#still sorta do. it's probably because of their texas emo sound
gentleoverdrive · 1 year
[25/300] Everyone in it can go.
Had an argument with my wife over the silliest yet grimmest thing. Now, please understand that this all pertains to a horror movie we were watching, and I still love her with all my heart. ---- So, when a person horribly injures another person, to the point that the survivor of the attack is unable to use a limb or another part of the body, this is maiming, right? And when an animal grabs you and fucks your shit up as badly as mentioned above with a similar end result, that's called mauling, correct? ---- Yes, this was the point of contention for a couple of minutes at our humble abode. All I remember from before it happened is how we were laughing OUR ASSES OFF at seeing a slasher going to town on one of its victims. Anyway, yeah, these are the kind of things that probably kept me from the good schools, as one late New Yorker stand-up comedian once said. Read ya' later alligator!
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