#still haven't figured out how i'm getting home after dan's show (or where i'm going to stay if i can't find a way home)
soloh · 2 years
Now that I’ve pretty much got uni sorted (just waiting for all my courses for at least the first semester to be confirmed), it’s suddenly hit me how many other things, in particular things that are going to cost me money, that are coming up in the next 3 months or so that I just... haven’t planned for at all, and now I’m stressed again.
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blueeyedheizer · 4 years
sound of metal - matt
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WARNING: might contain some triggering topics (talks of surgery, hearing loss)
A/N: this movie was so beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time I had to write something based on it. (excuse the crappy ending) If you haven't seen sound of metal...go watch it nowww
Matt had been acting strange lately. Wether it was during sound check or while you were performing in front of a crowd, he seemed off and completely out of it everytime you shot a glance his way.
Today wasn't any different and you were starting to grow seriously worried. You and your band were performing in front of your biggest crowd yet; the band was getting more and more recognition and people were quick to spread the word about your small tour. It even got to the point where people would take pictures with you and buy your merch after the show. Quite frankly, everything was going well and it was a dream come true.
But when you looked at Matt, it seemed like he wasn't handling things as well as you did. At first, you thought that it might only be stage fright. You weren't really used to such big venues, and it would've made sense that he feels some kind of discomfort in front of an important audience. Yet he never spoke to any of you about it, and you knew he would've at least told you if that was the case.
So when you looked over your shoulder in the middle of the fourth song and caught sight of him you immediately sensed that once again, something wasn't right. He looked almost terrified, you could tell his breathing was heavy and that it wasn't just because of the drums. You tried to contain your worry and focus on your singing, but you kept a mental note to talk to him after the show. You couldn't just sit there and keep pretending everything was alright when he was clearly hiding something from you.
But before you even had the time to move on from your thoughts Matt suddenly stormed out of the stage, his drumsticks falling to the floor while he pushed a few people on his way out. Your heart pounded hard against your chest as you were hit with a wave of anxiety, then with a small apology to the crowd and a worried glance at your bandmates you followed him.
Within seconds you were bursting through the back doors, running after him.
"Matt! Matthew, what the hell?" you called, running to his side. He was bent down, hands resting on his knees as he panted hard. You placed your hands on his shoulders and he eventually stood up straight before leaning against the fence. "Baby, what's wrong?" you placed your hands on his cheeks, your thumbs stroking his skin as your eyes searched for his.
"I can't hear anything." he admitted, voice cracking.
"I can't hear anything."
You just picked at your food, not hungry due to how anxious you felt. You could barely register anything else than the sound of your heartbeat, the sounds of muffled talking, plates and glasses clinking from the restaurant being completely drowned out by your nagging thoughts.
"What are we gonna do?" James eventually spoke up.
"I don't know James. I really don't know." you put your fork down and buried your face in your hands, finally letting a few tears slip. You leg was bouncing repeatedly, heart beating a million miles a minute. After taking a deep breath, you grabbed the pen and paper that were in front of you and wrote something down.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" you slid the paper across the table so that Matt could read it. He sighed, running a hand through his hair.
"I didn't want you to worry about it. It's nothing. It'll come back eventually." he said, but you were far from satisfied with his answer. You squeezed your eyes shut.
"What did the doctor say?" once again, you slid the paper across the table.
"There's a surgery. An implant. It's— it's expensive but I'll get it."
"Y/N, there's no way he'll be able to afford it." James whispered. You glanced at him and nodded, knowing damn well you'd never be able to earn so much money in such a short amount of time. You were just a small band, earning a salary worth of such surgery would take an excessive amount of work and time. Noticing the worried look on everyone's face, Matt broke the silence and grabbed your hand.
"Look— we'll play tomorrow and see how it's like. It'll come back. It's fine baby, my hearing's not completely gone. okay? I can do it." Matt said, and you shook your head.
"We have a tour booked."
"Matt, it's not safe." you tried to reason with him as more tears welled in your eyes.
"We have a tour booked, Y/N, I'll just deal with it, I can do it!"
"No, Matt. We can't." you removed your hand from his hold.
"It'll come back!"
"For God's sakes Matt, it's not safe!" you finally raised your voice, fist colliding with the table as you flopped back against your seat. Your bandmates flinched and some waitresses and customers turned to you, thinking a fight had broke out. You apologized quietly, not even loud enough for any of them to hear before grabbing the pen.
"We're not finishing the tour. You can barely hear a word we're saying. We're not finishing it." you put the pen down and got up, gathering your things before turning to James and Alex. "I'll call the manager and see what we can do."
And with that, you left the dinner without a word.
Fortunately, your manager was very understanding of the situation and helped you with everything you needed. He got you in contact with a friend of his who ran a small community in which Matt would be able to attend meetings and learn sign language.
You called the man immediately after finishing the call with your manager, wanting to get this done as soon as possible. You were hit with a wave of relief when he told you he would be more than willing to welcome Matt, as long as he complied with the rules that were imposed there. But getting Matt to understand that this wasn't just a small hearing loss and that he needed help was another story.
"I'm not going, Y/N. God, it— it doesn't even bother me that much! I can still play!" he said and you shook your head, lowering it afterwards. You had never seen him so agitated, and no matter how hard he tried to convince you that he was okay, you could see right through him. His hearing loss was in fact bothering him, he just wouldn't admit it. "Baby I know our songs by heart, we could just—"
"Matt, stop. Just stop." you interrupted him. Tears were beginning to form in your eyes and it was getting harder to hold them back. He scoffed, burying his hands in his hair.
"Matt. Please. Just look at me." you placed your index finger under his chin, forcing him to look at you. "The most important thing right now is to preserve the hearing you have left. Okay?" your hand slid to his cheek, wiping a tear before pecking his lips. "I love you so much, baby. And that's why I'm not leaving you the choice. We're cancelling the tour, and you're going to let these people take care of you." you told him, making sure to speak clearly.
-time skip-
Those 6 months spent away from him were hard. The members of the community he was in all lived in one house together with no contact to the outside world - which meant no phones allowed. It was a rule that you had agreed on committing to, but you hadn't anticipated how awfully long these months would actually be. Performing without him was something you couldn't get used to. You had found a new drummer for the time he was gone, but it was different. You were so used to Matt's energy, his way of playing, and the boy was nothing like him. He was really nice and Alex and James seemed to get along well with him, but this band wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for Matt, therefore performing his songs without him felt wrong.
You had no idea what the future was going to look like, wether it was regarding the band or your relationship. You had no idea how Matt was doing. For all you knew he could be at his lowest point and you weren't there for him. Or maybe he was having an amazing time, and you couldn't shut off this nagging voice in the back of your head that kept telling you he might've met someone new.
You were walking home from work, looking forward to leave this long day behind you and get some well deserved rest. You greeted your dad and was about to make your way to your room, but his voice stopped you in your tracks before you could leave.
"Y'a Matt qui t'attends dans ta chambre." (Matt's waiting for you in your room.)
"Quoi?" (What?)
"Il est arrivé y'a une heure ou deux. Je lui ait dit de rester là en attendant que t'arrives." (He arrived about an hour or two ago. I told him to stay there and wait for you.)
You tried to contain your excitement in front of him, but your heart felt like it was about to burst inside your chest.
"Okay, cool. Merci."
With that, you left the kitchen and made your way upstairs hurriedly, heart beating faster with every step you took.
Finally, you opened the door to your room and your eyes immediately caught Matt's figure. He was sitting on your bed, a book in hands as he waited for you. You stayed at the door for a small instant, grinning warmly as he looked up, allowing you to finally make eye contact.
"Hi. Can you hear me?"
Matt set the book down and nodded, then you walked over to him, standing between his legs. You cupped his face and caressed his cheeks with your thumbs, taking in all of him. His hair was a bit longer than the last time you had seen him.
"I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you too."
You leaned in and pressed your lips together for the first time in five months, your hands sliding to the back of his head as the kiss deepened. You pulled away after a little less than a minute, catching your breath.
"What are you doing here? How— how did you afford it?" you asked a bit awkwardly, referring to his surgery as you noticed the implants on his ear.
"I had to sell my stuff." he shugged. "Guitars, synth, my car. Anything I could find, really." he chuckled sadly, lowering his head. Your face dropped at his words and a small silence settled in the room before he broke it with the smallest voice. "I'm sorry."
"Hey...there's nothing to apologise for." you said, lifting his chin up to peck his lips once again. He shook his head, refusing to make eye contact with you as tears welled up in his eyes. Then he climbed further up the bed silently, his back now resting against the headboard. You followed, situating yourself next to him.
"I ruined everything. The tour, the band, us." Everything."
"You didn't ruin anything. You couldn't control what happened, Matt. You know that." you tried to comfort him, scratching the back of his head with your fingertips. He scoffed a bit at your answer, still avoiding eye-contact.
"I can't get back to drumming, Y/N. I can never go back to how my life was before."
There was a pause before he finally dared to look at you. His eyes were red from holding back tears, cheeks streaked and flushed, the sight causing your face to visibly soften. You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Instead you looked down, fidgeting with the ring on your index finger and the room went silent. You knew things would never be the same, but you still took the news like a bullet. A couple more seconds passed and you took a small breath before climbing onto his lap gently.
A bitter, sad smile curved on your lips as you looked at him, hands cupping both sides of his head, gently rubbing your thumbs and occasionally wiping a few tears from his cheeks while you fought with great difficulty to hold yours in. First you kissed his forehead then you rested yours against it, noses brushing.
"I love you." you whispered, closing your eyes as you felt a tear escape and roll down your cheek. "I love you so much."
You pulled away just a bit and signed "I love you" to him in sign language to emphasise your words. He signed it back to you and you wrapped your arms around him, cradling his head against your chest as you mumbled comforting words, your hands rubbing his back and hair soothingly as you cried silently.
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Ghost from the rainforest
James Conrad x Reader
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Summary: A simple rescue mission will bring him back to a place full of nightmares, and maybe this time he could find redemption. Situated in 1975, 2 years after the events of Skull Island.
Warnings: Violence, blood, wounds, mentions of war, cursing, implied smut, smoking, angst.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 3: Those who never came home
At 4:35am you were already in the departures site, checking the truck was fully loaded and that there were enough food and water for the men that will accompany you.
It had been a long night, and you barely had any sleep since every time you closed your eyes you could picture Conrad's face laughing at you.
You shake those feelings away and lean your back in the truck, and close your eyes for a moment, the cold breeze of the early morning was more comfortable than the hot room you were staying. And suddenly you were on the edge of sleeping holding yourself standing against the dirty tarp covering the backside of the truck.
"Morning" His voice said suddenly and you frown with your eyes still closed "We are ready when you are Doctor" His tone was oddly professional and when you finally looked at him he immediately look aside, it hurt that he was in the same place as you, regretting what happened.
"Fine, who's driving?" You had the keys on your hand and look at the men with him, there were only three, apart from Conrad. "Aren't you missing people? I count five last night, Dr. Y/L/N" you said shaking his hands.
"Reles" Said the shorter of the four, he had a nice candid smile and brown skin. "Nice to meet you Doc, I must say you look nothing like your dad" That make you smile.
"Glenn Mills" Said the black men next to him looking embarrassed at his teammate behavior "Ignore him doctor, he doesn't know how to be around women." You only nodded in response.
"Ah Reg, I remember" You say at the youngest of them, before he spoke.
"Slivko is fine, those idiots run away, they say the won't be at the jungle for a month" He spoke as someone way older than he looked like, and you could figure they were another form of victims of the war, even when they were alive.
"I'm driving" James said, extending his hand to grab the keys.
"No you're not, they drive on the correct side of the road here" You said ignoring him, "You guys can handle the stick?" You ask the men holding the keys in front of them. Mills raised his hand and you throw them at him. "Let's go then".
Slivko and Reles got inside the backside to guard the boxes and you hop on the front seat next to Mills, and after a minute Conrad sit next to you, and closed the door careful to not look at you.
"I think there is plenty space in the back guarding the medicine." You said to him coldly.
"And I think I get paid to guard you not your boxes" he answered and Glenn was desperately trying to start the engine and ignore you two.
"Fine, but at least keep that thing away from me" you said rolling your eyes and then pointing to the large gun he was carrying with him. And you could hear a giggle on the back knowing pretty well that by now the whole crew knew about what had happened.
The way out of the town was boring and easy, after four hours there was only a country road surrounded by small houses and when it was time to eat you chose to stop at small village. You got something to eat and gave some medicine to the children that couldn't go to the main city to get a proper doctor, and you were back on the road.
"So what kind of doctor are you then?" Reg asked from the back of the truck opening the window that separated you.
"I have a PhD in Chemistry and Biology" You said to him taking the canteen he offered you "And work as a nurse in the 60's so I know my way around wounds and diseases" you said to him.
"See Captain?" Reles said to Conrad in a very serious tone "She is too smart for you" He add making Slivko and Mills laugh while Conrad only gave him a murderous look. "But for real tho, isn't it boring to spend all your time here? I mean don't you mis America?"
"Of course I do, but this is important, I mean the troops are leaving yes, but someone has to help clean the mess they made, no offense" you said and James nodded understanding. "Who's that by the way?" You asked pointing at a picture Glenn had attached to the windshield, where the four men were standing in some field with water to the knees, and next to Conrad an old man with a beard carrying what it seems to be a katana.
"That's Marlow, an old friend" Conrad said and you could tell it was true because there was a happiness in his eyes when he talked about him.
"Yeah, is like a crazy Santa" Reg said, "But anyone would have gone crazy after..."
"Is getting late, we should stop don't you think?" Mills interrupted suddenly and you could see how the three of them looked at Slivko with anger, he had been about to tell you something he shouldn't.
"Yeah sure" You said looking at the map, and then the road "We will be at our first delivery point in ten minutes, and we can sleep there". You haven't told them where you were delivering part of the medicine, you have done it several times and Noah's men never had a problem with it, but you doubt the Captain will be ok with it. "This people can be a little unfriendly" you start when the lights of the village were clear on the road. "Just do as I tell you and it should be fine"
"You don't sound convinced" James noted.
"Because I'm not" You said and you make your hands into fists on your lap praying at nobody in particular that things will go well.
A couple of kids with large guns were at the entrance of the village, you bend over Conrad's lap to reach the window and make sure the see it was you, they immediately let you go in and you get back to your sit pretending it didn't feel like heaven to touch his hard chest.
A man came out of one of the huts with a smile on his face, framed by a thick goatee, he wasn't bad looking but the AK-47 in his hands, and the ones he had put on other children hands was enough reason to hate him.
"I thought you said you hated militars" Conrad said offering you his hand to get down of the truck.
"They're are militia, nor proper militars" You said ignoring his help and jumping of the truck.
"Is there a difference?" He asked looking at the man waiting for you with a smile.
"Yeah, they're worst" You said and walk towards Shukri.
"Selamat kembali, saya isteri cantik saya" Welcome back, my beautiful wife The man said to you and tried to give you a hug that you didn't respond to.
"Santai Shukri, dan hentikan memanggil saya isteri awak, inilah yang anda minta." Relax Shukri, and stop calling me your wife, here is what you asked for. You pointed at the truck and Reg and Joe were already carrying down boxes helped by Shukri's men.
"This are not your usual companions" The man said then looking directly at Conrad who had been pending on your whole interaction since the beginning.
"No, they're not. Is safer don't you think? If we get use to the same people there could be snitches" You lied to him and he nodded approvingly"
"Ahh isteri, I told you you have to stay with me, I could use that quick mind of yours" He said and tried to pull you closer to him but then Conrand put his body between you two making both you and Shukri look in surprise, plus anger on his side.
"How many boxes are we downloading?" He asked and you could see some anger in his eyes.
"14, the ones that are marked with a black cross" You said still shock by his reaction.
"British? That's different" The guerrilla lider said behind his back and you could see Conrad shoulders tense and his nostrils move with fury.
"Yeah, and very helpful, right prince charming?" You said, and touch his arm softly trying to calm whatever the hell was going on in his head. "Put those nice arms of you to good use and help the boy will you?" It was not an order but a plea and he listened because he relaxed his back and start walking towards the truck. You indulge Shukri with a smile and remained close to him while the man take part of the medicine, after that they show you a hut where you could spend the night with two cots inside blankets and a couple chairs "Just that?" You asked him and could see a disgusting grin on his face. "We are five, three of us are going to have to sleep on the floor, I won't risk my men to get bit by a snake, a spider or god knows what"
"Thats all I have isteri, unless you want to share mine" He showed you a toothy grin.
"Hentikan memanggil isteri!" Stop calling me wife you shouted exasperated. "I will take my chances with the spiders, thank you" You said and walk inside where the tired men were resting. "Glenn take one of the cots, Reg and Reles you can take turns for the other" you took a chair and sit there, any hope you had about a civil conversation with Shukri was now gone and with that also your hopes to take a shower. That certainly was not something you will miss when you came back with them to america, if you go back, your mind corrected you.
"You are not sleeping in that chair Y/N" Conrad said, taking a pair of blankets under his arm. "Let's go Reg, the truck will be more comfortable and safer than the floor, we will see you in the morning" He said and reg followed him making it impossible for you to reply. "Also" He had holding the door open for you "Saya tidak percaya suami anda" I don't trust your husband He said putting a venomous inflection in the word husband.
"Oh please don't" You said tired and embarrassed "Do you speak Malay?" You asked when you were at the truck but you didn't come up and let Slivko in first. The night was humid and hot, and you couldn't believe you'll have to wait another two days for a bath.
"I told you I have been here before" He answered, and took a cigarette to his lips, and offered you another.
"Well at least that was true" You said and let him light the cigarette for you.
"Isteri?" He asked again, imitating the disgusting tone Shukri used, and you rolled your eyes at him.
"Let it go Captain" You said taking one long puff "Is just the delusion of a crazy man"
"I think there has to be an interesting story behind" He said facing you and looking you again with his perfect blue eyes.
"Well if you really want to know. I have been here for about five years" You started and look at the quiet village in front of you. "And at first I spend every little money I still had buying medicine from Noah, one day I was trying to help a kid from this village"
"The little guard that welcome us?" He asked throwing the cigarette butt to the ground.
"Yeah, precisely." You said mimicking his movements "Anyway he needed medicine and I couldn't find it, so I talk to the village lider, Shukri's father, and he send his man to "get" the medicine from a local hospital in Bandar. The boy lived and they asked me to check on the rest of the kids. And boy they were in poor shape. So I make a deal with him, I will take his money, and get the medicine peacefully from Noah, if they gave me enough to help others. So long story short I'm kind of a pharmacist for them"
"That's a compelling story" Conrad said rising a brow to you. "But doesn't answer my question"
"Shukri's dad died, and he is a crazy sociopath, who thinks he would take down the Malaysian government with drugs and weapons trafficking. He said to the people that he is their father, and since I take care of his sick children as a mother..."
"You are his wife" He said bitterly "That's a clever way to get a wife without the effort"
"He is just an stupid man" You said crossing your arms "And honestly you didn't have to literally put yourself between us, I have been doing this for long enough to take care of myself. But thank you" You poke his feet with yours.
"You are welcome" He said grinning at you and making a head gesture to you. And at that moment you wanted to forget you were suppose to be mad at him, maybe it was the tiredness or maybe it was how gorgeous he looked under the stars, but you feel the need for him to hold you again.
"Yeah yeah! Is all beautiful, can you two shut the fuck up and go to sleep already??" Reg voice shout from inside the truck and you realized how late it was.
"He is right, you sleep in there, I will be in the back so I can guard the medicine" He said and you agreed
"Captain" You said climbing in to the truck.
"Doctor" He gave you a wink that paralyzed you and walk to the back of the truck. You were glad you were in talking terms now, but you knew there was still a long way to follow to Borneo and you were certain he and the other men were not being completely honest with you. So you were not planning on lowering your guard, at least not yet.
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skyland-story · 4 years
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Bootscoot New Upload: Armor and Eagle Vision! Skyland Episode Two!
Hi, guys, Bootscoot here. Welcome back to Skyland! In the last episode we got off to a lucky start. I have some gold, not sure what to do with it, but it's mine. I also got a pet eel. I asked you guys to help me name it and one of you suggested 'Bogdan'.
That really stood out to me as a bit of a weird name, but then I thought 'Bogdan... Dan... Dan-Eel.' Like Daniel, but an eel.
What do you think?
*looks at eel. The eel does nothing*
Yeah, he's Dan-Eel now.
Anyway, let's see what ticket we got today!
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Congratulations. You have acquired [Eagle Eye].]
Eagle Eye?
[Focus on what you would like to see to increase your vision.]
Oh! So now I have super sight! But I can already see across the entire island. Maybe I can see the other players though... Hm let's see.
*focuses to her left*
Hey! I see someone... What is she doing?
*stranger on the other island is dressed in a hot-pink jumpsuit, making Spider-Man poses*
I wonder if we'll be able to meet someday. I'd like to have someone to talk to other than Dan-Eel.
Oh, yeah, but I did learn that you can use wood and various materials to make tools. Now, I don't know what kinds of tools I can make or what I need, but I have four gold, so I should make some golden tools.
[You have crafted [Rustic Golden Sword].]
Nice! I knew I wanted a sword so I could protect myself in case some monster appears. I guess I could also make some armor, right? Let's see.
[You have crafted [Rustic Golden Helmet].]
[You have crafted [Rustic Golden Chestplate].]
And that's some armor. I don't have any more gold, but hopefully, I can get some more stuff when I actually figure out which tools are the best.
Let me know what you guys think I should work towards next. Maybe I should find a way to visit our new friend over there.
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LizzyXDGames New Upload: A Wool Super-Suit? Skyland: E2
Huloo, Spider-Liz here! Welcome back to Skyland, where my dreams have come true and my future is bright. I'm going to start work on my city, but of course, I need some kind of shelter first. So, I learned that I can build stuff using the wood I got, so I'm going to make myself a little lean-to to keep me safe and stuff.
Five wood should be enough to make it, right?
*places the wood in a shelter-like shape*
That's nice, I guess. It'll keep me out of the rain at least. Wait... Does it rain in this game?
I guess it doesn't matter. Now let's open this ticket. Building supplies! Building Supplies! Building Supplies!
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your [7 Pink Wool].]
Hey! Pink wool! Not what I was looking for, but still really cool! Maybe I can make a Spider-Liz costume! How much wool does that cost?
[Crafted [Rustic Wool Face Mask].]
[Crafted [Rustic Wool Jumpsuit].]
Nice! I've still got three wool left and look at me! I'm Spider-Liz!
*Does some poses as someone watches from the distance*
I mean, this is really crude, I hope there's a way to embellish it in the future, but right now, I'm really happy with it! Cozy, but a bit itchy.
I feel like I'm starting to make progress and it won't be long before I'm able to start building my city!
Catch you next time! Spider-Liz out!
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HeyitsKeith New Upload: Every Girl's Crazy for a Sharp Dressed Ogre! Skyland 2
Hey, it's Keith and WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP?! More like, what am I doing in my swamp?
In case you guys didn't notice, the mud hasn't gotten any better, but I have decided to fully embrace the ogre lifestyle and make myself a green outfit.
*shows off emerald armor*
Yep, I'm the swamp king now, I better learn to accept it.
Unless of course, I get something better in this ticket, right?
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your new [Armor Upgrade].]
[[Rustic Emerald Armor] has been upgraded to [Emerald Armor].]
Nice! I'm a fancy ogre now. But I'm still in a swamp!
I was kind of hoping for some kind of building supplies, but I guess I'm well dressed. I wonder if I'm the best-dressed islander. I suspect I'm super behind in everything else though.
Maybe this mud has special powers or something...
*smacks self*
No! We do not wonder about the magical properties of swamp mud! I may be an ogre, but I'm an ogre with standards!
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ZestierChester New Upload: This game is SCARIER than it looks! Gave me REAL NIGHTMARES! Skyland. E2!
Hey, guys, what's happening? I am doing FANTASTIC in my new home here in Skyland! I mean, look at it!
I'm on a dome! That is filled with water! With no way off! And no supplies!
And guys, it gets worse. This game is what's known as a 'totally immersive experience' which means that everything that happens here looks and feels real to the player. I mean, it may not look all that bad from your computer screen, but to me, I was drowning!
Last night I had awful nightmares where I couldn't breathe. I legitimately considered quitting the game. But, uh... They're kind of sponsoring me to do this and I really need the money so... I'm back.
I sent them an email about the intensity of the whole 'nearly dying' thing, but I haven't gotten a reply. I'm telling you guys, if you have severe anxiety or ptsd or something, do not play this game, it will mess with you.
But I'm a brave boy.
I'm a brave boy and I'm going to open this next ticket.
What'll it be, death by fire or water?
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your [Octopus].]
No, don't eat me!
Wait... No, this is really small.
It's kind of cute, actually. I guess this is a pet the game gave me. Lucky for this little guy, my island is better suited to him than me.
I'm nervous to get attatched after what happened to Bob. I don't want to deal with that again.
Here, I'll call you Bob 2. If you die, then I'll name your replacement Bob 3.
*picks up the octopus and places it through the hole in the top. Bob 2 happily swims around*
Nice, have fun before you die horrifically.
Maybe I'm being a bit paranoid. I mean, this game is random, so it's just as likely that everything is going to be fine, right?
I'm getting kind of cold though. My clothes are wet and the glass is really cold too. Is hypothermia a thing in this game?
I'm so cold...
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