#still gotta drop the lore post. dont know when that's gonna be
fizzytoo · 5 months
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time skip and update: karlee and art have started dating long distance, amaya is still doing what he does best (this time he’s ginger!), and andrew moves in with his siblings!
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kingdoms-and-empires · 11 months
Kingdoms and Empires Wiki Drop!
Sup guys, im releasing what i have done in the wiki today! In this post im only going to talk about the Wiki because I dont want to create an even more massive wall of text here than it already is. Please see the entire post on the forums thread!!! I solidified the lore (which means no more massive changes), set the foundations to the story (so i dont end up writing a shit ton and having to fucking rewrite everything anymore), and pretty much rewrote the canon lore until i reached a point where i literally cannot share it because itd be spoilers without the future rewrite (regarding the worldbuilding, all introduced characters and such are still the same, some just had minor tweeks, so nothing crazy like changing our old bodyguard Mary:
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and turning her into our childhood friend lmao So the plan now is current wiki drop. A good amount of it will be hidden since alot of it is spoilers, so you get 39,174 thousand words of unlocked content out of about 50k words in the wiki. And that's without me transferring 90% of the Codex ingame to the wiki, so its ALL (okay like 85%) new words of content and lore! Dont worry, im dropping literally all extra work and focusing purely on playable updates now until i regain your guy's trust in me after being so radio silent.
I also know and recognize that this has gotta be annoying asf since what you guys really want is updates but after what happened with the Total War franchise (my beloved) and their lightning fast content pipeline and lack of upgrading their engine ended up destroying the health of the company and ruining fans trust in em, id rather invest on the long term than short term unlike them (meaning id rather have a set story, narrative line complete, and research resources so that i can use that to run wild in writing).
I made a history of the world as known to them, so much of it is subject to embellishment, lies, and "the victor writes history" trope.
Historia Mundis
If you'd rather just have the list of articles that can be found within the timeline though, here it is: The Great Disturbances, Wars of Unification, and the Longwei Empire
Reign of the Daishu Dynasty
Ecumenical Dominion and the Flight of the Belthean People.
Belthean Migrations
Reign of Emperor Garland
Reign of Emperor Daerin I
Reign of Emperor Valerion
Reign of Emperor Elric I
Reign of Emperor Cenric
Reign of Emperor Saldwin
Reign of Emperor Elric II
Reign of Emperor Daerin II
The Interactive Outdated Map Yeahhh almost as soon as i published the map for the patreons it became outdated lmaoooo Nareth is much bigger than originally imagined, Argent is surrounded by mountain and forest tribes (think Hispania’s Lusitanian Wars or the Germanic Tribes type of vibe). The empire (being Imperial Chinese and Persian Empire inspired) also is surrounded by the these tribes, and the Imperial Province of Lymark is now the “Protectorate of the Western Regions” which basically means theyre the watchdogs of Western Nareth. Its funny because theyre also across the St. Hytera River, which is much like the Danube River, and will inevitably face the same issues Rome did with Dacia when they had a presence that extended the natural borders.
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Master List of Articles
The Evolution of Belthean Civilization
Veldora Duchy I may have gone too far here. I regret nothing and learning about agriculture and stuff was awesome.
Silverhill Duchy Mining is alot more complicated than I thought, though Engineering MC is gonna have equally alot to improve!
Imperial Ranks The ranks will have importance. I know that sounds weird, but I did not spend an afternoon writing this just for the lulz.
Imperial Crown Heir
Imperial Prince and Princess
Imperial Duke/Duchess
Imperial Count/Countess
The Imperial Landed Knight
The Belthean Empire The biggest entry from the ingame Codex that I transferred over and polished. This should give you a hint of how ill do the other kingdoms in the future for their article.
Kin of Arava I experimented here and instead of making an actual article, made it a class lecture of a series of days focusing on the Kin with a racist professor lmao
Zera Arava So i had to do this in intervals as I was writing and plotting out his side stories. Honestly hope i did the homie justice, he's a fav of mine, though i think each of the ROs will be favs as I write more and more about them.
Sacred Dance I assure you the Sacred Dance isnt what you think it is.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Patreons, you guys already read the below list. However ive cleaned the articles up and polished them! The Genesis of the Belthean Empire: From Invasion to Unification
Voryn Resdayn I wanted to see how i could make a character entry. It looks awesome, but holy fuck do they take time to create lmaooo, ill make the rest of them in the future.
Kin of Arava
Eastern Kin The descendants of Kin and Beltheans who mixed, that are settled within the empire.
House Resdayn Wanted to see how I could do the houses, still unsure (okay i dont like it) of how it came out. Hence why I started with a minor house that one of the RO's belonged to.
The Astute Emperor and the Imperial Provincial Rule: A Revolutionary Shift in Governance
Master-Scholars of Jelaytha The Jelaythan organization of scholars that Master Feren is from.
Post-Unification Transformations in the Belthean Empire: Trade, Economy, Industry, and Immigration in the Wake of Conquest
Imperial Historians Obviously the imperial faction that wants to get their hands on tutoring you lmao.
Universitas Magistrorum et Scholarium The Jelaythan/Imperial organization at the forefront of the intellectual international community.
Tripartite Alliance Read what the empire is teaching their citizens about how they conquered the alliance.
The Satrap System and Imperial Provincial Rule
The Great Racist of the Academy: Imperial Historian Acillus Cinna
The Sword Saint
Master-Scholar Kaleb
The Gleaming Horizon: Silverhill's Maritime Supremacy The book of a writer who we'll meet ingame. Youll decide whether or not to bully him as a 12 year old lmao.
Baniel Worthton The author of above said book. He even wrote about himself. Yes, it's supposed to be an ick.
The Ulrich Cothon The second book of his that'll feature in the game.
So…I guess in basketball or futbol terms… rebuilding phase is over, and i got all the players i need for a championship run!
It was an almost year long rebuilding phase, true, but omg it was so needed.
Plus I also learned alot of fucking coding at the same time lmao. Basically a lot of tweaking around with Choicescript and knowing how to code some actions. Also there's CoG implementing a new checkpoint system so thank fuck for that because this game's gonna be huge and id hate to play it without a save system.
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Kloktober, Oct. 11th: Dancing or Fighting
I chose Fighting for this day, but it’s nothing too serious or horribly angsty, just a touch of it!
Instead, we have a post-Doomstar fic, where the lads are figuring out what powers they have Because Prophecy (and ngl, I remember the barest details/lore from Doomstar and the prophecy in general because I haven’t gotten around to doing much rewatching of the boys lately, so please forgive anything I’ve misremembered. If nothing else, consider it my own AU version of post-Doomstar life for them.) 
TW for mentions of drug and alcohol use. 
Synopsis: Things are settling. Toki and Abigail have healed. Despite Charles claiming that he’ll spend time away from them as the leader of the Church of the Black Klok, his room is still right where it’s always been and he stays there at least four days out of the week. Hanging with the lads, and helping Abigail stay sane. 
And, watching the boys learn what the prophecy being enacted means for them in terms of powers. Which naturally, means Front Yard Fight Club, and a show for Abigail and Charles.
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
“What...are they doing?” 
Charles sipped at his coffee. “Fight club.” 
“Ah,” Charles sighed, and pulled a flask from his jacket to pour into his coffee. “We don’t really want to know.” 
“This seems incredibly dangerous, given their new powers,” Abigail said, grabbing the flask before he could put it away and taking a swig. “They might kill each other.” 
“Nah,” Charles muttered. “No, there are people who want them dead. But as far as I know of the prophecy, they can’t take each other out like this.” 
Abigail nodded. “I could have donuts delivered, so we can eat while we watch the show?” 
“Use the company card,” Charles remarked as he took a long sip from his mug, and stared at the chaos in the yard below. 
“You douchebag, no fire!” Pickles shouted. “You burned my hair, and I don’t got that much left!” 
“Maybes you cans regrows you hairs now,” Skwisgaar said. “Dids you try?” 
Pickles, still patting out the fire Murderface had set to his dreads, cocked his head. “Huh. No, I hadn’t. Lemme try.” 
He stood, eyes rolled back nearly into his head as he looked up at his hair. 
After a minute, one singular red strand popped out. 
“Ah for fuck’s sake,” Pickles groaned. “That’s so much work! What’s the point of havin’ a magical prophecy and powers and shit if it’s this much work? It’s gonna take me a year to do this!” 
“Good things you ams starting nows then,” Skwisgaar shrugged, floating casually across the yard to pull a bit of burned hair off his dread. 
“You coulds walk, you know,” Toki scoffed. “I knows you still cans!” 
“And yous could floats, I knows you cans!” Skwisgaar protested. 
“Guys, guys!” Nathan shouted. “Look at what I can do!” 
He let out a harshest death metal yell he could, and Murderface was tossed across the yard by the force of it, screeching the entire way. 
“I’m a banshee now! This is fuckin’ awesome!” 
“Fuck you!” Murderface shouted as he ran back to them. “Give a guy schome fucking warning, you dick!” 
“Nah, it’s more fun this way,” Nathan chuckled. “Besides, you’re fine, ya big baby.” 
“You don’t know that!” Murderface shouted. 
“...You’re walking, talking, and literally fine. That’s how I know.” 
Murderface flipped them off and stomped past them to one of the picnic tables, sitting down on it hard. 
Too hard. 
There was an incredible amount of power in all of them now, and it meant a need to be careful around the now very fragile furniture (they were on couch 55 in the living room due to that.) 
This was a reminder of it, as Murderface broke the bench with the force of himself, and dropped to the ground. 
“Schtupid fucking table!” His fist to the top of the table broke it in half, and a kick from his foot sent the table’s remnants into the distance. 
“That wasn’t necessary,” Pickles sighed to the rest of them. 
“Overkills,” Skwisgaar agreed. “What ams his problems anyway? This ams supposed to bes fun!” 
“Let him be,” Nathan said. “He can come back over when he wants to stop being a total dick.” 
“I can hear you!” Murderface shouted as he stomped away into the nearby woods.
“I know!” Nathan shouted back.
“Well then don’t schay mean shit about me!” 
“Don’t do shit that makes me say mean shit about you, and I won’t!” 
“You can go fuck yourschelf!” 
“You can go fuck yourself too!” 
“I will then!” 
“...the super powereds hearings...” Skwisgaar sighed. “I thoughts woulds be useful. This...ams a mockery of it.” 
“What, you don’t love bein’ able to hear Murderface bitch from a million miles away?” Pickles scoffed. “Jesus. Wonder if I can still get migraines, like this. Cause I think I feel one comin’ on, the more Murderface flaps his lips.” 
“No, we can’ts stops yet,” Toki whined. “I wants to show yous what I learns how to do!” 
“Okay,” Pickles agreed. “You show us, then we go inside and see what LSD is like on weird super powers, okay?” 
“Okay!” Toki chirped, and picked up a dandelion from the lawn. He barely looked at it, and it wilted, blackened, and turned to dust in his hand. “Sees? Neat, right?” 
Pickles and Skwisgaar ignored Nathan and Murderface’s now wordless angry shouts, and shared a look. 
“Cans you does that to like...anything?” 
Toki shrugged. “Dunno! Only tried on dandelions so far.” 
“Like...you look at it, and it dies?” Pickles asked. 
“Long as I’m also touchings it,” Toki replied. 
“Cool, very cool, but maybe be careful with that, ‘kay Toki?” Pickles said carefully. “Don’t wanna accidentally kill anything you don’t wanna, you know?” 
“I bes careful!” Toki smiled, and wrapped an arm around both of them in a tight hug. 
They both let out sighs as Toki let them go, and ran over to Nathan, another dandelion in his hand. 
“This isn’t a fuckin’ joke, is it?” Pickles asked, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean it’s fun, bein’ able to light shit on fire, ice things out, float, whatever. But...we could really hurt somebody with this shit, couldn’t we?” 
Skwisgaar nodded gravely. “I worries about Toki and Murderface. I don’ts thinks they gets it.” 
“They’ll learn though,” Pickles said. “I mean, they gotta.” 
A tree in the forest suddenly went up in flames, only to be put out by a blast of ice from an increasingly pissed off Nathan, who was trying to track Murderface from the edge of the forest. 
“Bets we can still gets drunk,” Skwisgaar said. “What says yous and I haves that LSD and some booze, and hopes they dont’s burn down the forest?” 
Pickles sighed. “That sounds good. What about Toki?” 
“Stops calling Nathans names, or I kills you!” Toki’s shriek echoed across the property. 
“Looks, I am absolvings us of this right nows,” Skwisgaar said. “Charles and Abigail ams watching from the window. Lets them deals with it if they gets out of hand.” 
It wasn’t exactly right, probably, but at least the LSD and booze would settle the rocks of worry in their stomachs. 
“This could get out of hand,” Abigail said, in between bites of donut. “We should go say something.” 
“They have to be responsible for this on their own,” Charles said. “Harsh as it seems. For them, at least.” 
“And you’re sure they can’t kill each other?” 
Charles stared out the window, Murderface’s path in the forest marked by the burnt, then frozen by Nathan, trees. 
“Certain as I can be.” 
“Is that certain enough?” Abigail asked, wincing as another tree went up. 
“I don’t know,” Charles admitted, and pulled out his flask again. 
They were going to need it. 
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notpetals · 6 years
alright alright alright- wait a second 
anyways list of interactions and what’s gonna happen, in no particular order -
@lightvoices​ link ; this one should be fine tho the direction we take it may need to change, i’ll discord u abt it 
@reborninlight​ link ; probably gonna have to drop this one, not sure if it could be tweaked to fit with how far the thread is already ;;
@arcdancing link ; there’s a smol tweak i need to make to the thread but it’s fine overall
@spare-15​ link ; good on this one, tho the reason behind why he would seek out trigger’s help will be changed a lil’ bit for an overall relationship they share w/ each other
@driiftcr link 1 ; gotta edit this a lil bit ~ link 2 ; good to go on this one still 
@girlinblxe link ; this thread is good to go
@rnxgade link ; i dunno really what we can do w/ that potential thread given,, stuff,, so i’ll let it sit around for the time being until we figure smth out ;;;
@deprocella link ; iiiii don’t think this one will work with his new lore n’ what not so it’s gonna be dropped ! tho i would very much like to have some sort of interaction w/ these two ; u ;
@arclady link 1 ; we are good to go on this one link 2 ; i need to edit my reply but otherwise we are good to go here also 
@ellicttwitt link ; we already talked so ur good to go on replying 
@another-life-rp link ; good on this thread !
@murderofcrovvs link ; it is my turn to reply to this one but it shouuuuld be okay to continue on with this particular thread, bc i can still steer it in the direction of his new motives owo
@duskbrokcn​ link ; tbh i’m not sure where this tread was going / could go so i’m gonna drop it and we can do smth else if u like ;;;
@deathsdeserters​ link ; feel free to reply to this one, nothing needs to be changed
@aranombre link ; this one is fine c:
@spioradcaillte​ link ; good here !
@pullledpork link ; we are in the green for this thread !
@lordshaxx link ; nothin’ needs to be changed here so i’ll yeet my reply out when i get the chance :p
@born-to-serve-the-light link ; i need to change this one a lil’ bit
@lnelpless​ link ; i need to yeet myself into ur IMs abt ur last reply but otherwise the thread is fine and can continue ; w ; 
@shifrovat​ link ; i need to rewrite a lil bit of the starter, but the interaction is still up for u if u want to reply to it after i do uwu
@daedalcs link ; u never replied to this u nerd dont u love me :( im kidding ilu tho this starter is gonna be deleted, hmu if u want another tho!  o w o !
okay i think that is everyone lmao. there are actually less that need to be dropped than i thought ! which is nice. i wont be deleting dropped interactions yet so ppl get a chance to see what is linked. however, past things that are completed that dont match up with this bastard’s attitude are gonna be gone ! now for me to go about and edit shit.. i will message people when i edit their respective posts c: 
also go ahead and,, please like this when u see it, if you have been @’d here, so i know ;;;;;
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thats-a-real-mood · 3 years
loki episode 1x01
Im loving the green/gold marvel logo. 
mega spoilers under cut! 
Ngl not sure why the tesserect threw him like that in mongolia. Is there a reason that thanos had better control? (Other than him being a giant grape) Is this what happened with red skull?
Tva introduced. Very mysterious
Aw loki is just done with the avengers and everything else
Why did they have loki’s lips do that for so long? And in 1/16 speed
Reset the timeline? What does that do?
Zooming in on the device on the ground assuming that is going to reset the timeline. Okay so but reseting does that mean that there is now another loki? Our loki we are watching and a different loki who is continuing one the timeline?
A variant skrull?
Loki trying to run and then getting timelooped back to the lady is slightly funny
Aw that poor guy is cheerful and shes all like no i have a job
Deadly consequences huh? Is that gonna come back later? I have a feeling they will never like each other
Aw happy robot
Aw fashionista drama queen loki. I love it
Okay i may be ace but loki looks good!
-honestly in the gray suit he doesnt look that muscular but he is. Its just hidden. It hints at it with his shoulders but he in fine!
I did a get picture of the end credits where it shows what he said
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“if it’s all the same yo you know i’ll have that drink now.
“tva? friend i think there has been a mistake. I am Loki,- You will regret this. I am burddened with glororius purpose. I stand on the right side of thanos- pleased to learn you’ve- my father is-”
is all i could read from this
A cat and a cat mug. I like it. This dude must be so tired. And everyone gives him extra work with everything they say even in his room. -does it do this even after they leave? And honestly i thought lokis stack would be bigger
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“Do alot of people not know if they are robots?”Hun im sorry but you didnt know you were frost giant..
Now at first glance the whole “what if i was a robot and didnt know it?” Line is funny but you gotta like deeper. Like i said right above he didnt know he was a frost giant for almost the whole time 2012! Loki has been alive.
Ok but why does it look like giant scratch marks in the red rectangle. I think it’s supposed to be like dried blood or whatever but more like scratch’s.
His temporal aura..lots of red,maybe purple and yellow followed by green and blue at the top. I wanna know what it mean. Do more colors get added with more temporal stuff?
That looks like the guy who died in the trailers
He was insistent that he take a ticket. Lokis staring contest with the guy. Passive aggressive loki
Is that PA sound activated by a specific phrase? I think it would be since it probably would have turned on sooner than when loki shouted otherwise
I dont like miss minutes.
Who are the timekeepers? How are they all knowing? Can we get some more lore on them?
Branching off the nexus? That showed in a scene in the trailer..
So do the tva not want a multiverse? But it was canonized in dr strange. And wandavision. Or do they just not want a multiverse war?
Created the TVA and its workers? What do they mean by creating the workers as well?
Wait what that the reset charge i saw in the cartoon? So does that mean that there is a loki that is continuing on the timeline?
Is that how we kept the “sacred timeline”? But how? The avengers dropped the cube and loki got it and left. So how did they fix the timeline to keep him from picking it up again?
The guy doesnt have a ticket and is throwing a karen tantrum. Oop-
Okay now loki is scared.
Is it bad that i saw him hold up his ticket and found it funny? Like see boom i have it totally not gonna get destroyed now
Okay so i wrote the cool “runes” i put them in quotations because i dont know if that is what they are. Ill try to look them up later and post them.
Five dead in france..1549
Sombody got the jump? Its him? Who?
Stab wounds? Reset charge is gone. Sixth attack? That they know of?
Nice satan imagery in the background. First (assuming) micheal first with light shining in this guy and now satan..
I saw her eyes look to the satan and then upwards so assuming she means the horns but it could also be mephisto. But does mephisto stab people? Those horns look loki style
Afraid of them?
Kablooie? Blue gum? Blooeberrie?
-Why was it given away? Is it a sign? Do i need to look deeper into this? It does have that whole look that fits with the tva but im gonna hold on.
Devil bearing gifts?
-What happens when it hits the red line?
They have a FILE? On loki? Where did they get that photo? And HE IS GENDER FLUID
Judges room has the workers mural and the timekeeper mural. So the cut off the branchs to keep it in a orderly timeline?
Push t to those avengers! STEVE👏ROGERS👏IS👏A👏VARIANT
Hun..hun no thats not why they traveled.
Pffrt two tony starks! So he knew tony was there… did thor not smell him as well??
Gods to gods
Is..is this what it looks like when he tries to do magic??
Who are the people watching who isnt the guy from earlier?
So is this gonna be a show of freewill? Like wanda was grief and depression? Or the winter soldier was of —-
If my theory is right about loki being the guy killing the agents and that guy is investigating and has his file then it makes sense that he knows what loki is capable of. I would also like to point out that is it loki killing them, then they are greatly underestimating him. He should use that to his advantage
Chasing a hunch? Going sideways? Bad idea?
And this guy is flirting (i think) but also drinking his respecting woman juice.
Burn down his desk? Ok so ngl its cool outside the window but idk what it is but i can tell its greenscreen. The architecture is great. I love the scene.
A nightmare department??
I wanna know what the buttons in the elevator mean.
Created by the timekeepers? So possibly not human. Can they leave? are they aloud to? What do they mean created? Is there a process? Or are they just never kids?
Trust is for children and dogs? Oka i get the dos. But children? Does this mean that he hasnt trusted anyone since he was a kid? What happened that made him stop trusting people? Does he trust his mother?
Living in his set path? Okay i was part of the son fandom so im getting team free will vibes from loki insisting that he chooses what he does
Wooing someone powerful you intended to betray? Thanos? (Ew giant grape face guy) You, agent mobius? The Grandmaster?!
Are they flirting? I genuinely cant tell? Is this what flirting looks like?
Pursuit in Dangerous variants? So not loki. My theory holds strong for me but maybe its not?Hes a hissing cat? So born to be king?
A fan? Okay..i wanna saw how are you a fan? But you have the file.
The wrong path always taken…
“I am smart.” I know
What do u know mobius? Time passes differently…has loki been here before? Have u met him before? How do u know he his smart? Yes you have a file but that doesnt tell me why u are saying for certainty that u know he is smart. And he looks serious. Like he knew something. What are you hiding??
Okay so he heals fast. This couldnt have been hat long since then?
Okay so they bring in phil but they dont even acknowledge that he is still alive (as far as im aware)
The uncomfortable shifting and keeping his gaze away from the screen as new york was shown was kinda telling cause of what he said earlier…
Deflecting to keep from talking..
Why does he need money?
Young..lost a bet to thor… what was the bet???
You just used reverse psychology on loki and it worked
Why do you wanna know about why he does what he does? Are you using him for your other case? (Assuming hat he is killing the guards somehow)
Did his voice crack when he saw his adventure in germany? Anyone else catch that? And the past tense after that. His masks are starting to fall. I think he is gonna lash out soon
Oh his mother
This is gonna get painful. Im crying already.
Oh frigga. He is tearing up. He is getting agitated now. Dude you just accused him of killing his mother
Okay stop. So others can achieve better versions of themself?
U mean when nat yeeted herself on vormir? Or when clint went around killing people during the blip? Or when cap stayed behind with peggy when he had bucky to come back to?
I can see him planning something but idk what yet
Ok so i already watched this earlier but now that i watch this part carefully i can see his hand pickpocket
Another unit? So thats six units now?
Loki escaped??
Prune? Is that what the stick thing is?
Ok he asked the guys name. I like that. Polite.
I saw him take a breath to get ready for another performance
U..u dont know what a fish is?
Lived entire life behind a desk? How old are you?
Okay thats practical to know what your being threatened with. Informed choices my dude.
Ok is this the room that loki has a desk at in the previews? Also i like casey. He is now my new fav
Whats is the desk? INFINITY STONES?? are you kidding me? So other people have tried to get them but werent aloud because of the timeline with thanos and the avengers???? Why do you have so many of the same stones? And the fact that the time stones as well means something attempted to happen to earth to get them..
This is giving me (another show that used something important as paperwieghts) vibes
Coming to the realization that this place is powerful? Ok so that is pruning.
His mother, he is crying i cant deal
Oh god im crying again
He just want his parents love and they are dead. He just wanted family to love him. He wanted to so much and didnt ever feel like he had it. But he did.
Oh no
Please dont make him watch his death
The immediate falling of his face, his tormentor, i wanna know what he is thinking when he sees thanos
Oh the bone sound
And loki watched
Not making light of this but they speedrun his trauma and his redemption. He didnt get to see the good parts of what he has done. Just the bad.
Oh his laughing and the bitter glorious purpose
The fight was short but cool
He is being his petty self and i love it
See, don’t underestimate him
That nose scrunch
He looked emotionally drained
Wait why cant he go back? Cause he saw his future? Isnt that the reset? Oh wait if he goes back, he dies and he knows that but he couldnt be able to stop it without ending back up here
Hes opening up. The masks he had are falling around mobius. He sees himself as a villian.
Fugitive variant?
but hold on. If this fugitive is loki, then how? What part of the timeline is they from? Are they a future loki? So the future loki is a dangerous variant and this loki is a cat? What makes the future one more dangerous? We just heard him say he doesnt like to kill?
Okay now oklahoma 1858, if this is loki then how is he goin across time? And what for?
Wait third millenium? When is that?
Okay so we got a 1500 deaths and pieces of gum? And now third millennium thing in the 1800?
Oil? In a field…i get that u would think that but please think about where u are and the fact that other units have been killed in what i assume are regular calls like this as well.
Hooded figure? In a foggy night?with different background lights? I like it.
Told you oil plus field equals fire
Oh big spots of oil and oil leading places
Okay there is the reset charge? Is this important like i said earlier i thought it would be?
Ok if this is loki then what’s with the get up? Where is the drama? The showmanship? And why do you need the reset charges? Assuming this person took them from each scene that is at least six or seven? Or is this eight? Would this be the one that they said earlier with the captain lady interrupting or is this another one after that?
Ok so i took some pictures of the end credits that i think are important. I want to look closer at them before i post them.
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