#still trying to decide if I'll make it a/b/o but I don't trust myself with that
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alienoresimagines · 7 months ago
So hard to brainstorm an AU in secrecy because all I want is to talk about it with y'all here 😭
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Ice Cream Princess
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: There isn't a day that JJ doesn't come to visit you at work. On the day he doesn't, you decide to visit him at work instead.
Word Count: 1,876
Note: A Stranger Things and Outer banks crossover imagine that no one asked for. Please give me feedback on anything but the title, I'm judging it and laughing at myself because of it. I hope you love it!
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An ice-cream parlor opens up across the street of The Wreck. The owner quickly judges all of the teenagers that come in looking for a part-time summer job. Luckily for you, your older cousin Robin sweet talks her way - agrees to watch his daughter- to get Hopper to hire you on the spot.
Your favorite co-worker is Steve. Both of you share stories and talk about anything and everything. You're weren't too surprised to find he hang outs with "lil punks".
He has a childish side that comes out when it's you two in the shop. If a touron gives you a weird feeling and tries to flirt with you, Steve takes over like a protective older brother. You started calling him mom when he bossed you around the first time.
Last night there was a party held by the Pogues at the Boneyard. When Robin's girlfriend texts you saying that she woke up with a hangover, you agree with her that it would be best if you cover her shrift.
When you get to the shop on your bike, you park it next to Steve car and cringe when the annoying front door bell rings as you enter. "I'm surprised to see your face this morning."
"Good or bad surprised, mom?" He rolls his eyes as you walk past him and pat his shoulder.
He yells, "the worst!" As you make your way to the small back room and put your backpack in your locker.
You grab the lanyard Pope gave to you and trace the lil doodles Kiara drew on your nametag.
Clocking in, you wave at Hopper through his open office window. He learns further in his chair, arms across his chest.
"You work too much."
"You don't pay me enough."
Humming to the radio that's connected to the speakers that hang from the ceiling, you look over Steve shoulder to see which Playlist he's playing.
You mutter, "I hate that thing" when the bell rings.
JJ is leading everyone, arms flaring around as he jumps on top of the counter. He bends one knee underneath his other leg to sit more comfortably sideways and grins at you.
"You're ass is going to break that and you'll have to pay for it."
"Are you telling me I have a fat ass?" He puts a hand over his heart and fakes cries. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Princess."
You shove him off, chuckling when he almost doesn't save his fall and trip over his own two feet.
"So dramatic like always and Y/N is still my name." You point down at your nametag. "Y/N. Not Princess."
"What do you guys want today?" Steve asks.
JJ glares at him but smirks when you pick up a scoop. He leans over the counter and says, "I'll like a lick of that."
You tell Pope thank you for slapping JJ in the back of the head, making his gray and red snapback fall off.
He runs his fingers through his hair and you barely catch it when throws it towards you.
"You would look better in it than that." He reaches over to tap on your uniform hat wear.
You blush at the hidden complaint and slap his hand away.
"Stop flirting." John B says as he hands over JJ his ice cream.
Kiara slightly pushes him towards the table, they always sit at.
Steve smirks as he leans against the counter. "Princess?"
In the corner of your eye, you see JJ giving himself whiplash. You know Steve is on a mission to find a nickname for you, especially something that you hate as much as he hates 'mom'.
But JJ doesn't. "It's a long story."
"I'll love to hear it someti-"
JJ claps his hands together as the chair slides across the floor as he stands up. "Once upon a time, little miss Y/N dressed up as a princess one Halloween. There was a picture of proof that her mother gladly showed me. Ever since, I've called her Princess and one day she'll call me her Prince. The end."
Sarah 'awwws' and says, "That's actually really adorable."
"Thank you, I know." JJ says proudly and you both smile at each other.
During your next shift, it's only John B and JJ.
"Well hello there boys."
JJ takes off his sunglasses off slowly and puts his arm on the counter. "Princess."
You try not to pay attention to how good his arms look with his gray tank top.
You're the one who breaks eye contact. You don't miss the little fist pump he does but you miss how his shoulders drop when you look at him after seeing how panic John B looks.
Oh, right.
"We need to get the biggest bowl of Sarah's favorite ice cream. Her monthly came to visit and John B, the sweetheart idiot he is, doesn't remember her flavor."
You make 'o' shape with your mouth. "Got it. It's the end of the world for him. Well lucky for you, I know it."
John B screams out, "I owe you one" as he grabs the cup container from you and runs out to the Van.
JJ puts money in the tip jar. "From future Sarah."
After you watch him put his sunglasses back on and the door bell rings when the door closes, Robin pinches your leg.
"Are you going to start helping me again with this or am I going to have to restock everything myself?"
Blushing, you say, "I'm not Steve."
She stops laughing after a few seconds to say, "I bet you that JJ knows his Princess favorite ice cream flavor."
"Shut up."
Pope, Kiara, and JJ all give you a pointed look when they stop by the shop before seeing a movie. The movie you agreed to go to one minute but then the next you said "wait sorry, I have to work." and hanged up on JJ.
"I'm about to drag you and your cute stubborn ass out of here for once and all, Princess."
Kiara has a hand on her hip, when she says, "You need to take a break."
You close your eyes and throw your head back, annoyed that she's right. "You guys know how much I need this job and the money."
A look of understanding crosses JJ's face but he straightens himself and says in a stern voice, "You are also supposed to have fun with your friends once a while."
"I know that!" He doesn't flinch at you raising your voice.
Thinking he's used to it, your heart and face fall.
"I- I'm sorry. How about we all hangout tomorrow at the Chateau and relax? Or we can do anything you guys want to do. Let John B and Sarah know and-"
JJ strides behind the counter and pulls you in a hug. No one words are needed when you shove your face against his chest and catch your breathing.
Pope puts a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, JJ. We're going to be late."
"You know what? I'm actually in the mood for ice cream not theater popcorn. Go on without me."
Kiara tells you both goodbye and Pope mouths "whipped" and does the wrapped around a finger hand's motion as she pulls him away.
You look up at JJ. "You didn't have to do that."
"Do what?" His cocky grin becomes bigger when you roll your eyes before helping a costumer. He leaves the counter to sit at the table, hands on the bottom of his chin as he does silly faces from behind the stranger's shoulder.
Steve looks up when he hears the bell ring and watches as JJ loses his step.
Before he can walk away, Steve says, "She will be back shortly. I sent her to the bank real quick for more change."
JJ lets the door close behind him. He takes a big breath in as he turns around. "You trust her that much, huh?"
"Don't you?"
JJ lets out a dark laugh. "It's different. You get payed to see her, I do it because I want to."
That's Steve's breaking point. "Okay, I don't understand why or how you started hating me the first time you met me but I think I can get a wild guess why. A attractive, couple of years older comes into her life. You're jealous over nothing, dude. I see her as annoying little sister. And yeah, I get payed to do this shitty job but when she's working too, she makes it fun."
"Are you done?" JJ is looking at anything but him.
"One more thing, don't waste anymore time."
Steve looks at the clock on the wall and figures you'll be back any minute.
"I have to get to work." JJ looks over his shoulder.
He opens his mouth but changes his mind, and closes it and walks out.
On the other side of the sidewalk, he doesn't stop when you call out his name.
"Funny seeing you're here."
JJ slams his tray down on the table next to yours. "I work here."
He stops wiping it down and gets the sudden urge to squirt you with the cleaning product bottle when he hears you tapping your feet against the chair across on of your table.
When he looks around and notices there aren't a lot of people in the dinner room he sits down and huffs and puffs. "Why are you here?"
"What? You can come visit me at work but I can't?"
When you both notice another bus boy, you let JJ grab the nearest glass pitcher and pull you some water.
"Now you can't walk away and ignore me, like how you did a couple of hours ago."
"I'm sure Steve told you all about it." The biter in his voice makes you lean over the table to grab his hand.
He jumps but doesn't pull away.
"He told me that you came in the shop, you looked like a little lost puppy when you made eye contact with him instead of me. You guys actually had somewhat of a conversation, which, I'm surprised actually happened."
JJ smiles a little as you start spinning one of his rings. "Steve didn't tell me what it was about...at first."
JJ can't sit still.
He stands up and as he talks, he walks in pace. "He, he uh- shit. Fuck, okay. He got in my head. I couldn't talk to you cause I didn't want to say something that would ruin our friendship. I didn't even know how I would say it-to be honest, still don't but you're smart, I think you know where am I going with this-"
He stops talking, mid-sentence when you laugh. "JJ, just say it or I'll crush your ego by saying it first."
"I love you." He says it over and over again in the middle of the kisses after you say it back.
He stops when someone yells his name and tells him to get back to work.
You give him a quick peak and have to put your hands on top of his to move them off of your hips.
"I'll see you later, JJ. We can go watch a movie?"
"Sounds like a date, Princess."
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distrackles · 6 years ago
Resistance: Part 2
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Dean Winchester x OFC
Loathe /verb/ : feel intense dislike or disgust for.
- B o -
My wrists were raw, and my arms finally stopped buzzing with pins and needles and have gone to no feeling at all. Except for the fact that the dead weight of them felt even heavier. Any blood on my skin was now dry and crusted into patches. The room was silent, but it made me feel less alone than I would with sound. I guess it turned out that Sam and I were slightly underestimating how many vampires were in the nest. I can briefly remember sneaking into the old home with Riley slightly behind me. I can still hear her yelling out for me when I had my back turned. I still feel the scrapes around my waist and the grip marks up and down my torso from where I struggled against the son of a bitch. Despite all of that, I am unable to shake the anxiety of not knowing if Riley is okay. Without being able to resist the pain surrounding me, my brain decides to end its thought process, and it's lights out.
- D e a n -
I didn't know what time it was when Sam was repeatedly pushing me to wake up. At first, his voice sounded muffled and far away, but as the words started to comprehend in my mind, I was wide awake.
"What did you just say?" I bark out at him with the gruff voice sleep tends to give me. Sam scoffs and rolls his eyes, he must have figured I hadn't been totally aware the whole time he was speaking.
"Bobby called," He gives a pause to see if I'm really listening this time, he continues when I give a nod. "The girls, Bo and Riley, haven't called him back since before going into the vamp nest." I make a hand gesture to give off a "what is your point here?" message.
"Jesus Dean, he's worried about them, it's been a few days and he wants us to check everything out since we're closer." After that, it takes us about fifteen minutes to get on the road and back towards that small, dreadful town. Sam rattles off directions here and there to get us where we are supposed to be, and we are at our destination by the evening.
By the time we get ourselves quietly into the house we both know that there has to be multiple vampires in there just by sound. I gesture for Sam to go one way down the hall and I point towards the downstairs doorway that I am going down.
- B o -
I don't know how many hours or days I was out for, but when I wake up it is to the sound of clashing and a familiar voice yelling something along the lines of  "suck on this, you son of a bitch!". It was the first time I felt relieved to hear that voice. And it was also the first time I cracked a bit of a smile in however long we've been here.
I give several attempts at screaming, but it takes me a minute of swallowing a bunch before my throat is wet enough to speak. As soon as I get the chance, I yell out Dean's name. There is more crashing after I hear him call back to me. While I could only wait, I hoped that Sam had come along too, and that he was taking care of Riley because that would give me a second chance to get out of here. Not that I didn't believe Dean could handle this at all, but you never know. When the door finally creaked open, it happened so slow that I thought it was gonna be a vampire instead of Dean. But then I saw his face as he came closer, and it didn't look like the same cocky Dean that was content with himself that I had met days ago. His features were taut, eyebrows frowning at me, and his jaw protruding with how tight his teeth were clenched. In addition to that, he had the glistening crimson blood down the side of his face in contrast to his fair skin.
His hands go up to the ropes around my wrists, with a machete in one, and he cuts my arms down. I almost fall to my knees as soon as my feet hit the ground, but he was ready to catch me before that could happen. Wrapping one arm around the bottom of my back, he holds me up against him so he can untie the remaining rope attaching my hands together. Once they are separated and I have gained my footing back, he looks me over the same way Riley would do. His angry eyes search for any evident injuries that are in need of attention, but luckily none are visible, which saves me the extra embarrassment. He moves himself partially behind me, and rests a rather gentle hand on my back, nudging me to walk out of the room and up the stairs. His hand doesn't leave my back until we are outside and in sight of Riley and Sam.
Riley immediately leaves Sam's side and pulls me into an embrace that speaks louder than any words can describe. We both can tell each other that we're okay just by a single pat of the back or a squeeze of a shoulder.
"You're alright." Her statement comes out with a questioning undertone.
"We can talk about it when we get home." I say quietly to her. Riley nods and turns back to Sam and Dean. As she proceeds to thank them both, Dean is looking at me over her head, and I can't bring myself to look away. The only reason I do is because I hear Riley utter something about inviting them to stay at our house for the weekend.
"Yeah, that sounds easier than going all the way back to Kansas right away, Dean?" Sam asks, and the pressure of Dean's gaze is removed from my head. His reply is a simple shrug and nod. Our house was about an hour and a half away from the town that the nest was in, that's why Bobby called us about it. I figured the boys just heard about it from news articles. Riley parks her car in the single garage of our home and lets Dean park in the driveway. We head in through the door connected to the garage and I let Riley take on assigning Sam and Dean a place to crash, as I head upstairs to the bathroom to clean up. After ten minutes of me standing in the mirror with a sports bra and my dirty jeans on, someone knocks on the door. I straighten out from my twisted position that I was in from trying to see all of the scratches, and open the door.
Dean scratches the back of his neck and gestures behind him towards the stairs. "Sam offered to help Riley patch herself up and she let him, so I was wondering if you needed uh- help?" He shifts his weight from one leg to the other as I blink at him.
"I think I'm okay, thanks." I turn back towards the inside of the bathroom, and he sucks in a breath at the sight of my back. And I know he didn't do that because he was particularly attracted to my back, but because I could feel the dry feeling of old blood somewhere on there and he got the first view of the wound.
"How do you plan on patching that up on your own?" He questions amusedly and I shoot him a dark look.
"I'll figure it out." I say defensively and he laughs, taking a seat on the lidded toilet.
"I'd love to see that." He smirks, and I'm temporarily back to loathing him. I twist back around to try and position my back into view of the mirror, but also not too far to where I won't be able to turn my head to see it. With a quick glance in the glass, I can see Dean looking back at me, face still smeared with blood, but a goofy smile forming his lips.
"It's not funny." My voice is stern and offended at the same time. Dean stands up, goes to the counter-top, and picks up some rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad.
"Didn't say it was." He defends himself, lifting the contents in his hand questioningly. I sigh and straddle the toilet seat, so he now has access to my back. First, he presses a wet washcloth to the wound to wipe away the blood, but when he starts applying the alcohol soaked cotton to it, I wince and hiss. Dean mutters an empty apology, and his arm comes over my head to the open cupboard above the toilet where the stitching material is.
"Need something to bite on?" He teases and I shake my head, and he starts stitching the wound together. It took a good ten minutes of whimpers held back in my throat until he finally finishes. I sense his lingering pause before he gets off his knees, and puts all of the medical supplies away.
"Thank you." I say quietly, only slightly hoping he didn't hear me, but he did. And when I move to leave the bathroom, he blocks me. Our bodies are very close to touching, they might as well be since I can feel his breath and body heat radiating off of him. I look up at him with a questioning look.
"That could have been an even closer call than it was, you know?" His amused face has changed back to the serious one he had hours ago. My head nods in agreement before he continues.
"I know that I already said we have some things in common, and not asking for help is probably the worst thing we got."
"Then I guess it's a good thing we have Bobby in common too, yeah?" I give a small smile, before slipping past him and into the hallway. When I get close to my bedroom, I glance back to see him still standing by the bathroom. After taking a quick second to make my next decision, I nudge my head in a welcoming gesture. Dean makes his way towards me, as I disappear into my bedroom he follows behind.
"Instead of making you sleep on the couch, we can share the bed, I trust that you're not gonna kill me in my sleep." As I rotate a pillow so that it is vertical on the mattress, to create a small barrier between one side of the bed to the other, I think what sleep? Dean had chuckled lightly at my comment and shook his head. He strips off a couple layers of clothes until he's in a black t-shirt. When he goes to get onto one side of the bed, I clear my throat loudly.
"What?" Dean asks, pausing his actions.
"You are not getting into my bed with those nasty ass pants on." He puts his hands up defensively and has no issue pulling his pants off, before getting in bed. I won't lie, it wasn't a bad sight to see.
Going to the bathroom, I take clothes to change into for bed and brush my teeth, wrapping my hair up in a knot on top of my head. When I get back to my room, Dean is already out cold. I leave the bedside lamp on as I get in bed beside him.  For the first time in what feels like my whole life, I fall into a deep, and comfortable sleep.
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surveystodestressme · 7 years ago
A – Accidents
01. Have you ever been in a car accident? i've been in three actually lol
02. Do you have a lot of scars? kind of..
03. Have you ever been in a fist fight with someone? no
04. Have you ever seriously hurt anyone by mistake? not like physically
05. Have you ever had stitches? Where? not that i know of
B – Beauty
06. Do you consider yourself beautiful? yeah, i think i am
07. Are you self conscious of how you look? not at all.
08. Do you put on a lot of makeup? i only put makeup on occasionally and when i do it's only lipstick or eyeliner
09. Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery? nah
10. What do you think makes a person beautiful? their personality and how they treat others.
C – Consequences
11. What was the longest amount of time you’ve been grounded for? not very long. my parents never stuck to it
12. What would you do if you got pregnant, keep it or have an abortion? i really want to say that i'd do the right thing and have the baby then just give it up for adoption... but at this point in my life, i really can't have a child so i honestly don't know
13. Do you ever think about how your actions affect other people? sometimes i do.
14. What do you think is the worst punishment someone could give you? taking my loved ones away from me
15. What is one thing you wish you didn’t do, just because it wasn’t worth it in the end? i'm not for sure
D – Dealing
16. When you are mad at someone, how do you show them? i'll usually say really passive aggressive things or just say that i want to be left alone
17. Name a time when you had to be strong. when i was giving up on hurting myself. i mean, i guess i shouldn't say it like that. when i decided to get help and stop hurting myself. it was hard to get help and it was a hard thing to stop.
18. Have you ever dealt with a divorce or parents fighting? Any kind of abuse at home? my parents have fought before but nothing serious
19. When people at school don’t accept you, or have problems with you, how do you react? well, when i went to school, i just ignored them. i was so used to getting picked on that i just figured it was always gonna happen, ya know?
20. Have you ever lost someone to death? Explain how you got through it. honestly, the most traumatizing death i've ever gone through was my cat, lilly. she was 16 years old. she was a part of my life since i was 3 years old. she was so important to me. she slept with me every single night, under the cover and cuddled up next to me. she was so lovable. i saw her deteriorate over her last year of life. it was so hard because i saw her become really lazy, she lost half of her body weight, she stopped eating, she stopped sleeping with me, she even cried whenever people tried to pet her. it was so hard to get over her death because she was everything to me. she was the best cat ever. i will never forget her
E – Experience
21. Have you ever had a job? Any volunteer jobs? i've had several
22. Do you think that you are sexually experienced, or not at all? i mean, i think i'm pretty experienced.
23. Have you gone through a lot emotionally, or has life been easy thus far? i've been through a lot in the past.
24. Do you think you are ready to be on your own (have your own home, job, etc.)? i will be once i finish college
25. How old do you act? i think i act my age
F – Family
26. Is there anyone in your family you don’t talk to? Why? nah
27. If you had to choose, family or friends? family probably
28. Can you tell your parents or one of your parents anything? yeah, i think so
29. Do you have any siblings? If so, do you ever get jealous of them? two. i used to get jealous of my sister all the time because all the people that i had crushes on always had a thing for her and it annoyed me lol
30. How often do you spend ‘quality time’ with family members? at least once a week if not more
G – Growing
31. How tall are you? How tall do you wish you were? i'm 4'11" and i wish i was at least 5 foot lol
32. Do you think that you have grown more in the past year than any year before that? lol no
33. As a person, do you think you are mature for your age or still act childish? i think i'm pretty mature
34. Are you scared to think that one day you will turn 30, then 40, then 50? nahh i have no reason to be scared. i'm actually excited for the future
35. Do you believe you still have a lot to learn? absolutely
H – Hope
36. Love – real or not? real
37. Are you a pessimist of an optimist? optimist
38. Do you believe in fate, that everything happens for a reason, or do you think that our actions lead the way? i think actions lead the way definitely
39. Do you think that after we die our spirit is still alive? i don't think so
40. What gives you hope when you just feel like dying? i have people who love and care about me who are always here for me
I – Issues
41. Do you suffer from depression or constant sadness/loneliness? i used to, but i've got it under control now
42. Do you have any type of disease or disability? nope
43. Are you currently in a hard relationship or have bad luck with the opposite sex? nada
44. Do you think that you are alone in this world? absolutely not
45. How often do you think about death, suicide or running away? not anymore at all.
J – Jokes
46. Say a word or phrase that would not be funny to anyone but you & one of your friends (an inside joke) darude sandstorm
47. Are you usually the one who makes people laugh,Or the other way around? i make people laugh a lot
48. Do you cry when you laugh hard? sometimes i do, but it's not super common
49. Write down a hilarious moment you had with someone that makes you laugh to this day! i can't think of anything right now
50. Do you ever get in trouble for laughing or talking a lot during class? lol yes, honestly. in high school they used to move me to sit by other people and then i'd just talk to them too.
K – Knowledge
51. The purpose of school: to learn, to cause trouble or to hang out with friends? to learn
52. Do people refer to you as smart, dumb, or average? smart.
53. What was the highest grade you have received (full course mark) ever? i finished high school and am currently attending college
54. What was your last average? This year would you like to maintain it or aim higher? i have no idea, i usually get between A's or B's
55. What do you find the most interesting subject to be (to study or to talk about)? science
L – Love
56. Are you currently in love? If not, have you been before? yes i am!
57. Do people around you show you a lot of love (tell you they love you, hug you, kiss you, etc.)? i think so
58. Is love worth it? i believe so
59. Do you hate it when girls in their young teenage years say they ‘love’ someone that they’ve been dating for a few months? it used to bother me, but honestly some people just fall really fast and that's okay. i told jack i loved him after only dating for 3 months so i definitely believe someone can honestly just fall in love quickly and that's perfectly normal.
60. Does it take a lot for you to say you love someone, or is it just a word? i only tell people i love them if they mean a lot to me
M – Money
61. Do you believe that money makes the world go round? yeah
62. Is your family on the poor side, average, or above average when it comes to money? probably just slightly below average
63. Are you saving up for college/university, or planning to? i'm in college now
64. Would you rather win millions of dollars & be set for life, or find the perfect person to marry & start a family with? well, i've already found the perfect person so i'd rather win the millions
65. On a scale of 1-10, how important is money to you? 8
N – Naughty
66. Are you a virgin? nope
67. What do you think about doing sexual things with someone you’re not going out with? i don't judge people that do it, it doesn't bother me any
68. Do you know anybody you consider a ’slut’? What makes you say that? nah, i don't judge people based on how much sex they do or don't have
69. If you could, would you erase some things you did in the past or make it so you did more? nahhh
70. Do you consider yourself more nice or more naughty? You can’t say both! nice i guess lol
O – Openness
71. How long does it take for you to open up to someone? it usually takes some time
72. What does it take for you to fully trust someone? it takes some time for me because i've been screwed over before.
73. Are you generally untrusting towards people because of past experiences, or any other reason? ^^^^
74. When are you comfortable with someone sexually? i don't know, when i trust them fully, i guess??
75. When it comes to parents and close friends, what’s the limit of what you can tell them? i tell my parents anything if they ask, and same goes for friends.
P – Positive
76. Have you ever had an experience with someone that didn’t necessarily end positively? If so, would you rather erase the memory of that person because of the sad times or keep the memory of that person because of the good times? i mean, yeah i've had bad experiences with people but those experiences have made me who i am today and i wouldn't be me without experiencing those things
77. Do you agree with the saying: better to have loved and lost than not have loved at all? yes and no. i'd rather to have loved and continue to be loved and love in return lol
78. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? What do you try to be? optimistic
79. Do you agree that something good can come out of everything? sure
80. Have you ever had a time where something really bad happened, but something really good happened because of it? If so, please explain what it was: i'm sure i have but i can't think of anything
Q – Questions
81. When faced with a problem, do you ask for help or try to figure it out yourself? i try to figure it out myself before asking for help
82. Do you often question the world and how we came about? What are some things you would like to know about creation? i don’t question it at all.
83. Do you think the government is truthful? If you could ask the president one question, what would it be? let’s be real, probably not.
84. When someone does something wrong to you, do you confront them and ask them why they did it or just let it go? i will probably confront them
85. What is one unsolved mystery about the world that you want answers to? the kennedy assassination or the moon landing
R – Respect
86. How do you show respect? manners
87. What can someone do for you to lose all respect for them? be disrespectful, hurt someone on purpose, do something completely wrong or illegal
88. Do you respect your teachers, parents, and other authority figures? yeah
89. When you are disrespectful to your parents, what is the punishment? they just yell at me or send me to my room
90. If someone is mean to you, are you mean back or do you kill them with kindness? it depends on the person/situation
S – School
91. If you are still in school, what grade will you be going into? junior yr of college
92. When will you graduate high school/college? a couple years still
93. After high school, what did you do/are you planning to do? i took a year off from school then i went to the junior college by my house
94. Do you like or hate school? What do you like/hate about it? i love it
95. Have you ever been suspended, expelled, or dropped out of school? nah
T – Temptation
96. Have you ever done something wrong, knowing it was wrong, because something inside of you said it was okay? several times
97. Has anyone ever pressured you to smoke or drink? Did you do it? yeah, that's how i got into smoking cigarettes. but i drank all on my own.
98. Did you ever cheat on someone? Why did you do it? nah
99. Did you ever want to do something sexual with someone you didn’t really know or love? What did you end up doing? i wanted to. i knew him but we were just friends, i almost had a threesome with him and my best friend when i was really drunk
100. Do you give in to temptation easily, or are you more independent and strong willed? independent
U – Unique
102. Do you do a lot of things because your friends are doing it? i used to be like that but no more
103. Do you follow trends, wear whatever you want, or wear really unique pieces? i wear what i want
104. Do you give in easily to peer pressure? Do you do things such as smoke, drink, or have casual sex? not usually
105. What makes you different from people your age? i don't really know lol
V – Value
106. What’s the most expensive thing in your room? my computer
107. What’s more valuable: your life or the lives of your loved ones? Would you sacrifice your life for other people? my loved ones are more important, i would sacrifice myself for them in a heartbeat
108. What is something you value not because it cost a lot, but because it means a lot to you? my baby blanket
109. If there was a fire in your house/apartment, what is the first thing you would grab? my cat!!
110. Do you think past memories and experiences are more valuable than what could possibly happen in the future? they’re about the same.
W – Wishes
111. If you had three wishes, what would they be? happiness and a sense of accomplishment
112. Would you rather wish yourself to be happy, or your loved ones? my loved ones.
113. Do you believe that wishes come true if you really believe in them? nah
114. Have you ever had a wish come true? If so, what was that wish? not that i can think of
115. Do you find wishing for things a waste of time because everything that’s meant to happen, will happen? kind of
Y – You
121. Are you more independent or social? independent
122. What is something that makes you very mad when you see it? crime, rape, abuse
123. Do you think that you have potential to do great things? absolutely
124. Do you think people are born a certain way, or develop their personalities based on what they go through in life? nurture over nature.
125. Do you think people are generally good? everyone can be good
Z – Zest
126. Are you currently happy with your life? Why or why not? yes i am happy with my life
127. Do you go on FacebookCraze.com to get facebook survey’s and quizzes like this one? nope i get them from tumblr
128. When change occurs, do you get scared or are you excited for it? depends on if it's change that's going to benefit my life or not
129. Do you like to try new things, meet new people? yes i do
130. What is the most motivational thing in the world? idk.
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alienoresimagines · 7 months ago
Edit to the prev tags : also inspired by the witcher
So hard to brainstorm an AU in secrecy because all I want is to talk about it with y'all here 😭
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