#steve's name is not steve nor a variation of it but eddie couldn't pronounce his real name so he just went 'can i just call you steve'
raining, pouring, falling
✧ written for 'shower' ✧ word count: 399 ✧ rated: T ✧ cw: none ✧ tags: deity!steve, thunderstorms ✧ @steddiemicrofic (~ ̄▽ ̄)~✧
When the thunder starts to roll in, Eddie does his best not to panic.
He races down the trail, eyes shooting up to the dark clouds every other minute.
Just five minutes ago, it was clear, sunny skies. Now, he's running through a light drizzle and has to hope it stays light, or someone's gonna get suspicious.
Gasping at the sudden bite of a cool wind, Eddie decides fuck it and skids down the dirt and mud. The trail winds too long and he doesn't have enough patience for it. Hell, he doesn't think Steve has much patience left either, judging by how violently the sky is booming, lightning crackling across it like -
Not the time, Munson, head on the ground, the clouds have enough going on.
Finally, Eddie arrives at the lonely barn, gasping when he sees a man, dressed in blues and golds, standing outside, head tilted up towards the rain as it pours down.
Slowly, his face drifts down and he opens his eyes just to look straight at Eddie, their glow dissipating as they soften.
"Eddie," Steve greets, his tongue still doing something to the name that had Eddie shivering from more than the cold. "You came back."
"'Course I did," Eddie breathes out. "What're you doing out here, Steve? Somethin' happen?"
Steve tilts his head, eyes fluttering shut as he smiles. "The green needs some rain today. 'S too dry."
Ignoring that Steve was drowning the entire town with a fucking thunderstorm, complete with lightning and the heaviest shower Hawkins has seen since the '60s - well, Eddie can't really ignore it.
"You're not supposed to be out here, Steve," Eddie says gently, gulping when Steve turns sharp, electric eyes on him. "You're still recovering, right?"
From making a giant crater outside the run-down barn that Uncle Wayne still owns, all those weeks ago.
Steve's eyes soften and he gives that gentle smile again. "'S okay, this doesn't take a lot. I'll lighten it up though, okay?"
Eddie sighs, and resolves to himself that he's gonna have to fake shock at the random storm the same level as everyone else, once he gets back.
"Come on," Steve giggles as he pulls Eddie towards the stables, where he's sure the pure black stallion that never strays far from Steve must be waiting. "Let's go for a ride."
Eddie shakes his head with a fond smile.
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