lesbrys · 5 months
"no one is forcing lesbians to like dick" but when we say we don't like it then they tell us we're transphobic and not inclusive and that unlearning "genital preferences" is not impossible etc etc
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hiduprakyat · 4 years
Hello folks!
This is Daisy, your local weirdo.
Just kidding. Kind of. I suppose I need to address something.
Tumblr is such a wonderful place for the LGBTQ+ community, you know, and me, being a bisexual girl from an incredibly homophobic country, it's a kind of comfort. But sometimes we forget that reality is, in fact, disappointing. I guess Thanos was right.
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This is Dewan Siswa, a magazine for secondary school students in Malaysia. It's a great magazine! Don't get me wrong! Revision notes for PT3 and SPM, really good articles, poems and sample essays. It's great.
But!!! (Suppose you saw that coming) We got our March's issue today, and the theme was about identity. The first article's great. It takes about mental health, and stuff, which was great, and made me feel real noticed. Not that it's that great a thing but still. Second article's called
Which means "Get Back onto the Right Track". Hey, guess what's it about? Drugs? Smoking? Sex? Ha. No.
It starts with this:
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"Not too long ago, our country was stunned by the courage of a man who dressed in a woman's clothes during Umrah. Before that, this famous entrepreneur had claimed that he was a woman even though he had no official documents to prove it. ..."
The hell? But okay. Read on.
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"The LGBT community in Malaysia is no longer a secret and is a hot topic in conversation. They are like an outbreak of cancer. This community can destroy family institutions which will cause many social, religious, cultural, psychological, ethical, and moral problems. In a society, one who does not follow the rules of the society will be gotten rid of."
Cancer??? Are you even hearing yourself???
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"As of late, this unhealthy issue is gradually spreading amongst teenagers."
I - holy shit I can't even.
And then there's a two page rant on "scientific reasons why people are gay".
What the fuck.
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"Parents, educators, people with power, and the community must practice and be concerned about solving this issue, ... They [the LGBT community] must receive support both psychologically and spiritually. The society's habit of labelling, testing, condemning, scorning, and insulting this unorthodox community causes them to not find ways to find medication and cure themselves."
Of my God. I don't even know where to start.
Firstly, "issue"? There is no issue. We're not trying to make you one of us, stop interfering with our lives. Secondly, "golongan songsang"? I know I translated it into "unorthodox community", but "songsang" means something more like "inverse", or just, bad. Seriously? Thirdly, there's nothing to "cure". I'm not ill! Why do I need to be medicated, "cured"?
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"According to a former transgender person who has now gotten back on the right track, Mohd Khairiri Mohamad Ramli, better known and Cikgu Erin (Teacher Erin), society plays a big role in helping the LGBT community to return to the more normal society. ... Don't look down on them [the LGBT community] and remain silent with the excuse that the problem is not their business. It is our duty to put a stop to this issue that is spreading quickly."
It is none of your business, and you shouldn't try to "cure" us. I don't see the point of this paragraph considering that this whole dang article was looking down on the LGBTQ+ community. Also, "FORMER TRANSGENDER PERSON"??? WHAT???
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The first insert: a pill bottle with a rainbow flowing out, tiny people sitting on pills.
Captions: "Those involved in the LGBT community must be medicated so that they can change and return to their original nature."
Second insert: a person covering their face
Captions: "People in this community who is aware must be guided so that they will no longer be involved in unorthodox activities."
I -
There's nothing wrong with us! Do people realise that the 21st century, did not, in fact, invent homosexuality? The Greeks, who lived before Christ, were gay as fuck. In ancient China, gay men were actually allowed to get married. Quietly. There was an emperor who was bi and chopped off his sleeve so that he wouldn't wake his lover. That's a story for another day. John, Lord Hervey, Queen Caroline's favourite, was bi. He probably even had an affair with Frederick, the Prince of Wales, but that is also a story for another day. Emily Dickinson was lesbian. Oscar Wilde was either gay or bi. We're any of these people ill, or crazy, or in need of "curing"? (Except that Emily Dickinson probably had depression and that doesn't count)
Please stop this. Just because some people's preferences are different from yours didn't mean they're less valid, or God forbid, wrong. There's nothing wrong with homosexuality, and there's nothing to "cure"!
For people living in countries where same sex marriages are legal and generally accepted, please don't look down on or condemn someone who's afraid to come out. This could be happening where they're from.
Thank you for reading!
Love y'all!
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