#steels vore rambles
unprotectedmechs · 8 months
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@pinklem0nadepunk thank youuuu. this is highly scatterbrained and disorganized but i feel like rambling so that’s what you’re getting.
before i get into it: i refer to this body and design as “mine/me” in an alterhuman way and also as my “sona”, but they’re ultimately the same thing. just depends on how attached to my personhood i’m feeling in a particular moment. don’t worry about how that sentence didn’t make sense ok? ^w^
i wanted to include a full reference drawing but i have several that are unfinished. also the nature of my identity is that it’s in a constant state of flux and that’s reflected in my physical body, which is difficult to represent in a drawing. it can change shape to a certain extent and certain details are never quite fixed. there are some consistencies though:
my body is mechanical in nature with organic components, including organic neural tissue which stores its consciousness (as opposed to being stored in an offsite server facility, as was the case with previous models) and digestive + nervous systems. its basic shape is vaguely recognizable as humanoid, though with digitigrade legs and an extra set of multi-jointed arms attached at the back that fold away when not in use. it has a long spiny tail that acts as a counterbalance.
in lieu of a drawing, the reference image i use most of the time for the general shape and posture of this body is this particular xenomorph figurine:
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its outer plating is of a titanium alloy arranged in plates and scales that can expand apart from each other to allow for flexibility. its hands are clawed, with an extra thumb opposite the first one instead of a little finger, allowing it increased dexterity with fewer movements.
it’s capable of running on most standard fuels but can also consume organic matter for sustenance. its organic digestive system is, in a word, monstrous, containing industrial solvents that can dissolve anything from bone to steel in a matter of hours.
genitalia situation is fully customizable but defaults to null.
it communicates nonverbally through electronic signals.
those are the main details. there’s other shit but the basics are that it’s like if a xenomorph and a tesla had really bad sex and created a horrible biomachine that reeks of motor oil and wants to vore you
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jkknight98 · 2 years
I was about to and am still thinking about letting wilbur vore me so I can kill him from the inside out, you're gonna have to try harder to scare me; i might go down the gullet of the guy who killed the angel of death and the blood god. - potion anon
Yeah yeah, there's a thing you do with those who don't fear dying, they already know what happens if you unalive them; they prepared themselves. Steel their nerves and accept that “apparent” fate. So you take that away from them.
Leave them unknowing of their fate and keep things unpredictable, sure one day I could have you bound in twine and dangle you to some impending “death” be it my own maw or another predatory creature. The next I could leave you alone in a vast room with plenty of hiding spaces or possible escapes should you be fast enough before I come back after making coffee for the both of us. There would be no pattern for my “guest” to follow, I can be both their only companion or tormentor because unlike our neighborhood exterminator who's motives is only based on food, death to a borrower is rather boring to me..
But that's just the rambling of a tired woman who decided to adopt a couple of borrowers and currently dealing with food poisoning.
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agooberscast · 4 years
[How did you get into RPing?]
Wow! This question caught me off-guard, in general, but I can manage this I think!
I got into RPing when I was a wee little lad, mostly finding out through the early years of 2000's internet. Back then, being about 12-14, I was coming into both more freedom and access to the personal computer at home for doing schoolwork and email and all that.
I was also new to this, as I'm sure many were at that time, and was just searching up things and getting into interests to see if there were other people out there who also liked the things I liked!
And then I found it. DeviantART. The earliest of a social, art and RP hub for me. It was here I first found other people that also liked Pokémon and Spyro and Mario and the like. It was here I found so much cool art, even if I was just getting into art and didn't realize anything about tracing or bases or whatever have you. It was here I found out you could make your own, cool Original Characters! And pretend to be them! For fun!!
It was a rocky start, there was some awakening of some things coming to light to me of my interests (i.e. big women, vore, slapstick comedy, etc.), and there was a community willing to accept me, despite my absolutely fuckin' abysmal internet etiquette at the time. My first friends helped me through, though, and got me up and running on it.
So, Erin is one of my oldest characters, first starting from this dA hole.
However, she's not the FIRST.
That privilege goes to a name on the list here, even.
Gwen. (Art by @pranksterselegy )
She was my first OC, donut steel and all that. Pink-haired with a black highlights, some old 50s-60s hairstyle, a garrish aquamarine top and black mini skirt with tummy showing, thigh high boots and a red scarf.
Fangs, demon-like eyes and an appetite for human souls and flesh, but purely apathetic demoness who cared not of her royal blood and background and just wanted to party and enjoy the mortal world at her own pace.
She's changed quite a bit over the years as well, but she never took off like Erin did, to be fairly honest? Not for lack of trying mind you, but I've known and seen for a long time that truly 'original characters' suffer in line of fandom and canon, ya know?
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So, yeah. I don't really have the most epic of beginnings, I guess, but I stuck it out and this hobby has proven to have snagged me some of the BEST FRIENDS I've ever had in my life, even I can't see them all the time or online all the time, either.
Sorry, just sort of got into a ramble and stuff there. I hope that answers some questions. If not, feel free to send some more with more specific things too, harharhar.
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marvel-noms · 5 years
Hey! From the same girl who requested the Pred!Strange Protective Vore piece. Could you do a follow-up piece set a week later? My ideal plot is that Christine, after having some time to think, realizes that she kinda enjoyed it. During a movie night in with Stephen, his stomach growls and they both get kinda flustered. Christine is able to work up the courage to ask to be tucked away and soft, safe vore ensues.
Oooh nice plot set up!! Sorry it took so long! - Admin snexy))
Chistine’s mind was still reeling from what had happened last week. She still wasn’t entirely sure what happened, how could she have been, Strange had literally eaten her. Embarrassingly enough she avoided him for a few days, hesitant to reach out after the whole beast incident.
Though the more time past the more she found herself thinking about how safe she had felt tucked away from the world. Christine was constantly debating herself now, wondering why she even thought it was a nice thing, but the thought of being secured in her friend’s stomach made her ridiculously relaxed. 
So when she got a text from Strange proposing a movie night she didn’t even hesitate to take up his offer. Christine had questions and she intended to get them answered, though the second she took a step into his home all of her confidence wavered. It wasn’t because she was intimidated, it was just because of how safe she felt. Strange had said she was prey, maybe this was a side effect?
“How was the drive here, I know it can be hard to find.” Strange says with a slight smile. Christine returns it with her own nervous smile, gripping the bottom of her t-shirt. 
“Y-yeah uh I had no problem, it was a nice drive up here.” She says calmly. In reality she was extremely nervous, the memory of being tucked down deep inside of Strange nagging at her as he led her towards their living room, a tv set up already with a movie.
“Ah, that’s good. Do you want any snacks?” Strange says softly. Christine hesitantly nodded taking a seat on the couch. It was hard paying attention when all she could think about was being snugly tucked deep inside his stomach. 
“I’ll grab the popcorn.” Strange says with a nod disappearing into the kitchen. Christine was slightly thankful for the moment of being alone so she could collect herself.
“It was a one time thing, get a hold of yourself.” She grumbles to herself, wrapping a blanket around herself. She snagged a pillow as well, cuddling it close. Christine had no idea how to even bring it up to Strange, it was obviously a kinda touchy subject and she wasn't sure if she wanted to dive into that.
“Everything is set. Thank you for coming again.” Strange says. He sits down, Christine nodding slightly, of course she would come. Strange was still her friend no matter how strange he was.An awkward silence fell over them before Strange started the movie. 
It wasn’t very long before Christine started hearing loud protests from Strange’s stomach, typical hungry/upset stomach noises. She tried to ignore them, and obviously Strange was flustered just as much as she was. He wasn’t reaching for the popcorn so she had a feeling that it wasn't food he was hungry for.
“Sorry I haven't had-” Strange started sheepishly, Christine cutting in immediately. She wasn’t sure what had possessed her to say it, maybe curiosity or just and the longing to feel that safe again, she ended up blurting out-
“You can eat me.”
Everything went quiet, except for the movie playing in the background.
“You..you’re alright with that?” Strange as raising an eyebrow as he turned to her. Christine’s face was a bright red but she nodded, then shook her head.
“No! But..but I am at the same time. God it’s confusing!” She says frustrated. It scared her as much as it made her curious or gave her a warm bubbly feeling. The whole swallowing and being in a mouth full of teeth scared the shit out of her to be frank.
“There’s just too many teeth and I know what stomachs are supposed to do so there’s that fact and god the whole swallowing bit makes me freak out.” Christine says grimacing. She knew that she was rambling but god she couldn't help herself. She was almost thankful when Strange interrupted her, putting a hand on her shoulder. Even with the magic it still trembled, but it was a comforting weight that was familiar. She turned t o him, relaxing when he looked calm and understanding.
“I have a way of fixing that.” He says simply. She had no idea what it was but he seemed at ease with it. Despise her fear of being swallowed she still was curious about being snugly tucked inside her friend.
“...How?” Christine asks quietly. She waited for him to respond, surprised when he just showed her, a small orange portal opening in front of her. She had almost forgotten that was something he could do. It eliminated most of the things she found upsetting and frightening.
“Oh...so...You wouldn’t have too?” She asks trailing off, looking up at strange, relaxing more when he nods. She could deal with that..besides he was obviously suffering. Christine wasn’t exactly sure how this whole urge thing worked but she definitely  knew repressing it had some effects. Everyone knew whenever Captain America repressed it he tended to gulp his whole team down for a long time.
“Correct. Just a small portal ride.” Strange confirms softly. She shudders, feeling the effects of shrinking shortly after. That was another thing she wanted to learn about, how they could do that. Scientifically it shouldn't be possible but considering that magic literally existed she couldn’t exactly complain.
She would never get used to how rumbely Strange’s voice would get when she was this size, then again it wasn't unpleasant. She takes a deep breath and nods uncertainly. This would be a lot easier than last time. At least she had an actual idea of what was happening this time around.
“Just step through.” Strange says softly, Christine nodding hesitantly. She wobbled a bit on the uneven fabric of the couch, looking into the portal in front of her. Should could practically feel the warmth radiating through the hole, and the noises seemed to echo slightly. Christine steels her nerves and takes a step through the portal, yelping when she just fell inside. The portal closed behind her, leaving her in the moist darkness.
“Are you alright?” Strange asks softly. Christine was still trying to maneuver herself into a more comfortable position at this point. The squish muscle did nothing to help, just gurgling loudly as she pushed into it. 
“F-fine! I just need to get upright!” She answers, managing to wriggle into an upright position, the soft walls follow her movements. It was comforting being swaddled so securely inside her friend in a place virtually no one could get to.
“This was a lot better than the other way.” She adds on. Her eyes slowly were adjusting to the darkness though there wasn’t a lot to see, just healthy punk muscle with a slight tint of orange. Christine briefly wondered how it felt to just suddenly have a weight in your stomach, though judging by the happy gurgling Strange seemed to enjoy it. She would probably never understand the appeal but she would support him 
“I agree. I find the whole thing...stressful.” 
She relaxed further at his voice, straddling slightly when she felt a slight weight squish into her. It took a few moments to realize that it was his hand laying over her. The weight was oddly comforting.
“Fully agreed.” Christine says sighing softly, snuggling into the stomach wall. Now that she had time to process everything it wasn't too frightening to be squished between two walls, and the soft happy gurgles and growls added to the comfort. 
They stayed silent for a few minutes, Christine still taking in that she was tucked in a stomach, Strange relishing the fact he finally had prey secured inside of him. It wasn’t until the ending of the movie started playing that Strange realized that they had missed a good portion of the movie.
“..We’ve missed the movie.” He says a bit sheepish. He smiles when Christine laughed in reply, getting comfortable again. This was definitely going to be a fun arrangement in the future.
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