#steve rants like robin bc bestie vibes
hammity-hammer · 2 years
okay hi ik i posted a thing like two months ago about baker!steve and hair dresser!eddie, and i started writing something about it and gave up BUT ! i have made something? idk if it's good and please roast me if it's not tbh, but !
here is my first work of fanfiction since i was like 12 years old😎
also! it's 1.4k words ! and just some intro fluff things :p
Steve had been working at the bakery for a few months, and eventually noticed that he seemed to be seeing the same eccentric looking metalhead every week. He’d brought him up briefly to Robin, who never seemed to work the same shift as him when the mysterious man came in, and she was convinced that he had to have some kind of crush on Steve. That however, was just ludicrous as they lived in Hawkins, Indiana, where even the most progressive people still couldn’t understand how queer people existed. It was crazy enough that he (with Robin’s help, of course) had realized he could be- bisexual? Was that the right word? He never could remember, but that didn’t matter much, he just knew that him liking both men and women, and being best friends with Robin, who liked exclusively women, was probably just about as lucky as he was going to get on the queer-front. He obviously had hoped that the strange man that only ever bought one oatmeal raisin cookie, and if he was early enough, a blueberry muffin, could be into him, but it was just too impractical. He’d keep going on his boring dates with pretty, perfect straight girls, and keep his wishful thinking to himself.
What he hadn’t anticipated was getting let down almost every single time the little bell on the door rang and it wasn’t oatmeal raisin man. He’d spent most Tuesdays like that, though, which was honestly kind of embarrassing. They’d interacted for maybe ten minutes max on the days that he got to see him, and he still was too shy to ask for his name. Obviously, oatmeal raisin man knew his name, because he had to wear a name tag over his apron, so every time, without fail, he would rest his forearms on the counter and let out a cheeky, “Crazy to see you here, Stevie!” And every time, Steve would try to sound like this wasn’t the best part of his day when he said, “I’m always here, it’s almost like this is my job.” He’d go straight to the display case that had cookies waiting to be grabbed, and pick out the best looking cookie he could. He would’ve set a cookie aside for the man, but he knew that if his boss saw him setting aside cookies for random customers, she’d probably get annoyed with him for “wasting food”.
On this particular Tuesday, though, it was getting pretty close to their closing time, and Steve hadn’t seen oatmeal raisin man all day. He tried not to get too sad though, because he and Robin had plans to stay in and watch movies tonight, and he definitely did not need her getting on his case about his little crush. He had about thirty minutes to kill before he had to start closing, so he was in the back cleaning off the table he’d been using to practice his cake decorating. He wasn’t allowed to actually frost any cakes yet, but his boss had let him use some of their less popular frosting colors to practice making flowers and writing words. He was in the middle of wiping off the table when the bell in the front rang, so he threw away the wipe and went to wash his hands.
“One second please, I’ll be right out!” He shouted, hoping whoever was in the front was able to hear him. He dried his hands and rushed out of the door, trying to look like he wasn’t too excited when the person he saw was exactly who he’d been waiting for all day.
“Stevie, I was worried I’d miss you today!” Oatmeal raisin man said while raising his hands up excitedly. He had the cutest grin on his face, and Steve felt his heart melt just a little bit. Had he really been waiting to see him all day? It was probably just him trying to be personable, he couldn’t possibly have been just as excited as Steve was to see him.
He took a second to look the other man over, noticing that his long hair was kept up in a bun today, with little curls hanging out to frame his face. Usually he’d wear his hair down, having at least one hand twirling a curl while he talked. He also didn’t seem to have as many rings on as usual, not that Steve had been keeping track of his rings or anything, and he wasn’t wearing his leather bracelet. God, Steve really needed to not stare at his hands so much, normal people didn’t just stare at their customers hands every time they saw them. Normal people also probably weren’t as interested in the way oatmeal raisin man’s shirt sleeves cuffed his arms perfectly, or the way that the bottom of his shirt rode up a little around his stomach, showing off some of his extremely pale skin. Steve stood there for what was probably too long, staring at him, before realizing he should definitely have responded to what the man had said.
“Oh- No, I definitely work all day on Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and basically like every day we’re open. They kind of have me working just about as much as they can since one of my old coworkers quit, since I’m one of the only people not still in high school and I don’t really have anything else to do, besides babysit these stupid highschoolers I’m friends with-“ He started rambling, a light flush on his cheeks while he started counting on his fingers all of the reasons he would most definitely be there, leaving out that seeing oatmeal raisin man was reason number one. “But you definitely are not here to listen to me talk about how ridiculously boring and lame my life is, I’m so sorry, did you want your usual?” He asked, running a hand through his hair and trying to seem more nonchalant.
“Actually, I was thinking that today I might see what you recommend, Stevie boy. What’s your favorite dessert here?” Oatmeal raisin man asked while he crossed his arms, one hand coming up to play with a curl. He tilted his head slightly, batting his eyelashes as Steve stood there, his mouth slightly open.
“Ummm… I’m not really big on sweets if I’m gonna be completely honest with you, but I think our chocolate chip cookies are good? I made the ones that are out today, so it’s honestly probably fifty-fifty, there’s a reason I’m usually in the front helping customers.” Steve explained, the hand that was in his hair moving to scratch the back of his neck as he gave a half shrug. He moved to the case with cookies, and pulled out a pretty chocolate filled cookie. He placed it into one of the little brown bags that they had, and slid it over the counter to oatmeal raisin man.
“Oh? They just leave you and your pretty face out here all by yourself?” Oatmeal raisin man joked, his eyes never leaving Steve as he moved to stand back in front of him. He moved to pull his wallet from his back pocket, flipping it open and taking out a five dollar bill. When he held his hand with the money out to Steve, it was pushed back to him as Steve’s fingers curled around his own.
“I mean, I don’t think it’s too lonely when I get to see you.” Steve said, winking when a light blush dusted Oatmeal Raisin Man’s cheeks. “By the way,” he continued, “I don’t think I’ve ever been told your name? And I mean, if you don’t want to tell me you totally don’t have to, but like sometimes I tell my best friend about you and I never get to use your name-“ Steve started, his eyes widening when he realized that he’d totally just admitted to talking about Oatmeal Raisin Man to other people.
“I mean- I totally don’t tell my best friend about you and I totally did not mean to say that, I’m like, way cool and like, totally chill.” Nice save, Steve. Real nice. He grimaces to himself and runs his hand through his hair, yet again, trying to school the bright red blush that’s got to be apparent on his cheeks.
Oatmeal Raisin Man grins, lighting up his whole face, “Stevie, sweetheart, you tell your friends about me? That makes me feel so much better about torturing my party every week with a new story about seeing you. And, it’s Eddie, by the way. Eddie Munson, but you can call me whatever you’d like.” Eddie gives Steve a wink, placing his five dollar bill that was returned into the tip jar by the cash register instead.
thank you so much for reading !! i wanna continue this but idk ! i probs will and ik eddie didn't mention hairstylist things so i guess i have to continue it??? who knows !
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