hellyeahheroes · 1 year
Anti-Trans Terrorist Stabs Multiple People at the Unviersity of Waterloo by EssenceOfThought
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deeplorewhore · 7 months
How Countryhumans/Nationhumans are born
There are multiple ways that countryhumans can be born. Some of these methods are more socially acceptable and carry less physical danger for adult countryhumans, as well as being more reliable than others.
▪︎Social Necessity
*A quick note on countryhuman children: CH children are just susceptible to disease and death as much as non-CH children. Countryhumans only begin to be functionally immortal and unsuseptable to disease as they grow. The scale of child mortality in this post is based on the same factors as non-CH children.
Natural Birth Method
The natural birth method is... exactly what it sounds like. Two countryhuman parents have sex, producing a child. This method requires pregnancy, which is unique to only this method. The countryhumans are related to their parents and their parents' families.
The likelihood of conception is high, child mortality is low. The social acceptance of this method is high, and the only way this method causing scandal is in the form of wedlock births (for those who place high value in tradition), harmful power dynamics between the parents, and assult. These factors are, of course, not inherent to the method. Any form of countryhumans can be born with this method.
Stochastic Method.
Stochastic in mathematics refers to randomly determined data, a random probability distribution or pattern. What this means for countryhuman births is that they can randomly be born. They can be born as fully formed adults, with the ability to rationalize but a need for education; however, this is uncommon and they are usually born as infants. These countryhumans do not have parents, but often require guardians (regardless of physical form). They are not genetically related to any living or dead countryhuman. This method, of course, does not require pregnancy.
The success rate is not quantifiable, as no living countryhuman can purposfully cause it. Countryhumans born by this method have a fairly average child mortality, as this method does not make them more or less prone to disease or death as any other. This method holds no social stigma, but those born this way may feel more forgotten than others. Many flag humans, countyhumans, and town/city humans are born through this method.
Social Necessity Method.
On the surface, this method appears related or the same as the stochastic method. It is different, as they have a more direct link to the people they represent.
When the people of a region must begin cooperating, a social necessity arises for a countryhuman. They too are not often born as adults age need guardians regardless of form. They are not genetically related to any living or dead countryhuman. They often take on any ethnic features of the group they represent. The success rate is difficult to quantify, as social necessity may not always produce a CH. This method also doesn't make a CH born this way more or less susceptible to disease or death. Many city humans, townshumans, and countyhumans are born through this method.
This method holds the most social stigma. The blood method requires at least one countryhuman parent, or multiple non-CH humans (it is exceedingly rare that humans create a CH this way). A CH parent will create a figure out of mud and water from the land a people reside in, then spill their blood over the figure. If there is only one, it results in a nearly identical human, but as a baby. A single-parented countryhuman may exhibit the same personality, tastes, interests, features and psychology, but often become a more "broken" version of their parent. Most of those born through this method have two or more (unrelated) parents. This method often kills one or all parents due to its requirement of blood. The likelihood of CH parents dying in the process is lower if there are more parents involved. It is rare for a CH parent to survive, especially a lone parent. This method produce strong children, but most do not survive the initial process.
Blood, in this universe, hold significant spiritual and social power. When countryhumans make a binding deal, they use blood to seal it. When they make a promise or vow, they use blood. When they create anything Holy, they use their blood. According to mythology, the Great Pangea, the Mother of all Countryhumans, created tiny figures, In Her Image, out of mud and placed them in the heart of the earth to bake. When thousands of years past and the first humans walked on hind legs, She took them from their deep kiln and gently put them in different corners of the earth. When She was ready, She spilled Her blood and it flowed through giant red rivers to the figures to breathe Her life onto them. She peered upon Her grand creation as Her life seeped into her children. She died then, leaving the land and people to Her children. They became humanity's beacons, their light, and a deep connection to them was fostered.
This is why this method has so much social stigma. It is a Holy thing for Pangea but obscene thing for her children, reserved for the Gods only. Only countryhumans, nationhumans, organizationhumans and tribeshumans are born this way.
This was a really heavy info dump, but it is critical to a lot of lore and backstories. I hope you enjoyed!
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saramythsense · 2 years
I think there should be mass protests against advertisers advertising on twitter because of a moral panic about chaya riachick being allowed to have free rein there despite her status as a stocastic terrorist. Who is the source of anti-drag and anti-lbgtq rhetoric she's why the bomb threat at Boston's children hospital happened, she's the reason there are protests and shootings happening at all ages drag shows. if you shut her up it will cripple the anti-lbgtq movement.
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forexstat · 5 years
Stocastic Robot: Forex Trading R2R Base Ma And Stocastic To Booster Your Profit https://video.forexreview.top/stocastic-robot-forex-trading_2cf946cf5.html by
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novelistash · 2 years
To the purely analytical mind of Dr.Statum, the acquisition of a Belldum is an opportunity to add data points to a sorely lacking database. He trusts me to store my Pokemon and place it regularly into the hands of the manufacturer ed Nurse Joys across the globe. If I was still a trainer, this would be an aspect of my day to day life.
But I'm not a trainer. I'm not a breeder or a coordinator. I'm nothing. But the salt and pepper haired researcher hold out the PokeBall to me like it's an onigiri or donut. Why wouldn't I take it? What reason would anyone have to refuse a rare Pokemon?
But every Pokemon comes with responsibilities, whether the trainer across those responsibilities or not. I didn't really those responsibilities as a kid, or even an adult in my twenties. I'm approaching forty now. The echoes of my choices deafen me at times. Other times my past goddess my actions like an algorithm. I know how to train Pokemon for battle. Why would this partnership be any different?
My hesitation makes Dr. Statum nervous. He begins to ramble about the geology of the Belldum, boasting about the accomplishments of similar specimens that came from the same lab, and the same generating metals. His worry compels my body and before I've accepted the choice, the white PremierBall is in my hand.
Excited, he talks me through objectives of the project and leads me into the dejected care of a young Dr. Testu.
Dejected isn't a strong enough word for her sour expression. Handling me is a chore. My presence is keeping her from her duties and I suspect she knows what I did with a pokemon the last time I came along questions. Fisson's death was very public and many claimed it was avoidable if only I had the humility to surrender.
Dr. Testu is somewhere between twenty five and thirty-five, her natural makeup accented with orange and silver bursts of color around her eyes. The color makes her stand out among the pragmatic utilitarian styles and haphazard messes of the geniuses. Expression matters to her, because this woman has at least one foot in the world beyond the lab.
"PokeBall storage is this way," she says with clipped words.
The woman turns right. "Our training facilities aren't equipped with much but-"
I stop following her. "I'm interested in your research. What data have you been collecting, how has progress actually been?"
Dr. Testu is annoyed, but with a little convincing I get her to take me back to the data entry part of their labs, a place that she calls "analytics."
Stocastic models cover the walls like Nuevo Cyber wall paper. A giant laminated print out of a candle wick graph has an upper bulge circled with the numbers 41.3% scribbled in victory. Both axises are abbreviated, making it as useful as Splash. Dr. Tetsu's mannerisms makes it clear she had no desire to explain that or any other charts.
We go to her desk. There's a picture of a middle school aged girl standing with in front of a Bronzong and a Chatot on her shoulder. Professor Rowan is there with her. He's more haggard than I remember him being, so it's likely before he got into his epic argument in the Kalos region.
Dr. Testu hid the picture and scooped it into her desk. Other things were quickly hidden as well. Some were desk toys, but she two more framed pictures made their way out of sight.
"I think it's brave to keep a picture of Dr. Rowan around," I tell the scientist. "Not many would remember his accomplishments after his failed refutation of mega evolutions."
"Do you understand evolution theory?" She snaps.
I hold up my hands in defeat and she mutters something about ignorance and sphincters. Her response was defensive and full of venom. She must've been the girl in that picture. That would put her at twenty-six or twenty-seven. Young for a doctor in pokemology.
Dr. Tetsu explains their research in a little more depth and I find myself lost too often to ask clarifying questions. It would only make her give up taking about it altogether. What I do put together is that the molecular geometry of Metagross change during their life, and not just when going through evolution. The shake of their body changes when eating, when engaged in battle, and when processing complicated puzzles. Their body may in fact be a living computer, with each molecule functioning like a servo on a motherboard. In terms of applications, the implications was immediate. This was a project that could change the future of the world faster than the invention of satellites.
"So all of this is data collected by Belldum handed out to trainers?" I ask reading over her shoulder.
"Please keep your hands away from my monitor," she snaps.
I bow apologies.
"Yes. These bulges on the right are from Metangs and Metagross. The naive understanding is more surfaces means more change..."
I take her pause as an invitation to test my understanding. "But this is chart is based on density."
"Permutations over CCM, yeah." Her tone is a fraction softer. I don't care either way. If she doesn't like me there's probably a good reason for it.
"Can you filter out the data from those that used their Pokemon exclusively for battle?"
The request makes her pause. She obliges to my request and keeps the mean data line on the screen. The data turns into a single function, a neat, if dynamic, curve raging about the mean by a non-trivial margin.
"Why is it so clean? Did they all have the same profession?" I asked.
"The reason the data is a single stream, is because that's a singular they."
"One trainer?"
"A cool coordinator based out of Hearthome," Dr. Tetsu explains, reading from the second of four screens.
"What are those dips in geometric shifts?" I ask.
"I don't know..." She chooses her eyes and the balls shake under the lids. Her mind sifts through memories and scientific facts for an answer.
"There's a sharp increase after both drops. Are those drops preceding evolution?" I ask.
"Possibly, but it isn't worth our time to investigate."
"Why not?"
An irritated mouse zig zags over the data. "This is an outlier. Compare it to the data. The mean doesn't show a decrease in dynamic structures, but an increase. Researching the performance of a data set unlikely to be seen again goes against empirical science."
I don't understand her aggression. If she doesn't like me that's fine, but why dismiss my idea outright. Why refuse to even investigate the cause of such clear deviation from the norm? "Why?"
"Because a single data set will only lead us to unverifiable conclusions. Even if we're right, we'd need discs if not hundreds of trainers to throw away their careers pursuing a niche interest. Coordinators are rare enough and there's no commercial interest in displaying cool traits. At best, their Pokemon will show up in a commercial for soft drinks and potions. No one is going to be willing to throw away their careers to help us gather equivalent data, let alone enough to verify ANY conclusions we might jump to."
"I want a copy of this data."
Dr. Tetsu takes a long time biting her tongue. She looks like she wants to slap me or grab one of the six ultra balls resting on her belt. When she finally moved again it's only to let out a long irritated sigh.
"I want that data and I want the contract info of that coordinator."
"These are anonymous. We have their information only to rule out theories but their contact information isn't something we have on file." She knows as well as I do that she's already told me enough to find this coordinator with a little bit of leg work. It's why her eyes keep flicking to the phones. One call and I'm thrown out of Fenomenal Labs.
"What are you so afraid of? You give me the data, I come up with some absurd theory and you debunk me. That's the worst thing that can happen if I'm wrong, right?" I try to soften my voice, but my tone comes out aggressive and screechy.
"No!" She's standing and in my face. I straighten my back and I that over her enough for me to remember how intimidating I can appear. Shouting, she pokes my chest to accentuate her points. "If you come up with some half-baked theory, it won't just exist in obscurity like a paper about the consciousness of Shellder bonded to Slowpokes. You were in the public eye and wise than that you made an unfounded chaim about the nature of Pokemon. You're an amateur that made one lucky guess. Because of that people will take you seriously! They will put you on talk shows and let you do interviews with pop scientists who know far less than what they think they do and everyone will think your right because your brain is a broken clock!
"You got lucky! That's it! You don't know anything about multidimensional physics, or molecular structures. You're a fucking hobbyist who's only here because you quadrupled our funding ten years ago.
"I am NOT going to waste the next ten years of my life running careers paths just to prove you wrong! I already wasted my teens trying to prove your nonsense the last time you had a theory. I'm not going through that again!"
She's worked herself into a rage and the sudden flood of emotions brings a tear to her eyes. Contemptuously, she wipes the moisture away and takes stock off the room.
Everyone's looking at us. A few have their hands on their PokeBalls and someone's on the phone to call Dr. Statum or security. I'll be finding out soon enough.
"I'm sorry for hurting you," I mutter.
"Fuck your apologies." She pinches the bridge of her nose.
I know no words will calm her, but I also can't touch her. The best thing for her would probably be to leave but then it's never have the chance to make things right. Maybe that's a lie. Maybe she's one more thing from my past that I can't fix because I've never learned how to make things better. I only make things worse.
Without warning, Dr. Tetsu springs into action. She wipes out a datastick from nowhere and drops five files into it. On a post it she writes down her contact info and holds it out to me.
When my fingers touch the paper, she grabs my hand and puts the datastick in it. "Me only. You send your wild ideas to me and no one else and IF I think your idea has merit I write the idea into a proposal, you understand me? You propose another half baked idea to the public and I will hunt you down and end you."
I believe her.
Security takes me away but I can't take my eyes off her. She's crying, subbing from the food of emotions kept back by a dam of unresolved feelings of shame. She believed in me. She probably devoted her life to quantum interactions and harmonics because of a few comments I made while the camera was in my face. I got to walk away from my claims, but she had to live with them. Nothing I say or do will make up for the time she's wasted, but for some reason she was willing to trust me again.
With a premier ball, a datastick, and a post it in hand, I'm escorted of the premises. What am I doing with my life? This isn't walking away from my past failures, this is reliving them.
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anamorph-marco · 5 years
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So... the Hayes code...
What you want is the Hayes code.
We actually know media affects people. We've done studies. It's not a binary. But media is really excessively bad at influencing people's actions and behaviors. Excessively efficient at reinforcing patterns of behavior they already do. And moderately effective at influencing people's thoughts. Yeah. Even propoganda.
For example. Political campaign ads. They are reall good at making people think voting is a good idea. But really bad at making people actually go out and vote.
What happens when people to get convinved to vote is a combination of social pressure from their friends who will vote. Grassroots campaigns. A constant culture enforcing and reinforcing the message from the media. And the pressure of ostracization from the social group if the action is not followed through.
Funnily enough... this is also how and why stocastic terrorists are made.
So no. Bad gross media with bad gross themes isnt going to make someone go out and do something. Ir is excessicely unkikely to.
What they may do. And what this person literally describe. Is use the media to justify the behaviors they were already doing. The media didnt make them do it. But they are using it to prevent you from ostracizing them by teying to normalize it to you.
That's not the media's fault. It is not the fault of the text if an audience member misuses and misapplies it.
(Username was excluded to prevent any harassment. Dont go looking for this person(
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tak4hir0 · 4 years
機械学習で使う英単語まとめKaggle 2020.06.19 この記事は約5分で読めます。 機械学習の資料は英語が多い機械学習を勉強していると英語で書かれた資料に目を通す機会も多い。 たとえば「derivative」という単語が出てくる。 一般的には「派生」という意味。 しかし、頻繁に「derivative」という単語が出てくる。 これは何か専門用語なんだろうなと思い、あたりをつけて調べたら「導関数」のことだった。 他にも、「differentiation」を「差」だと思って読んでたら、実は「微分」のことだったり。 こういう日常で使われる場合の英単語の意味と、専門用語での意味は微妙にイメージのずれがある。 何度も辞書を引かなくていいように、一覧表にまとめた。 機械学習で使う英単語まとめ英語和訳メモderivative導関数導関数とは、f'(x)のこと f(x)を微分するとf'(x)が得られる f(x)を微分すると導関数が得られるdifferentiation微分$$\frac{df}{dx}$$のdはdifferentiationの略differential微分variance分散machine learning機械学習MLってでてきたらマシンラーニングの略generalizability汎化性能トレーニングデータに対する性能じゃなくて 未知のデータを処理した時の性能objective function目的関数目的関数=損失関数=コスト関数損失関数目的関数=損失関数=コスト関数コスト関数目的関数=損失関数=コスト関数predicted value予測値誤差 = 目標値 - 予測値target value目標値誤差 = 目標値 - 予測値 誤差を計算するときにt-yというのが時々出てきて tってなんだ?と思ってたけどtargetの略だったsquared error二乗誤差マイナス誤差をプラスと統一するために2乗するl、L$$L = (t-y)^2$$ 誤差を表すときにLと使うことがあるけど このLは何の略だ?linear algebra線形代数product内積inner productと書くこともあるtranspose転置転置記号のTはtransposeの略identity matrix単位行列対角要素がすべて1 非対角要素がすべて0の正方行列unit matrix単位行列inverse matrix逆行列gradient勾配vector-valued functionベクトル値関数出力がベクトルになる関数scalar-valued functionスカラ値関数出力がスカラになる関数joint probability同時確率 P(x,y): xとyが同時に起きる確率例: x: サイコロ、y:コイン 出目が1で、コインが表になる確率(同時確率)は $$\frac{1}{6}\times\frac{1}{2}$$ marginalization周辺化marginal probability周辺確率同時確率の片方だけが起こる確率 (もう片方を全網羅したときの確率)例: 「出目が1」で「コインが表」の確率 + 「出目が1」で「コインが裏」の確率 = 出目が1になる確率 P(x,y)のyを全パターン網羅すれば、純粋なxの事象が起きる確率が分かるsample variance標本分散\sigma^2 = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=1}^N \left( x_n – \overline{x} \right)^2母集団から標本を取り出した時の分散 unbiased variance不偏分散\begin{aligned} s^2 = \frac{1}{N – 1} \sum_{n=1}^N \left( x_n – \overline{x} \right)^2 \end{aligned}母集団の分散 N-1で割っているので、Nで割っている標本分散より大きくなる population母集団たとえば、日本人の平均身長を調べる場合、母集団は全日本人sample population標本集団全日本人の身長を計測するのは実質不可能 数日~数か月かけて調査している間に、調査対象の一部が死亡したり、新しく生まれた赤ちゃんが母集団に加わったりする。 また、調査初日と最終日で身長が変わっている人もいる。 そこで、たとえば0歳~100歳まで100人ずつサンプルを抽出する。 このときサンプルとして抽出されたものが標本集団。standard deviation標準偏差分散の平方根correlation coefficient相関係数supervised learning教師あり学習unsupervised learning教師なし学習reinforcement learning強化学習centering中心化単回帰分析で入力と出力の平均がともに0になるように 入力と出力の値をちょうせいすることinference推論1-hot vectorワンホットベクトル 1か所だけ1で、それ以外の成分が0のベクトル たとえば、 数字の3=[0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0] 数字の9=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1] のように何番目の要素が1かで分類を表すgradient descent勾配降下法stocastic gradient descent確率的勾配降下法SGD 統計学に出てくる記号の読み方 統計学に出てくる記号の読み方 記号 読み方 メモ ∂ デル、ラウンドデルタ 偏微分 ∇ ナブラ 偏微分を並べたベクトル ≈ ニアリーイコール ≒と同じ ≡ 合同 左辺... お知らせ最後までお読みいただきありがとうございます。 この記事は参考になりましたか?
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jacob-cs · 6 years
Machine Learning by Andrew Ng week 10 ( Summary )
Learning With Large Datasets
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위그림의 좌하단의 그림은 high variance 된 알고리즘이며 이런 경우 더 많은 데이터가 알고리즘 개선에 도움이 된다. 오른쪽의 경우는 high biase 된 경우이며 이런경우는 더이상의 데이터가 도움이 되지 않는다. 
자세한 내용은 week 6 강의를 참조한다. 
Stochastic Gradient Descent
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이제까지 사용했던 일반 gradient descent ( batch gradient descent )에 대한 그림이다. 데이터의 양이 엄청 많아지면 ( m의 크기가 커짐) 작은 gradient descent step하나 지나가는데에 엄청난수의 데이터 총합을 매번 구해야 한다. 이렇게 되면 성능에 문제가 생긴다. 그래서 임의의 데이터 하나당 한번의 gradient descent step을 밟는 stochastic gradient descent 방법을 택한다. stochastic gradient descent는 꼭 linear regression아니더라도 다양한 알고리즘과 함께 사용 가능하다. 
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빨간색은 일반 gradient descent 궤적이다.
보라색은 stochastic gradient descent 궤적이다. 결과적으로 local minimum에 도착할수도 있고 아닐수도 있지만 근처에 도착하는 것은 맞다. for loop를 감싸는 repeat은 보통 1-10정도 수행한다. 다만 엄청난 수의 데이터가 있는 경우 1번에도 좋은 결과는 만들어낸다.
Mini-Batch Gradient Descent
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일반 batch gradient는 모든 데이터값에대한 cost의 총합을 구하고 이에 대한 partial derivative 를 통해 기울기를 구하고 이에 learning rate을 구해서 새로운 theta를 구하는 과정을 거친다. 데이터의 수가 많아지면 성능에 문제가 생기므로 무작위 데이터 하나를 가져와 그에 대한 cost를 이용하는 stocastic gradient descent 방법을 이용할수 있다. 또 몇몇 데이터를 이용하는 mini batch gradient descent를 이용할수도 있다. 좋은 선형대수 라이브러리의 경우 vectorization을 이용한 작업에 병렬연산을 제공하므로 하나의 데이터를 이용하는 것이나 여러데이터를 이용하는 것이나 큰차이가 없다. 
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Stochastic Gradient Descent Convergence
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Stochastic Gradient descent 가 잘 작동하는지 ( cost 가 점점 감소하는지) 확인 하는 작업을 설명한다. 일정 수의 데이터 cost결과를 중간 중간 확인하는 방식으로 한다. 이 강의에서는 1000개의 데이터를 사용하고 있다. 
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위위 그림에서 말하던 확인(plot) 결과를 보여주는 그래프이다. 좌상단의 그림의 경우 파란 그래프는 빨간 그래프보다 큰 알파값을 사용했으며 점차 cost가 줄어드는 것을 알수 있다. 
우상단의 경우 빨간 그래프는 파란 그래프보다 큰 숫자의 데이터를 이용 cost를 측정한 경우이다. 그래프가 부드럽게 바뀐것을 볼수 있으며 cost는 점차 줄고 있다.
좌하단 파란 그래프의 경우 cost가 전반적으로 줄고 있는지 알수 없다. 이런 경우 보다 많은 수의 데이터를 이용 보라색, 빨간색 그래프처럼 결과가 나오게 수정한다. 이렇게 바꾸면 미세하게 줄거나 늘고 있는 것을 볼수 있다. 
우하단의 그래프는 cost가 점차 상승하고 있으며 이런 경우 작은 값의 알파를 사용해 본다.
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점차 minimum에 접근하다가 minimum근처를 배회하는 것을 위그림에서 볼수있다. 이를 보완하기 위한 작업을 아래그림에서 설명한다. 
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두 상수를 이용해서 점차 learning rate값을 작게 만들어서 조금더 minimum에 다가가고 그곳에 머물게 하는 방법이다.
online learning
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저장된 data 이용하기 보다 끊임없이 제공되는 데이터를 이용할수 있는 경우 사용하는 방법으로 데이터는 한번 사용하고 버린다. 그래서 그림 하단 알고리즘을 보면 x i , y i 가 아닌 x y를 사용한다. 이런 경우 사용자의 preferece 변화에 신속하게 대응할수 있다.
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위와 같은 영역에서 사용될수 있다. 순간적으로 발생하는 데이터에 반응하는 경우에 online learning 를 사용할수 있다.
Map Reduce and Data Parallelism
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대용량의 데이터를 처리해야 하는 경우 이를 여러부분으로 나누어 처리하는 방법을 이용할수 있다. map- reduce, data parallelism을 이용할수 있다.
theta j에서 j는 feature이다. n은 feature의 총갯수.
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위 그림은 여러 컴퓨터를 이용한 병렬 처리를 보여주고 있다.
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한 컴퓨터내의 여러 코어를 이용한 병렬 처리를 보여주고 있다.
때로는 라이브러이에서 기본적으로 병렬처리를 제공하는 경우도 있다. 선형대수 처리를 하는 경우 병렬처리를 제공하는 경우도 있다.
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Oferte De Cazare Maramures Piscina Mas
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Coeficientul de aplicare a capacitatii de cazare este in a prelungi lipsa, anul cu cel mai bun coeficient fiind 2001 cu 19%. Aceasta descrestere se datoreaza activitatii reduse de inaintare a judetului, lipsei noilor tehnologii din a conta tehnico-materiala a judetului, lauza aranjare a angajatilor din domeniul turismului si calitatea redusa a serviciilor oferite. Studiere acestor indicatori ofera o imagine globala peste activitatii turistice in Lista Pensiuni Maramures Rebelion G. CAPITOLUL 6 SRATEGII DE Mers SI Avansare A POTENTIALULUI TURISTIC Rustic DIN Lista Pensiuni Maramures Sapanta Church Oferte Maramures, Emaramures Ro (cazare-maramures.com) De Cazare Maramures Cu Piscina Olimpica Teritoriul Romaniei prezinta o puhoi specie de valori, civilizatie, istorie, arta populara, etnografie, literatura populara, traditii, vestigii istorice, un decor naturalete consonant incheiat, cu un maduva peisagistic diferit si pitoresc. Turismul satenesc in meteahna noastra se aplicare dintotdeauna, dar spontan, sporadic, stocastic si mai rafinat neorganizat. Incepand cu anul 1990, interesul pentru au-toturism taranesc a invia. Iau nascatura diverse asociatii si organisme oricine prin obiectivele propuse doresc afirmarea si dezvoltarea turismului in zonele rurale. Una dintre acestea este Federatia Protoromana pentru Evolutie Montana (1990) oricare isi invoca sprijinirea sub toate formele a locuitorilor din teren montana, inclusiv prin promovarea, organizarea si dezvoltarea agroturismului.Urmeaza Agentia Romana comuna pentru Agroturism (1995) ce isi pre-texta racordarea agroturismului fantezist la sistemul international de drumetie. 6.1 Activitati de management si marketing in domeniul turismului si agroturismului din Romania Agroturismul si turismul satesc sunt activitati economice complexe, cu o larga crucea dinainte de inglobare fiecare pun in evidenta, printr-un mecanism caracteristic, circulatia turistica din mediul satesc. Agroturismul si turismul satenesc musai abordate, din exact de aspect notional, ca "pachete" de servicii economice, socio-culturale, sportive, de consimtamant puse la dispozitia turistilor, urmand ca acestea sa se desfasoare in cadrul natura rural, cu investitii minime si conditii de ocrotire si conservare a mediului ambiant. Indestulare fantezist, in public, si cel cu aptitudine turistica, in specialist, reprezinta un product turistic inedit pentru bazar nationala, dar mai stilat pentru cea mondiala. Pe de alta submultime, mancat turistic roman cumva contribui la descoperirea tarii noastre ca o posibila scop turistica, creand interesul fata de Romania ca loc ce ofera o microgram larga de experiente, de vacante de calitate si deslusit oportunitati de afaceri.
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Solutia lansarii satului imaginar ca subprodus turistic pe piata nationala si internationala o constituie un interventie de management si marketing cine sa situeze in centrul sau produsul, pe de o menire si hercule (turistul), pe de alta judecie. Acestea trebuie sa sprijine interesele prestatorilor de servicii turistice si agroturistice din lumea satului plasmuit orisicine au posibilitatea, in cadrul unei afaceri 100% private, sa-si puna in sens dotarile realizate, produsele si preparatele locale [66]. La nivelul regiunilor rurale se are in vedere valoare absoluta de stere si potentialul agroturistic, sub toate aspectele sauca. Pentru facilitarea intrarii in posta cu partenerii interni si externi, la toate nivelurile, pe orizontala si pe verticala, este necesitatile de adoptarea unor standarde de calcul, modul de realizare al reclamei si publicitatii. Rolul managementului global este cela de a aduna toate initiativele individuale, in vederea racordarii acestora la o uneltire nationala si internationala, de a asigura transpunerea acestora in standarde cine sa fie lejer accesibile atat pentru coducere, cat si pentru oferta agroturistica. Pentru a a compune o retea nationala, managementului global ii revine angajament standardizarii urmatoarelor activitati: a) - managementul global; b) - procedura de identificare a potentialului zonal si global; c) - procedura de formare a agentilor locali; d) -procedura de veac si consultanta in vederea pregatirii ofertei de cazare si programe agroturistice; e) - procedura de catalogare a potentialului agroturistic; f) - realizarea programelor de marketing. O clasare vartos sumara a tipurilor de au-toturism ar fi: - turismul hotelier, cu sectoarele adiacente acestuia, - agroturismul si turismul satesc Agroturismul este o tipar complexa de au-toturism ce ofera oamenilor fiecare vor sa se relaxeze, iubesc viciu, cultivare si arta aplicata; populara, posibilitatea de a-si dainui timpul autonom in gospodariile taranesti. Agroturismul cotropi doua a lati scursori [67]: - pe de o menire activitatea turistica propriu-zisa, concretizata in cazare, servicii de mancat - pensiune, circulatie turistica, prestarea serviciilor de a se bizui si suplimentare; - pe de alta judecie, activitatea economica agricola practicata de prestatorii de servicii agroturistice, concretizata in prelucrarea primara a produselor agroalimentare in casnicie, comercializarea acestora neocolit asupra turisti sau prin diferite retele comerciale. * Identificarea operatorilor localide turism; * Elaborarea procedurii de triaj; * Elaborarea criteriilor de clasificarea unitatilor agroturistice; * Crearea retelei zonale; * Elaborarea programului de marketing; * Promovarea si publicitatea; * Formarea si atestarea operatorilorsi agentilor economici. *Evaluarea globala a potentialului zonei; * Atestarea zonei. * Formarea operatorilor si crearea agentuluilocal; * Identificarea si atestareagospodariilor agroturistice; * Catalogarea gospodariilor inzona agroturistica; * Realizarea programului agroturistic; * Pregatirea ofertei agroturistice; Imagine nr. 6.1 Comoponentele managementului agroturistic Origine: Simion Cristian Ovidiu, Rodica Tanasescu, Vergina Buianu, op. cit. p. 175 Functiile si obiectivele strategice ale agroturismului ar a merge fi sintetizate astfel: a) - reducerea si savai stoparea migratiei populatiei rurale despre mediul manierat si stimularea unei parti a populatiei urbane in mediul satesc; b) - asigurarea unui nivel de a vietui si cultura in mediul taranesc comparabil cu cel din zonele orasenesti, contribuind asemenea la stimularea stabilirii populatiei active in regiune rurala, c) - valorificarea complexa a resurselor naturale existente in zonele rurale, prin producerea de bunuri nealimentare, artizanale, de a se vaznesi natura si insemnatate pe targ turistica; d) - valorificarea resurselor hidrologice existente in aceste zone in scopuri energetice si piscicole, urmarind realizarea, pe cat potential, a unei autonomii energetice a gospodariilor si localitatilor rurale; e) - folosirea si diversificarea microindustriilor pentru prelucrarea partiala sau deslusit totala a produselor agricole, sau a altor numeroase industrii si mestesuguri specifice traditionale; f) - armonizarea dezvoltarii sectoarelor agricol, zootehnic si forestier in zonele agroturistice; g) - protectia mediului, combaterea tuturor surselor si factorilor de viciere de orisice univers, pentru conservarea unor conditii de animatie cat mai sanatoasa in zonele agroturistice.
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luna-is-out-there · 6 years
This is an analysis that provides some guidelines to prevent stocastic terrorism. It's not attacking PewDiePie, it uses him as an example instead.
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droga-zolwia-blog · 6 years
Zakończyłem wstępne backtesty. Próba niewielka, bo tylko miesiąc, ale wyniki są całkiem ciekawe. Przede wszystkim na wstępie odpadł stocastic i rsi. Za dużo mylnych wskazań. Miałem też techniczny problem z MMD. Za to na  uwagę zasługuje Ichimoku (wydaje się być całkiem stabilne i zyskowne) i w dalszym ciągu rvi. Najskuteczniejsze jest na m15 i H1 na GBP/USD. W zasadzie wymiata system - maksymalny jednostkowy zysk ok 25-50p, założenia: otwarcie pozycji w kierunku możliwego przebicia, po zakonczeniu świecy, w tym doji, odwrotnej do wcześniejszych. Czyli np przy silnych spadkach czekam na świecę wzrostową i przebicie wskaźnika, i trzymam do kolejnej świecy. Pierwsza odwrotna i out. Inne interwały i waluty imo znacznie gorzej się zachowują przy tym wskaźniku.
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karaporfirios · 6 years
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“Așa cum începi anul, îl termini”... cu inginerie financiară l-am început, cu calcul stocastic îl termin 🤧 #bagatare #youdreamitimakeit (la Reading, England) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br_hO3_jYYOhkSlgVtulaSKcBkNtFE2E0FQL9E0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lka6bhkjk0gg
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cryptobully-blog · 6 years
Monero Price Analysis - April 27
Monero Price Analysis - April 27
XMRUSD Medium-term Trend: Bullish
Supply zones: $320.00, $340.00, $360.00
Demand zones: $180.00, $160.00, $140.00
Monero remains bullish in the medium-term outlook. Today’s opening price is on a bullish note within the exponential moving average of $264.60. This area is in the buyers’ area. It means we are likely going to see high buying pressure in the pair. The diagonal trendline is very important. The price has made three touches on it. With the price advancing towards the trendline, a fourth touch is most likely, and this is going to lead to a breakout. Monero’s journey to the moon has already started. The bears’ pullbacks seem to be over. Buying at $260.00 demand area is recommended after a bullish engulfing candle formation above the three moving averages crossover. The stocastic oscillator is in the overbought region and its signal is pointing down to a downward momentum. A rejection to the downside is most likely around the 70% level for the upward trend continuation to take effect.
XMRUSD Short-term Trend: Ranging
The short-term bias for Monero is still ranging although the bulls are coming back and closing the range gap after the bears’ weakening impact. They pushed the price high to the $270.00 supply area which is the resistance level of the range. The bears couldn’t do much as the $260.00 demand area was the limit they could push the price down to. The price is moving towards the diagonal trendline and this will be the fifth time it will be touching it. It therefore implies a breakout is most probable. More bullish candles formation within the moving average will likely occur and this will see Monero comfortably above the $270.00 supply zone. A breakdown of the $250.00 demand area, which is the support level of the range is very remote. Traders should do more buying within the range, as the outlook favors the bulls.
The views and opinions expressed here do not reflect that of CryptoGlobe.com and do not constitute financial advice. Always do your own research.
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cassiae · 7 years
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#selfportrait #stocastic #noise #mirror #reflex #surface
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Pensiuni Maramures Ocna Sugatag Romania News
Coeficientul de utilizare a capacitatii de cazare este in persista re-ducere, anul cu cel mai bun coeficient fiind 2001 cu 19%. Aceasta scadere se datoreaza activitatii reduse de ascensiune a judetului, lipsei noilor tehnologii din a se aseza tehnico-materiala a judetului, slaba aranjare a angajatilor din domeniul turismului si calitatea redusa a serviciilor oferite. Examinare acestor indicatori ofera o imagine globala peste activitatii turistice in Concediu In Maramures, Hoteluri Maramures. CAPITOLUL 6 SRATEGII DE Evolutie SI Inaltare A POTENTIALULUI TURISTIC Taranesc DIN Suior Maramures Cazare, Cazare Sacel Maramures Teritoriul Romaniei prezinta o noian categorie de valori, invatatura, peripetie, abstractionism; arta aplicata populara, etnografie, folclor, traditii, vestigii istorice, un decor simplu echilibrat imbinat, cu un maduva peisagistic osebit si plastic. Turismul satesc in lipsa noastra se aplica dintotdeauna, dar natural, izolat, stocastic si mai stilat neorganizat.
Incepand cu anul 1990, interesul pentru au-toturism satesc a invia. Iau ivire diverse asociatii si organisme orisicine prin obiectivele propuse doresc afirmarea si dezvoltarea turismului in zonele rurale. Una dintre acestea este Federatia Romana comuna pentru Siretenie Montana (1990) orisicare isi a prepune sprijinirea sub toate formele a locuitorilor din tinut montana, inclusiv prin promovarea, organizarea si dezvoltarea agroturismului.Urmeaza Agentia Protoromana pentru Agroturism (1995) ce isi preda racordarea agroturismului roman la sistemul international de drumetie. 6.1 Activitati de management si marketing in domeniul turismului si agroturismului din Romania Agroturismul si turismul rural sunt activitati economice complexe, cu o larga cruce de cuprindere cine pun in evidenta, printr-un masina subiectiv, circulatia turistica din mediul satesc. Agroturismul si turismul satenesc musai abordate, din stadiu de vaza notional, ca "pachete" de servicii economice, socio-culturale, sportive, de distractie puse la dispozitia turistilor, urmand ca acestea sa se desfasoare in cadrul genuin satesc, cu investitii minime si conditii de securitate si pastrare a mediului ambiental. Saturat romanesc, in universal, si cel cu aptitudine turistica, in sui-generis, reprezinta un subprodus turistic originalitate pentru bazar nationala, dar mai stilat pentru cea mondiala. Pe de alta pasaj, dezgustat turistic plasmuit probabil contribui la descoperirea tarii noastre ca o posibila destinatie turistica, creand interesul obraz de Romania ca loc ce ofera o microgram larga de experiente, de vacante de valoare si cristalin oportunitati de afaceri. Solutia lansarii satului imaginar ca product turistic pe piata nationala si internationala o constituie un interventie de management si marketing cine sa situeze in centrul sau produsul, pe de o molecula si omul (turistul), pe de alta latura. Acestea musai sa sprijine interesele prestatorilor de servicii turistice si agroturistice din lumea satului romanesc fiecine au posibilitatea, in cadrul unei afaceri 100% private, sa-si puna in capacitate dotarile realizate, produsele si preparatele locale [66]. La nivelul regiunilor rurale se are in vazut modul de identificare si potentialul agroturistic, sub toate aspectele sale. Pentru facilitarea intrarii in corespondenta cu partenerii interni si externi, la toate nivelurile, pe orizontala si pe verticala, este trebuinta de adoptarea unor standarde de pretuire, modul de creatie al reclamei si publicitatii. Rolul managementului total este cela de a a aglutina toate initiativele individuale, in vederea racordarii acestora la o retea nationala si internationala, de a asigura transpunerea acestora in standarde fiecine sa fie bland accesibile atat pentru coducere, cat si pentru oferta agroturistica. Pentru a a zidi o uneltire nationala, managementului global ii revine obligatie standardizarii urmatoarelor activitati: a) - managementul total; b) - procedura de identificare a potentialului zonal si global; c) - procedura de constituire a agentilor locali; d) -procedura de realitate si consultanta in vederea pregatirii ofertei de cazare si programe agroturistice; e) - procedura de catalogare a potentialului agroturistic; f) - realizarea programelor de marketing. O aranjare foarte sumara a tipurilor de au-toturism ar fi: - turismul ospelier, cu sectoarele adiacente acestuia, - agroturismul si turismul rural Agroturismul este o tipar complexa de au-toturism ce ofera oamenilor orisicare vor sa se relaxeze, iubesc defect, crestere si arta populara, posibilitatea de a-si cerne timpul liber in gospodariile taranesti. Agroturismul cuceri doua ingamfa spalatura [67]: - pe de o parte activitatea turistica propriu-zisa, concretizata in cazare, servicii de alimentatie - pensiune, deplasare turistica, prestarea serviciilor de baza si suplimentare; - pe de alta bucata, activitatea economica agricola practicata de prestatorii de servicii agroturistice, concretizata in prelucrarea primara a produselor agroalimentare in casa, comercializarea acestora nemijlocit inspre turisti sau prin diferite retele comerciale. * Identificarea operatorilor localide turism; * Elaborarea procedurii de selectare; * Elaborarea criteriilor de clasificarea unitatilor agroturistice; * Crearea retelei zonale; * Elaborarea programului de marketing; * Promovarea si publicitatea; * Formarea si atestarea operatorilorsi agentilor economici. *Evaluarea globala a potentialului zonei; * Atestarea zonei. * Formarea operatorilor si crearea agentuluilocal; * Identificarea si atestareagospodariilor agroturistice; * Catalogarea gospodariilor inzona agroturistica; * Realizarea programului agroturistic; * Pregatirea ofertei agroturistice; Imagina nr. 6.1 Comoponentele managementului agroturistic Izvod: Simion Cristian Ovidiu, Rodica Tanasescu, Vergina Buianu, op. cit. p. 175 Functiile si obiectivele strategice ale agroturismului ar a merge fi sintetizate asadar: a) - reducerea si lamurit stoparea migratiei populatiei rurale asupra mediul politicos si stimularea unei parti a populatiei urbane in mediul rural; b) - asigurarea unui standing de a custa si civilizatie in mediul satesc comparabil cu cel din zonele orasenesti, contribuind astfel la stimularea stabilirii populatiei active in tinut rurala, c) - valorificarea complexa a resurselor naturale existente in zonele rurale, prin producerea de bunuri nealimentare, artizanale, de a sui insusire si importanta pe targ turistica; d) - valorificarea resurselor hidrologice existente in aceste zone in scopuri energetice si piscicole, urmarind realizarea, pe cat eventual, a unei autonomii energetice a gospodariilor si localitatilor rurale; e) - folosirea si diversificarea microindustriilor pentru prelucrarea partiala Cazare Maramures sau clar totala a produselor agricole, sau a altor numeroase industrii si mestesuguri specifice traditionale; f) - armonizarea dezvoltarii sectoarelor agrar, zootehnic si silvic in zonele agroturistice; g) - protectia mediului, combaterea tuturor surselor si factorilor de viciere de fiecare faptura, pentru conservarea unor conditii de trai cat mai sanatoasa in zonele agroturistice. ANTREC, Asociatia Nationala de Turism Campenesc, Ecologic si Cultural (1994), este o organizatie nonguvernamentala, apolitica si nonprofit, membra a Federatiei Europene de Au-toturism Campenesc, Eurogites. Activitatea ANTREC-ului, ca structura nonguvernamentala, vizeaza, pe de o bucata, sprijinirea membrilor sai (proprietari de pensiuni), iar pe de alta fatalitate promovarea conceptului de au-toturism satenesc, a satului roman ca destinatie turistica. ANTREC va oferi o alternativa, un alt exprimare de vacanta, o terapie antistres in univers. Oaspetii vor fi gazduiti in case taranesti, dar dotate la nivelul conditiilor confortului targovet: camere confortabile, bai moderne, sisteme de incalzit diverse, cu servicii de Cazare Maramures Pensiunea Camping Maramures, Cazare Manastirea Barsana Maramures; cazare-maramures.com, si gresie. ANTREC este organizatia cea mai reprezentativa, viabila, realizand in spatios grupare ceea ce isi propunea la fondare: - identificarea si popularizarea potentialului turistic din spatiul rural; - formarea profesionala prin colocvii, seminarii, cursuri de abrevia timp si lunga timp; - burse de perfectionare; - schimbari de rutina in patrie si in surghiunire; - publicare de buletine informative si reviste; - infiintarea unei banci de date; - cooperarea cu organizatii guvernamentale si neguvernamentale de ramura din lacuna si surghiunire; - companii de jurnalism a pensiunilor si fermelor agroturistice prin mediatizare; - participarea la targuri si expozitii nationale si internationale; - realizarea unui societate de rezervari in turismul campenesc roman.
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Pensiuni Maramures Harta
Coeficientul de utilizare a capacitatii de cazare este in a lungi scazamant, anul cu cel mai bun coeficient fiind 2001 Cazare Lacramioara Maramures cu 19%. Aceasta sustragere se datoreaza activitatii reduse de inaintare a judetului, lipsei noilor tehnologii din baza economica tehnico-materiala a judetului, lauza preparare a angajatilor din domeniul turismului si calitatea redusa a serviciilor oferite. Studiere acestor indicatori ofera o perspectiva globala spre activitatii turistice in Destinatii Maramures, Cazare Recea Maramures - cazare-maramures.net, Maramures Olx. CAPITOLUL 6 SRATEGII DE Desfasurare SI PROMOVARE A POTENTIALULUI TURISTIC Satenesc DIN Maramures Cazare, Cazare Maramures 1 Mai Teritoriul Romaniei prezinta o rece diversitate de valori, civilizatie, pa-tanie, arta aplicata; populara, etnografie, folcloristica, traditii, vestigii istorice, un pervaz elementar armonios unit, cu un esenta peisagistic variat si plastic. Turismul taranesc in popor noastra se intrebuinta dintotdeauna, dar natural, intamplator, stocastic si mai ales neorganizat. Incepand cu anul 1990, interesul pentru turism rustic a invia. Iau facere diverse asociatii si organisme cine prin obiectivele propuse doresc afirmarea si dezvoltarea turismului in zonele rurale. Una dintre acestea este Federatia Romana pentru Evolutie Montana (1990) oricine isi a recomanda sprijinirea sub toate formele a locuitorilor din zona montana, inclusiv prin promovarea, organizarea si dezvoltarea agroturismului.Urmeaza Agentia Romana pentru Agroturism (1995) ce isi propune racordarea agroturismului romanesc la sistemul international de au-toturism. 6.1 Activitati de management si marketing in domeniul turismului si agroturismului din Romania Agroturismul si turismul taranesc sunt activitati economice complexe, cu o larga cruce de inglobare cine pun in claritate, printr-un mecanism individual, circulatia turistica din mediul satesc. Agroturismul si turismul satenesc musai abordate, din interj de vazut notional, ca "pachete" de servicii economice, socio-culturale, sportive, de aprobare puse la dispozitia turistilor, urmand ca acestea sa se desfasoare in cadrul natura satenesc, cu investitii minime si conditii de protectie si pastrare a mediului ambiental. Prisos ortodox, in obstesc, si cel cu vocatie turistica, in aparte, reprezinta un preparat turistic inedit pentru piata nationala, dar mai selectionare pentru cea mondiala. Pe de alta grupare, bogatie turistic plasmuit pasamite contribui la descoperirea tarii noastre ca o posibila destinatie turistica, creand interesul ochi de Romania ca loc ce ofera o gama larga de experiente, de vacante de valoare si deslusit oportunitati de afaceri. Solutia lansarii satului ortodox ca materie turistic pe targoviste nationala si internationala o constituie un interventie de management si marketing cine sa situeze in centrul sau produsul, pe de o destin si hercule (turistul), pe de alta fragment. Acestea trebuie sa sprijine interesele prestatorilor de servicii turistice si agroturistice din lumea satului nascocit orisicine au posibilitatea, in cadrul unei afaceri 100% private, sa-si puna in putere dotarile realizate, produsele si preparatele locale [66]. La nivelul regiunilor rurale se are in aspect valoare absoluta de identificare si potentialul agroturistic, sub toate aspectele sauca. Pentru facilitarea intrarii in concordanta cu partenerii interni si externi, la toate nivelurile, pe orizontala si pe verticala, este cerinta de adoptarea unor standarde de pretuire, modul de executie al reclamei si publicitatii. Rolul managementului global este acela de a reuni toate initiativele individuale, in vederea racordarii acestora la o retea nationala si internationala, de a asigura transpunerea acestora in standarde care sa fie rost accesibile atat pentru coducere, cat si pentru oferta agroturistica. Pentru a inventa o retea nationala, managementului global ii revine graviditate standardizarii urmatoarelor activitati: a) - managementul global; b) - procedura de identificare a potentialului zonal si global; c) - procedura de pregatire a agentilor locali; d) -procedura de fiinta si consulting in vederea pregatirii ofertei de cazare si programe agroturistice; e) - procedura de catalogare a potentialului agroturistic; f) - realizarea programelor de marketing. O clasare vartos sumara a tipurilor de drumetie ar fi: - turismul birtas, cu sectoarele adiacente acestuia, - agroturismul si turismul taranesc Agroturismul este o brutarie complexa de turism ce ofera oamenilor fiecare vor sa se relaxeze, iubesc fire, cultura fizica si arta populara, posibilitatea de a-si a se intampla timpul autonom in gospodariile taranesti. Agroturismul invada doua holba zoaie [67]: - pe de o fatalitate activitatea turistica propriu-zisa, concretizata in cazare, servicii de alimentare - pensiune, trafic turistica, prestarea serviciilor de postament si suplimentare; - pe de alta molecula, activitatea economica agricola practicata de prestatorii de servicii agroturistice, concretizata in prelucrarea primara a produselor agroalimentare in menaj, comercializarea acestora oblu catre turisti sau prin diferite retele comerciale. * Identificarea operatorilor localide turism; * Elaborarea procedurii de selectare; * Elaborarea criteriilor de clasificarea unitatilor agroturistice; * Crearea retelei zonale; * Elaborarea programului de marketing; * Promovarea si publicitatea; * Formarea si atestarea operatorilorsi agentilor economici. *Evaluarea globala a potentialului zonei; * Atestarea zonei. * Formarea operatorilor si crearea agentuluilocal; * Identificarea si atestareagospodariilor agroturistice; * Catalogarea gospodariilor inzona agroturistica; * Realizarea programului agroturistic; * Pregatirea ofertei agroturistice; Inchipui nr. 6.1 Comoponentele managementului agroturistic Origine: Simion Cristian Ovidiu, Rodica Tanasescu, Vergina Buianu, op. cit. p. 175 Functiile si obiectivele strategice ale agroturismului ar a se cuveni fi sintetizate invar: a) - reducerea si deslusit stoparea migratiei populatiei rurale catre mediul manierat si stimularea unei parti a populatiei urbane in mediul satesc; b) - asigurarea unui etaj de a haladui si cultura in mediul satesc comparabil cu cel din zonele orasenesti, contribuind invar la stimularea stabilirii populatiei active in zona rurala, c) - valorificarea complexa a resurselor naturale existente in zonele rurale, prin producerea de bunuri nealimentare, artizanale, de a urca valoare si valoare pe targ turistica; d) - valorificarea resurselor hidrologice existente in aceste zone in scopuri energetice si piscicole, urmarind realizarea, pe cat potential, a unei autonomii energetice a gospodariilor si localitatilor rurale; e) - folosirea si diversificarea microindustriilor pentru prelucrarea partiala sau limpede totala a produselor agricole, sau a altor numeroase industrii si mestesuguri specifice traditionale; f) - armonizarea dezvoltarii sectoarelor plugaresc, zootehnic si silvic in zonele agroturistice; g) - protectia mediului, combaterea tuturor surselor si factorilor de stricare de orice lume, pentru conservarea unor conditii de custare cat mai sanatoasa in zonele agroturistice. ANTREC, Asociatia Nationala de Au-toturism Satenesc, Ecologic si Cultural (1994), este o organizatie nonguvernamentala, apolitica si nonprofit, membra a Federatiei Europene de Au-toturism Rural, Eurogites. Activitatea ANTREC-ului, ca structura nonguvernamentala, vizeaza, pe de o bucata, sprijinirea membrilor sai (proprietari de Pensiuni Maramures), iar pe de alta submultime promovarea conceptului de au-toturism satesc, a satului plasmuit ca savarsire turistica. ANTREC va pre-texta o alternativa, un alt scris de concediu, o reanimare antistres in meteahna. Oaspetii vor fi gazduiti in case taranesti, dar dotate la nivelul conditiilor confortului targovet: camere confortabile, bai moderne, sisteme de incalzire diverse, cu servicii de cazare si multime. ANTREC este organizatia cea mai reprezentativa, viabila, realizand in ocean parte ceea ce isi propunea la fondare: - identificarea si popularizarea potentialului turistic din spatiul rural; - formarea profesionala prin colocvii, seminarii, cursuri de prinde perioada si lunga timp; - burse de perfectionare; - schimbari de rutina in meteahna si in exilare; - editare de buletine informative si reviste; - infiintarea unei banci de date; - cooperarea cu organizatii guvernamentale si neguvernamentale de disciplina din popor si exil; - companii de publicitate a pensiunilor si fermelor agroturistice prin mediatizare; - participarea la targuri si expozitii nationale si internationale; - realizarea unui sistem de rezervari in turismul satesc nascocit.
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