in the air, you still catch the lingering scent of rain.
Loose deep red rose petals that you hold in your arms taint the pristine white snow as if they were drops of blood. The plant life still somehow thrives even in the wintry weather.
It is so quiet, with each step you take hardly making a sound. The world is still as you make your way over to the nearly frozen over darkened lake. It glitters with the pale sun, almost blinding you but you remain undeterred.
It is a chance for rebirth. Revenge. Or is it redemption?
You dip your foot in the lake first. Then, you close your eyes and surrender to the unknowing abyss with nothing more than a silent splash.
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Melted snow coats the earth you walk on when your eyes open once more. It must be days later that you breathe the dry air and emerge from the depths of the lake, your robe soaking wet and sticking to your clammy skin.
But you do not feel the cold, nor do you need to breathe air. It’s a leftover reflex from the person you were not even a full week ago.
The door to the castle on the hill is the same as the first day you saw it. When you were running away from your old life. Here you are, embracing your new one. 
You knock on the door gently. Once, then twice.
You are met with wide, surprised celestial eyes. Only offering him a grin in return.
“What did you do?” Satoru hisses, yanking you inside by your forearm. He senses the difference in you already, the darkened energy coating your bloodstream. Your heart does not beat at all and your canines have become sharpened fangs in your mirthless smile. Your hands are cold when you paw at his chest. He’s used to cold hands, but yours are unforgiving. A threat when your nails nearly pierce through his skin. 
Most of all, blood stains your skin and your teeth when you smile widely at him. Some of it is fresh, still dripping down your neck and some of it is dried along the curve of your jaw and your chest. It reminds him of a lost, wounded wolf. It’s jarring, the sweet smile he is used to is sinister and unforgiving. 
It doesn’t suit you, and yet this is what you have chosen. Your laughter is grating in his finely tuned ears, reminiscent of a curse. Is that what this is? Is that what you have become? An immortal curse?
He ignores the trepidation crawling on his skin. Satoru can’t exactly slam the door in your face, can he?
“Come, lover. Let’s find Suguru,” you say with bright eyes, “We have much to catch up on.”
“You were supposed to be nothing but a blood bag for Suguru,” Satoru seethes, “Look what you’ve done-”
“No, please, I did this for you,” you wail, tugging on his shirt, “I want this forever. Don’t you want the same? You said you did!”  Doesn’t he see you? Doesn’t he see how much you crave him? 
“Enough,” comes Suguru’s voice from behind Satoru. He looks at you, running a thumb over the blood on your skin. Then at the silent, unmoving lake.
He closes his eyes for half a second and sighs, ignoring Satoru’s very purposeful glare at his head.
“I did it for you, Suguru,” you whimper, relaxing when he gathers you in his arms and strokes your hair. He says nothing, instead raising his eyes to meet Satoru’s. Two vampires in the same forest? A newborn vampire, at that?
Suguru is tempted to stake you for your naivete, but refrains from doing so. Sheer bloodlust is what got them into this mess, after all.
“We’ll figure it out,” he says into your hair, but he means for Satoru to hear it, “Don’t you worry about a thing.”
The sun sets in brushstrokes on the world, but not on you.
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bellaveux · 1 year
hi! could you do one with wanda x reader being college best friends, and both of them being popular, but wanda is actually in love with reader and decides to tell her at one of their sleepovers? love love your writing :)
I ALWAYS HAVE | wanda maximoff x fem!reader
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pairing: wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: after a long night, wanda shows up at your apartment, carrying the heavy rain and her love for you past your doorstep.
content warnings: fluff, college!au, best friend!wanda, best friends to lovers, wanda is in looove, confessions
word count: 4.5k
note. srry for the long wait! i hope u like it n ty for requesting :)
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Life without you was something Wanda could not picture. Each time she planned out her future, you were always there right beside her. To Wanda, life without you was unimaginable, a dark and lonely existence that held no joy or meaning. She was in love with you. You were her light in the darkness, her anchor in the storm, her best friend. Though the road ahead was uncertain, Wanda knew that she would always love you, with all her heart and soul, for as long as she lived. For Wanda, the love she felt for her best friend was a force that defied description, a deep, and abiding affection that consumed her heart and soul. From the moment she met you, Wanda knew that there was something special about you—so special that she wanted to be with you for the rest of her life.
Your friendship with Wanda was a beautiful paradox—a yin and yang of personalities that complemented each other perfectly. Despite your contrasting natures, the two of you were inseparable, joined at the hip in a bond of friendship that was the envy of all who knew the two of you. Your outgoing nature and sparkling personality were the perfect foil to Wanda's natural reserve and introspective tendencies.
She was always there for you, as you were for her. As best friends, you shared everything—your dreams, your fears, your triumphs, and your failures. Wanda was a steady presence in your life, offering a listening ear and a comforting hug whenever you needed it most. Whether it was a tough exam, a broken heart, or a difficult decision, Wanda was always there to support and encourage you, regardless of what was happening, offering her wisdom and perspective born of her own experiences.
It wasn’t easy to hide how she felt for you as they only intensified after time passed, and yet, Wanda could not bring herself to tell you the truth yet, afraid of the consequences that might follow. She knew the grace danger of losing you if you didn’t return her feelings. She pictured it; the confession, drifting apart from each other, to the point where you barely talk anymore, then becoming strangers. That timeline in her head was a dreadful imagination, and she prayed for it to never happen. Though, in her mind, she’d always think about what it would be like if you were hers, how she would kiss you, how she would hold you, how she would tell you that she loved you. She loved to imagine it; being the person you loved. It would’ve been heaven. But for a long time now, she was content to love you from afar, cherishing your friendship and silently yearning for something more.
“Hey, (y/n)!” A voice called out from behind you as you gathered your books.
Natasha walked up to you and smiled. She was the embodiment of the perfect blend of athleticism, intelligence, and charm. You were one of the fortunate few who had the privilege of calling Natasha a friend and found in Natasha a confidante, someone who was always willing to listen and offer sage advice. And Natasha, for her part, cherished your steadfast loyalty and unwavering support.
You’ve always known the unwavering attraction she had always had for you since you met, and always flirted with you lightly, wanting to have the honor take you out. But as flattering as it was, you never reciprocated as you weren’t really interested in being in a relationship with Natasha.
“Tony’s having a gathering again,” she informed you with a smirk. “It’s at his new house, the one with the big backyard. Think they’re doing some kind of campfire thing and Steve’s in charge of barbecue… Wanna go with me?”
“New mansion, you mean?” You rolled your eyes, shaking your head at the sound of her sultry voice. “Also, isn’t it going to rain today, Nat? I’m not trying to be a party pooper, but barbecue in the rain doesn’t sound too inviting.”
Natasha shrugged, softly wrapping an arm around your waist, “It’s pretty sunny out, so maybe the forecast is wrong today.”
“Well, you should hope that it is,” you say, pulling away from her before she could get any closer. “I’ll be home enjoying some time to myself while you guys have your little barbecue.”
Natasha watched with a smile, shaking her head as you waved and walked away from her. She left the classroom shortly after a few seconds passed, and you made your way over to the back of the room, where your best friend sat far from you, thanks to your crazy professor’s decision to have assigned seats.
Wanda sat near the back of the lecture hall, towards the top of the seats, where she had the power to overlook everything. She was talking to someone, you noticed. Some blonde who stood by her seat, clutching her books against her chest with a slight blush on her cheeks, while Wanda stared with that cold gaze like she always did. She, the enigmatic figure of the college campus, was known for her striking beauty and effortless charisma. Everywhere she went, people seemed to be drawn to her, hoping for a chance to catch her attention. Her reputation preceded her, with stories of her charm and poise spreading like wildfire amongst the student body. However, despite her overwhelming popularity, Wanda remained steadfastly serious and uninterested in the throngs of admirers vying for her attention.
That is, until it came to you.
“Who was that?” you sang, walking up to her long after the girl left and walked away.
“No one,” she shook her head, eyes lighting up the moment you stepped into her line of sight.
Truthfully, it really was no one—no one Wanda was interested in at least. The girl did seem to like her, and it showed in her mannerisms; the way she tucked her hair behind her ear, the nervous laughter, and the rosy cheeks that donned her face as she spoke. It was all too obvious, but as always, Wanda was never interested.
But, she wished it were you who stood in her place instead.
Wanda had always been a serious and focused individual, her demeanor reflecting her dedication to her work and her determination to succeed. Yet, amidst her stoic exterior, there was a hidden softness, a tenderness that few had ever seen. And it was this tenderness that was reserved only for you, the one person who could make Wanda's serious façade crumble. Whenever Wanda was around you, her stern countenance would give way to a smile, her eyes lighting up with a warmth and affection that she rarely showed to anyone else.
“No one?” you repeated with a smirk playing at your lips. “Looked like she was in love with you.”
“In love? What are you talking about?” Wanda's smile grew wider, and she began to collect her books, nudging you slightly as she stood up.
You leaned against the edge of the desk behind you and shook your head at her, “God, Wanda… Did not you see how she was looking at you?”
“Yes, I did. In love is kind of a stretch, don’t you think?” Wanda raised her eyebrows and smirked. “Why? Are you jealous?”
“If you started dating someone, you’ll start seeing them more than me, so obviously, I am jealous,” you rolled your eyes and let a soft laugh fall past your lips.
Wanda couldn’t help but admire how pretty you looked in front of her, as you always do. Her green eyes took in every detail of your appearance, from the soft curves of your face to the graceful lines of your body. And yet, it wasn’t just your physical beauty that captivated Wanda. It was also the playful glint in your eyes as you rolled them, a subtle expression of humor and self-awareness that only served to enhance your charm.
Everyone else seemed to like you too, although, you practically chose not to notice. Your kindness and beauty were two sides of the same coin, each enhancing the other in a way that was truly breathtaking. With your radiant smile, you were a natural head-turner, drawing admiring glances from all who crossed your path. And yet, it was your innate kindness that made you truly remarkable, for you had a way of making others feel seen and valued, no matter who they were or where they came from.
God, was she in love with you.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that,” Wanda said honestly, gazing at you tenderly.
“You could literally have anyone you want, Wanda. I don't understand why you haven’t started dating anyone yet.” She watched as you brushed off her last statement as a joke and started to go on a rant about how many people liked her, “But, I’m not complaining… I’d keep you all to myself if I could.”
If only you knew how much Wanda’s heart fluttered at your last sentence.
“Are you going to Tony’s later?” she asked as you linked your arm with hers, beginning your walk out of the room.
“No, I think I’ll stay home tonight. I’ve got some studying to do anyway,” you told her. “Are you?”
“Well, Pietro’s going, and you know how he is so…”
“Yeah, okay,” you smiled. “Well, I think it’s raining later, so you might want to dress properly and bring an umbrella.”
And you were right. It did rain.
As the day wore on and the sun gradually dipped below the horizon, time seems to slip away from you like sand through your fingers. Your college classes, once a focal point of your day, now felt like a distant memory, and the sky, once bright and clear, now grew darker and more ominous with every passing moment until the clouds finally let the rain fall.
You sat by the window in your cozy apartment on a tranquil night, the soothing sound of raindrops tapping against the glass adds to the serene ambiance of your home. With a captivating book in your hand, you lose yourself in its pages, finding solace in the words that transport her to another world. The dim light from the lampposts outside casts a gentle glow, highlighting the pages of your book as you read with intense focus. The occasional flash of lightning illuminates the sky, offering a brief glimpse of the city below. The pitter-patter of the rain creates a symphony of sounds, creating a peaceful backdrop for your reading.
Yet, despite the tranquil setting, your mind raced with thoughts of your best friend and the party she had attended. A sense of curiosity and longing to know what Wanda was up to consumed your thoughts, as you began to watch the rain fall in a mesmerizing cascade. At this moment, your emotions were palpable, and your longing for connection with Wanda was almost tangible. The subdued light that filtered through the rain gave a melancholic tinge to the scene, mirroring your feelings of wistfulness and yearning.
As you glanced at the clock on your wall, you felt a sense of dismay wash over you as you saw the glowing digits read 1:42am. The late hour had crept up on you while you had been engrossed in your book, and now you realized with a tinge of regret that you had let time slip away from you once again. With a heavy sigh, you reluctantly closed the book and set it aside, feeling a sense of longing to continue reading, but also a growing awareness of the importance of rest. You began your nightly routine of getting ready for bed. You brushed your teeth with care, changed into your comfy clothes, and fluffed up your pillows.
Just as you were about to settle into bed and drift off to sleep, a notification from your phone interrupted the tranquility of the moment. It was a text message from Wanda.
can i come over?
You raised your eyebrows as you read it. While it wasn’t new for her to be sleeping over at your place, the timing of when she asked felt a little unfamiliar. Usually, she’d ask way earlier during the day, giving you time to prepare for it to do things like clean, although she never minded your mess, or buy food and snacks, renting a movie. You’d stay up late into the night, swapping stories and sharing each other’s deepest secrets. You’d talk about hopes and dreams, fears and doubts, and everything in between. Your conversations are always filled with warmth, kindness, and empathy, as you listen intently to each other's thoughts and feelings.
You sent a quick reply back as you sat on your bed, telling her that she can and not even a minute later, you heard a knock at the front door of your apartment. Had she been standing there? Waiting for your permission before she knocked? That sort of behavior was quite new, coming from Wanda. At this point, you even wondered if it was Wanda who was at your door right now, but all your questions were thrown out the window when you opened the door to see her standing before you, drenched from head to toe in the pouring rain outside. The droplets of water cascaded down her hair and clothes, leaving trails of wetness in their wake.
You let out an incredulous laugh, almost not believing your eyes, “Are you insane, Wanda? Did you walk all the way here? Can’t you see it’s pouring outside? I even told you to bring an umbrella!”
Questions followed out of your mouth as you grabbed her hand and pulled her into your apartment. Wanda couldn’t really focus on what you were saying in the moment, eyes falling down you to the hand that was intertwined with yours, feeling how perfectly they fit in her palm and wanting to soothe her thumb over your skin.
As Wanda stepped into your apartment, a sense of relief washed over her like a warm, cozy blanket. Her skin, drenched from the rain, was immediately enveloped by the comforting warmth of the room. The contrast between the cold, wet world outside and the snug sanctuary of the apartment was stark and palpable. Wanda could feel the heat radiating from the walls, radiators and the soft furnishings, creating an inviting ambiance that invited her to linger. As she stood there, basking in the toasty atmosphere, the chill from the rain slowly dissipated, leaving her feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
She took in your fragrance and smiled lightly as you pulled her all the way through, leading her into your bathroom. Much to Wanda’s disappointment, you let go of her hand and gave her a clean towel, shaking your head as you eyed her closely. You still wondered why she’d shown up so abruptly, worried that something happened that made her seek your comfort.
“You should take a warm shower before anything else,” you said. “Don’t want you to catch a cold.”
As Wanda stripped off her rain-soaked clothes, you couldn't help but notice the shivers wracking her body. Determined to provide with some much-needed comfort, you turned the shower on to let the water heat up. As Wanda stepped into the welcoming warmth of the shower, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at being able to provide with a small slice of respite from the tumultuous world outside.
You glanced down at her body for a brief moment, noticing the tiny scars she had told you about long before. She was beautiful. You’ve always thought it, and you always let Wanda know that she was, even when she felt like she wasn’t. And she truly is. Everyone on campus would agree with you.
Wanda comes out of your bathroom some time later with her hair damp, a small towel around her neck, sporting the clothes you had given her to borrow — which were practically already hers, since the two of you shared clothes quite often already. She met you in your kitchen with your back facing her as you fiddled with a mug, making tea for your unexpected guest.
“Care to explain to me why you were out in the rain this late at night?” You asked, turning towards her to pass her the mug.
Truth is, she just missed you. She spent the whole night at this party Tony threw, inviting practically half of the school. What was just a small gathering with a barbecue quickly turned into one of the largest and hectic parties known to man. Of course, it was nothing new for Tony, but she still felt out of place, especially since you weren’t there with her. And to be fair, she was getting tired of listening to Natasha talk about pursuing you and how she thought you’d have no choice but to give in if she continued to insist.
“Nothing,” she lied, sipping her tea before setting it down on the counter behind her.
You stared her down, almost as if you were trying to read her mind, “Is everything okay?”
“I said it’s nothing, (y/n).”
“Well, I don’t believe you,” you told her, the worry slowly making its way on to your face as you looked at her. “You can tell me anything, Wanda, you know that.”
Wanda remained quiet. And for a moment there, you almost wanted to cry, wondering what was eating up at her that she couldn’t even tell you. You know her. You know when something is wrong. But, you weren’t going to force it out of her. You knew that she’d tell you when she was ready, whatever it was. You just wished she’d ask for your help sooner.
“I just… I wanted to see you,” she said, staring down at her feet.
After a beat, you wasted no time walking up to her, wrapping your arms around her frame, softly pulling her into a hug. She sighed contentedly, dropping her head onto your shoulder as the air seemed to still and time stood still. The warmth of your body and the gentle pressure of your arms created a cocoon of safety and comfort that enveloped Wanda. Her heart, which had been racing with fear and uncertainty just moments before, began to slow down as she breathed in the scent of your hair. The tension in her shoulders and back melted away, and she felt herself surrender to the moment.
She hated nothing about you as much as she loved you. She loved how you smelled, how you felt against her, how soft you were. She loved everything about you.
“I’m here,” you whispered.
When you pulled your head back to look up at her, you smiled softly, one of your hands cupping the side of her face with the pad of your thumb soothing over her soft cheeks and her damp hair dripping onto your skin. You couldn't help but be drawn to the intense gaze that met yours. Wanda's green eyes seemed to be filled with a deep and pure love, one that you had never experienced before. The way Wanda looked at you was both tender and vulnerable, as if she was entrusting all of her heart to your care. And yet, there was also a hint of sadness in her expression, a small pout that seemed to suggest she wished the moment would last forever.
“Wanda?” You said softly, eyebrows turning up in concern as she moved her arms over to wrap them around your waist.
And for a moment, it was quiet. All Wanda did was stare with that same expression, silently wishing she could keep you in her arms forever.
But then, Wanda's eyes seemed to shimmer with a newfound intensity as they darted down towards your lips. The way your full, plush mouth parted slightly as you embraced only served to intensify Wanda's desire to kiss you. The sudden rush of desire stirred within her, a longing to taste those lips and feel the warmth of you in an entirely different way. Wanda's heart raced as she tried to compose herself, but the yearning inside of her was too strong. Her mind was filled with thoughts of what it would be like to kiss you, to explore the depths of your soft and inviting mouth.
And in that moment, Wanda decided to follow her heart's desire. With a quick and impulsive movement, she leaned in and pressed her lips to yours, surprising you with the suddenness of the action.
As Wanda's lips met yours in a soft, gentle kiss, she felt a yearning deep within her finally fulfilled. For so long, she had kept her feelings for her best friend locked away, afraid of what might happen if she dared to act on them. But now, as she tasted your sweetness, all of her fears and doubts melted away. Wanda savored the sensation of your lips moving against hers, the warmth of your breath mingling with her own. She was struck by how perfectly they fit together, like two puzzle pieces finally coming together to form a complete picture. The softness of your lips against hers was a revelation, a culmination of the yearning that had built inside her for so long. Wanda's body tingled with electricity as she pressed closer to you.
You pulled away softly for a breath of air, and Wanda chased your lips with hers, kissing you softly once again. You hummed and sighed against her lips, and it sent shivers down her spine, only for her to want more and more—to turn your breathing into pretty moans. God, you tasted so good. So soft. So perfect.
And when you pulled away again, Wanda wanted to start over and kiss you, over and over.
“Wanda,” you breathed, her forehead pressed against yours with your hands on her shoulders.
Panic suddenly began to rise in Wanda’s chest as you said her name. Was this a mistake? Did she just ruin everything she had between you two? Questions filled her brain left and right as she watched you closely.
You kept your hands on her as did she, keeping you close as if you’d slip away from her if she wasn’t careful. She was scared. She was scared of what you might say. Scared of you turning her down. She wanted to say it first, before you said anything else.
“Please don’t push me away,” she whispered, staring down at your lips instead of your eyes. “I love you.”
Your eyes only widened as you listened to her, and Wanda silently thanked you for not moving away yet.
“Please say something,” Wanda pleaded.
You let the seconds go by without saying a word and Wanda almost wanted to run away, to never be seen again, that is until you finally spoke, “Say it again.”
Wanda stared at you for a moment, wondering what was going inside that pretty head of yours. She looked into your eyes and noticed you were looking down at her lips this time, and Wanda couldn’t help but curve her lips into a soft, tender smile.
“I love you, (y/n),” she said earnestly. “I love you… I always have.”
As you listened to Wanda's words of affection, a gentle warmth spread throughout your being, suffusing every inch of your body with a sense of peace and contentment. The soft timbre of Wanda's voice, infused with love and sincerity, seemed to fill the room, permeating every corner and crevice with its gentle resonance. You felt a sense of belonging wash over yourself, as though you had found your place in the world, and all was right with the universe. In that moment, the worries and anxieties that had plagued your heart seemed to evaporate, replaced by a serene sense of joy and fulfillment.
Wanda’s eyes fluttered closed, sighing when she felt your hands run through her slightly damp hair. Your fingertips pressed into her scalp softly.
“Why haven’t you told me earlier?” You asked, voice soft and soothing as Wanda dropped her head down to your shoulder once more.
“I was scared. I was scared you wouldn’t feel the same way,” she confessed, savoring the feeling of you in her arms. “I still am.”
Wanda's heart was pounding in her chest as she stood there, waiting for your response to her heartfelt confession of love. The air felt thick with tension and uncertainty as she anxiously waited for your reaction. Wanda's mind raced with thoughts of doubt and fear, wondering if she had made a mistake in revealing her true feelings. She was scared that you didn't feel the same way, and the thought of rejection filled her with another deep sense of sadness and longing.
“Well, you shouldn’t be,” you whispered into her hair.
With those words, Wanda pulled her head back up immediately, her green eyes locking with yours as she searched for any sign of rejection. There was none.
“What?” She breathed out, almost unable to believe what she had just heard.
“I love you, Wanda.”
Wanda's heart fluttered as your words echoed in her mind. Shocked but elated, Wanda felt as though her entire world had suddenly lit up with an indescribable warmth. It was a moment she had longed for, yearned for, and now that it was finally here, she could hardly believe it. As she gazed into your eyes, she felt a sense of completeness, as though everything in her life had fallen into place. The shock of the moment slowly melted away, replaced by an overwhelming feeling of happiness that filled her to the brim.
“You really do?” Wanda brought her hands up to cup both of your cheeks in her hands, watching that lovely smile she loved so much creeping its way onto your face.
“I always have,” you repeated her words as you looked up at her, and Wanda couldn’t help but smile back.
As Wanda gazed into your deep eyes, her heart swelled with a joy so pure and intense that it felt like it might burst out of her chest. When you finally whispered those three words that Wanda had been longing to hear, Wanda felt as if all of the colors of the world had suddenly come to life. Without a moment's hesitation, she leaned in and pressed her soft lips to yours one again, savoring the sweet taste of your mouth and the gentle warmth of your embrace. It was a moment that Wanda knew she would remember for the rest of her life—a moment of perfect bliss, of love and acceptance, of two souls coming together as one. And as you pulled away from each other, still lost in each other's gaze, Wanda knew that nothing could ever come between them—for her love was too strong, too deep, and too beautiful to ever be broken.
She would make sure to keep you all to herself this time, not giving you a chance to slip away from her. She loved you forever, and Wanda planned to be with you forever.
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annwrites · 1 month
because i’m coming with you.
— pairing: billy hargrove x fem!reader
— type: ficlet
— summary: billy finds you on the side of the road in the middle of the night & you run away together
— tags: billy finally is nice to you & a bit protective
— tw: domestic violence, stealing, mention of a gun
— word count: 1,720
— a/n: me mentally: and you said, "hey, do you wanna see the west with me?" !!!
find my other posts concerning billy, here
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It’s eleven thirty-two and Billy is driving around Hawkins aimlessly. He’d had another blow-up with his dad, which had ended with the prick threatening to kick him out, and Billy storming out to his car, tearing out of the driveway, eager to get away to cool down before he did something that’d finally land him in prison.
He’d entertained violent fantasies for two hours afterward of the things he wanted to do to the man. Maybe he’d just set the house ablaze with all three of them inside instead, and finally be rid of his ‘family’, while simultaneously collecting their life insurances. 
Bon Jovi plays quietly on the radio as he comes upon a slim feminine figure walking the side of the road just up ahead, his headlights illuminating her tight backside, which is clad in a pair of jean cutoffs. 
“Oh, here we go,” he mutters to himself.
He slows the car once he's next to her, noticing she has a backpack on, another bag slung across her middle. Hitchhiker, maybe?
He reaches across the cabin, quickly rolling down the passenger side window. “You need a ride, honey?”
When she looks at him, his heart and stomach both drop.
It was you.
And you were trembling. Both of your eyes blackened, lip busted, and blood all over the front of your shirt.
You turn to head in the other direction, then, and he swings his car over onto the shoulder, quickly stepping out, not even bothering with shutting it off or closing his door as he jogs toward you. “Hey, wait.”
He steps in front of you and you go to turn back around again, until he grabs your face between the fingers of his right hand, while his left comes to wrap around the crown of your left shoulder. He stares down at you, eyes full of both worry and rage. “Who did this to you?”
You blink up at him, tears slipping down your bruised cheeks.
“Y/N, who did this? I’ll fuckin’ kill him.”
Your brows furrow in confusion. Why would he care? Shouldn’t he be making some snide comment about you right now instead?
A beat of silence, and then you make a decision in refusing to protect him any longer. “My dad. It’s him. It’s always him,” you say and begin to quietly sob, hanging your head.
He drops his arms back down to his sides. His jaw flexes and unflexes, his hands doing the same. Those violent fantasies from earlier return to him again, but a faceless man who shares your last name now the subject of them.
All is quiet for a moment, the quiet purr of the Camaro’s engine, your soft crying, and crickets filling the humid night air. 
“Why do you have bags?”
“I’m leaving Hawkins,” you reply quietly. “Indiana as a whole. I can’t stay here anymore. He…he said this time—me making him angry—it’d be the last.”
He feels murderous. He’s done this to you before.
He’d never seen bruises on you at school. He must be like his dad, then. Only leaving them where they can’t be easily spotted. 
“And where do you think you’re going to go?”
You shrug. “West. I want to get as far away from him as possible. I ha-have to,” you stutter.
He considers what you’ve said for a moment—your chosen place of destination, then speaks. “Get in the car.”
You look up at him with a scowl. “I’m not going back there.”
“I didn’t say you were.”
You cross your arms. “I’m not going to the police, either. They’re useless. They won’t do anything but make it worse. Just leave me the fuck alone.”
You turn to walk away, until he grabs you gently by the upper arm, turning you back to him. “Did I say anything about the fucking cops?”
Your brows furrow. “What’re you-”
“Are you stupid, or something? What were you thinking, walking the road all alone at night like this? Do you have any idea what could happen to you if the wrong person found you?”
You had thought about it, but had been in a bad enough head-space that you hadn’t entirely cared.
He sighs, letting go of you then. “Get in the car.”
“Because I’m coming with you.”
You look up at him in shock and surprise. “What?”
He crosses his arms, leather jacket now tight against his back. “My dad…he’s like yours. He drove my mom away. So now I have to live with him, my dumbass of a step-sister, and cowardly step-mom in this suck-ass town that I never chose to move to in the first place. I want to go back to California—have since day-one. You want to go west and so do I. So, we might as well go together. At least you’ll be safe if you’re with me.”
You take in all he’s told you. He knows what it is to be abused, too. You wonder if that’s why he is the way he is, then. 
“Will I be—safe with you?”
He rolls his eyes skyward, then lowers his chin, looking down at you. “Yes.”
You walk back to his car then and he pops the trunk, taking your bags from you, throwing them in. 
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Billy switches off the car’s headlights as he creeps closer to his house, so as not to be seen. You remain silent beside him, only occasionally sniffling. 
He parks on the curb across the way and turns the vehicle off. He turns to you. “Stay here and stay quiet. Understand?”
You nod your head and he exits the Camaro.
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Once Billy has the front door unlocked, he quietly turns the handle, softly shutting the door behind him. 
He first goes to his room, pulling a duffel bag from his closet and stuffing clothing, shoes, and his most valued possessions inside—including a photo of him and his mom from when he was eight. He tucks a couple blankets under his arms, as well as a pillow under the other, and sets them by the front door. 
He next sneaks into his dad and step-mom's room, opening the door just a crack, peeking in before stepping inside. Heart pounding, he first opens their closet doors, looking at the sleeping pair of them in bed behind him for a moment, ensuring they remain asleep as he turns back, pulling down a strong box from the top shelf. He doesn’t bother trying to jimmy it open right now. He decides to take the whole damn thing and deal with the lock later. He does the same with Susan's jewelry box. He doesn’t try sifting through it, sorting the worthless costume jewelry from the real-deal. 
Finally, he comes over to his dad’s beside table and grips the small knob of the top drawer, then freezes, staring at him as he stops snoring, then quickly starts back up again, turning onto his other side, away from Billy. 
He opens the drawer and retrieves his .45, along with the box of ammo beside it, and shuts it again, tucking the pistol into the waistband of his jeans, adjusting his jacket over-top of it before gathering the things he’s stolen and exiting their room. 
He doesn’t bother with Max, knowing she has nothing of use for either of you, and he shoves the jewelry box into what little space is left inside his duffel bag.
He struggles to get the front door back closed with his arms full, but manages, jogging over to the car, where you sit waiting, watching him with wide eyes. You reach over, popping the trunk and he nods at you before making his way to the rear of the car, dumping his things inside and shutting it quietly, throwing a pillow and blanket into the backseat through an open window. 
Once he’s back in the driver’s seat, he reaches over, opening the glove-box and stuffing the gun inside, closing it.
You look at him, now frightened. “Billy, why do you have a gun?”
He looks at you. “Don’t worry, it’s mine.” He lies.
You just lean back against the seat behind you, buckling yourself in.
The engine roars to life and you watch as his house disappears in the rearview as he turns a corner, his street now behind you. Soon enough, Hawkins as a whole.
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It’s perhaps an hour later before either of you bother speaking again.
Not even music plays on the radio to break the tense silence that envelops you. 
“Are you sure about this?” You ask quietly, voice full of fear and doubt.
“Never been more sure about anything.”
You shake your head. “No. I mean…not the running away, but doing it with me.”
He glances to you, and you finally realize you’ve never seen him this serious before. No jokes, no cocky looks or obnoxious behavior. It’s like he’s a different person altogether. He looks back to the road. “What would you rather I do? Dump you back on the side of the road and tell you good luck with not getting kidnapped?”
“I’m not your responsibility.”
He sighs, shifting gears. “Can we just not make this into a ‘thing’ right now? Please. I already have enough on my damn mind.”
You’re quiet again. Then, “Should we stop somewhere and get some sleep?”
He shakes his head, never bothering with turning his eyes away from the road. “I need to put as many miles between us and our folks as possible before tomorrow morning when they eventually call the cops to come looking for us.” He glances in his rear-view, then back to the road. “I threw a blanket and pillow in the backseat. You can lie down back there if you’re tired and want to get some rest.”
“You’re…you’re sure you'll be okay to keep driving?”
He nods. “I’m sure. Just get some rest.”
You don’t argue further. You're struggling to keep your eyes open as it is—the adrenaline now having worn off.
You crawl between your seats, until you’re in the back. You lie your head down on the pillow provided, which smells of him—Old Spice and cigarette smoke and something else you can’t put your finger on—and let the rumble of the engine as he switches gears lull you to sleep.
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lovelytsunoda · 5 months
don't go breaking my heart // lance stroll
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soft moments stolen between wedding and reception
weddings are joyous and festive, but can be stressful for introverts like lance and his wife. so when they were able to steal some moments with each other in the peace of his aston martin between the ceremony and the venue, they know these are the moments they will treasure the most from that day.
pairing: lance stroll x newlywed reader
warnings: just fluff, a minor minor allusion to sex.
author's note: i have no idea why i have written so many wedding things for this man, but i think it's because he is the raw definition of husband material. thank you and good night lmao.
“don’t go breaking my heart…I couldn’t if I tried”
elton john and kiki dee crooned over the speakers as lances aston martin drove through the quebec countryside. it was a quiet night, stars high in the sky as he ran his thumb over his wife’s thigh.
“I love you.” he hummed, daring to look over at the love of his life as he took a corner too fast. “my darling darling wife.”
she smiled, meeting his gaze. “eyes on the road, handsome. you’ve got the rest of your life to stare at me. I love you too.”
the wedding had felt like a blur, maybe because of how wired they both felt. it should have been a smaller ceremony, in all hindsight considered.
it was an odd thing: you want to celebrate your love around all these people, but then the day arrives and suddenly you feel anxious at letting them see you pledge your heart to another.
lance and y/n had always been the quiet, soft couple. the one evoking ‘awe’s and heart eyes from the groups around them. they knew each other like the backs of their hands, better than any track map or textbook.
“enjoy the quiet while it lasts.” she hummed, nimble fingers gently easing the pins for her white lace veil out of her hair. “is it bad that I’m dreading my own reception?”
lance laughed. "nope. because i am, too. i know it's all about us and all that, but i hate being the center of attention. i would have rather had a dinner party."
she snorted. "technically this is really just a rather large dinner party."
"i mean, there's food and wine, you picked a damn good throwback playlist. dinner party." lance shrugged, taking his foot off the gas, headlights illuminating the empty road ahead.
lance had decided to take the scenic route, savoring this moment alone, this little bit of calm before the storm. before the party, the noise, the people.
just him and his wife, falling a little bit more in love with each other every day.
"if scotty throws his back out dancing to 'suicide blonde', i'm not fucking helping." y/n laughed, reaching for the stereo to flip to the offending inxs song. "i still cannot believe that this song was about kylie fucking minogue."
"there's a reason we invested in the mocktail bar."
"you know most of the guys have flasks hidden in their suit jackets, right?"
she would have preferred something low key, but her family had wanted the big party. it wasn't all bad. she got to pick the food (pasta bar, anybody?), the drinks, the decorations, the music. she'd made a throwback playlist of all her favorite happy songs, all the ones that made her feel alive, giddy and in love, ranging from inxs to def leppard to kesha.
she'd waited twenty-five years for this moment, so why was she suddenly getting this bad feeling about going to the party that followed?
the event venue slowly came into view over the distance, the white brick building with it's pillars and vintage charm, the walkway to the door lit up with fairy lights. the small parking lot was already almost full, the rest of the guests waiting inside for the happy couple. lance parked his car furthest from the door, but kept the engine running.
he took her hand, running his thumb over her knuckles. "we can turn around and drive away." he was dead serious when he looked over at her. "i'm serious, we can run and go get burgers and milkshakes and see a movie and then go back to the hotel and not sleep a minute because we are too busy having the goofiest, most romantic sex of our lives. i just want you to be comfortable."
"i know. and that's why i love you so much, lance." she sighed, a smile blooming on her face. "but our friends are in there. our parents are in there. hell, your dad is probably trying to sell my dad on buying a time share villa in biarritz."
lance laughed, leaning over the center console to kiss her forehead. "whenever you want to leave, you just tell me. if you need a minute to yourself, just shoot me a text message and i'll come and find you. or don't, if you just want a walk in total solitude. i'll probably need one of those at some point, too."
"i knew there was a reason i married you." she joked, tilting her head up to press her lips to his. "i love you to the moon and back, lance."
"you wanna go inside?"
"we might as well."
lance took his seatbelt off, shutting off the car and sliding out of the driver's door. her dramatically slid across the hood, earning a laugh from his wife as he skipped towards her door, opening it for her before extending a hand for her to take.
"beautiful girl, love of my life, may i help you out of this shockingly low car?"
she laughed, slipping one of her hands into his warm one. "yes, my beautiful husband. yes, you may."
she stepped out of the car, the hem of her white silk dress dusting the gravel in the parking lot. a breeze ran through the area, making the hair on the backs of her arms stand up.
"love, you're shivering." lance said softly, slipping out of his suit jacket and draping it over her shoulders, pressing a kiss to her forehead as she put her arms through the sleeves, wrapping her arms fully around her husband. "i love you."
"i love you, too." she took a minute to stand there, her nose in his dress shirt, breathing in his cologne. bath and body works, today. she liked that. something playful and romantic instead of the heavy, stinging designer scents he usually wore.
"we should go inside." he whispered, their bodies swaying together in the silence, her skin warm against his.
"or we could stay out here just a little longer."
and who was he to argue with that?
"you get five more minutes. i'm starting to get hungry and the pasta bar has my name written all over it."
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@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @cartierre @diorleclerc @httpiastri @silverstonesainz @lorarri @twinkodium
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papergirllife · 1 year
Johnny Suh
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(aged up) Alpha Johnny x Omega Reader
Falling for an older man is still considered acceptable in today’s society, but falling for someone who’s taken, by your own mother even, is never the cliche stories you commonly hear. You thought your little crush for your mother’s fiance was going to go away naturally, that they’ll get married and break your heart to pieces and you’d be able to move on, what you hadn’t expected was for them to break up and it was partially your fault. And when he moved away, you’d thought you'd never see him again, but your job brings you back to that sweet cinnamon scented alpha once again.
warnings: aboverse, daddy kink, breeding kink, overstimulation, unprotected sex, heats, ruts, knotting, minor angst, the mother in this story is a narcissist, absent father, fainting (briefly).
wordcount: 11.4k
a/n: so i’m back, but not entirely, mental health is still bad, but um, really wanted to write this, so if this flops i’ll be deleting this and rewriting the story to fit someone else lol, okay, bye, enjoy the story. and this is based on the song cinnamon girl by lana del rey.
Growing up, there’s one thing about your life that has been a constant and that is uncertainty, all your life, instead of having a pair of parents that diligently try their best to pave a smooth road for your life ahead like most parents, they had chose to lay out eggshells instead, their behaviour had manifested a constant spike in your heartbeat whenever you make a mistake in life, similarly to the feeling of prickling your bare feet by accidentally stepping onto a cracked eggshell on the floor, that’s how you’ve always felt ever since you were a child, every step you take, a pinch here and there that’s bound to push you over the edge one day, and that day came sooner and far more unexpected than a thunderstorm.
That thunderstorm had costed your mother’s marriage, and she never fails to remind you, how your attempt of ending your life had driven your bipolar father to the brink of his sanity, blaming your mother for her inadequacy of being a parent while he excused himself so easily just because he has ‘longer hours’ in the office.
Your father didn’t even try to fight for parental rights, he merely signed you away to your miserable mother, and that broke something inside her.
She begins taking more care in her appearance and goes out of her way to meet new people, particularly alpha men, she was particular with traditional first gender stereotypes, it didn’t really bother you, the rancid scent of some alphas could be avoided as long as you were in your room. 
Since you were growing into late teen hood, she only gives you the necessities, basic interactions, things weren’t getting better, but they weren’t getting worse, to you, that’s considered a win.
Things were looking bleak until your mom engaged an alpha with honey in his eyes.
Johnny Suh, a young man your mother had picked up from one of the many parties she had attended on behalf of work, a client of her company apparently, he lasted the longest compared to all the others, you thought he’d stay forever and become an addition to your broken family, until another storm brews right in front of your eyes. 
That day you had been sick, your mother had to rush back from a date to take you to the clinic, Johnny, being the gentleman he is, accompanies her with you, you still remember that day as clear as crystal. 
The nurse had complimented how pretty you were, and that you take after your mother, to which she was delighted of course, gushing that she gave you all the good genes, no one but this nurse thinks the two of you look alike, you have always shared more similarities with your asshole father, not enough to make you feel sickening to look in the mirror, but just enough to remind you that you’d always be associated to that asshole.
After a thorough consultation, the doctor says that you had a bad reaction to the new heat suppressants your mother had switched to for a lower price. 
“You better not fail your next driving test the next time around, or else you wouldn’t be able to get yourself to the clinic for heaven’s sake, and why are you always so sensitive to medicine? Can’t you be normal for once? Why do you have to be a freak?” your mother rambled all the way to Johnny’s car.
You had kept your silence, you weren’t feeling well anyways, you don’t have any energy left to argue with her, but instead, someone speaks up for you.
“Hey, why are you so harsh on her?” Johnny asks, at first he dismissed your mother’s odd alter ego towards you as a culture difference, since his own parents have migrated to the states so many years, he had always been told parents elsewhere are harsher towards their kids, but this feels like a personal insult towards you, and he might be 10 years younger than your mother, but not to the point of having such different views on how to children should be treated.
“She’s always been such a handful, all my friends’ daughters are so much more mature than her, they help clean the house, cook, always have good grades, not a burden like you are!” your mother emphasises on the last part by craning her neck to look at you with her hideous eyes, she’s not ugly at all, maybe average if you’re being mean, but she is horrid in your eyes, which is why you never understood why Johnny, a successful man at the ripe age of 28 would ever settle for a single mother omega with the worst mood swings ever.
“Why are you speaking to your daughter like this? She’s your own flesh and blood, you never told me there was such a huge riff between the two of you,” Johnny says, exasperated, oh there’s so much he doesn’t know, this is merely the surface.
She mumbles something under her breath that you didn’t quite catch, not that you bother to listen, you just want to lock yourself up in the safety of your room.
After a week from that day, your mother comes home with a slam of the door as tears stream down her face.
“This is all your fault!” she screams with a weak shove of your shoulder before she, surprisingly, retreats to her room. Later you find out why, because of the absence of the 6 foot tall handsome man who hasn’t dropped by for dinner for days now.
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You thought you’d never see him again until you see his car waiting for you one day after you finish your college entrance examination.
“Johnny?” you call out, the handsome man has grown out his hair now, a beautiful lock falls right above his right brow, giving him an even more mature look, you’d always thought he was baby faced for a 28 year old man, but now he finally looks his age, guess this what people call a ‘break up glow up’.
“Hey, just thought I’d drop by to say congratulations, and maybe buy you a meal, you must’ve worked really hard these past few months,” Johnny offers, and who are you to reject him when you’re sick of having the same food your mom cooks. 
“Did you get back with my mother?” you ask when you settle down in a fancy restaurant, your uniform looks cheap against the pretty red velvet walls, you note, even the waiters had judged when you walked in.
��Is your mother here?” Johnny asks, looking up from the menu, seemingly having decided what he’s having because he’s flagging down a waiter.
Johnny orders for the both of you, you had only mentioned that you’ll probably try the pasta you want once, and he never asked you to repeat yourself nor asked you to state your order to the waiter yourself, but he waits to see if he got it right, or if you’d like to order more, to which you quickly shook your head no, scared that he just might order more. Now you know why your mother was so heartbroken, you’d cry if you lose an alpha this attentive too.
You always had an odd sense of comfort when Johnny’s around, his scent was never overbearing, he has never once bossed you or your mother around just because he’s an alpha, he has been so respectful towards you, unlike some of the creepy alphas your mother brought back.
Just being in his presence again simmers down your post exam anxiety and general anxiety, you didn’t know Johnny's departure had such an impact on you until seeing him again today, it’s like your omega feels at home again.
The two of you talked with a newfound freedom, away from your mother’s watchful eyes. She never likes it when her boyfriends give you more attention, she’s always seen you as her competition.
Johnny asks about your ideas on how your future might look while he updates you on how he took the leap to establish his own company with the support of his best friends that you heard him speak about to your mother.
But everything good comes to an end, and yours come in the form of your lunch with Johnny ending, but the big blow is what he tells you right after reaching your neighbourhood.
“My new office is in Seoul, I’ll be moving tomorrow,” Johnny suddenly confesses.
“What? You’re leaving? Again?” you ask, a lump building in your throat.
Johnny winces at the wording, he thinks you know the relationship was toxic, how he lets your mother have her way in everything, but you’re just 18, a young girl who’s hurt time after time.
“I’m sorry, this company…has been my dream, and your mother and I, we’d never get back together, I don’t think we were ever compatible, I only stayed because…, nevermind, here, this is for you,” Johnny says, opening the glove box in front of you, passing you a little cardholder wallet.
“My business card is there, it has my office address as well as  my number, personal and office, there’s also some gift cards there, Jo Malone, Sephora, I know you love perfumes and make up, get yourself something nice, a small gift from me,” Johnny says.
You don’t know when you started tearing up, but you felt Johnny use the expensive material of his sleeve to wipe away your salty tears.
“It’s going to be okay, just one more year, and you’d be able to move away from your mother, one more year and you won’t be binded to her legally anymore,” Johnny reassures, but that’s not what you’re sad for, you’re sad that Johnny’s leaving again, and so far away from Busan too, there’s no way you’d be able to leave the state without your mother knowing.
“Does that mean I could come find you in a year’s time?” you sputter out, the words taste bitter on your tongue.
Johnny freezes in his spot, the feeling of being on the borderline, he’s an adult, and an alpha more so, it’s not appropriate for an omega this young to be staying with him, yes you’re legal in terms of age, but it feels wrong still, but Johnny looks at you, he really looks at you this time, and he realises how you’ve grown into a beautiful young woman, even with tear streaks and a sour pear scent that makes him miss the soft sweet scent of pears in spring, he still thinks you’re absolutely ethereal in every way.
“Okay, I’ll see you in a year’s time if you don’t change your mind,” Johnny says as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, he can’t have your pretty locks soaked in your own tears, seeing you cry and being the reason of your sadness already has his alpha howling in protest.
“Really?” you ask him once more, thinking you heard him wrongly, that your delusional mind had made things up for you.
“Yes, I promise.”
There’s so many things you want to say to him, but it’s better to keep it to yourself, you’ll just hurt yourself if you don’t.
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So many things have changed since that fateful day, you no longer stay with your mother, instead, you’re staying with your rich best friend who has an apartment all to herself after her ex moved out.
You barely talk to your mother these days, merely giving an update or two for her every few weeks, at first she was ballistic when you said you were going to move out, but when you told her that Hyuna wasn’t charging you rent, she was ecstatic to help you move out of her humble abode. 
You haven’t thought of looking for Johnny until you realise the modelling agency you’re working for expanded, and so now they’re planning on taking on bigger jobs by moving their HQ to Seoul, which means you need to pack up and find a place in a city you barely know.
“Still looking for somewhere to stay?” Hyuna asks, bringing over a mug of wine for you, she’s always been a day drinker, a habit she’s passed on to you.
“Yup,” you say after taking a sip, just what you needed, “thanks for this, it’ll be perfect for my nap when it hits,” you joke truthfully.
“You’re still having issues sleeping?” Hyuna asks, her brows furrowed in worry.
“It’s been a long time now, don’t act all surprised, it’s not going to go away,” you say, deciding to shut your laptop after bookmarking a few places, still a bit over budget, but maybe if you took on more jobs, you’d be able to make ends meet, and maybe no more indulging yourself in expensive food and groceries like you do now, hopefully you’d still have enough for the heating when days get colder.
“The cinnamon candles don’t work?” Hyuna asks, looking at the direction of your room, probably trying to catch a whiff of how strong the scent is.
“It helps, but it takes me forever to fall asleep, but at least I can sleep,” you say, recalling the gruelling times when you couldn’t sleep at all.
“If it’s this bad, it means what you had for him is more than a mere crush-
“He didn’t even say anything, it’s just me, Hyuna, stop giving me false hope, he only cared for me out of pity, we wouldn’t even have met if it wasn’t for my mom,” you defend yourself, it’s true, if he felt the same, he’d speak up, maybe called you or something, your mother probably gave him your number before, Johnny’s a straightforward man.
“Maybe he wasn’t sure of how he feels, how do you know he’s not suffering just like you are if you’re not willing to even give him a call, maybe you could stay with him for a few months before you secure your own place, just to confirm if what you’re feeling is truly just a fickle crush, please,” Hyuna pleads.
“I’ll think about it after my nap,” you say dismissively, leaving your bestie in the living room, she’s going to miss your stubborn ass when you’re gone, but you’ll probably be in better hands if you’re nearer to Johnny.
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You don’t know how’d you get here, at Johnny’s doorstep of his big ass house in Gangnam, standing in between two expensive cars.
You had taken up Hyuna’s advice to contact your ‘almost stepfather’. 
When you called him, he was surprised to say the least, he hadn't heard from you for three years, he thought you had moved on in life, leaving him as merely a closed chapter.
The phone call had been brief, just a quick congratulations and brief updates before Johnny had to dash off to attend a meeting.
Needless to say, Johnny has been excited for your arrival, he hasn’t stopped wondering how you were since the day he left Busan, he doesn’t know if it’s because he’s missed caring for you while he was with your mother, but ever since that day, he’s had this emptiness in his chest, and just by knowing he’s seeing you soon has relieved this sense of emptiness that was once a hole in his chest.
You finally plucked up the courage to ring the doorbell, quickly stepping aside when you caught whiff of the familiar scent of cinnamon. 
Before you know it, you’re being greeted by the familiar alpha, he’s buffed up since the last time you’ve seen, time isn’t an issue for Johnny when he ages like fine wine.
“Hey, come on in,” Johnny says after getting over the initial shock of how much you’ve grown, instead of the little girl that her mother picks fights with, now the little girl standing before him has grown into a beautiful young lady.
Johnny has a new problem now that the emptiness is gone, and it comes in the form of that emptiness being overfilled.
Your scent, it’s different from how he remembered it to be, yes it’s still has the major notes of pear, but he remembers picking it up notes of your mother’s rose scent, which isn’t surprising since sometimes a mother’s scent lingers onto their children, especially if they’re both omegas, but now that you haven’t lived with your mother for so long, he realised that the scent lingered due to proximity, not biology, and it has him reeling.
He thought his desire to care for you is due to the fact that he once had love for your mother, but now that he’s living with you, he realises that the scent of ripe pears was also lingering on your mother just as her scent lingered on you, and now he’s questioning whether he was initially attracted to your mother because of her own scent or the soft but empowering scent of pears.
“Yes?” Fuck, he should stop having these stupid questions filling his mind, he isn’t attracted to you, maybe he should get laid soon, maybe it’s purely an instinct thing.
“I was asking you if you could turn up the heating a bit? My body isn’t as warm as an alpha’s” you remind him, but just then a sweater on the sofa catches your attention, “Oh wait, I could just borrow this, you don’t mind right? If not I’ll head up to unpack,” you say, to which Johnny nods, he forgot to even ask you if you wanted to eat anything after your long journey.
The sight of you drowning in his clothes, god, you’re going to be the death of him.
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A few days later, after having gotten used to your new living environment, and adjusted to your newfound proper sleeping schedule, to Hyuna’s happiness and her constant ‘I told you sos’, you decided to cook Johnny dinner as the many forms of 'thank yous’ you’ll be giving him.
You decided to cook him a simple pasta to start off, deciding to make your own pesto sauce from scratch, which is why the two of you are spending your Sunday morning at a supermarket, browsing through the many aisles after deciding to splurge on a block of aged parmesan cheese.
You walk towards a pile of fresh basil, but frown when you see the ‘organic’ tag, these are always unnecessarily expensive, so you put the pack of basil down even though the organic ones look a lot fresher.
“Why are you putting them down? They’re a lot fresher than the brand you’re looking at now,” Johnny says before picking up the basil you had discarded.
“Oh, just thought those were a bit too pricey,” you say offhandedly. 
“I’m paying, no worries, you don’t have to fret over these miniscule things when you’re with me,” Johnny says with a comforting pat on your head, god, if only he knows what those words do to you, you think to yourself before willing your emotions to be stable, he can’t pick up the spike in your scent, or he’d think you’re a freak.
“But I’m buying today, remember?” you say reminding Johnny of your promise of thanking him for his generosity of letting you stay in his home.
“You said you’d cook as a form of thank you, not buying the groceries and cook,” Johnny says before he places the pack of basil in the cart, “you don’t have to worry about price tags when you’re with me,” Johnny promises before walking ahead, looking back to see you following him with a huff, not used to walking about with someone with such long legs.
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“Johnny? Where’s the blender you used this morning for your breakfast shake?” you ask, looking around the expanse of his large kitchen.
“It’s in the third upper shelf from the left,” he says from the couch, apparently he’s checking his emails despite saying he ended work at 6 not too long ago.
You shout out a quick thank you before you follow his directions, opening the cabinet door, you’re quick to recognise the device, standing on your tippy toes to retrieve the blender, you’re surprised by how heavy it is, and when you felt a slight wobble, you suddenly felt a warmth body pressed up behind you as sturdy hands came up to hold onto the blender supporting your smaller hand.
“Careful, this thing’s heavy at the top too, I don’t know why the cover’s so thick,” Johnny jokes as he pulls away with the blender in hand, immediately setting it up for you to use.
“Thanks, Johnny,” you say, glad that he was there, or you’d be cleaning up broken glass now.
“No problem, let me know if you need anything else from the upper cabinets,” Johnny says, smiling as he ruffles your hair before walking away to let you cook, leaving you with butterflies in your tummy.
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“Does it taste good?” you ask after tasting a forkful of pesto pasta, you think it’s okay, maybe a little over for the cheese, but Johnny loves cheese, so you purposely incorporated more cheese.
“Tastes great, you’re really good at this, where did you learn all this from?” Johnny asks with a surprised but satisfied smile on his face, he knows you didn’t learn this from your mother, she was a more eastern food type of person.
“Just picked it up from Youtube shorts, those pasta videos are all over my explore page,” you explain with a bashful smile as you try to keep your emotions in check, you’ll die from embarrassment if he picks up your scent getting sweeter.
“Just from a quick short clip? What a smart girl you are,” Johnny compliments, he couldn’t help it, your mother had always complained about you being dumb and clumsy, always never getting top grades, but here you are, learning a quick recipe from a 30 second clip.
Your breath gets caught at the compliment, fuck, your scent definitely changed, you can feel the fuzzy feeling in your tummy again.
“It’s nothing complicated, really, it’s just a simple recipe, it’s no biggie,” you deflect, not used to being complimented this way.
“No, none of that down playing shit, take the compliment as it is, you watched a short clip of a recipe and you recreated it, that’s an achievement,” Johnny says firmly, but with no ill intent, he genuinely doesn’t want you to put yourself down anymore, he knows your mother had conditioned you to look at yourself in a shitty manner, but he’s going to change that.
You nod, mumbling another quick thank you before you go back to eating, feeling the heat behind your ears still.
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Johnny isn’t dumb, he picked up on your spike in scent, and the way you look at him, he just wants to stare back into those pretty eyes of yours when he feels them trained on him.
At first it was tolerable, but as the days go by and the weather gets warmer, he sees you walking the house in nothing but shorts and a tee, and he swears you’re not wearing a bra underneath if he looks a bit longer.
Johnny is now out for a long awaited boys’ night with Yuta and Mark at Yuta’s bachelor pad. 
“I thought the biggest concern would be that you can’t bring back hot omegas to your place, but you actually have a hot omega in your house, and you’re not going to do anything?” Yuta asked in disbelief.
Fuck, Johnny shouldn’t have shown them your socials, now they’re spewing bullshit instead of helping him.
“Dude, that’s his step daughter, it feels so weird,” Mark says with a huge side eye towards Yuta, which was rather common, since Yuta is the alpha of every omega’s nightmare, unless they’re into freaky shit that is.
“Thank you, Mark, finally someone who sees the logic in this situation,” Johnny said, his tone convincing, but not convincing enough to forget about the way your shorts fit around your bubble butt.
“Johnny didn’t even marry that bitch, and I know you’re a beta, Mark, but can’t you pick up how sweet she is just from Johnny’s clothes, look, man, if you’re not gonna make a move to tap that, I’ll gladly-
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Johnny said with a growl.
Yuta holds his hands up defensively, a smug expression on his face.
“No matter how much you lie to yourself, your alpha wants her, and recognises the connection the two of you share, you can't run away from that, and it's not like you can kick her out now that you offered to let her stay long term," Yuta deduced with a tilt of his head, daring Johnny to come up with a logical retort.
But the tallest amongst them goes quiet, mulling over his choices.
"Even if it's not Yuta hyung, some other alpha's going to be interested in her some day, hyung," Mark reminds Johnny, "and would you be able to stand aside and let someone love her instead of you?" 
Johnny's never thought of it that way, in some twisted way, he had always thought you were his little girl, too young to be courted by alphas, but in reality, you're a grown woman now, even if he thinks he's too old for you, other alphas his age aren't going to think that, maybe not even you, you probably see Johnny less of a father figure than what he assumed.
"He's finally using that brain of his," Yuta says on the side to Mark, the two conversing among themselves while they let their friend gather his thoughts.
"How about this," Mark suddenly speaks up, "you could spend some time away from her to clear your mind, if you really miss her during your time away from each other…then you have your answer, dude," Mark suggests, looking at Yuta for affirmation.
"I mean that could work," Yuta says uncertainly, it probably is going to work, although with added risks that he won't be mentioning, he doesn't need Johnny's angry side out with a few drinks in. 
"What am I going to say? Where am I going to stay?" Johnny asks, still doubting that this is a good idea, would you be fine with staying all by yourself? You haven't done that before, he thinks, but on the other hand, your mother was very much an absent parent.
"You could crash at my place, man, what could go wrong? I'll clean up the guest room for you and it'll be just like home," Mark suggests, immediately going to his phone to make a list of things to buy, like toilet paper and booze, he misses having sleepovers with his bro, and this is the perfect opportunity to make up for loss time.
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"I'm leaving for a month for a business trip," Johnny tells you in the midst of having dinner together at this Japanese restaurant you had suggested, the fresh prawn tempura doesn't taste as nice anymore, now that he's bringing this up. 
"Oh, that's abrupt, where to?" you ask, hoping you don't look visibly upset, but Johnny could tell from your crestfallen eyes, he could feel his own alpha struggling to take over and comfort you, yeah, he really needs time away from you if his alpha is acting this way.
"Back to Busan, my business partners are debating on opening a headquarters there, just to make things easier on the management and shipping side of things," Johnny lies, he already has a HQ in Busan, but he doesn't oversee it, god forbid he runs into your mother after everything.
"Oh, okay, do you need me to do anything with the house while you're gone other than watering the plants?" you ask, taking a sip of your green tea to swallow down your nerves, what if he sees her again?
"No, just be there to look over the weekly maids and everything would be fine," Johnny says with a sense of finality, for him, not you, because after telling you, there's no backing out, he's going to go through this like the man he is.
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Everything was fine until it wasn't, and it started off with an ache in his head, it wasn't extremely painful, but it was consistent enough for him to down an advil every 12 hours.
He'd been drowning himself in work and the gym and brushed it off as a sign of fatigue, but when the headache shows no sign of fading even on a long weekend, he starts to worry, and then Mark drops another bomb on him. 
"Dude, you’re starting to smell different, is your rut starting soon?" 
Johnny freezes up from his position on the couch, the morning news talking about some light earthquake that happened last night, usually he'd be very focused on news like this, but his mind is now blank.
"Dude you alright? That headache you keep talking about, it's probably your rut-
"But it can't be, my rut isn't due for another 2 months," Johnny says in disbelief, quickly checking his calendar, just to double check.
"I don't know, man, but that's how you smelled like when you start your pre rut symptoms, maybe go check it out at the doctor's?" Mark suggests, stealing the bag of chips Johnny opened on the coffee table, happily munching away while his friend quickly books a doctor's appointment.
It's probably nothing, Johnny assures himself, he's been eating well, resting well, it's probably just a flu or something, he brushes off.
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"Mr Suh, I fear that there are a few questions I need to ask you in regards to your condition," Doctor Park asks, his face a bit grim, if Johnny's getting some death disease then he's booking a flight to see the aurora lights, stat, there's no way he's going down without doing all the wild shit on his bucket list.
"Am I dying, doc?" Johnny asks, preparing himself for the worst, maybe stage 4 cancer, maybe some incurable shit that's passed down from the family that miraculously skipped his grandparents and parents.
"No, Mr Suh, I'm afraid you had unknowingly imprinted on someone, which is why I'm going to ask you now, are you seeing someone at the moment?" Doctor Park asks.
"No, not at all," Johnny replies, a half truth, since you're on his mind all the time.
"Then are you perhaps interested in someone? And you see that someone quite often?" the doctor asks, sceptical that an alpha this attractive is single, he could hear the nurses gushing about his patient when he walked in, even if he was blind he'd know this young man is considered attractive.
"Well, there is someone I'm somewhat attracted to, but I don't think to the point where I'd unknowingly imprint on them? And what does this have to do with my upcoming rut?" Johnny asks, still in denial that he actually imprinted on you, maybe the doctor just misdiagnosed him. 
"Based on the information you've given me, you're having constant headaches, no appetite, and an upcoming early rut? Those are all symptoms of mate withdrawal, or in your case, potential mate withdrawal," Doctor Park says with a slight judgement in his voice.
"Is this…permanent?" Johnny asks, he's never been scared of things, but right now, he feels like he's a kid on a roller coaster again.
"There's a procedure to remove the imprint, however it'll be very painful, and I suggest you quickly check on the person you imprinted on, they might be having these symptoms as well, however usually the one that imprints feels it first, so you still have some time to figure things out, now excuse me while I go sort of your medication," the doctor says before leaving Johnny in the room alone.
Johnny quickly makes a quick search on where to get imprint removal in the country, just in case, and he curses when he sees the many warnings and symptoms of the removal treatment.
Doctor Park comes back in with a bag of medication, he pulls them out one by one.
"The violet pills are to numb the imprint in general, blue for your headaches, twice a day, green for your appetite loss, and red is to defer your rut if you wish to do so, however I don't suggest you taking too many of these as it worsens the effects of your actual rut when the medication can no longer withstand your rut hormones, take all of these after meals, and get sufficient rest, and please think this through as soon as possible," Doctor Park says before dismissing him for his next patient.
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"So… what did the doctor say, man, you don't look too happy, but at least you look like you got more life in your face now," Mark says, gesturing at Johnny's face that is now less pale than when he left this morning.
"Yeah, I took some medicine, that's why, and I also found out that I imprinted on her," Johnny spilled, which earned the biggest and fruitiest gasps that he only hears from his beta friend.
"I'm sorry? Imprinted? Like for real dude? How did that happen?" Mark was in shock, but he was also curious, he's heard of imprints, but they rarely happen, especially with the dating culture nowadays.
"Not sure, the only good news is that I'm the one that imprinted on her, so I still have some time to think this through," Johnny says, just a heads up to Mark that he won't be rushing to pack his bags and move out of his home.
"Wouldn't she be affected also? And, what's there to think through? You wanna get it removed? That shit stings like a bitch from what I heard, even if you're willing to remove the imprint, there's no telling she would, and what if she falls sick while you're here-
"Stop, I just need a few more days, then I'll be out of your hair," Johnny says dismissively, heading back to his room for some peace of mind.
"Should we update Yuta on this?" 
"Suit yourself, I won't change my mind regardless," Johnny says before shutting his door, ready for a long night's sleep.
Johnny knows you're fine, he's been staying up to date with you by asking you to water his plants everyday, today he even went as far as asking about your personal health, and true to the doctor's words, you haven't been feeling any withdrawal symptoms yet, and because of this, Johnny’s glad he bit the bullet and went for the check up early.
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Anxious, that's what Johnny felt the last few days, the dismissive front he had masked on days ago now crumbling as he tossed and turned in his bed.
Johnny had felt tired after work today, which was odd, because he had purposely made himself a coffee before he left work to go to his scheduled workout at the gym, however, he had felt drained once he left the parking bay, which is why he ate a quick dinner of cup noodles and slept.
He had slept peacefully the first two hours, but after he woke up to go to the bathroom, sleep just couldn't seem to come back to him. 
The sleep leaves Johnny as the prickling in his head grows, but he's taken his pills, why is he still reacting to the withdrawal symptoms?
Then he feels it, that sinking feeling in his stomach, he immediately hops out of bed, grabbing his wallet and car keys before dashing out of the door, a confused Mark who was watching a basketball game jolts at the harsh opening of his bedroom door.
"What's the problem, man? It's midnight, where are you going?" Mark asks, but nonetheless, he turns off the telly, following behind Johnny, he's never seen Johnny this anxious, he's not gonna leave him be at a time like this.
"I think something happened at home, but I don't know what, I need to check up on her," Johnny replies as he frantically watches the panel counting down to the car park levels.
"I'll go with you, it's late and if you need help, I'll be there," Mark offers, not questioning how true Johnny's hunch is.
It was quiet when he stepped into his home, but that wasn't out of the ordinary for you, you're not the type to stay up watching TV, but the weird thing is that there wasn't a single light on in the living area, you'd always leave a light on at night. 
Then Johnny noticed how faint your scent was, you didn't tell him you'd be staying anywhere else tonight, but it smells like you haven't been here for half a day at least.
Johnny quickly traces your scent to your room, he opens the door, and the sight of you lying on the desk with your head down sends a chill down his spine, yes you might have fallen asleep, but you've told him multiple times that you can only sleep on a bed.
So he tries to shake you awake, but to no avail.
Mark was calling the ambulance before Johnny even asked him to, an unconscious omega is nothing to joke about.
Then everything was a blur, Mark drove Johnny's car while he sat in the ambulance with you, holding onto your hand as the medics asked him basic questions.
Johnny met up with Mark in the emergency area where he was ushered beyond the curtains due to your privacy.
"What did the doctor say?" 
"Her life isn't in any danger, but they need to run more tests to confirm that it is imprint withdrawal symptoms," Johnny says, still focused on where you were wheeled in.
Then the doctor comes out, a stoic expression on his face.
"As you had predicted, Mr Suh, she is indeed going through withdrawal symptoms, so she's going to be hooked onto some drips and be given some medicine, nothing to worry about, however, please step up as a mate and actually be there for her," the doctor says with a slight edge to his tone.
"Yes, doctor," Johnny said, scratching the back of his head, embarrassed that as a man in his thirties is still struggling with professing his feelings.
Johnny watches your pale face, he did this, he’s to blame.
“Mr Suh, I’m sorry, but visiting hours are going to end soon,” the doctor informs.
“I wish to stay overnight to look after her,” Johnny says, as he texts Mark to find your essentials, thick sweaters and sweatpants, any skincare you have laying around.
“My apologies, Mr Suh, but you’re only eligible to sleepover if you book the VIP room where a proper bed is prepared for you, it’s company policy,” of course they got this greedy policy.
“Just charge it on my tab, get her the VIP room, immediately,” Johnny says, standing up from the chair he’d thought he’d be hunched over sleeping in.
“Gladly, Mr Suh, Nurse Park, please add Mr Suh into the overnight list and fetch your team to have the patient shifted.”
Johnny sighs as he follows you, keeping a keen eye when the team of nurses wheel you to your new room.
Marks drop by your things and he gets to work, cleaning your face with a towel and using the products that he recognises its uses of, he’s not a pro, but he does have a skincare routine himself too. Then, he tucks you in bed, pulling the blanket as high as your chin, knowing that you get cold easily.
Then Johnny slips off into slumber on the bed next to yours, fatigue consuming him after the stressful hour he had, but most importantly, sleep came to him because you’re finally in his presence again.
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The first thing that you saw was how obnoxiously white the ceiling was, you’re quite fucking sure you had told Johnny to help you colour the ceiling black ages ago when you first moved in, wait, what happened to the silk sheets Johnny had splurged on you? Why are the sheets so rough against your skin?
You jolted up when you felt the tug of something connected to your arm, your eyes going as wide as saucers when you see that you’re currently in a hospital room, at first you thought you were kidnapped for your organs or whatever, until your nose picked up on the familiar sweet scent of cinnamon, you averted your gaze to the bed beside yours, seeing the view of Johnny’s back. 
You carefully walked to him, cursing silently at the IV drip attached to you.
“Johnny,” you called to him, shaking him slightly, his contracting muscles at his shoulders alerting you that he’s waking up.
“Sweetheart? Why are you up? Let me get the doctor,” Johnny says urgently, scrambling up from bed.
“Wait, Johnny, why am I in the hospital? How did I end up here?” you ask, seeking answers in those panic stricken honey brown eyes that usually exude confidence. 
“I…,” Johnny looks so lost at words at that moment, his entire confident businessman front is nowhere to be seen, he shakes his head, seemingly trying to get his composure together.
“It’s okay, you can take your time,” you reassure, sitting down beside him on the squeaky bed, an encouraging smile on your lips.
“I imprinted on you and didn’t know what to do, so I lied about going on a business trip to sort out my thoughts, I didn’t know you’d be affected by the withdrawal symptoms so quickly, I shouldn’t have trusted the doctor’s prediction, I should’ve consulted you, I’m so sorry, sweetheart, I put your life in danger even though I promised you I’d do anything to protect you,” Johnny confesses, his shoulders sagging after he’s spilled the entire story, his chest heaving as he struggles not to let his tears fall, he had put you in danger, he doesn’t deserve to be your alpha, he should’ve signed up for the imprint removal as soon as possible back then.
“Hey, Johnny, it’s alright, we all need time to think things through, I’m alive, I might’ve done the same in your footsteps, so don’t beat yourself over it,” you say, mind drifting to all the times you had felt very tired or had zero appetite for no particular reason, glad that you finally found the source of all your problems, all because of this cute alpha in front of you whose scent is so sour, 
“If it makes you feel any better, I had the ulterior motive of wanting us to become something more too, when you were away, I thought you’d left me alone for good, so please don't even think about removing our imprint, please,” you plead, you sound a bit pathetic, if you’re honest,  begging for a man to stay, but you don’t want his heart constantly out the door while his body hangs around, you went through that with your mother, you don’t want to go through that with Johnny as well, and you think Johnny understands what you mean too, because he releases calming pheromones, pulling you into his embrace.
“I’m not going anywhere you don’t want me to be, sweetheart, never,” Johnny promises you. 
You bury yourself impossibly closer, but a crackling sound in his pocket pulls you out of your moment with Johnny.
“What’s that?” you ask, looking at Johnny for answers, watching him dig through his pocket, a packet of medicine is brought out. 
“I had to take them while I was away from you, to deal with the side effects of imprint withdrawal from you,” Johnny explains.
“You won’t be needing them anymore then,” you say, ready to go home with your alpha.
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Your relationship with Johnny has progressed smoothly, albeit rather slow, what you appreciate though, is that Johnny is a traditional man, going through the process of courting you, buying you flowers whenever he needs to leave for the office, cooking you food, buying you gifts once in a while, from simple things like a box of macarons to expensive jewellery.
What you didn’t expect was to find another package of medicine, when you decided to put his coat into the dryer, a packet of red pills that you recognised from a month ago.
“Johnny!” you called out to the alpha sitting on the couch, the evening news on.
“Why are you still taking these?” you ask, holding up the packet of visible red pills in your hand.
Conflict draws upon Johnny’s face, a frown between the creases of his brows.
“I didn’t want to let you know, but my rut is coming soon, so I’ve been delaying it as long as I can, I didn’t know if you’d like to, or if you’re ready for it, I’m actually prepared to spend it alone, I just didn’t know how to tell you-
“I’d love to spend your rut with you, so you won’t be needing these anymore,” you say, dumping the pills into a nearby trash bin,
“No! Wait-
“Taking suppressants are bad for you, Johnny-
“But you might not be ready, have you ever spent a rut with an alpha?” Johnny asks, but his wolf side is gnawing at his chest at the thought of its omega being with another alpha.
“I haven’t, but my heat is approaching too, and I don’t wish to spend it locked in my room anymore,” you cringe thinking about how your mother had warned you when you first presented that you should never ever sleep with anyone until you’re legally binded to one another, and that you should just suffer through your heats like a ‘righteous’ omega.
“Your heat is approaching soon too? Do you want to spend it at home or would you want us to go to heat hotels?” Johnny asks, but all you could focus on was the wording ‘us’. 
“At home would be great, I want to nest a bit longer after my heat breaks,” you explain.
“Okay, we’ll go through this together,” your alpha reassures you.
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The sexual tension between the two of you was so thick that a knife would've sliced through it, your approaching heat meant that your body temperature was rising steadily, that meant you had switched out your comfy sweat sets for cropped tees and cute house shorts, and the new expanse of exposed skin has Johnny struggling to concentrate on his work whenever he takes his work to the living room for a change of environment.
“Should he engage with you before your heat hits or should he wait and continue earning your validation? 
You probably don’t have any extreme standards towards Johnny, but he has expectations for himself, like just the other day, he took you to a Japanese omakase, it was expensive, but your fascination towards the chef’s skill was worth every penny.
Other than that, he’s bought you flowers almost everyday, Mark had called him old schooled, courting you like what an alpha would do back in the 70s.
Johnny doesn’t really see this as a form of courting, he’s only giving you what you weren’t allowed to access in life, she was a selfish woman, she’d spent good money on a car before spending money on your needs. He recalls how  you used to eat more on days where Johnny took both you and your mother out for dates, when he had asked you back then when your mother had walked away to the loo, that you don’t usually get to eat food this good, or this plenty when it was only the two of you. 
Johnny curses to himself when he thinks of it, he should’ve realised this sooner, how your mother was treating you with such blatant dislike, he thought your relationship was rocky, he hadn’t known or expected that you were abused and neglected by her all along.
“What’s with the frown on your face, love?” you ask when you came round after fetching yourself a glass of water, taking a seat next to the warm alpha, you’re rather warm these days, which is why you’ve been layering less, so that you could still cuddle Johnny comfortably. 
“Nothing, was wondering where you were at,” Johnny says, he doesn’t want to bring it up, you always have melancholy swimming in your eyes whenever he mentions your excuse of a mother, it’s better to not mention the past now that you’re having a good day.
“Corny alpha,” you tease, snuggling to his side, purring when his scent begins to envelope the two of you, you had specifically  told Johnny that the scent of cinnamon calms you down, that you love smelling like him, consenting yourself to be scented by him at any opportunity. 
“It’s work, isn’t it? Let’s take a break, how about a nap?” you suggest with an excited smile, you love being cuddled to sleep, his scent is a remedy for your insomnia.
“You should’ve become a negotiator,” Johnny says as he lifts you up in his arms, earning a squeal from you. 
“I could’ve walked myself, you know,” you say breathlessly in between giggles, being carried by Johnny always makes you giddy, like you were a child all over again.
“What’s the fun in that?” Johnny retorts as he lays you down gently on his bed, and instantly his arms come circling your waist once more, Johnny can’t describe it, but whenever he pulls you into his embrace, his alpha feels like it’s coming home, having memorised your every touch, and when your smile falls a little, his alpha is clawing at his chest to prod why.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Johnny asks, his hand reaching up to cradle your cheek.
“Can I ask you something Johnny?” that question worries Johnny, but he nods regardless, he promised to himself he’d face whatever problems the two of you may come across.
“What did you see in her back then? And what do you see in me? I don’t look anything like her,” you add on, choosing to be honest with him with your insecurities, your physical features have always taken after your father, or your male producer, since that’s all he’s done for you.
Johnny stills, he didn’t expect you to ask anything like that, and he sighs, knowing that he’d have to come clean to you sooner or later.
“I was attracted to the faint scent of pears mixed with roses when I first bumped into your mother, it was so calming to me, and at that time I guess I was young, and I wanted someone who was serious with me I guess, and maybe partly because it was kinda cool, bragging to my friends that I bagged myself a milf, it was just lots of bad decisions, really, especially when I realised that the scent I found comforting didn’t even belong to the person I was seeing, and I never thought you looked like your mother, she is her own beauty, and you are your own,” Johnny confesses and reassures, unknowingly, he’s breathing in your scent now, to calm his nerves.
“All of us make mistakes, Johnny, I’m just glad you don’t see me as an extension of her, that worried me the most to be honest,” you say truthfully, “that was my biggest worry.”
“You have nothing to worry about, if you do, that means I’m fucking something up,” Johnny jokes, but with a full sense of seriousness to it, and he looks into your eyes, trying his best to convey the message that this is serious, that you’re everything to him. 
“Stop looking at me like that, go to sleep, you need it,” you say, laying your head on Johnny’s pillow and his shoulder, the support your neck needed after a day of editing videos.
“I think you needed this nap more than me,” Johnny notes with a teasing tone, but nonetheless, does as you’re told, closing his eyes to drift off to peaceful slumber with you.
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When Johnny wakes up, he feels your body next to his, impossibly close, and also alarmingly hot, he jerks awake, seeing your forehead beaded with sweat, immediately he knew your heat has approached, or is coming soon, he could also feel his rut arriving, having triggered by your heat, he concludes when he feels the prickly feeling he gets at the back of his neck, a sign of his upcoming rut.
Should he wake you up? You never enjoy being woken up for no reason, but he could smell your scent sweeten, meaning that you’re probably getting wet by whatever dream you’re having.
Johnny made up his mind to wake you up at half past six, then you’d at least have two hours of sleep, for now, he’s going to make some porridge in his rice cooker, so you’d have some light food to have if your heat is put on a pause, Johnny’s never been so glad for having a stocked up fridge more than now, he has to move quick, he doesn’t want you, or more so, your omega in distress if you find him gone from the bed.
Johnny finishes up the last step of his mother’s old recipe before he dashes back into his room, you were still sleeping, rolling around in the pile of clothes Johnny had placed surrounding you, a makeshift nest ro help you sleep better, and it worked, seeing how you’re sweating a bit less, your face a bit less tensed.
Johnny looks at the time on the clock, you’ve been sleeping for almost three hours now, it’s time to wake you up if he wants to make it on time for dinner to be done.
“Hey, baby, time to wake up, you’ve been sleeping for a long time amd, don’t panic, but I think your heat is here, do you still want me around? If not I could probably look for a heat hotel for myself,” Johnny reassures, even though you’ve told him many times that you’re perfectly fine with spending your heat and rut together.
“I wouldn’t want to spend it any other way, Johnny,” you say with utmost confidence, knowing that if you didn’t Johnny’s going to overthink himself not to.
“Okay,” Johnny replied with a shaky breath, he’s never been nervous to sleep with an omega, but this is you, the person that matters most in his life, it’s expected of him to be on his nerves.
Although without mark, you could feel how nervous Johnny is through his scent, the sweet cinnamon having a twinge of sour, any other alpha would’ve lost control at this point, but Johnny hasn’t even complained about his awful blue balls even once, and is instead contributing to his own pain, and so you decide to help him out, or you’d be lying in your own puddle of arousal and still you wouldn’t have came even once.
“Tell me what you want to do with me,” you suggest before you seal your lips with his, in hopes that it’d motivate him to be more expressive with you, that if you can’t lead Johnny himself to make a move on you, that Johnny’s alpha would.
Instantly, Johnny’s hands held onto your hips possessively, his face nuzzles into your neck, his tongue flicking dangerously at the spot which might bind you closer than the imprint, but you expose your neck still, your omega doing the thinking for you in this haze of lust your body is driven to.
When he brushes his teeth against your sliver of neck, you instantly feel a new flood of arousal, your scent now heavily dousing the air Johnny breathes in.
Johnny curses, and you know why, you could feel his large cock twitching in his pants, the tip grinding against your puffy clit through the many layers of clothing, the rough material encouraging you to swivel your hips faster, your mind in a frenzy to seek more pleasure, but Johnny ceases all your movements with his strong hands.
“You asked me what I wanted to do with you,” Johnny says before his hands pry your clothed cheeks apart, dropping his head to your shoulder before he inhales deeply, almost growling at the sweet spike of your scent, “I want a taste, sweetheart, could you give me that?” Johnny asks after pulling away, his eyes hooded, a red hue painted on his honey brown eyes. 
“Okay-y,” you say shakily, preparing to hop off of your alpha, but Johnny ceases your movements once more, causing you to whine, your omega disliking the fact that you’re getting denied from your sweet pleasure.
“I want you to ride my face, baby,” Johnny demands, pushing you upwards his body, getting you to move as you quickly nod your head, one of your oldest fantasies of Johnny coming true right now.
Johnny helps you remove your pants and underwear, his eyes zoning in on your slicked up pussy.
“Beautiful, so fucking pretty, and all mine,” Johnny admires aloud before he jerks your body downwards, attaching his tongue to your cunt, lapping away like some mutt, his tongue greedily catches all your sweet juices before he thrusts his tongue inside your core, groaning at the way your warm velvet walls cocoon around his tongue, his mind reeling at the thought of having his cock deep inside you, how tight you’d feel around him.
Johnny’s pace is too fast, he has you grabbing the headboard, toes clenched as you whimper at the feeling of his flexible tongue and sharp nose digging at your clit when he started moving your hips for you, you’re most certainly fucking his face now, and when you thought things couldn’t feel any better, Johnny exchanges his tongue with three of his fingers and he traps your clit in between his lips, sucking hard, he had feared his jaw would really go slack if he keeps up with the strenuous routine for too long.
However, the added thickness and length quickly has you screaming, the tips of his fingers finally reaching your sensitive spot, and so you fall apart, screaming.
“Fuck, so good, daddy,” you say as you weakly grind against Johnny’s face, not registering the fact that the man under you had frozen up, but he lets you continue nonetheless, savouring your sweet release on his taste buds.
When you’re finally done riding out your high, Johnny gently flips you to his spot, now he’s hovering over you, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“I didn’t expect you to spill that dirty little secret to daddy this soon, my sweetheart,” Johnny says as he brushes your hair out of your face, admiring your flushed face.
Your heart drops at Johnny’s words, cursing at your lack of clarity whilst you're entrapped in this sex crazed heat.
“Don’t be so worried baby, you don’t need to hide yourself from daddy,” Johnny reassures before he kisses you softly, tasting yourself on his tongue.
With Johnny’s reassurance, you uncover yourself and start roaming your hands up his shirt to have a touch of Johnny’s chiselled body, he deduces that he can wait no longer, quickly jerking off his pants, his large cock hung in between his strong thighs, Johnny jerks off his cock with his hands as he admires your bare body, he feels himself battling with his wolf side, the desire to fuck, breed, and claim nagging his mind.
“You can still back out, sweetheart, go while my rut hasn’t entirely consumed me,” Johnny reminds you.
“No, please, I need this, I need you, daddy,” you say as you spread your legs, sitting up to reach for Johnny’s cock, but before you could even touch him, Johnny gently pushes you down the bed with one hand, the other gripping his dick in his hands, guiding himself to your entrance.
Johnny intertwines his hand with yours, hands locked next to your head as you feel his gaze burning into yours, slowly, you feel him breaching your ring of muscle, your walls opening up bit by bit as he fills you up slowly.
A whimper escapes you as you feel him surely filling you up to the brim.
“I’m sorry, baby, just a little bit more, you’re more than halfway in, baby, you’re doing a good job for me,” Johnny coos, his thumb brushing against your knuckles, an action he does whenever he picks up your anxiety spike in your scent.
When you’ve swallowed his length whole, Johnny lets you adjust to his size, distracting you by kissing you passionately, hoping that his lips would suffice as a distraction from the burn you’re feeling down there, and slowly, the burning feeling turns into slow but steady twinges of pleasure, and the fullness is driving your omega crazy, and now she’s craving for a big fat knot.
“You can move now, daddy,” you say, in a reassuring tone, your hand squeezing Johnny’s.
Johnny nods, before he pulls his hand away, choosing to hold your hips for better control, he thrusts shallowly, needing to gauge your reaction before he really starts, and the reaction is immediate, the friction of your walls against his bare cock is too good, moaning at the slight movement.
Johnny takes this as a positive sign, his alpha crooning, he pulls out most of his length, leaving the tip in before he thrusts back into you in one stroke, groaning at the way you clench around him. 
“Fuck, baby, you feel so tight, so wet,” Johnny mumbles, more to himself since you’re getting lost by how Johnny almost immediately locates your sweet spot again, a whine leaving you as your toes clench and your nails drag down his back, and the pain fuels Johnny, knowing that he could drive you mad just from his dick alone.
“Alpha, please…”
Johnny’s cock twitches at hearing you beg, he doesn’t even need to dick train you, your daddy issues alone have moulded you into his perfect princess.
“Please what, sweetheart? You need to be specific,” Johnny demands, a hand coming to rub circles on your clit, he knows you’re very wet by now, but he wants you to unclench yourself, it’s not going to be pleasurable if you’re constantly tense.
“I…” you stutter, how can you voice the fact that you want him to move because you’re insanely horny? But the encouraging smile and constant calming pheromones in the air has you caving in, and maybe your omega is getting frustrated too.
“Want you to move faster, please daddy,” you say in a seductive, yet shy whisper, before you add on something absolutely unfiltered from your omega’s mind, “make your omega feel good.”
Johnny lets out an appreciative growl, ready to accept the challenge after hearing you call yourself his.
Johnny ploughs his cock inside you at a rapid pace, his hands grabbing, digging into your ass cheeks as he most literally, rocks your world.
You could feel yourself slipping away from sanity, choked moans leaving your parted lips as Johnny rearranges your guts, hooking one of your legs around his waist so that he could thrust deeper inside you, upholding your request of being filled with his cum.
A loud whine escapes you as you let yourself be manhandled, anything is fine by you as long as you could feel this overwhelming amount of pleasure going through your body.  
You hold onto Johnny’s tricep as you feel yourself being rushed into another high.
“Daddy!” you gasp out once the dam of pleasure finally breaks, figuratively and literally, because the next thing you could register in your heat crazed haze is that your pelvis and Johnny’s luscious looking thighs are drenched with your release.
Your eyes widen comically as you take in the fact that you just squirted, the apology on the tip of your tongue.
However, Johnny beats you to it, voicing his positive thoughts over it.
“Fuck, baby, can’t believe you squirted just like that, your tight little hole couldn’t handle daddy’s big cock, am I right?” Johnny asks, his tone so gentle, yet his words so filthy, and that has your heart doing somersaults and your pussy clenching enthusiastically. 
Then your heart drops, the love fest interrupts your train of thoughts, Johnny hasn’t cum yet.
“Daddy, you haven’t cum,” you said, immediately clenching onto the girth inside you, but Johnny grips your hips to halt you.
“You must be tired, let your body rest before your heat consumes you again,” Johnny suggests, prepared to pull out of you.
“No! Please, daddy, I need your cum, your knot, or I’d feel empty…daddy,” the last part came out as a whisper, still not being used to voicing out your carnal desires even though it’s perfectly normal, especially during one’s heat.
Johnny gives you a soft smile, a hand caressing your face before he kisses you gently on the lips.
“Present yourself,” your alpha says to you before he pulls himself out, kneeling before your beautiful body, choosing to let you make the move.
And so you did, slowly lifting yourself, turning around and presenting yourself, on your knees with your ass arched up, your pussy glistening even under the minimal lighting in the room. 
Johnny curses under his breath before he quickly seathes himself back inside you, groaning at the welcoming walls that he once again sank into.
“Don’t hold back, alpha, take what you need,” you say, twisting your neck to get a glimpse at the beautiful man you’re able to call yours.
Johnny curses under his breath before he resumes the punishing pace he had going on before you reached your high. You’re really starting to think you’re a masochist, the way you enjoy the slight burn from the overstimulation has all the signs showing that you can no longer deny.
“Is my baby a pain slut? Whining that it hurts, but I can still feel your pussy getting wetter for me,” Johnny teases as he slows down his thrusts, putting more emphasis on fucking you deeper, now that you’ve came.
All you could do was nod between sniffles, struggling to agree with your alpha verbally, knowing that most men find that sexy, but Johnny coos, he knows what you want to convey, and the fact that you couldn’t even speak your mind whilst he fucks you just drives his confidence through the roof.
Before he knows it, Johnny could feel his cock bulging up, his knot forming, groaning at the feeling of your tight walls wrapped around him so closely, and his knot hasn’t even finished swelling up.
Johnny whispers sweet encouragements in your ears as you whimper at the foreign feeling of being knotted.
Soon after, his knot starts to deflate, spurts of cum painting your walls white as he calls your name sweetly, almost moaning. 
And slowly, the stream comes to a stop, you were in and out of it during the time of you and Johnny being locked together, dozing off as Johnny has his arms wrap around your body, scenting you even though you are most definitely drenched in his scent from the constant physical attachment, but he understands you well enough that you need this on an emotional level.
“You can still leave if you don’t want to spend my rut with me, I can feel it starting soon, maybe give or take a few hours,” Johnny reminds you, giving you one last chance to leave if you decide to not spend a rut with him yet, which is respectable, the two of you haven’t been dating that long, most people at least wait a year of dating before spending such a vulnerable time together.
“I’m sure, Johnny,” you reassured him as you brush the flyaways from his handsome face.
“Then let’s get some food before we fuck like bunnies again,” Johnny jokes before he whisks you away to the direction of his kitchen, tummy rumbling now that you caught whiff of the scent of delicious food, you just hope your alpha is able to keep his hands to himself long enough after you guy finish washing the dishes.
You smile to yourself at the realisation, that even with all the uncertainty that started off between the two of you, the situation with your mother and how Johnny used to keep you at arm’s length, in the end, you win.
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nhularin · 10 months
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PAIRING bf! jay x reader GENRE toxic! relationship, angst no comfort WARNINGS insecurities,there might be some grammar mistakes WC 0.9k series masterlist
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December 12, 2001
"so, how was your day?"
you looked at him, your voice soft as you asked. you and your boyfriend sat in his car, the air thick with tension. but jays response was anything but kind. his eyes narrowed as he looked straight ahead of the road, his voice filled with bitterness. "fine" he spit out and silence fell upon you once again
no, it's back and forth, did I say something wrong?
the tone of his voice made you recoil, your heart sinking. it was a typical thursday night and you haven't seen each other outside of school in what felt like forever. you had only wanted to check up on him, to show him that you cared about his well being. but his words sliced through you like a dagger, leaving you feeling small and insignificant.
"thats great!" you tried to sound cheerful, but your voice betrayed you when those words came out quieter and wobblier than expected. you looked outside of the passenger seat's window, attempting to ignore the unbearable silence in the car. you could hear the joy and euphoria from passing cars and you couldn't help but feel jealousy radiating through you
All I did was speak normally, somehow I still struck a nerve
"why are you always so sensitive?" jay continued, his voice dripping with disdain. "you make everything about yourself. cant you see that I have my own problems to deal with?"
jay could feel your discomfort, he had to. hell, the passing cars could probably feel it "dont be like this" he said, sighing heavily "why do you always ask me that? you saw me at school. did you see me crying? no. so dont ask obvious shit when you already know the answer."
your eyes welled up with tears, voice trembling. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I just-" you paused, feeling your throat close up "we haven't hung out in a while and i just wanted to make sure that you were fine"
jay scoffed, his anger intensifying. "you think you can solve all my problems with a simple question? youre so naive. you don't understand anything. fine, coach Madson was a fucking asshole today but i knew you wouldn't understand. isnt a simple 'fine' enough? all you know is how to break out in song and dance with your theater friends"
im the love of your life until I make you mad
your heart shattered as his words echoed in your mind. you had hoped for a moment of connection, a chance to offer support. but instead, you found yourself facing his anger, his frustration, and his complete lack of empathy.
you longed for affection, for those sweet words of love to fall from his lips. but instead, you were met with a wall of unpredictability. one moment, he would hold your hand and make you feel like the most special person in the world. the next, he would push you away, leaving you wondering where you went wrong.
every little thing you did seemed to set him off, like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. his anger was swift and cutting, leaving you feeling small and insignificant. it was a rollercoaster of emotions, and you couldn't help but question if he truly loved you.
jays grip on the wheel tightened even further as you reached a familiar intersection. the red light seemed to mock your mess of a relationship, the halted traffic mirroring your damaged connection.
as the light turned green, he pressed down on the gas pedal, your heart pounding heavily in your chest. the car lurched forward, the engine roaring, but the noise was nothing compared to the deafening silence between you two. the streets blurred as you sped through the night.
in that moment, you realized that jay wasn't capable of providing the love and understanding you have craved. he was a storm of emotions and absolutely unpredictable, lashing out at anyone who dared to get close.
on your late night drives, you would often find yourself bracing for impact. would jay walk you home, or would he send you home crying again? it was a cruel game of chance, and you were trapped in its endless cycle.
"look" he sighed "im sorry for lashing out, im just stressed with-" he paused longer than expected "practice, AP calc, everything, okay? its nothing personal"
his apology didnt change the storm of emotions forming inside you but you tried to tame it as best as possible, trying to look unbothered by his constant outbursts of hatred.
when did it all go wrong? you have known him since forever, his toothy grin and messed up bangs permanently engraved in your head. you managed to form an awkward smile "its okay" its always okay, as long as you were with him
do you love me, want me, hate me?
finally, you arrived at your house, and jay pulled over. the quiet and calm suburb contrasting the chaos in your head. the car idled, the engine still rumbling.
there was a moment of silence, a moment where the weight of your emotions hung in the air. and then, without another word, jay reached over and opened the car door. his gesture made you feel giddy and hope filled your heart. as you stepped out, you gave him your biggest smile
"ill see you tomorrow, text me, okay? i love you"
he didnt say it back nor did he message you that night
no, I don't understand
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PERM TAGLIST @misokei @avocarua @sngvhs @essmarye @haechansbbg
SERIES' MASTERLIST @flwerfield @hyhees @mrchweeee @j1nniee @mikaluvsyouu @delulu4-life @mora134340 @beomsbeanie @leep0ems @cIphantom-hive @yla-aira @filmofhybe @nishik1
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cobaltperun · 3 days
Woe out the Storm (17) - When You're Gone
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Wednesday Addams x female Reader
Summary: It took some time, but eventually you came to realize only Wednesday Addams could look at the raging storm of chaos and destruction and make a home out of it. Only she could listen to the cacophony of the roaring thunder and hear a melody.
Story warnings: Wednesday Addams, violence, slow burn
Story masterlist / First Part / Previous Part / Next Part (Season 1.5 finale)
Word Count: 2.8k
-I've never felt this way before, everything that I do reminds me of you-
Hours. She was wasting hours. She sat on the front seat of her family’s car, knowing how ridiculous she was being. It would take six hours to go back to Jericho, and then who knows how long to reach you, not to mention the time that passed between your death and the video being sent to her.
“Drive faster, Lurch!” she demanded, her hand clutching the phone as she tried to call you, desperately wishing it was just a prank and you’d answer, alive and well.
“My little executioner, raiju are powerful outcasts, and Elijah was more than capable of fighting even when he was still at Nevermore,” her father’s words meant nothing, not after the vision of Diego’s death.
Raiju were powerful, indeed, but nothing compared to Raijin. But before she could answer her phone began ringing and she saw Enid was calling her. She bit her lower lip, picking up and hoping Enid wasn’t just feeling like talking. Though, since she was admittedly inept at using her phone perhaps Enid could search for information.
“Wednesday can you reach Y/N?!” Enid immediately demanded, not wasting time with small talk.
“No, I-“ she felt the words sticking to her throat, refusing to come out again after she had to tell her family what was going on. “I got a message, a video of her and her father’s corpses,” she pushed the words out.
Enid gasped and Wednesday was sure she heard her dropping to the floor. “W- but how?! She’s a raiju! She’s a lightning tiger!” she denied reality, much harder than Wednesday could and she was already crying. “Y/N can’t be dead Wednesday, she just can’t,” Enid sobbed.
“Enid, I need you to check the news, try to find where she could have died,” she had no other choice, she had to focus, to at least make sure your body was taken care of properly, and not left to rot in that scorched, burning area.
“O-Okay,” Enid was still crying, she needed comfort but Wednesday didn’t know how to give it to anyone. She had no words of encouragement, she had nothing to say, and she hung up, giving the girl time to process the information in peace. Words and tears wouldn’t bring the dead back to life, she knew that.
Because there truly wasn’t anything she could do, was there? Even if you were alive when the video was taken so much time would have passed, and if no one helped you then… She covered her eyes, for a moment taking her eyes off the road, knowing you wouldn’t be there, she wouldn’t find you on the way to Jericho.
The ghost of your touch from that night, the feel of your hands on her faded, knowing there would be no next time. You wouldn’t get the chance to remember what happened, you were gone. Dead, killed likely by Raijin, because nothing else made sense. And all because of her. The two of you didn’t avoid the curse, not in the slightest.
“Darling, don’t mourn her just yet, she might still be alive,” her mother meant no harm, she even placed a comforting hand on Wednesday’s shoulder. She saw the video, they all did, they all knew Elijah was undoubtedly dead, you were wounded, severely, but it wasn’t as definitive as lost arm and chest ripped open.
“Don’t say that,” she couldn’t believe a lie only to have it all fall apart when she finds you.
“Wednesday I’m trying to help you,” she knew that, but what else was she supposed to feel?
And as hard as she tried not to be Wednesday was consumed by guilt. “You want to help me? Go ahead, use your spirits, find her and bring her back to life!” she snapped, even though she knew her mother couldn’t do that. She pushed her mother’s hand away and then her eyes widened as she saw the telltale signs of a vision, and her mother’s visions weren’t violent like her own, but rather positive. “Mother?” she turned in her seat, looking at her mother intensely. What did she see? Did it have anything to do with you.
“She’ll be fine, Wednesday,” Morticia told her and Wednesday felt her heart hammering nails through her chest once more. The smile on her mother’s face was honest, not meant to vanquish Wednesday’s guilt. The tension in the car vanished and she felt like she could breathe once more. You were alive.
You were alive.
You gasped, the piercing, sharp pain, the heat in your body, you couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t move. Your entire body felt like it was held down by a wire that paralyzed you. But you were alive, you survived an encounter with Raijin once again and you were sure you used up all your luck for this. Even as injured as you were, you survived.
“Dad?” you called out, your voice hoarse. How long have you been unconscious?
If you survived maybe he was still alive as well. He didn’t respond, and you didn’t hear anything aside from trees slowly burning around you. There was nothing else, no birds chirping, no breathing, no signs of life. And you forced yourself to open your eyes, it was pitch dark, but you managed to tap into your lightning, getting your eyes to change color and the world around you was given a shape as you turned your neck to the right.
If this was luck it felt more like a curse.
“Damn it!” you yelled, getting to your hands and knees and clenching your fists as you confirmed it. He had no pulse, he wasn’t even bleeding anymore, his injuries were too severe. You lowered your head to his back and wailed, your cries sounding more like a wounded animal than anything human. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I should have kept you out of this!” it was all your fault. You called him to come to Nevermore, you asked him to train you, if you just dealt with it alone, he would still be alive.
You remembered the fight, the desperation, all your efforts not working. Surviving meant nothing! You couldn’t touch Raijin! You couldn’t beat him, surviving just delayed inevitable. What good would it do if you had to watch him or raiju working for him kill more people you loved?
You roared, emotions and lightning enhancing one another, red turned orange as you rose up, head thrown back and you screamed at the dark skies. The clear sky was nothing compared to the storm in your mind and the lightning bursting from your body felt like sparks compared to what was within you.
This was going to be a pain in the ass to cover up. Damn Raijin went overboard, and Barry wasn’t going to like this. Now, where was the raiju brat? If she had to guess she would say around the middle of the ruins. The woman stepped off the road and formed a road of orange lightning down the hill to the middle. “The smoke better not stick to my clothes. Disgusting,” she skated along the lightning road, about three feet above the ground.
Still, Raijin truly was a powerful creature. All this destruction, and if she had to guess he didn’t go all out. And she couldn’t tell if he was just showing you and Elijah just how much stronger he was, or if you two fought back. Either way, she was looking for corpses.
No one survived an actual fight with Raijin. He had his warning encounter, it was more fun for him that way. The first time one sees Raijin, they get to stay alive, but they know deep down, the second time won’t be like that. The second time is either death or servitude, and the woman only knew of two raiju that chose neither. Elijah being one of them. But a life of fleeing from one place to another was hardly worth it in her opinion.
One doesn’t escape Raijin.
As he should have known. He should have known that taking his daughter along would just end up in their deaths.
A sudden chill running down her spine made her stop and look around, she should have waited until morning. It wasn’t a full moon tonight, this kind of feeling, this intense and dangerous wasn’t something she was used to. And then she saw it, orange lightning turning yellow as a body shone brightly not too far from her.
“Elijah?” she knew that was the stage he was at, but surviving this? It couldn’t be the brat, her lightning was red in base. So, who was it? The body kept shining, entirely engulfed in lightning and she realized what she was looking at.
It was the brat.
Her lightning was heating up, going to the next stage, to the same stage that Elijah didn’t reach until he was almost thirty and she only recently reached.
“What in the world?” she pulled her phone out and dialed Barry.
“Did you find them?” he asked as she kept watching.
“The girl is alive, her lightning is now yellow in the beast form,” she told him and heard his breath hitching.
“That’s not good. Nevermore can’t handle that kind of raiju,” she could hear him grinding his teeth at that.
But with lightning this intense, maybe you were done with Nevermore. “How old is she anyway? Eighteen?” you had to be.
“According to records, sixteen,” the grim tone of his voice was understandable. A sixteen-year-old raiju shouldn’t even change the color of lightning when shifting. It should be red in human form, and red in beast form. And here you were, two levels above that.
“Should I neutralize her?” you would be a problem if left alive. Especially if you had no control over your beast form. Raijin causing troubles would be nothing compared to you leaving and destroying anything in your path.
“Not yet, observe her. Unless she starts rampaging just keep your distance,” Barry ordered and she gritted her teeth and skated to a closest tree that wasn’t burnt down. She could keep an eye on you from there.
After almost half a day, the entire night of driving Lurch reached the battlefield, the large, ruined area, burnt down by electricity. As the Sun rose Wednesday ran out the moment the car stopped and went down the hill, ignoring the burnt fallen trees her dress was getting stuck on. She just looked around, desperately trying to see you anywhere. “Y/N!” she exclaimed, yelling as loud as she could.
And then, through the smell of smoke and burnt forest she smelt blood and slowed down so she walked. She saw you first, a golden tiger engulfed in lightning, lying next to Elijah’s corpse.
You were completely out of control, even more than you were at Nevermore, and the heat of your lightning was almost unbearable, but you were alive and that was all that mattered. “Y/N?” she ran up to you and dropped to her knees and ignoring how much it would hurt she placed her hand on the side of your neck, only for lightning to move aside, just like it did at Nevermore. “Look at me?” she requested, and you silently complied, looking at her and then just dropping your head back to the ground, but the lightning weakened until it was completely gone, and she could see your new form in its entirety. You looked even bigger now, not by a lot, but regardless, at least a foot and a half longer.
She looked to the side, to your father’s corpse, to the hole you dug in the ground. She saw dirt on your paws, you probably didn’t move him because you were worried about further damaging the body.
Wednesday ran her fingers through your fur, the orange looked natural, a huge, but otherwise normal tiger, but light golden shade of your fur, well, aside from black stripes and white parts of the fur looked good on you. And it made injuries easier to spot. You were wounded, blood was on your chest and neck, but the wounds were closed, luckily.
“Mi Rayo,” she whispered, watching as your ears perked up at that and you raised your head once more. Despite the death of your father, she was just thankful that you were alive, that was all she cared about, as cruel as that might make her. “Thank you,” she remembered how you had no memories of your time as the tiger and before her family could reach her once more she just hugged you. Her fingers dug into the fur of your neck, and she pressed her cheek just beneath your ear. It was ridiculous, your head was bigger than half her body. Three times now you were in this form near her, and she was never in danger, even when you weren’t in control. And she knew that said a lot about how much you cared about her.
You chuffed, but otherwise didn’t move, until you heard footsteps and lightning flared around you once more as a warning.
“Woah!” Pugsley exclaimed, surprised to see your current form, unlike her parents her brother only had an idea of what a raiju could do. Her parents, especially her father, probably had the first had experience, and Pugsley only knew raiju could turn into beasts. She was the same way until she saw you shifting,
She turned to the side as she let go of you. “It’s just my family, Y/N,” she didn’t mind your reaction. Enid and Thing told her you had trouble recognizing them in this form. And she saw you failed to recognize Bianca. So, her family, that you only saw a couple of times, wasn’t a surprise.
You understood her, much better than you did the last time you transformed and dropped your guard around them.
Her father approached Elijah’s body. She watched him, swallowing hard, not due to the sight, he was an Addams, he didn’t mind the injuries he saw. But Elijah was a friend he just managed to reconnect with, and they had that bond, the Addams-raiju bond she tried to avoid for a while.
Her father turned to you and knelt down next to Wednesday. “I see you dug up a grave for him, but this isn’t a place fit for him. How about we bury him in our graveyard?” he suggested to you, speaking a bit slower and softer than usual.
Wednesday saw recognition in your eyes as you nodded. You got up and easily filled the hole you prepared, it looked effortless, but given your current size it didn’t surprise her.
“Lurch, do you mind taking Elijah’s body to the car?” her mother requested, and Lurch complied, easily picking up the body as you watched carefully. Wednesday knew you were tall in this form, but she realized just how tall when you were easily a foot taller than Lurch, who was six foot six.
Wednesday raised her hand to your jaw. Why did you have to be even taller than the last time she saw you in your beast form? “Come on, let’s go,” she told you and you nodded, walking slowly alongside her and her family. Kitty would have a heart attack if you shifted at her house.
When you reached the car, you released a small burst of lightning and shifted back, already unconscious and it was only because Wednesday was right next to you that you didn’t fall face first onto the road. You were wounded in your human form as well, you lost a lot of blood, that much she could tell even from one glance. But you’d survive a ride back to her home, and they could patch you up better than hospitals ever could.
With the help from her parents she pulled you onto the back seat of the car and sat down next to you, with your head resting on her lap. She felt like her face was burning slightly, and she could feel her entire family looking at her, but she refused to say a word. She just looked down at your face, making sure you were still breathing.
“You scared me, you idiot,” she whispered to herself, the weight of your head on her lap was easily one of the most welcome feelings she experienced, despite the looks and smiles on her parents’ faces.
She despised the knowing looks they sent her way, but she would suffer through them without a single complaint.
Story masterlist / First Part / Previous Part / Next Part (Season 1.5 finale)
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princessbrunette · 4 months
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ
CW: depressing tones, violence, death, blood, gore.
AN: okay, so i don’t really know what this is — but i wanted to open this up as an au i could write drabbles for with reader x character and i decided to write some extensive lore behind the universe i’m creating. i’ve always loved zombie media so i wanted to combine my fav things n create this little au for you guys. this isn’t really a fic but more so an opener to inspire drabble requests n ideas in my inbox, kind of like an experimentation. okay, hope you enjoy !! ౨ৎ
“We got gate one locked down, I repeat Pope— we got gate one locked down. Proceed with opening gate two. Over.”
“Got it, thanks JJ. Over.”
The squealing of mechanics shakes the dusty ground as the old gates begin to slowly slide, squealing as they open up revealing the long forest road up ahead. John B readies himself for a simple supply stake out, headed out alone to check out an old warehouse one of the runners had scoped out a week prior. As he exits the gates, he looks right and then looks left — stepping on the squishy skull of a previously dealt with Infected, its body lulling out from the old rickety grafitti’d sign reading Kitty Hawk.
The world went to shit back in 2020. Some sort of pandemic that had people biting others, their brains overpowered by aggression and hunger for flesh. One day everyone was cleaning up the beaches after Storm Agatha, the next day people were tearing into flesh right infront of your very eyes. At first, the people of the Outerbanks had moved out onto their boats, living out on the water with the occasional supply run. It worked for a while, the infected couldn’t swim so as long as your boat was afloat — you were safe from their bloody unforgiving jaws. However, supplies started to run out pretty fast, and people began to turn on eachother. Hopping boats and pirating until no one was left standing and the water was tainted with blood— the infected gathered on the shore to feast on the bodies slowly being washed up by the tide.
The pogues had found you by week six, your body curled on the pier by the Chateau crying into your hands having lost everyone you’d ever known. You were sure to soon perish— no supplies, no weapons, no food. Life had become bleak, hopeless — until for the first time in your life you’d felt the cold barrel of a pistol pressed to the back of your head.
“Who are you and why are you out here?” Kiara barks, a khaki green bandana tied to cover her nose and mouth.
“I’m— i’m just looking for shelter. I don’t have any weapons on me I swear I’m safe, please just —”
“Are you bit?”
“Turn around.”
When you slowly turn, you’re met with two female faces, one more familiar than the other. Besides Kiara stands Sarah Cameron— a girl you went to school with. She looks more unsure than Carerra, hand resting on the pocket knife wedging out of the waistband to her denim shorts.
“I don’t think she’s bit Kie… hey, I think I know this girl.”
It was Sarah who had convinced Kiara to bring you back to the Chateau and let you stay. It was also Sarah who got you accustomed, explaining the role everyone played. She was a negotiator, her social ranking in the old world aiding her in communicating with people outside of the barricades they’d made. Kie was in charge of supplies, stock take and recruiting. She decided who was in and who was out. Pope was the brains, did all the mathematical equations to help the group understand their circumstances and chances of survival better. JJ, a fighter — most skilled in dealing with firearms and building bombs, which came in pretty handy when clearing out what was left of Kitty Hawk. John B was their leader, he often came up with the main strategies and stuck his neck out on the line.
Everyone was their own cog in the well oiled machine they’d built to aid them in surviving an apocalypse. It was uncertain what you could bring to the group until you’d mentioned that you’d been studying to be a nurse.
“S’good thing you come in useful ‘cus I was totally gonna suggest we use you as bait. Y’know, cos of the whole doe eyed damsel in distress thing you got goin’ on.” JJ jests with a smirk, and you don’t miss the way his eyes linger on you to make sure you knew he was only kidding around.
You became a lot more useful for patching people up once you’d cleared out Kitty Hawk. The pogues and yourself had began to collect a larger group of survivors, creating a small town to live in what once was the behavioural-correctional camp. You’d collected gardeners, seamstresses, doctors — people of all ages looking for shelter and safety to live in the many dormitories the land had to offer. You had the evening shifts, patching up any runners that had return from their time outside of the gates with injuries.
You remember the day Sarah got bit so clearly.
The Twinkie had come barrelling through the gates so fast, the townspeople that protected the entrances barely getting them open in time before the vehicle was speeding in— Kiara and John B ushering the blonde out the doors yelling out for you urgently with devastation in their voices, begging you to amputate the arm she’d been bitten on.
The pogues had gone for what was promised to be a civil meeting with Ward and Rafe Cameron. The two had taken over what was left of Kildare, creating a strong colony in a gated community that Ward had just come into possession of right before the outbreak. They were feared, respected — and they wanted Sarah to return to them.
Of course, the meeting was a set up— and when Sarah had refused to go with them — they opened fire, attracting rogue infected to swarm in on the group. In the chaos, Sarah was bitten — and JJ in a fit of rage had shot Ward Cameron straight through the skull infront of his only son. This started an all out war.
You recall arriving to Sarah, and your heart sinking. It was definitely too late, her eyes blood shot and skin uncharacteristically pale. She was whispering “Its okay.” Over and over. You wasn’t sure if she was convincing you or herself.
Kiara took her out to the forest to put her out of her misery before she got the chance to turn into one of the brainless monsters that had existed outside the gates. She was stronger than you could ever be, holding back her tears as she aims the barrel to the blondes head. You weren’t there, but you heard the gunshot as you were patching up JJ who was skimmed by a bullet. You slept by his side that night without uttering a word about it.
Everyone got a little more serious from that point on. You often stared at the heart with her initials she’d carved into her old bunkbed that now sits empty in her dorm, her things laid out like she was still coming back to collect them one day. John B got a little more stern as a leader, over protective of you as he made it clear he didn’t believe you’d be able to protect yourself out there — banning you from leaving the gates. JJ became a more ferocious fighter, busying himself with target practice out in the forest shooting bullseyes each day to ensure he could quickly take down whoever he needed to. Pope got more reserved, more moody — hanging out by himself infront of maps or in the radio room with Kie trying to find new survivors. Occasionally, just occasionally — the bunch of you would get together and drink round a camp fire. Things would feel normal again, just for one night — the group laughing and telling stories the same way they might have done before the outbreak.
You wondered how long this could last, if there was ever an end to any of this. You also wondered if there was a reason to it all happening, if you were being punished for the way you’d behaved as human beings. Mostly though, on a day to day basis— you wondered when Rafe Cameron would return for his revenge. It was only a matter of time.
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cxptain-capsicle · 4 months
Beyond the Sea | Luke Castellan | IV
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Unclaimed Poseidon!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, established relationship, Gods being terrible parents
The mess hall was quiet, you had gotten to the Hermes table early, the sun was shining warm golden rays on your skin. It was a beautiful morning, relaxing even. 
“Y/n!” Annabeth nearly screamed from across the pavilion. There went your relaxation.
“Good morning to you too Annabeth.” You smiled at her as she stormed the table. “What’s wrong?”
“Ya know the new kid?” She asked.
“Percy?” You confirmed.
“Something happened last night.” She said cryptically.
“Oh?” You sat up straighter. “He seems really sweet just make sure you’re always safe-”
“Oh my gods!” She shouted and covered her ears. “Not like that! Something else happened.”
Before Annabeth could get another word out Luke’s voice came booming behind you.
“Morning ladies!” Someone was in a good mood.
“I’ll tell you later.” She practically scowled at Percy as she walked away.
“Well, she’s a ray of sunshine.” Percy watched Annabeth as she left.
“What’re you two up to?” You asked as they took a seat with you at the table.
“Giving Percy my life story.” Luke shrugged.
“Not again.” You said sarcastically making Luke roll his eyes at you.
“Anyways, before camp, I was on the road. Me and a forbidden kid I met along the way. Her name was Thalia.” Luke smiled a little when he said her name. It made your stomach hurt and your face flush. You were jealous of a tree.  
“And what does that mean, forbidden?” Percy asked. 
“A long time ago, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades agreed their children were becoming too powerful, so they made a pact not to father anymore. And it held for a long time until Zeus broke that pact. Until Thalia.” Luke explained. 
“Forbidden kids attract trouble.” You added. “Monsters everywhere, constantly battling to stay alive.”
“One day, we, uh, find this little girl hiding in an alley. Annabeth. We were worried about taking her in, exposing her to all that danger. Then we saw her fight.” He chuckled at the memory then fell silent. “Thalia didn't make it. But Annabeth and me... we did. And we've been family ever since.”
“She's been watching me since I got here. Why?” Percy asked.
“Annabeth is the strongest warrior in camp.”
“Rude” You mumbled
“The only way left to prove herself is to go on a quest.” Luke gave you a little smirk as he continued
“And what does this have to do with me?”
“Chiron's been promising her for years,” Luke explained again. 
“One day, a demigod would arrive who was fated to go on a quest that even Chiron couldn't prevent. And when that happened, she could join it.” You explained to Percy. “Every new arrival, Annabeth watches, looking for a sign they're the one. Usually, she gives up after a day or two, but she's still watching you.” 
“Can you ask her to knock it off?” Percy said shyly.
“Yeah, sure. But what if she's right?” Luke shrugged.
“Annabeth will always do what she wants.” You chuckled. The conch shell rang and everyone turned back to see Chiron in the center of the pavilion.
“Heroes... it's time.” He announced. “The game begins.”
Everyone rose from their seats and began to follow Chiron.
“We’re doing this now?” Percy scrambled from his seat at the table. 
“Don’t worry kid, you’ll have fun.” You laughed at him.
“So what about you.” He asked, you looked at him with a raised brow. “How’d you end up here.”
“Well, I was alone for a long time.” You and Percy followed the large crowd up the hill, Luke continued ahead to talk with Annabeth. “A couple of years. I was constantly running from monsters and eventually one trapped me. I was stuck in a cave and I couldn’t get out. I was in there for a few days before they found me.”
“Who found you.” He was listening intently.
“Luke,” You smiled. “It was technically Grover’s quest, him, Luke, and Clarisse.” Percy’s nose crinkled in disgust. “Clarisse is an acquired taste.”
“So you and Luke,” Percy said slowly. “You guys…” He was making a gesture with his hands, you thought it was supposed to mimic kissing. You laughed and smacked his hands.
“Yeah, he’s my boyfriend.” You hadn’t called him that in a while. Dating at camp wasn’t forbidden but it wasn’t encouraged. Especially in a case like yours, living in the same cabin. Everyone knew you and Luke were together, when you first started dating you had to have some strongly worded conversations with a few aphrodite campers.
“For how long.” He seemed genuinely interested.
“Hard to say.” You shrugged. “It never really had a clear start. Just sort of happened.”
“You’ve been here three summers.” He eyed your necklace.
“This’ll be number four.” You confirmed.
“And you like it?” He asked as you finally came up over the hill.
“Happiest place on earth.”
Everyone got suited up and gathered supplies before separating to our designated sides of the river. Chiron went over the rules and the first conch blew.
“All right.” Annabeth jumped immediately into action. “We have 20 minutes before the second conch and game on. You know what you're doing?”
“Yes, ma'am.” You and Luke said in unison and prepared to take off. 
“Hey.” She stopped you. “Today feel like a winning kind of day to you?”
“As always.” You smiled.
“I'll see you on the other side.” Luke smirked. “Company, move out!”
Percy went to follow you and Luke but Annabeth stopped him. “Not you, sunshine. You're with me.” Percy looked at you like he was asked for help but all you could do was give him a sympathetic smile.
You and Luke escorted the flag carrier to the decided location then set out for the red team’s flag.
“Annabeth tell you what she has planned?” You asked Luke.
“Not really, just that she has a job for Percy.”
“That scares me.” You sighed. Before Luke could respond the sound of screaming and battle cries came from the trees behind you. A group of red soldiers came charging out of the woods towards you. You and Luke had done this so many times before it was as instinctual as breathing. You lined up back to back and fought off those dumb enough to try to attack you.
“Watch out!” Luke shouted as an arrow came down at you. The two of you rolled away from each other. When you emerged a warrior was right in front of you ready to strike you down. You took a slash at the back of her knees that sent her to the ground. You glanced over at Luke who seemed to be managing two opponents just fine. You took on each soldier one by one until finally, one girl raised her arms in surrender.
“We give up.” She panted.
“I wanna move quick.” Luke explained as he sheathed his sword. “Straight through the woods to their flag.”
“Clarisse hunts in those woods for the first few hours, you know that. She's gonna cut us down.” Chris spoke up. 
“Annabeth's got a plan.” Luke told him. “Percy's on it.”
Chris rolled his eyes a little.
“Come on, trust the kid a little.” You told him.
“When it's time, he's gonna be ready. I know it.” That seemed to instill a bit of confidence in the rest of the group because they all started towards enemy territory.
“Percy’s gonna be ready right?” He whispered to you.
“Totally.” You lacked confidence.
You and Luke caught up with the group and continued through the woods. You led the group quietly past a few small groups of soldiers having to convince Luke each time that you could take the stealth tactic and not just storm in. You came to a clearing in the woods and where it was. A bright red flag planted in the ground, waving in the wind.
“This has to be a trap.” You looked around. “No one’s here.”
“I agree,” Luke whispered. “I don’t trust it.”
“Perfect. You volunteer then.” You used the butt of your sword to push Luke out of the woods and into the clearing. He stumbled to his feet, raised his sword, and looked around waiting for the enemy to attack. 
“I don’t see anyone.” He said in a hushed voice to you. Almost as if on cue a flash of red came falling out of the tree above him. A girl with a sword came hurdling down on top of Luke knocking his sword out of his hands and sending it flying to the ground. You rushed the two of them, pushing the girl off of Luke and pinning her to the ground. You had a knee on her left arm and the other was under your hand. With your free hand, you had the blade of your sword against her cheek.
“I surrender.” She sputtered. By the time you got to your feet the rest of the group had handled the other two members of the red team that were guarding the flag. Luke grabbed the flag and turned to look at you with a big smile on his face.
“Look at this killer.” That was the nickname he gave you when you fought. You loved to fight, it made you passionate and deadly. He gestured to the flag in his hands. “Look what I got.”
“Congratulations.” His smile was contagious to you. “Getting the flag is easy, getting it back is the hard part.”
Clarisse was always hunting, waiting for us to get cocky after capturing the flag just to try to kill us on our way back. But this time that didn’t happen. We made our way back, fighting off a few opponents and reuniting with several members of our team. Soon the river was in sight and the company began to charge. Luke triumphantly placed the flag in the rocks, sealing our victory. Everyone cheered and shouted in victory and you couldn’t help but admire Luke. He raised his sword in the air and cheered, he looked like a true hero. He turned and began to search the crown with his eyes before they landed on you. He practically ran to you, pushing through other people with his shield to get to you. He dropped his sword and shield on the ground and ripped off his helmet before placing both hands on the sides of your face and pulling you in to kiss him. When he pulled away his hair was messy from underneath his helmet and his cheeks were flushed with adrenaline. You couldn’t help but laugh at his forwardness, affection around camp had to be kept to a minimum to avoid unwanted attention from Chiron or Mr. D. However every once in a while in the heat of the moment Luke didn’t care about the attention. Your loving moment was cut off by Percy’s shouts.
“What is wrong with you?” Percy was sitting in the water looking up at Annabeth who must have pushed him. You had no clue why she would do that until he stood up.
When Percy rose from the water a shimmering blue trident appeared floating above his head. Your stomach dropped, the sounds around you became muffled, your face paled. You were white hot with fury practically seeing red. You had waited nearly three years for your father to claim you, even chalking it up to him choosing not to claim you because of the pact to no longer father forbidden children. But now, this kid has been here for three days and your father claimed him. Everything you’d ever wanted in your life he got in three days. You didn’t come back to reality until you felt a hand land on your shoulder.
“Hey, are you okay?” Luke asked as you jumped away from his touch. “Let's go somewhere and talk-”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” You shrugged him off. You could hear the whispers now, feel the stares. You had tried to keep your powers in check but over the years there had been slip-ups. When you accidentally threw a wave at Silena Beauregard for getting a little too close and comfortable with Luke. Rumors spread fast at camp.
You pushed through the crowd as hot tears welled in your eyes. As you walked past the cabins trying your best not to look at the blue cabin at the end of the row your mind was on one thing. You hated the gods.
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yespleasetommyshelby · 5 months
Before he cheats - Modern Tommy Shelby x reader
I've had this song stuck in my head for days and it's gotta go 😩 This literally took me all of 2 hours to plan/write/post and it hasn't been proofread so bare with!
Enjoy! 🥰
"56, 57, 58, 59, 60, that's it, I'm done." I huffed as i threw my phone onto the sofa besides me, frown on my face as I sighed. "That's two fucking hours!" I muttered to myself stamping my feet into my trainers I threw my coat on before picking up my phone on some final hope that I'd actually had a reply, but low and behold, obviously not.
"Fucking Thomas Shelby always thinking with his mother fucking dick." I continued to mutter under my breath as I left my home on Watery Lane slamming the door behind me, my chest burning in anger. Stepping out onto the path I shoved my hands into my coat pockets, fists clenched as I headed the short distance down the road to the house where I'd practically grown up.
"Watch where you're fucking going!" I screeched as a teenager flew past on his bike almost knocking me into the road. "Fucking males and their fucking shit." I continued to slate each and every male that came into view in the 2 minutes it took to get to my destination, 'men are all the bloody same' my mum used to say, 'honestly, get yourself a women, their much easier.' Looking back maybe I should've taken her advice.
"Where is he?" I asked as I pushed open the doors to the betting shop that sat in Watery Lane, the punters and staff going silent as I watched with my hands on my hips. "Oh come on, you know exactly who I'm talking about!" I all but yelled into the silent room, after being with Tommy for 2 years now I had almost as much authority as him, almost.
"Y/n, not here." Polly's voice had my head on a swivel, finally spotting her in the doorway to John's office I stormed over ignoring the looks I was getting from everyone.
"Where is he Pol?" I sighed as I flopped down into Johns office chair. "And why are you in here?" I asked noticing that John wasn't in his own office.
"He's disappeared with Esme somewhere, honestly these Shelby boys and their dicks are ridiculous." She mumbled, lighting the cigarette she held in her hand.
"Tell me about it." I sighed, knowing that if Tommy wasn't in the office he was only going to be in one other place. "He's at the Garrison then." I asked, watching as she froze slightly before shaking her head.
"I think so, yeah, what's he done this time?" She sighed as she rubbed her eyes, having dealt with nothing but pissed up (and off) men and women placing bets they can't afford all morning, dealing with her nephews love life was definitely not on her to do list.
"Nothing Pol, he's done nothing which is the fucking problem! He was supposed to meet me 2 hours ago and I haven't heard anything since a lousy morning text all because he's too busy with that fucking whore Grace!" I ranted, reaching out and taking one of her cigarettes before lighting it and slamming the lighter down on the desk. "You know what I'm done." My voice sounded much more convinced then my mind as I said the words.
Shaking my head I stood up in a flash, out of Johns office and into Tommys within a second, without looking I reached behind Tommys desk and picked up the baseball bat that I knew he kept there in case of emergency's. Pushing my way past Polly who was stood in the doorway I made my way through the punters and out into the street without a second look, the bat weighing heavy in my hand.
"Y/n! What are you doing?!" Pol's voice follows me out into the street. "Come back inside!" She yelled, passers by stopping to look at the scenes, before a sharp look from Pol had them walking on.
"Woah! What's going on here?" I was stopped in my tracks as Arthur, John and Esme appeared from the corner ahead of me, grins on their faces as they looked from the bat in my hand to the scowl on my face.
"Looks to me that she's off to play baseball." John laughed, his input met with a thud on his chest by his wife.
"Would you two idiots shut up already." She giggled slightly as she pushed her husband into his older brother. "Now what's up with the bat?" She asked, smirking slightly as she had a feeling she knew exactly where you was going, after sitting on the phone for an hour the last time Tommy pissed you off she knew not to get in the way.
"Like John boy said." I shrugged, my hold on the bat tightening ever so slightly. "I'm going to practice baseball with a nice new shiny Land Rover I saw parked outside of the Garrison." I grinned before pushing my way through the trio and continuing on my way.
I couldn't help but let out a loud laugh as the Garrison came into view and just as I had predicted there was brand new Land Rover sat outside its doors. The brand new Land Rover that only 3 days ago I had travelled up to Scotland to collect with Tommy, not knowing that it would be the last journey I'd take with both him and the car.
"Y/n come on back to the shop love, we'll sort this shit out." Polly pleaded once more making me stop in my tracks, the Shelby's had been like a family to me, even in the years before me and Tommy had officially gotten together, being friends with Ada and all.
"I'm sorry Pol." I sighed shaking my head as I turned to face her and the trio that had followed behind. "But right now, right now he's probably slow dancing with that bleach blonde tramp and she's probably getting frisky. Right now he's probably buying her some fruity little drink 'cause she can't shoot whisky." I laughed a little, knowing for a fact that she couldn't handle the drink that Thomas Shelby worships so much. "Right now he's probably up behind her with a pool stick showing her how to shoot a combo, but he don't know." I laughed as I reached into my pocket and pulled out my keys, my hand wrapping around the longest and sharpest of them all, ironically the spare key Tommy had given me for this exact car.
I could help but grin as I stuck my key through the shiny black metal of the drivers door, the small act creating some kind of pleasure, a pleasure that only increased as I walked my way down the car, the key dragging a horribly crooked line right down the side.
"Right that's enough now! Cut this shit out!" Polly yelled, her eyes flickering between her nephews burnt lover and the door which he could come through at any second. "Think about what you're doing y/n." She almost pleaded, or at least as close as I'd ever seen her.
Ignoring her I made my way round to the passengers side, the metal bat dragging across the floor being the only sound to be heard, except for the muffled giggles that the other two Shelby brothers struggled to keep back. A wave of emotion hit me as I climbed into the car, a lone tear slipping down my cheek which I quickly wiped away.
"He doesn't deserve it." I muttered to myself as I quickly wiped it away without a second thought. "Fuck him and all the whores he's had in this fucking car." I growled gripping my keys as I began to carve my name into the leather seat.
"What the fuck is going on right now?!" My head snapped up as I heard another voice, Ada having stumbled upon my little rage room experiment, shall we call it.
"Ada! Nice of you to join us, i'll tell you what's going on shall I?" I asked as I hopped down from the car swing the bat up over my shoulder as I waved over to her. "Right now, your brother, you know the one that I'm supposedly engaged to, is in there living it up with that Irish tart of a woman!" I yelled, using the bat to point towards the door, not caring how loud my voice had gotten. "Right now she's probably up singing some white trash version of Shania karaoke, right now she's probably saying 'I'm drunk' and he's thinking that he's gunna get lucky! Right now, he's probably dapping on three quids worth of that bathroom polo!" I screamed, the more thought I put into what was actually going on just inside fuelling the rage even more.
I let out a gut wrenching scream as I swung the bat into his headlight, once, twice, three times moving on to the next I swung again laughing as the glass crashed to the floor before swing it into the windscreen for good measure. Throwing the bat to the floor I put my hands on my hips and grinned as I looked at the mess that was Tommy Shelby's new car before making my way over to Arthur.
"I need your knife." Holding my hand out infront of him. "Please Arthur." I sighed knowing that he always carried one no matter where he went.
With a sigh and grin he reached into his pocket and placed the small switch blade into my hand.
"Seriously Arthur?! Why the fucking hell did you give her a knife?!" Polly yelled as she threw her arms up in frustration, knowing that if anyone was going to be killed for this it wasn't going to be her.
"She asked nicely Pol." He shrugged, loving the fact that his brother was about to have the surprise of a lifetime and all he had to do was sit and watch.
Sticking the knife into the front tyre I smirked as the hiss of air filled the air, walking round and putting a knife slash in all of the tires for good measure, I stood back with a grin laughing at the look of amusement over the 3 Shelby siblings faces, the smirk on Esme's and the fed up look Polly had been giving me for the last 10 years.
"What the fucking hell is going on?!" The man of the hour roared as he stepped out onto the street, the pub doors banging against the walls before Grace appeared behind him, eyes cast down. "Answer me!" He bellowed, the vein in his neck popping with each syllable.
"Hi Tommy, remember me?" I asked sarcastically making his eyes jump to me, his face dropping ever so slightly. "You know, the fiance that you used to have!" I stepped forwards as I spoke shoving him back slightly, knowing if it was anyone else they would have recieved a bullet to the head, but I knew he'd never lay a hand on me.
"Y/n? I thought we were meeting later?" He asked, brows furrowed in confusion as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, the numerous texts and missed calls flashing on the screen and the time that read two and a half hours after the planned meeting time. "Oh." He muttered, wiping his hand across his face. "What have you done?" He asked as his eyes trailed along the nice long line that now travels the length of his new car.
"Yeah, oh." I nodded, laughing slightly as Grace stepped out besides him. "I suppose you missed the show while you were in there with ol' Gracie here. But I'll give you a rundown shall I? Well I dug my key into the side of your pretty little souped up four wheel drive, carved my name into your leather seats. I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights and slashed a hole in all four tires, maybe next time you'll think before you cheat." I couldn't help the tears that fell next, the adrenaline slowing and my whole body began to ache, the end of an era, me and the Shelby's.
"Y/n-" "No." I cut him off, not wanting to listen to any kind of reasoning he would throw at me, anything to get him back in the good book. "I might've saved a little trouble for the next girl, because the next time that you cheat, oh you know it won't be on me, no, not on me." I wiped my eyes before pulling of the ring that he had given me 6 months ago. "Guess I'll give it to you aye, Gracie." I muttered, throwing the ring at her feet before turning to walk away.
"Y/n!" His voice reached my ears just as I'd passed Polly, Arthur, John, Esme and Ada. "Y/n please!"
"Bye Tom!" I yelled without turning back, keeping my head up I shoved my hands into my pockets and carried on, not giving them the chance to see the tears that were currently streaming down my face.
There you have it! My first fic where they don't end up happily ever after, hopefully you enjoyed!
Feel free to send any requests! 💖
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jd07201990 · 5 months
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“Oh, come on Chuck! This’ll be my second time! You can’t keep forcing me to work another 40 years, just to make it to retirement and do it all again! It’s not yours or my fault that there aren’t enough young folk to take over our jobs! Hell, maybe if we paid a bit more, the few of them out there would apply!”
“It’s Lieutenant Roth, Billy. Now go change out of that equipment and take a shower. Whatever this remote does to strip away all those years, it sure does leave a young man ripe!”
“Don’t call me Billy! I haven’t been Billy in 30 years! Its Bill Damn it! And how am I supposed to explain this, again! to David?! You know he’s not into, well… this!”
“Put your shirt down Billy and quit your complaining. We’re doing something different this time, changing things up, trying something new. See, we couldn’t afford to pay higher wages all these years, because we’ve been stashing extra money away, for a new program. This remote can do a lot more than just wipe away years, Billy. The company has a whole app-store full of features, but they cost a hell of a lot. We only had enough for 2 new features, and we think it’ll really help solve this town’s aging population issue.”
“Wha… what the hell are you saying? What do you mean, something new?! Chuck, dude… you’re seriously starting to crack! What the fuck does any of this have to do with David?! And who is, “We”?!”
“I’m only going to tell you this once, son. It’s Lieutenant Roth. Now, I guess there’s no beating around the bush with you young-bloods. So I’ll get right to it. “We” is me, the Governor, and the Town Board. We investigated every possible fix, and it comes down to this. All the youth are moving out in droves, going to college, or fleeing to the city for excitement, leaving us aging folk to do the hard work around town. With the remote able to take years off a person, we’ve decided that all our current retirees, in every department, will be regressed, and the new feature we purchased will ensure you all follow your new, youthful instincts, providing us with a full generational bump in population.
You will be the hot-blooded virile stud you were way back in the day; you remember? Except this time, just as David isn’t attracted to this prime of your life look, YOU won’t be attracted to David, or any man for that matter. You see, we need all the help we can get, so with this little app, you’ll be chasing pretty women, and will certainly end up settling down, once one of them catches. Ah, by the look on your face, you know exactly what I mean.
Good, because you and the rest of the retirees are going to have your hands full, working these jobs getting paid just enough for a double-wide and a truck, leaving a trail of gals before you settle in with one, and have a whole mess of kids. "
“Ch… Lieutenant, sir… Wha… you’re insane dude! Fuckin’ totally cracked! You hear yourself! You can’t do this! I can’t be… I can’t chase… I don’t… don’t like…. Fuck… fuck dude… what the fuck are you doing?! Quit pointin’ that shit at me bro! My.. my head!”
“Don’t worry son, I’ll let you off the hook for all that mouthing off. It’s got to be rough having your brain completely flipped inside out, dumped out and filled with everything you need to be a, productive, member of society. Isn’t that right Billy?”
“Wha.. Oh, hey Lieutenant! So uh, is it ok if I head off to the showers and hit the road? Kind of a slow night huh sir? If it’d be alright, I want to go down to the Strip and hit the bar. The dudes and I figured we’d start the weekend early, ya know? Gotta get get some tail on lock before the storms hit. Thinkin’ I might run into Becka too, you know, from Thornton Stables? God she’d look real pretty, all knocked up good n’ proper!”
“Oh alright son. Go ahead, take the night off. But you’re on call. Got it! One or two beers, maybe a shot, take some cash and buy the lass one of those fruity drinks, and you treat her like a lady, young man. Got it?”
“Got it Dude! I mean Lieutenant! I’ll make a lady outa her yet! Thanks for the money too! Ya know how rough it is on the town’s wages! Although you and the Board seem to be doin’ alright. I hope I can get to where you are, Sir!”
“Don’t worry Billy, you’ve got a good 40 years or so to work your way up! Go have fun tonight!”
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kittycatasaurus · 5 months
Love Flavoured Chocolates (2023 Willy Wonka/Reader)
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(Cross posted to my AO3, I'm obsessed with Wonka and wanted to share this purely self indulgent reader insert because there simply isn't enough out there and hey it might encourage me to write some more if other people can also enjoy my writing!)
Word count: 3.2k
Willy had come to the Galéries Gourmet with nothing but his love for chocolate making, a wish to once more see his mother, and a hat full of dreams. One thing he certainly hadn’t accounted for was falling in love. He’d first had the pleasure of meeting you the first time Noodle smuggled him out of Scrubitt’s.
You'd befriended the young girl in passing on the street after she’d bumped into you with her laundry cart while neither of you were paying quite enough attention to where you were going. Though the collision was soft enough to keep you both on your feet, she had knocked the book your face was buried in straight to the ground causing you both to startle. Immediately the pair of you burst into apologies (which had made you laugh, despite the girl’s sincere panic), “You’re alright little missy, that was entirely my fault for not looking ahead of me, I simply can’t put this one down, I’m so close to finishing this new tale of a young detective!” You attempted to ease her worry with a big smile, it seemed to work as the girl’s face shifted from concern to interest. “Is-is that the latest Nancy Drew story?” She asked eagerly, trying to get a better look at the book in your hand. With a simple nod, keeping the easy smile on your face you answered, yes. From there the pair of you spent at least a half hour chattering excitedly about the fantastical feats of the young investigator until a nearby clocktower chimed, making her realise she was falling way behind schedule and would soon have to return to the wash house with a few deliveries still to make their destinations. “It’s been wonderful talking to you miss, but I’m afraid I really must hurry along, I hope I run into you again, my name is Noodle in case you see me before I see you!” The girl, now known to you as Noodle, what an interesting name, jumbled out as she made off to scurry away to wherever she needed to be. “I hope I see you again as well Noodle, you’ve been a delight to talk to! The name is Y/N” You called out after her and continued your stroll once she was out of sight, only somewhat more aware of your surroundings this time.
After that initial encounter you had run into each other a few times, eventually budding a wonderful friendship wherein you shared books and life stories with one another. Gradually you learned of Noodle’s more than unfortunate living situation and provided her comfort and reassurance in any ways you could, be that a book from your collection which she hadn’t yet read or a warm hug and shoulder to cry on, the girl became a younger sister figure to you.
This was where Wonka came into the picture, you and Noodle by this point had been friends for the better part of two years and saw each other frequently so you were understandably concerned when you hadn’t seen her around for the last couple of weeks. Just when the worry was getting to the point of you preparing yourself to storm into Scrubitt’s and demand to know about the wellbeing of your friend you saw her, tucked away from the main roads and pathways, talking to her trolley? Now that is upsetting, such a beautiful young mind lost to the madness of her circumstance. As you were about to approach, rounding the corner of the wall you’d hidden behind, a man emerged from the trolley clearly in conversation with the young girl. If not for your sheer confusion, you would have hastily approached the stranger as instinct kicked in to keep Noodle away from any potential danger. She didn't appear frightened or startled so logic told you this was no stranger to her, and therefore not a threat. Upon the realisation, you called out to your friend whom you’d missed in the two weeks of absence, “Noodle! Where’ve you been, little lady?” Immediately, both heads turned to face you and your breath caught in your throat as the mystery man turned and you finally caught a glimpse of his face. It was a beautiful face too, puppy-like hazel eyes, framed by fluttery long lashes, thick full eyebrows sat above them, complimenting his slender, pale face. Both pairs of eyes were wide upon you but you were still taking in the gorgeous man before you, to the point you failed to hear Noodle as she repeated your name, asking “Y/N? What are you doing here?” At the lack of response, she followed up “Earth to Y/N?” with a somewhat exasperated sigh after. Seeing the man turn to face Noodle shook you from your reverie and you let out a sharp little “Hmm?” “I said, what are you doing here Y/N? Were you following me or something?” Her look caused a twang of guilt for a second until you registered that, no you hadn’t been following Noodle, just actively looking out for her as you’d thought her to be missing. “Of course not you numpty! I heard your voice coming from a sketchy alley and saw you talking to your laundry pile, I only wanted to check you were alright, especially considering I haven’t seen you in a few weeks kid! It’s completely understandable for me to be at least a little worried, even more so after seeing a strange man come out of your trolley,” Your voice was taking on a bit of a scolding tone as you softened it to turn to the aforementioned man “No offence.” He shook his head as though to imply none taken as his eyes flitted between the two of you, the friendly smile never once leaving his face. “I take it this is Y/N, Noodle?” his eyes remained on her this time as she nodded back to him. Well that was unexpected, this mysterious dreamboat knew who you were courtesy of Noodle, and while you were flattered she told this new ‘friend’ about you, you worried over what she said in order for him to deduce your identity.
Together, the pair of them explained their plan to get the money to free themselves of Scrubitt’s unfair debt, going into detail about the wondrous and impossible chocolates made by who you now know to be ‘Willy Wonka, future chocolatier extraordinaire’. In all honesty your mind is positively racing to keep up, but with such bright smiles on their faces you can only nod your support and shoot a smile back, albeit a smaller one.
That had been a while ago, though it felt even longer. By this point, you had collectively put a stop to the chocolate cartel and Scrubitt and Bleacher. Wonka’s chocolates were doing better than ever and with everyone from the wash house going back to their old lives, Willy was alone again, well mostly. Abacus Crunch had been happy to remain the financial adviser for Willy and the group would do their best to stay in touch thanks to Lottie Bell and her phone operator gig but it was definitely lonely, going from all those people around him, that warm environment to nothing again. Although, you were still around weren’t you? You and Noodle? While you both saw her often, upon finding her mother and the library where she stayed, it was less and less that you found yourself in the young girl’s company, she had years of catching up to do after all. You wanted to believe that was why you were seeing less and less of Willy too, but the pair of you had no reason not to see each other often, after all, you’d quit your boring old job to help out and work with Willy at his shop as soon as it had been acquired. So then why did it feel like he was avoiding you, or attempting to shut you out.
This is where you find yourself as you sit with Noodle outside her mother’s library one warm evening. “I don’t understand Noodle, he seems lonely, it's simply a fact that he thrives off of being around other people so I don’t understand why he’s shutting himself away” a too big sigh leaves your mouth. “I miss him, I miss his cheshire grin, the confusing way he talks, even just seeing his garish purple coat” “Hmmm, kinda sounds like you love him” “Yeah, I just don’t know what’s u- WHAT?!?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOODLE?” Your face burns red as your brain takes a minute to register what the young girl chimes in with. In response she holds up her hands, palms facing you, “I’m just saying it as I see it.” With a shrug she shakes her head. Though her words do make you stop and think back to the many months you’ve known the eccentric chocolatier.
The first day you’d successfully sold Wonka’s chocolates on the street had resulted in a quick getaway where you and Willy had ended up lost in the tunnels below the city, escaping the corrupt chief of police for an hour or two as you attempted to meet up with the others to get Willy back to Scrubitt’s with the others in time for roll call. At this point you hadn’t yet been alone together, and the lack of familiarity seemingly made Willy nervous to the point his breathing got panicked and you shared a rather intimate moment where you helped ease his discomfort with a simple breathing exercise and hand massage. “Willy, give me your hand please,” you spoke in the most gentle tone you’d ever mustered after his laboured breaths stabilised, he acquiesced rather quickly as you reached out to him, gently cupping his hand. “I’m gonna trace the lines of your palm okay? It might tickle but I promise you, you’ll feel better.” The smile on your face eased any remaining nerves and once you started to caress his palm with your thumb he seemed to lose the last of the tension. “See,” your voice was still incredibly gentle, but now you were both smiling though his was significantly smaller than usual, “You’re okay, sweetie, I’m here” The pet name left your mouth so naturally neither of you reacted, though a moment later you flushed realising the implied closeness of calling him such a name. With level heads you managed to safely navigate your way back to the others in time and wished Willy a restful night. In retrospect that may very well have been when you first started to develop feelings for the man, you could no longer tell, in the objectively short time that you’d known him, you could think of at least a dozen other times that may have stimulated this apparent crush of yours. Though one particular memory comes to mind more often than the rest. The most recent to boot, the day you reunited Noodle with her mother!
It was the day you’d put an end to the cartel, Willy would finally be free to run his chocolate shop and live out the dream he’d shared with his late mother. The celebration in the Galéries Gourmet seemed to go on forever as everyone enjoyed the chocolate fountain filling up cups seemingly endlessly. A group effort had the shop back together in no time, looking as good as new. As the sun was finally descending from its high perch, your friends from Scrubitt’s all said their goodbyes and well wishes to Willy, Noodle and yourself. Leaving the three of you to lounge about in comfortable silence for a while. “We have a surprise for you, Noodle!” You said excitedly to the young girl who was almost falling asleep where she sat. Exchanging eye contact with Willy, you rose with Noodle in tow. Wide awake after jolting her about, she rushed to keep up with both of your longer legs as you sped away from the shop. Stopping abruptly outside of the library, Noodle gathered her bearings with a confused expression on her face and heavy breaths leaving her lungs, “The library?? What could possibly be so important in there you felt the need to sprint AND drag me along too no less!” She was understandably irritated, but you knew it would be worth all the effort soon enough. “Close your eyes for a second for me Noodle-dee!” Willy told her cheerfully as you approached the door holding onto the girl’s hand to bring her with you. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. “Now open them…” You whispered just loud enough for her to hear and comply. Before her, stood her mother, finally reunited after years of wishing and hoping. Immediately the two shared the warmest embrace you’d ever witnessed as you backed up and gave them their space, returning to Wonka’s side and overlooking the tender moment. A soft sniffle from beside you reached your ear and you glanced over to see Willy’s eyes glossy with unshed tears, the poor boy must’ve been reminded of his own mother in that moment, your heart hurt for him. “Come here sweetie,” you hummed to him, pulling the chocolatier into a comforting hug. “She’d be so proud of you right now, you know?” You got a teary chuckle in response to that as his arms wrapped around you. Noodle and her mother looked over to you now and you raised your arm in a wave to let them know you’d be heading back to leave them to catch up on all the time they’d spent apart.
The walk back wasn’t far, but it felt much longer without Noodle especially since you’d run practically the whole way there and were now strolling very leisurely. Neither of you said anything but you were touching in some way the entire time, holding hands for part of the walk, then switching to linking arms, even simply resting your hand on Willy’s back. Eventually you made it back to the shop, with the lights off, it was as though the magic was sleeping. As you entered ahead of Willy, you looked back to examine his expression, he wasn’t upset, of course not, he just reunited his dearest friend with her mother whom she thought long lost, perhaps forlorn was more accurate. The cogs in his head were clearly turning as he wrangled with his feelings, particularly regarding his mother and the seemingly impending loneliness he was soon to face. He stopped walking as soon as he entered, eyes still downcast as though expecting you to turn around and leave right then and there as well. With a low sigh you finally broke the silence “Willy, I’m not leaving you, not after that, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I just walked out after seeing those tears in your eyes.” He looked up, this time they had escaped and he had a sad pout on his beautiful lips. “Can you tell me about her? Have you got any pictures?” You’d not heard much at all about his mother from him aside from how much he loved her and that she was the inspiration for his dream turned reality. Willy gave a little nod and led you through the store to his makeshift office/home/break room, and on the desk sat a framed photo of a beautiful woman with a very familiar smile. “Wow this is her then? She’s beautiful Willy, you look so much like her.” You said the last bit somewhat under your breath as you realised the implication of what you said (as much as you meant it, it seemed a bit forward). You picked up the picture and sat down on the sofa in the room, patting the seat next to you for Willy to sit beside you, the rest of the night was spent listening to stories of his childhood and asking questions. The pair of you laughed, you cried, and eventually Willy fell asleep with his head on your shoulder. Getting as comfortable as the pair of you could, you let yourself join him in the land of dreams shortly after.
Now, it had been a few weeks since you and Willy had experienced the almost intimate exchange of life stories, as well as your chat with Noodle and you had the day off. Willy was on a break from work and went to visit Noodle at the library to tell her all about that night and how great a person he found you to be, gushing over how ‘kind, pretty, sensitive, and funny’ you were but somehow avoiding the ‘L’ word and seemingly ignoring his feelings for you. Eventually, the girl could take it no longer and burst out “Either ask her out, or I will do it for you! You’re such an idiot Willy, it's so obvious you love Y/N and I don’t understand how you’ve danced around it for as long as you have!” Noodle’s frustration was apparent from her face alone, if her words somehow hadn’t conveyed exactly what she meant them to. Willy’s eyes went wide at her outburst and his face started to resemble a tomato almost in how brightly he was blushing. As he opened his mouth to make a retort, Noodle interrupted him with a raised finger and a look that shut him up before he could even make so much as a noise. “Go see her now Willy, or I will.” Was all she had to say to get him standing up and practically sprinting out of the door.
A hurried knock at your door startled you out of your thoughtless stare out the window, you sat up abruptly, I’m not expecting any visitors, you thought to yourself as you walked cautiously over to the door. Through the peephole, you spotted the one and only Willy Wonka, pleasantly surprised, you opened up the door to be pulled into a tight embrace. Despite the initial shock, you quickly recovered to hug your dear friend back, “Heya, what’s gotten into you, sweetpea?” Genuinely confused as to the context despite reciprocating the affectionate action. Pulling back from you to look into your eyes, Willy responded, “I love you, Y/N.” Cue the widening of your eyes as you started to stammer out a reply, “Wh-what, huh, I-” “I love you, Y/N, I can’t believe it took Noodle calling me an idiot to realise it but I’m hopelessly, wholeheartedly in love with you.” He affirmed with a fire behind his gaze. You realised then that he wasn’t joking, this wasn’t a prank or him using the word in a friendly sense. “You, you do?” Tears started to well up in your eyes as you looked into his, “I love you too, Willy Wonka.” Not wanting to keep him in suspense, you confessed right back. A laugh broke free from your mouth as the tears started to fall from your eyes. Gently cupping either side of his face, you brought your lips together in a sweet kiss that felt like it could last forever, his hands finding a comfortable perch on your hips as you held each other close. Breaking apart for air, you both giggled, and leaned back into each other for another kiss, this one escalating a little past wholesome as you softly tugged at his bottom lip with your teeth. Breathing heavily now, you separated once more to stare into each other's eyes. Willy Wonka had confessed his love to you and you were ecstatic to say you felt the same. This would be the start of something beautiful, of that you were sure.
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emmcarstairs · 2 months
The Heroine's Journey: Lucy MacLean
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“The feminine journey is a journey in which the hero gathers the courage to face death and endure the transformation toward being reborn as a complete being in charge of her own life.” — 45 Master Characters
In her book 45 Master Characters, Victoria Schmidt outlines the steps and phases in the Feminine Journey as seen in many traditional stories such as myths and fairy tales. Unlike The Hero’s Journey, which focuses on the external, The Heroine’s Journey is about inner exploration.
In the following analysis, I will examine Lucy MacLean’s journey so far in Fallout (2024). I believe it will be interesting to identify at what stage she is by the end of S1 which will give us an idea of what likely awaits her in S2.
Note: This analysis is written for fun. It is my own reading of the character and her journey. You’re welcome to have your own. Spoilers ahead!
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Schmidt’s Heroine’s Journey has nine stages:
ACT 1 Containment:
1. The Illusion of the Perfect World
2. The Betrayal or Realisation
3. The Awakening or Preparing for the Journey
4. The Descent – Passing the Gates of Judgement
ACT 2 Transformation:
5. The Eye of the Storm
6. Death – All Is Lost
7. Support
ACT 3 Emergence:
8. Rebirth – The Moment of Truth
9. Full Circle – The Return to the Perfect World
The Illusion of Perfect World
2. The Betrayal or Realization
In the first episode, we meet Lucy content in Vault 33. We are shown a whole montage of her perfect life in her perfect shelter. It’s designed to protect her. Outside is dangerous but in her bubble, she is safe and sound. But is this good enough?
Despite her obvious naivety, we get a sense she is after something else. In her first scene, she applies for marriage, which is telling of her being on the threshold of adolescence and adulthood. Now, if marriage is really what she is after, or if it is something she relies on to fit in the community she lives in, is up for debate.
The thing is, the heroine knows deep down that her little world is not perfect. And she subconsciously seeks freedom so she can exercise her growth. Perhaps the prospect of marriage is the closest to freedom she has known in the vault. Or perhaps it is the thrill of meeting someone from outside her containment. In any case, she wants change; her shelter has turned into a cage.
Here comes the moment when Lucy’s perfect world is shattered. On her wedding night, right after the consummation of marriage (the symbolic passing to adulthood), she is betrayed by her husband. This is the so-called “inciting incident”. He turns out to be a raider from the surface. Now, not only is she betrayed by him personally, but she is betrayed by her idea of the outside world. He is her first conscious contact with the world outside the vault. And it is a far cry from what she has believed in.
Not only that but the danger has breached the walls of her shelter; she can’t ignore it. It turns out that her perfect world and the system she has lived in are broken. Her attempt at freedom ends with her husband’s hands around her neck. The history and ethics lessons have done little to prepare her for this. So a part of her begins to wonder what actually lies out there.
To top it off, her father, who is an Overseer and the biggest authority by her glass bubble’s standards, is drugged and taken hostage before her own eyes. She encounters the villain for the first time in the face of Moldaver. With her convictions shattered and her dad gone, she must make a choice.
3. The Awakening, or Preparing for the Journey
Lucy’s world is in ruins, metaphorically and literally. The others’ refusal to send a search party only reinforces the idea that her world has let her down. This is her awakening. She decides to take the active road and do something about it herself, hoping to rebuild what was lost.
From the story’s perspective, she has to find her dad. But as screenwriter Robertson-Dworet puts it: “As much as she leaves to find her father in the pilot, she also wants to fuckin' know what's out that door.” Moldaver also remarks in the final episode that Lucy’s curiosity greatly motivates her to leave the vault.
Given the raiders’ attack and with no established authority to prohibit her from doing so, she ventures to do just that. With the help of Norm and Chet, she gathers tools and prepares for the journey. What she isn’t aware of but will soon find out is that no material tools will help her with what’s waiting outside. She has yet to learn to trust herself and her qualities which will ultimately help her. It’s time for the trial by fire.
4. The Descent – Passing the Gates of Judgement
The descent may not be a literal one. In Lucy’s case, it’s ascent. She looks behind her as the door is closed and locked. There is no way back, only ahead. Often, the descent is about passing the gates of the Underworld. One of the first shots outside the vault shows us bones and a skull on the ground. The Wasteland is very much portrayed as the Underworld with its own set of rules.
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From here on, the real journey begins. The heroine faces the consequences of her life-changing decision in the form of tests that will determine her worth. She might be advised to return to her perfect world, as Dr. Siggi Wilzig does after she lights the bonfire. After she refuses, he tells her that she will have to adapt and become a "different animal altogether," summarising the point of this stage of transformation in her journey. 
She will then try to use the tools she has at her disposal—literal and metaphorical—but they won’t work. With each encounter, she will lose weapons or belongings until she is left with nothing of the things she thought would help her. Think of the filtered water Lucy loses or how her dart doesn’t work against the Ghoul. She begins to look progressively worse as her jumpsuit gets dirtier and bloodier. She even loses her trigger finger. 
The heroine may also face societal prejudice. Lucy is stunned by people’s opinions about Vault dwellers and Vault ideals in general. She is being proven again and again that her sensibilities, HR manuals, and ethics don’t work in the Wastes. 
The heroine has to rely on her courage and instincts. She must let go of all control and surrender herself to the descent. After being stripped of everything, she must face her demons. Lucy strives to always do the right thing, but she needs to embrace the fact the fact that the right thing doesn’t always come in a neat little package. The world is more than right and wrong.
I believe the scene that best illustrates the first time Lucy actively trusts her instincts and by doing so, survives on her own, is Super Duper Mart. She uses threats, uses a makeshift weapon, holds a hostage (it’s a robot but still, it’s a big step for her), and most significantly, for the first time, murders another to ensure her own survival. Even though Martha had no humanity left, her murder is important in Lucy’s journey because her death becomes synonymous with doing the right thing, not for a cause or the greater good, but for Lucy herself. 
5. The Eye of the Storm
She emerges victorious with her bloodied face and tank top, and this is the most disheveled state in which we have seen her. By helping out the Ghoul, she is the victor not only in terms of survival but also in terms of morality. She shows him that she is morally superior to him. She’s successfully beaten her demons this time without losing sight of her golden rule. 
Still, it has taken a lot out of her to survive. The heroine feels weary, reminiscing about easier times. She seeks to find the familiar comfort she once had and may consequently settle for something she doesn’t really want. 
After this mini-climax, the heroine evaluates and comes to terms with what just happened. She concludes that she handled things well. Having survived the danger, she gains a false sense of security. In Lucy’s journey, this stage coincides with her meeting Max and their experience in Vault 4. 
Finally, Lucy finds a person she can trust. The world feels a tad bit better with someone by her side. At the same time, she dreams of going back to her own perfect little world. It’s so lucky that they end up in another vault!
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While Max discovers the joys of living a simple life, it’s interesting to observe Lucy’s behavior. Although she feels safe for a moment, she starts noticing the people and things around her. She’s become more perceptive than before. Try as she might, she can’t go back to her old ways due to her experience on the surface. She wants to feel safe, she wants to sleep with Max; she wants life to be simple again. But she can’t help but look twice over her shoulder. She feels uneasy and grows suspicious of everything around her. It’s the newly found survivor in her screaming at her to get out. 
Eventually, Lucy learns that she has made the wrong assumptions about Vault 4 because of her ignorance and her raw instincts. They leave the vault unscathed, with Lucy fantasizing about a future with her and Max living together back in her perfect world. Soon they find the head but are forced to separate. Lucy gets the head, the kiss, and the promise that Max will find her in Vault 33. It looks like the journey is nearing its end. But it’s only the beginning. 
6. Death – All Is Lost
The heroine believes that her journey will soon be over, but it is time for her to face her biggest fear yet. Lucy delivers the head and finds her dad, thinking they can safely go back to how things were. Then, all of a sudden, her world is spun on its axis once more. 
Schmidt notes that few female protagonists make it past the stage of their “death”. Some of them die in the literal sense, some go back to their old lives defeated, and others fall into a spiral of depression. I believe this is Lucy’s final stage in S1. What will become of her in S2? Let’s speculate!
She learns about her mother’s fate and about what her father did to Shady Sands. And perhaps most jarring to her is that her father really believes that he’s done the right thing by dropping a bomb over a thriving city. Lucy’s role model turns out to be a fraud. The ideals she has lived and fought for, too. And it’s Moldaver, the villain, who seems to be on the right side of the story, despite her murdering her fellow people. It looks like the world isn’t simply divided into right and wrong after all.
This is the ultimate betrayal that leaves the heroine’s thoughts in inner turmoil. She feels humiliated and confused. All this time, she’s lived in a perfectly constructed lie. The events build up to her mercy killing her own mother, which is exactly what the Ghoul did to Roger in front of her. Purnell says: "She's learned from him. She has turned into him." She faces the death of her old self.
7. Support
ACT 3 Emergence:
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The heroine’s journey is about building bridges between the individual and the group. Her inner awakening leads to her being more open to the help of others and helping them in turn. She isn’t afraid of betrayal anymore because, at the end of the day, she has herself.
In Lucy’s final scenes in S1, we actually see the beginning of this stage with the Ghoul offering her to travel with him and find out more about the past. She leaves Max behind and goes with the Ghoul. According to Schmidt, it’s during this stage that the protagonist will accept herself as she is and go on to share her knowledge with others. She will define her own world without an external authority. Her journey of self-discovery will guide the others around her to make amends with their own problems. 
We have already seen the Ghoul’s influence on Lucy. In S2, I believe we’ll see how Lucy affects the Ghoul for the better by balancing his sharp edges. But before that, she will need his help to get herself up on her feet so that she can be reborn and come full circle in a new perfect world.
Thanks for reading and I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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lilacura · 4 months
Fading Embers | Jang Wonyoung
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pairing: wonyoung x reader
>wc: 2,680
content warning:  contains themes of angst, car accidents, and emotional distress.
sypnosis: When Jang Wonyoung receives a life-changing phone call, will love be enough to overcome the unimaginable challenges that lay ahead?
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The Fourth of July was supposed to be a day of celebration, a day where fireworks lit up the sky in vibrant colors, and laughter filled the air. But for Y/N and Wonyoung, this day would forever be etched into their memories as the day their world shattered.
Y/N and Wonyoung had always been inseparable. They were two souls intertwined, sharing their dreams and fears, their joys and sorrows. Their love was a fire that burned bright, but even the brightest flames can be extinguished with a single gust of wind.
That morning, the sun rose with a deceptive warmth, casting gentle rays of light on the small town where Y/N and Wonyoung resided. But inside their hearts, a brewing storm threatened to tear them apart.
The tension had been building for weeks, their love caught in the crossfire of miscommunication and unspoken frustrations. As the hours ticked by, the weight of their unexpressed emotions grew heavier, straining the fragile threads that held them together.
It was a seemingly insignificant disagreement that sparked the flames of their fight. Words were exchanged with sharp edges, fueled by insecurities and pent-up resentments. Y/N's heart ached, but she couldn't find the words to bridge the growing chasm between them.
"Why don't you ever listen to me, Y/N?" Wonyoung's voice trembled with frustration, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I feel like I'm talking to a wall sometimes."
Y/N's brows furrowed, hurt flashing in her eyes. "I do listen, Wonyoung. I just... I have my own thoughts and opinions too. Can't we have a conversation without it turning into an argument?"
Wonyoung's frustration turned into anger as she felt her defenses rise. "It's not just about having different opinions, Y/N. It's about feeling like you dismiss mine. Like they don't matter."
Y/N's voice grew sharper. "Well, maybe if you didn't always assume that you're right and I'm wrong, we wouldn't have this problem!"
The room fell silent, the weight of their words hanging in the air. Wonyoung's eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat. She never intended for their argument to escalate this far.
The silence stretched on, tension thickening between them. Y/N's voice softened, her hurt transforming into resignation. "Maybe we need some time apart," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "To figure out if we can find our way back to each other."
Wonyoung's eyes welled up with tears as her heart shattered into a million pieces. "Y/N, no... Please, don't say that. I can't bear the thought of losing you."
Y/N turned away, her voice heavy with unspoken pain. "I can't keep going like this, Wonyoung. We're hurting each other more than we're making each other happy. Maybe it's better if we take a step back and reevaluate."
And with those words, Y/N walked out of the room, leaving Wonyoung standing there, tears streaming down her face, feeling the weight of her regret and the realization that she might have pushed Y/N away too far.
Hours turned into days, and days turned into sleepless nights. Y/N replayed the fight over and over in her mind, each word a dagger to her heart. Regret washed over her, but pride held her tongue. She wanted to reach out, to apologize, but fear held her back.
Meanwhile, Wonyoung, tormented by her own doubts, questioned whether she had made the right decision. She missed Y/N's presence, her laughter, and the way they fit together like puzzle pieces. But the pain of their fight lingered, a constant reminder of their brokenness.
Then, on that fateful Fourth of July, Y/N decided to take a drive alone. The open road beckoned her, promising solace and clarity. But fate had other plans.
The radio played softly, the notes of a familiar song filling the confines of the car. Y/N's mind wandered, lost in a sea of regrets and what-ifs. She didn't see the stop sign until it was too late.
The screeching of tires filled the air as Y/N's car collided with another vehicle. Glass shattered, metal twisted, and the world spun into chaos. Pain radiated through Y/N's body as the impact jolted her senses awake. She was trapped, a prisoner in her own wreckage.
Meanwhile, Wonyoung, unaware of the impending tragedy, felt a sudden unease creeping into her bones. A nameless dread settled upon her like a heavy blanket. She reached for her phone,only to find it silent, devoid of any messages or missed calls.
With a sinking heart, Wonyoung dialed Y/N's number. Panic rose within her as the call went straight to voicemail. Her mind raced, connecting the dots between their fight and Y/N's sudden disappearance.
Wonyoung's heart skipped a beat as her phone rang, displaying the number of the local police department. With a sense of unease, she answered the call, her voice trembling.
"Hello?" Wonyoung spoke, her voice filled with worry.
The voice on the other end belonged to Officer Smith. "Is this Jang Wonyoung?"
Wonyoung's breath hitched. "Yes, this is Wonyoung. What's happened?"
Officer Smith's tone turned somber. "I regret to inform you that there has been a car accident involving Y/N. She has sustained injuries, and we are currently at the scene."
Fear gripped Wonyoung's heart, her mind racing with thoughts of Y/N's well-being. "Is she going to be alright?" she asked, her voice filled with desperation.
Officer Smith's voice held a hint of reassurance. "We have called for an ambulance, and they are en route. It would be best if you could come to the accident site. It occurred on Oak Street near the intersection with Maple Avenue."
Tears welled up in Wonyoung's eyes as she processed the gravity of the situation. "I'm on my way," she replied, her voice trembling with anxiety. "Please take care of her."
Officer Smith offered a sympathetic tone. "We will do everything we can. Just come as quickly as possible."
As Wonyoung hung up the phone, her heart raced with worry. Without a moment's hesitation, she grabbed her keys and rushed out the door, her mind consumed with thoughts of Y/N's safety. Every passing second felt like an eternity as she raced towards the unknown, praying that she would reach Y/N in time and that they would find solace in each other's arms once more.
The sight that greeted Wonyoung was a nightmare come to life. Emergency lights flashed, illuminating the twisted metal and the devastation left in the wake of the collision. Her breath caught in her throat as she spotted Y/N's car, mangled and broken.
Paramedics worked frantically, their voices a blur to Wonyoung's ears. She pushed through the crowd, desperate to reach Y/N's side. And there, amidst the chaos, she found her love.
Wonyoung's voice trembled as she knelt beside Y/N, her eyes filled with tears. "Y/N, oh my god, are you okay? Please, please be okay!"
Y/N winced, pain etched across her face. "Wonyoung... I... I'm sorry."
Wonyoung's heart shattered at the sight of Y/N's pain. She took Y/N's hand in her own, her voice choked with emotion. "No, Y/N, this isn't your fault. I'm sorry too. I never should have let it get this far. I love you, and I can't lose you."
Tears streamed down Y/N's face as they both realized the fragility of their love and the depth of their regret. "I love you too, Wonyoung," Y/N whispered, their voices barely audible amid the chaos surrounding them. "Please forgive me."
Wonyoung nodded, her grip on Y/N's hand tightening. "We'll get through this together. I promise."
As the paramedics worked to free Y/N from the wreckage, the echoes of their fight faded into the background. In that moment, all that mattered was their love and the hope of rebuilding what was broken.
The Fourth of July would forever be a reminder of their darkest hour, but it would also be the catalyst for their journey towards healing. Their love, once a fire on the verge of extinguishing, now flickered with renewed determination, ready to rise from the ashes and burn brighter than ever before.
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a/n: this is so ass omg
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