#stop trying to add on to it “the winchesters” made it clear that it doesn't work
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fromthegraveyard · 1 year ago
why didn't anyone make a destiel meme about spn possibly coming back i can't believe i had to find out about this the normal way
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chuckwon · 2 years ago
Here's Why I Want A Chuck Won Plot For The Sequel
Not to go the off about this on a random Saturday night or anything, but I have not stopped internally vibrating since the SPNWIN finale because the potential for a Chuck Won sequel plot line feels so implied and therefore so close I can taste it. I know that there are several people who don't like it as an explanation for the ending of season 15, and/or several people who don't like the idea of it being used as a sequel plot in the future. So I would just like to talk about why I, personally, am passionate about wanting them to use this particular avenue to move forward.
I'll likely unavoidably repeat some of the things I've said before elsewhere but... fuck it, I'm in my feelings, I want to get this out. Rambling on or whatever.
For the sake of clarity, here's a reminder of the POV I'm writing from: A) that Chuck's victory is canonically what was deliberately written as the plot of season 15, B) that it's meant to be noticeable and pointed out as tragic, and C) that even if you argue about the semantics of the literal order of events in the plot that add up to that result, Chuck's victory in some fashion is still the byproduct of the story's final execution.
The thing that I feel can and does get lost in a lot of fandom discussions about this concept is... D) the fact that Chuck winning is an allegory for and commentary on censorship.
I will go back to that. Follow me here.
With SPNWIN as a whole and especially the season one finale, we have already gotten step one of something incredibly subversive: it culminated very loudly in making it clearly canonical that Dean is some semblance of trapped. He is not happy, he is not at peace, he is not done. These are things that many of us in fandom who have brains all already kind of knew and took for granted, because we understand this story and this character and so we understand that 15x20 was not a good ending. But when you step back, what SPNWIN just established is actually a Big Deal in comparison to the fake veneer of happiness that 15x20 was (supposedly) trying to sell to us–and that it did indeed effectively sell to a large number of casual viewers.
Now, here we have canon openly demonstrating that Dean's ending was not okay, in general or to him. Objectively that wasn’t necessarily the case previously with 15x20 alone, but now it is the case.
That is a how-the-turntables level of redefinition of 15x20 in canon. Those crazy bastards fucking did it. They gave Dean Winchester back his agency and had him tell us for 13 episodes that the finale was inarguably Bad, and then they showed his sad grieving self still pining for his happy ending and his angel. That's fucking wild!!! Oh my God!!!
Whew. Okay, anyway:
So SPNWIN has made it clear that The Finale Was Bad, that Dean still needs and wants his happy ending, and that he knows what that happy ending should look like–as demonstrated in this whole hall of mirrors show, through the healing/romance/hope/future we witness the cast of The Winchesters getting to have.
If they stick with that vibe moving forward (which they may not. Continuity could get tossed), to me it then wouldn't make sense if they tried to move forward with any kind of sequel plot or angle that tries to say "okay, now Dean really will Find Peace And Be Done In Heaven." Because they seem to have made it clear that Dean doesn't want that. He wants out! He is fucking around and finding out!
To me, the next logical question to tackle in the plot as part of getting Dean back in the game would be this:
Why did those bad things happen to Dean in the finale?
Look, they don't have to answer that question with a plot-driven reason, obviously. They can go with the (boring) angle of nihilism that's basically like "Yeah Dean died and it sucked, but shit happens and that’s part of free will. It was an unlucky situation :/ he should get another chance at life though!" Or they can absolutely do something totally wacky and out of left field to explain lmfao. (I mean, hell, the Akrida were out of left field and that was only lessened when they tied them back to Chuck.)
They could go with a plot that's SOMETHING along the lines of explaining how Dean’s death and the fracturing of their family feels like an injustice to him because it is, and that shit did not just Happen, and that it wasn’t just arbitrary bad luck but rather he didn’t get his happy ending because Something Else was going on pulling the strings at least a little bit.
In that sense, Chuck- / Jack-related fuckery feels like the next natural through-line to me. I'm aware I'm heavily biased, but I want them to go all in on that angle so badly, and the point of this post (yes, there is a point!) is that I want to tell you why I want that.
The strength in the potential of an explicit Chuck won storyline in a continuation–other than the fact that it would be damn good television–is that, if done correctly, it would explain why the ending of season 15 sucked in the first place. And it would explain it not only in-narrative but also out-of-narrative.
Chuck exists to act as allegory, and that's what has always made this concept so significant, subversive, and compelling. Chuck's function and purpose is to be an allegory for producers and/or network executives, and thus the function and purpose behind a Chuck won storyline is to reveal the controlling forces of those figures. And because Chuck is the personification of the Original Creator's intentions that the characters are trying to supersede and defy, the fact that at the end of season 15 they do not get to grow beyond those intentions–aka the fact that Chuck wins and they don't get their full freedom–is indicative of the fact that the characters were not "free" or allowed to defy the Original Creator's real-world intentions either.
The idea that Chuck won is not simply a fun view on why the finale sucks or a fun plot idea for the future. It's because Supernatural is a censored queer text and higher forces won largely because Destiel was not allowed to be explicitly reciprocal. A pillar of the argument is that there could be no happy ending without Destiel; reciprocal Destiel was not allowed, and so the characters had to lose.
That is still the state of canon right now. Chuck's victory is amongst the many threads season 15 left dangling to potentially pick up and play with moving forward, and they don't HAVE to pick that thread up and make it into a central plot for a continuation. But if they do... Man. If they do, it would open the ending of season 15 to further examination for anyone who cares enough to pay attention to it, and that would also open up commentary on the censorship that caused it in the first place.
Here's what I mean:
SPNWIN has left us in a place consistent with 15x19, seemingly further highlighting that something is wrong with Jack. That's huge. Whether that "something" is Chuck possessing him or–potentially more likely–that the God power Jack absorbed has corrupted him, the point is that Jack needs to be freed because Chuck's influence endures.
Making the Akrida into a Chuck fail safe has already leaned into that idea, in a way. Even if Chuck is "gone," his influence wasn't gone entirely. The characters were not fully and entirely free from Chuck's lasting effects on the universe that they inhabit.
But now with the destruction of the Akrida, those effects are supposedly gone. But what if they actually aren't gone completely? What if something is wrong with Jack? What could that mean for Dean's story specifically and the happy ending he still wants and needs?
Apply that to the allegory: if Chuck's power has possessed or corrupted Jack, then Chuck's enduring influence that the characters still have to wrestle with becomes about the enduring influence of industry censorship.
It's then about the insidiousness of the forces that make it difficult for writers to let their stories and characters grow out of what was originally meant for them, especially when those stories are not meant to be queer narratives and yet are molded to have queerness centralized. It's about saying... you (the writers + characters) thought you'd be able to get free but you couldn't; you thought you could write the happy ending but you still haven't gotten to. How have higher forces twisted and shaped things into something unrecognizable? How do you make it back from that and rid the story of that negative influence once and for all?
Hypothetically, examining what Chuck's enduring influence fucked up in the story would then have to examine what censorship fucked up in real life. If they have to break out and return to reality, what does that look like? What is revealed? Dean and Cas could not reunite because their love was real and threatened Chuck's enforced unreality. Dean died and Sam got an apple pie life because that was always part of the ending Chuck wanted to see. Jack was taken over and/or corrupted by God power as part of Chuck's plan because he was powerful enough to help unite them all as a family, which threatened the classic "brothers only" focus of Chuck's story. Chuck's power was still personified in Jack and influencing the outcomes and that's why all of this tragedy occurred. They have to reunite, break the cycle, heal their family, and save Jack while getting rid of that personified God power once and for all, releasing it back into their universe so that power is now in everyone/everything rather than concentrated in overseeing forces threatening their freedom.
And when Chuck is an allegory for the censoring forces in real life... for anyone who cares to engage their brain cells, this could then make it abundantly clear(er) that the end of season 15 was not simply ~bad writing~ or ~cowardice~. It would retroactively redeem, explain, and redefine Supernatural's original "ending" as a backed-into-a-corner narrative gamble embedded with the ability to shine light on the source of its problems, the hope that in the future the story could be continued, and the keys to give the characters justice especially in regards to the queer narrative.
You can look me in the eyes and tell me you don't think that would absolutely rock, but then I will have to simply agree to disagree with you.
Because I would very much like to fucking see it.
It is literally ALL RIGHT THERE. It's THERE, it's so close, and this story could reach its highest potential and make several lasting, impressive points in the cultural realm for anyone who gets their heads out of their ass and stops ridiculing it or stops layering their interest in it under 1000 levels of irony long enough to look at how special it is!!!
[shakes the table with my hands]
Okay, sorry, I'm devolving. But in conclusion: I want this. And though the prequel seems to be hinting towards it (QUITE LOUDLY), there is of course absolutely zero guarantee that any mysterious future sequel would go in that direction for several reasons, let alone the fact that it's objectively a ballsy as hell approach to take.
I still want to write a very long meta about The Winchesters' overall themes and its Chuck won propaganda (lol), so uhhh I reserve the right to plagiarize myself in the future from this post for that purpose. But I had to get this specific thought out sooner rather than later because, to be honest, I am simply going bananas.
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ms-rampage · 4 years ago
Eden's Gate: Left Behind Chapter 5 - Flying & Bruise
Warnings: Swearing, slight bullying
Word count 2.1k
Idk if John is out of character anymore 😂🤣😂, Holly being a cunt. Majority of the locations mention are ones I created for this series because #HeacanonShit 🤣😂🤣.
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The next morning Kate wakes to the sound of her alarm screaming into her ear.
She slams her hand down onto her phone, shutting it off.
Groaning, forcing herself to sit up. Realizing she had slept in the clothes she wore the night before. 
She gets up, not bothering to take a shower, washes up and changes into some cleaner, and more comfortable clothing for work. Her 8am shift until 5pm.
She remembers she has her date with John later that day.
She goes to the kitchen, makes some coffee, feeds Haley.
Her phone vibrates, she checks it, she gets a message from Sarah. 
A few photos from the night before of all of them around the fire.
She had a great time, it was great meeting new people, and making new friends. 
She eats, and takes her coffee on the go.
10 minutes later, she pulls into the parking lot of the diner, exits her car, and goes through the employee entrance.
15 minutes until her shift starts, she chills in the breakroom until she starts her shift. 
Closing her eyes for a bit
The sound of the break room door opening, makes her open her eyes.
Morgan steps in, and sees her.
“Hey” she says.
“Hey” Kate responds. 
“Great time last night huh?” Morgan asks.
She stretches her arms out, and says “Yeah, I had a great time”.
“You know that guy Wheaty? That one that was sitting next to you?”
“I’m pretty sure he likes you”.
“Wheaty?! The native guy?” Kate asks.
“Yeah, I’m 100% he likes you” she says.
Kate shrugs, and gives it a thought “Well yeah, I kind of suspected that, because of how he was acting towards me. He’s really nice, him and I have a lot in common. So I can see that”.
“But?!?” Morgan asks.
“But what?!” Kate asks, confused.
“You two should get together. I know you and John have something going on, and you have your date later. But you should give Wheaty a chance” she says, giving her friend some advice. 
“I’ll think about it. Part of me does feel like John might be playing me. But I’ll keep Wheaty in mind” she says, followed by a smile. 
“You should” she replies, with a smile. 
They leave the room, and start their shift.
John gets a visit by not Joseph, but his elder brother Jacob.
Working on paperwork, his voice echoes throughout the ranch house.
���John!!” he says, which makes him jump a little. 
He looks up from his work, and sees his older brother standing in the doorway of his office.
“Joseph, told me about some woman you’re seeing” he says, his voice, and posture not really interested in having this conversation, but feels forced to have it.
“Yes, I’m seeing her later today” he responds. 
“And you think, with everything that is going on that this would be a good idea?!” he asks, still not really interested in having this conversation. 
He shrugs, and says “Joseph said, for me to make her a part of our family, for me to make her my wife, and to prepare for the New World”.
“Are you sure she’s your other half? Are you sure that Joseph knows that God wants her here?” 
John sighs, starting to have second thoughts about all of this. Looking down at his papers.  
“He told me that God has plans for me and her” he responds, “He doesn’t want me to let her slip away, or to scare her off”.
Jacob scoffs and says, “If she gets scared off, that means she’s weak”.
John looks up at his older brother, and says “I’m 100% sure, she’s not weak. She looks like she can hold herself very well”.
Jacob stands there looking at his younger brother, “I hope for your sake. Your right”.
Confused, he asks “What’s that supposed to mean?!”.
“If she turns out not to be as strong as you think she is. I would hate to step in, and do my thing” he says.
John rolls his eyes, and slowly stands up from his seat. Leaning in front of his desk.
“You know, I won’t let you do that” he says, in a defensive manner.
Jacob finds it cute that his little brother is trying to be tough with him.
He takes a few steps closer to John. “The weak have their purpose. I know that, you know that, and Joseph knows that”. 
With that said, he leaves the room. Leaving John with his thoughts.
All of his thoughts are all about Kate. That’s all he thinks about. All day, everyday it's always Kate. 
He goes outside to his airfield, his plane “Affirmation” the black AdjudiCor FBW. 
He’s sure Kate will be impressed with this. 
Kate, Morgan and Alissa are bussing tables, taking orders and giving customers their orders.
Clearly Saturdays are very busy for the diner.
Holly being a typical bitch to them, and acting fake in front of customers.
She already lashed out at Alissa for something stupid, and was out of her control, she was gonna say something to Morgan about not refilling the coffee maker because she was taking a customers order, but Morgan just gave her a dirty look as a reminder not to fuck with her.
She was being somewhat rude towards Kate, she’s been acting like that ever since John flirted with her, and Kate who doesn’t like to start problems let's slide for now.
Holly intentionally got in her way, “accidentally” making her trip, drop plates, and breaking a few of them. Embarrassing her in front of the customers. 
She even thought about walking out, and quitting but bit her tongue because there were no other jobs in the area that’ll pay the wages of a college student.  
As Kate’s clearing off a table, Holly “accidentally” knocks over a bottle of ketchup, and Kate doesn't see it because of the bin of dishes blocking her view to look down, and desperately wants to get the heavy container of dishes to the kitchen. 
She steps on the plastic bottle, slips forward, falling to one knee. She hears a crack as she falls. 
Holly in a sarcastic, fake voice says “Be care Kate”.
Morgan, who witnessed it from the kitchen, storms out but before she could lash out at Holly.
Kate was already in her face. 
“Are you fucking seriously Holly?!?!?” Kate yells. “You could’ve fucking injuried me!!!”.
Playing dumb and victim, Holly says “I didn’t do anything!!”.
“Bullshit!!!” Morgan yells at her. “I saw what you did. You knocked over the ketchup bottle. To make Kate trip”.
Still playing dumb, and playing victim, she says “Even if I did it wasn’t intentional. I accidentally knocked it over, and didn’t realize it”.
Everyone in the diner is watching all of this unfold. A packed house watching two waitresses argue with their supervisor because she tried to do harm to the other. 
“Horseshit!!. You’ve been acting like a bitch to me all week, and that shit better fucking stop now!!” Kate snaps. “Normally I would walk out, and quit. But I ain’t giving you the satisfaction that you made me quit. And if you try to get me fired, you’ll be in deep shit trouble”.
Holly should be lucky it’s Kate Winchester she’s dealing with, and not Paige Winchester because it won’t end well for her.
Their manager walks in, and hears the commotion.
He takes Holly to his office, and for about 40 minutes it was peaceful without Holly flapping her lips every 5 seconds.
He calls Kate, and Morgan into his office, and they explain what happened.
Everything gets settled, no one gets fired, but Holly gets sent home early, and gets suspended for a week without pay, and will have her working schedule changed so she’s not working with Morgan, and Kate.
They go on their break not long after, chilling in their usual spot in the quad.
“Dude, I was seriously about to walk out, and quit” Morgan explains.
Kate nods, and says “Yeah me too. But I need this job. There aren’t any other jobs in the area, that’ll cover student loans”.
“Yeah, I know. At least we won’t have to work with her anymore” Kate adds.
Kate starts to have a pain in her right knee, clenching it.
“You okay?!” Morgan asks. 
She nods, “Yeah, I think I bruised my knee when I slipped”.
“Workers compensation?” she asks, in a joking manner.
“Probably” she replies, with a soft laugh.
After their break Kate goes to her manager, and tells him the pain in her knee. 
She gets sent home earlier. When she arrives home, she takes her pants off, and sees the developing bruise on her knee cap. 
“Ahh shit” she groans, “Fuck you Holly”.
A few hours later, John arrives at the diner. Morgan sees him, and immediately texts Kate. 
He walks in, and sits at the counter. He sees Morgan, asks her. 
“Is Kate still here?!”.
She turns to face, and says “She had an accident, she went home early”.
His eyes wided, “What happened?!?” worry in his voice. 
She hesitates to tell him, but does anyway “One of our employees tried to do her harm”.
At Kate’s house she’s resting on her chair, her leg propped up on her coffee table.
Her phone vibrates, and gets a message from Morgan saying.
“Your 1st “boyfriend” John is here” - Morgan 
She replies back, saying “Tell him what happened, give him my number, and address”.
Back at the diner, Morgan gets Kate’s message, and she passes her info to John.
Giving him Kate’s phone number, and address. Of course he already knew her address, but he still takes it anyway. 
He drives to her house, she hears a car in her driveway, and sees John approach the house from between the gaps of the curtains. 
He knocks at the door, Haley barks at this. She gets up, limping towards the door, and opens it. Meeting those blues eyes once again, making her breathe go away for a second.
“Hey, are you okay?!?” he asks, looking worried.
She snaps out of her trance, “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. I just had an accident at work”.
“It was Holly wasn’t it?!” he asks. Already knowing it was her.
She nods her head hesitantly, “Yeah”.
He takes a deep breath, trying not to get upset.
“You still wanna go?” he asks.
She had almost forgotten, she had a date with him. 
“Oh yeah. I still wanna go” she responds.
They get into his car, and drive to his ranch house.
Pulling into the huge driveway, Kate is amazed and impressed with the huge house, the property and everything about it.
They come to a stop outside the house. “Follow me” he says, getting out of the car.
She follows behind, still limping. He stops at one point waiting for her to catch up.
They get to the hanger, and she sees his plane. 
Her eyes widened, “Wow” is all she can say.
He looks over at her to see her reaction 
“Let’s go” he says enthusiastically. They walk closer to the plane, and he helps her in. 
“Accidentally” grabbing her butt. She sits in the back, in the seat behind where John would be sitting operating the plane.
He gets in, closing the clear door above him, starts it up.
The vibration jumpscares her, and she feels a mixture of emotions run through her.
She knows if Paige were there, she’d be panicking.
“Here we go” he says, moving forward. The second the plane flies up into the sky.
Everything changes, she feels calm. Everything looks beautiful, the mountains, the town, everything. Even the giant YES sign that she doesn't understand is there.
Holy shit!!” she exclaims, excited. 
“Great view?!” he asks.
“Very great view!!” she says, with a huge smile on her face. 
They’re up in the sky for an hour, flying over all of Hope County.
Kate is amused, and in shock at how beautiful the scenery of the town is.
He’s about to land the plane on the same airfield.
“Coming in for a landing” he says. The plane lands on the airfield, still moving forward.
He pulls into the hanger, and shuts off the plane.
He helps her out, holding her around his arms until both her feet are on the ground. 
“So? How did you like it?” he asks, his hand on her lower back.
Speechless, “That. That was amazing. I-I loved it!!” she says, with a huge smile. 
They’re facing each other, “Would you like to do it again?” he asks.
“Yeah, absolutely” she responds. 
Both his hands on her waist, slowly pulling her closer.
“Holy shit is he gonna kiss me?!?!” she thinks to herself, “Holy shit he is!!!”.
His left hand goes up to her cheek, cupping it. 
“Yep, he’s gonna kiss me!!” she thinks again. 
Then he pulls her closer, and their lips connect. Her hands on his shoulders.
His lips are soft, gentle and very intoxicating.
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starwesker · 6 years ago
Cassette tape: rockin love
Request by @littleraton:Hi! How’re you? Good, I hope. (if not, I hope you feel better ❤️) [i might be rambling, sorry] I was hoping that you could write a fic of either the reader or dean confessing to the other w/a cassette mix they made (either when they’re alone in the impala or the bunker) thank you 🎃❤️❤️
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Reader
An: there will be a short author's note at the end...
Dean's POV
There's this girl that I've known for about 5 years. She would help us on hunts, my brother and I would return the favor. Then there were times when she would come to the bunker needing assistance or to be healed, and once she was healed she would leave, she would leave in the middle of the night when we are asleep leaving notes on the library table saying 'I will see you soon boys don't miss me too much' she would leave little notes like that for us to see.
I would be lying to myself if I didn't say that I miss her because I miss her so damn much. I have never developed feelings for someone in a long time, every time I see her come to the bunker and she's hurt my heart breaks a little inside and I'm the one who cares for her, Sam was there just to help if I wasn't there. When she leaves it crushes me, I just want her to stay, I miss her, call me being overprotective but I hate it when she's out there by herself. I know she can take care of herself because damn that girl is a badass and that's one of the reasons why I fell in love with her and why I need her to stay.
There she was again...
My phone ringing and her caller ID coming up with a picture of her and I together leaning against baby, I loved that picture it was the only picture I have of us together. He remembers that day like it was yesterday, after a successful hunt they went out to go get burgers and Sam was getting the food when he couldn't resist the moment so he secretly took a picture of us and it was perfect. I was in mid laughter while y/n was smiling and looking at me with admiration. When I was done reminiscing about that day I immediately answered the phone.
I barely even had time to say hello before I heard her voice.
"Hey Dean, you're gonna hate me right now" she spoke softly, her voice was hard to understand.
"What happened Y/n?" I asked.
She sighed before she spoke, "I was hunting some vamps and I thought I could handle it on my own and I kinda did but I'm seriously injured again" she winces as she spoke.
I was furious that she got herself hurt again but I sighed and told her I would go and get her.
"Ah there's my hero, but hurry please Dean" She hung up, sending him her location.
I told Sam where I was going and he insisted in going with me but I told him no. Then he got a smirk on his face, I knew what that smirk was. I stopped him before he said anything.
"No not yet Samny, I will but I need find the right time and its not the right time" I smiled at Sam and he nodded.
"Call if you need anything" Sam yelled as I left.
When I got to her she was sitting outside blood everywhere I didn't know if it was hers or the vamps. Then when I got closer I knew it was hers.
"Y/n?" I called her name, she opened her beautiful (y/e/c) eyes.
"Dean my knight in shinning armor has come to rescue me" she winced as she spoke.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Its a long story, can you just take me back to the bunker please I'm bleeding out here for god's sake Winchester" She yelled but winced once again.
"Sure thing my lady" I said while picking her up slowly and carefully.
"I'm not your lady Winchester and just hurry to the bunker" she smirked.
I just smiled and thought to myself not yet you aren't but you will be. I carried her into my car making sure she was comfortable in the backseat.
When I arrived at the bunker I immediately tended to her wounds like I always do and make sure shes ok and that she has everything she needs.
There's one thing that still needs to be said but that can wait till she gets some rest.
While Sam and I are looking at possible cases she wakes up and makes her way to the library.
"Hi Sam, Hi Dean" She spoke out softly.
Sam smiled and said hi back she sat in the chair next to Dean.
"What are you guys doing?" She asked.
"Researching" Sam spoke, "well I am Dean might be looking at porn again" Sam chuckled,this made Y/n giggle. I love her giggle, scratch that I love everything about her.
"So, Y/n I need to ask you something" I cleared my throat softly as I spoke.
"What is it Dean?" She leaned back in her chair looking at me.
"Sam and I have discussed this recently" I spoke softly. She nodded and gestured me to go on.
"We think you should stay here with us in the bunker and once you get better you can help us on hunts and you can always help us" I felt like I jumbled my words all together.
"I don't want burden you guys" She said.
"Y/n, you are not going to burden us" Sam chimed in. She looked at me for my answer and she knew but my look I wanted her to stay. She thought about it for a while before agreeing that she would stay.
A month had passed by and she was still here it has been amazing having her here but there's one problem. My love for her has only been growing, Sam knew about this he could tell. He kept telling me that I needed to confess to her. I just waved him off like I always do or ignored him.
Then it wasn't until the day I saw her wearing one of my flannels. She looked amazing it, there were so many inappropriate thoughts going through my head and I couldn't stop any of them.
I cleared my throat before I spoke, "sorry if I scared you but that's my flannel" I smirked.
"Oh really I didn't notice, it's quite comfy" she smiled and winked.
I really wanted to bend her over the table in the library and... my mind really needed to stop.
As months passed by the feelings for Y/n only escalated and I needed to confess to her but I've never been good with my words, so I had to think of something to come up with to help me confess not feelings for her. I thought about so many ideas and I even talked to Sam about it. Then it came to me I knew what I was going to do.
I spent hours making this for her, I made her a cassette tape with songs that would maybe have a clue to how much I love her. This would be perfect for her, she appreciates classic rock songs just as much as I do. That is another reason why I fell so deeply in love with her.
Now its just taking her to a secluded area somewhere either here in the bunker or I could take her somewhere in the impala. I think the impala would be the best things because Sammy doesn't approve of our choice of music.
A day later while we were sitting at the library trying to find a case, I made eye contact with Sam to make sure its ok if I take off with y/n. He smiled and knew he was ok with that.
"Y/n,me and you let's go get some food" I smiled, while grabbing my jacket that was hanging on the chair.
She got up without hesitation and we were off. As we were driving I was very silent, that's because I had to plan out how I was going to do this how I was going to show her the cassette tape I made for her.
"Dean? Are you ok?" I heard her say.
"I'm peachy, sweetheart" I winked at her, I saw the light shade of pink that crept on her cheeks as she smiled at me.
As I was driving, I realized I had no exact destination to where I was going. Until I saw a dirt road on the right side of the road so I turned down the road, I had explored with Sam once. Just to make sure it was a perfect place.
The night was beautiful, this reminds of all the times her and I were talking about everything on the hood of the impala. It was perfect the stars above us shining brightly, the moonlight shinning down on us and the city lights over the cliff a beautiful sight, this was the perfect area. Once I saw this place I knew it was the perfect place.
"Dean why are we here?" She asked me.
"We are here because it's a beautiful night and I wanted to share this with you. I took out the cassette tape and put it into the cassette player in the impala.
The first song that played was Lady by Styx
I knew this song was perfect for her because of how perfect the lyrics are and how much they relate to her.
'Lady from the moment I saw you standing all alone'
'You gave all the love that I needed'
Her eyes lit up as soon as she realized what I had done.
"Dean.." she gasped.
"Y/n, I'm in love with-" before I could finish my sentence she crashed her lips into mine, her kiss was soft and delicate.
As the next song played Whole lotta love by Led Zeppelin
This song couldn't be any more better than this moment because this moment was the best of my life. As she stopped, resting our foreheads against each other.
"I'm in love with you too" She smiled and kissed me once more.
This moment was the greatest I couldn't be more happier in this moment alone.
"Do I get to add to this cassette tape you made or no?" She asked.
I smiled, "you can add any song you want I won't judge you" I kissed her again.
Nothing can ruin this moment or be any more better.
An: so I'm finally on summer break but I'll be moving so I'll be busy but I will get to writing much more now and sorry this took so long Finals really kicked my butt... I'm done now so keep those requests coming. I put songs in here if you wanna listen to them but I hope you enjoy this i tried my best
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